A Slice of Orange - January 2015 - What's your 2015 shift?

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

WHAT’S YOUR 2015 SHIFT? • The three secrets to good sleep • Time in • Time out • Daysleeper

What’s your 2015 shift? A NEW YEAR, A NEW SHIFT? WHETHER IT’S AM, PM, OR GRAVEYARD, HOW CAN YOU EASE YOURSELF INTO A NEW CIRCADIAN RHYTHM? Good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health. However, today’s work demands and shift work can take their toll on your shut-eye. The main problem with shift work is the altered sleep pattern. And with poor sleep comes not only poor health,

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but also poor work productivity. On the other hand, the opposite is also true. If you are able to sleep well, both in quality and quantity, shift work becomes a breeze.






• Know your coffee. Coffee is not just caffeine, but other substances and essential oils

The key to maximal alertness at work and

as well. Different types or brands of coffee

For you to feel the refreshing effects of sleep,

better sleep at home starts when you time

have different effects on different people.

regardless of what shift you have, you need

in at work. Here are some tips to help you

Notice which ones make you awake, which

three things. These are:

achieve 100% at work and prepare yourself

ones make you agitated, and which ones

for 100% sleep later on.

make you sleepy (yes, sleepy. This happens,

Sleep quantity – your body needs

• Keep your workplace blue. Keeping your


around 7 hours of sleep, in contrast to

cube well lit it important to reset your body

the 8 hours of sleep we were taught before.

clock and keep you alert. However, there is

Also, note that this number can go lower as

very little we can do to change the lighting

you grow older, up to only 5 hours when

in our office. To enhance the effect of light,

you reach your 70s.

surround yourself with the color blue. This

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Sleep quality – your sleep needs to

color suppresses melatonin the most. Mela-

be as deep and continuous as pos-

tonin is the hormone that signals the brain to

sible, with little interruption.


sleep. Adding blue decors and other items


Circadian rhythm – your body clock

near the screen of your computer can help

has to be adjusted to your new sleep-

suppress melatonin secretion.

• Follow the dark path. If you plan to sleep

ing pattern; otherwise, it will disturb your

• Time your coffee. We recommend that

once you get home, avoid sunlight or very

sleep quality and quantity.

you drink coffee at the start of your shift, or

bright lights as much as possible. This will

until halfway through it, to boost your alert-

make it easier for you to fall asleep once

Short of telling you to take sleeping pills, we

ness. But any dose of caffeine beyond this

you hit the pillow. Wear dark, wraparound

will outline how you can achieve all three,

halfway point will already disturb your sleep

sunglasses and a hat to shield yourself from

and how you can maintain alertness at

when you get home. Oh, and by the way,

sunlight. Also, it is a good idea to avoid

work, in proper sequence: from the time you

a glass of cola contains almost as much caf-

stopping for errands. As much as possible,

clock in, to the time you dose off.

feine as a small cup of coffee.

go home directly.



• Snooze without the booze. After work,

• Silence, please. Is noise a problem? One

avoid alcohol. As with non-shift workers,

option is to get a white-noise generator mo-

alcohol disturbs sleep. It can make you

bile app. The white noise (like the static from

drowsy, but the sleep you get later on is dis-

the TV) can help block out sounds. Thick cur-

rupted, fragmented, and restless.

tains can also help to a degree.

• Two-hour drought. Avoid drinking any-

• Plug it up. Some people are also both-

thing 2 hours before bedtime. This will pre-

ered by the white noise. In these circum-

dose on melatonin—this can disturb sleep.

vent you from waking up in the middle of

stances, there are foam ear plugs available

One to two tablets taken 1 hour before

sleep to urinate.

in novelty stores and home improvement

sleeping is enough.

• Don’t drive. Driving sleepy is just as dan-

shops. These are usually sold with a sleep-

• Rise and shine. Invest on bright but non-

gerous as driving drunk. In contrast, taking

ing eye mask.

glaring lights, and turn them on as soon as

public transport allows you to sleep to and

• Put on a mask. Your eyelids are too thin

you wake up to stimulate wakefulness. From

from work.

to block out 100% of light. Sleeping eye

my experience, a 32-W fluorescent lamp or

masks are great, as it blocks the residual

an equivalent LED lamp is good enough for

light coming from the outside. At first, you

a 28-square meter room.

may be bothered by the sensation of some-

• Work it out. Exercise can help stimulate

When it’s time for bed, here are a few help-

thing on your face while sleeping, but you

wakefulness and alertness. It will also in-

ful hints to add depth, length, and quality to

will get used to it. Adjust the tension on the

crease your sleep depth, length, and qual-

your sleep:

mask bands for a comfortable fit.

ity. However, do this at the beginning of

• Retain a rhythm. Sleep and wake at the

• Hang up the drapes. Use heavy curtains

your day, and not at the end, when you are

same time every day, even on non-working

or drapes to block sunlight when you sleep

about to sleep. Exercise near bedtime can


during the day. The darker the room, the bet-

overstimulate you and push sleep away.

• Do not disturb. Ask your family/house-


mates to limit phone calls and visitors during

• Melatonin matters. Take melatonin sup-

With all these tips, we wish you a good

your sleep hours. If you can, turn your mo-

plements before sleeping. This will help “re-

night’s/(day’s) sleep, and a Happy New

bile phone to silent.

set” your internal body clock. Do not over



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Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2015 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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