Skin care: A Slice of Orange - October 2007 - Defending your skin against aging

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Defending your skin against aging Aging may be inevitable, but you can keep your skin as young looking as possible by practicing regular healthy habits. For some people, skin can be a most horrible enemy. It is, after all, one of the most telltale signs of aging. You can try and convince people you’re 25 for the next 10 years, but your skin just might betray you. There are ways, however, to keep your skin youthful so it closely matches your inner self. Know that you need to keep your skin healthy and young not just for the sake of appearance, but because skin – the largest organ in the body – has a number of crucial roles. For instance, without your skin, your body tissues and organs would be unprotected from injuries and disease. Your skin helps regulate your body temperature and tells your brain to respond to hot and cold extremes, as well as simple touch. The look of the future Old skin looks ‘tired’ because of the natural events that come with skin aging. Here are some of the consequences of such skin changes [refer to image on the right]. Aging skin sags because muscle tone decreases and connective tissue changes with age. 1 Drooping eyelids • 2 Loose skin along the jaw line and neck •

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Aging skin tends to dry out and cause wrinkles. 3 Furrows in the forehead • 4 Tiny lines around the eyes • 5 Deep creases along the sides of the nose to the mouth •

Outer skin layers eventually lose fat. 6 Thinner and more translucent skin •

A Slice of Orange is a newsletter designed to help clarify basic health information and offer juicy tips on uplifting your health.

Editorial team Alvin Delfin Christine Llenes Orange de Guzman, MD

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Causes of skin aging Two kinds of factors cause skin aging: internal factors, which include your inherited genes, and external factors, which include various environmental causes. Obviously, you can’t do anything about your genetic makeup: the patterns of aging you see in your older relatives will likely manifest in you someday. Internal aging usually begins in the mid-20s, but the typical signs of skin aging appear decades later. You DO have some control over environmental factors, though. Even though you don’t think your skin looks old now, strive to form good skin habits early on – consider it a dermatologic investment. Here are some of the common external factors and how to control them. • Sun exposure When you are repeatedly exposed to the sun unprotected, your skin cannot repair itself and sun damage builds up. Signs of photoaging include age spots, freckles, rough or leathery skin, fine wrinkles, loose skin and a mottled complexion. Photoaging also depends on skin color; those with fair skin develop more signs than those with dark skin. Increased sun exposure can also put you at higher risk of skin cancer, which is an even more important reason to protect your skin ASAP.


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• Lack of exercise Exercise improves muscle tone and circulation, so it makes sense that having some form of regular physical activity does a lot for skin care. Being fit keeps you not just physically As you probably can’t stay healthy, it also pumps up indoors your whole life, make your spirits, which has the sure you use sunscreen daily, added benefit of giving you one with an SPF of a least15 a young demeanor. and protects against both ultraviolet (UV) A and UVB rays.* Stay out of the sun from 10 am to 4 pm and if you expect to stay out in the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat and cover as much of your skin as possible.

• Smoking Smoking or being exposed to smokers can accelerate skin aging. Research has shown that smokers are more likely to develop deeply wrinkled and leathery skin than those who stay away from cigarettes. We don’t even have to mention the more dangerous health risks linked to this habit. For the love of your skin alone – and this may be a revolutionary suggestion – stop smoking!

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• Stress If worry is a part of your life, frown lines will eventually be, too. Lines form with every facial expression. As you grow old, skin loses its elasticity so it tends to hold these lines even after you’ve relaxed your face. Facial exercises are a no-no, as repetitive movements can contribute to fine lines. Try relaxing or meditative exercises to help you look fresh.

• Sleep You’ve probably noticed already that lack of sleep affects your facial skin. Aside from giving you dark circles under the eyes, eye bags and sagging skin, too little sleep is detrimental to other aspects of your health.

Sleep lines come from sleeping with your face pressed down on a pillow. If you sleep in this position for years, wrinkles become permanently etched on your skin. Try sleeping on your back to prevent sleep lines. *To read more on SPF and other skin issues, read A Slice of Orange Issue 5 (July 2007). E-mail us for back issues at

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Treating skin aging

Your skin is an organ

that needs proper nutrition to function well. Some vitamins and minerals have roles in skin health. For example:

• Vitamin A maintains and repairs skin and mucous membranes, and is a good antioxidant. Antioxidants rid the body of toxins and free radicals – which are notorious for aging and damaging the skin. • The B vitamins help to maintain healthy skin tone and also act as antioxidants. They are important for healthy skin, hair and nails. • Vitamin C is another antioxidant that plays a vital part in tissue growth and repair. • Vitamin E enhances healing and tissue repair. It is also an antioxidant. • Zinc promotes healing and maintains the immune system.

You can’t really reverse skin aging completely, but some treatments can reduce the visible signs. For instance, botox and injectable fillers can smoothen wrinkles to some extent. Long-term application of alpha-hydroxy acids, vitamin C or retinoid creams may reduce the number of fine wrinkles and dark blotches. Topical treatments, such as microdermabrasion or chemical peeling, can give skin a smoother appearance. Cosmetic surgery can remove sagging skin, such as that of the eyelids, or tighten the face via a facelift. Consult a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for feasible options. At the end of the day, it’s still about a good attitude towards aging. Keep your skin health in check, but don’t stress yourself out while doing it. Don’t aim for impossible goals. Accepting natural aging processes is key to aging gracefully.

Accepting natural aging processes is key to aging gracefully. A slice of trivia What R word is the medical term for a facelift? Freshen up on your researching skills, e-mail us the answer at and win a prize! From those with the correct answer, 15 people will be randomly chosen to win one box (30 capsules) of GLOWW skin

supplements. We’ll include the answer in the next issue of A Slice of Orange. Answer to last issue’s question: What I word is the condition wherein a person is unable to obtain adequate sleep?

Insomnia is the term for sleeping problems, which can involve difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early or waking up frequently throughout the night. Insomnia can considerably affect quality of life, because it is associated with feeling drowsy or exhausted the next day and poor concentration,

Looking to enhance your corporate healthcare benefits? E-mail us at The information in this newsletter is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Consult a doctor for all matters relating to your health, particularly for symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. © 2007 ActiveLink Employee Benefits Made Better

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which may lead to other health problems or accidents.

The Orang e wants to h ear from you!

Dying to ask us your health related questio ns? Itching to share your pe rsonal health tips? Want to sugg est topics for future issues? Feel fre e to contact us . You can e-mai l our team at orange@activ m.

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