The Activator newspaper 2020

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KZN node during the ACTIVATE! Change Drivers training Programme.

Why is this important? By Bongolwethu Sonti It’s 01 January 2030 and you have just celebrated the new year - you’re standing on top of Table Mountain looking down, what do you see below? Is it a picturesque Wakanda-like dream with semi - flying electric powered cars, tree top houses, ecologically designed central business districts with lush green forests? The phone you are holding in your hand, is it a cruelty free phone? Who are you standing with? Is it an excited tourist who travelled 14 000 KMs to marvel at the beauty of Cape Town and to study the spirit of its people and how they model community?

the people who were leading that change. People like the brave young warrior named Shaka Zulu who saw that war was a strategic pursuit of power and not a careless throw of it; to the 1950s civil rights movements that eventually gave birth to groups like the black panthers (in the US) who confronted the realities of the day and were not naïve to societal perceptions; to the climate warriors all over the world in 2019 who saw that the waiting game may leave things too late to save the planet.

As you breathe in the air on the mountain top - do stories of the past decade come back to you about how a country on the edge of collapse was pulled from that ledge by a single movement? And, how a group of young people who wanted to take back their future and lead, turned around a society at the brink of destruction to become the blueprint of a cohesive prosperous nation? Or, is what you see an emotionless pit with clear lines of social divides drawn by toll roads and unending landfills? Did it take you days to reach this mountain from the abyss of helplessness and dead dreams - (from the outer city)? Or, are you looking at the person next to you with envy as they sip on their R75 onelitre water while taking pictures with their R50k smartphone? How did you even get here? As with every generation before us, we are faced with challenges that seem insurmountable and objectives that seem unachievable, but throughout history, the story of guts, determination, courage and change seems to present only one protagonist and one voice – the power of youth. I remember the first stories of change that I heard, I remember



Activate Change Drivers 1

January 2020


SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable networks operate effectively in spite of organisational setbacks, such as staff reorganisation. Embedding the components of an effective network will steer networks towards sustainability, along with the following key principles that promote network sustainability:

A supportive culture • •

Networks that value and develop a culture of inclusive support are more effective and sustainable as they use all of the resources and expertise that exist within the network. Having strong leadership that facilitates supportive relationships is an essential part of creating a sustainable network.

Resources •

An effective network encourages each stakeholder and Activator to contribute and share their skills, expertise, time or other resources in a sustainable manner.

Flexibility •

Activators need to be flexible when organising meetings or establishing other arrangements, to help become familiar with the different operating styles of other network members.

Succession planning • •

Effective networks do not rely on the work of one employee or Activator and are more sustainable if a variety of employees and Activators are up to date with the structure and status of the network. It is also important that dealings between Activators and materials relevant to the network are documented and are easily accessible so that other staff can quickly identify where the network is at.

Coordination •

It is important that there is a single point of contact for each network member. This helps coordinate the network’s work and helps prevent conflicting information being communicated between Activators.

Within the network, the Provoke sector coordinators play this valuable coordination role as well as the ACD Trainers and the Youth Hub coordinators. This is because they are the first point of contact with Activators.

Shared decision making •

All Activators should be involved in the decision making process, allowing each member to contribute their expertise to the network. Shared decision making helps promote mutual trust and respect within the network and a sense of ownership of the network’s achievements.

Sustainability and activity trajectory •

Ensuring the sustainability of a network and its activities relies heavily on how well the activities add value for Activators and their communities while staying true to the priorities that have been agreed upon by all members.

Quick wins are important and can encourage buy-in from partners, collaboration and strong momentum. However, focusing on quick wins for a long period of time can move a network away from the strategic priority. Ongoing reflection, evaluation and asking why and how the planned activities align with the goals and evidence should ensure that effort will meet strategic priorities.

This guide is taken from the Victoria Government State Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (




However, youth networks offer a great wealth of social capital which individuals can leverage opportunities from beyond those supplied in the mainstream. Let us not forget that it takes a little more than hard work and maybe some luck to succeed, many books have spoken about the circle of influence and how it affects the ability of an individual to reach their goals. The A! Network’s sustainability can affect the increased impact of individual actors within communities when they access incremental training and support. This, and working with others locally can help scale actions or leverage effective systems change, and thus offer the opportunity to increase diversity of youth voices, representation and visibility at different levels.

Social movements, in particular youth networks, have had the power to shape and reshape our trajectories. In fact, it is these movements that allowed the birthing of a “new” change phenomenon - that phenomenon being youth networks, which are comprised of interconnected individuals, organisations and community-based movements who bring about effective social change. But the real question is what makes them survive, thrive and how can they become sustainable? Apart from the evolutionary luck of being able to coordinate ourselves in large numbers, the hunger for self-determination and control has been the fuel that has kept us fired up to realise the utopia we dream of. More specifically, youth networks are driven by the need to create a platform for an amplified youth voice, engagement of individuals, agency to set the agenda that are not predetermined agendas. Furthermore, it is the sense of inclusivity, diversity and equality which offer a level playing field for actors and the value that the network attaches to individual actors and their community work. This makes the case for why it’s important to build on a youth network’s propensity for public innovation.

So, on that New Year’s Day in 2030 what is it that we want to see? I predict, if we can attach meaning to our everyday contributions to the network, see that meaning - as a painter attaches meaning to each stroke of his brush, we can blaze a trail that no one can alter. Meaning is derived from constant connection and established outcomes within the network.This is how I see us leveraging the power of youth in the next decade. As you sit now and ponder about the next step, think about that mountain top, think about your position within the network right now. Are you helping it to remain sustainable, are you the wind beneath its wings? Youth make up the majority of the continents population, imagine if that same youth stood hand in hand and passed each other the bricks to build our future instead of throwing them at each other.

But, sometimes youth networks too fizzle out, just as the peace movements of the 1960s and 1970s, members grow old, have kids, get the home with the white picket fence and are more concerned about annual tax returns. Sometimes it takes a while for another generation to take up the mantle, which is where we are, and sometimes the mantle is never taken up again, which is where Africa is with needing to reclaim its power, resources and future.

01 January 2030, which reality is yours?

The problem is not with the youth or youth movements, the problem is on gearing them for sustainability. We need to start building movements not just around strong, educated and well-connected people, but continually focus on building a foundation that includes a well engraved vision with a firm strategic objective and a human resource focus. It’s not enough to have a good baseline, a youth network achieves strength and resilience through its ability to survive high turn-over periods. Ideally “we,” the youth of 2020, should be able to be replaced completely without destabilising the mission and work of the network.

Bhongolwethu is an Activator and a youth development and social innovation practitioner focused on finding ways for meaningful youth engagement in policy reform and sustainable development impact. He is Co-Founder of Just.CHOICE a youth lead SRHR advocacy movement; Director of Programmes for Tore’s Africa Foundation and a Sustainability Expert for the global private online high school, the Valenture Institute. He is also a Women Deliver Young Leader, advocating for the health, rights, and well-being of girls and women. He has gained years of valuable experience working on development programmes with Mjoli Connect, Greenpop and as a member

To build sustainability as a network, we, the ACTIVATE! Change Drivers Network, already have a great advantage of having a wide reach of diverse individuals. We need to leverage this advantage, we should establish a core mission and values that can be understood throughout the network. This will inform our strategic plan for public innovation in South Africa and beyond. It is therefore important to establish clear and measurable processes including clear outcomes and impact objectives. Furthermore, we need a plan for building capacity, communication, skill exchange and coping mechanisms. This is not enough, the organisation needs to place at the centre of its organisational mandate and budget, the expertise and service exchanges for individuals within the network. A sort of model that recognises progress and excellence by individuals and organisations. Additionally, set up a transparent process for nomination and feedback for opportunities offered to individuals within the network, whether this is a seat at the board table, attending a BRICS meeting or any other media opportunities. Importantly, a strong institution requires a strong focus on structure and process but this doesn’t necessarily mean we need to build a bureaucratic system, the impact of the youth network lies in its adaptability to deal with quick feedback.

of the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) Youth Advisory Panel bridging the gap between the sustainable development goals, social justice, and youth empowerment. Bhongolwethu is an Associate Fellow of the Royal Commonwealth Society and has been named a Young Global Leader by Johnson & Johnson, and named as one of 2018 Most Influential Young South Africans. He is also an Aspen Ideas - Spotlight Health Global Voices Scholar and an UNLEASH Fellow.

When I joined ACTIVATE! in 2015, I thought I could make a difference in my own small circle of influence, but I never believed it until I spent a year meeting and getting to know close to 500 new young people and their ideas for change – they changed my perceptions on how to solve certain problems; they helped me get over self-doubt and kept me engaged and focused to move forward with my work. What I am known as now is a member of a network that represents power and ability, beyond Plein Street and the UN Plaza.

It is an example of when young people come together; are given a platform; afforded an opportunity to explore or build on their own ideas and are given an avenue for action beyond tokenistic representation and mainstreaming which allows REAL meaningful change to take place. A youth network is important because it offers an opportunity for an individual to gain structural knowledge to build on their own capacity and influence others. Most young people don’t interact within clearly defined processes and measured outcomes until they reach employment (if they ever do).

(+27) 81 246 2932 / (+27) 81 385 4422 (WhatsApp) @bhongolwethu_



Siphelele Chirwa Executive Director of ACTIVATE! Change Drivers

Siphelele Chirwa completed the ACTIVATE! Change Drivers programme in 2012 as part of the first cohort of Activators to join the A! Network. Since then, she has been working in the youth development sector for the past 15 years, with different NGOs and is currently part of the Executive Leadership team and a Programme Lead Facilitator at Educo. She took over the running of Educo Africa 4 years ago and a major part of this role has been about building a sustainable organisation. She is currently studying Project Management and Youth Development and is a leader of the Youth Development Forum in Langa, Cape Town. Siphelele previously served as a board member of ACTIVATE! for the past 3 years and will from 01 March 2020 assume the position of CEO AT ACTIVATE! Change Drivers. Email:

Althea Farmer Executive Director of Operations

Tebogo Suping Executive Director of the A! Network

The Operations Director at ACTIVATE! Change Drivers, a team member at the organisation since 2013, Althea Farmer, is a systems thinker and key role player for delivering the organisation’s strategic vision. She’s a problem solver and at the same time ensures building an inclusive office environment which promotes team creativity and innovation. She has 15 years of experience across Project Management & Operations Management. Althea currently holds various diplomas from business, leadership and marketing management and has recently obtained a certificate in Social Entrepreneurship and Systems Change at the UCT Bertha Centre.

Tebogo Suping completed the ACTIVATE! Change Drivers programme in 2012 as part of the first cohort of Activators to join the A! Network. She is a B.Com graduate with experience in strategic marketing; corporate social investment and civic education training.She has experience as a facilitator on leadership, public innovation, capacity building and civic education. She was previously the Capacity Building manager at ACTIVATE! where she contributes to strategy development and implementation and is responsible for creating connections and capacitation platforms that can enable young people to thrive and drive change for the public good. Tebogo is passionate about the active roles that young people can and do play towards making both local communities and South Africa prosper.







By Paul Mabote “We are generation 2020! We don’t want a hand-out, we want a hand up!” That is the inspirational slogan found on the face of the National Youth Policy (20152020) document. The document is the middle child, being that it succeeds an earlier version of itself (the NYP 2009-2014) and precedes the most recent version which is still in development (the NYP 2021-2025). The documents are meant to set out government’s aims and strategies regarding youth development in the country. However, there’s a national cloud of doubt as to whether the government is up to the task of implementing these policies.

KZN focus grouphosted by Nkosikhona Mpungose

Out with the Old For the development of the most recent version of the National Youth Policy (NYP 2021-2025), submissions were made by various youth development structures across South Africa, to the National Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME). ACTIVATE! participated by mobilising more than 350 young people (a total of 17 focus groups) throughout the country, in sessions where young people got the opportunity to review and give comment on the contents of the (NYP 2015-2020). Based on the views and comments from Activators from across the country, ACTIVATE! carefully consolidated the Networks submission and sent it to the DPME. “Under the Youth Making Local Government Work (YMLGW) Campaign, we made the decision to mobilise the network and host focus groups with young people from different communities. Reading through the policy, one can see how detailed and how important the policy is for the development of the youth. However, many of the youth are in the dark about the existence of such a policy which governs many things that affect them. Likewise, for a number of the young people, the sessions were an important learning curve,” says YMLGW Coordinator, Bongiwe Ndlovu.

GP focus group hosted by Phathuxolo Ndzimande

Good on Paper “An interesting thing about the (NYP 2015-2020) is that it has inside it more than 190 ‘should’s,” says Bongiwe, “but the big problem is that ‘should’ does not necessarily hold anyone accountable,” she continues. So one of the questions was how do we change the wording, so that we do not end up with another 5 years of an unimplemented youth policy?

So what do the youth want? There were several common issues expressed by young people regarding the implementation of the National Youth Policy. Some of them were access to youthfriendly services at health institutions and the reduction of the gap between small and big businesses. Bongiwe says that there were submissions that spoke of substance abuse and the bigger role that the private sector could be playing in the effort to reduce it. Activator and Youth Hub manager Lebogang Ditsebe led a focus group in Kimberely in the Northern Cape, he says, “The development of youth sports is included within the framework of the policy, as sports is regarded as a big and important instrument of nation-building. However, the development of sports at grassroots level seems to be abandoned in most of our communities. Arts must also be incorporated as a mandatory part of the public schooling curriculum to make the most of our young people’s various capabilities.”

Limpopo focus group hosted by Mercy Rambuawani

“Looking at the policy, it is important to remember that the visions included therein, are not going to be brought into reality just by words, but by action. Hosting a focus group in a school in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, I got the opportunity to speak to matric students and get a sense of what they think the National Youth Policy is about and how can we make sure that the visions contained in the latest version are implemented,” says Activator Mordecai Ndlovu, who is the founder of Africa Youth Entrepreneurship.








During the month of June, ACTIVATE! Change Drivers collaborated with Activators working within the health sector to coordinate a series of hackathons at various locations across South Africa. The hackathons were initiated as part of our effort to create platforms for new ways of thinking and unconventional approaches to address health issues affecting youth. With this in mind, Health Hackathons were conducted in Bushbuckridge and Mbombela in Mpumalanga as well as in Port Shepstone, Richards Bay and Durban in KwaZulu Natal.

ACTIIVATE! also hosted a satellite session at the 9th South African AIDS Conference in partnership with KfW and Youth Against AIDS. The Satellite Session which was hosted at the Durban ICC sought to highlight the importance of social innovation in building the capacity of youth to actively respond to health challenges affecting communities across South Africa. This session which is part of the ACTIVATE! Health Sector strategy to create provocative platforms for Activators to critically reflect on health issues affecting society saw over 100 participants, including 39 Activators from across Kwa-Zulu Natal participate. Through this engagement, Activators were able to engage with various thought-leaders working within the public health sector.

ACTIVATE! partnered with IPAS South Africa to coordinate the #SRHFYI Imbizo which was hosted at WITS University in Johannesburg. This Imbizo was primarily targeted at Activators working within the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and sought to create an enabling environment for Activators working in this sector to deepen their knowledge on this important thematic issue within public health in general. Key among the outcomes for this engagement was the commitment made by various stakeholders who participated in the Imbizo to contribute towards strengthening the role of youth in general and Activators in advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in South Africa. This includes IPAS South Africa, Gateway Health Institute, QRATE and Marie Stopes, among others.

ACTIVATE! partnered with IPAS South Africa to develop IEC materials with evidence-based and youth-friendly content on sexual and reproductive health. This material was reviewed by various stakeholders including the Department of Health officials as well as Health Promoters working within the department.

In August, we partnered with various stakeholders including IPAS South Africa, Global Health Strategies, Nalane for Reproductive Rights and SWEAT to coordinate the Clean Up Jozi Campaign at Park Station, Johannesburg. The campaign sought to highlight the dangers of unsafe abortion by taking down posters which promote unsafe abortion. The campaign received media coverage from Newzroom Africa, eNCA and Timeslive, with Project Liaison Officer Kanyisa Booi and Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng of Nalane for Reproductive Rights carrying the message of the campaign on these platforms. Following this, other leading organisation in the sexual and reproductive health rights space including She Decides expressed an interest in partnering with us to host a follow up Clean Up campaign. Plans for this are currently underway.

In September, ACTIVATE! coordinated the AYFS Imbizo at the Central University of Technology in Bloemfontein with the aim of strengthening efforts to enhance access to Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services in the Free State province. Various stakeholders including SANAC and HEAIDS provided Activators with insights on how to actively contribute towards fulfilling the stated objective. Among the key outcomes from this engagement was the commitment by the Provincial Council on AIDS in the Free State to actively engage Activators at the community level with the view of ensuring their participation at various levels to ensure the strengthening of AYFS in the province.

The A! Health Sector will focus its efforts on strengthening Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services by integrating the work of Health Champions into already existing community-based interventions such as the ACTIVATE! Powered Youth Hubs in various communities across the country. This Health Champions-led strategy will seek to integrate youth-focused information and services into these programmes through hackathons, imbizo’s and other interventions.

Be part of the health sector activities in 2020, dont miss out!!! You can email them on:



1. DEFINE YOUR GOALS What needs changing? Long term/short term? What do we want to ask for? Does it require change to: • Legislation • Policy • Regulation • Programs • Funding


2.2. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE • • • • •

8. REMEMBER… • • • •

Communication is key! Build a coalition of voices Planning is crucial Positive messaging is important

Multi-layered: policy makers, media, key constituencies, public Different strategies for each target – research Provincial and Territorial governments, health authorities and general public

4.4. DENTIFY DELIVERY METHODS • • • • • • • •

Advocacy is relationship building Tactics change by target audience Tactics to reach general public Ads Media stories Editorials Awareness campaigns Local events

Tactics to reach media • Choose right communication tool: • Press releases, Op-Ed, press conferences, letters • Use positive language • Make sure sources are credible • Make sure information is timely • Localize the issue • Accent human interest angle • Demonstrate support Tactics to reach political level of government • Meetings with elected officials – follow up • Letter writing campaigns then follow up in person • Distribute background documentation proving our case • Petitions • Appear before Caucus • Appear before a Parliamentary Committee Tactics to reach departmental level of government • Meet with departmental employees responsible for issue • Meet with other government employees that may have an interest in the issue • Be prepared with discussion information and background info that they can use to • make the case within government

7. 7.


3.3. CRAFT YOUR MESSAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Craft Your Message Be clear on what we are asking for Keep it simple and focussed Use positive language Tailor message to audience- research Appeal to audience’s self-interest Acknowledge environment/context- be pragmatic Make the case Need to look at the problem, the solution(s) and the benefit(s) Be consistent Distribute clear concise position statements Use evidence - facts carry more weight than anecdotal evidence Economic arguments are important

5 5.


Do a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis Build on existing resources and opportunities • Alliances, relationships, information, political intelligence, capacity of staff, opportunities Develop capacities which are lacking • Research, media, outreach

6 6.


Identify achievable goals that set the stage for larger work Include in the advocacy strategy/plan • • • • • • • • • • • •

Priority area Action Target Timelines Partners Resources Critical path or Next Steps Set out clear steps – including timelines Be clear on who needs to do what and when Communicate the plan to partners Be flexible Keep focussed on the long term goal

Regularly revisit each of the steps to make sure the strategy is effective. Discard any tactics which are not working and build on those that do. Re-evaluate as new opportunities and challenges emerge. Communicate changes internally



Meet Activator Given Sedibe from an area called Msogwaba Pienaar in Mpumalanga. He is a community youth developer, a social activist and a member of the ACTIVATE! Change Driver’s Network. Given started his journey in community work in 2016 and in 2017 he started a youth development organisation called Impilo Youth Empowerment CSO. He says that the objective was to bridge the development gap between his community and key stakeholders. The Break Down There are six main programmes which Given and his team run under the IMPILO Youth Empowerment umbrella. They assist young people with online and manual university applications, they conduct the Youth in Leadership training programme and they also do programmes for charity. Impilo Youth Empowerment CSO also offers its beneficiaries academic support and career guidance by conducting career expos. They also run programmes on anti-drug awareness and teenage pregnancy eradication. The leaders at Impilo Youth also conduct youth camps.

Members of IYECSO assisting leaners with online tertiary applications

“I am also involved in the Youth Making Local Government work programme and I have been advocating for sustainable service delivery in my community. With all our programmes, we have already worked with 5 schools, 9 community centres (home based and youth centres) and through our charity programme we have been able to assist more than 350 families from different areas within the province. I love community work that is why I am always on the ground with the masses,” he says. Empowered to Empower Given mentions that their journey in building their organisation has not been without challenges. “It has not been easy to reach many young people with a lack of financial and other resources.” Given identifies drug abuse as one of the most prevalent social ills in his community. Impilo Youth Empowerment CSO trains young people to effectively run their community projects. On their Facebook page, they mention that “Some of the reasons why people’s organisations collapse is because the leadership or the management structure sometimes is unclear and does not understand their executive portfolios. In our Youth in Leadership Training Manual we have a focus area that talks about understanding executive portfolios. Allow us to train you to think differently and make a difference where you are with what you have.” The Power of Action On the 27th of July, Impilo Youth Empowerment CSO attended and presented at a career exhibition hosted by Grassroots Organisation and Mothers 2 Mothers in Mpumalanga. Members of the organisation attend such functions to make the youth aware of academic opportunities available and to let them know how they can access them. Apart from that, they also visit secondary schools around their community to conduct what is called the Education First Application System (EFAS), a programme where they help learners within the schools to apply online for tertiary education.

The Impilo Youth Empowerment CSO Team

Given is indeed a gift to his colleagues at Impilo Youth Epowerment CSO and to his community at large. A selfless leader who has proven that a candle does not lose anything by igniting another candle and that in fact by doing so, it can lead to a community finding the light, in this case, young people getting the important access to education.

Contact Given on: 071 288 8884 or Email him on

Given Sedibe

A Peaceful March against abuse organised by IYECSO











Last year, a new group of Activators started on the NQF level 5 National Certificate - Community Development Certificate Course (CDCC). This was the 3rd group of Activators (CDCC2018) who embarked on this learning journey; they completed all the modules in May 2019. The course consists of 3 modules: • • •

MODULE 1 (1.1 and 1.2): Community Development Theory and Practice MODULE 2: Promoting Youth Development using a peer intervention MODULE 3 (3.1 and 3.2): Formalising a community development intervention

The CDCC2018 group represents a small portion of the ACTIVATE! Network, and it was inspiring to learn not only about their community initiatives, but also about them taking up opportunities that come their way. One Activator was selected for participation in an overseas youth programme and another attended the 2019 SAIIA Young Leaders Conference. It is also our hope, that many of them will use this course as the foundation to further their studies, just like Nthabeleng Jabane is planning on doing. Any notification of the next intake for the CDCC programme will be shared on all ACTIVATE! communication platforms, so please keep your eyes and ears open. If you are interested in applying, a pre-course assignment needs to be completed and you need to produce a video where you motivate why you should be accepted into the course.

CDCC class of 2019

Activators in Cape Town on the CDCC programme

Please note the following requirements: • • • • •

Only Activators who have graduated and received their certificate are eligible to apply. Activators who have a valid Matric certificate or equivalent NQF Level 4 qualification. Activators with a Matric that includes Maths or Maths Lit (passed). See note below. Activators who currently work full-time or part-time in community development and/ or who volunteer or partner on a part-time basis with (or have access to) a local community development organisation / project / programme. Activators who can identify and engage a supervisor / mentor in that organisation as above.

Note: Activators who do not have evidence of a pass in Grade 12-level Maths or Maths Literacy, will be required to complete a Maths task. Only the successful completion of the task will ensure their acceptance into the course (this is an entry qualification requirement). Activators who are current full-time and part-time students are NOT ELIGIBLE TO APPLY due to the tremendous work load and effort required.


Helga Jansen-Daugbjerg during a session at the CDCC programme


Below are the key concepts and values that we associate with Community Development; so, if you want to “test” if what you are doing is indeed Community Development, then check your intervention/s against these concepts and values, keeping in mind that your work can be formal or informal. Erika Joubert - CDCC Co-ordinator

Two definitions of Community Development: “Community Development is about placing individuals at the centre of the development process and helping them realise their potential. (It) should result in empowered people, deepened and strengthened democracy, restored dignity of people, good governance and responsible citizens. (DPSA, 2007 )” and “Community Development is a process designed to create conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and fullest possible reliance upon the community’s initiative. (OHCC, n.d. )”

Activators are young people who are active in the improvement of the social, political as well as the economic conditions in their communities – some also address the natural environmental conditions. Your impact is evident not only from the annual YouCount Survey, but also from coverage of your activities on other platforms such as Twitter, newspapers and even national radio & television. The areas (namely natural environmental, social, political and economic) in which Activators are active, are representative of the various sectors that make up the multi-dimensional character of the Community Development process. Because Community Development is not just about the economy or just the natural environment; Community Development needs an integration of the various sectors – you cannot develop the one sector without the other.

For me, the operative word to remember in any description of Community Development, has always been “process.” Community Development is not something that happens overnight and it is not driven by one person only. It happens over time and requires a group of individuals to drive it; the group must include the community or beneficiaries / target gruop.

Often, Activators do not even realise that what they are doing, is actually following a Community development process. For Swanepoel and de Beer (2011) the features of community development are as follows. An integrated approach. First, this means that the problems of development are multi-faceted and should be addressed in a co-ordinated manner; Secondly, different role-players such as government institutions, non-governmental organisations and community-based ones, should co-ordinate their actions and efforts.

Needs orientated

Collective action

If there is no need or a perception of a need, there can be no community development. If there is no clearly defined need, the project will not succeed. The challenge is that needs identification has a negative connotation and also, it can lead to expectations.

Community development is not about the action of just one person or a few individuals. It is about collective action where a group of people share a problem and take collective responsibility to address it.

Objective orientation

Each identified need must be addressed by trying to realise a concrete objective. It cannot be vague or broad; it must be concrete, not abstract.

Action at grassroots level

Community development is not about the elite and experts; it is about the grassroots in that the main players are ordinary, mainly poorer, people. Therefore, CD efforts are usually small and simple, trying to address the basic needs.

Asset based

CD is not about drawing up a wish list for government agencies to deliver. It makes use of assets and resources that are available, also within the community – local assets must be identified and incorporated as part of the process. More on this when we do the ABCD methodology.


Community development forms part of democratic activity; notably on local government level which is the closet to the community. Through CD, the poorest of the poor, the most deprived, are given the opportunity to participate in democratic action.



Rudy Bessit

Sam - 072 492 3402

Sam Nkogatse and Matome Malobela



The Capacity Building team has the dual responsibility of providing and sourcing various workshops and trainings to assist Activators in their amazing journey of transforming the country. We also look for innovative ways to harvest the amazing skills lying dormant within the A! Network, with the hope of creating an ecosystem where the A! Network can resource itself. We aim to ensure that we create spaces to plug Activators into platforms and engagements that are otherwise generally extended only to the organisation so that they can engage with decision makers across various levels; expand their learning across various fields and sector focuses and also to network and build relationships with key stakeholders.

During International Human Rights month, we were invited by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to be the faces of their #StandUp4HumanRights campaign, as a follow up on them inviting us to be part of a panel discussion in the 70th year celebration of the Universal Human Rights Declaration. They chose five staff members who are also Activators to champion the articles of the Human Rights Declaration that they are passionate about.

ACD Inland Facilitator Nobantu Ntlase’s #StandUp4HumanRights Campaign

On the 25th – 26th of January 2019, we supported the last IEC Voter Registration weekend as we mobilised first time voters through a social media campaign to motivate them to register to vote. The campaign mobilised over 100 first time voters to register to vote.

The campaign hashtag #ActivateYouthVote2019 trended and after the campaign, the IEC released a statement, which stated that the voter registration weekend attracted over 700 000 first time voters. They also publically recognised #ActivateYouthVote2019 as one of the contributing factors to reaching those numbers.

2013 KZN Activator Nkosikhona Mpungose mobilised youth from his book club to register to vote as 1st time voters

Activators Observing the 2019 National Elections on the 8th May 2019. There were over 100 Activators from across all 9 provinces that were observing. This is youth In Action



MTelecomms Senior Team with Nontando, handing the ICT Equipment to the Provoke and Capacity Building Team on the 7th of May 2019

Through connecting with 2013 GP Activator Nontando Nikelo, the team submitted a proposal to her company, MTelecomms for the resourcing of ICT Equipment to stations as part of their CSI project for their 2018 fiscal year. To date, the team has mobilised ICT equipment of over R100 K, such as projectors, laptops, printers and desktops for stations across the country, especially in rural areas where connectivity is one of the biggest challenges.

Capacity building team conducting a Station’s Visit with the Indian delegates from Pravah to conduct a needs analysis for the station as well as to showcase the work that Activators are currently doing in their communities on the 17th of July 2019

Harding Town Debate hosted on the 17th April 2019 as part of the National Elections Campaign, a platform where youth engaged with their political representatives to address youth issues.

Be part of the capacity building activities in 2020, dont miss out!!!
















5 Activators won a once-in-a-lifetime experience to go to India, New Delhi to share their skills and be part of a 3-month volunteer programme in partnership with Pravah! We wish these Activators the best of luck on their international adventure! Look out for their stories and more opportunities like this on our social media platforms!!!

@Activate_ZA @ActivateZA Activate Change Drivers





How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? The training environment is an inspiring one , where so many people in our country complain about what’s going on, in the training space you are constantly bombarded with the idea that there is hope! My favourite session is Restorative Justice and Non-Violent Action, I

belive that this session amongst has the ability to shift the course of our Country and to create a future worthy of our longing.

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favorite session: The training environment is a space where as a trainer I need to create an enabling atmosphere for participants to take part in the different activities, foster open communication between everyone and mitigate any unexpected outcomes that could arise.

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? For me, the leadership of the country is in the hands of regular South Africans that are in touch with what is happening around them and what is needed to make our communities thrive. The power of the country lays with its own people, how their everyday strides impact change in spaces

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session?

the national budget. What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country?

As a safe space that allows one to tap into their inner creative and productive being, allowing you to be the best self you can be without having to change who you are. My favourite sessions are the SONA and unpacking

There is a quote that says “Leadership is not a position or a title. It is action and example.” Your actions should be a good example to the people that you are serving and they should have a positive impact on the lives of those people. But that is rarely the case in our

How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session?

get to share the space with other thinkers they probably otherwise would not have the opportunity to share with and this makes it life-changing. I love figuring out problems and solving them, therefore, the Innovation tools session and project planning are my absolute favourites.

The training environment is a magical space, it has an unspoken power that transfigures our worldviews and human chemistry. Young people that I share the space with talk about how they discover parts of themselves they never knew existed and also

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? The role of these young leaders is to carry it forward, with every participant that is seen in the training space, we see


a community that has the potential to be changed by the work we do together in the training space. The role of these young leaders will be to bring change in an innovative way that not only challenges the systems but also provides fresh alternatives and solutions due to a deeper understanding of fundamental root causes and the systems within which we operate.Our role ultimately will be to bring

the much needed hope for the generations to come. What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network? It brings like minded youth together, who come together for a common purpose of achieving something quite significant for our country. It brings together the small and the big actions that build national momentum towards positive change and the impact then becomes magnanimous.

our government is unable to reach. The role of young leaders we equip in the ACD programme for me is for them to be true to their quest, living to their full potential and not be blindsided by things that would shift them from achieving their true greatness.

The impact of social networks such as the Activate Change Drivers Network contribute in nation-building, social cohesion, and the exposure of human capital that lays in all small pockets of our communities and the ripple effect it has started to create across the country.

What is the impact of social networks like ACD?

How might Activators sustain a network

country but merely the opposite. To implement this toolkit of social change within their various communities and the corridors that they roam in, to be able to work hard to create and sustain a bright and better South Africa for the next generations to come leaving a legacy that will continue to thrive.

What is the impact of social networks like ACD?

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country?

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network?

To create an open society through engaging unjust realities in the spaces we occupy and then build collective freedom and self - determination.

They increase competencies, selfesteem, confidence, skills and knowledge of the youth. They enhance individual development as it provides youth with opportunities to generate real community change and leadership development. They cultivate active citizenry

The social impact of social networks is the value chain it creates. It harnesses the collective power we all have to shift society and drift systems into opportunities for self - actualisation. We all wanted to be free from apartheid, leaders got together used their network and connections

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of Activate. org? This requires Activators themselves to take ownership of the network. It has to constantly be highlighted that we are all a part of something bigger than even the training room, and that you have fellow Activators all across the country.

over and beyond the confines of the Activate.Org? The network might be sustained by Activators beyond the confines of the A!.Org through Activators using connections created during the ACD space, leveraging on opportunities and further strengthen the human capital that exists within the network while making meaningful connections. among youth which increases the participation and interest of the youth in many of the activities in the country, socially, economically and politically.

to galvanise support across the globe and abolished apartheid laws. We will have to do the same to see a sustainable world and beat climate change and social inequality.

AN How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? Participant driven open space that is safe for everyone. It challenges participants to identify the power within themselves.

these young leaders you’re equipping in the country?

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network?

Leading themselves and leading others. Be part of the community development system where they can be able to assist with the social change toolkit, we have given them and learn from other community members in addressing the social injustices.

There’s an intake that supports each other and is always engaging and sharing information about developmental activities. It is the group from Limpopo, intake 1.

they feature in the entire scheme of things.

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network?

Their social network is amazing and reminded me of one of the objectives

we strive that we have an active network of young people who interact and network amongst themselves. How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of They need to connect what they went through in terms of training to their personal and career

What is the role of How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? I don’t have one session in particular but I am in love with sessions that focus on the theme Identity as they allow our participants to deeply understand themselves and also to assist them to stand firm for what they believe in while crafting an understanding of how How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? It is a welcoming environment were our role as facilitators is to acknowledge the vast information Activators are bringing in the training space. My favourite session will be Project Planning and Celebrating African Leaders.

What is the role of Activators in the country? To be able to inspire a mindset shift in society while working towards activating a ripple effect as a economic, social and political force that will change the narrative of dysfunctional communities to building more striving communities. What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? The role of this young leaders is speaking for the voices that are not being heard.

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session?

I am all about innovation – I love the concept cards and object cards sessions, for its ability to promote critical, innovative thinking.

In the space, we do what we have promised, we inspire, and connect, we provoke and influencewith this been said, I have always considered it such an honor to be apart of making such an impact in the lives of young leaders in SA.

What is the role of Activators in the country?

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session?

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country?

It is a melting pot of positive attitudes, skills, contexts and amazing experience, my favourite session is celebrating African Leadership.

To share what they have learnt and give what they have been given!

To shine bright in the little corners that they are operating from so as to bring light to the rest of the country.


To create an enabling environment where young people can inspire each other to bring about transformation, whether it be for oneself or society at large.

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network? The role of the network is creating a platform for Activators to recognise that they are not alone in what they are doing.

What is the impact of social networks like ACD? To create a social, political and economic force that is able to drive change, be innovative and break barriers that limit this generation.

What is the impact of social networks like ACD? To provide social capital and being a resource to one another in the process of bringing change.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of There’s a need to begin a conversation with Activators in that regard yet being intentional about creating platforms for them to connect and collaborate whilst instilling the concept of self-sufficiency and network sustainability is a good start.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of For Activators to sustain the network, we need a transitioning process, from being a participant into an active citizen within the network. .

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of Activators are at the liberty of creating the network to be what they wish – they are completely accountable for creating a platform that sustains them.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of To use available platforms to connect with each other.

goals so that they are all working hand in hand towards achieving their vision.


How would you describe the training environment and what is your favorite session: The ACD Training space is impactful, innovative, transformative, lifechanging, reflective and eye-opening. My favorite sessions: Making Local Government Work, Object cards, Concepts Cards, Thomas Sankara

and Celebrating African Leadership What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? I believe the role of young people in South Africa is to occupy influential leadership spaces in Politics, Government, Economics and Corporate South Africa. Their one

role is to add value and implement better policies, visions, and goals they have for their country.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of the Activate. Org?:

What is the impact of social networks like ACD?

Build strong network systems that will hold each other accountable in driving change to our communities. Activators must always remember the power they hold and the knowledge they have gain from ACD to become self-reliant.

Continuously build those important networks that will continue to push the Activate fire (Innovation) and to build lasting impactful community work.

How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? The training environment that we create in the training space, is one of positivity and growth. We exercise the exact kind of community we want to live in and how best we can come together towards a specific goal.

What is the role of Activators in the country?

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network?

Their role is massive, with the rapid growth our world is facing it is upon them to secure the future of the next generational leaders.

It is important for our young leaders to connect with one another, ACD enables our youth to not only meet but learn and share ideas that could easily change the world.

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session?

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country?

What is the impact of social networks like ACD?

It’s a situation of each one teach one, and you will never know until you unpack the innovation session.

How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? An intensely electrifying space! A space where no two people are the same and a space where great minds try to find solutions rather than focus on problems. My personal favorite session is the: Walk the line session.

How will you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? The training environment is a highly charged space for self exploration and growth for both self and community involvement. My favorite session is unpacking the national budget.

To unblindfold our communities with relevant information or matters that are related to them.

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? For them to first share the information with others so that they are not the only fountains of knowledge and for them not to seek any sort of validation but to let the work do the talking.

What is the role of these young leaders you’re equipping in the country? To be a catalyst for social change


To have the same tone, voice and form a chain of collaborations that will drive the vision of young people within different networks.

What is the impact of social networks like ACD? The reach of networks such as ours is far more superior to any other and this can be a great way to get to areas/people that wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to have their voices heard and actions noticed.

What is the impact of social networks like the ACD Network? Its serves as a great resource for connecting youth with each other and also linking them with opportunities the network has.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of By applying what they have learned in the ACD programme which will propel them to greater opportunities that do exist in the network and take their ideas or projects to the next level.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of They need to utilise the opportunities they displayed during their collaborations, grow and develop their careers to expand their innovative thinking.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of By them taking ownership of the network and not waiting for .org to initialise anything for the network. We have started emphasising this in the training space also.

How might Activators sustain a network over and beyond the confines of Playing an active role in the network and not just making up the numbers, this is their network and as such should be driven by entirely them and this requires each and every one of us to play our part.


How would you describe the training environment and what is your favourite session? I will describe it as a safe space that allows one to tap into their inner creative and productive being, allowing you to be the best self you can be without having to change who you are. My favourite sessions are the SONA

and unpacking the national What is the impact of budget. social networks like the ACD network? What is the role of Activators in the It connects young people country? with similar if not the same dreams to meet and To pave a new way afford them an opportunity forward towards the to engage, network and liberation of current and collaborate. future generations.



ClauClau Youth Hub

Reachout Foundation Youth Hub

Nkosi Johnson Youth Hub


Bafenyi Youth Hub




Hub location

Youth Hub Name

Youth Hub Manager

Eastern Cape

Alfred Nzo

Masizanane Youth Hub

Siyabonga Romeo Mdwayidwayi

Eastern Cape


iiNtsika Youth Hub

Bohlale Buzani

Eastern Cape

Mthatha, Qokolweni

Qhamani Sande Youth Hub

Sibulele Phakamisa Madikizela

Eastern Cape


EGOSO Youth Hub

Onke Jezile

Eastern Cape

Queens Town

Komani Youth Hub

Prince Charles

Free State


Kasi Movie and Comedy Movement Youth Hub

Gordon Ngone

Free State


Maokeng Youth Hub

Nkosana Mbatha

Free State


Action Space Youth Hub

Action Setake

Free State


Lejweleputswa Youth Hub

Lebohang Selema

Free State


Moonlight Youth Hub

Alina Mazibuko


East Rand

Amon Ngulele Digital Youth Hub

Mordecai Ndlovu


Ga Rankuwa

Youth By The Youth – Youth Hub

Kagiso Kgomane



Activated Youth of Boitshepiville Youth Hub

Amilia Ramagaga


Johannesburg, Hillbrow

Outreach Youth Hub

Shoki Chuene


Mogale City

Magalies Youth Hub

Peter Mosito



Pretorea Youth Hub

Thuso Seshoka



A! Creative Youth Hub

Tsakani Matavele


Pretorea, Artridgeville

Pheli Youth Hub

Phathuxolo Nofotho



Qalakabusha Nomntu Omusha Youth Hub

Monimang Mafora



African Youth Hub

Jennifer Mdluli



OneTechWorld Youth Hub

Remember Nkoana



Funda Smart Youth Hub

Bruno Mbawula Nkosi



Vaal Youth Hub

Tlhomiso TshabalaS

KwaZulu Natal


A! Durban Youth Hub

Malusi Mhlongo

KwaZulu Natal


BCT Youth Hub

Malusi Mhlongo

KwaZulu Natal

Durban, KwaMashu

KwaMashu Youth Hub

Nkosikhona Mpungose

KwaZulu Natal

Durban, Ntuzuma

Ntuzuma Youth Hub

Silindelo Martin

KwaZulu Natal


Mbodla Youth Hub

Sphelele Gumede

KwaZulu Natal


Kwangcolosi Youth Hub

Phakamani Ndlovu

KwaZulu Natal


Zethembe Youth Hub

Talente Nsele



KwaZulu Natal


NUF Youth Hub

Dumisani Mthethwa

KwaZulu Natal


Mthwalume Youth Hub

Thabani Kalala

KwaZulu Natal


Khethelolethu Youth Hub

Nqubeko Gumede

KwaZulu Natal

North Part of KZN

Kwasikhemelele Youth Hub

Menzi Qwabe

KwaZulu Natal


Manciza Youth Hub

Sakhile Mzimela

KwaZulu Natal

Port Shepstone

Reachout Skills Development Youth Hub

Essa Xolo



Baswa Daring to Dream Youth Hub

Phoshollo Phasha



Marishane Youth Hub

Koketso Morishane


Maruleng Municipality

Enable Youth Hub

Motsatsi Mmola



Mphanama Youth Hub

Mogau Kgapola



Samnko Youth Hub

Sam Nkoagatse



Blouberg Youth Hub

Kgomotso Komape



iAfrica Youth Hub

Tumelo Makgoba



LGAMC Youth Hub

Deon Mungadi



Born to Lead Youth Hub

Bango Phetulo




Lindokuhle Mangokoana



Green Pasture Youth Hub

Kgotatso Mathebula



Bushbuckridge Youth Hub

Alpheos Ntimane



Clau-Clau Youth Hub

Nkosinathi Ndlovu



Elizabeth Mabena Youth Hub

Eunice Ngwenya



Impilo Youth Empowerment Youth Hub

Given Sedibe



Ntunda Youth Hub

Ncamsile Lubisi

North West


Mahikeng Youth Hub

Olebogeng Semenekane

North West

Scheizer Renek

Mzwera Youth Hub

September Metswamere

Northern cape


Kimberly Youth Hub

Lebohang Ditsebe

Northern cape


Kuruman Youth Hub

Masego Gaserekwe

Northern Cape


Bafenyi Youth Hub

Lucricia Meza

Northern cape


Upington Youth Hub

Dineo Segophisho

Port Elizebath


A! Alice Youth Hub

Hlubikazi Sanqele

Western Cape

Cape Town

Tembisa Ratanga


Western Cape

Cape Town

Kenako Youth Hub

Mercy Dube

Western Cape


Kraaifontein Youth Hub

Wandisile Mbabalo

Western Cape


Empower the People Youth Hub

Marriza Wattel

Western Cape


Just Sip Mo Youth Hub

Asiphe Cosa



ACD - EQUIP Ashley Roman Rewina Pietersen Lebohang Ratjie Ludumo Marali

National training manager ACD training administrator Recruitment co ordinator Recruitment

NATIONAL MANAGEMENT Althea Farmer Anita Mlanjana Siphelele Chirwa Ntabeseng Dibakwana Helga jansen Daugbjerg Lu-anchen Mentoor Shiara Pillay

Operations director Finance co -ordinator CEO HR & admin manager Program manager Administrative coordinator Executive coordinator

NETWORK SUPPORT TEAM Tebogo Suping Malusi Mazibuko Kim Barlow Bongiwe Ndlovu Anele Qwabe Mzwandile Msimang Nathacia Olivier Nkokheli Mankayi Thamsanqa Masingi

Executive Director Network Support Provoke Manager Connect Inspire Manager Capacity Building Manager Media & Partnerships officer Literacy Sector coordinator Youth Economic Participation Coordinator Interconnectedness & Inclusivity Sector coordinator Special projects Coordinator

A! RADIO Shadreck Setti Natasha Siqza

A! Radio Member A! Radio Member

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COURSE Erika Jouberd CDCC manager Gcobani Jombile ETDP Paul Zulu


co -ordinator co -ordinator

WESTERN CAPE TRAINING Casca Johnson Lerato Kossie Philadelphia Sanzinza Thabiso Oliphant

Team leader Trainer Trainer Trainer

INLAND TRAINING TEAM Tebogo Motlane Mbulelo Ncevu Lerato Mokopanela Sandile Tsie

Trainer Trainer Trainer Trainer,za

KZN TRAINING TEAM Denese Reddy Jacqueline Joshua Nelvia Rawheath Patrick Mcobothi

Nodal leader Team leader Trainer Trainer

NATIONAL LOGISTICS Zikhona Mnyatheli Tamzin Wilson


Logistics Coordinator Logistics Coordinator

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