How strategy can help your business

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How strategy can help your business Strategy is about figuring out where you are, determining where you want to be and making an effective plan for how you are going to get there. It address what resources you have, which resources you need to acquire and how you should apply those resources to rach your goals. It answers and clarifies four key questions.

1. What do you do that makes you successful and how can you enhance that? 2. What do you do that prohibits you from reaching your goals and puts your business at risk and how can we fix that? 3. What outside trends, technology, forces, ideas and events can your company take advantage of to reach goals? 4. What and how should outside forces (competitors etc.) that put your future and goals at risk be addressed?

Why should I hire a consultant for this? I know my business better than anyone else, can’t I do it myself? You can do this yourself. However there are several key factors which might make Active Listings Strategies a good choice for you.

1. We know strategy and we have to tools to do it right. In addition to having a thorough understanding of strategic best practices we have developed our own strategy development framework which specifically fits small and medium sized businesses. Many of the cookie-cutter approaches you will find in books were developed by large consulting firms tailoring their services to multi-million dollar and billion dollar companies. We have taken these tools and tailored the approach for your situation in addition to developing our own proprietary framework for understanding and crafting effective strategy for our clients. 2. The consultants of Active Listings Strategies are dedicated strategists’. In an ideal world owners, managers and CEO’s would take 4-6 weeks a year to research and gather relevant data about themselves and their competitive environment, find out what customers want, dig deep into their company to identify problems and seek out ways to raise profits and grow business. In reality it is extremely difficult to set aside the amount of time and energy required to do strategy right. 3. We collaborate with you. We realize you know the ins and outs of your business better than anyone. We engage you in the process to take advantage of this. We make sure you have a hand in the process and that together we have crafted a strategy that we can all believe in and that you feel enthusiastic about carrying out. 4. We are objective. Sometimes the truth is hard to see, or accept. Having an objective outside set of eyes is invaluable when evaluating problems and seeking out opportunities. We’re not afraid to state the ugly truth while always following it up with effective, realistic and actionable solutions. We’re passionate about making sure you are enthusiastic about your goals and the ideas, tools and plans you have to reach them.

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