Field Studies
at Wistlandpound Key stages 1 & 2
At Wistlandpound our unique and picturesque setting is an inspiring venue for enquiring minds to learn about the countryside around them. All of our activities are run from the Discovery Centre and are planned to support and enhance the National Curriculum.
Fore Fin s i
Bushcraf t Shelter a Bu il
t a s nd
Changing Tim e Wistlandp ou
Source t o t o Se
Natural Art t
Ter Tre ri es
s e i it
Proli fi Pla c n
Extr Ada ao p
ry ina rd tions ta
st ea za an
iv t c
nd ding
Mini Bo B n
iS nk a
N at ur e Detect iv
e sh a Se s re
Creativ C r ea e tu
Bea c
off-site activities
mouth n y e L neypot Ho
n tio
Moor Explo ra
R e s i d e n t i a l v i s i t s w i t h a d i f fe r e n c e , at D i s c o v e r Wi s t l a n d p o u n d Are yo u lo okin g for an exci ting a nd ed ucatio nal r esi d enti al v i s i t , b u t c a n ’t s e e m t o f i n d t h e b est of b oth wor ld s? We l l n o w y o u c a n b y co mbin ing a s el ection of fi eld studie s sessions from the a c tivity tre e wi th s ome a d ventu rou s ac tivi ties s uc h as c l i m b i n g , a r c h e r y, s a i l i n g , k ayaki ng, hor s e r id in g a nd s wi mmin g i n ou r heated i nd oor po ol. T hes e ar e pr ovid ed by f u l l y q u a l i f i e d i n s t ru ct o rs w h o, w it h sp e ci ali st e q uip m e n t a nd i n dep th tr ai nin g a re abl e to w o r k w i th p e o pl e o f al l a g e s a nd a bili ties . Full y ac c es s ib le en- s ui t e a ccommodation , din ing room, r ec ep ti on, dr yin g r oom and r e c r e a t i o n r o o m a r e a l l s i t u at e d
ar ou nd an attra c tive and historic courtyard providing s e c ur it y a nd p e a ce o f m in d . If you woul d like more i n f o r m a t i o n o n a v a i l a b i l i t y, c r eating a be sp oke r esi de ntia l mu lti-acti vity programm e p lea se conta ct th e Dis cover y C entre.
How to find us D i sco ve r Wist la ndp ou nd Calvert Trust Exmoor Wistlandpound, Kentisbury North Devon EX31 4SJ
To book or for more information telephone: The Discovery Centre: 01598 763 706 or our bookings office c/o Calvert Trust Exmoor: 01598 763 221 specifying 'The Discovery Centre' Lynton & Lynmouth
Ilfracombe A39
A3 61
Discover Wistlandpound
Barnstaple A361
From the M5 leave at junction 27 and turn on to the A361 to Barnstaple. At North Aller roundabout on the A361 take the third exit onto the A399 (signposted to Blackmoor Gate, Brayford & Lynton). Follow the A399 for 11 miles. After passing the right turn for Challacombe and Minehead, take a left turn off the A399 (just after a parking lay-by on the left), signposted Calvert Trust Exmoor and Wistlandpound Reservoir. After half a mile you will reach the Calvert Trust/ Discover Wistlandpound entrance on the left. Taunton
South Molton A361
Great Torrington A3 8
77 A3
86 A3
Discover Wistlandpound is a partnership between Calvert Trust Exmoor, Forestry Commission and South West Lakes Trust.
Generously funded by
Mini-beast Bonanza Aim: In this session groups will learn about the different invertebrates at Wistlandpound. They will compare and contrast invertebrates living in different habitats and discover how these habitats affect the diversity of invertebrates that live there.
Objectives: • To use observational skills to identify different types of habitat • To use observational skills, picture keys and branching keys to identify different invertebrates • To use mathematical skills to record and represent invertebrates found • To compare and contrast invertebrates living in different habitats
N at i o na l Cu rr i c ul u m A re a s Co v e r e d : Science: interdependence and adaptation: habitats: enquiry into environmental change; Geography; English; Maths; Art. Teamwork and communication skills will also be included.
D ur at i o n o f a c t i v i t y:
Teachers sheet: 12
one. The habitats to be investigated will be described to the group and they will be asked to make an educated guess (hypothesis) on the following questions: • In which habitat do you think you will find the most invertebrates? • In which habitat do you think you will find the greatest diversity of invertebrates? The group will be split into smaller work groups and given bug pots, ID sheets, recording sheets, clipboards and pencils (one set per group). The group will be given the chance to use the toilet and put on their outdoor clothes. When everyone is ready we will leave the Discovery Centre and make our way to the log circle in the woods. At the log circle the group will learn how to use their equipment and play a camouflage game to focus their attention on how carefully they will need to look for invertebrates. We will discuss a code of conduct for how to treat creatures the children find. If the weather is bad this could also be carried out in the Discovery Centre. The group will be given clear boundaries and in their work groups will be given time to go and search for invertebrates, identify them and record their results. The group will then move on to the second habitat and repeat the task. The session will finish in the Discovery Centre and the class results will be collated on the board.
Half a day
O rg an isati on : The whole class, working in groups for some of the activity. The pitch of the lesson is tailored to accommodate the differing physical and social needs of the group.
Act ivi ty Ou t lin e: The group will meet in the Discovery Centre where they will discuss what a mini-beast is and learn that its proper name is an invertebrate. They will discuss different groups of invertebrates and how they are classified for example “insects: six legs, head, thorax and abdomen”. They will be asked questions on the type of habitats invertebrates live in and the types of invertebrate likely to be found at Wistlandpound. The group will compare two (could be one or three depending on time) different habitats in the grounds at Wistlandpound and see how many invertebrates and how many different species of invertebrate can be found in each
As a class we will then be able to see whether our hypothesis was correct; whether or not more invertebrates were found in habitat 1 or 2 and which habitat had the greatest diversity of invertebrates. A discussion will follow on why this is and then group members will be asked to fill in a profile ‘wanted’ sheet on their favourite invertebrate with all its biological information. Depending on time it may also be possible to create bar charts to support the site comparisons.
Evid ence of Lea rning • Each group will have a copy of their fieldwork. • Each child will have a mini-beast ‘wanted’ sheet which they will have completed with information collected during the session. • There will be an opportunity to take a digital photograph of the groups results collated on the board.
Te l eph on e : 0 159 8 76 3 70 6 w w w. di s co ve r w i s tl an d po un d .o r g. uk