A Slice of Orange - June 2015 - Father Fitness

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VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2015

Refreshing Your Health

FATHER FITNESS • The depressed male • Coping with fatherhood stress • Staying healthy • Top Tips

Father fitness BEING THE “HALIGI NG PAMILYA” IS NO EASY TASK. MAKE YOURSELF FIT FOR THE TASK AT HAND. The debate about balancing work and family life has always been pictured as an issue for women. This, I believe, is an unfair presumption. Modern times have bombarded men, particularly fathers, with calls to “be more involved with family life”, as if fathers care less about their families than their partners.

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This is farthest from the truth. More and more men have embraced the ideal of a nurturing father, not just a providing one. Furthermore, a 2008 study by Boston College showed that men in general are, in fact, more bothered about this conflict than


VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2015

women. In this study on families where both parents are working, 59 percent of fathers report “work-life conflict” while only 45 percent of women report such a conflict (it is suffice to say, however, that both genders report this conflict in high proportions). The study suggests that this conflict could be because of the desire of fathers to spend more time with their children, but their workplace is more reluctant to give them time off for family reasons than women. Does the phrase, “Bakit hindi ‘yung misis mo ang gumawa n’yan?” sound familiar?

This conflict is just one of the many stresses

The depressed male

sleep, low energy, low motivation, suicidal

plaguing fathers nowadays. Here are some

With all of these stresses, it is not surprising

thoughts, loss of appetite or overeating, or


that many men are stressed and depressed

loss of pleasure in pleasurable activities),

1. Financial security. Many men take it

these days. However, the Filipino culture of

see a psychiatrist or psychologist. It is best

upon themselves to ensure that the overall

machismo does not provide men with a lot

to do this with your partner, but if you are

family cash flow is secure now and in the

of outlets to relieve stress. Our culture taught

not comfortable with this idea, make the visit


us that “men should be strong” and “show no

alone. This is better than not going at all.

2. The family’s safety. Fathers have an in-

soft emotions.” Therefore, men are not likely

stinct to protect his family. However, the se-

to ask for help when they feel stressed out or

Coping with fatherhood stress

curity threats to the family are numerous, and

depressed. Instead, men show their frustra-

1. Consult a financial planner. Financial

fathers cannot be with every family member

tions through anger, irritability, and hostility.

wisdom is not instinctive for most people,

all the time.

both men and women. Relieve yourself from

3. Time constraints. In addition to work

financial worries by taking the first step and

and family time, both fathers and mothers

The Filipino culture of

talk to a professional. Then follow your finan-

need to also find time to exercise and main-

machismo does not pro-

cial planner’s advice. The road to financial

tain relationships with friends outside family and work. 4. Health issues. The male gender, in itself,

vide men with a lot of outlets to relieve stress.

freedom for you and your family is long and winding, but always starts with the first step. 2. Team up. Work things out with your part-

is a risk factor for heart disease. In addition,

ner. Talk to each other and set out a plan. It

the prevalence of smoking and alcohol in-

doesn’t matter whether your plan is division

take is higher among men.

Men should take these as warning signs

of labor or working together (every couple’s

5. Loss of sexual activity. Being a father

that may require professional help. If you

temperament is different). What’s important

means less time with your partner, and this

catch yourself having these signs, or other

is that expectations are clear and plans are

could lead to less sexual intimacy.

signs of depression (insomnia or excessive

well laid out and executed.


VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2015

3. Build social support. I have to stop right

that this is for your own individual mental

gave yourselves time to be alone together,

here to clarify things: Spending time with a

and psychosocial health, which is as impor-

just like when you were still in your courtship

friend who support you does not have to

tant as your role as one member of a part-

stage. And do not do this out of obligation—

lead to smoking sessions and binge drink-

nership. You do not need to do everything

enjoy the experience yourself!

ing. Instead, use the time to share a laugh,

with your partner, and she needs to under-

6. Enjoy time with your children. It has

feel a sense of belonging, and learn from

stand this. Politely show her this article if she

once been said that being a good father

each other.


meant being a good husband to your chil-

4. Nurture a hobby. Depending on your

5. Date your spouse. Having given way to

dren’s mother. But on top of that, find joy in

personality, find a hobby that you can do

your need for some me-time, acknowledge

spending time with your children. Rekindle

alone or with a group. Sadly, this point, to-

your partner’s needs. This will lead to less

the feelings you had when you first held

gether with item 3 (build social support) is

conflict between the two of you, which trans-

them in your arms, every day. Let this joy

one of the things husbands and their wives

lates to less stress. It does not have to be

wash away all the stresses that hound you.

fight about. Calmly explain to your partner

a formal date. What’s important is that you

Staying healthy

Top Tip for a Clean Diet

Top Tip for Vices

At the very top of a father’s checklist to

Max out your fiber and water. Indulge in

Drown your cravings and time yourself. Ev-

healthy living are four things that have been

fresh fruits and vegetables, and aim up to 16

ery time you get a craving, drink a glass of

repeatedly emphasized in this newsletter:

glasses of fresh water (no soft drinks, etc.)

chilled water, and time yourself two minutes.

sleep, clean diet, exercise, and zero vices. I

every day. You will feel more energized.

Your cravings will subside.

Top Tip for Exercise

With these tips, you are ensured to be fit for

Work out at home. If pressed for time, alter-


will not belabor these topics. Instead, I will share with you my top tips for each. Top Tip for Sleep

nate doing pushups and body weight squats

Impose a caffeine deadline. Do not drink

for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maxi-

any caffeinated beverages 8 hours before

mum of 40 minutes. Do each exercise until

your allotted bedtime.

your muscles hurt moderately.

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Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at benefits@activelinkbenefits.com. The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2015 ActiveLink

Benefits Made Better

ActiveLink 7/F Electra House Building 115-117 Esteban St., Legaspi Village, Makati City www.activelinkbenefits.com

A Slice of Orange

is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes-Delfin Ivan Olegario, MD

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