Skin Care: A Slice of Orange - August 2014 - System in focus: The integumentary system

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

SYSTEM IN FOCUS: THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM • Skin deep • Acne (pimples, blackhead, whiteheads) • Fungal infections


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When most people think of skin, they think of beauty and external apprearance. Rightfully so, your skin covers almost every part of your body, from head to toe. Even your skin and hairs are just extensions of your skin.



But unknown to many, the skin is just as crucial to the human body as any other, and damage to the skin can be devastating. In some cases such as burns, the body considers this a more traumatic experience—releasing more stress response—than other bodily damage. In fact, the skin performs many crucial functions:

• Protecting the body’s internal tissues

and hypodermis. The epidermis is made up

Acne (pimples, blackhead,

of small cells that contain a tough, water-


• Protecting against invasion by

proof material called keratin (like in hair). It

Acne is caused by interaction of different

also has melanin-secreting cells that give skin

factors, from bacteria (Propionibacterium

• Keeping water in the body, protecting

its color. Melanin is a dark-colored pigment

acnes), to hormones (sex hormones estrogen

that blocks ultraviolet rays. As the bottom

and testosterone, and stress hormone corti-

• Protecting the body against changes

layers of the epidermis multiply, the older

sol), to skin oil and dryness, to diet. While

and organs infectious organisms from dehydration

keratin-filled cells get pushed outward and

we now know that chocolates may not cause

• Excreting waste materials through

are later rubbed off as dead skin.

acne breakouts, too much sugars apparently


The dermis is the layer under the epider-

can. Furthermore, there are many kinds of

• Sensing touch, pressure, pain, heat,

mis, and is made up of connective tissues

acne, from blackheads, to whiteheads, to

such as tough collagen and springy elastin. It

pimples, to papules, to nodules. Each one

• Protecting the body against sunburns

gives the skin its form and elasticity. The der-

may need a different form of treatment.

mis contains blood vessels, nerve endings,

in temperature

and cold by secreting melanin

• Producing vitamin D

hair, and glands with openings that pierce

• Storing water, fat, and vitamin D

through the epidermis as pores, or open next

• Maintaining the body’s form

to hair shafts. There are two major kinds of

Myth 1: Acne is caused by dirty pores.

• Repairing minor injuries.

glands here: sweat glands, and oil glands.

Clean skin vigorously to treat acne and

The innermost layer is the hypodermis,

scurb off dirt.

First, let’s debunk the myths:

Skin deep

and is mostly made up of fat (yes, the kind

To understand diseases of the skin, let us

that grows when you over-eat).

Because of this myth, people have turned to

quickly review our high school biology on

The most common skin diseases are skin

scrubbing their face and washing the face

the parts of the skin.

allergy, acne, and skin infections. But since

with strong soaps. Scrubbing can trauma-

we already tackled allergies last month, we

tize skin, and disrupt whiteheads, leading to

will move on to acne.

more ance breakout.

The skin is made up of three major lay-

ers (top to bottom): the epidermis; dermis;



Myth 2: Acne is caused by too much oil.

5% benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin (retinoic

However, if the ringworm affects large

Remove the oil to treat acne.

acid). Use these products daily and be pa-

areas of your body, or affects your nails, visit

tient. You need to wait at least two weeks

a physician, who may prescribe you stron-

While skin oil plays a role in the develop-

to a month to see visible effects. Avoid sun

ger antifungal medications.

ment of acne, soaping away the oil can lead

exposure while on these products. If your

to dry skin, which can also ironically lead

face turns red, you are using a too-strong

vent ringworms through the following mea-

to acne breakouts. The skin needs moisture

product: get a milder concentration. Warn-


to exfoliate evenly, and uneven exfoliation

ing: benzoyl peroxide can bleach clothes.

can cause acne. Use mild, hypoallergenic

Roundworm fungi thrive on moisture. Pre-

• Keep your body clean.

skin cleansers, and avoid soap altogether.

Fungal infections

• Dry ringworm-prone body parts

In fact, a mild, hypoallergenic facial moistur-

While bacterial infections are more com-

thoroughly. Keep them dry by using

izer may also help ease acne flare.

mon, fungal infections are more persistent

products such as foot spray or

and bothersome. Fungal skin infections,

antifungal powder.

particularly “ringworms”, are common, itchy,

• Avoid tight-fitting clothes and

and embarrassing. Ringworms are red,

underwear, especially in ringworm-

Some pimples heal faster when popped,

scaly, itchy rashes with a distinct, raised

prone areas.

but in most cases where the pimple is deep,

border. They can grow on the head, feet,

• Change underwear every day.

popping will only lead to permanent scars.

hands, nail, beard, body or groin. Scratch-

• Wear your own slippers in public

You have read it many times before, and I

ing can spread the fungus to other parts of

will say it again: Do not pop pimples.

the body.

• Avoid socks that trap moisture.

If you have ringworms in only one part of

• Select shoes that let your feet “breathe.”

pimples and nodules; acne that flare up in

the body, go ahead and treat the affected

• Do not share clothes, brushes, combs,

conjunction with one’s menstrual cycle; or

area with a topical anti-fungal cream con-

acne on the chest and back need to be

taining terbinafine, clotrimazole, or ketocon-

• Since pets can spread ringworms,

treated by a dermatologist.

azole. Continue treatment for 2 weeks, even

bring pets with patchy hairloss to

if symptoms disappear, to prevent the infec-

the vet.

Myth 3: Pop pimples to get rid of them.

Moderate to severe acne; deep scarring

Mild acne can be treated with over-the-

counter products, such as those that contain

socks and underwear with others.

tion from coming back.

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showering areas and locker rooms.

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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