A Slice of Orange - July 2014 - System in focus: The immune system

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

SYSTEM IN FOCUS: THE IMMUNE SYSTEM • The innate immune system • The adaptive immune system

System in focus: The immune system YOUR BODY HAS A STATE-OF-THE-ART DEFENSE SYSTEM. HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR “SOLDIERS” COMBAT READY? The world is a scary place, filled with danger in every turn. You can get injured,

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and then there’s the billions of microbes—bacteria,viruses, and fungi—assaulting our bodies. So why aren’t we always sick? Because our body has its own selfdefense to combat injury and infections.


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The body defends itself in two ways: the innate immune system, and the adaptive immmune system. The innate immune system

to mount a stronger defense. This increased

In some instances, allergies can be so severe

blood flow leads to swelling in the affect-

that it becomes fatal. The histamine release

This system defends

ed area. One of these chemical signals is

is so profound that the blood pressure drops

the body from harm


and the air passages become swollen.

in a generic, nonStaying healthy

specific way. It does its function without needing to recognize

The first thing to know is if you have any al-

the harmful agent (be

lergies. Try to recall and list down instances

it microbes or toxins, etc.). These include

where you had rashes, rhinitis, asthma, or

surface barriers, such as your skin and the

unexplained diarrhea. Then try to recall any

linings of your respiratory tract and gastroin-

triggering substance exposure that you may

testinal tract. These barriers not only blocks

possibly be allergic to. Do this especially if you have a parent with an allergy as well. If

microbes and toxins, but also uses special antibodies and chemicals that either neutral-

What could go wrong

you have a hard time with this, visit a doctor for a skin test, which will test a number of

ize, inactivate, or digest harmful agents. Unless these barriers are broken, for example,

Disorders of the barriers, macrophages, and

substances you may be allergic to. Then try

when you have a wound, these bariers can

NK cells are very rare in otherwise healthy

as much as possible to avoid these triggers.

be quite effective as a first line of defense.

people. However, the activity of the eosinophils and mast cells can go haywire. They

If you have allergies, it is wise to always

If these barriers do

can become activated by otherwise non-

carry with you an over-the-counter anti-hista-

get broken, the sec-

harmful substances, releasing large amounts

mine, such as diphenhydramine, loratidine,

ond line of defense

of histamine, leading to what we know as

or cetirizine. Take the medication as soon as

comes into action.

“allergy”. An allergy is a form of hypersensi-

symptoms of allergy set in.

These are the non-

tivity, where the body’s defence mechanisms

specific white blood

over-react to a harmless substance. The most

Some studies suggest that probiotics such



common causes of allergies, or allergens,

as cultured milk or yogurt, especially when

the form of macrophages, mast cells, eo-

are: foods such as milk, soy, eggs, wheat,

given regularly as a child, can help pre-

sinophils, and natural killer cells (NK cells),

nuts, peanuts, fish, and shellfish (shrimp,

vent allergies or lessen allergic reactions.

among others. These terms may seem very

crabs, lobsters, etc); and chemicals such as

I personally encourage allergy patients to

technical, but a basic understanding would

metals, latex, fragrances, soaps, and dyes.

take these foods regularly, unless they are


allergic to milk.

be helpful. Allergies can manifest as either a skin rash When these WBCs come into contact with

(dermatitis); sneezing, watery nose, or

foreign materials including microbes and

stuffed nose (rhinitis); or asthma. Sometimes,

chemicals, they are activated. Macrophages

food allergies can manifest as diarrhea

and NK cells try to engulf and digest these

or abdominal pain. Rhinitis from allergies

foreign materials. At the same time, these

usually occur in the morning, and disappear

cells, together with mast cells and eosino-

in the afternoon.

phils, release chemical signals that increase the blood flow to the area or “point-of-entry”.

Allergies can be inherited: a child with a

This increase in blood flow helps to flood

parent with allergies is likely to develop

the tissues in that area with more blood cells

allergies too.


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The adaptive immune system

The most common causes of immundeficien-

resistensya goes down. However, let’s take

cy are old age, obesity, diabetes, alcohol-

it a bit further: eat a high protein diet, but


ism, illicit drug use, and malnutrition (in par-

avoid diabetes and obesity by avoiding


ticular, low protein intake). These conditions

fried foods and simple sugars. Pile on veg-

tive immune system

impair the ability of lymphocytes to function,

etables, fruits, healthy protein sources such

mounts a slower but

which leads to more frequent and more se-

as eggs, meats, and beans.

more effective and

vere infections, including more respiratory

long-lasting defense.

and skin infections.

Unlike system,

the the

In addition, it often develops a “memory” for the offending mi-

A growing cause of immunodeficiencies

crobe so that the next time it attacks, the

these days is the human immunodeficiency

adaptive immune system can launch a faster

virus (HIV). The virus is transmitted through

and stronger attack. This is the reason why

transfer of infected blood and seminal/

in some diseases (e.g. chicken pox, hepatitis

vaginal fluids, mostly through intercourse or

A, measles, mumps, and German measles),

injecting drug use. The virus attacks special

you develop immunity after a first episode.

lymphocytes over years, severely impairing

The main players here are the WBCs called

immunity when full blown (as in the case of

lymphocytes. These lymphocytes are able to

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or

“tag” these microbes so that the other WBCs


can destroy them. Staying healthy

Stress hampers how well our body regenerates itself. Manage stress through plenty of

What can go wrong The primary way to prevent immunodeficien-

sleep, adequate exercise, meditation and

The most common problem that affects the

cies is to avoid its causes. While there is

positive thinking.

adaptive immune system is immunodeficien-

little one can do to prevent old age, there

cies. This is what Filipinos like to call ma-

is plenty you can do to avoid the others.

Lastly, stay safe from HIV/AIDS through ab-

baba ang resistensya. A person with poor

Even our mothers know that when we don’t

stinence, protected sex, and saying no to

immunity easily catches infections.

eat well, drink alcohol, and use drugs, our


Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2014 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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