Catalog 2014 Arts and Nature – Foreign Rights

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arts & New titles

October 2013 – September 2014

NATURE Foreign Rights

ACTES SUD Éditeurs associés


Actes Sud

n arts 3 n fine arts 6 n photo poche 10 n photography 18 n nature 20 n gastronomy 28 n society 31 n equestrian arts 34 n bullfighting 36 n graphic novel 37

Rouergue n gastronomy 46 n nature 47 n history/society 48 Errance n archeology 49


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Le studio d’Yves Saint Laurent Miroir et Secrets


© Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent

Le stuDio D’YVes saint Laurent (YVeS SaInT LaURenT’S STUDIo) JérÔMine saViGnon A fashion historian, Jérômine Savignon has written various articles and a number of works including, Faiseur de rêves, in collaboration with Gilles de Bure (Assouline, 2013), Azzaro (Assouline, 2011), Saint Laurent, Rive Gauche. La révolution de la mode (La Martinière, 2011), Michael Jackson par Arno Bani (Le Chêne, 2010).

10 x 19 cm 96 pages 40 color illustrations Hardback Separate french and english versions Coedition Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent/Actes Sud September 2014 Retail price: 18 euros

Yves Saint Laurent was born in Oran in 1936 and died in Paris in 2008. In 1958 he created his famous brand with the support of Pierre Bergé. Saint Laurent was a key artist of the 20th century. Today to many his name evokes the reefer jacket, the trench-coat, the Mondrian dress, the smoking jacket and feminine trouser suits all of which he created, or he is remembered as the man who gave the safari jacket a new lease of life or as the man who stood out from the rest with his famous transparent dresses. The first fashion designer to parade Asian and African models on the catwalk, he also worked in tandem with the theater and cinema. Furthermore, he was the first leading couturier to lend his name to a pret-à-porter range, Rive Gauche, while maintaining his haute couture activities. But what do we really know about the man beyond his renown? The author opens up the door to Yves Saint Laurent’s studio and invites us into the great creator’s nerve center, where everything took place, where the work and artist became one. Here we see how Saint Laurent set about his creations, the secrets behind his approach, providing a voyage of initiation through his hideaway where the master alchemist shares his secret formulae. Illustrated with over forty previously unpublished documents, the work provides a new behind-the-scenes view of this magnificent fashion designer.


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© Adagp, Paris, 2014-06-13

FooD / Water / LiFe LuCY + JorGe orta CoLLeCtiVe WorK

Lucy Orta was born in the United Kingdom, and Jorge Orta in Argentina. Since 1992, they have lived in Paris where they work together under the name Lucy + Jorge Orta. The catalogue has been published to accompany the exhibition of the same name which was held at the parc de la Villette from 21 May-21 September 2014. Paul Ardenne is a writer, historian and art critic. Catherine Larrère is a philosopher and emeritus professor at the University of Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne. Christophe Rioux is a writer, journalist and art critic.

16.5 x 24 cm 128 pages 80 color illustrations Softback with flaps Coedition Parc de la Villette/ Actes Sud May 2014 Retail price: 22 euros

Lucy + Jorge Orta examine how art can generate and maintain a constructive dialogue around ecological and human issues, through the optic of today’s spiraling problems. The pair combines topical issues and metaphors; for them their creations are «detonators» set to raise collective awareness and change our approach to the vital issues of the day, today and for tomorrow. FOOD studies the way we manage food: endangered species, the production and consumption of foodstuffs, and the ritual of mealtimes, sharing and conviviality. In WATER, the artists look at the social and environmental challenges affecting this most natural of resources, its unequal distribution and its rarefaction. LIFE explores Antarctica and its extreme climate, a place where mutual assistance is necessary and where researchers collaborate for the good of the planet. In echo of this «promised land», the parachutes, tents and survival kits of Antarctic Village-No Borders illustrate this sequence and evoke the precarious nature of the habitat, migration and citizenship.


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© Georges Rousse

GeorGes rousse 4234 MiLes

teXts BY anne-Marie Garat anD GeorGes rousse

The French artist and photographer, Georges Rousse was born 28 July, 1947 in Paris. In 1993 he won the national Grand Prix for photography. His photography found an immediate place in the contemporary art landscape as what is known as “visual art photography”. With Actes Sud he has published several works, including: Georges Rousse (Photo Poche no.123, 2009), Tour d’un monde (1981-2008) (2010), and Mediterraneo, la mer au milieu des terres (2013).

15 x 21 cm 160 pages 100 color illustrations Hardback April 2014 Retail price: 28 euros

In this three part book, Georges Rousse takes the reader on a unique adventure where art and humanitarianism meet. For the first time he uses his installations and exhibitions to show how he creates his works. Beyond mere demonstration, he also documents himself in action, providing images of processes that often remain confidential. A book presenting the three works produced by Georges Rousse in May 2014, when he visited Mumbai, Thiers and Lyon. Each part features photography and texts describing the creative process, from the origin of each work to its completion. Throughout the project, writer Anne-Marie Garat acted as an observer and here produces a chronicle of the creation of the Mumbai piece.


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© Département du Rhône/musée des Confluences/photo Patrick Ageneau


L’art est une paroLe

(KanaK – aRT IS SPeeCh) eDiteD BY roGer BouLaY anD eMManueL Kasarhérou

Emmanuel Kasarhérou is the former director of the Kanak Culture Development Agency and of the Tjibaou Cultural Center in New Caledonia. He is currently head of the overseas department at the musée du quai Branly. The ethnologist Roger Boulay is a specialist of Oceanic culture and has curated a number of exhibitions, including the Kanak heritage exhibition organized with the Réunion des musées nationaux in 19901991.

The exhibition, the largest on Kanak culture in the last 20 years, brings together over three hundred works and exceptional documents from various public collections in Europe (Austria, Switzerland, France, Germany and Italy) and in New Caledonia. It features a number of previously unexhibited works, some of them spectacular classics of Kanak art: sculpted door frames, jade monstrance axes, sculpted ridges tiles, statuettes and a wide diversity of ornamentation. Like two sides of the same reality, the “Face” and the “Reflection” form the dual structure of the work. In Kanak art, the face is a way of imagining the self; it is a figure of discourse or of words borrowed from the Kanak language, while the “Reflection” section brings together artifacts and documents showing the evolution of the western perception of Kanaks, in France in particular. Each of the five Kanak faces contemplates its reflection. While the faces are placed beyond time to express the continuity of Kanak culture, the reflections have a chronological sequence, illustrating the evolution of perception. Each ultimately encounters the other to merge into the present day. “Kanak: Art is speech” has been published to coincide with the exhibition of the same name at the musée du Quai Branly in Paris, 15 October 2013-26 January 2014.

24 x 31.7 cm 340 pages 250 color illustrations Hardback Coedition Musée du Quai Branly/ Actes Sud October 2013 Retail price: 47 euros

ACTES SUD © Direction du patrimoine culturel, ministère de la Culture du Royaume du Maroc, ph. MuCEM/Yves Inchierman

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spLenDeurs De VoLuBiLis

BronZes antiQues Du MaroC et De MéDiterranée

(SPLenDoRS oF VoLUBILIS – BRonZe anTIQUeS FRoM MoRoCCo anD The MeDITeRRanean)

CoLLeCtiVe WorK

This catalogue accompanied the “Volubilis, a history of taste” exhibition at the MuCEM, 11 March-25 August 2014.

24 x 32.5 cm 189 pages 120 color illustrations Soft backback Coedition mucem/Actes Sud March 2014 Retail price: 35 euros

Volubilis, the archaeological site near to Meknes and Fes in Morocco, is a UNESCO world heritage site and one of the best known spiritual centers of Morocco, as well as one of the residences of Juba II, the Numidian prince who was accepted into the court of Rome. With his wife Cleopatra Selene, daughter of the great Cleopatra VII of Alexandria and Mark Anthony, Juba II developed an especially refined culture, influenced by the Hellenistic and Egyptian currents of the age. He was a man of science and letters and the author of various treaties. He was also a great art lover and commissioned a number of works from artists throughout the Empire to decorate homes, libraries, curio cabinets and monuments the most expressive forms of which are the bronze and marble statues. If the collection in Rabat’s archaeological museum, essentially formed from Volubilis discoveries, is exceptional, it is because it miraculously survived the troubles following the assassination of Ptolemy, Juba II’s son, in 40 AD and the pillage of the site. This work presents twenty-eight of these great bronze works, exquisite pieces from the Hellenistic period and a certain number of complementary works: bronze statues from the king’s cabinet in the coin, medal and antiquities department of the French national library, bronze pieces from the Dutuit collection of the Petit Palais and loans from the Louvre museum.

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© Adrien Buchet/Anne Stierlin

raVenne teXt BY henri stierLin photoGraphY BY aDrien BuChet anD anne stierLin

Henri Stierlin is a renowned historian of architecture and is a great connoisseur of the arts of the Near-and Far-East. With Imprimerie national he recently published L’Orient grec (2008), Pétra (2009), Alhambra (2011), L’Art persan (2011), and Cordoue (2012).

26 x 30 cm 232 pages 130 color illustrations Hard back with dust jacket October 2014 Retail price: 59 euros

In the age when the city of Ravenne was the capital of the Western Roman Empire (5th-6th centuries), Ravenne art became an expression of Latin Christianity. It was also an affirmation of Catholics’ refusal to bow to the authority of orthodox Greek emperors in Constantinople who reigned over the vast East Byzantine Empire. Ravenne was neither orthodox, nor Greek, nor subject to the eastern church, but referred entirely to the Roman and Latin worlds. Out of this was born a radical reinterpretation of Ravenne art and architecture on the basis of Latin and Roman sources through its relationship with Byzantine aesthetics. In Ravenne, from the 4th century onwards, the first masterpieces expressed the sumptuousness of a Christian aesthetic which despite being a legacy of Antiquity was nevertheless innovative. This originality was demonstrated in the vast mosaics decorating the interior of monuments, which were stunning in their infinite beauty. The mausoleum of Galla Placidia (mid 5th century) is the first Ravenne masterpiece, which is strikingly intense in its omnipresent color. The octagonal baptisteries with their respective domes, built under Théodoric le Grand, show the twelve apostles standing around the nativity. In 500 AD, Théodoric built the church of Saint-Apollinaire-le-Neuf, which he decorated with mosaics forming an imago mundi of a high theological door, and at the end of his life, he found the basilica of Saint Vitus again with stunning magnificent mosaics beside the altar.

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© Éric Sander

paris À FLeur De pierre (PaRIS SeT In STone)

photoGraphY BY ériC sanDer teXt BY MarC auGé

Éric Sander is one of the great names of landscape and garden photography. His works include: Jardins d’Érignac, Dans les jardins du Périgord and Marqueyssac (Ulmer), as well as a 2013 monograph devoted to the landscape artist Louis Benech, alongside Érik Orsenna and Éric Jansen. The anthropologist, Marc Augé, is the author of the seminal Génie du paganisme (Gallimard, 2008), Pour une anthropologie du monde contemporain (Champs Essais, 2010) and more recently of Les Nouvelles Peurs (Payot Rivages, 2013). The former director of the École pratique des hautes études en sciences sociales, he is a writer who loves Paris. With Imprimerie Nationale, alongside the photographer Jean Mounicq he published: Venise d’eau et de Pierre, Paris retraversé, Paris ouvert, and with Claire de Virieu, Paris Jardins.

24.5 x 27 cm 120 pages 75 black and white in duotone photographs Hard back with dust jacket April 2014 Retail price: 39 euros

“There are over one thousand statues in Paris, many are monuments or set beside them. The 19th century was especially prolific in the creation of public statuary, a period when many sculptors were paying special attention to the properties and movement of the human body in their representations of gods, heroes, allegories and episodes from Greek or Latin Antiquity. The photography of this work shows us the beauty of some of these representations and the great emotion they inspire when viewed from certain angles. The expression of the gaze and movement is privileged, and the images capture their beauty even for the most official and conventional subjects. It acknowledges the original quality that the statues lend the city, an originality that has occasionally caused huge controversy; however much they may have become familiar everyday sights, this originality never wanes. Sander’s work is a tribute to those sculptors, who are often unknown to us, but who remain the companions of our every day meanderings, however unjustly anonymous they are and however distracted our gaze.” Marc Augé


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a historY oF photoGraphY in poCKet BooKs

Size: 12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages Cover: paper board 260g with flaps 115 mm, gloss laminating Binding: paperback, sewn, coated-double, scaring joints, glued Inside paper: 135g paper coated Cover paper: glossy Photographs: approximately 65 printing: duotone or five-color binding/cover: paperback format – illustrated cover - black cover with fillet Preface/introduction (approximately twelve typed pages) Notes: approximately five typed pages

The Photo Poche series was created in 1982 by Robert Delpire. Containing more than 150 published titles, it has sold three million copies worlwide. It is both a publishing phenomenon and a major reference of photographic history. The monographs feature the most important artists of international photography as well as the most relevant themes, subjects or trends that have acted as landmarks in the history of the medium. Each title comprises 144 pages and includes an introduction by the best specialists, a selection of 65 emblematic photographs by the artist or on the subject treated, and a set of notes (biography, bibliography, exhibitions) regularly updated. Fabricated according to high quality standards (paper, engraving process, duotone or five color printing), Photo Poche publishes eight new titles per year and republishes a large part of its backlist with updates. Sold at an affordable price, the titles of the series target a wide readership and constitute the best initiation possible to the art of photography and its history. Published in Italian since 2004 (Fotonote) by Contrasto publishers and in English by Thames and Hudson (United Kingdom), the Photo Poche series can be adapted in different languages and represents a firstclass opportunity for any publisher willing to step into or confirm its presence in the photography book market.

LIST OF TITLES 1. Nadar 2. Henri Cartier-Bresson 3. Jacques Henri Lartigue 4. Amérique. Les Années Noires 5. Robert Doisneau 6. Camera Work 7. W. Eugene Smith 8. Nicéphore Niépce 9. L’ Amérique au fil des jours

10. Robert Frank 11. Le Grand Œuvre 12. Duane Michals 13. Étienne-Jules Marey 14. Bruce Davidson 15. Josef Koudelka 16. Eugène Atget 17. André Kertész 18. L’Opéra de Paris 19. Mario Giacomelli 20. William Klein

PHOTO POCHE 21. Weegee 22. Autochromes 23. Alexandre Rodtchenko 24. Le Nu 25. Werner Bischof 26. Helmut Newton 27. Du bon usage de la photographie 28. Brassaï 29. Lee Friedlander 30. Le Temps des pionniers 31. Photomontages 32. Édouard Boubat 33. Man Ray 34. La photographie britannique 35. Elliott Erwitt 36. Robert Capa 37. Marc Riboud 38. De la photographie comme un des beaux arts 39. Étranges Étrangers 40. 41. 42. Histoire de voir : Coffret de 3 volumes - 1839/1880 1880/1939 - 1930/1970 43. Edward S. Curtis 44. Josef Sudek 45. Walker Evans 46. Willy Ronis 47. Images d’un autre monde. Photographie scientifique 48. Norbert Ghisoland 49. Joel-Peter Witkin 50. Lewis Hine 51. Louis Faurer 52. Agustín V. Casasola 53. Don McCullin 54. Dieter Appelt 55. Sebastião Salgado 56. Edward Steichen 57. Felice Beato 58. L’Orientalisme 59. Izis 60. Bill Brandt 61. Berenice Abbott 62. Alain Fleischer 63. Seydou Keita 64. August Sander 65. Charles Marville 66. Umbo 67. Peter Beard 68. Eugene Richards 69. Magnum Photos 70. Dmitri Baltermants 71. Robert Demachy 72. Jacob Riis 73. Gilles Caron 74. Photogrammes 75. Lewis Carroll 76. Louis Stettner 77. László Moholy-Nagy 78. Sarah Moon 79. René Burri 80. La nature morte 81. Raymond Depardon 82. Albert Londe 83. L’homme transparent. L’imagerie bio­ médicale contemporaine 84. Bruno Barbey

photography – 11 85. Claude Cahun 86. Araki 87. Ralph Meatyard 88. Frank Horvat 89. Renger Patzsch 90. Leonard Freed 91. Hippolyte Bayard 92. Frantiˇsek Drtikol 93. Maurice Tabard 94. Alvin Langdon Coburn 95. Martín Chambi 96. Mary Ellen Mark 97. La photographie astronomique 98. Anders Petersen 99. La nature dans l’art 100. Je ne suis pas photographe… 101. Alfred Stieglitz (to be published) 102. Gianni Berengo Gardin 103. Pentti Sammallahti 104. Les Krims 105. Séeberger Frères 106. Christer Strömholm 107. agence VU’ galerie 108. Harry Gruyaert 109. Guy Bourdin 110. Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt 111. Martine Franck 112. Post mortem 113. Saul Leiter 114. Le sténopé 115. Ferdinando Scianna 116. La photographie surréaliste 117. Shoji Ueda 118. Stanley Greene 119. Autoportraits de photographes 120. Joan Fontcuberta 121. Patrick Zachmann 122. Mike Disfarmer 123. Georges Rousse 124. Julia Margaret Cameron 125. Jane Evelyn Atwood 126. La photographie sociale 127. Ernst Haas 128. Jean Gaumy 129. Paul Starosta 130. Paolo Pellegrin 131. Paul Strand 132. Tendance Floue 133. Paolo Roversi 134. L’objet photographique 135. La photographie mexicaine 136. Graciela Iturbide 137. Manuel Álvarez Bravo 138. David Seymour 139. Lucien Hervé 140. Roger Ballen 141. Daido Moriyama 142. Françoise Huguier 143. Anon 144. Ragnar Axelsson 145. Malick Sidibé 146. L’un par l’autre 147. Gordon Parks 148. Bruce Gilden 149. Henri Huet 150. David Goldblatt 151. Jean-Louis Courtinat

PHOTO POCHE HISTOIRE H 1. Che Guevara. Photographs by René Burri, text by François Maspero H 2. La Commune. Paris, 1871, text by Bernard Noël H 3. Mao. Text by Caroline Puel H 4. J. F. Kennedy. Text by Jean Lacouture H 5. Gandhi. Text by Catherine Clément H 6. Jean Jaurès. Text by Jean-Noël Jeanneney H 7. Haines. Irlande, Balkans, Rwanda. Text and photographs by Gilles Peress H 8. Le Front populaire. Text by Jean Lacouture H 9. François Arago H 10. Sarajevo H 11. La guerre de 14-18 PHOTO POCHE SOCIÉTÉ S 1. “Mes Parisiens”. Photographs by Robert Doisneau S 2. “Cette Afrique-là”. Photographs by Roger Ballen S 3. “Extérieur nuit”. Photographs by Jane Evelyn Atwood S 4. “Serra Pelada”. Photographs by Sebas­tião Salgado S 5. “États d’enfances”. Photographs by Francesco Zizola S 6. “Carnet de visite”. Photographs by Hien Lam Duc S 7. “Place de la Réunion”. Photographs by collectif de Mulhouse S 8. “Les noires vallées du repentir”. Photographs by André Martin S 9. “Extrême Asie”. Photographs by Philip Blenkinsop S 10. “Les enfants du diable”. Photographs by Jean-Louis Courtinat S 11. ”Aveuglément”. Photographs by Gaël Turine S 12. “Entre parenthèses”. Photographs by Klavdij Sluban S 13. “Un chameau pour le fils”. Photographs by Fazal Sheikh S 14. “Les yeux brûlants”. Photographs by Antoine Agoudjian S 15. “Aux marches de la Chine”. Photographs by Wu Jialin S 16. “Mineurs en peines”. Photographs by Lizzie Sadin S 17. “Sertão”. Photographs by Tiago Santana S 18. “Droits de regards”. 1961-2011 : Amnesty International et les photo­graphes S 19. “Le Mur et la Peur”. Photographs by Gaël Turine

English version fotofile by thames and hudson Italian version fotonote by contrasto editore Portuguese version photo poche by cosacnaify


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© ECPAD/France/Joly

La Guerre De 14-18 (The 14-18 WaR)

teXt BY Christian JosChKe

Christian Joschke is a lecturer at the Université Paris-Ouest.

12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages 92 black and white photographs photo poche n° H11 Softback July 2014 Retail price: 13 euros

Today it is difficult to imagine what the first photographs of the Great War might have meant to civilians, and to their collective imaginations. The iconography of the Great War has become commonplace and familiar to us, however in the early 20th century it was a hugely traumatic experience. In opposition to the heroism described in official dispatches exalting the courage and patriotism of the troops, there was the vicious reality of the bloodshed and mutilation, the horrific conditions in the trenches, men knee deep in mud and numb with cold: the soldier’s daily suffering surrounded by desolation as far as the eye could see. While the Great War was not the first war to have been photographed, it marks a major evolution in the history of the medium. During the war, photography became a source of information, a way to convey what was happening. It showed the reality as it was, soldiers’ faces and devastated landscapes. It revealed different aspects of the pity and horror of war and dispelled the fantasy surrounding conditions and battles. The most spectacular scenes from the front were often reconstructions, but the bitterness of fighting and the weight of photographic material did not allow photographers to grasp action instantaneously. Despite this, the “truth” of the image became word. After the call to arms of August 1914, journals in France and abroad published increasing quantities of photography. The scale of the production and distribution of war photography was vast, and grew ever vaster as the conflict ground on. What’s more the visual memory of the event was captured by a huge array of photographers – press photographers, amateurs, army photography services, and soldiers, many anonymous… Published to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War, this new addition to the “Photo Poche Histoire” collection includes the emblematic images of the war drawn from international sources. This record of one of the greatest tragedies of the modern era also reflects upon the encounter between men and photography.


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Portrait © Roger-Viollet


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© Gaël Turine

Le Mur et La peur inDe – BanGLaDesh

(The WaLL anD FeaR – InDIa anD BanGLaDeSh) photoGraphY BY GaËL turine teXt BY MarCeLLo Di Cinto Postface by Amnesty International

Published with the support of Amnesty International Agency’s best photo story special prize 2013.

12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages 70 black and white photographs photo poche n° S19 Softback August 2014 Retail price: 13 euros

Gaël Turine has long been interested in the notion of separation between peoples and countries. During his research he discovered the existence of a section of border between India and Bangladesh overlooked by today’s press even if Human Rights Watch have been sending alarming reports. In 1993 India undertook the construction of a 2000 mile partition wall with Bangladesh. The wall, made of concrete or of barbed wire, is impossible to cross and is heavily guarded by Indian Border Security Force troops. India’s official reason for constructing the wall was to prevent the passage of Bangladeshi immigrants and Islamic terrorists. The history of the border, dating back to the fall of the British Empire in 1947, has divided the region of Bengal and had dramatic consequences on the populations living either side of the wall. Today the number of arrests, torture victims and deaths make it the most dangerous stretch of border in the world. Practically all victims are Bangladeshis who for financial, family, health or environmental reasons attempt to cross the frontier. To maintain relations with their powerful Indian neighbors, the Bangladeshi authorities tolerate the existence of the wall and remain silent before the international community, covering up what is really going on. According to figures released by human rights organizations, figures uncontested by the authorities, one person has been killed every five days over the past five years, as they attempt to cross the border.


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© Henri Huet

henri huet teXt BY héLÈne GeDouin

Henri Huet (1927-1971) was a one-war man, the American war in Vietnam, which he relentlessly documented for the American agency the Associated Press and in which he lost his life. In April 1967, he was awarded the prestigious Robert Capa Gold Medal rewarding him for his exceptional work as a war photographer. In many respects Henri Huet was the perfect brother-in-arms and companion in convictions of his illustrious colleague. He was courageous, generous, free-willed, adventurous, and totally devoted to his job and his desire to photograph in the most dangerous circumstances. From 1963 to 1971, throughout the cruel implacable war which mobilized international public opinion and the media, Henri Huet’s emblematic reporting and character had a huge influence on hundreds of photoreporters operating in Vietnam. “Henri’s photography changed the way America viewed the war. They had more impact than the millions of words that filled the newspapers,” wrote his friend, the famous reporter Horst Faas. Faas also points to Huet’s passion for information and truth and his powerful secret compassion toward civilian populations and young recruits plunged into the horror of combat.

12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages 63 black and white photographs photo poche n° 149 Softback March 2014 Retail price: 13 euros


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© Jean-Louis Courtinat

Jean-Louis Courtinat Preceded with an interview between Jean-Louis Courtinat and Michel Christolhomme Includes Jean-Louis Courtinat’s reporting notes

Jean-Louis Courtinat was born in Verdun in 1954 and over the course of thirty years has developed a unique and exemplary body of work. Early in his career, he elected to focus on society showing relentless determination to confront the bitterest of social realities. His life and work has been founded on the need for solidarity. He is never pessimistic and his vision of the world leaves room for the anonymous actors, the volunteers and assistants, whose devotion and abnegation inspire admiration and maintain a vision of the human condition based on goodwill. He is a sensitive man who has great empathy for the people he photographs. He always finds the right distance. There is no pathos in his images, there is no indulgence or voyeurism but deep solidarity and delicateness,” wrote Robert Doisneau about Jean-Louis Courtinat, a man and photographer whose life and work shows that “writing with light” was perhaps only invented to enlighten those whose life is plunged in darkness.

12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages 72 black and white photographs photo poche n° 150 Softback November 2014 Retail price: 13 euros


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© David Goldblatt

DaViD GoLDBLatt teXt BY Baptiste LiGneL

Born into a Jewish family who escaped the Lithuanian pogroms, David Goldblatt was eighteen when apartheid was established in South Africa. This initial complexity in his life is probably at the source of the diversity but also of the deeply reflexive dimension of his photographic work, marked by specifically South African cultural social and political references. From On the Mines (1973), documenting the last surviving gold mines, to In Boksburg (1982), the portrait of a small typical South African town in the final years of apartheid, David Goldblatt held a special relationship with books which became the privileged site of his photographic essays and the dialogue he maintained between literature and photography. His photography suggested rather than demonstrated. It was always in search of unpublished formal research. His work was sometimes described as pre-conceptual and was open to multi-layered interpretations, and is perfectly complemented by his more recent aesthetic experiments in color.

12.5 x 19 cm 144 pages 77 black and white photographs photo poche n° 151 Softback February 2014 Retail price: 13 euros


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© Delphine Burtin


DeLphine Burtin HSBC Photography Prize Winner 2014

Delphine Burtin was born in Switzerland in 1974. She lives and works in Lausanne.

“Delphine Burtin offers an appealing and highly intelligent combination of her instinctive reaction to her daily environment. Through her work she expresses her understanding of the physical potential of photography as an object in the world. Composed of photos of forms and objects found, as well as her own prints that she cut and folded, her work lies halfway between photography and sculpture, an obvious feature when we observe the perfection with which she uses her space. Clear, striking and conceptual, her work already reveals confidence and refinement.” Simon Baker, artistic consultant, 2014

BILINGUAL FRENCH/ENGLISH EDITION 22 x 28 cm 104 pages 45 color illustrations Hardback Coedition hsbc/Actes Sud September 2014 Retail price: 20 euros

Exhibitions: forthcoming: Festival Oblick, Dialogues in young photography, Strasbourg, Encouble series Exp 12, Berlin Encouble series 2014: Boutographies, Montpellier, Encouble series 2013: PasquArt Photoforum selection, Bienne, Encouble series, 1st prize Paris-Photo book prize, Aperture foundation 2013, first book category, featuring the Encouble series Photo prize 2013, Zurich, Disparition series Only Poor People Have White Walls, Substitut gallery, Berlin, Encouble series Boutographies, Montpellier, Disparition series Instrumental Break, Le Romandie, Lausanne 2012: PasquArt Photoforum selection, Bienne, Disparition series Payday, CEPV, Vevey, Images festival 2012, Disparition series Photo12, Zurich


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© Akiko Takizawa

Where We BeLonG aKiKo taKiZaWa

HSBC Photography Prize Winner 2014

Akiko Takizawa was born in Japan in 1971. She lives and works in London. Since 2011, the artist has worked with the Collotype Benrido company in Kyoto in Japan.

“This surprising series of photographs documents the artist’s return to his grandparents’ home, located in the distant regions of North Japan and the death of her grandfather. Beyond the personal aspects of the work, and the fact that many of the images depict her family and the home in which they lived, the work should also be appreciated for its incredible visual sensitivity. In the tradition of Issei Suda, Eikoh Hosoe and Daido Moriyama, Takizawa works intense contrast, deep blacks and ephemeral reliefs into dramatic compositions that are full of emotion. In their original format, the works themselves (and not the copies presented) are phototypes on traditional Japanese paper, an extremely rare and precious photographic technique, produced in the sole surviving workshop in Kyoto. The physical and aesthetic qualities of Takizawa’s work are thus exceptional, and her photography perpetuates the honorable Japanese post Second World War Japanese tradition. Takizawa is a fascinating major artist who allies traditional processes with contemporary ideas.” Simon Baker, artistic consultant, 2014


Exhibitions 2013: the Fourth Image Photofair, Espace des Blancs Manteaux, Paris 2013: MA Fine Art, Royal College of Art, MoMo gallery, London, Tokyo 2013: Apple Room solo show, Tosei gallery, Tokyo 2012: Over the Perched Field, solo exhibition at the Anglo-Japanese Daiwa Foundation, London.

22 x 28 cm 104 pages 45 color illustrations Hardback Coedition hsbc/Actes Sud September 2014 Retail price: 20 euros

Distinctions and awards 2007: Hitotsubo-ten, Japanese photography exhibition 2006: Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2006: Shortlisted for the Conran Prize at the RCA exhibition 2000: The London Print Studio Award 2000: The Printmaking Today Award


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© Galatée Films, Éric Travers

© Galatée Films, Éric Travers

Les Saisons (The Seasons)

Stéphane Durand Galatée Films and Actes Sud

29 x 31.7 cm 280 pages 450 color illustrations Hardback To be published in October 2015 Retail price: 39 euros

The Seasons is the latest film by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud. It continues in the series of Jacques Perrin’s previous naturalist films, such as Microcosmos, Winged Migration and more recently Oceans, which attracted 3 million cinema-goers in France and 12 million abroad. Nature has its own story, a story that The Seasons sets out to reveal through a sequence of entrancing scenes. The film is a poetical chronicle of Europe’s wilderness since 15,000 years ago, filmed solely from the perspective of wild animals. When the last ice age came to an end, the climate became milder and the cycle of the seasons began again, enabling the continent to fill with vast forests. Nature took over once more. The only new feature on the landscape was man, who arrived in Europe in the heart of the Ice Age and began to disturb the balance of the natural environment. Mankind became a geological force in its own right as, over thousands of years, it set about redesigning the landscape. The often harmonious, sometimes turbulent relationship of man with nature has resulted in the extinction of certain species but has helped others develop, while creating new ecosystems. The Seasons is the fantastic tale of the wild animals that have traversed centuries and millenniums of European history. This extensively illustrated work is THE reference work for the film. It sets out to extend the film’s sense of wonder and to answer the many academic, historical, and technical questions raised. There is also special booklet devoted to the making of the film. Co-directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, the movie has been filmed in France, Germany, Poland, Norway, Holland, Romania, and Switzerland and will be released in autumn 2015.


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© Galatée Films, Marc Rebuttini

The incredible career of Jacques Perrin Son of an actress and a technician at the Comédie française, Jacques Perrin was an actor long before becoming a producer and director. A great lover of nature, his first film, Winged Migration, fulfilled a childhood dream for him: to fly with the birds. After the success of Microcosmos as a producer, Jacques Perrin developed a name for himself as a daring director. His last movie, Oceans, reached out to millions of viewers in France and around the world about the threat facing the world’s oceans. Stéphane Durand The biologist, ornithologist, and science journalist, Stéphane Durand has accompanied Jacques Perrin’s cinematographic adventures since 1997 as a scientific consultant and assistant director. He has also written his own documentaries (“Sur les terres du panda”, “La nuit africaine” – the first animal documentary filmed by night in natural light) and published a series of books, including works relating to the films he has directed.


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D. R.

aGriCuLteurs À L’oMBre Des ForÊts Du MonDe aGroForesteries VernaCuLaires

(FaRMeRS In The ShaDoW oF The FoReSTS oF The WoRLD – VeRnaCULaR aGRo-FoReSTRIeS) GeneViÈVe MiChon

Ethnobotanist and research director of the Institut de recherche pour le Développement, Geneviève Michon is a specialist in the relationship between societies and forests. During her travels overseas, she has especially focused on the way in which the worlds’ farmers envisage and enact their relationship to forests, and on the conflicts opposing farmers and farm administrators.

21 x 24 cm 288 pages 85 color and 57 black and white illustrations Hardback Coedition institut de recherche pour le développement/Actes Sud October 2014 Retail price: 29 euros

Today we live between two worlds. The world of nature transformed by modern agricultural techniques, which has torn down forests in the pursuit of greater yields, and its opposite, the world in which we strive to protect nature, with an energy proportional to that with which we are trying to destroy it. For many years, however, farmers have managed to combine trees and fields. The many combinations possible between “crops” and “forests” are part of the heritage of our agro-forestry and reveal a whole variety of ways of domesticating nature and managing the relationship between forests and agriculture to guarantee both productivity and sustainability. From the Indonesian agro-forests to Corsican chestnut groves, a general model appears: the “domesticated forest”. Thinking farming through the optic of the domestic forest would enable us to sidestep our obsession with production and instead focus on biological and cultural diversity, on the preservation of our environment and the quality of our lives. The domestic forest also invites us to rethink development and instead of imposing universal models, it would help societies eager to maintain or rebuild their systems according to their own rules.


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© Biosphoto/Flip De Nooyer/FotoNatura/Minden Pictures

pLaiDoYer pour La ForÊt tropiCaLe soMMet De La DiVersité

(In DeFenSe oF TRoPICaL FoReSTS – The heIGhT oF DIVeRSITY) FranCis haLLé

Botanist and biologist, Francis Hallé specializes in the architecture of trees and the ecology of tropical rainforests. For Actes Sud, he has already published Plaidoyer pour l’arbre (2005), La Condition tropicale. Une histoire naturelle, économique et sociale des basses latitudes (2010), Du bon usage des arbres. Un plaidoyer à l’attention des élus et des énarques (2011) and Il était une forêt with Luc Jacquet (2013), which accompanied the movie of the same name.

21 x 24 cm 218 pages 85 color and 57 black and white illustrations Hardback May 2014 Retail price: 29 euros

The great tropical virgin forests have practically been eradicated and only small pockets remain. Their degradation is an irreparable loss to the planet, as they provide the heart of its biological diversity. The botanist Francis Hallé has been exploring and studying virgin forests for nearly fifty years. Trees and liana obviously have a central role in this book, but naturally there are also animals, grasses, mosses, fungi, algae and bacteria, all of which betray the incredible strategies to stay alive in such latitudes. Francis Hallé tells their story in a readily accessible way, even for non-specialists. Any exploration of primary forests would however be incomplete without examining the dark tragedy of their tale: the logging industry, exploitation for income, and the appropriation of local natural resources by huge multinationals from wealthy countries, which also often encourage their destruction. Today the extent of their devastation is so advanced that no government can stop or even slow down the deforestation process. Only a major grassroots protest movement would have the power to change things. Such is Francis Hallé’s aim in his defense of virgin forests, as he sets out not only to portray the forests in their true light and suggest possible lines of enquiry into their resources, but also and above all to encourage anybody who wishes to save these last fragments of wonder to react.


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© Philippe Granval

Des Vers De terre et Des hoMMes

DéCouVrir nos éCosYstÈMes FonCtionnant À L’énerGie soLaire

(oF eaRTh WoRMS anD Men an InTRoDUCTIon To oUR eCoSYSTeMS ThaT FUnCTIon on SoLaR eneRGY)

MarCeL BouChé

Marcel Bouché began his career as a gardener, before becoming a lab technician, a researcher and a research director. He has devoted his life to the study of earthworms and published his first work on the subject in 1972, Lombriciens de France, écologie et systématique (INRA), as well as several scientific works on the environment and ecology.

13 x 24 cm 336 pages 34 black and white illustrations Hardback April 2014 Retail price: 25 euros

The earthworm plays a fundamental role in our ecosystems. Their biomass is over one ton per hectare, and all year they carry out an important biological functions, draining and aerating the soil, processing organic debris and recycling the nutrients necessary for life, such as nitrogen. Earthworms still remain a mystery to us, as we are incapable of observing soil activity without disturbing their natural activity. The author is a great admirer of the earthworm’s prowess and has developed special and effective techniques to understand them better. These methods enabled him to grasp their surprising diversity, their functions in ecosystems, as well as “earthworm-technology” which could enable us to carry on their progress in a responsible way, emulating the way they restore soil fertility, and the way they eliminate waste, for example. This innovative work written for a broad readership reminds us that the current world crisis can only be solved by radically changing our vision of the world. And that the first stop towards this solution is recognizing that we are partners in the globe’s ecosystems, that we are their inhabitants and not their owners.


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ChanGeons D’aGriCuLture réussir La transition

(ChanGInG The WaY We FaRM – a SUCCeSSFUL TRanSITIon) JaCQues CapLat

Jacques Caplat is an agronomist and ethnologist. Son of a farmer, he was an agricultural advisor at the chamber of agriculture before becoming deeply involved in the national organic agriculture federation. He especially participated in the creation of the Réseau Semences Paysannes and is involved in development activity in the southern hemisphere. He is the author of L’Agriculture biologique pour nourrir l’humanité – Démonstration with Actes Sud (2012).

14 x 19 cm 160 pages Softback May 2014 Retail price: 17 euros

The agricultural model that has been adopted in the last few decades has been widely criticized because of its consequences on the environment, employment, and human and animal health. The counter argument however is that it is the only system capable of “feeding humanity”, imposing a huge barrier to change. The aim of this work is to tackle the various misconceptions surrounding the issue and demonstrate the room for maneuver that actually exists to create a different form of agriculture that reconciles the problems of farming, the environment and society. By identifying the foundations of our so-called “conventional” agricultural model, the author explains the scientific, economic and political choices behind it. He shows us how these choices can be debated and contested. Getting back to the roots of agronomy, he analyses the limits of the usual comparisons made and shows how the most productive form of agriculture in terms of yield is not the form in place but an organic form in every sense of the word, not just in its refusal to use chemicals. This work is far from idealist and is based on the facts at hand and the experiences of thousands of farmers who have switched from conventional to organic means. He puts his argument forward in a clear accessible way, with concrete, practical proposals, calling on both farmers and citizens, as each has an important role to play in the transition towards tomorrow’s agriculture.

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perMaCuLture au BeC heLLouin (PeRMaCULTURe In The BeC heLLoUIn) perrine anD CharLes herVé-GruYer

Perrine Hervé-Gruyer started her working life as a lawyer in Asia before devoting herself to psychotherapy. Charles HervéGruyer trained in education and traveled the world aboard the sailing ship-school, Fleur de Lampaul, for twenty two years. In 2003, the pair decided to devote themselves to agriculture and together created the Bec Hellouin farm in Normandy. In 2013 they became certified teachers in permaculture.

14 x 19 cm 252 pages Softback September 2014 Retail price: 19.50 euros

In 2003, Perrine and Charles Hervé-Gruyer created the Bec Hellouin farm in Haute-Normandie. The farm underwent its own unorthodox development, and it is now a landmark in natural farming, attracting visitors from around the world. Perrine and Charles Hervé-Gruyer’s approach is based on permaculture, where nature provided the model to adopt. The pair set out to design human installations that function as ecosystems. The Bec Hellouin farm draws extensively on solar power, and the yields of its harvests have astounding agronomists. The farm manages to produce as many vegetables as their mechanized neighbors, but over a surface area that is ten times smaller, while still creating humus, respecting biodiversity, enhancing the landscape and storing carbon in the soil and trees. The results of this new form of agriculture have led Charles and Perrine HervéGruyer to launch an agronomic study called “Permacultural market gardening and economic performance”, in partnership with eminent French researchers and six agricultural foundations. The early results of the study demonstrate the social, economic and ecological relevance of permacultural agriculture.


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pLaYDoYer pour L’herBoristerie

CoMprenDre et DéFenDre Les pLantes MéDiCinaLes

(PLea FoR heRBaLISM – UnDeRSTanDInG anD STanDInG UP FoR MeDICInaL PLanTS) thierrY théVenin Preface by Isabelle Robard

Thierry Thévenin is a botanist and producer of medicinal plants. He is an important player in current moves to redefine herbalism. Isabelle Robard is a lawyer who specialises in health rights and has published a number of books on non-certified medication.

14 x 19 cm 304 pages Softback August 2013 Retail price: 22 euros

For anyone wanting to control their own healthcare and live more harmoniously with nature, understanding and standing up for herbalism is an essential, ethical, political stance. Across Europe, people are revisiting the traditional definition of herbalism, and European and national legislation is being prepared to spell out how to use it and who can use it. Thierry Thévenin takes a critical, knowledgeable look at the main issues raised by the direction legislation and regulations is taking – how to produce, sell and use plants outside the industrial, pharmaceutical and agrifood sphere. Will ordinary widely used plants like thyme and mint become medicinal? Are herbalists and traditional medicinal uses about to be rehabilitated? How can that be done without standardising them and controlling their use in the name of the precautionary principle? A definition of medicinal plant is essential and will be the touchstone of legislation. If herbs acquire the status of medication, they risk falling into the hands of the pharmaceutical industry. This work urges readers to stand up for their health rights. It is aimed at all those who want access to alternative, natural medicine that uses plants free of the unjust restrictions imposed by corporate interests. It also seeks to promote usage that respects precious, fragile plant resources. It offers some keys to understanding and suggests ways of finding out more and tools for understanding herbalism.


gastronomy – 28


pLaisirs Cuisinés ou poisons CaChés DiaLoGue entre un CheF et un sCientiFiQue

(CULInaRY PLeaSUReS oR hIDDen PoISonS – a DIaLoGUe BeTWeen a CheF anD a SCIenTIST) GiLLes-ériC séraLini anD JérÔMe DouZeLet

Gilles-Éric Séralini is a lecturer in molecular biology at the University of Caen and a researcher into the effects of pesticides, pollutants and GM foods on health. He is currently chair of France’s independent genetic engineering research committee. From 1991-2010 he supervised a series of experimental research projects, especially into the relationship between sex hormones and cancers. Jérôme Douzelet is a chef in Barjac in the Ardèche region. His family establishment offers a fine selection of organic culinary experiences.

14 x 19 cm 192 pages Softback September 2014 Retail price: 19 euros

Science has been sitting on our plate for years. This work asks questions of what it has been doing there. The international industrialization of food has systematically pumped chemical substances into food production – at a primary level in growing crops and in raising animals and at a secondary and tertiary level for transforming, packaging and distributing food. Our bodies are permanently vulnerable to chemicals. The scope of the process is so huge that it is likely to affect how a large part of the planet develops in the years to come. While biological pollutants in our food hold few secrets to us today, chemical pollutants in practically all foodstuffs are harder to trace: heavy metals, weed killer, insecticides, fungicides, GM foods, additives, flavor enhancers, detergents, plastics, all are present in varying degrees. Such products are readily authorized by food standards bodies, and this authorization masks their potential dangers to health and the risks of developing chronic illnesses. The authorities protect private interests and hide facts from consumers. Not only are these chemical harmful, they also radically affect the flavor of foods. This book reveals a series of enlightening experiments on the malpractice at work in the evaluation of chemical products and brings a fresh approach to the wonders of original flavors.


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© Jean-Charles Vaillant

The Union of French Rice Growers was created in 1946 and represents 225 rice producers in the Bouches-du-Rhône, Gard, and Aude regions and French Guyana, as well as 27 actors in related sectors. It sets out to defend each aspect of the rice growing and sales process, especially defending the “Camargue rice” IGP status, a quality assurance label issued by the French INAO and European Union in June 2000. Jean-Charles Vaillant is a photographer specializing in cookery and has produced images for a number of books: Bocuse dans votre cuisine, Saveurs et parfums de l’huile d’olive by Jacques Chibois and Olivier Baussan, Gourmandises by Lenôtre and A table avec Charlie Chaplin, 60 recettes vagabondes by Claire Dixsaut. For this work he has teamed up with Judith Clavel who also contributed to Cojean tout simplement by Caroline Desages.

16 x 24 cm 128 pages 40 color illustrations Softback March 2014 Retail price: 19.50 euros

sept riZ

La CaMarGue Dans Ma Cuisine

(SeVen TYPeS oF RICe - The CaMaRGUe In MY KITChen) BY the union oF FrenCh riCe GroWers photoGraphY BY Jean-CharLes VaiLLant FooD photoGraphY BY JuDith CLaVeL

The Camargue has been a rice growing region since the reign of Henri IV and today produces seven types of rice with different nuances of flavor. This book invites readers to use these seven types – fragrant, white, whole grain, red, black, risotto and dessert – in forty-nine simple healthy recipes. Rice is a nutritional cereal that is easy to digest and budget-friendly, a cereal that works with a whole range of ingredients, a classic ingredient revisited, reworked and celebrated in this attractive book. There are seven chapters, each with seven recipes. The work discusses the culinary qualities of each type of rice and the most appropriate way of cooking it. There are the great classics like paella, stuffed peppers, risotto primavera, and riz à l’impératrice. There are also surprises in store such as a magnificent black rice dish with asparagus and goats cheese, or red rice with caramelized fennel. There are also gastronomic touches with recipes for stuffed tomatoes, rice crisps and sautéed red rice Thai-style provided by locally renowned chefs.


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© Laurent Baranger

Le ManueL De Cuisine aLternatiVe (The aLTeRnaTIVe CooKeRY ManUaL) teXt BY GiLLes DaVeau iLLustrations BY CLéMent LuZeau photoGraphY BY Laurent BaranGer

Gilles Daveau has been a chef, restaurateur, and organic caterer in the Nantes region for twenty-two years. The work contains the approaches and methods that he had used in his cookery classes since 1987.

17 x 22 cm 128 pages 90 color illustrations Softback March 2014 Retail price: 22 euros

This manual is a reference work for anyone looking to understand the basics of nutritional requirements and culinary methods in order to develop a healthy sustainable diet through simple, varied dishes, adapted to our daily lives. The book looks at how to introduce vegetable proteins and seasonal, local and eco-friendly produce into our diet. It does not only advocate a vegetarian diet however; today it is just as important to ensure a better quality of meat by opting for meat produced by sustainable producers. We have to understand how to choose what we eat, when shopping, or when composing and creating dishes, so that food tastes good, is a pleasure to eat and doesn’t break the bank. The author, a specialist in vegetarian cooking, explains the basic dietary notions surrounding a healthy varied alternative diet based on different types of nutrients. There are also recipes for our daily requirements as well as different approaches to cooking, seldom used in traditional cuisine, that set out to highlight the goodness of vegetables and vegetable proteins without losing any of the food’s flavors. There are 18 categories of recipe: main meals, like gratins and crumbles involving cereals or vegetables, as well as familiar starters and desserts with a special twist, designed to vary ingredients and products. There are also stepby-step detailed recipes with photographs.


society – 31


enseiGner À ViVre

ManiFeste pour ChanGer L’éDuCation

(TeaChInG To LIVe – a ManIFeSTo FoR TRanSFoRMInG eDUCaTIon) eDGar Morin

Edgar Morin is a sociologist and philosopher who is the emeritus research director of the CNRS, and chair of the Association for Complex Thought. His major work, his Méthode in six volumes, was republished in 2008 (Seuil). He has written a whole host of works and is a doctor honoris causa in twenty seven universities around the globe. His works have been translated into many languages around the world.

14 x 19 cm 132 pages Softback Coedition play bac/actes sud September 2014 Retail price: 20 euros

Edgar Morin starts from the principle that education is undergoing a major crisis caused by a number of factors. He sets out a road map towards a new effective form of education adapted to the modern world. The renowned sociologist is aware of the problems that reform creates. Any attempt at reform has to not only transform institutions but also change peoples’ minds. The author’s method is based on complex thinking. After an extensive study of young people in education and their teachers, Edgar Morin puts forward a series of solutions to the class struggle at the heart of their relationship, and sets out to rekindle teachers’ desire to teach and children’s desire to learn. It is a method based on understanding and action that aims to tackle the lack of comprehension shared on both of sides through the thought structures in place. What Morin advocates is a radical shake-up of the education system to create a system based on Rousseau’s vision of “teaching to live”. The goal is to encourage autonomy for all, and to shield against error and illusion in order to understand others as well as confronting the problems and incertitudes inherent in everybody’s lives. He identifies seven fields of knowledge necessary to living applied in a didactic and fundamentally humanist way. Ultimately the method sets out to instill the ability for everyone to tackle fundamental and global issues. Through the introduction of themes of “life management skills”, currently missing from our education programs, such as urban living, education in the media or individualism and solidarity, Morin’s method sets out to give everyone a chance in life.


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sCienCes et soCiété Les norMes en Question

(SCIenCe anD SoCIeTY – noRMS In QUeSTIon) CoLLeCtiVe WorK

The authors: Marie-Françoise Chevallier-Le Guyader, Étienne Klein, Mireille Delmas-Marty, JeanMichel Besnier, Claude Debru, Patrick Gaudray, Estelle Brosset, Rafael Encinas de Munagorri, Mathias Girel, Dominique Vinck, Michelle Bergadaà, Bertrand Collomb, Stéphanie Lacour, Enrica Palmerini, Philippe Billet and Patrick Terroir.

15 x 23 cm 320 pages Hardback Coedition ihest/actes sud March 2014 Retail price: 28 euros

How do the sciences, ethics and law interact and in what dynamic? How do new norms emerge? Are legal and ethical norms always out of synch with scientific research? Science constantly comes up against norms that affect human behavior, relating to morality and law. Today the applications of science affect most domains of human activity. Its organization and dynamics cannot be disassociated from those of civil life. As a result science and technology is the subject of debates and controversies, involving social, ethical, scientific and technical norms, as well as “lifestyle norms”. Do all these various norms have a comparable basis? Are they of the same nature? Science constantly questions the norms in place, but the responsibilities and ethics of sciences are always under question themselves. Science and society do not evolve at the same rate, while the ever increasing field of norms that never stops growing is becoming more complex creating legal gray areas. The aim of this work is to think of progress as the ability to share norms and normativities, through the optic of the relationship between sciences, ethics and law.


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un CoMBat en héritaGe (The heRITaGe oF oUR BaTTLe) the aBBé pierre FounDation

Created in 1987, the Abbé Pierre Foundation battles day-by-day across the whole of the French territories for the right to decent housing and human dignity for all.

13 x 24 cm 256 pages 64 color illustrations Softback January 2014 Retail price: 22 euros

To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Abbé Pierre’s call to end homelessness, the Abbé Pierre Foundation tells the story of their own 25 year struggle to promote homes for all. Winter 1953-1954 was one of the harshest post-war winters. Thousands of homeless adults and children were sleeping in the streets or makeshift shelters because France lacked housing. The 1st February 1954, on Radio Luxembourg, Abbé Pierre declared “My friends, help us. Every night there are over two thousand people huddled up against the ice, without shelter or bread, some of them practically naked.” The call was heeded and the “goodwill insurrection” was unleashed in Paris and the provinces. Abbé Pierre’s housing initiatives continued through the 1960s to the 1980s in conjunction with Emmaüs communities. Created in 1990, the Foundation was awarded privileged charitable status by the French state. Today it aims to provide concrete solutions for families with serious housing problems. Through donations, it supports housing projects, campaigns against slums and insalubrious housing, accommodates people in their “family guest homes”, finances international solidarity initiatives, and much more besides. In the spirit of Abbé Pierre’s own “measured insolence”, the Foundation appeals directly to the public authorities and decision-makers, permanently publicizing the intolerable situation of the homeless in France and abroad.


equestrian arts – 34


CheVauX D’aVenture

renContres autour Du MonDe

(hoRSeS oF aDVenTURe – MeeTInGS aRoUnD The WoRLD) Countries and regions visited in the world: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile (ChileArgentina across the Andes), China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Easter Island, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France (Lozère, Corsica), Guatemala, Iceland, India (Ladakh), Jordan, Kenya, Kighizistan, Lapland, Mali, Mexico, Mongolia (Naadam, Altai, Arkhangai), Morocco (south and Atlas mountains), Nepal (Mustang), Nicaragua, Portugal, Rajasthan, Russia, Saint Domingo, Sardinia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, United States (Yellowstone), among others.

14.5 x 24 cm 528 pages Softback April 2014 Retail price: 29.90 euros

anne MariaGe From the Argentinean pampas to the Jordanian deserts, from the slopes of the Himalayas to the depths of the American canyons, from the Asian steppes to the African savannah, Anne Mariage has traveled all four corners of the globe on horseback. Eager to share her passion, back in 1972 she opened a travel agency with a very original concept. The agency, Cheval d’aventure, offers small groups of horse lovers the chance to discover the world on horseback. Over forty years, Anne Mariage has trained thousands of horseriders and had unforgettable adventures. In over fifty chapters she shares these adventures which, for her and those who accompany her, offer the chance to discover not only new breeds of horses, equestrian techniques and landscapes but also people, civilizations and far-flung countries. She offers a kind of discovery of the world in closer proximity to nature, off the beaten tourist track.


Tous les textes de


ACTES SUD DÉP. LÉG. : AOÛT 2014 19 € TTC France

equestrian arts – 35


Jean-Louis Gouraud pour les JEM


Le tour Du MonDe en 80 CheVauX petit aBéCéDaire insoLite

(aRoUnD The WoRLD In 80 hoRSeS – an UnUSUaL a-Z oF WoRLD hoRSeS) Jean-Louis GourauD

A well known figure of the equestrian world, Jean-Louis Gouraud is the author of anthologies, novels and a number of encyclopedic works on horse-riding. Director of the “Equestrian arts” collection with Actes Sud, he has also published the following works: Le Cheval (2010) and Le Pérégrin émerveillé (2012), Prix Renaudot selection 2012.

The World Equestrian Games will be held in Normandy, 23 August-7 September 2014.

11.5 x 21.7 cm 112 pages Softback August 2014 Retail price: 9.90 euros

Some people are not interested in horses. It’s not that they don’t like them, they’re just indifferent. Mankind is indissociable from horse-kind however. Horses are an essential part of our history, our culture and our vision of the world. Horses are somehow part of us. This work is aimed at those who are indifferent and was commissioned by the organizers of the World Equestrian Games due to take place in Normandy this summer. It is France’s first time ever at hosting the event, which is the largest of its kind, bringing together the finest horses and riders from around the world. Apart from the so-called Olympic disciplines – dressage, showjumping and eventing – other equestrian sports are also represented in competitions or demonstrations: horse and carriage racing, endurance, acrobatics, polo, horseball, reining, and para-equestrian dressage. Five hundred thousand visitors are expected to attend, huge horse lovers, naturally, professionals and amateurs. So for those less fond of our four-legged companion there is this book, which presents the equestrian games as a huge popular festival open to all. Based on the principle that knowing horses is to love them, here we offer a trip around the world of our equine friends, not like Jules Verne in a balloon in 80 days, but instead in 80 horses, a kind of series in 80 episodes. This is not an encyclopedia, simply a collection of small texts arranged together in the form of an A-Z for the sake of convenience.


bullfighting – 36

© Ernest Pignon-Ernest

Le tao Du toreo

(The Tao oF The ToReo) poeMs BY anDré VeLter DraWinGs BY ernest piGnon-ernest

André Velter was born in 1945 in Signyl’Abbaye, in the Ardennes. He is a traveler, poet and essayist who has published a number of works, including L’Arbre-Seul (Gallimard, 1990, 2001), La Vie en dansant (Gallimard, 2000), Zingaro suite équestre (Gallimard, 1998), L’Amour extrême (Gallimard, 2000), Tant de soleils dans le sang (Alphabet de l’Espace, 2008), Paseo Grande (Gallimard, 2011), Avec un peu plus de ciel (Gallimard, 2012), Jusqu’au bout de la route (Gallimard, 2014). Ernest Pignon-Ernest was born in 1942 in Nice. From Naples, to Soweto, from Charleville to Santiago and Palestine, he has turned the street into the medium of his ephemeral art.

21 x 14 cm 80 pages 20 duotone illustrations Hardback September 2014 Retail price: 25 euros

When the unheard of becomes heard of, when the impossible becomes possible and the absolute emerges, it is hard to abandon the hyperboles and enduring amazement and fascination. Sometimes however one attempts to capture it in words and say what happened. Not to relate what happened but somehow grasp the tumult, the tumult that seized hold of everyone at once on 16 September 2012, in the Nîmes arena over the course of two and a half hours at a corrida like no other. Facing six bulls, José Tomas invented his own martial art, and for those watching, with every nerve and every sinew, ecstatic, hypnotized, beyond emotion, their bodies and souls enraptured in joy and exultation. Suddenly before them was eternity, the Maestro tracing out a silent and perfect symphony across the sand with precision and immaculate beauty. Nothing else existed in the world. Everything came together at one time and in one place. A series of brief poems, like Tao-to-king’s sequences, capturing the essence of the torero, set to a series of sketches of the emblematic corrida and the Maestro of Galapagar created by Ernest Pignon-Ernest. There is a translation by Vivian Lofiego, which resonates with the language of Federico García Lorca, Antonio Machado and José Bergamín.


graphic novel

– 37

un héros De notre teMps

D’aprÈs Le roMan De MiKhaiL LerMontoV

(a heRo oF oUR TIMe, BaSeD on The noVeL BY MIKhaIL LeRMonToV) CéLine WaGner Preface by Michel Parfenov

Born in 1975, Céline Wagner has produced two books with Edmond Baudouin, Les Yeux dans le mur (2003) and La Patience du grand singe (2006). On her own, she is the author of Zeste (2008) and Tangente (2012) with Éditions Des ronds dans l’o.

19 x 25.5 cm 152 pages Black and white illustrations Hardback June 2014 Retail price: 22.50 euros

The poet Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) was a young man when he was sent to the Caucasus for attacking the Tsar in his texts. In mountain isolation he wrote his novel A Hero of our Time, at the age of 22. Published in 1840, the book met with immediate success and became a classic of Russian romantic literature. Lermontov was killed in a duel the following year. The novel takes place between 1827 and 1833 on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Caucasus. It is made up of four short stories whose main protagonist is a young anti-hero, Pechorin, a child of his century. We first encounter Pechorin in the third person, recounted by someone else, then from the inside in his diary. Céline Wagner’s sensitive adaptation captures the Russian soul of the work in refined shades of dark and light, demonstrating her genuine talent for landscapes.


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PLANTU France WILLIS FROM TUNIS Tunisie ZLATKOVSKY Russie BOLIGÁN Mexique RAYMA Venezuela DANZIGER États-Unis KICHKA Israël BOUKHARI Palestine ZOHORÉ Côte d’Ivoire SLIM Algérie PI SAN Chine GLEZ Burkina Faso



“The Caricaturistes - Fantassins de la Démocratie” film was presented as part of the Cannes Festival Official Selection, Out of Competition in May 2014.

Jean Plantureux, known as Plantu, is a press illustrator and caricaturist. He has worked for Le Monde daily newspaper for over 40 years and the weekly L’Express since 1991. Radu Mihaileanu is French scriptwriter and producer of Romanian origin. His best know works are Va, Vis et deviens, Le Concert and La Source des femmes.

16.6 x 23 cm 416 pages 300 illustrations Softback May 2014 Retail price: 22.90 euros


Fantassins De La DéMoCratie

(CaRICaTURISTS – The InFanTRY oF DeMoCRaCY) Preface by Plantu Introduction by Radu Mihaileanu

This work has been published to celebrate the release of the film of the same name ACTES SUD co-written and produced by Radu Mihaileanu and directed by Stéphanie Valloatto presenting twelve great international caricaturists, renowned for their courage and commitment in the struggle for and defense of democracy. Radu Mihaileanu and Plantu identified the key satirists in their respective countries and each was invited to trace their career, describe their motivations, and relate the tragic or comic anecdotes of their careers. Thanks to these twelve lancers armed only with a pencil, this work speaks volumes about the state of the world today and the battle for democracy which is forever under threat. Founded by Kofi Annan and Plantu in 2006, Cartooning for Peace is an international network of press illustrators who set out to promote better understanding and mutual respect between different cultures and beliefs, by using caricature as a means of expressing a universal language. The authors: Plantu (France) Willis from Tunis (Tunisia) Zlatkovsky (Russia) Boligán (Mexico) Rayma (Venezuela) Danziger (United States)

Kichka (Israel) Boukhari (Palestine) Zohoré (Ivory Coast) Slim (Algeria) Pi San (China) Glez (Burkina Faso)

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Born in Weisswasser in 1970, Jens Harder studied graphic arts in a Berlin art school. Since 1999, he has worked as part of the “Monogatari” artists collective of which he is one of the founders. He published Ruwen Strips and NuAera in 1999, Hotelführer Neue Mitte and Electricité Marseille in 2000. He has also collaborated with several journals and collective works. Already published by L’An 2: Leviathan (2003, new edition 2005) and La Cité de Dieu (2006). A monograph of Jens Harder’s work featuring a whole host of previously unpublished material was published in 2007, under the title MIKROmakro (Verlag für moderne Künst, Nüremberg). Jens Harder lives in Berlin. His work has been exhibited in a number of museums.

ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE, EXCEPT IN GERMAN RIGHTS ALREADY SOLD IN CHINA (SIMPLIFIED CHARACTERS) 19.5 x 30.5 cm 368 pages duotone illustrations Hardback January 2014 Retail price: 38.50 euros

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…CiViLisations (VoLuMe 1)

(BeTa …CIVILIZaTIonS [VoLUMe 1]) Jens harDer Translated from the German by Stéphanie Lux

Five years after the publication of Alpha… directions (winner of the Angoulême festival prize) Jens Harder resumes where he left off with the eagerly awaited Beta… civilizations vol. 1. Alpha covered fourteen billion years of life on Earth, from the Big Bang to the appearance of the first humans. Beta takes over looking at the evolution of mankind over four million years, and zooms in on 30,000 years of the history of human civilizations, up to the beginning of the Christian era. There is such a wealth of subject matter that it will require two volumes to encompass it all. In this first part, Jens Harder tackles the subject of the development of primates, the invention of fire, the appearance of language, settlements, architecture, animal husbandry, the development of towns, the emergence and implementation of different forms of art. Faithful to his method, he creates a kaleidoscope of images borrowed from a vast array of sources – cave paintings, works of art, illustrations, comic book frames, diagrams, photographs, pictures from films, computer animation, etc – and combines them in a flow of over 2000 drawings. The meaning of his narrative comes from the unexpected juxtaposition of such conflicting visions, the sum of our dreams and ideas about the human adventure. Volume 2 of Beta is due for release in 2020 at the latest and will concentrate on the history of the last two millennia. The first volume of this vast unrivalled project (4 volumes in all) combining scientific rigor and poetic force, brought unanimous acclaim from the press.


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pLus si entente (MoRe IF aFFInITY)

DoMiniQue GoBLet anD Kai pFeiFFer

Dominique Goblet was born in Brussels in 1967 and studied illustration at the Institut Saint-Luc. She regularly exhibits paintings and sculptures in Belgium and abroad. She is also the author of Portraits crachés (Fréon, 1997), Faire semblant, c’est mentir (L’Association, 2007), Les Hommes Loups (Fremok, 2012). Kai Pfeiffer was born in Berlin in 1975 and lives in Berlin. A polyvalent indefinable artist he cofounded the Monogatari collective, produced his first book, Opérations Esthétiques (Le Dernier Cri, 2000) and has published documentary comic books.

RIGHTS SOLD IN THE NETHERLANDS 22.5 x 30.5 cm 178 pages color illustrations Hardback coedition frmk/Actes Sud April 2014 Retail price: 30 euros

It’s all about décor. Here the décor is a house and garden in a state of unspeakable chaos, inhabited by a single middle-aged woman; a sleek and slender teenage girl, a promising swimmer and a friend to undersea creatures, especially lobsters; a latelamented ex-husband, an anarchist policeman in love; a hundred or so applicants, exploited at will, selected by the woman from a local dating site; and finally a bitebush, an omniscient tree that relates the story in its own way. This is the story of a woman blighted by boredom and books who digs a swimming pool to bring back what she thought was lost forever. But as we turn the pages, we slip back behind the looking glass and discover the pure fantasy of this magical garden. It is an avoidance strategy so as not to stare into the empty gaping hole of something so horrible that neither husband nor wife can face it – the child who drowned several years earlier in a swimming pool.


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(The eGG) anna soMMer anD noYau

Anna Sommer and Noyau both contributed to writing and illustrating this story, one using delicate collage, the other creating small paintings within each image. This story of a couple of birds who fail to save their egg broken in an accident conceals a darker tale of a humanity teetering perilously on a tree that will have to learn to take flight.

Anna Sommer was born in 1968 in Aarau (Switzerland). She regularly works as an illustrator for journals such as Annabelle (a Swiss-German women’s magazine), Vibrations (a French-language music magazine), Strapazin (German comic book), L’Imbécile and more. She currently lives in Zurich. Among others, she has published Remue-ménage, a collection of short silent stories (L’Association, 1996), Amourettes et Tout peut arriver (Buchet-Chastel, 2002-2009), Baies des bois (United Dead Artists, 2004). Yves Nussbaum, known as Noyau, was born in 1963 in Neuchâtel and has lived in Zurich since 1986. He has been a key figure in the Swiss comic book world for years, publishing stories in magazines such as Strapazin, among others. He is much sought after as a magazine illustrator and works for Vibrations, Le Tagesanzeiger, Bilanz or Le Journal de la Lanterne magique. His large-format drawings and paintings have been exhibited around the world. He is a professor of illustration at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Lucerne.

26.5 x 30.5 cm 48 pages color illustrations Hardback January 2014 Retail price: 22.80 euros


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sortie Des artistes (The aRTIST’S eXIT) LuCie LoMoVÁ Translated from Czech by Milena Fucíková

Two actors are alternating the same role. On the evening of the first performance, the actor due to play that night falls ill and his colleague has to take over at the last minute. At the end of the final scene their character commits suicide. However, the pistol was loaded for real and the actor dies on stage. Thus begins this original detective comedy in the world of the theater, a world crammed with potential suspects. Inspector Oulibsky leads the inquiry, but his wife, Dita, a theater critic is also implicated. Lucie Lomová takes great pleasure following the ins-and-outs of the case. Born in 1964, Lucie Lomová lives in Prague. After studying theater for five years, she worked briefly as a journalist, then turned to drawing. From 1990-2000, she drew the adventures of two little mice for Ctyrlistek, a renowned Czech magazine. Her first graphic novel for adults, Anna en cavale was published by L’An 2 in 2006. The Czech edition of the book won the best comic book of the year award. In 2011, she produced Les Sauvages, based on a true story of a friendship between an ethnographer in Prague and an Indian in Brazil in the early 20th century.

ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE, EXCEPT CZECH AND POLISH LANGUAGES 17 x 22 cm 86 pages Black and white illustrations Hardback March 2014 Retail price: 19.80 euros


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BonBons atoMiQues (aToMIC CanDY) anthonY pastor

In Pastor’s latest work we hook up with detective Sally Salinger and the poet Osvaldo Brown, whose romance was the subject of Castilla Drive. In this new adventure, Sally is contracted for a case of adultery. Set against the backdrop of Trituro, famous for its disaffected nuclear power station and as the home of AFB, the producers of “atomic candy”, her client is none other than the wife of AFB’s boss. Sally tries to catch the husband out by trailing his secretary, the elusive Gabriela, the kind of young woman that gets herself noticed, but who would do well to try to keep her head down because her life is in danger. On the way she encounters a young skateboard fanatic who becomes important in the tale. Pastor’s brilliant dialogues and sense of staging bring this gripping colorful narrative to life. Born in 1973, Anthony Pastor trained in visual arts at the Université de Paris 8, then at the École nationale supérieure des Arts décoratifs in Paris. His first book Ice Cream was published by L’An 2 in 2006 and won a FNAC young talent recommendation. Hotel Koral, Las Rosas, and Castilla Drive followed in 2008, 2010 and 2012 respectively. Pastor has also produced two children’s books for Actes Sud Junior, Petit Pierre and Ouf, petit homme des cavernes. In October 2013, he published his first novel Style enfer, a thriller for teenagers (Actes Sud Junior).

RIGHTS SOLD IN SPAIN 16,5 x 24 cm 256 pages Color illustrations Softback january 2014 Retail price: 21.80 euros


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peLote Dans La FuMée 1. L’été / L’autoMne

(PeLoTe In SMoKe – 1. SUMMeR / aUTUMn) MirosLaV seKuLiC-struJa Translated from Croatian by Aleksandar Grujicic

Miroslav Sekulic paints the portrait of a world between Ettore Scola and Liberatore, Fellini and Douanier Rousseau and Agotha Kristov, producing a miniature fable of the ferocity of childhood. The work is set in a timeless orphanage that shelters child refugees from the war between two neighboring clans. The subtext is naturally the history of Yugoslavia that marks the children in every way. The heroes, Bourdon and Pelote are two inhabitants of the orphanage, and feel no fondness as they recall their recent past. Street urchins, prostitutes, and traveling circuses, all draw their energy from the deep blue sea and the beautiful setting suns of the Eastern European raw art.

ALL RIGHTS AVAILABLE, EXCEPT SERBO-CROATIAN LANGUAGE 21.5 x 29 cm 128 pages color illustrations Softback November 2013 Retail price: 24 euros

Miroslav Sekulic-Struja was born in Rijeka in 1976. He is mainly a painter but his curiosity has led him to other disciplines like comic books and animation. In 2010 he was shortlisted among 450 candidates for the Young Talents prize at the Angoulême comic book festival and ended up with the first prize for L’homme qui acheta un sourire. His illustrations are very precise creating a highly poetic world. Every detail helps build the narrative. His technique especially the direct application of color and his sense of narration bring great potential to his very personal style.

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© Mario Palmieri

une taBLe Corse

La FerMe De CaMpo Di Monte

(a CoRSICan TaBLe – The FaRM oF CaMPo DI MonTe) pauLine JuLLiarD teXts BY DaniÈLe GerKens photoGraphY BY Mario paLMieri

Pauline Julliard was born in Bastia. As owner of the Campo di Monte farm, she opened a restaurant there in 1985, an eatery that has become hugely popular among locals and lovers of the island. Danièle Gerkens is a journalist working for Elle, specializing in taste and cuisine. Mario Palmeri is a photographer who works mainly in the world of fashion and decoration.

19 x 26.5 cm 192 pages Color illustrations Softback April 2014 Retail price: 29.90 euros

The Campo di Monte farm in Corsica was first set up in 1600. Through the efforts of its owner Pauline Julliard, the farm has also become one of the most reputed restaurants on the island. This attractive book features 54 family recipes, typical of the island’s character. Alongside more familiar essential recipes such as veal in sauce, lentils with figatelli, chestnut polenta and fiadone, there are soups for every season, delicious vegetable fritters and desserts traditionally associated with religious festivals.

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© Évelyne Leterme

La BioDiVersité, aMie Du VerGer (BIoDIVeRSITY, The oRChaRD’S FRIenD) éVeLYne LeterMe

Évelyne Leterme studied in animal genetics, plant selection and ethnobotany, winning the Vocation Foundation prize of 1983. She is the creator and director of the Aquitaine plant conservatory. Since 1979, she has worked to preserve and encourage the fruit orchard heritage of the South West of France, a project that has been acknowledged as invaluable for its work in safeguarding resources and fostering biodiversity. She has written three key works with Le Rouergue: Les Fruits retrouvés, patrimoine de demain, De la taille à la conduite des arbres fruitiers, and Le Greffage et la plantation des arbres fruitiers.

18 x 23,5 cm 208 pages Color illustrations Softback April 2014 Retail price: 29.90 euros

Arboriculture today, whether conventional or organic, consumes phytosanitary products which have an important impact on the soil, on producers and consumers, whether the agriculture is conventional or organic. In this book, Évelyne Leterme puts forward a direction for growing methods involving extensive biodiversity and the use of traditional techniques in innovative modern ways. Her method sets out to improve farming practices in orchards by protecting plants and soils using natural environmental features, reducing the necessity for irrigation. The work puts forth a vision of orchards of the future based on organic principles.

history/society – 48

Š Claude Ribouillault

La MusiQue au FusiL

(MUSIC To The BeaT oF The GUn) CLauDe riBouiLLauLt

Claude Ribouillault was born into a family of musicians and is both a musician and university lecturer. He is fascinated by popular music heritage and is an avid collector of instruments, song books and scores.

19 x 25 cm 288 pages Black and white illustrations Softback January 2014 Retail price: 29 euros

During the Great War, several meters from the frontline, fighters invented songs to popular tunes and played music on instruments made from recycled war debris. Music was an expression of life, an antidote to despair. Claude Ribouillault takes us into the world of men and war, and their makeshift stages, army theaters, and prison camps where the desire to laugh expresses the desire to survive. Their story is a story from all sides German, Italian, Serbian, Scottish, English, and French, not to mention the colonies of the latter. From the trenches men created performances and invented songs that were full of cheer or hardship, becoming sadder as the war ground on.

archeology – 49

Les sarMates

aMaZones et LanCiers Cuirassés entre ouraL et DanuBe

(The SaRMaTIanS – aRMoReD aMaZonS anD LanCeRS BeTWeen The URaLS anD The DanUBe)

iarosLaV LeBeDYnsKY

Iaroslav Lebedynsky is a specialist in the peoples of the steppe and the Caucuses and lectures in Ukrainian history at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales in Paris. With Errance, he has already published Les Cosaques (2003); Les Cimmériens (2004); Les Saces (2006); Les Nomades (2nd edition 2007); De l’Épée scythe au sabre mongol (2008); Les Amazones (2009); Les Scythes (second edition 2011); Les Tamgas (2011); La Horde d’Or (2012); Les Indo-Européens (2nd edition 2014); and in collaboration with Vladimir Kouznetsov, Les Alains (2nd edition 2005). With Actes Sud/Errance, alongside Katalin Escher, he has published Le Dossier Attila (2007) and Le crâne d’Attila (2014).

18 x 25 cm 400 pages Extensively illustrated in black and white Softback February 2014 Retail price: 34 euros

The Sarmartians come from western Russia, and replaced the Scythes in Ukraine. They occupied the great Hungarian plain and at the beginning of our era dominated the steppes between the Urals and the Danube. Contemporary observers were struck by the eminent status of women in their society and their warrior techniques. For over a thousand years, these Iranian-speaking nomads played a crucial political and military role in Central and Eastern Europe. Between central Asia, the Caucasus, Pontic Greek cities, “barbarian” Europeans and the Roman west, they were also important actors in cultural and technological exchange and trade. They were in turn the enemies and auxiliaries of Rome, and some even settled in Gaul and in Great Britain, where there traces have recently been found.

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© Nathalie Le Gall

Iaroslav Lebedynsky is a specialist in the peoples of the steppe and the Caucuses and lectures in Ukrainian history at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales in Paris. With Errance, he has already published Les Cosaques (2003); Les Cimmériens (2004); Les Saces (2006); Les Nomades (2nd edition 2007); De l’Épée scythe au sabre mongol (2008); Les Amazones (2009); Les Scythes (2nd edition 2011); Les Tamgas (2011); La Horde d’Or (2012); Les Indo-Européens (2nd edition 2014); and in collaboration with Vladimir Kouznetsov, Les Alains (2nd edition 2005). With Actes Sud/Errance, alongside Katalin Escher, he has published Le Dossier Attila (2007) and Le crâne d’Attila (2014). Katalin Escher is a doctor in archeology and art history and a lecturer at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise and Hungarian translator specializing in the High Middle Ages. She has written a number of academic works and articles already published by Errance: Les Huns (translation 2002); Le Dossier Atilla (a novel with Iaroslav Lebedynsky 2007) and Les Burgondes (2006).

15 x 20.5 cm 176 pages Sepia illustrations Softback January 2014 Retail price: 29.80 euros

Le CrÂne D’attiLa

aVentures arChéoLoGiQues en honGrie

(aTTILa’S SKULL – aRCheoLoGICaL aDVenTUReS In hUnGaRY) FerenC MÓra Texts presented by Katalin Escher and Iaroslav Lebedynsky Illustrated by Nathalie Le Gall

The autobiographical notes presented here were initially published in Voyage dans la Hongrie souterraine in Budapest in 1935, one year after Ferenc Móra’s death. For Móra, Hungarian archeology was a personal, almost sentimental issue. He is fond of the term “ancestors” to describe occupants of the tombs he discovers, whether Sarmatian-Iazyges, Huns or Magyars. To him the destruction of the sites is a major drama and he deeply suffers the loss or breakage of unique artifacts and the impossibility of saving all the vestiges of this past that fascinates him so. He is not a treasure hunter. He sets out to explore rites and artifacts to grasp the thinking and lifestyles of bygone cultures. In this way he is a very modern archeologist. The work combines the most striking memories of Móra’s archeological career and at the same time illustrates his literary talents. His thoughts and warnings are still as relevant today as yesterday.

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© Gérald Witwer

Les GLaDiateurs (The GLaDIaToRS) FranÇois GiLBert

François Gilbert is chair of the Pax Augusta historical reenactment group. With Errance he has already published, Légionnaires, auxiliaires et fédérés sous le Bas-Empire romain (2009). Légionnaires et auxiliaires sous le Haut-Empire romain (republished 2010), Le soldat romain à la fin de la République et sous le Haut-Empire (republished 2012), and is co-author of La femme romaine du début de l’Empire (republished 2013).

19 x 28 cm 112 pages Extensively illustrated in color Softback July 2014 Retail price: 29 euros

Commonplaces about gladiators abound: slaves or condemned prisoners forced to fight to the death, their fantastic fighting accoutrements, their famous thumb gestures, etc, much of which is actually untrue. Many gladiators were free men who became gladiators by free will in search of fame and fortune. This work sets out to explore the world of gladiators and is based on abundant ancient sources – literary, epigraphical and iconographical – as well as on archeological findings. Thracian, Murmillo, Retiarius, Gaulish, and Secutor armor was perfectly identifiable by our ancestors 2,000 years ago. In the course of the work, these people come to life and we delve into the private worlds of a group of people who were both pariahs and heroes.

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Les oLMÈQues

La GenÈse De L’éCriture en Méso-aMériQue

(The oLMeCS – The BIRTh oF WRITInG In MeSo-aMeRICa) Caterina MaGni

Caterina Magni is a specialist in the Olmecs, the first ancient Mexican civilization, and lectures at the Paris-Sorbonne. She has already produced a number of articles and two works: Archéologie du Mexique. Les Olmèques (Éditions Artcom, 1999) and Les Olmèques. Des origines au mythe (Éditions du Seuil, 2003)

16 x 24 cm 368 pages Extensively illustrated in black and white Softback January 2014 Retail price: 49 euros

Scholars across the board acknowledge the contribution of the Olmecs to urban planning, architecture and art. The Olmecs left a deeply original legacy especially to later Meso-American civilizations such as the Zapotecs, the Mexican Aztecs and the Mayas. The discovery of the Cascajal stele near San Lorenzo on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico ultimately convinced the most skeptical. This serpentine tablet engraved with over sixty Olmec glyphs shows that the Olmèques did indeed invent writing. As in ancient Sumer, the invention was the result of a long process of maturation that took place against the background of a hierarchical structuring of society, the institutionalization of religion and the development of the first urban cities. In Meso-America, the Uruks, Mari and Elbas of the Near East were called La Venta Teopantecuanitlan, and Tak’alik Ab’aj, to name but a few of the most prosperous groups to emerge between 1300 and 400 BC across the Meso-American territory. This work provides a cross-section of knowledge about the scriptural code of the Olmecs and sheds new light on their system of thought.

FOREIGN RIGHTS: Isabelle Alliel Tel: 00 33 (0)4 90 49 56 69 PARTNERSHIPS: Anne-Sylvie Bameule Tel: 00 33 (0)4 90 49 56 85 EXPORT SALES: Aurélie Lhotel Tel: 00 33 (0)4 90 49 56 56

ACTES SUD Le Méjan Place Nina-Berberova BP 90038 13633 Arles cedex, France Tel: 00 33 (0)4 90 49 86 91 Fax: 00 33 (0)4 90 96 95 25

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