Prevention: A Slice of Orange - May 2014 - Unusual ways to quit smoking

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

UNUSUAL WAYS TO QUIT SMOKING • The workplace challenge • Sucking and mantras • Brush your teeth • The ultimate relaxation • Play solitaire • Smoke in your mind • Imagine your children smoking • Plan a vacation • Wear a rubber band • Quit caffeine

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Unusual ways to quit smoking AS THEY SAY, NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION. AND SINCE YOU NEED TO STOP SMOKING, WE WHIPPED UP SOME INVENTIVE NEW WAYS TO HELP YOU KICK THE HABIT. I will no longer start with a litany of how smoking is bad for you—you already know that. Which is why almost every smoker has tried to quit one time or another. If you are still smoking, we understand. Nicotine in tobacco is a highly addictive substance, more addictive than alcohol or methamphetamine (shabu).


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The ultimate relaxation

But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean

substantial for the activity to be more

you shouldn’t do it. In the April 2012 is-

compelling. If one person slips and

Have you ever heard

sue of A Slice of Orange, we told you

smokes, the other people split the money

of the sleeping diet?

some very effective ways to quit smok-

from that person amongst themselves. At


ing. These are:

the end of the game, let’s say 3 months,

ever you get a food

each person keeps his savings and uses

craving. The premise

it to buy something rewarding. This will

is that when you are asleep, you can’t

increase the positive reinforcement of not

eat. The same thing could work every


time you get a nicotine craving. Instead

1. Quitting cold turkey. This method is effective if you have the resolve and your addiction is more psychological or “only in your mind.” 2. Fight anxiety. Breathe deeply. Drink cold water. Take a walk. Do jumping jacks. Inhale a relaxing scent, such as lavender, lemon or pepper scents. Play



of giving in, sleep it out. It has the addSucking and mantras

ed benefit of calming you down, further

This technique com-

lessening your cravings later on.

bines two techniques in one. The first tech-

Play solitaire

nique is to satisfy

Now that there are

your oral fixation by

tons of phone apps

3. If you experience physical symptoms

sucking on a lemon-flavored candy.

and computer games,

during cravings, you may have a physi-

For many people though, this technique

computer solitaire has

cal addiction. In this instance, reduce

alone is not enough. So you need to

lost a lot of its fan

your smoking gradually, perhaps by re-

add a second relaxation technique:

base. However, solitaire is an effective

ducing your smoking by one stick per

mantras. Choose an encouraging man-

way to distract yourself from nicotine

day at a time.

tra, such as, “I am healthy and smoke

cravings. In addition, it is not as tense

free.” Repeat this mantra slowly in your

as Flappy Bird, thus easing any anxiety

head for at least 3 minutes, until the

and lessening cravings. Furthermore,

craving goes away.

many people find that using real cards

with a koosh ball.

4. Hypnosis. There are many self-hypnosis apps on iPhone or Android that could help you.

is more satisfying than the computer ver-

If these four haven’t worked for you, it’s time to bring out the cavalry.


some more—unconventional—ways to kick the habit.

Brush your teeth

sion, because it lets their hands fiddle

Have you ever noticed


The workplace challenge This technique combines negative/positive reinforcement with psychosocial support. Here’s how to do it: Get a group of smokers like you in your workplace that also want to quit. Each person gets a bottle. Every day that each person doesn’t smoke in the workplace, they put a certain amount of money into the jar. Make the amount


taste bitter after you brush


with something. Smoke in your mind


Many people smoke

You can try the same

mindlessly, and if you

technique whenever you get a craving.

ask them why they

Use minty toothpaste. This will satisfy

smoke, the answer is

your oral craving, and will preoccupy

often unclear. After

your mind from your craving. Also, the

all, why would you rationally do some-

thought of staining your teeth may help

thing that’s harmful to your body? So the

you avoid smoking. In fact, some peo-

next time you get a craving, before light-

ple go to the extreme of having their

ing up, imagine that you are smoking

teeth bleached. The thought of nicotine

in your mind. Imagine lighting the ciga-

stains washing your thousands of pesos

rette, and you inhaling the smoke. After

down the drain could be a compelling

a while, ask yourself, “Why am I doing

deterrent for many people.

this? What pleasure do I get from this?


V O L U M E 8 • I S S U E 5 • M AY 2 0 1 4

What harm do I get?” This activity will

elevating neurotransmitters that will allow

coffee may stimulate you too much,

slowly rewire your brain to recognize

you to fight even the worst cravings.

heightening anxiety, and illiciting crav-

that smoking is actually something you do not want to do.

ings. Keeping caffeine out of your sysWear a rubber band

tem will drastically lower cravings.

Maximize negative reImagine your children smoking

inforcement. Wear a

Everyone will agree

rubber band around

that this is a very re-

your wrist, and snap it

pelling image, repel-

against your wrist ev-

ling enough to dis-

ery time you get a craving. This will help

stimulate you too

suade anyone from

you associate smoking with the negative

much, heightening

smoking. Now remember that your lungs

Without cigarettes, coffee may

experience of pain.

anxiety, and

are just as fragile as a child’s. So if a child smoking is repelling, why should

illiciting cravings.

Quit caffeine

the thought of you smoking be any less

Why do coffee and


cigarettes go



Remember that it is always darkest be-

many times have you

fore sunrise. Cravings tend to increase

Planning a vacation—

seen people in coffee

until 72 hours after you stop. After this

even when you don’t

shops smoke? Cigarette smoking coun-

time, cravings become less strong and

actually take the trip—

ters the jitters caused by coffee. Thus,

less frequent. With the help of these un-

is one of the most re-

the combination of smoking and coffee

conventional ways to quit smoking, to-

warding and comfort-

can be relaxing to some people. Once

gether with the more conventional ways

ing activities you can do—and for free.

you start quitting smoking, you may also

you know, you can soon call yourself a

This activity floods your brain with mood

need to quit coffee. Without cigarettes,


Plan a vacation



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A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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