Action Martial Arts Magazine #74

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Publisher : Master Alan Goldberg Editor : Dr. Michael Willett Editor To The Chinese Martial Arts : Sifu Abdulmuhsiy Abdurrahman Sr. Exec. Director Trade Show & Expo : Grm. Peter Ticali Exec. Dir. Of Promotions : Master Eric Golden Touring Editor : R.J. Bishop New England Rep : Scott Bray Asst. Editor : Ron Bongardino , MMA Editor : Master John Burdyck Web Design & Advertising : Sensei Ross Greenberg Running Contributing Columnist Martial Arts Talk : Jung Shee James Lacy / Docs Report : Grm’s Robert Braff Shihan Allie Alberigo, . Richard Hackworth , Louis Lugo Contributing Goodwill Ambassadors & Reporters Shihan Joe Saladino, Grm Hosay Velez ( GA) Prof Jonathan Stewart, Soke S.Papasan Canty ( GA) Sensei Mark Huard (ME) , Baashkim Perelli, Kathi Tasetano Master Mark Gerry (CA) , Tico Flores , Master Mike Bertucci (LI NY), Master Dewey Sutton (TX) NY Professional Karate Team

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Grandmaster Clifford C. Crandall Jr Touring The Circuits Tournament Scene Venerable Warrior Chinese Connection Self Defense for your Health Action In New England MMA Spotlight Docs Report Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas Action Showcase The Dojo Corner WKU Ratings

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Trade Show Expo Grandmaster Peter Ticali 718 848-1477 Fax 718 504-9626 Al l M a t e r i a l S e nt t o Ac t i o n M us t b e s e nt b y E m a i l O r S e nt t o O f f i c e o n D i s k

A d v er t i si n g Can In cr ease Yo u r S al es an d Co mp et i t o r s at y o u r Ev en t . S ee H o w o u r N EW Q u ad A d S y st em w o r k s ACTION MARTIAL ARTS MAGAZINE is published by GS PUBLISHERS. Circulation & Public relations offices are located at 1222 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. 11226 Tel # (718) 856-8070 9 AM - 4 PM Fax 718 703-4829 We reserve the right to edit all material mailed or phoned into the publication. The Publisher & Editors assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Reproduction without Permission is strictly prohibited. Feel free to contact us by phone, Fax, Internet or in writing. Return postage must accompany submitted returnable material or photos

By Eric Stalloch Many individuals have represented the philosophy and skills of the martial arts, but it is Grandmaster Clifford C. Crandall, Jr.’s personal involvement with martial artists in small cities and towns around the world, from schools of 22 students to 2,200 students, which have distinguished him. He has connected with the martial arts community’s grassroots in a myriad of ways. He has hosted martial arts television programs, appeared as the child-safety spokesman with Ronald McDonald, worked as a stuntman for 20th Century Fox on Only the Strong, and this list barely scratches the surface. What forged him into a grassroots martial arts ambassador with so many opportunities? As he describes, it began in a small town. “My father was the head of the math department and the summer school principal. He was an awesome teacher but a strong disciplinarian for courtesy and manners,” said Grandmaster Crandall, in a warm but serious tone. “I was small for my age. As a result, every time my father disciplined someone, I would later end up running into them and had to work out their problem with his discipline. Basically, I became a fighter with a short-fused attitude. “I wanted to gain control over this attitude and physical aggressiveness. Fortunately, I saw judo as a means to do this. So, judo became my initiation into the world of martial arts. Once I could settle into one geographic area professionally, I fulfilled my belief that you should develop loyalty to a single school, instead of jumping from school-to-school, as I was forced to do when I moved.” More than four decades have passed, and the sum of Grandmaster Crandall’s experiences is greater than these few words. Regardless, certain elements were essential and contributed to his becoming a grassroots martial arts ambassador. A cornerstone of his ability to interact and reach people of so many diverse cultures has been his professional background as an educator. He earned his Master’s degree from St. Lawrence University and taught history, geography, sign language, and Braille in New York State for several years. Eventually, he moved into administration and served as principal for both an elementary and high school before becoming a superintendent. This educational background, combined with his years of training under Masters Kum Chun Kim and Raymond P. Arndt, helped prepare him for his role as an ambassador. Being an ambassador for the martial arts requires more than personal dedication. It requires time. This meant that he would need to become a full-time, professional martial artist.

His love for the martial arts and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pulled him from the education profession. At the time he was both an instructional director for a martial arts organization and a superintendent of schools. He wrote to Master Seikichi Toguchi, head of the Okinawan Goju-Ryu, and expressed a strong desire to train in the traditional format of the Okinawan style, including the tonfa. In response, Master Toguchi extended an invitation for him to train at his home in Tokyo, Japan. He was about to leave the security of the education profession for an uncertain career in the martial arts. “It was scary to know I was giving up a secure income, health plan, and benefits. But, at the same time, there was no doubt in my mind that it was the right thing to do,” he recalled. “Fortunately, my late wife, Jill, traveled to Japan, stayed with me throughout my training, and was extremely supportive of that decision.” Grandmaster Crandall lost his wife to her battle with cancer in 2002, but he often speaks of the many times that she traveled by his side, a skilled martial artist in her own right, and a powerful partner filled with an enthusiasm for all that life had to offer. He returned to the United States resolved to make a contribution to the martial arts world, and he began by publishing a video and authoring a book about the tonfa that he dedicated to Master Toguchi. He has since produced several instructional videos on topics including the naginata, women’s self-defense, gun and knife techniques, and more. Additionally, he has authored four books. As his experiences converged, they allowed him to make a decision that propelled him around the world. He created, produced, and hosted the Martial Arts Today television program, focused on martial artists and their schools around the world. It aired on NBC affiliates to over eight million homes for 12 years, and he covered the martial arts in 22 countries including Belize, France, Aruba, Guatemala, England, Japan, and numerous others. He interviewed martial artists including Fumio Demura, Tadashi Yamashita, Raymond Arndt, Bill Wallace, and many others. His background and respect for the “old ways,” taught to him by individuals such as Seikichi Toguchi, Kum Chun Kim, and Tsuneyoshi Matsuno, helped him realize that an American style was more than viable; it was necessary for the United States, as a comparatively young nation, to take its place in the larger historical context of the martial arts’ continued growth. As a result of this belief, he formulated the American Martial Arts Institute, which teaches his style, American Eagle Style. From its inception, this style was literally an open book that could be evaluated and criticized by individuals who felt they were skilled enough to do so.

Grandmaster Crandall facilitated this openness when he documented American Eagle Style in a 324-page textbook and donated copies to hundreds of libraries. As the head and founder of the American Martial Arts Institute, Grandmaster Crandall oversees the franchised fulltime locations owned by his longtime students; Master Allen Hillicoss (Albany location), and Chief Instructor Eric Stalloch (Utica location). Every week, at these two locations, Grandmaster Crandall does what he loves most: he teaches. For years he partnered with local community agencies to bring safety and awareness information to the area. As a result, he was contacted by the regional McDonald’s and became the official spokesman for the Central New York McDonald’s Corporation’s public service announcements (PSA’s). These PSA’s featured Grandmaster Crandall and Ronald McDonald telling the community ways to “be safe,” and included many of the children who trained at the American Martial Arts Institute. “I take great pleasure in being affiliated with a professional organization that prioritizes education and information as much as their service and product,” Grandmaster Crandall commented. “The McDonald’s Corporation truly has a concern for the well being of the children in our community.” Grandmaster Crandall’s belief that all traditional martial artists bear a responsibility to improve their communities has done more than define him as a grassroots ambassador. On several occasions, it has enabled him to serve in a larger capacity. In 1992, delegates from Jiangxi province in China visited Central New York as part of a cultural exchange with the local government. Grandmaster Crandall was invited to meet with the delegates and, assisted by many of his black belt students, demonstrated and discussed traditional martial arts. The delegation was delighted to discover traditional martial arts being practiced in the United States. “Within a few weeks I received letters from several national martial arts organizations and the mayors of the top cities in Jiangxi and Beijing provinces, inviting me to bring an American team to perform for them in China. I then contacted our senators, congressmen, and the Whitehouse. They provided me with many letters of support, including letters of introduction from President Clinton and Vice-President Gore that were read before each performance.” In 1994, as the leader of the first American team to perform by government invitation in the People’s Republic of China, Grandmaster Crandall met with top diplomats and the heads of several martial arts schools. He and the team performed for thousands of spectators that included martial artists, Olympic athletes, government officials, and business leaders alike across China. Grandmaster Crandall has led similar teams to Russia (1996), Japan (2002), Australia (2005), and Italy (2008). In each of these international trips, he sought to meet with local, grassroots schools and demonstrate American Eagle Style for as many non-martial artists as possible. “Good international relations are everyone’s responsibility," he explained. "A nation’s leaders are seen and heard, but it is the actions of a nation’s individual people that can prove a nation’s worth and create bonds of trust and hope from country to country and culture to culture. I have been very fortunate to be able to promote these positive relationships between our countries.” In recognition of his contributions to furthering positive international relationships, Grandmaster Crandall has received numerous letters of commendation including New York State Legislative Resolutions, no. 55 (1995) and no. 5333(2002).Being an ambassador to the world means more than establishing positive relationships with people from other countries; it means improving your own country as well. Child abduction prevention education and safety for teenagers are two areas he has worked to improve in the U.S.

Drawing on his educational background and martial arts skills, he designed the Crandall System in 1997 to teach students K-12 physical defensive skills that are all “nonaggressive escape techniques.” This means these moves cannot be used against peers to bully or instigate fights. Today, the Crandall System is taught in several schools across New York State as part of their physical education curriculum, and it has received a great deal of community support. Years after the Martial Arts Today show went off the air Grandmaster Crandall was asked to host a new television show. Safety and Awareness Today built on the positive rapport he had earned from over two decades of community involvement. Wearing his martial arts uniform, he covered topics such as caving, BMX biking, motorcycling, beekeeping, lacrosse, sailing, horseback riding, piloting, hot air ballooning, and self-defense techniques for children, women, and men of all ages. The support for Safety and Awareness Today was overwhelming. It confirmed that he had become the trusted symbol of a martial artist who cared about the safety of his community and the world. The trust that Grandmaster Crandall has earned from the public as a martial artist has allowed him to share some of the most important aspects of the martial arts with them. As a grassroots ambassador for the martial arts, he has helped to give a voice to the traditional martial arts by both demonstrating and living the core philosophy and values of his traditional style. He is a martial artist not only by profession but also by way of life. If the martial arts is his life, then what does he do for personal enjoyment? A few pursuits that he actively enjoys include SCUBA diving (he is PADI advanced deep water certified), skydiving (with a D-license), golfing, tennis, snowboarding, piloting his own sport plane, and the list continues. “As a way of life, the martial arts allow you to do anything you have the desire to pursue,” Grandmaster Crandall explained. “Traditional training develops an inner balance and harmony, self-confidence, and an appropriate concern for the well-being of others. In addition, there are the obvious physical benefits brought about by daily training. It’s these characteristics that are so essential in the development of not only young adults but also men and women of all ages. It creates a responsibility for martial artists and schools to strive to maintain these traditions for the benefit of our society as a whole.” Grandmaster Crandall has never stopped seeking ways to connect with the world. With so many accomplishments behind him, what’s next? “The most exciting thing I’m involved in at the moment is SecureLivingOnline.Com. The Internet is an available library of information, thoughts, facts, philosophies, pictures, and videos. Done properly, the martial arts—its traditions, standards, and clarity of techniques, for either personal development or self-defense—can be shared with every single corner of the world. This ability bears responsibility, responsibility on the part of teachers and responsibility on the part of the viewers. If this responsibility is understood, then the traditions of the martial arts, the backbone and true strength of the martial arts, will never die.” Most nights of the week Grandmaster Crandall can be found teaching the students of his school. He continues his role as an ambassador with the people he meets through his travels and with people he hasn’t met personally with his and websites, He maintains the “old” standards that a black belt cannot be earned in less than five years—no matter who you are, that etiquette, courtesy, and integrity are essential qualities for a martial artist, and that its value to the larger culture lies rooted in maintaining its traditions while allowing for growth. His love for teaching and his love for the martial arts are helping him to create anothergeneration whose paths are beginning in small towns but may take them around the world.

Tournament Coverage By R. J. Bishop

12th UNION COUNTY KARATE CLASSIC Wingate NC One of the Carolinas’ finest Martial Arts extravaganzas was held recently at Wingate University’s Cuddy Arena in Wingate, NC, about 35 miles east of Charlotte, just over the South Carolina border into North Carolina. The th 12 Annual UNION COUNTY KARATE CLASSIC is one of the crown jewels on the DOJO Organization’s tournament schedule. The st facility is 1 class, as well as it’s organization and judging. RENSHI COREY WAITERS, the “NEW” President of the DOJO Sport Karate Organization, is the Promoter and put on a heck of a tournament. The Arbitrator for the event was Southeast Legend JEROME “MAGIC” JOHNSON, a man I really like and respect. MAGIC was also a the Ring Coordinator along with BRIAN PENA. th

The 12 UNION COUNTY KARATE CLASSIC was rated SKI AA, DOJO AAA and NUKA AAA. All DOJO members received a discount on registration and on the Tournament T Shirts by presenting their DOJO membership cards. the drive to Wingate was wonderful and the weather was very comfortable for the beginning of February with the temperature reaching the low 70’s. What a great day to have a tournament. As usual all the rings were loaded with quality Judges to include most all of the DOJO Promoters. DOUG ARMSTRONG, DONALD McCLUNEY, JAMES WHITE, WILLIAM REED, RON

FERGUSON and LARRY DILLINGHAM are among the best in the business. Special guest Judge for the daywas GRAND MASTER LARRY ISAAC of Jacksonville, NC. I estimated 250-300 competitors were in attendance and several hundred spectators filled the bleachers. There appeared to be slightly more this year than in 2008. In these tough economic times tournament attendance is expected to be much weaker, but this was a nice response. It goes to prove that the better organized tournaments will still survive, while the mediocre to poorly organized events will struggle. Generous cash awards were given to ALL the Grand Champions as well as Championship Belts in the Sparring Grand Champions. Beautiful trophies were st th given to all 1 - 4 place under belt winners. For 2009 there seems to be a new wave of competitors coming out to the tournaments. Also, many of the better competitors seem to be taking a break from competing, sort of ushering out the old and bringing in the new. A lot of these newcomers seem to be talented and doing well thus far. There are two competitors I would like to recognize in this article, WAYNE EASTERLING of TEAM WAR ANGEL and CIERA WINTER of TEAM FX. Both teens have improved tremendously over the last year or so. EASTERLING, a Jr. Black Belt, is a gifted Forms competitor and has developed into a World Class Fighter. WINTER has blossomed into an aggressive fighting machine. Both of them are proof that with hard work almost anything is possible. EASTERLING breezed through the competition to win the Jr. Black Belt Sparring Grand Championship.

Tournament Coverage TEAM MVKC member CHASSITY ELLIS was on a roll that afternoon, winning both the Adult Black Belt Forms Grand Championship and the Women’s Black Belt Sparring Grand Championship.

best fighters, both were very evenly matched but after the dust settled CASS SIGMON won the fight 6-5. Overall this was a great day to cover a wonderful tournament. I must commend RENSHI COREY WAITERS on a job well done. I hope to come back again in 2010 and I hope you are here too.

9TH SOUTHERN CLASSIC Greensboro, NC It is hard to believe that the SOUTHERN CLASSIC th is in only its 9 year of existence. RON & SHARON FERGUSON host one of the Southeast’s favorite events. The tournament moved to a “NEW” location for 2009, the WYNDHAM GARDEN HOTEL in Greensboro, NC. The FERGUSONS have one of the NBL’S top Sport Karate Schools (FERGUSON’S EXTREME MARTIAL ARTS) and Competition Teams

KENNETH ARANT, a student of COREY WAITERS, displayed his flawless Bo kata to win the Jr. Black Belt Forms/Weapons Grand ChampionshipIn a great Executive Black Belt Men’s Sparring Grand Championship fight RANDY BOLIN edged out KENNY MORRISON 7-5.

(TEAM FX). Over the years the Fergusons have trained a lot of NBL World Champions. As far as tournaments go, they certainly know what they are doing.

The fight of the day was definitely the Men’s Black Belt 18-34 Sparring Grand Championship between two great NBL World Champions “ROCKIN” RYAN FREEMAN and CASS SIGMON. This was FREEMAN’S first tournament since having shoulder surgery several months back, and I thought it would be interesting to see if he would suffer from any ring rust. This was a real war between two of the world’s very

The SOUTHERN CLASSIC is an NBL BLUERIDGE CONFERENCE tournament worth 14 pts for the winners. It is also sanctioned “AAA” by the DOJO Organization and “AAA by SKI. SKITA rules were in effect for that weekend. Great awards and cash went to both the Under belt Grand Champions and the Black Belt Grand Champions.

Tournament Coverage completed it. That kind of set the mood for the rest of the evening.

FRIDAY NIGHT Musical divisions as well Continuous Fighting were on the schedule for that evening. One special division I would like to comment about is the PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED division. I met an amazing man that night named ANGELO SCIULLI, who suffers from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). There is no cure for ALS and it is a fatal disease. SCIULLI is a Black Belt under both JEROME “MAGIC”/ JOHNSON and RICKY TAYLOR and has been stricken with the disease for about 2 years. He is Wheel

as Breaking


The best Continuous Fighting match up of the evening was between TEAM FX’S LINDSEY WALKER and HANNAH WALKER (no relation) of GA. It is like watching two starving alley cats fighting over a mouse. I’m sure they were both sore the next day after that fight. Although there were only two Black Belt Breakers competing they were two excellent competitors. NBL World Breaking Champion MIKE CUNNINGHAM of TEAM MVKC took on his team mate REV. PHIL ADDISON in an exciting breaking competition. ADDISON had some tough interesting breaks, but CUNNINGHAM’S breaks were just a little bit more impressive, especially the 4 board break with his forehead.

SATURDAY The Saturday eliminations started at 9:00 am sharp. I saw a lot of new faces that day. One group drove down from Buffalo, NY Several of the region’s top teams made the trip to Greensboro, but none were as dominant that weekend as TEAM FX, the hosts. One competitor that really impressed me was ADEN HASANAJ of TEAM FX. This 11 year old is so incredibly talented and quick that he impressed many people that day. HASANAJ’S technique is very clean considering the speed at which he goes. This young man has been training since 2006 and holds the rank of Red Belt.

Chair bound, but that will not stop him from doing some of the things he loves best, Nature Photography and the Martial Arts. He competes in tournaments because he want to make people aware of ALS and has become somewhat of an advocate for the disease. He was recognized that night by the FERGUSONS, BRIAN PENA, “MAGIC” JOHNSON and RICKY TAYLOR for his great courage. BRIAN PENA told SCIULLI’S story to the competitors and spectators prior to the start of his form. Half the place was in tears as they watched SCIULLI struggle through his Form, and gave him a standing ovation after he

NBL World Champion LAUREN FERGUSON had a wonderful weekend, winning $250.00. Ageless JOHNNY WATKINS, another NBL World Champion, won a tie breaker against JOSH PAGE to win the Adult Black Belt Traditional Forms Grand Championship. MICHELLE RIDDLE survived 3 tie breakers to win the Jr. Black Belt Traditional Forms Grand Championship. CHELSA GOWER of Columbia, SC took RIDDLE to the limit but it appears she ran out of gas. The tournament ran smoothly all weekend and that makes this reporter very happy. I would like to thank RON & SHARON FERGUSON for inviting me up to th cover this event. I look forward to their 10 anniversary in 2010.

Tournament Coverage


The 32 WINTER/SPRING FESTIVAL OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS is certainly a long name for a Martial Arts tournament and one that is not easily forgotten. Promoter SABUMNIM CHARLES BURRIS is one of the most respected Martial Artists here in the Southeast. He is a very nice man, quiet, very humble and dedicated to his students and the Martial Arts and is a man of great faith. I have never heard anyone say anything bad about this man in the 6 years I have lived here in the Southeast. The WSFOKC is a competitor friendly event, especially popular among the under belt competitors. The tournament was held at the W.P. Grier Middle School in Gastonia, NC. I’m not sure about the

numbers but I would guess maybe 200-250 competitors and at least that many spectators in the stands. The awards were very nice and somewhat unique, definitely a nice change from the typical trophies you get at other tournaments. The WDFOKC was a DOJO “AAA” rated event, as well as a SKI “BBB” rated event. Watching the under belts is one of my favorite activities at these tournaments. I have followed the

careers of many young competitors and watched their progress over the years. One of the hottest young stars on the circuit right now is 7 year old HALEIGH KANIPE. This blue chip prospect has been training 2 ½ years and is a student of SHIHAN DOUG ARMSTRONG of Hickory, NC. HALEIGH is a blue belt and is loaded with a lot of natural athletic ability. She is definitely one to watch in the future. World Champion LAUREN FERGUSON of TEAM FX st competed in her 1 tournament of the year and showed no signs of rust. In the adult Black Belt Form Grand Championship FERGUSON beat a talented group of Black Belts, to include CHRIS URCINOLA, CHASITY ELLIS and JOSH PAGE. All of these competitors really pushed her to the limit, but she won the competition by 2/100 of a point. FERGUSON also beat CHASITY ELLIS to win the Black Belt Ladies Sparring Grand Championship. Congratulations to BILLEE PURVIS’ TEAM LIFE FORCE for winning 3 Grand Championships that afternoon. STEPHANIE COOMBS won the Jr. Novice Grand Championship while MARK LAUGHLIN won the Adult Under Belt Forms Grand Championship. CHELSA GOWER won the Jr. Black Belt Forms Grand Championship. In a really close fight World Champion DANNY ANTOINE defeated JOSH PAGE by the score of 3-2. This was the classic David vs. Goliath battle

Tournament Coverage with the much larger JOSH PAGE battling the shorter but quicker DANNY ANTOINE. In these kinds of battles I’ll pick speed over size anytime. In the semi finals of the Executive Men’s Black Belt Sparring Grand Championship World Champion JOEY SHIFLETT avenged an earlier defeat from the last tournament to beat RYAN FRYE 7-5. In the finals SHIFLETT took on his friend and top rival LARRY DILLINGHAM. In 6 years, I have watched these men battle all over the Southeast. All of these fights have been very close and a joy to watch. Both men have contrasting styles which makes for an interesting match up. SHIFLETT edged DILLINGHAM 4-2 in another barn burner.


The Arbitrators for the 35 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIP were GRAND MASTER LARRY ISSAC and GARY DILLINGHAM. Ring Coordinators were BRIAN PENA, DONALD McCLUNEY, COREY WAITERS and JEROME “MAGIC” JOHNSON. The tournament started around 9:00 am with breaking, self defense and musical divisions, and the other divisions started at 10:00 am. The

Overall I enjoyed myself that day and hope to return next year. If You want to go to a nice, fun, fair event then you should consider attending the rd 33 WINTER/SPRING FESTIVAL OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP in April of 2010.

35th UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIPS (Nathaniel White Memorial Tournament)

Lancaster, SC One of Southeast’s oldest tournaments was held recently in Lancaster, SC. The UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIPS, th now in it’s 35 year of operation, continues to thrive. HANSHI JAMES WHITE of the UNIVERSAL KARATE STUDIO in Lancaster, SC is the gracious host for this DOJO organization event. Once again the Springdale Recreation Center was the home for the tournament. This DOJO, NUKA, SKIL and MATT sanctioned event has a reputation for being a FAIR, SAFE and FUN tournament. th

The 35 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIPS was dedicated to the memory of NATHANIEL WHITE JR., a pioneer Martial Artist here in the Southeast who passed away back in early 2008. NATHANIEL WHITE JR. was the brother and mentor to HANSHI JAMES WHITE.

attendance was overwhelming, much larger than last year. This year HANSHI WHITE had over 220 pre-register and ended up with 447 competitors. Hundreds of parents and friends there to watch and support the competitors. The Springdale Recreation Center is a nice facility but maybe they should explore finding a larger venue for 2010. Maybe move the tournament to Rock Hill and

Winthrop University complex ? I think this tournament has out grown the present facility. Around 2:00 pm HANSHI WHITE stopped the tournament in order to recognize the many

Tournament Coverage Outstanding Black Belts in attendance that day. Beautiful awards were given out in several categories. Many outstanding and well known Black Belts were honored, including GRAND MASTER LARRY ISSAC, GARY & LARRY DILLINGHAM, RICKY TAYLOR, LACY GREEN, SHARON FERGUSON,GRAND MASTER RON FERGUSON and GRAND MASTER MAURICE MOORE. The action was fast and furious all day long but I would like to comment on a few of the day’s competitions. First I would like to congratulate MARK LAUGHLIN on winning the 18+ Under Belt Forms Grand Championship. He had several tough opponents to beat but his clean technique and attention to detail made all the difference. LAUGHLIN’S instructor BILLEE PURVIS was there to support him as well as a few other students. TEAM BOAK’S MONIQUE BYRD, a red belt, had several tough opponents to get by, but again her power and her clean technique sealed the deal for her win. BYRD is one of the Southeast’s premier teen Under Belts and should be a force to reckon with when she gets her Black Belt. WAYNE EASTERLING of TEAM WAR ANGELS and CHELSA GOWER of LIFE FORCE KARATE clearly were the two best Jr. Black Belts that day, so it came as no surprise that they faced each other in the Jr. Black Belt Forms Grand Championship. EASTERLING, the winner of the Korean forms division, competed with his best form GAE BEC, while GOWER, the winner of the Jap/Oki forms division came after EASTERLING with a superb UNSU form. Both competitors were so evenly matched they actually tied at 29.91 and needed to do a tie breaker, which EASTERLING won by 1/100 of point. Great job by both competitors. JOSHUA PAGE scored quite an upset by beating World Champion DANNY ANTOINE by the score of 4-3 to win the 18+ Men’s Sparring Grand Championship. In the Executive Men’s Sparring Grand Championship RYAN FRYE of TEAM ACADEMY upset World Champion JOEY SHIFLETT by the score of 7-5. FRYE is an excellent fighter who continues to improve. Overall, the Judging was very good and the tournament staff was very friendly and helpful. The competition was good, especially in the youth divisions. I want to thank HANSHI JAMES WHITE for his cooperation and friendship and I hope to be back next year.



Starting Times For All Divisions Beginner 8:30 AM – Intermediate 11:00 AM – Beginner & Intermediate Self Defense 10:00 AM Advanced 1:15 PM – Black Belt 3:30 PM – Advanced & Black Belt Self Defense 2:30 PM Demo Team Competition 1:00 PM - Finals After Black Belt Divisions !

New for This Year ….. Self Defense Division !!! Traditional & Open Forms Int. & Above - Traditional & Open Weapons Int . & Above Self Defense , Fighting & Demo Team

$200 Cash Prizes for all Adult Black Belts Grand Champions Spectacular Trophies for Jr. Black Belt Grand Champions (Jr, Black Belts & Under / Fighting Division Excluded)

Demo Team $100 cash Prize / Over 200 Divisions in All 4 Foot Trophies for all 2nd to 4th Place Winners Medals For all other competitors

ALL Events are Now ONE Price

12 & Under Mini Jr. Event Do a short demo of Karate Skills No form needed ! All Competitors in this division win a trophy ! MUST be Pre-registered - 25.00

Visit Our Website Download Applications Online

For More Information Call Richard Fescina at : 631 585-6111

Karate Youth Tournament Al Oerter “Kick Butts”

Keep your eyes open for next years Free Teen Tournament and for Hanshi Diaz’s 2009 Tournament of Champions. Check out for photographs.

By: Susan Rhonda Friedman

On April 11, 2009, New York City Parks and Recreation (Parks) along with Seiko Hanshi Rick Diaz hosted a Free Teen Karate Tournament. The Queens Parks Recreation Teen Division chose a “Kick Butts” campaign, which educates teens about the negative effects of cigarette smoking. Over 40 Martial Arts greats including Master Felix Vasquez, Master Earl Woodbury, Master Mahalia, Dave Moradi, Shihan Garth Binn and Kyoshi Neil Dunker volunteered to judge and referee the free event. Over 150 teens from different martial arts styles and schools throughout the city competed in kata, weapons and sparring. Competitors were happy that trophies were awarded to first through fifth place winners. Hanshi Diaz presented Queens Parks Commissioner, Dorothy Lewandowski an honorary black belt for her dedication and commitment to the health and well-being of youths throughout the city. Followed by her initiation bow to the crowd, several teens spoke about the hazards of cigarettes. Students of Soke Hassan Kaleak then took the floor and performed a self-defense demonstration that wowed the audience.

Teaching young people the importance of healthy living and the benefits of sports such as martial arts is essential for their future. We must give credit to the Parks Department and Hanshi Diaz for hosting this event, offering teens the opportunity to compete free. For some, this was a time first competition and a great learning experience and for the veterans it was a chance to show their skills. All of the young martial artists demonstrated patience, good sportsmanship and character as they awaited their turn to compete. For a martial arts venue, there was very good press coverage as it ran for 2 days on New York 1, who interviewed competitors and parents and an article in the Daily News. This coverage is excellent for promoting martial arts and the benefits it offers to today’s youth.

Shihan Gary Alexander’s 46 I.A.M.A. KARATE TKD KUNG FU CHAMPIONSHIPS 2009 th


The recently held 46 Annual I.A.M.A. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Championships was a complete success with an International attendance and a capacity crowd of enthusiastic competitors and spectators. This event was sponsored by the U.S. First Annually held Martial Arts Tournaments promoter now Shihan Grade Black Belt Gary Alexander. Alexander began sponsoring Championships after becoming the “First” North American “Knockout” Karate Champion of the U.S. (Oyama) and also of Canada back in 1962. For the past 46 years these events that “demand contact” for decisions have drawn Martial Arts luminaries from around the world. Many of today’s Martial Arts Leaders got their first exposure to the general public and media through Alexander’s events. This years event surprised many with an enormous turnout in the midst of these trysty economic times. The lineup of Grand Masters in oversight, Judges, and Referee’s read like a who’s who among the mostly East Coast U.S. luminaries, together with a smattering of National and International participation. The attendee’s were treated to the U.S. Marine Corps

Color Guard which is SOP at Alexander’s events with “Color’s” being displayed and the National Anthem played by 16 years old Mac Tasetano on his trumpet. As the Colors were marched out, in rolled the Lion Dancers from Grand Master Bill Chungs Shaolin Kung Fu. A colorful exciting display of the Lion “Dance” set the theme for the introductions of Officials led off with an unannounced appearance of Karate Legend Joe Lewis who arrived to support his former Marine friend Shihan Alexander. The prestigious lineup of administrators included I.A.M.A and Associates Shihans Issac Henry, Bill Chung, Al Smith, Buddy Amato, G.J. Torres, Alan Goldberg, Joe Hess, Hector Arias, Skipper Ingham,

Ralph Chirico, Richard Mrofka, Joe Yerkes, Ed Alexander, Morgan Woods, Carl Pluchino, Bill Durso, Kevin McGrath, Nick Adler, Ernie Temple, Mike Abruzzi, Fred Henry, Al Faucera, John DeBlasio, Steve Schachner, Rick Herbster, Mike Cassert, Eric Harzer, Frank Tasetano, Fran Haines, Pedro Diaz, John Driscoll, Ron and Maureen Mertz, Dr. Phil Defina, Eric Alder, Gene Malleus, Rodney Munoz, Tony Palitto, Christina Ingham, Lou Osiecki, Maldonado Cung Nhu, Mark Carvagno, Gary and Polly Melick, Tom Mullen, and many more that the Champion Administration thanks wholeheartedly. The Grand Champion of the day was “Tariq Bey, a strong fighter and a previous I.A.M.A. event Grand Champion from the BKG Group of Isaac Henry’s out of Eatontown, N.J. For the next I.A.M.A. Championships 2010 and our I.A.M.A. Hall of Fame check in with our I.A.M.A. Website at:

Mid Ohio Open By C.M. GRIFFIN Master Jacques Tarr’s MID OHIO OPEN held st Saturday March 21 in Belleville, Ohio was the “kickoff” for the OHIO MARTIAL ARTS MAGAZINE Inc. tournament circuit. Fun, traditional, fair, professional and did I mention fun; if this tournament is any indication of the circuit, then we are in for some good events.

Everything was professional and traditional. Without sounding like a cliché, the spirit of martial arts permeated the entire tournament. Everyone that participated enjoyed themselves, from the youngest competitor to the most senior underbelt. And of course the black belt divisions were the model for everyone to follow. From the opening playing of the National Anthem to the Black Belt Grand Champion

Sparring match, courtesy, respect and discipline – the basic tenets of traditional martial arts was clearly present. As with most things, it starts at the top. Master Tarr (circuit director) and Ms. Regina (the publisher) and the staff of Ohio Martial Arts Magazine put together a set of rules for all the promoters to follow and insure consistency within the circuit. The Mid Ohio Open was very well organized; the tournament staff did an excellent job. The tournament did not lag and the rings moved along swiftly. Competitors knew where they were supposed to be and when they were supposed to be there. Judging was extremely fair; there wasn’t any “style bias”. Sparring was handled professionally Talking about tradition, all judges and referee had to wear their uniforms. For me, this added to the air of a professionally run martial arts event. Congratulations to Master Tarr, Ms. Regina and the staff of Ohio Martial Arts Magazine Inc., they produced an excellent tournament, The MID OHIO OPEN. This is a tournament where traditional martial arts are embraced; respect, courtesy and discipline are definitely apparent. I am honestly looking forward to attending more of their events.

World Organization of Martial Arts Athletes World Martial Games X “10th Anniversary Event� Bruce Smith, & T. Rondo Van Clief, have personally extend this special invitation to All in the Arts, your organization, association, your school and your students to come and compete in this World Class Event. held Aug 21-23,2009. The World Martial Games, held in a different country every year (ie: 2000 - Sydney, Australia, 2001 - Killarney, Ireland, 2002 - Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003 - Riviera Maya - Mexico, 2004 Barcelona, Spain,2005 - Rosenheim, Germany, 2006 Costa Rica, 2007 & 2008 - Castlebar, Ireland) This year it will be held in the largest Beach Resort in the state of Maryland, U.S.A. Over 50 countries are already seeking inclusion into the 2009 games, so far. Many countries have responded so far. Are you and your students/competitors up to the challenge of a TRUE International Martial Arts event? Even if your students are new to tournaments, here is a chance for them to represent their country at a world class event. Pre-registration deadline to get a discount extended to June 30th, 2009. Hotel booking deadline extended to June 15th for discounts. The World Martial Games (WMG) conists of over 350 divisions with something for everyone. This 3 day World competition is OPEN to ALL styles, ALL systems, ALL Belt Ranks(Beginners, Intermediates, Advanced and all Black Belt levels), ALL Ages (Kids and Adults, ages 5 yrs old to 85+ yrs old). For More Information Events , Visa, Etc Contact Bruce Smith Pres. @ 443 366-6277 email / Or T Rondo Van Clief V.Pre. 302 521-8558 Also Check our Ad in This Issue The World is Coming.. Are You Up to the Challenge ?

3rd MEMORIAL MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT District Heights, Md. The gymnasium floor of the District Heights Municipal Center was full of fireworks in competition,

as Prof. Terryl Richardson hosted his 3rd annual memorial martial arts tournament. The event started off with Sifu Raymond Wong of the internationally

very well known "Wong's Chinese Boxing School" performing their wonderful lion dance to open the event with much thrill and pagentry. Next up was Grm. Robert "The Hawk" Hawkins as he showed great skill with his sword, with his eyes completely covered and cutting a potato in half on Soke James "kaba" Waters stomach without even a small scratch. Afterwards in demomstrating is Qi/Ki power Soke Waters laid on a bed of nails on his back, and then had another bed of nails place on his chest while another stood on top of that slab, who easily weighted of 200lbs. Being held here for the last three years the tournament has brought much excitement and fellowship to this small township. In order to show his appreciation the town's Mayor came out to support the tournament and gave well wishes to all whom had come out. Afterwards he presented Prof. Richardson with a mayorial certificate of appreciation. Then much to his surprise, Prof. Richardson in turn, presented him with a honorary Black Belt along with a diploma of authentication. The venue saw about 150 contestants and 225 spectators demonstrate their delight for the well run event and the fair and impartial judging. At the end of the festive day the following emerged grandchampions: Grm. Germon Miller = Empty hand forms, Shihan Steve Tolson= Weapons, Sensei Loren Biddle = Sparring, Prof. Daryl King = Self defense






Armory Track THE ARMORY TRACK & FIELD CENTER 216 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY 10032




By Dr. Michael Willett This is probably the most difficult article I have ever had to share. It is so near and dear to my heart, that I consulted the most qualified Instructors’ at my disposal. My source of references were as follows; Grand Master Alan Goldberg, Publisher of Action Martial Arts Magazine and founder of Action Martial Arts Hall of Honors, with over 50 years of martial arts training. Then I consulted Shijiao George Crayton Jr., who has over 50 years of martial arts training and is the founder of the Kung-Fu International Hall of Fame. And Finally I consulted with S. Papasan Canty, he too has over 50 years of martial arts training, Papasan Canty is also the co-founder of the famed Kuroshi-do system. Finally, you have yours truly with over 45 years of martial arts training & Editor of Action Martial Arts magazine. That’s over 200 years of experience. So when I speak, I’m speaking with the voice of AUTHORITY. There is a new sad pandemic taking place within the halls of martial arts. That pandemic is the ceremonial bestowing of doctorate degrees to individuals, who in some cases can barely spell their names. That not with standing, who has the right to confer degrees upon another individual. Before I jump knee deep in the compost of this topic, let me share my credentials. Academically speaking, I received my AAS from Queensborough CC, my BS/MS from Queens College In 1992, I was licensed as a Minister at Harlem Tabernacle by Dr. Ernest Cameron (senior Pastor). In 1993 I was ordained as a Minister at Harlem Tabernacle by Dr. Ernest Cameron (senior Pastor). In 1996 I received my doctorate in divinity from the Inner Light Institute for Christian Studies in Lake George, New York. Now what is a doctorate degree? A doctorate degree is the highest degree obtainable in the land. The natural progression is Baccalaureate degree, secondarily we have our masters degree and finally the doctorate degree. That is

the conventional way to achieve the highest degree in the land. I said conventional because there is another way to achieve a doctorate degree. In a non-conventional way, one can have a doctorate degree conferred as honorary with the same rights and privileges as an earned degree. Let me make it abundantly clear, to date there is no such degree in martial arts or Asian studies as Doctorate. There are no such accredited institutions that have a martial arts curriculum that would allow a student to travel academically from baccalaureate to doctorate. Who has the right to confer honorary degrees on another individual? The answer is simple; it’s any individual with an earned degree. Here lays the salient question, who are the individuals that are accepting these less the legitimate degrees? Are they so hungry for acceptance that any charlatan can come along and make a buck on their naïveté. Wow, did I say make a buck, no pardon me, I meant make thousands. Hall of Fame is how these charlatans garner the attention of our brothers and sisters in the arts. There are several charlatans that are selling these bogus degrees (under the banner of hall of fame) to ego thirsty, good hearted martial artist. I say to you Mr. Bestowal of bogus degrees, CEASE and DESIST IMMEDIATELY or with all the resources at my disposal of this magazine, we will publish your names and pictures and will seek a federal injunction to shut you down. For all of our brothers and sisters that have been duped in to believing that they have a legitimate degree, just file it in the circular container and don’t use the title unless you can back it up. Don’t delude yourself; you are much needed by your students and by martial arts. Any added degree only feeds your ego, the Students love you irrespective. They loved you before you had a degree and they will love post degree.

Name ______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________State_______________________ Age_______________DOB__________________Rank_______________________ School Name_________________________Instructor_____________________ Address_________________________________________________________ Phone #______________________________Date________________________ Pd______________Pd By Check _____________________M.O. ____________ Signiture________________________________________________________ Guardian Signature________________________________________________

By: Sifu Abdulmuhsiy Abdurrahman

BALTIMORE'S GIFT OF TAI CHI TOURNAMENT Towson, Md. Recently here at the beautiful and comfortable Holiday Inn, Sifus Shawn Smith and Tom Brocht, along with their large host of students and volunteers from their Silk Dragon CMA school's family, hosted a well run and crowd pleasing first of its kind here, an all Tai Chi tournament, to the delight of 35 competitors

weights were taken into consideration as well-doing so enabled everyone to come away with the customed, silver, and bronze medals, AND, have a lot of fun in the process. Finally, in order to set the stage for what was about to come and observe the "World Tai Chi and Qi Gong day" EVERYONE, whether they knew or not, went to the center of the floor and played the various Tai Chi forms to the best of their ability, with members of the audience copying the movements as well. This act of gathering their participation and making them feel

apart of the festives, with the soothing music in the background, brought loud applause and big smiles by ALL after the two minute demonstration!!!! and 65 spectators whom had gathered here. Being impacted, by being held on the same day of the "World Tai Chi and Qi Gong day", the attendance was not what was anticipated, BUT, all whom had gathered, including the audience, had a peaceful, funfilled, and enjoyable time to say the least!!! Some of the region's most well known and highly respected officials were on hand in order to assist in making this event "the place to be". Numerous

categories and divisions saw competitors 14 and under to 50 and over compete in separate male and female levels of all tai chi forms, weapons, and push hands sparring ( both restricted step and moving step). Additionally, different years of experience and

WING CHUN SPARRING TOURNAMENT Gwynn Oak, Md. Once again Action magazine's Hall of Honor awardee Master Gamel Spencer and students, held their annual in-house tournament to the delight of over 50 spectators whom had gathered here on this beautiful Saturday morning. This year 's competition was for sparring ONLY and limited to Wing Chun. With 15 eager competitors in beg., int., and adv. divisions, the spectators had much to cheer about, as each match showed much a lot of excitement and martial arts discipline at some of the hightest levels. The main emphasis of this event is not so much of winning, but is put on unity and friendship. In order to facilitate this objective, the warm up sessions pitted parents and students in sparring bouts that brought loud laughter and cheers by the on lookers!!! Next on the slate was the actual sparring competiton after a brief rest period. At the conclusion of the hotlly contested bouts beautiful trophies and medals were presented to all of the very deserving participants. The following are the results of the day's competition: Spirit Award= Lexi Bushrod Adv. Boys = Gamel Spencer Jr. (uncontested) Adv. Girls = Essence Spencer (uncontested) Adults = Leslie Spencer (uncontested) Beg. Girls = Mya Bennett Int. Girls = Kayla Bacon Adv.Int. Boys= Seku "Kung Fu Panda" Cisse


competitors and 55 team officials felt the same excitement and pagentry as those in the main stadium!! Imagine the THRILL, that the team U.S.A. might have felt, by just being there!!! 4,000 spectators from all over the world, saw with great excitement,

As you may recall, there was much controversy and slander about the United States of America Wushu Kung Fu Federation's (USAWKF) stance after the 2004

Olympic Games, that the Chinese Martial Arts would be part of the next Olympic Games to be held in 2008. Adversary groups and individuals went publicly stating that these statements are not true and the public was being misled. Please be advised that to

the delight of columnist both sides were correct. You may ask, how can both be right at the same time? True, the Chinese Martial Arts weren't an official sport of the Olympic Games, however, the Wushu Championships were given permission and sanctioning by the INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE and the INTERNATIONAL WUSHU FEDERATION to hold their championships in along with of in conjunction with the 2008 Olympic Games being hosted in Beijing China. 43 countries, including the U.S., sent teams to be apart of this memorable and historic event. Although in an ajacent venue, the 128

some of the world's list electrify them with performances in 10 Taolu (forms) and 5 Sanshou (full contact sparring) divisions. Let us recognize Team U.S.A. athletes and officials on a job WELL DONE!!!!!

Nutritional Conditioning, Stretching and Prevention of Muscular Injury By: David S. Klein, MD It is well known that stretching is necessary to prevent sports-related muscular injury. What is less well appreciated is what additional steps must be taken to minimize trauma to muscle, tendon and connective tissues. A warm up is intended to raise body temperature, increase blood flow, and permit time to focus on the physical challenge to come. The time investment required varies by individual. The length of time required will increase with the age of the athlete. Younger athletes may require as little as 15 to 20 minutes, this will increase to as much as 45 minutes for more mature participants. The warm up begins with a systematic stretch of the extremities and torso, and should precede cardio challenge. A gradual warm up will increase range of motion and enhance muscular stretching prior to challenging aerobic performance. A satisfactory warm up will result in a 2 to 3 degree rise in body temperature. This rise in temperature reflects an increase in metabolic rate, and can be expected to last 30 to 45 minutes after exercise ceases. The degree of temperature rise reflects hormonal status, thyroid function and level of conditioning. The increase in temperature produces dilation of the peripheral vasculature, resulting in increased blood flow to the muscles, connective tissue and joints. This increase in temperature should increase flexibility of the joints and connective tissues. The intention, of course, is to reduce the risk of injury to joint, muscle and tendon. Nutritional conditioning is another matter, entirely. The athlete can influence blood flow to the muscles, increase toxin wash-out, and improve stamina by selecting nutraceutical supplementation. Every athlete has a preferred dietary protein and calorie regimen, and it is well beyond the scope of this brief article to discuss the relative benefits and risks of different approaches. There are interventions that can be taken irrespective of the individual preferences, beliefs and intentions.

Enhancing Blood Flow After ignoring any discussion of protein and carbohydrate loading, consideration should be given to enhancing muscular stamina through modulation of regional blood flow, capillary resistance and antioxidant reserve. Blood flow can be enhanced by decreasing blood viscosity (thinning the blood),

opening the microvasculature and thereby tempering the effects of lactic acid accumulation. The net effect will be an increase in blood flow and an increase in oxygen delivery to muscle tissue. This can be accomplished with selective use of fish oil products and/or olive oil. Only the highest quality fish oil should be used due to mercury contamination and fish protein intolerance. High quality ‘concentrated’ fish oil is generally distilled, and this removes mercury and most fish protein. The concentrated fish oil should be taken, at a minimum, of 2 grams twice daily. Alternatively, you can take one ounce of olive oil, preferably in a ‘shot glass’ followed by fruit juice of choice. Small vessel dilation can be accomplished with Hawthorn berry extract, vinpocetin and huperzine. Taken in combination, these nutraceuticals dilate small vessels through blocking the phosphodiesterase (PDE) receptors in various organs and tissues. Generally you should consider: Huperzine 100 mcg, combined with vinpocetin 20-40 mg and Hawthorne berry extract 450-600 mg daily.

Anti-Oxidants for Improved Stamina Clever use of anti oxidants can improve muscular function and improve stamina. These anti-oxidants are not widely recognized but they are widely available. Alpha lipoic acid, taken 250 mg four times daily, combined with taurine 500 mg twice daily will provide an anti-oxidant reserve that will increase muscular stamina and endurance.

Conclusion Muscular endurance and athletic stamina can be enhanced through the thoughtful use of nutraceuticals that increase microvascular blood flow, decrease blood viscosity and enhance anti-oxidant reserve. Applicable to most nutritional regimens, the addition of a few easily specific nutraceuticals can provide noticeable improvement in performance and comfort. Watch for future articles from Dr. Klein on Prevention and Treatment of Martial Arts related injuries as well as “Age Specific” Nutritional Information to promote a healthy/active lifestyle and maintain physical well being. **Questions about Conditioning, Nutrition, or Prevention and Treatment of Sports Injuries can be directed to Dr. Klein at He will personally respond to all questions and even address some in future articles. If you have any suggestions for topics of future articles, please let him know. David S. Klein, MD, FACA, FACPM, FAAMIMS Dr. Klein has practice pain medicine for the past 25 years and is the author of over 50 published articles and textbook chapters. He has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally.

By : Scott Bray

World champion Anthony “Mafia” Halloway held the 2nd annual Temple of Martial Arts National Karate Championship on May8th and 9th in Boston, Ma. This was the first annual M.A.S.M.A.L. tournament to be held in the New England area. This tournament was also rated by PSKL and NASKA.

The Temple of Martial Arts event was well run and well attended this events look to be an event that will continue to grow each year and with MASMAL rating this event it will. M.A.S.M.A.L is a new league started by Gerald Dawson, Mafia Halloway and Garth Binns. The league has over 100 members signed up and 30 registered, trained judges. With new members joining every day. With promoters and judges like Joe Greenhalgh, Dennis Malloy, Jadi Tention, Hector Santiago, Mike Conroy and Reggie Perry and the list goes on, you know this circuit is going places. Gerald Dawson stated to the competitors give us your input and a year to perfect the rules and we will do it. This league was formed for the competitors by world champion competitors to provide a fair rating system, media coverage and recognition in the sport karate world.

For a new circuit there was a excellent turnout of 256 competitors and over 400 spectators. Gerald Dawson VP of MASMAL and thirty trained MASMAL judges were on the floor to help the rings move smoothly and educate the competitors on the new rules. Master Halloway also had a wonderful Idea, The Thur. night before the event , he had all the Gr . Champions from the year before , Interviewed on a local radio station , and ran 2 seminars with them in local surrounding schools.

It’s time for a change. With the people they are surrounding themselves with, combined there is several hundred years of sport karate experience, I believe they will do it.

Black belt forms and weapons were held on Friday night. Saturday was a full day of under belts competing and Black Belt sparring with the grand’s held at the end of Saturday.

The 29th Ocean State Grand Nationals were hosted by promoters Don and Christine Rodrigues on April 3rd thru the 5th at the Crown Plaza at the Crossings in Warwick, Rhode Island. The year the tournament was rated a NASKA 5A World Tour Event and a KRANE 5A Event. This year’s tournament proved to be full of some of the most awesome talent in the martial arts world, competitors came from as far as Europe to take their chance at winning their share of the cash prizes too be awarded at this tournament and prove their skills. The Rodrigues gave out over

The tournament was full of very excellent, experienced competitors from teams such as Team GKS out of Connecticut, Team Straight Up out of Rhode Island, Team Pitbulls out of Rhode Island, Team Tention for New York, Team MetroII out of NYC, and Team M.A.S.M.A.L. out of Baltimore. The Grand Champions were: Men’s Weapons: Anthony Willis Men’s Forms: Wayne Maloney Fighting Lt.Wt. Wayne Maloney Fighting Middle Wt.: Bret Corey Fighting Heavy Wt: Joe Greenhalgh Women’s Sparring: Jennifer Santiago Men’s Senior Sparring: Dennis Malloy Youth B.B Overall Gr. champion: Jenna Chiaradio

Over $2,000 dollars in cash prizes was awarded and the youth black belt grand champion won a Nintendo DS. The cash prizes were donated by Next Generation Sales inc.

$15,000 dollars in prize money and specially designed Championship st Cup for all 1 place Black st Belts. All 1 place under belts received a beautiful 7’ Trophey. Over 3,000 trophy’s and awards were presented to st th the competitors, for 1 thru 8 place in the under belt divisions. The night time show was held at the Rhode Island Community College Gymnasium which always proves to not have a bad seat in the house, no matter where you sit you can see the exciting completion of the evening show. The Saturday night time show featured the Cerrone International World Team Challenge. Overall the tournament was well organized, judging was very fair and most of all it was great to see all the martial artist from around the world get together and build a friendship that will last for many years. The Ocean State Grand Nationals 2010 is definitely a tournament to put on your schedule for 2010.

By Master John Burdyck “Who ALWAYS tells it like it is”

I would like to thank all Martial Artists and friends who have called and E-Mailed me showing their s upport of me reporting on MMA. I will try to answer as many questions as I can and try to support as m any promoters and competitors as I can with as m uch publicity as I can. One of the most frequently asked questions is:

How do I train to become an MMA fighter?

#1-take kickboxing #2-take boxing #3-take grappling #4-take tai-chi or yoga The reason I say take kickboxing first is, in my opinion, it is more difficult to learn how to kick than anything else. As a fighter, it is the only technique that you will have to do with one leg in the air. Remember, your legs are longer than your arms and kicks are harder to block than punches. Then, take boxing. A good trainer will teach you how to put your hands together with your feet, thus, showing you how to jab, throw a right or a left cross, an uppercut, straight right hand or left hand, and to throw hard and effective uppercuts. Then, go to a good Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school to teach you grappling. If you happen to have a background in wrestling, that would really help you. Believe it or not, one of the final things that I learned to really help me as a fighter was when I took yoga. In your personal life and business life, you are constantly going to be under a certain amount of stress and anxiety. Unlike any other professions, there is a possibility that when you climb into that ring that you may not come out. Therefore, the more balanced that you are mentally, the more you will be prepared to win both in the ring and in life itself. I wish you good luck in your training and if you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me. I am someone who prefers a live voice. This way I get a true feeling of who you are.

MMA passes in Pennsylvania The first event that I know of will be held on Friday, June 26 in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. The event will be promoted by the World Karate Union. For more information, contact Trevor Tasetano @ 570-460-6953, or go to the I would strongly suggest that once you become a good professional fighter in a major MMA league, and I stress A Good Fighter, that you try to sign with a good promotional company such as St. Pierre just

signed with CAA Sports, a division of Creative Artists Agency, a leading entertainment and sports group. Another good agency is Pro-Serve in Washington, D.C. Finally, the best agency is the agency founded by Mark H. McCormack called International Manament Group or IMG with 37 offices in cities in nineteen countries. Sports Illustrated named Mark H. McCormack the most powerful man in sports. I would strongly suggest that you do NOT allow parents, family, friends, or personal trainer to manage your career. Personal feelings cloud professional judgement.

Things you should know before attending an MMA LIVE Event This is the only sport that I know of that you should buy the cheap seats in the house. Buy the seats with the most elevation. NEVER, ever, buy floor seats! Imagine looking through a fence from 25 to 50 to 75 yards away with the competitors sometimes grappling on the floor or in the ring for many minutes…even if you could see through the fence, try seeing through it when the action gets heated and 50, 100, or maybe even 200 people stand up in front of you! Write me and tell me how enjoyable that is AFTER you’ve paid up to several hundred dollars for your seat! The only way you will enjoy yourself from a floor seat is to look up at the JumboTron. That’s only if they’re working. I recently attended a major MMA event in Daytona Beach the night before the Daytona 500 and the major JumboTron on the one side wasn’t working. I thought there was going to be a riot! The gentlemen had a great turnout, but the sad thing was that it reminded me of sport karate tournaments because the event started two (2) hours late. The higher elevation seats could look down upon the ring without any distraction from the cage. So, if you plan to attend an event and sit at those “great ringside seats” of which you can’t see, and whether the JumboTron is working or not, you may as well stay home and have your friends and family split costs of the ever-faithful pay-per-view and you will save about fifty dollars on your food and beverage of your choice. In Major MMA television news, Scott Coker, owner of the league Strike Force, has signed a six (6) fight deal with ShowTime this fall. If the events receive good ratings, CBS is going to pick them up. If you have any news or notes about “MMA” in the future please contact me: Phone: 443-299-2047 Fax: 352-433-0675 Email: Or on the world wide web OUSH!

By: Dr. Robert Braff Traveling Reporter

Global Martial Arts Hall of Frame, this wonderful two day event in London, Ontario, marked the first time this

prestigious event was held in Canada. The tournament and the dinner were alot of fun, Prof.Ed Macglafland and company were wonderful hosts, with well over 350 attending the weekend Looking forward to next year's event!  Major Phil Porter and Dr. Braff gave wonderful seminars in Las Alamos, California. There were other great Martial Artists that taught wonderful seminars as well. Major Porter and myself have started a new

mention, my love and thanks, it was definitely spending time with people the exemplified what Martial Arts is supposed to be. Doc Hawkins and one of my students, Dave Owens, and Matt Ownes, accompanied me. The tournament had over 370 competitors. My highest recomendation as to the great Canadian hospitality. Hope to see many more Americans up there next year!  Second Trip to UK: Tally ho old chap! Martin Rogers once again held great seminars and Hall of fame. The friendship and great teaching made this a high water mark in both British and International events. Such great teachers as John Hunt from Australia, Chad Foster from Denmark, Myself and Grand Master Bob from the USA rounding out the teaching team, over 275 enthusiastic international martial artists showed and shared the true meaning of Budo. Looking forward to next year in the UK!  In closing the column I'd like to take a moment to give thanks and to honor my father. Everything that I am, was because this man took time to show me love, tenacity, and a winning attitude. Without his help and backing, wisdom, and love, I would have never had the ability nor the impetuous to succeed in the arts. I do not have the time now to tell how many times he supported me in whatever endeavor was at hand. On October 10th, this great and loving man passed away at the age of 88. I think that life was meant to be lived, and one closing thought, remember how precious the moments are and those who helped us succeed, for with them the best parts of all of us are made. Until next time, where in the world is Doc today? Love to all, Doc

program called CASD, Combative Army Self Defense. This program is being put in place for National Guard and Army Reserve units. The seminar was well attended with over 150 plus. Major Porter, who is an icon to our industry, was wonderful on the mat. My hope is that we will all be as good, when we are 84, as he is. I look forward to next year and having the opportunity to teach, and having the wisdom and friendship in Major Porter.  Oh Canada, Quest Tournament of Champions, this is one of the better run tournaments that I have had the pleasure to judge and attend. Tom Dom, Chris, and Mama Son and all of the friends and family of the PMA, Balance of life Martial Arts, and to many others to

By Lin Ai Wei The wonderful ways of this universe are only according to the minds of living beings. In the realm of hot, there is cold. In the realm of big there is short. That which is myriad is only myriad because of the thoughts and afflictions of living beings. What is an affliction? An affliction is that which the mind attracts to, moves to, and remains in view (perception) of. When a living being sees things, they see with the use of the function of the physical eyes. When eyes are closed, they claim to see nothing. This seeing of nothing is still seeing. One thinks there is nothing being seen, and thus, nothing is seen. One says because of the blackness, there is nothing. The present moment of labeling what is sought to be the blackness makes this blackness something. It now becomes the mind of the seer, the one seeing. When things enter the function of the eye organ, one claims to see, and thus one views such a seeing as an experience of the object in sight. From labeling comes further separation of views. The movement of mind to what is seen is the separating of things, thus the arising of things. Things that arose in the mind are, in form, separate from other forms that are seen, hence a quote from the Dao De Jing, “One creates two, two creates three, three creates the myriad things.” This line only points to the function of labeling. Not the overall manner of the universe. What is known as the universe is nothing more than mind. When mind views the universe, there is a universe to view. No minding of a universe and the universe is not separate from the minder. When such is cultivated, the view of oneness with that which is outside of the one seeing begins to function. This view of oneness is still not actual oneness, but only a guideline to the realization that all things are actually of a single substance. When the mind is not moved by that which is a result of the function of viewing, the mind no longer is the mind. The idea of a mind is still a view. Once the view of a mind that is unmoved is put down, there is a realization that all places, all things and all minds of living beings are no longer places, things and minds of living beings. Just for the sake of saying so, all living being’s minds, places and things are all one. Buddha is a name to that which is the put down mind, the unmoved and unattached mind. One cannot grasp it as a thing because it is not a thing. Though it is the “mind” which is unmoved, unattached and put down, it is also the defiled mind; mind of attachments, unbalanced and full of

views. The “mind” that is attached is just the same “mind” that is not attached. To be clearer, we can look at the analogy of clear water and dirty water. In a cup of clear water, no dirt, there is just water. When dirt is added to the water, it is now defiled water. It is still water, but only with dirt in it. When the dirt is first put into the water, it falls down to the bottom of the cup. The water was originally not moving, but because it was in a vessel, the cup, it was subject to dirt entering its abode and defiling it. The dirt enters, and the water moves slightly as the dirt falls to the bottom. After all of the dirt has settled, the water is now again still, but is defiled. When there is wind, or a vibration, the water moves, and that movement also disrupts the settled dirt causing it to move about, and sometimes rise up to the surface of the water. This is the mind of living beings. They have a vessel, a body, a form, and are subject to the influence of the functions of the body. They in turn believe these functions to be real, and base their views on them. This is the same as the defiled water and its movement of dirt. When there is a sensation from the body of the living being, because of the attachment to the sensations and views of them, the mind moves to them. This results in stronger attachments to the views of the sensations. It is likened to the defiled cup of water. This brings us to look past the emotions, sensations and views we hold, and realize that they are all created by improper views. Improper views are thoughts held in the mind which assist in believing what is experienced to be real. Though living beings have a body, and will inevitably have views, certain views result in the experience of a destructive mind, a sick mind which results in the forms of living beings to be the same. The Buddha taught to put down views, but since great amount of living beings have the condition of needing to hold onto views in order to cultivate, as an expedient to keep the mind from creating what we consider unpleasant things, he teaches to hold onto precepts, truths of what we consider reality so as to stay focused on not becoming stuck in daily habits, thoughts, emotions, etc. The lesson with that is, if we are to hold onto any false thoughts, hold onto those which result in wisdom. Using poison against poison and thus curing the mind from ignorance. In the next issue, part 2 of this Dharma talk will be available. For more work on Lin Ai Wei, please visit

JUSTICE LEAUGE OF DIVINITY By Dr. Michael Willett I once read in a proven book of wisdom that there was not going to be a resurrection until, we all come into a oneness of the faith. That means to me that we are going to have to find a common ground to agree on, as apposed to a reason to not agree. That certainly means religion. Rabbi Gary Moskowitz came to me with an idea that sounded on the surface as preposterous. He said, he wanted to create a unified body of religious leaders from around the community with a martial arts background. I wondered how this would be possible, then It dawned on me. I am the Executive Director of NYC Professional Karate A world competition team. When I took time to exhale, I realized that on our team, we have a devout Muslim, we have a team member of Jewish extraction, we have a member from the Christian persuasion and we even have a team member that professes no formal religion at all. The remarkable thing about this eclectic group is, out of all we have disagreed about, religion has never been an issue. Armed with that alarming fact, I said yes to Rabbi Moskowitz.

As you might imagine, as Editor of this magazine, I get invited to a myriad of events. I choose to attend based not only on my schedule. The first criteria is the legitimacy of the promoter, his or her verifiable

credentials. After I have verified that the individual is one of substance and character, then I look at the event. I just wanted to establish this based because one would think I would not attend a first year event. That is the furthest thing from the truth. I once read in a proven book of wisdom, “Despise not humble beginnings”. This first year event gave one a real southern down home feeling, with an air of complete phistication. I say sophistication because the moment you entered the massive hall, you were greeted with a live piano player,

The Justice League of Divinity has been created to reach out to our youth and families at risk. The consortiums of community religious leaders are looking for more of you to step up and be counted in this great work. Our work is not only in the Temples, Churches or Mosques; it’s in the streets where our kids are at risk. The drug dealers are on the corners and so should we be. We are looking for anyone that has a strong commitment to the youth, a religious background and has martial arts as a prerequisite, Please contact this magazine immediately. Put your shoulder to the wheel and do your duty with a heart full of love. replete with candelabras. Now that’s class.

The Real Duke By Dr. Michael Willett In a community of many titles and alphabets behind names, its nice to find legitimate royalty. Grand Master E. Dukes is that demure royal being, nestled in the hamlet of Concord, North Carolina. Grand Master Dukes is the brain trust behind the“Black Warrior Martial Arts Hall of Honors”.Saturday November 1, 2008 was the scene of the 1st.Awards Banquet.

The event brought some great individuals to surface. One of those great individuals was Grand Master Victor Moore. Grand Master Moore actually trained with Bruce Lee. I know this not because he told me but I saw with my own eyes the many pictures of them together. I also saw vintage footage with Grand Master Moore and the Mega Martial Artist Bruce Lee. Grand Master Moore in his day defeated Mike Foster, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Mike Stone, Bill “Super Foot” Wallace, all on a stellar list of many more, did someone say real deal. My experience with Grand Master Dukes, Grand Master Dukes wife, Tina Dukes and Grand Master Moore, was rich and rewarding, so much so that I look forward to next year

ISSHINRYU American Okinawan Karate Association Inc. ANNUAL

Saturday September 19th 2009 Marist High School Gymnasium 1241 Kennedy Boulevard Bayonne, NJ 07002 OPEN TO ALL STYLES , SPECTATORS $5.00 This is a NON CONTACT tournament Doors open 9:00 am All weapons start at 11:00 $50.00 for all three events on the day of the event

Kata – Weapons Kata – Kumite Pre-register for $40.00 prior to September 6th 2009 Day of the Event $50.00 All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, place winners will receive a commemorative digital photo plaque of ISSHINRYU’S LEGEND GRANDMASTER DON NAGLE Also the

Don Nagle AOKA World Open ISSHINRYU Karate Team Fight Championship OPEN TO ISSHINRYU BLACK BELTS ONLY

Defending Champion Teams Men’s Team IIKA Women’s Team Temple’s School of Karate

All Teams must pre-register $100.00 Visit the official Don Nagle Website www. or Call (201) 436-5330 For further information contact AOKA President, Ralph D. Passero, 9th Dan Visit the web site for pre registration application and details

Wushu martial artists worldwide and the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have long wished for Wushu to be accepted as an official Olympic sport, and it finally happened - Wushu received a showcase to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Bejing. Although only a representation sport, the Olympic committee had approved a Wushu tournament that included men’s and women’s taolu (forms) and sanda (sparring) competitions. Wushu stems from the traditional Chinese martial arts dating well back before the first Olympic Games in 776 BC. Since 1949, China has recognized Wushu as an

Leuschner, who has been in the arts for over 30 years, expressed his appreciation by saying, “I have received numerous awards and recognitions, but the recent honor I received from the Chinese government, The honor to be included in the album was also bestowed to American martial art brethren like Don Wilson, Cynthia Rothrock, Robert Cutrell, John Scott, Dan & Chad Netherland and many others who have all well earned their places with their contributions and excellent reputation in the arts. Wushu’s time had come to get a spotlight in the Olympics and the exposure resulted in a huge leap for

martial arts. All the individuals that were involved to bring about its entrance have earned the gratitude of the martial art community. Special thanks are extended to Mr. Huang Dechao, Project and Editing Manager from the Chinese government, for his outstanding work on the album.

official sport in competitions, in physical education for schools, and as a national fitness program; therefore, it was fitting to have Wushu’s debut into the Olympic Games held in China - the birthplace of martial arts. To commemorate the feat, the Chinese government, the Olympic Committee, and the IWUF had produced a Chinese Wushu, Treasure Stamp Album in a limited edition. The beautifully created, gold-rimmed album pictured 650 past and present world renowned martial artists and included 99 Olympic stamps. A dedicatory silver coin was featured in 2008 of the 10,000 editions. The contents included everything from the origin and development of Wushu to its weapons, competitions, grading system, Wushu villages and towns in China, and previous champions like Yip Man, Wong Shun Leung, Wan Kam Leung, Chiu Chi Ling, Samo Hung, Carter Wong, only to name a few. Special honors were awarded to three Wushu “Superstars”: Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan (2008 Olympic Ambassador), and Jet Li (2008 Olympic Good-will Ambassador) for their Worldwide contributions to the development of Chinese Wushu. An accompanying second smaller album entitled, Wushu and the Olympic Games, offered 50 more unique stamps with an overview of Wushu’s path into the 2008 Games. The albums were written in both English and Chinese and serve as a nostalgic memorabile for martial artists. One Canadian martial artist had the great privilege to be included in the album; Grandmaster Werner

The Future Cory "4 Feet of Pain" Hill AKA "The Tennessee Kid"

By Mark A. Huard Cory s dad Ashley Hill had a bunch of friends that were into Mixed Martial Arts since it became popular in the 90 s. His son Cory has watched wrestling ever since he was 2 years old and he loved it. Cory s dad use to make fun of the WWE and tell his friends how fake it was but Cory would get mad and defend the WWE.

Cory's dad thought it would be a good idea to enroll him in mixed martial arts training because it would be really good for his ADHD. Ashley introduced Cory to MMA about 3 years ago and he loved it! About 1 year later Cory wanted some gloves and mitts to start learning standup. He was a natural, he picked up on it from the first day and hasn't looked back. His grandfather has Alzheimer s and his caretaker just happened to be a boxing coach for 30 yrs. He worked with Cory some and showed him footwork etc........ Recently Cory has trained a lot and is now doing Muay Thai and started BJJ where he has excelled tremendously. He has a LONG way to go but he has that fire that most people don't.... Cory has been on medication for ADHD and his dad firmly believes that MMA instills character, respect and discipline but most importantly for an ADHD kids it teaches self-control!! Cory has been picked on by his older brothers and because of his size but that has made him mentally tough and he has learned not to take any crap!! Hence his nickname 4 FEETOFPAIN!! Cory is very fast and he loves football...if he gets around the end their isn t nobody catching him!! He is small but he is not intimidated on the football field or in the gym. Casey Oxendine, Cory's instructor and he was trained under Helio Soneca and Cory's guard is proof!! Cory just recently won the 2009 US National Grappling Championship and he was being interviewed after his victory and was asked "Cory, what is your greatest accomplishment of your MMA career" Cory replied "I got my dad to stop drinking Cory wants to be a role model to others....he wants to set an example that if he can achieve his dreams, anyone can achieve theirs. Cory is also sponsored by Dyrdek and DCSHOECOUSA. For more information about Cory you can visit his myspace site at

YFN Cable KUNG FU CINEMA DRAWS BIG RATINGS And REQUESTS Philadelphia, PA. YFN Cable company has signed Alan Goldberg's Kung Fu Cinema for three seasons. YFN President Matthew Ray Hendrickson said, “Master Goldberg's Kung Fu Cinema is the most requested show on our network and Master Goldberg has an enormous following in relationship to his 44 years in the martial arts. His friends and fans continuously send in letters requesting his show. Master Goldberg's Kung Fu Cinema will feature an exciting martial arts film and offer tips and techniques on moves that were used in the film instructed by Master Alan Goldberg. It is a wonderful ground breaking program for anyone to enjoy. Children and Adults can learn self defense tips and techniques right from the comfort of their very own home. Master Alan Goldberg is a pleasure to work with. He is professional and courteous. We film on location from his Brooklyn, New York training facility and when we say action that is exactly what Alan Goldberg delivers”! YFN Cable estimates an average 12% of it's audience will watch Kung Fu Cinema that will approximately be twenty-four million viewers per week. YFN Cable provides free programming to over one billion Internet users worldwide. YFN Cable easily connects to your television set. You can also enjoy hundreds of movies such as Horror, Drama, Comedy, Western, Action, Adventure, TV Sitcom and more all for just $9.95 a year. Your Family Network Cable's Official web address is

IBRF Fund Raising Drive Congratulations to De Pasquale Ju-jitsu black belt Shihan Marvin Carmona and many of his students who shaved their heads for the cause. Their N.J. Martial Art school raised $5,000,. I would like to stress the importance of this absolutely necessary fundraiser to help those soldiers that protect this country from danger. The International Brain Research Foundation, working with the U.S. Defense Department, has put much effort into helping those soldiers that are coming home from war with Severe Disorder of Consciousness, That is why we have created, the Martial Art Xtreme Challenge Fundraiser And you will understand why we can make a difference. Special Yours In the Spirit, Soke Michael DePasquale, Jr. Sponsored by Napma and Martial Art Professional Magazine,Action Martial Art Magazine, FUMA, and the IFOJJ http://www.martialartxtremechallenge

POWER PUNCHERS 15th AWARDS BANQUET Oxon Hill, Md. By Sifu Abdul Abdurrahman

This exciting event was held at the Lexington Hotel here to the pleasure of all those whom had gathered. Grm. Wayne "Tea" Thomas the President and Founder of the Power Punchers Tae Kwon Do Club along with his lovely wife Coach Sandra A. Thomas, Chief instructor Lorenzo Randle, and coach Diana J. Wharton, hosted this long running event in grand fashion. Special head table guests were: Dr. Joe Parrish, Grm. John Crudup, Supreme Grm. Furman Marshall, Grm. Reginald Jackson Sr., Grm. Sylvester Cheatham, Grm. John Baylor, Grm. Bruce Goodwin Sr., and Grm. Gregory Kennedy. Each gave powerful words of wisdom to the students and all the youth in attendance. The "Master of Ceremony" for the evening was Mr. Troy Glover and the presenter of the awards was Mr. Felix Patterson. The Power Punchers Tae Kwon Do Club's class leadership team was comprised of Brenda Patterson, Jamal Wharton, Jarrett Wharton, and Felix Patterson II. The entire audience was filled with other Black Belts, students, family, and friends. This was an evening to remember and a great successful 15th Anniversary Awards Banquet. Let us thank Grm. Thomas for submitting this article.

audience assembled. The main attraction of the awards that were being presented, spotlighted each of the special VIP's one by one in order to call plight to their many indelible contributions to the growth and development of the martial arts. Needless to say, each presentation was followed by very loud cheers and ovations from the audience showing their appreciation!!! In closing, we here at "ACTION" would like to point that we are honored to have both Grandmasters Furman Marshall and Reggie Jackson as past inductees of our "Academy awards of martial arts" held in Atlantic City, N.J. every January, of which they have attended virtually everyone from its very inception nearly ten years ago. Finally, we should like to point out, that it was Grm. Furman Marshall who coined the phrase "The Academy Awards of Martial Arts" while being in attendance at our initial banquet in January of 2000, because it far exceeded his expectency, for which we still use today, as many can attest!!

UNITED STATES HEAD OF FAMILY MARTIAL ARTS Hall of Honors 2008 Linthicum Heights, Md. This prestigious and lavish event once again was held at the beautiful BWI Airport Marriott Hotel for two days much to the delight attendees whom had gathered here

MARTIAL ARTS PIONEER AWARDS BANQUET Glen Arden, Md. Two of the east coast most reknowned martial artists hosted, a well deserved pioneer awards dinner and banquet here at the lavished James R. Cousins Jr.

Municipal Center in grand fashion. Tae kwon do grandmasters Furman Marshall and Reggie Jackson, from the Simba dojang, assembled martial artists from far and wide in order to be apart of this most auspicious event. The invitation summed it up very well as to its purpose and objective by stating "This very prestigious awards banquet is being presented to honor those of you that helped pioneer martial arts classes, even before there were kids in classes, through the kickboxing fad, and into the future with family classes and mixed martial arts, not to mention all the tournaments and seminars you supported during the past several decades". Although the main objective of this gathering was to highlight those whom were among the first to go forth and pave the way for the rest of us to be able to enjoy the so many martial arts events that we have today. The scrumptious dinner that was served, was a welcomed treat to every palate to the eager and anticipating

for that period of time. Coming from virtually all points of the U.S., the West Indies Islands, and two international visitors martial artists and martial arts enthusiasts from multiple martial arts backgrounds had two full filled days of entertainment. The first day was sharing and education day, as seminars and workshops from numerous martial arts disciplines thrilled the participants in the finite aspects of martial arts. Action Martial Arts Magazine's past Hall of Honor inductee, Dr. Joe Parrish, crossed his T's and dotted his I's in every aspect in order to insure enjoyment to the fullest potential that could be afforded. The final day saw meet and greet, more seminars and workshops, and photo sessions for all to partake in before that evening's grand finale. That evening hundreds of formal attired guests entered the fabulous ballroom and dined on a delicious meal with soothing music played in the background. Following the opening presentation the audience was dazzled with several martial arts demonstrations by some the best Martial Artists that can be found. The finale of the awards was the final explanation mark long awaited, and be advised that it was warmly received. Over one hundred deserving inductees greatfully received their beautiful awards as they were called and recognized one by one. Take it from me, if you want to have an enjoyable and pleasant weekend of martial arts and making new friends, pull up his web site at or give him a call at 443-278-0859 asap, you'll be GLAD you did!!!!

New Martial Arts Marketing Book by Richard Hackworth "The Art of Marketing War Proven and Powerful Warrior Marketing Methods" Hackworth said: "Warrior Marketing is So Easy and Effective It'll Make You Scratch Your Head! Before I discovered the true power of Warrior Marketing and all it's proven and powerful tactics, I stumbled from various other "marketing" tactics. The best I could ever do was make my money back and that was rare, usually it was a total loss of my money and my time. I take it you don't want to do the same so...

I am going to show you: Highlights: 1) How Warrior Marketing Works Today As I mentioned earlier, you don't need to travel all around the town, city, state, country or world to really utilize Warrior Marketing. 2) How You Can Obtain New Customers For Just One Dollar Obviously I don't mean paying $1 per click on a Pay-Per-Click search engine. I literally mean you can get new customers for a single dollar. Here is what you will learn inside this guide.... · Consumers prefer Warrior Marketing over any over method of marketing · How you can get new customers for $1 · The truth about all the Warrior Marketing Campaigns you've seen in the news · Using your Bluetooth device to drive customers to your site or business for free · Ingredients of a successful and not so successful Warrior Marketing Campaign · How you can dominate any city for well under $20 · Why free advertising works much better than paid advertising · The art of selling anything to anyone with Warrior Marketing · How an offline mailing list will run circles around any online mailing list · The perfect Warrior Marketing method for any business, on or offline

· And a lot more! How Much Is That Worth To You? I've seen books that don't contain half of the information I'm going to give you sell in the stores for thirty, forty, even fifty dollars. Or even worse, thinking about everyone that sunk their hard-earned marketing dollars into these quick fixes promised by the $100 a month "Professional Associations" is enough to make me want to scream. If they only knew how much value they weren't getting for their dollar! Available at at Midnight June 21st 2009!"

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