A Slice of Orange - May 2015 - Managing motherhood

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V O L U M E 9 • I S S U E 4 • M AY 2 0 1 5

Refreshing Your Health

MANAGING MOTHERHOOD • The stresses of motherhood • Get some help • Have a plan • Take time out

Managing motherhood BEING A MOM IS A FULL-TIME JOB WITH NO LEAVES OR OVERTIME. GIVE YOURSELF A PROMOTION! May is mother’s month, and we celebrate mothers by helping them be better and

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healthier. In general, the road of motherhood is not a highway, but EDSA on a Monday morning. It is filled with many risks and surprises, which are stressful if not outright dangerous.


V O L U M E 9 • I S S U E 5 • M AY 2 0 1 5

The risks of motherhood generally come

this newsletter that psychological and physi-

can relate: doctors also have the same flaw.

from two things. The first is the biological

cal stresses are the root of so many physical

And while many women really “can” do this,

changes you encounter as you move through

illnesses: from heart disease, pain disorders,

this is at the cost of something else, like your

the different stages in your life. These stag-

premature aging, bowel abnormalities, to

health and well-being.

es, from before pregnancy, to pregnancy,

psychiatric problems. To be able to do a better job, consider get-

childbirth, childrearing, and separation, all pose risks. The second one is more subtle and more ignored. This is the stress that ac-

...while many women

companies these life stages, and the lack

really “can” do this, this

of care mothers give to themselves, often to

is at the cost of some-

prioritize the needs of their families. However, we are reminded of the adage:

thing else, like your health and well-being.

You cannot give what you don’t have. Hence, in this issue, we offer you some ad-

ting some help. This applies to any aspect of your life: your work, your being a caregiver, your being a mother, etc. Here are some types of help you can use: • Make your boss and subordinates your

allies. Speak up if you are overloaded.

Delegate what needs to be delegated.

Get a professional coach. Talk to your

vice on how to better address the second

A one-of-its-kind article in the medical jour-

HR about any career needs you may

part, and make motherhood a time of self-

nal, Health Care for Women International,

have, such as additional trainings.

love and care, so that it can overflow to the

by Dr. Janet Currie, outlined three main strat-

• Get your partner on board. Use the

rest of the family.

egies that mothers can use to manage their

stresses. These are: (a) get some help; (b)


The stresses of motherhood

have a plan; and (c) take time-out. We will

• Talk to other mothers, or even your

Stressful motherhood usually comes out of

elaborate on each part separately.

friends. Talk therapy works great in

sheer overload. Remember when you had

time you have together to build your bond

relieving stress. Plus they may even be

to rush several things in your work all at the

Get some help

able to offer you a hand in some chores.

same time? It’s pretty much like that, but what

Many mothers feel obligated to live out the

• When they are older, get your kids to

is at risk is so much greater and more impor-

typical “super-mom” stereotype. We were

help out in the chores. This will train

tant, and there are no days off. This mental

made to believe that mothers can—and

them in several desirable qualities, plus

and physical stress can take its toll in your

should—fix everything. And this feeling is

this adds to the quality time you have

body. We have emphasized repeatedly in

reinforced by your innate maternal instinct. I

with them.


V O L U M E 9 • I S S U E 5 • M AY 2 0 1 5

• Get technology on board. Automate

Take time out

Take frequent sips of cool water in

your bill payments through auto-debit

This is the part we like, and is as important

between bites. Eat the food platter

facilities with your bank. Enroll in

as the other two. However, this may be the

slowly. Not a fruits fan? How about

online facilities. Maximize the use

part that most of you ignore. There are many

a cup of low-fat chilled yogurt instead?

of innovations, such as chat and Skype,

reasons for this. Some feel they do not have

• Drop your older kids off at the secure

to keep tabs of your little ones.

time. Others feel like they do not deserve

mall play area while you get some retail

it. Still, others feel like this is an unproduc-

therapy (just don’t overspend, okay?)

Have a plan

tive activity. By this time, I hope you have

• On your way to pick the children up

Devise a plan that will help you cope with

scrapped reasons 2 and 3. As for reason

from school? Leave a bit earlier, drive

your gazillion tasks. This could include:

1, make an effort to make time for this, be-

more leisurely, and sing your heart out

cause it is as important as the other items

inside the car.

• A day plan, a whole-week plan, and/

on your to-do lists. Here are some healthy

• Go for a jog or stroll, with or without

suggestions of how you can take time out,

• Cooking meal plans, grocery

relax, and pamper yourself. However, the

• Meditate for 10 minutes or more,

best time out is something that you would

envisioning what a perfect vacation

• Specified vacation dates and

enjoy doing, considering your interests and

would be like.


or to-do checklists shopping lists vacation plans

the kids, around the neighborhood.

• Emergency plans, contingency plans,

and first-aid plans, and practice these

• Get a power nap. I have yet to meet a

with your children.

mother who is not sleep-deprived.

However, sleep is a basic need. Take

Dr. Currie highlighted that making and suc-

power naps throughout the day, but

cessfully executing a plan not only helps you

keep them short (no longer than

As you can see, it doesn’t have to be a ma-

cope and accomplish more and better. It

20 minutes). Longer naps will make you

jor and costly vacation to get some me time

also has a psychological benefit: It gives you

feel more sluggish and less refreshed.

and smoothen out the health-strangling stress

greater confidence and a sense of control,

• Make a fruit platter for yourself. It is

of motherhood. All it takes is some help, a

which makes you calmer and less stressed.


plan, and some self-love.






ActiveLink is an employee benefits management firm focused on corporate healthcare benefits. Our thrusts are to deliver a cost-efficient HMO plan and to ensure successful implementation through excellent customer service support and the use of our benefits portal (www.benefitsmadebetter.com).

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Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2015 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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