VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2013
A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health
KEEP YOUR KIDNEYS CLEAR • When kidneys fail • Keep your kidneys
- Avoid the risk factors of chronic kidney disease
- Mind what you put in your mouth
- Avoid urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Take your kidneys to heart
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Much has been said about the different organs of your body, and how important they all are. However, looking back at all the past issues of A Slice of Orange, we realized that so little has been dedicated to one of the hardest working organs in the body—your kidneys.
VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2013
he human kidneys are found in the
Chronic kidney failure has many causes. The
disturbing sleep; blood in the urine;
back side of your abdomen. These
most common causes are diabetes mellitus
difficulty urinating; foamy or bubbly urine
are bean-shaped organs around
and hypertension. In a person with diabetes,
• Itching
the size of your fist. But despite their
the excess sugars in the blood damage the
• Bone damage; fractures; or poor healing
small size, a fifth of your blood flows to your
cells of the kidneys. On the other hand, in a
kidneys. This is because your kidneys perform
person with hypertension, it is the excessive
• Muscle cramps
several functions, making them one of the
blood pressure that causes undue strain on
• Abnormal heart beat
hardest working organs (see box below).
the kidneys. Overuse of some medications,
• Muscle weakness or paralysis
of fractures
such as some antibiotics and some pain killers
• Swelling of the legs, ankles, feet, face
When kidneys fail
(e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, or
As you can see, kidneys are extremely im-
naproxen), as well as heavy metal poisons,
• Shortness of breath
portant to a healthy you. Fortunately, they
can also cause kidney disease.
• Pain in the back or side
are quite hardy and resilient. Your body can
and/or hands
• Signs of anemia (low levels of healthy
remain healthy for quite a while, even if your
Symptoms can vary from person to person.
red blood cells): feeling tired and/or
kidney function drops a bit due to illness.
These include:
weak; memory problems; difficulty
Unfortunately, kidney disease can hit one in
• High levels of urea in the blood, which
concentrating; dizziness
every 10 people in a lifetime. And when they
• High blood pressure or low blood
fail big time for a prolonged period—a condi-
tion aptly called chronic kidney failure—you
• Weight loss
• Appetite loss and a bad taste in the mouth
can experience a multitude of problems, all
• Changes in urination: increased urination
• Difficulty sleeping
related to the kidneys not being able to do
of pale urine; or decreased urination of
• Darkening of the skin
their various functions.
dark colored urine; or night-time urination;
can result in nausea, vomiting, and
WHAT YOUR KIDNEYS DO Filter out urea and other waste products from the blood.
Maintain correct blood pressure. Help maintain the acidity of the blood at an ideal level, making it more acidic if the blood is too alkaline, and making it more alkaline if the blood is too acidic.
Activate vitamin D into its usable form, promoting the absorption of calcium in the intestines, and the reabsorption of phosphates, hence maintaining bone, muscle, and nerve health.
Produce the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells.
Regulate the amount of water and solute concentration in the blood.
VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2013
As you can see, a person with chronic kid-
Remember that diabetes and hypertension
of urine, which can wash out toxins from your
ney failure will not be a very healthy person.
are long-term diseases that need daily treat-
blood and kidneys.
Unfortunately, a person who has chronic
ment, not just when you are feeling something
kidney failure usually slips into a downward
wrong with your body.
Avoid urinary tract infections (UTIs)
spiral with very little options for treatment. In
While UTIs themselves don’t necessarily
the early stages, doctors may try to prevent
In addition, take medicines such as painkillers
cause chronic kidney failure, they may weak-
the kidney function from further declining by
only when you need them, and stop as soon
en how well your kidneys cope with injury.
controlling the cause of the kidney failure.
as you can. As for antibiotics, take them only
Prevent UTIs by urinating as soon as you feel
However, when these measures fail and the
when prescribed by a physician.
the urge to urinate. Practice safe sex. Drink-
kidneys cease to function at all, dialysis or
ing cranberry juice may not be able to treat Mind what you put in your mouth
UTI, but it can lower the risk of getting one.
What you eat and drink directly affects your
For women: wash your private parts from front
Keep your kidneys
kidneys’ future health. Eating small, frequent
to back; and wear underwear of breathable
To ensure that your kidneys remain healthy,
meals help keep your body away from condi-
material, such as cotton.
you need to keep the following in mind:
tions that can eventually lead to diabetes and
kidney transplant may be required.
hypertension. A low-salt diet and a moderate
Take your kidneys to heart
Avoid the risk factors of chronic
amount of protein will not only lower your
Your heart and kidneys are intimately related.
kidney disease
blood pressure, but also ease the strain from
The risk factors of heart disease and kidney
Diabetes and high blood pressure are the
your kidneys (an average person only needs
disease are almost the same (i.e., hyperten-
two most established causes of kidney failure,
only around 50 grams of protein per day. That’s
sion, diabetes). So everything that you know
so it is important to keep these two conditions
equivalent to 2 servings of beef; or 4 eggs).
is good for your heart is also good for your
at bay. Have your blood pressure and blood
kidneys. So stop smoking. Exercise. Drink
sugar checked yearly. If you do have any one
Drink lots of water (at least 8 glassses a day,
moderately. Relax and reduce stress. Eat a
of these conditions, do your best to control
up to 16 glasses on a warm, active day). This
healthy diet. Keep your weight in check. Not
them, by consulting your doctor and heed-
will help keep the blood supply to your kid-
only are these good for your heart, but also
ing their advice and prescribed medications.
neys strong. It will also help in the production
for your kidneys.
Happy Father’s Day! from
Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2013 ActiveLink
Benefits Made Better
ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com
A Slice of Orange
is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.
Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD