Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Informatica 13, 1 (2021) 60–85 DOI: 10.2478/ausi-2021-0004
Animal Farm—a complex artificial life 3D framework Attila KISS
J. Selye University Komárno, Slovakia email:
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary email:
Abstract. The development of computer-generated ecosystem simulations are becoming more common due to the greater computational capabilities of machines. Because natural ecosystems are very complex, simplifications are required for implementation. This simulation environment offer a global view of the system and generate a lot of data to process and analyse, which are difficult or impossible to do in nature. 3D simulations, besides of the scientific advantages in experiments, can be used for presentation, educational and entertainment purposes too. In our simulated framework (Animal Farm) we have implemented a few basic animal behaviors and mechanics to observe in 3D. All animals are controlled by an individual logic model, which determines the next action of the animal, based on their needs and surrounding environment.
Within the concept of ecology, we treat an ecosystem as a small part of the whole living system. The ecosystem can scale in different sizes, from a local few species environment, to highly complex continent wide coexistence. Computing Classification System 1998: J.4 Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 68T20 Key words and phrases: artificial life, multi-agent systems, ecosystem, animal-simulation, extinction, sustainability, unity (engine), computer-generated, 3D-simulation, competingecosystem, ecosystem-model