Activate Change Drivers Social Innovation Summit 2018 booklet

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Table of Contents Foreword by Chris Meintjes


Lwazi Mdlopane (KFW)


Audrey Verhaeghe (SAIS)


Bridgit Evans (SAB Foundation)


Lezerine Mashaba (YESpeace) - Acts of Kindness Campaign


Dene Botha (Pride Factor)


Social Innovators of 2018 Nkululeko Ngqinambi


Lekau Phoshoko


Leander Julius


Karabo Monatisi


Janet Jobson - The future of Social Innovation in South Africa


Three key things social innovators must do to affect change


Social Innovators of 2018 Vicky Shabangu


David Lekgwathi


Candice Collocott


Lizalise Mngcele


Neha Buch (PRAVAH) - Nurturing Youth Social Entrepreneurship



Table of Contents Social Innovators of 2018 Thulani Sejo


Sicelo Mbonani


Sehlorana Penester Tjale


Khanyisa Damoyi


Ludumo Marali


Madimetja Petrus Gwangwa


Siyabonga Mbaba (Ride 2 Empower) Acts of Kindness Campaign

P27 P28

SOCIAL INNOVATION SUMMIT PROGRAMME DAY 1 - Introducing the Activate network and its Social Innovation


DAY 2 - Growing the A! network through Social Innovation


DAY 3 - Exploring the social enterprise ecosystem in Khayelitsha



FOREWORD Chris Meintjes - ACTIVATE! Change Drivers CEO It is such a privilege for us as a network and an organisation to be part of our first Social Innovation Summit, an event that we will grow into something very special in the years to come. What excites us most is the potential to give life to ‘African-baked’ social innovations that showcase what we can do as a continent, as a nation and as young entrepreneurs. So why we are pushing so hard for a Social Innovation Summit space at this year’s South African Innovation Summit? Out there right now are thousands of young South Africans that, on a day-today basis, do the most amazing work, especially in isolated and impoverished communities. Many of these ideas are original and innovative yet remain isolated from site. Some of these ideas could grow to change the possibilities for our society in the future and so many of these ideas are grown out of personally experiencing a challenge on the ground on a day-to-day basis. ACTIVATE! embarked on a mission some six and a half years ago to find these amazing young South Africans and bring them into a training programme that strengthened who they were and equipped them with skills and tools and the ability to build connections and social capital that could see them have greater impact in the work they were doing. This would over time encourage opportunity to work together in addressing some of the big social issues facing the country as a whole. There are currently over 3500 Activators countrywide cutting across the divides that separate us; across race, culture, resource access and geography. Many are birthing a new, responsible and accountable leadership that gives new hope to the possibility of a brighter future. One of our biggest challenges though is the creation of a well-resourced and connected ecosystem for the development of social innovation. The reason why we are running our own smaller summit this year is to cast light on the possibilities and unpack - together with a number of young creative minds - what is needed to make this ecosystem flourish. Many Activators have a limited capacity to turn their ideas into reality and also generate ideas that hold a real possibility of impact as well as the ability to lead initiatives. The co-creation of this ecosystem is therefore the heart of this gathering and summit and will lay the foundation for much to come. I hope that if you read this booklet you will be inspired to connect with what we are doing, but also to support a future where young people are equipped to grow their ideas and see them come to life with an environment that nurtures and grows African baked ideas into high impact social initiatives that can reshape our world for the better. I am really excited by this and what it means for Social Innovation but also for the harnessing of youth energy out there across the ACTIVATE! Network and beyond. I hope you enjoy this booklet and the summit experience. Warmest wishes, Chris


Lwazi Mdlopane - Local Project Coordinator ACTIVATE! Leading Social Innovation KfW Development Bank in collaboration with the South Africa National Department of Health is pleased to be funding the “Activate! Leadership Programme” for Youth Development, through support from the German Government. The support from the German Government is aimed at assisting South Africa to address the high HIV burden facing young people. KfW has been funding the implementation of the “Activate! Leadership Programme” for Youth Development since 2011. The purpose of the Project is to reduce the risk tolerance of youth and young adults and their peers as well as to create economic and personal opportunities for them via the programme and/or local initiatives that arise therefrom. It is envisioned that this will contribute to increased use of adequate HIV prevention services and support, improve attitude, knowledge and behaviour with regards to HIV and TB. KfW is pleased to be affiliated with the Activate! project which has yielded positive outcomes for young people and their communities which often reap the benefits of projects implemented by the Activators. We are especially encouraged by the increasing footprint of Activate! with significant reach in disadvantaged communities and the high number of Activators who have been recruited to this national network. KfW is excited that the project continues to grow and adapt, resulting in positive changes in training material and design of training workshops, introduction of a decentralized model and the continued support to Activators. The burden of HIV can only be reduced through engaging the youth and enabling them to become active citizens in addressing HIV in the lives well as for the communities where they are from.


Audrey Verhaeghe Chairperson: SAInnovation Summit We at the SA Innovation Summit (#SAIS2018) are over the moon with the inclusion of the Social Innovation Summit into the programme of the SA innovation Summit. This provides such a unique opportunity for social entrepreneurs to infuse their great ideas with technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Data, Payment options, Business models and Market- fit thinking in order to scale their ideas, reach more beneficiaries and become self-sustainable. The technology entrepreneur will also be challenged to think about impact with what they do. We hope the cross networking will lead to beautiful contacts, deals and reach. Impact funding and inclusive innovation systems will be addressed in various spaces. We hope this will give wings to the social innovator and inspire more entrepreneurs to think impact. Welcome and let’s grow together! Can’t wait to measure the impact of this and see how we move Africa with our collaboration with ACTIVATE! Change Drivers. Africa, our time has truly come!

Bridgit Evans Director of SAB Foundation ACTIVATE! is delighted to have received a generous contribution from the SAB Foundation, to be used specifically as funding for the winning Social Innovators at the 2018 Social Innovation Summit. SAB Foundation is registered as a tax exempt Small Business Funding entity and strives to provide funding for small, medium and micro-sized enterprises, in order to contribute to the economic and social empowerment of primarily, historically disadvantaged persons. The SAB Foundation is an independent trust that annually invests millions of rand toward developing entrepreneurship (including Social Innovation) in South Africa. Bridgit Evans, Director of SAB Foundation, is passionate about highlighting entrepreneurship and social innovation within vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. “The work that ACTIVATE! does resonates strongly with the SAB Foundation, which is why we choose to support them. Their positive contribution to South Africa’s economic climate and the impact they make on previously disadvantaged individuals and communities, is what makes us proud to support ACTIVATE!,” said Bridgit.


Lezerine Mashaba Lezerine Mashaba is a YESPeace (Youth, Education, Sustainability and Peace) Sub – Saharan

regional ambassador and an ACTIVATE! Provoke Manager for Interconnectedness and Inclusivity sector. ACTIVATE! as a partner of the YESpeace Network Africa is working in partnership with the Social Innovation Summit to showcase Activators who are performing acts of kindness within the different sustainable development goals (SDG) space. ACTIVATE! will on the second day of the Summit launch the Acts of Kindness Campaign in collaboration with Activators who will be present at the Summit to celebrate their work and efforts to build our society. ­Read more about the Acts of Kindness Campaign on page ....

Dene Botha Pride Factor- an official partner of ACTIVATE! Change drivers since April 2018, is a life skills academy dedicated to improving the quality of young peoples’ lives by inspiring, guiding and mentoring them to challenge their assumptions, broaden their aspirations and develop entrepreneurial thinking. Like ACTIVATE!- Pride Factor has a vison to encourage young leaders to create a future worth aspiring to.











Janet Jobson Janet Jobson is the Deputy CEO of the DG Murray Trust, a public innovator through strategic investment. DGMT seeks to create a South Africa where all people are able to fulfil their potential; from early childhood into fulfilled adulthood. Janet completed her MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford in 2009.

The future of Social Innovation in South Africa As South Africa enters its 25th year of democracy in 2019, it is a powerful opportunity to look forward into what the next 25 years might hold – and in particular the role that social innovation practices might shape, or be shaped, by our emerging future. There is much that we as a society should be proud of: no other country has sought to move itself by a sheer force of will from perpetrating and enduring centuries’ long crimes against humanity, to seeking to build a just and equal society in which the dignity of each person is supported and fulfilled. And while we have many failures and missed opportunities under our belts, it is a mission that remains courageous and significant. In the last few years, however, we have rapidly realised that for too long we have failed to secure the human development of the majority of our people: 27% of our children are stunted by the age of two ; about 40% of children do not attend early learning programmes prior to starting school ; 78% of our children cannot read for meaning by Grade 4 ; not a single learner in 47% of our schools can do an intermediate level mathematics problem in Grade 8 ; only 4 of every 100 Grade 1 learners gets a degree ; 7.9 million young people are not in employment, education or training (NEET) ; and the majority of our formal workforce earn less that R5 000 each month. This systematic undermining of human potential drives growing inequality, and takes place in a context of increasingly harsh realities of poverty, violence, and disconnection. If social innovation is to have a role in transforming this trajectory, it cannot tinker on the margins – it must have the courage to step into the midst of the most difficult and enduring challenges in our society. That social innovators often combine a positive mindset with the technical know-how and empathy to tackle big challenges is precisely what makes them indispensable. But, if social innovators focus only on the brilliance of their ideas and products, they will have little real and large-scale impact. An idea is only as good as its adoption and ultimate impact. The future of social innovation in South Africa thus requires a radical engagement with the social dynamics and broader ecosystem that shape our outcomes as a country.


Three key things social innovators must do to truly affect the next 25 years of South Africa’s development: 1. Bridge the divides that define South Africa Too often social innovation fixates on products and ideas as ‘quick fixes’ for massive structural challenges. Yes, there is a significant place for technological and product-based fixes – but race, class, gender, and geography remain defining forces in the extent to which a child born today will have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. If we get caught up in our own hype about innovation, we may forget that our innovations will equally be shaped by these dynamics. A recent example I heard was that of self-driving cars. The major argument for building this technology is to reduce traffic accidents and deaths. But none of these technologies are being developed in bustling, chaotic, developing countries metropolises where the majority of these deaths occur. Ignoring this reality undermines the ultimate intentions of this innovation. Importantly, social innovators must do the work to ensure that they bridge these divides within their own organisations, and not just in their work ‘out there’.

2. True innovation requires generating demand; not just meeting it. True social innovators have a fine line to walk – they need to be solving challenges that exist beyond the obvious, while not imposing their particular take on the world on vulnerable groups without their consent or active engagement. This requires a particularly high level of emotional intelligence, empathy, curiosity about how different people perceive their challenges, and an ability to respond both to immediate and future needs. If we give in only to what is obvious, we limit the potential of our innovation. For example, while nutrition has always been a generalised concern, it is only with the galvanising vision of Grow Great – a multi-pronged campaign to achieve a stunting-free generation by 2030 – that a range of actors from across government, civil society, and the private sector have joined forces. Generating demand for innovations is often the ‘secret sauce’ that is an after-thought to many idea-obsessed innovators.

3. Social innovators must work beyond traditional sectoral boundaries One of the core assets of social innovators is that they can come from anywhere, but are driven by the common commitment to the public good. Most impactful social innovations, however, live at the intersection of traditional sectoral boundaries. Over the last 25 years we have many powerful examples of this: it took a protest movement, some lawyers, and some brave doctors to first demand and then import and start administering ARVs to South Africans dying of AIDS. This was a significant social innovation. But it also took courage and commitment for government to step up and innovate a system for affordably sourcing and delivering ARVs for daily use by over 4 million South Africans – more than anywhere else in the world. If social innovators stick only to their sector, they will miss the big opportunities that lie in collaboration between the competencies of different actors. This is perhaps the greatest possible innovation – to align the purpose and practice of all actors in society. The future of social innovation in South Africa is bright – if we can align the relationships, demand, and collaboration that is needed to tackle the major crises we face. Crisis occurs when all our current coping strategies fail. This may well be an apt way to describe South Africa in 2018. But it is precisely this crisis that creates the space – and necessity – for social innovators to create new strategies for us to thrive.










Neha Buch Neha Buch is the CEO of Pravah, a leading Delhi-based NGO that works on youth development and youth centric development with and among Indian youth. As the head of Pravah, Neha works to build alliances with other sectors such as the academic institutions, community groups, government, and corporations. She has engaged with different UN agencies to advocate for youth development and youth centric development programmes and approaches. Neha was involved in the post 2015 process in India as a co-convener of the Youth tract for post 2015 consultative process and represented India at the BRICS Youth Forum in December 2016. Besides working towards influencing the youth eco-system, she works directly with diverse groups of adolescents and young people to facilitate their journeys of personal transformation while transforming the real world. Nurturing Youth Social Entrepreneurship India has often been talked about as the land of paradoxes. With a burgeoning youth population, India is said to be headed towards a demographic dividen. However whether this will be a dividend or a disaster remains to be seen. Nothing reflects this more than in the two paradoxical ideas of India: the fastest growing economy in the world versus a ranking of 131 on the Human Development Index (HDI). India’s superpower dreams seem to be only for the rich with the poor still having nightmares of access to basic health, education and livelihoods. According to the Palma ratio , India is at 1.5 and 75% of the new wealth has gone to 1% of the Indians in the last 25 years. Inspite of doing well on several growth indicators, India’s youth continue to face financial, social and psychological exclusion owing to widespread inequalities which can potentially hollow us out like a tree with termites. Financially, with unemployment figures of 18.6 million in 2018 with projected figures of 18.9 million in 2019 (ILO) the growth is jobless. Socially, large sections of young people from marginalised sections are not only left out of the job scene but also live with discrimination and with little access to basic needs of education, health, shelter and nutrition. Psychologically, living in a patriarchal and hierarchical society, young people are excluded from decision making processes whether they be in the spaces of family, education or in the larger political framework. A critical missing link to turn this situation around is the need to invest in youth-led social entrepreneurship initiatives which contribute to financial sustainability by serving the underserved markets as well as to contribute to community development by providing innovative solutions to existing social challenges in both the profit and not-for-profit frameworks. They are also able to create direct empoyment by employing disadvantaged groups in their workforce, especially women.


Since they are young themselves, with the right mentoring and support in capacity building they are able to work with young people as equals bringing them on to set agendas jointly and create intergenerational relationships based on respect and mutuality. The reality is that, we need disruptive thinking and widespread yet contextualised social innovation to help the world face the challenges of inequality. This requires that young people are enabled and empowered to take ownership of changing the world through psycho social interventions that help them see the connection of themselves with the larger world. Safe, non judgemental empowering 5th Spaces, where the focus is as much on the transformation of the young person as on the transformation of the world, through focusing on deep self awareness, building relationships with the others and developing capacities to take informed decsions and action in the real world is the need of the hour. Along with this, mindsets have to change, so that the environment is conducive for young people to be able to take leadership for social innovation and change through the path of social entrepreneurship. Working for social change is not considered an option because career opportunities in the mainstream are more inviting and less risky. Social pressures, limited access to resources, both financial and non-financial, as well as a lack of avenues to develop their capacities are some of the many challenges that young social changemakers face. Investors expect fast returns on investment in terms of hard numbers while the young leaders have a long learning curve (as ground level experience and mistakes are what they require to make to build their capacities) and a very complex environment to establish their interventions in. Thus, what is needed is a country-wide ecosystem for nurturing youth leadership and ensuring that stakeholders including governments view the early years of a social entrepreneur’s journey as barefoot education and structure the resourcing accordingly. This will meet the real development needs of the young people as well as usher in an economic, political and social demographic dividend.














Siyabonga Mbaba Siyabonga Mbaba is a creative, entrepreneur, event organizer, performing artist and community activist. Siyabonga is the founder and Managing Director for Ride 2 Empower Pty Ltd, an entrepreneurship development company that focuses on micro-enterprise development and bringing funding opportunities for social entrepreneurs from marginalized communities, the company exist to support the township economy and promotion of vibrant culture of entrepreneurship and enterprise growth through bicycles, where micro-enterprise act as drivers of job creation and inclusive economic benefit, to develop and accelerate entrepreneurship in the townships. He founded a retail store in Khayelitsha which didn’t go wellm however in business you “Do. Fail.Learn and repeat the same thing “ until you make it right. Siyabonga is also a co-founder of Amagugu Nenkcubeko Art Market, Ghetto Soul Sessions, Investment tours, Angel Investors Stokvel where they fundraise R50 000 every month for the Groundbreakers Pitching Den. In 2015 he was project managers for the Cape Town International Dance Festival for Ikapa Dance Theatre, as well as the Cape Town Graffiti Festival for Ikhaya Le Langa He recently joined the Heavy Chef Pty Ltd team as the Ecosystem Manager and Project Director for all South African townships events, which is a community platform for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs. Heavy Chef is the most popular monthly leadership and tech event in South Africa, with Payfast, WWC, Whipping The Cat,Backsberg, CBC, Sir Fruit and Primedia as partners What people don’t know about Siyabonga is that before he ventured to business, he was strongly involve in the civil society organizations where he served as a board member at Bathandwa Orphange and volunteered at Love life as a groundbreaker/facilitator as well as Nal’ibali where he was a literature activist


Acts of Kindness Campaign for Sustainable Development Goals The purpose of the UNESCO MGIEP “Acts of Kindness for the Sustainable Development Goals” Campaign is to mobilise the world’s youth to achieve the 17 SDGs through specific, difficult, and independently verified acts of kindness. The overall goals of the campaign are to create a positive culture of kindness where a person’s selfless act matters, and show how it can contribute to the 17 SDGs. Provide a comprehensive, independent, fun and engaging pathway for youth to demonstrate how acts of kindness is a nontrivial task and that being kind is being ‘cool’. The Campaign is aimed at young people, especially young women, in the age group of 15 to 35 years who are motivated and inspired to contribute to sustainable development goals. Youth led / youth focused organizations, governments, corporates, policy makers, development agencies, civil society, academicians, universities, schools, media agencies and individuals who are committed to enhance the youth participation in the development agenda.

Why? Implementing the 17 SDGs represents a formidable challenge of addressing issues as diverse as changing demographics, migration, climate change, economic slowdown as well as better coordination among organizations, measuring indicators, reporting on progress, and communicating results to motivate further action. A key component often ignored when designing strategies to address social, ecological and economic problems are socio-emotional capacities that motivate individual action. Acts anchored on the competencies of kindness, empathy and compassion form the foundation of a more sustainable future. These acts performed especially by the youth, institutionally recognized and reinforced, initiate social and economic changes key for the success of the SDG implementation and progress towards more sustainable societies.

About the YesPeace Network YESPeace (Youth for Education, Sustainability and Peace) is a network-of-networks to foster collaboration between organisations and initiatives working with, for and led by young people on education for peace and sustainable development. Since its inception in year 2014, the network has launched several projects to mobilize youth action on peace, sustainable development at the global level by generating intergenerational global dialogues, building capacities of youth organizations and producing evidence based research on education policies.


ACTIVATE! Social Innovation Summit 2018 Cape Town Stadium Programme - 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 LEVEL 01 - Introducing the Activate network and its Social Innovation Programme item

Time 09:00-17:30



Exhibition - Showcase of 50 Social Innovators from a network of over 3000 young South Africans who are influencing change within their communities and South Africa.

50 Social Innovators/ Activators

Keynote Address - Why Social Innovation Matters and introduction of the Social Innovation Summit.

Chris Meintjes ACTIVATE! CEO

Programme - 13 SEPTEMBER 2018 LEVEL 01 PLENARY 2 -Growing the A! network through Social Innovation Time

Programme item


Welcome Spoken word poem

Althea Farmer Kaydee Mashile


Keynote Address -Reflections on youth leadership in a globalised world

Neha Buch


Moderator -Lezerine Mashaba; ACTIVATE! Provoke Manager and YesPeace representative


Speaker -Encouraging and rewarding active citizens for voluntary work through digital currency to address unemployment in South Africa.




ACTIVATE! explorations in Social Innovation Ready to build a future worthy of our longing, taking small steps towards global change for good Performance Heroes journey - From dreams to impact


CEO of Pravah, a leading Delhi-based NGO that works on youth development and youth-centric development with and among Indian youth

Allan Van Der Meulen

Co-Founder of Zlto; a digital rewards platform incentivising it’s uses for positive behaviour in an attempt to combat the youth unemployment epidemic. Chris Meintjes


Programme - 13 SEPTEMBER 2018 LEVEL 01 PLENARY 2 -Growing the A! network through Social Innovation Time

Programme item PANEL DISCUSSION -KNOWLEDGE SHARING SESSION 1. Building a strong ecosystem for Social Innovators; the vital role of support structures in enabling social innovators, access to social and intellectual capital but also to finance.

Speaker Ellen Fischat

Co-founder of Innocircle, a boutique, innovation consultancy.

Mike Ouwerkerk


Social entrepreneur that focuses on create leadership competencies in talented young people that continues to drive growth and development in the corporate industries.

2. Value - Based Leadership

3. Creating an inclusive economy we can resolve the major social, political and environmental problems of today




SAB Foundation Pitching Den 10 social innovators out of 50, pitch to stand a chance to win a prizes worth R60 000 investment into their social business. Launch of ACTS OF KINDNESS- YES PEACE Campaign is to mobilise the world’s youth to achieve the 17 SDGs through specific, difficult, and independently verified acts of kindness.


Danai Musandu

Investment Analyst at Goodwell Investments. Goodwell provides risk capital and hands-on support to fast growing businesses in emerging markets, mainly in financial services and increasingly in other inclusive sectors that combine impact with commercial returns.

Programme - 14 SEPTEMBER 2018 Social Innovation Tour - Exploring the social enterprise ecosystem in Khayelitsha Time

Programme item


Cycle to Siki’s coffee shop watch documentary with Sunshine Cinema-Mobile cinema that converts solar power into social impact.


Cycle to Molo Mhlaba - Pan-African low fee independent private school for girls, providing quality STEAM education through innovative teaching and learning strategies for learners from underserved communities.


Cycle to 18 Gangster museum - 18 Gangster Museum is the first of its kind in Africa. This innovative living museum aims to help South African youth to better understand the treacherous path that too many in their communities take into gangsterism and, ultimately, prison. More importantly, 18 Gangster Museum seeks to offer a positive alternative.


Networking lunch at 4roomed foods - A lifestyle concept based on the four roomed homes found in the oldest townships of South Africa. A life celebrated through great food, beautiful home decor & art, and the most inconceivable lifestyle ideas..evoking a sense of nostalgia while promoting an inclusive hub for all who live and visit South Africa! *The programme was correct at time of printing


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