A Slice of Orange - September 2014 - System in focus: The nervous system

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

SYSTEM IN FOCUS: THE NERVOUS SYSTEM • Banging your head • Brain attack

System in focus: The nervous system ZAP YOUR NERVES INTO HEALTH, AND AVOID THESE UNNERVING, DEBILITATING DISEASES. Cogito ergo sum. “I think, therefore I am.” This philosophical proposition by René Descartes has been used (and overused) by many and often, yet its essense re-

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mains true. While the ancient Greeks assumed the center of one’s being and intelligence resided in the heart, we now know better. The brain is the seat of human reasoning and emotions, and then more. It also stores our memories and regulates many bodily functions.




he brain is just one part of the ner-

will develop migraine at one point in his or

itself, the muscles surrounding the head and

vous system. The other parts include

her life. Migraine is characterized by intense

neck, and the blood vessels of the head

the spinal cord and the nerves. The

headache associated with other symptoms,

and brain.

nervous system has been described by many

such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to

as something like a computer network. The

light, sound, or smell. The pain is described

relief from over-the-counter painkillers, such

brain acts as the central processor, that

as pulsating, and may last from 2 to 72

as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Coffee (caf-

sends “electrical” messages through the spi-

hours. It is usually made worse by physical

feine) can also benefit some patients, so try

nal cord, to the nerves, to different organs,

activity. Majority of people who have mi-

chugging a cup if you think you may have

including the skin. In the same way, these

graines note that only one side of the head

migraine. For some people who have mod-

same organs send messages to the brain

is in pain, but some people can have head-

erate to severe migraine, doctors can pre-

through the nerves and spinal cord.

ache in both sides.

scribe stronger analgesics.

One-third of people perceive an aura: a

Prolonged use of painkillers is a bad

these messages are indeed “electrical” mes-

transient visual, sensory, language, or mo-

idea, because it can cause medication over-

sages, caused by the flow of electrically

tor disturbance which signals that the head-

use headache. This is the headache that oc-

charged ions in and out of nerve cells.

ache will soon occur. Examples of aura are

curs when a person who overuses painkillers

The flow of electrical charge through

flashes of light, a sense of lightheadedness,

suddenly stops taking these medications.

millions of nerve cells, even when we are

confusion, among others.

asleep, is actually hard work for cells—and

consumes a lot of energy. In fact, one-fifth

get migraines than men.

of the fuel and oxygen in blood goes to the



gers. The most common triggers are noise,

head to feed the brain. This blood is fed to

headaches. Instead they can be so severe

bright lights, offensive smells, and monoso-

the brain through large arteries that branch

that people resort to banging their heads

dium glutamate (MSG or vetsin). If you have

into thousands of tiny arterioles and capil-

against a wall to cover up the pain. Despite

migraines, avoid these triggers to prevent at-

liaries that feed and nourish every nerve cell.

all the research on migraines, its cause is

tacks, and overall stress as well. Depression

still unclear. However, studies suggest that

and anxiety have been shown to intensify

Banging your head

it may be due to a rapid firing of nerves

migraine attacks. Outdoor exercises such as

One of the most common diseases of the

followed by a period of inactivity. This is

jogging, walking, and biking, can help re-

nervous system is migraine. A fifth of people

then followed by pain signals from the brain

lieve these aggravating factors.

And yes, as we learned in elementary,

In adults, women are twice more likely to are


Staying healthy


Patients with migraine can sometimes get

In many cases, migraines can have trig-



Brain attack

Like in a heart attack, time is of the utmost im-

pressure have arteries of poorer health,

The next most common neurological dis-

portance. The sooner the patient is brought

making them more susceptible to blood flow

order is a condition more commonly called

to the emergency room, the higher the

interruption. It is recommended that blood

stroke, but is more appropriately called brain

chance that he/she can make a favorable

pressure should be controlled to no more

attack. Like a heart attack, a brain attack is

recovery. The goal is to prevent death and

than 140/90 mmHg. A low-salt diet, regu-

when the blood flow to the brain or parts of

minimize the disability that would remain af-

lar aerobic exercise, stress relief, and avoid-

the brain is interrupted. The interruption may

ter recovery.

ance of smoking are important measures to

be due to a blood clot blocking the passage

lower blood pressure. Hypertension medica-

of blood (ischemic stroke), or a rupture of the

tions may be given to those whose blood

blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). When

pressure remains high despite the aforemen-

blood flow is interrupted, nerve cells are

tioned lifestyle modifications.

deprived of nourishment and die.

The symptoms of a brain attack depends

stroke. If you have diabetes, it is important

on the kind of stroke and the blood vessel/

to maintain your blood sugar levels near nor-

part of the brain that is affected. The most

mal levels through your anti-diabetic medi-

common symptoms of brain attack are:

cations and a low-fat high-fiber diet (yum,

Diabetes is another strong risk factor for

veggies!). • Sudden headache

• Sudden weakness of the face, tongue,

is a treatable major risk factor for stroke. This

condition is when the smaller chamber of

arms or legs

Lastly, a condition called atrial fibrillation

• Sudden numbness

Staying healthy

your heart (atrium) does not contract prop-

• Slurring of speech

The risk factors of heart attack are similar

erly. This causes blood clots to form, and

• Seizures

to the risk factors of brain attack. Control

travel to the brain. The next time you get a

• Loss of consciousness

these risk factors, and you minimize the risk

check-up, especially if you also have hyper-

• Poor balance

of getting a brain attack.

tension or diabetes, ask your doctor for an

• Vomiting

electrocardiogram too, to check if you may

The strongest risk factor of brain attack is

high blood pressure. Those with high blood

Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2014 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

have atrial fibrillation.

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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