A Slice of Orange - March 2015 - Prepping for Summer

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A SLICE OF ORANGE Refreshing Your Health

PREPPING FOR SUMMER • Add a tropical twist • Get Down and Dirty • Go out and get moving • Look cool • Take a vacay • Keep your spirit light

Prepping for summer

• Sleep the summer away

WITH ADVANCED PLANNING, GET THE BEST (AND HEALTHIEST) SUMMER YET With summer just around the corner, we won’t wait ‘til next month to release our summer issue. This year, summer comes early so you can prepare to enjoy your best and healthiest summer ever.

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Summer has been synonymous with fun and frolic. We dare you to use this laid-back vibe to jumpstart your health. While most people may want to indulge in booze and bask, how about truly maximizing this summer with a more al fresco approach?



In this issue, instead of partying ‘til you

sidewalk pushups. Replace your lat machine

drop, how about embracing your fresh side

with monkey bars or a tree branch. Replace

(think lazy walks on the beach in a white sa-

the treadmill with the pavement.

rong or linen shorts)? Go for fresh living and

a positive disposition to strip off all the stress

outs with a challenging outdoor activity such

you accumulated the rest of the year.

as sports. Try hiking, nature trails, swimming,

cycling, or other outdoor sport such as soc-

Here are our top suggestions to a health-

ier, livelier, more invigorating summer.

The second way is to replace your work-

cer or Frisbee. 2. Get Down and Dirty Scientists have long discovered that touching the earth is very stress relieving. The mere act of touching soil literally and figuratively grounds a persons. Make the most of the summer sun by starting your own garden. If you don’t have space in a garden, make

Why inconvenience yourself when you can enjoy the comforts of an air-conditioned gym? Going outside provides two important mood-enhancing factors: sunlight, and wide open spaces. Both have been proven to charge our brains with mood-elevating hormones that almost instantly reduces stress.

indoor gardens, hanging gardens, and vertical gardens.

Avoid the scorching

Planting any kind of plant is, in itself,

summer sun. Do your

1. Add a tropical twist

healthy by battling stress. However, add

During summer, many tropical fruits be-

more health benefits from your summer

outdoor workouts

come in season. These include mangoes,

garden by planting herbs with medicinal

early in the morning, or

dragon fruit, passion fruit, star fruit (balimb-

properties. Ampalaya vines give you leaves

ing or carambola), lychee, mangosteen, and

(used as a salad) and fruits which help con-

late in the afternoon.

custard apple (atis). Add these to your diet

trol blood sugar. Ginger can be turned into

for a refreshing, high-fiber treat. Many of us

a tea or ale that can relieve nausea and an

have tried mango or lychee shake, but how

upset stomach. Aloe vera leaves have a gel

mer sun. Do your outdoor workouts early in

about a dragon fruit, passion fruit, or atis

that can be used to soothe burns and rashes.

the morning, or late in the afternoon. Always

shake? These fruits are sweet enough that

Garlic can be used to help lower cholesterol

wear sunblock. And rehydrate (drink 500 mL

you only need to add a small amount of milk

and improve circulation: just crush and swal-

of water before, and sip another 500 mL

to add body and flavor. Shakes can also

low with honey.

throughout your workout).

serve as meal replacements, in case you’re

trying to keep your weight or blood sugar

hands with soap and water (especially un-

4. Look cool.

down. For an additional twist, use yogurt

der the nails) after gardening to avoid ingest-

instead of milk.

ing germs and parasites.

very obvious benefit. It protects your eyes

Just a reminder: avoid the scorching sum-

Always remember though to wash your

And while many Filipinos eat fruits at

Wearing shades during summer has one

from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) ra-

room temp, how about serving whole fruits

3. Go out and get moving

diation from the sun. UV rays can cause all

chilled to help beat the summer sun? Balimb-

Take an al fresco approach even in your

sorts of problems, including cataracts, glare,

ing is loaded with potassium, vitamin C and

workouts. Now is the time to break free from

and wrinkles around your eyes. When out-

antioxidant phytochemicals. Mangosteen is

the gym and take your workout outdoors.

doors, wear dark sunglasses that have been

rich in fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. Both

There are two ways to approach this.

tested to block off at least 99% of UV A

fruits, together with all the other fruits on our

The first way is to literally take your work-

and UV B rays (sunglasses are required to

list, can be served chilled to make a cool

out outdoors. Replace squats and lunges

be labelled of their UV protection, so check

fruit bowl.

with sprints. Replace bench presses with

the label).



However, shades also have a second

of chilled champagne and orange juice.

benefit. It makes you look cool. Use this add-

Drink it over brunch, or together with a light

ed hip factor to boost your self-confidence

meal. Other options are sangria (table wine

and elevate your mood. Mix it up with lively

diluted with juice) or light beer. And stay

music to complete the effect.

within the recommended limits of one drink for women, and two drinks for men. 7. Sleep the summer away.

For many people, vacations mean crazy

I remember growing up in the province,

adventures out of town. However, to reap

and farmers would sleep in the afternoons

the most health benefits from a vacation,

to avoid the scorching sun. Sleeping is a

something relaxing and stress-free is the

great way to de-stress and at the same time

way to go. Avoid long drives; take public

stay cool.

transport instead. Choose nature trips over

5. Take a vacay.

party places. Visits to relatives you love

in the rest of the year. This means that your

(and not those you hate). And don’t bring

body clock may slowly adjust, making you

work along.

sleep a bit later, and wake you up a bit ear-

When I was younger, I thought vacations

were for the lazy. As I closed in on midlife, I realized physical and emotional burnout has

Note that summer days are longer than

lier. Notice these changes, and adjust your

crept in, with all the fatigue and aches/pain

6. Keep your spirit light.

sleeping hours earlier so that you still get 7

it brings.

or 8 hours of sound sleep.

But taking vacations is one way to pre-

ing into one huge drinking party. However,

vent burnout, and has other health benefits:

keep your spirits light by choosing light,

sleep, so stay cool. Make sure your bed-

it lowers your blood pressure, heart rate,

chilled alcoholic beverage instead of hard-

room is well ventilated.

and stress hormones that lead to a wayward

core liquors. One such light drink that needs

appetite, weight gain, and increased risk of

to become more popular during Philippine

the rest of the year will be a breeze.

heart disease.

summers is the mimosa, which is a 1:1 mix

Summer in the Philippines is slowly turn-

Warm temperature has a bad effect on

With these 7 ways to a healthy summer,

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Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2015 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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