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L’Avenir de Terre-Patrie. Cheminer avec Edgar Morin. Directed by Alfredo Pena-Vega
Cheminer avec Edgar Morin
Traveling with Edgar Morin
14 × 19 cm 464 pages softback september 2021 retail price: 24 €
A sociologist at the ehess and a specialist in complexity and socio-ecology, Alfredo Pena-Vega has directed the Centre Edgar Morin for over thirty years. Among the most prestigious contributors: Audrey Azoulay, Antonio Guterres, Gilles Bœuf, Patrick Chamoiseau, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Michel Cassé, etc.
Edited by Alfredo Pena-Vega
8 July this year, Edgar Morin, resistance hero and world renowned thinker, will celebrate his hundredth birthday. This summer accolades will quite rightly come pouring in and, already, several publishers have tribute works in the pipeline. As a counterpoint to “Morinas-national-treasure” perspective, the sociologist Alfredo Pena-Vega has coordinated a collective work placing Edgar Morin’s “Homeland Earth” first published in 1993 at the heart of today’s events. A broad cross-section of intellectuals from around the world (especially from Mexico and Brazil where Edgar Morin is a huge celebrity) plunge us into the heart of the 21st century to give a better retrospective understanding of how the concept of Homeland Earth has provided a powerful explanation of the crisis the Earth and its inhabitants are facing today.
An off-beat, stimulating and sometimes amusing exercise in futurism, the work sheds light on the visionary thinking of Edgar Morin for whom the future is so totally uncertain that anticipation and preparation are required to confront it. A book empty of nostalgia and full of fascinating prospects.