"ACT gives me support... and hope." - ACT service user
Annual Report
2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
A Message from the Board of Directors
A Message from the Executive Director
The Four Pillars of Our Work
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Community Capacity Building and Training
Support Services
Volunteer Profile
Community Health Programs
The Provincial Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative
Financial Statements
Supporter Lists
Board of Directors 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Over the last year, ACT has displayed tremendous growth, driven by a single enduring purpose: a community still in need. There remains a significant demand for HIV/AIDS prevention and support services in Toronto as we still see roughly two new HIV infections every day in our city. Our 2011 – 2012 Annual Report profiles our efforts to continue to be a strong leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS. From our research initiatives and our community health and support services programming, to our communications and financial development strategies – we continue our legacy as an agency that not only acts but leads. The slow economic recovery in 2011 has put pressure on the agency to do more with less. And ACT has responded. As HIV infection becomes more recognized as a manageable chronic condition rather than a terminal disease, ACT has tapped into its resilient, resourceful and passionate spirit to increase cost–effectiveness, improve efficiency and set strategic priorities and goals to meet the needs of the communities living with and affected by HIV/AIDS in Toronto. We are proud to report that ACT’s management team has continued to make significant progress in its effort to reduce its annual deficits. The success of this fiscal year demonstrates the team’s dedication and innovation in providing maximum effort and results with limited resources. We would like to thank our fellow members of the Board and, on their behalf, we would also like to thank the staff, volunteers, supporters and service users of ACT for making our work possible. It is an honour to help lead ACT at this time. Our commitment to challenging ignorance, fear and stigma is stronger than ever. Our work unites us.
Richard Willett, Co-Chair
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Jamie Slater, Co-Chair
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
We strengthened partnerships with other AIDS service organizations by offering a number of new joint activities. For example, along with the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation, we launched a financial management series that helped people living with HIV/AIDS to plan for and secure their financial future. With four other AIDS service organizations we launched the Circle of Care: a collaborative initiative aimed at providing support programming and services for women living with HIV. And, along with other organizations, we continued to be part of the Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure to monitor developments, and to lend our voice to ensure that people who are HIV-positive are not criminalized if there is no significant risk of transmission. Our research initiatives helped build our capacity to better understand the work we do and want to do in the coming years. For example, Research With A Purpose (funded by the Canadian Institutes of HIV/AIDS Research) brought evidence and knowledge about the health promotion priorities (mental health, aging through the lifespan and stigma) we identified in our 2010 - 2015 strategic plan, Resilience. Our capacity-building opportunities included the forums we provide to the community on HIV/AIDS. Last year the forums reached over 600 people, and with the assistance of the Ontario HIV/AIDS Treatment Network, we are now able to broadcast those forums online which has increased virtual attendance to over 4,000. Our women's community development staff reached over 1,300 service providers, primarily in the settlement sector, to increase understanding of HIV and its implications for the HIV-positive women who access their services.
ACT bold. ACT strong. ACT resilient. No other time seems to capture the essence of our new tagline as much as this past year. From our research programs to our support services and community health initiatives to our fund development activities, we have demonstrated our boldness, our strength, and our capacity to be a resilient organization. This year ACT reached out to our service users for feedback and with the launch of our annual service satisfaction survey, 87.5% of those service users believe ACT’s programs and services have helped their overall well-being We provided hot lunches, counselling, case management, organized support groups and retreats, and found employment for HIV-positive people ready to return to work through our Employment ACTion program. We reached over 100 women from the African, Caribbean and Black communities through our Women’s Coffee Night, Community Kitchen and Wellness Retreat. We launched a new preventative initiative for young gay men called Totally outRIGHT aimed at cultivating peer facilitators to become sexual health leaders within their social networks and the larger community.
Our outreach team went to bars, bathhouses, fairs, community events, Pride, and a diversity of community venues to reach out to communities at risk for HIV to promote safer sex and raise awareness about HIV. Of note, is our Gay Men’s Resilience campaign that celebrates the resilience of gay men, despite the impact of HIV to the gay community. Posters were placed in key locations with taglines that said it all: Keep it up! Keep it on! and Keep it sexy! Our fundraising events and activities continue to draw support from the community for our work at ACT. It is so important that we continue to develop programs and services that are responsive to community needs, demonstrate our commitment to the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS, and impress upon our donors, funding partners, and volunteers that our work is vital and their support makes our work possible. In an environment when resources are limited, we need to ensure that our work is relevant and our cause is still important. Our many thanks to everyone who has made this year one of great accomplishment for ACT. It is the dedication of our staff and volunteers that helps to keep our work relevant, responsive and demonstrative of a reputation that truly reflects ACT NOW!
Hazelle Palmer Executive Director
We started Spunk! as a way for gay, bi and queer-identified men who use substances to connect with each other and have open, meaningful discussions about their substance use in an environment that is non-judgmental and “safe.” And with support from the M·A·C AIDS Fund, we integrated a self-employment initiative open to all people living with HIV into our Employment ACTion program.
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
THE FOUR PILLARS OF OUR WORK All of our programs and services are informed by evidence and input from the communities we serve. ACT works with gay men, women and youth to increase their knowledge, skills and resilience living with HIV/AIDS and reduce HIV transmission.
Research and Knowledge Exchange Initiating community-based research projects to inform our program development that focus on emerging trends and issues related to HIV/AIDS and sharing the research findings with the communities with whom we work. Community Capacity Building and Training Creating opportunities for individuals, communities and organizations to enhance their knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS. Providing individuals with ways to enhance their own learning and skills. Community Health Promotion Increasing, knowledge, skills and resilience within communities at risk for HIV/AIDS, and linking this to the social determinants of health. Support Services Providing services and supports that help and empower people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS to achieve self-determination, informed decision-making, independence, and overall well-being.
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
In our nearly 30-year history, we have actively sought how to understand the diverse needs of the men, women and young people who rely on our programs and services. ACT’s engagement in research has focused on developing an interactive space between the organization and the communities we serve. In the last year we have been able to continue to develop meaningful research; engaging in work that is beneficial to creating current programs and services and improving the lives of our service users. What has been identified as particularly influential in our work is focusing on implementing purposeful research. Emphasis has been placed on the areas of health promotion, community representation and the satisfaction of our service users.
Our annual service user satisfaction survey was distributed in October 2011. This confidential survey was used to record feedback from those who access ACT services and provide insight into the quality, accessibility and utility of our programs.
87.5% 22.7%
50% ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Research With a Purpose ACT’s researchers conducted an environmental scan to capture and assess the program and service landscape related to the health promotion priorities identified in our 2010 - 2015 strategic plan: mental health, stigma and HIV across the lifespan. The scan aimed to strengthen the agency’s knowledge and evidence base for program development related to the priorities. The results will help ACT explore new and innovative program ideas to address the evolving needs of our service users more effectively. What's In It For Me? The purpose of What's In If For Me? was to facilitate and support the development of research literacy and capacity for people living with HIV/AIDS, enabling them to better engage in, direct and critically examine knowledge production in the field of HIV/AIDS. The project curriculum was developed in consultation with people living with HIV/AIDS and we held four focus groups to assess the experiences of those who had previously served as research participants or peer research assistants. Focus group participants provided primarily positive feedback about their experiences with research, but were also troubled by a lack of follow-up, detailed process information, shared responsibility, and opportunities for increased involvement. Our workshop sessions focused on addressing these issues and covered the behind-the-scenes of research processes including: consent and confidentiality, legal risk and ethics, qualitative analysis, psychometric scales, the role of the participant, and the greater/meaningful involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA). The success of What’s In It For Me? enabled workshop participants to feel more comfortable with research, and encouraged them to collectively explore their research interests.
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Employment ACTion service users
new intakes
COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING AND TRAINING ACT is committed to creating opportunities for individuals, communities and organizations to enhance their knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS.
Employment Services Employment ACTion has undergone an ambitious development of new activities within the past year. Measures in expanding our communications strategy, service user intake plan and also offering specialized services have all been top priorities. Building on the strength of ACT’s excellence in developing and producing relevant outreach information, Employment ACTion has strengthened its visual identity with the introduction of a new and standardized logo. Our visual communication overhaul has also included informative brochures specific to both our service users as well as prospective employers. Part of Employment ACTion’s goal to make further connections with service users interested in returning to the workforce was enhanced in the development of the self-employment stream. Although the self-employment stream is in its infancy, many successful graduates of the program have launched businesses in fields such as hospitality and retail and have even applied and successfully received funding from competitive grants. The workforce is a dynamic changing environment and one of Employment ACTion’s successes has been in offering contemporary workshops for our service users. Applied skills in using social media to find employment and creating digital resumes were the most popular.
job placements
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING AND TRAINING Volunteer Program Volunteers remain an integral part of our agency. In the last fiscal year, volunteers in fund development as well as programs and services contributed a total of 27,042 hours of service, which is the equivalent of 14 full-time staff people. In this past year, ACT hosted six volunteer information nights for prospective volunteers to learn more about the work we do and to discover what volunteer opportunities are available. From this process, we recruited and trained 69 new program volunteers through our Volunteer Core Skills Training program held in the spring and fall of 2011. We have seen a great demand in volunteers wanting to help in areas of our work including: gay men’s outreach, harm reduction outreach, Positive Youth Outreach, women’s programing and fund development. In order to ensure volunteers receive the information, skills, training and support needed we undertook a number of innovations including the creation of a standardized agency-wide volunteer intake process and a revamped database to accurately track the numbers of active volunteers in the agency. We hosted five ‘in-service’ training sessions, attended by 162 volunteers. Topics for these training sessions included managing conflict and anger, introduction to harm reduction (working with substance users), mental health, aging, and HIV transmission updates that included the newest information on viral load as well as PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). In order to ensure that our Core Skills Training--a workshop all volunteers must complete in order to provide program and service delivery--remains up-to-date, we also began to review and revise the curriculum. This revamped training will be offered in fall 2012.
VOLUNTEER PROFILE: CARMEN GALAVAN “I chose ACT because it does good for the HIV-positive community and it focused on getting service users to feel like part of the team. It was also very refreshing to see that a lot of the work that was done through ACT was volunteer-based, with many of the volunteers also being service users.” As an undergraduate, on the road to completing her Social Work degree, Carmen is a leader in the community. She actively seeks out opportunities to engage in volunteer work, assist peers and gives a voice to young people living with HIV in Toronto. Carmen says, “The youth I worked with have changed my life. I feel that what they have given me is far more than I could ever give them and I hope they realize this. They taught me about issues that are facing people that are HIV-positive and the stigma associated with it not being spoken about openly.” Carmen’s volunteer work here at ACT has lead her to establish a specific goal she is set on achieving: “After I graduate I hope to eventually move back to my home country, Mexico, and work toward raising awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention and advocate for better services and treatment for people living with HIV."
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Effective services and supports help to empower men, women and young people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS and promote self-determination, informed decision-making, independence and overall health and well-being. This year, we continued to provide our counselling, case management and social support activities while successfully enhancing additional program areas to increase the knowledge, skills and resilience of the communities we serve.
285 people accessed counselling
people accessed tax and insurance benefits clinics
143 people accessed lunch programs
Community Health Forums Our community health forum series features expert presentations and panel discussions about health issues relevant to people living with HIV/AIDS including barriers to treatment, healthy relationships and aging. We have seen this program grow not only with attendees but also with the quality of internationally renowned speakers and contributors and the number of participants. 633 people attended the community forums in person and, with the support of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), we successfully launched the forums online to increase accessibility which resulted in over 4,300 people in virtual attendance.
Women's Support Programs Through our monthly Women’s Coffee Night, our Women’s Community Kitchen for African, Black and Caribbean women and a retreat for women living with HIV, we reached 106 HIV-positive women and provided supportive, safe and culturally significant environments to provide an opportunity for women to share their experiences and learn more about how to manage their health.
people accessed support groups
people accessed case management
146 ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Financial Management Series With new medical interventions and holistic care treatments available, people are living longer with HIV/AIDS than ever before. As their prospects for long-term health improve, many are eager to reconsider or, in some cases, seek clarity to gain long-term financial options and security. In 2011 - 2012, 12 unique service users participated in these inaugural workshops. This series will be offered again in the coming year and an additional workshop on ‘estate planning’ will be included based on participant feedback.
people accessed bathhouse counselling (TowelTalk)
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
COMMUNITy HEALTH PROGRAMS ACT’s community health promotion initiatives include the development and delivery of resources, workshops, trainings and discussion groups. We also continued to offer a wide range of outreach and community development initiatives that promote increased awareness of HIV/AIDS and sexual health issues to a diverse range of individuals and communities. Our priority populations to which we tailor our programs toward are still identified as gay men, women, and young people. We have shaped our programs from a resilience model, which we have used to nurture and grow the capacity of those we serve.
outreach events
condoms distributed*
lube packs distributed* 7,683 participants
245 workshops, presentations, discussion groups, and training sessions
significant conversations
27,287 resources distributed
Resilience in Our Work Communities in Toronto that have been most affected by HIV/AIDS have long histories of surviving adversity – and despite this adversity, we have grown stronger as individuals and communities by working together. Today, ACT continues to nurture our community's resilience by building the capacity of individuals living with HIV, those at risk for HIV, and the communities most affected by HIV/AIDS. By nurturing individual capacity, creating a sense of belonging and fostering the development of community, we enable ourselves to increase control over and thereby improve our health and well-being. Each facet of community health programs operationalized resilience into all of our community education and outreach programs. We have reviewed and updated internal and external education and outreach materials including websites, social media, and workshop and training presentations to ensure they are rooted in a strengthbased approach. In 2011 - 2012 we launched new programs and services that exemplify creativity, innovation and boldness. Our featured programs include: SPUNK!, Totally outRIGHT and the Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative Toronto.
*agency record
young people attended PYO drop-in sessions ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMS SPUNK! There is a need to provide stronger support to gay, bi and queer-identified men who use substances. To address this SPUNK! was launched in February 2012 as an opportunity for men to connect with each other and engage in open, meaningful discussions in a confidential, sex-positive, substance-user-positive space. Participants enthusiastically reported that the tools they learned, and the facilitation of the group process, were beneficial to them in challenging the shame, judgment and stereotypes often experienced with substance use and gay culture and offered encouragement, alternatives and tools for making positive changes in their lives. Totally outRIGHT We continue to develop our health promotion programming for young people at increased risk for HIV; in particular, young gay men who make up 85% of new infections among young people in Toronto ages 18 to 29. We were successful in our funding application to the City of Toronto to bring Totally outRIGHT to ACT, a program that had already seen tremendous success in Vancouver. The new funding allowed us to build new infrastructure and create a new Peer Facilitator position to begin delivery of the program in March 2012. Totally outRight was designed to transfer knowledge and foster learning about gay men’s sexual health and to encourage young gay men to become sexual health leaders within their social networks and in the larger community. The program will continue to run for a second time in June 2012 and we have been successful in our application for renewed funding for the coming year. Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative - Toronto ACT is one of the 17 provincial sites of the Provincial Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (PWHAI) launched in 2010 to provide better HIV education and training to agencies that work with women. ACT’s ongoing work with women and the services that empower them has seen great success in the last year. Despite the considerable challenges of stigma, lack of awareness, and under-resourced agencies serving women, in 2011 - 2012 our women’s community development staff completed 96 activities, including 30 trainings that engaged 1,314 people. Training sessions lead by our community educators explored the basics of HIV, and provided insight into counseling and sexual health. The investment in building networks in the non-AIDS service sector will continue to generate interest and demand for future trainings that equip service providers with knowledge and motivation to better support women living with and at risk for HIV/AIDS in Toronto.
CAMPAIGN PROFILE: GAY MEN'S RESILIENCE Gay men have been made the subject of many studies, surveys, reports, projects, and theses. Most often, deficiencies are highlighted over accomplishments. For example, most studies of gay men's sexual behaviour focus on those who have reported unsafe sex, and the factors that contribute to unsafe sex--but not on the factors that help gay men practice safer sex. The philosophy of our 2011 sexual health campaign celebrated the assets of gay men--that despite the huge impact of HIV, gay men have survived, thrived, and continued to have the highest rate of consistent condom use and that gay men care about their health and the health of others. The bold imagery created for the campaign is a cheeky nod to gay men’s sexual health and an acknowledgement of the 30 years of the gay community’s resilience.
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
materials distributed
media contacts ACT’s communication activities seek to engage those communities most profoundly affected by HIV in ways that are respectful and appropriate and at the same time increase support for our work from individuals outside of our priority populations who are more inclined to be supportive of our cause.
1,977 twitter followers
3,514,144 total hits to ACT website (to date)
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
1,269 facebook likes
The past year was a busy one for our communications department as we launched our new communications strategy with goals to:
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ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
women test positive for HIV in Ontario
The Provincial Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (PWHAI) was developed by the AIDS Bureau of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care in response to community requests for a coordinated, decentralized focus on women and HIV/AIDS across Ontario. The overall goals of the initiative are to:
approximately 15% of Ontarians diagnosed with HIV are female
women now make up an increasingly large portion of new HIV cases in Ontario* ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Reduce HIV transmission among women;
Enhance local community capacity to address women and HIV/AIDS; and,
Build safe environments to support women and their HIV/AIDS related.
This initiative is being implemented through 17 local AIDS service organizations throughout the province. In 2011, ACT was identified as the host agency to coordinate this initiative and we have hired a Manager to lead and coordinate the initiative’s deliverables, build capacity among the local initiative workers, and to develop resources that assist them in the work they do.
*23 to 25% in 2007 and 2008 (Ontario HIV Epidemiologic Monitoring Unit, 2009) ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Fund Development (Net) $648,814
Government and other grants $3,207,303
Community Development $961,706
Research and Program Development $365,872
Communications and Policy Development $342,260
Support Services $707,443
14% Operations $562,257
Other $257,273
TOTAL AGENCY REVeNUE: $4,113,390 ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Health Promotion $481,832
Employment and Volunteer Services $701,090
SUPPORTER LISTS 2011 - 2012 With the generosity and patronage of thousands of supporters in the community, ACT is able to provide compassionate, proactive services to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. We gratefully acknowledge our government funders, regional and international partners, and the many individuals, corporations, foundations, and groups that have supported ACT with philanthropic commitments, grants, or sponsorships during our 2011 - 2012 fiscal year.
Liteworks Lighting Productions Inc.
Les and Kae Martin Charitable Foundation
LOFT Communications and Events Inc.
Red Meets Pink Foundation
Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc.
Philip Smith Foundation
McCarthy Tetrault LLP Rainbow Cinemas Razor Creative Solutions
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Public Health Agency of Canada
Circle of Care Mid-Toronto Community Services Ontario AIDS Network Ryerson University
Government of Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – AIDS Bureau Ministry of Community and Social Services City of Toronto
REGIONAL PARTNERS $100,000 and above Ontario HIV Treatment Network
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ViiV / Shire Canada Up to $9,999 1629323 Ontario Inc. ACE Canada Advantex Express Inc.
David Milner and Associates Inc. Dr. Kevin Russelo & Associates Equity Credit Union
A. Kong Medicine Professional Corp.
$100,000 and above
Arch Insurance (Canada)
Independent Booking
Aronovitch Macaulay Rollo
Infield Marketing Group
$10,000 to $99,999 Abbott Laboratories Ltd. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc. Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc. Janssen-Ortho Inc. / Tibotec
Aviva Big Carrot Natural Food Market Capital One Services Inc. Canada Chartis Chopper Pictures
Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
Colourgenics Inc.
TD Canada Trust
Crawford & Company
Guild Electric Limited
IQ Business Events Kiangtex Company Limited Labatt Lawn Barber Levi Strauss & Co. Canada Inc. Lifford Wine Agency
$5,000 and above
Patrick W. Casey Dr. David L. Clark and Tracy L. Wynne
Thorek, Scott & Partners
Etobicoke School of the Arts
Leaders in ACTion
Harry Koster
Gold Supporters ($5,000 to $9,999)
Ernie Laurenciano
Rick Hynes and Jack Roks
Scott McConnell
Bob Pente
Scott C. Miskie
David O’Brien
Silver Supporters ($2,500 to $4,999)
Alan Smith
Tower Litho
IN Toronto Magazine Pride and Remembrance Association Up to $5,000 BMO Employee Charitable Foundation
Hydro One Employee’s and Pensioner’s Trust Fund
Willis Canada Inc.
INK Entertainment
Travelers Canada
Manulife Financial
Evelko Designs
Donna Campbell
The Design Bitches
Scott Knaut Communications Inc.
Government of Canada
Donald Cameron
Cunningham Lindsey Canada
Wish Restaurant
Crescent Town Community Church
RSA Group
The Village Pharmacy
Windsor Arms Hotel
Brad Berg and Brian Rolfes
Spark Inc.
Retail Category Consultants Inc.
$5,000 to $99,999
Trinity College, University of Toronto
Bronze Supporters ($1,200 to $2,499)
Thousands of individual supporters sustain our work, whether through one-time gifts or on a monthly basis through our Partners in ACTion monthly giving plan. We particularly thank our Leaders in ACTion, individuals who give $1,200 or more annually, who lead the way in our fight against HIV/AIDS.
Resolve Audio Inc.
Toronto Eaton Centre
FOUNDATIONS $25,000 and above Ontario Trillium Foundation Up to $25,000 Bermuda Foundation Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto John and Deborah Harris Family Foundation Legacy Private Trust Foundation
Mayhem North (Goodhandy’s) OPG Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity Trust
Ricky Boudreau
Oulton Technology Management Pegasus on Church Inc.
Maria Diaz-Robinson
PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada
Paul Hains
Telus Corporation Employee Charitable Giving Program
Elvira A. D’Ambrosio Donald Dodds Peter Erlendson John-David Fentie Jonas Giesen Dr. John Goodhew Philip Ing
Chris Ciavaglia
Straight on Church
Wayne Clark
Clive Desmond
Jacquelyn Mathe
Walter Stewart Sandra Whitbread Chuck Wong Maritza Yumbla Anonymous (2)
Don Pfeil Anthony Sweeney and Mike Parrish Anonymous
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Sustainers ($500 to $1,199) Ritva Aalto Alexander Antonijevic Todd V. Austin Lisa Balfour Bowen Robert Bartlett
Peter Hawkins
Mark Oudesluys
Richard J. Willett
Anita Day
Ronald G. Hay
George Papatheodorou
Becki L. Williams
National Gold Sponsor
Dave Doig
Raymond Helkio
Peter Perdue
Paul T. Wragget
Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc.
Paul Douglas
Mary Hennessy
Andrew Pruss
Edgar Wright
Leah Duncan
Geoffrey Hogarth
Patrice Pusey
Shivonne Yarden
Richard Ellis and Andy Colwell
Norma Bertuzzi
John Embry
Robert Boardman
Nancy Embry
Bob Dorrance and Gail Drummond
Joe Essaye
C. George Boisvenue Andrew C. Bome Bill Bossert Paul M. Brennan David Brethauer Gary Bunch James Burn Richard Cadieux Brent C. Carver Pegi Cecconi Chris Chambers Roxanne Chandoo Terence Chang Terry Christiansen Anna Christofides Geoff Ciaschini Joanne Clark Margaret Cockshutt Dr. Evan Collins Brian M. Cornelson Maria Corral Robert Crichton Elena Daldan Craig Daniel and Jim
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Erica Cih
Mark Faircloth Brian Finch Marco Andre Fiola Rick Fishell Sandra Fisher Heather Fitzgerald Doris Flanagan Roland Fortier George Ganetakos Thomas W. Garnett Greg Garrison Dinarte Gaspar David Gerry Michael Goldberg Keith Goranson Carla Granger
Barbara Houlding
George C. Pyron
Stephen A. Yarrow
Pieter C. Huisman
Maria Racz
Paul and Devin Zalesky
Tom Hutchinson
Simon Raphael
Anonymous (5)
Martine Irman
Mark Reid
Maria Jankovic
Edward J. Richardson
Andrew M. Johnston Carol Johnston
Gary Robinson
Colleen Johnston
David Rose
Barry Joslin
Ron H. Rosenes
Ellen June
Alan Rowe
Blair Kissack
Ken Ryfa
Philip B. Lanouette
Dorothy Salusbury
Esther Lee
Phillip Sanford
Bob Leeming
Rick Schiralli
Bronwen Lloyd
Bernie Silverman
Dennis R. Loney
Gulshan Singh
Rob MacLellan
Zahid Somani
In memory of Andrew MacNaughtan Mahmoodi Manoochehr Leslie Manzano
Rita Healey Grave
Moe Marion
J. Thomas Greenwood
Victor Maurice
Jim Gregory
Jannie McInnes Kevin McMurray
Earl Groenewegen
Ross Morrison
Boulos Paul Haddad
Shawn Newman
Beth Hanson Ursula Harbutt
Erik Schannen
Gabriele Litz
John and Judith Grant
Christopher D. Grimston
Tom Ricketts
Ian V. B. Nordheimer
Kyle Spencer
John Strachan Phillip Sutherland Jane Swatridge Stephen Tait
LEGACY OF ACTION A planned gift, such as a bequest in a will or gift of life insurance, is the ultimate expression of support in our fight against HIV/AIDS. ACT’s legacy fund was created in 1999 and is housed with the Toronto Community Foundation. Upon completion of fiscal year 2011- 2012, the fund stood at over $782,000.
James Waters Jessica Whitbread
Massiel Acuna National Bronze Sponsor Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc.
Carmela Aita Solmaz Akef Sergio Alvarado
National Promotional Partners
Danielle Aronovitch
Jennifer Baines
Cineplex Media
Eric Balfour
Empire Theatres
Marlon Banez
enRoute Magazine
Robert Bartlett
Maclean’s Magazine
Kevin Beaudoin
Calvin Bill
Rainbow Cinemas
Matt Blair
Magic Lantern Theatres
Jill Borra
We thank the many individuals who have made Local Sponsors a planned commitment to ACT, and gratefully 103.9 PROUD FM acknowledge legacies left 104.5 CHUM FM in the last fiscal year:
Antonio Arribas
Ricky Boudreau Adam Bowslaugh Daniel Burns Adam Busch
Clockwork Productions
Marilyn Calleja
The Co-operators
Gail Campbell
Dragos Productions
James Campbell
AIDS Walk for Life Toronto 2011
Exclusive Affair Rentals
Lawrence Campbell
Extreme Fitness
Steven Campbell
Grassroots Advertising Inc.
Jessica Cattaneo
Nella Bella
Roxanne Chandoo
Nestlé Waters Canada
Lisa Chapman
Pizza Pizza
Sheila Chevalier
Rainbow Cinemas
Jeff Christensen
Rahim Chunara
Julia Church
Estate of George E. Clark
National Presenting Sponsor Scotiabank
Timothy Thompson John Wallace
Kira Abelsohn
Jersey Anderson
James Stewart Francine Stowell
StarWalkers ($250 and above)
National Platinum Sponsor Santa Margherita – Pinot Grigio Wines
Jo Clark Andrew Clarke Jason Cloutier Megan Cockerill Jason Cole Vincent Cote Jocelyn Courneya Mhairi Cumming Sara Curtis Charles Cuschieri Thomas Daly Glenn Daniel James Darling Stephanie Darrach Doreen Davies Daraugh Dawes J. J. Dayot Craig de Blois Scott De Laplante Marcellius de Leon David DesLauriers Cal Dethmers Laura Di Labio Maria Diaz-Robinson Michael Diorio Michael Dix DJ Diggy DJ Sumation Marie D’lima Lee Dobbs Hamal Docter Kiran Dogra Amy Donkers
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Leah Dungan
Isabel Henkelman
Colin MacRae
Hazelle Palmer
Gulshan Singh
Becki Williams
Adam Dunn
Laura Hensley
Kermit Malcom
Cindy Pelletier
Litsa Skrivanos
Bree Williamson
Robert Durocher
Patricia Hernandez Crowe
Mahmoodi Manoochehr
Peter Perdue
Rita Skrivanos
Glen Willows
Kim Dwyer
Paul Hill-MacRae
Sergio Martinez
Danielle Pettigrew
Jamie Slater
David Wilson
Andrew Eaton
Denise Hines
John Joseph Mastandrea
Don Phaneuf
Alan Smith
Karman Wong
Mark Edwards
Ken Holt
Jacquelyn Mathe
Rui Pires
Jeremy Smith
Dave Wood
Kevin Einig
Rupert Hon
John Maxwell
Brad Pottle
Haley Snow
Daryl Woods
Dwaine Elder
Soteira Hortop
Laura Lee Mazzocca
Liz Racz
Zahid Somani
Ralph Wushke
Kieran Engel
Bobby Hrehoruk
Evan McCraney
Maria Racz
Krista Storey
Stefan Wypchol
Katie Evans
Pieter C. Huisman
Emma McDermott
Raffaele Ragonese
Christine Strack
Shivonne Yarden
Jessa Featherstone
Tom Hutchinson
Rob McGee
Ike Rai
Amin Sunderji
Simon Yee
Amy Fedrigo
Tamryn Jacobson
Cathy McKim
Stephanie Raymond
Kevin Taylor
Bruno Zaratin
Brian Fernandes
Sally Jacquart
John McNain
Dwane Read
Julia Teeluck
Chelsea Ferris
Ellen June Hyelim
Rodney McPherson
Kenneth Reid
Sante Tesolin
Randy Filby
Ryan Kaufman
Mario Medeiros
Shaun Reid
Rahim Thawer
James Forbes
Jen Keystone
Diana Mejia
Stephanie Rentel
Jodi Thibodeau
SNAP! 2012
Charlene Meredith
Gary Robinson
Brad Thomas
Presenting Sponsor
Marcelle Francis
Sandi Kiverago
Owen Milburn
Janine Roos
Jan Tillcock
TD Canada Trust
Margaret Fung
Vanessa Kong
Paul Mineo
Amy Rose
Tian Tompkins
Francis Gaudreault
Helen Kotsopoulos
Maegan Minichiello
Ron H. Rosenes
Greg Tranah
Wine Sponsor
Robert Gauvin
Vivianna Kouwenhoven
Shari Mogk-Edwards
Philip Roy
Elise Tremblay
[ yellow tail ]
John Gaylord
Andre Kuhne
Amy Morrell
Amanda Ruppert
Sandy Tzogas
David Grant
Helen Kwak
Kevin Moulton
Mélissa Sabourin
Hunter Valentine
Kyle Greenwood
Sandrine Kwan
Natasha Moulton
David Salak
Alexander Venditti
Aj Mundie
Dianne Salt
Leslie Virdo
Shree Guha
Stephanie Lao
Kate Murzin
Scott Scambler
Brian Wale
Zulfikar Gulamhusein
Ernie Laurenciano
Stefan Naccarato
Elizabeth Scarff
Jordan Wareham
Michael Gurevitch
Margot Lautens
Arjun Nanda
Rick Schiralli
Diane Welborn
Chad Hale
Don Lawson
Karrey Neyedly
Brad Schmale
Jessica Whitbread
Founding Media Sponsor Xtra!
New Media Sponsor Shaun Proulx Media
Live Auction Sponsors
Jesse Boles Roberta Bondar Dianne Bos Ian Bradshaw
Event Sponsors Akasha Art Projects Herb Ritts Foundation IN Toronto Magazine
Stephen Brookbank Colin Carney Bob Carnie Simon Clements Becky Comber
Event Supporters Blurb CCR Solutions Godiva Chocolatier
Klix Pix Photo Agency Loïc Gourmet
Blair Kissack
Geneviève Landry
Elevator Digital
Grassroots Advertising
Lorne Fox
Adam Grenier
Photo Competition Sponsor
Andrea Cooper John Cyr James Robert Durant Benjamin Freedman Graham French Sean Galbraith Eldon Garnet Erin Graham
Ontario Portable Display Systems
Stev’nn Hall
Steam Whistle Brewery
Yuji Hamada
Quattro Photo Booths
Lori Hepner Jonathan Hobin
Kathryn Hollinrake
Many members of the community provide invaluable in-kind support, thereby allowing us to reduce administrative costs and allocate more funds to our services and programs. The following have made receiptable inkind gifts to ACT in the last fiscal year:
Vanessa Hussey
Anna Audette
Michael Krauss
Steven Beckly
Yuriko Kubota
Susan Horodyska
Ina Jang Ellen Jantzen Joshua Jensen-Nagle Joan Kaufman Kevin Kelly Brendon George Ko
Tony Hamill
Jude MacDonald
Stephen Nunn
Neil Schmidt
Sandra Whitbread
Jeanne Hanna
Jenna MacKay
Felicia O’Brien
Michael Serapio
Sid Whitbread
Kirsten Harding
Amy MacKinnon
Caroline O’Toole
Nancy Seto
Dini Wickneswaran
Josh Hass
Duncan MacLachlan
Phil Ottenbrite
Barry Shecter
Jack Wilkie
Ronald Boaks
Suzanne Lake
Ted Healey
Gillian MacLean
Tim Paige
Fanny Simoulidis
Richard J. Willett
Christopher Boffoli
Heidi Leverty
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Edward Day Gallery Dimensions Custom Framing and Gallery
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
Eamon MacMahon Mathew Merrett
Russell Monk Andrew B. Myers Jesse Neider Maureen O’Connor Meaghan Ogilvie
Jamie Slater, Co-Chair Richard Willett, Co-Chair David DesLauriers, Treasurer
Brady Olson Brent Orr Beverly Owens
Peter Macdonald, Secretary Jeffrey Cowan
Toni Pepe Vessna Perunovich Geoffrey Pugen Adam Rankin Herb Ritts
Tamryn Jacobson Lance McCready Charlie McKee
Harold Ross Sonja Scharf Ryan Schude
Peter Perdue Beena Tharakan
Betsy Siegfried Scott Silverthorne Heath Simpson Robert Sprachman
Ken Tong Dean Valentine
Andres Stenberg Amber Wachtl Toni Wallachy David Welch Dean West Dario Zini
We apologize for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. Please contact us at 416-3408484 ext. 255 for any corrections, additions, or inquiries. ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
ACT | ANNUAL REPORT | 2011 - 2012
"ACT has always been there when I needed them." - ACT service user
The AIDS Committee of Toronto 399 Church Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5B 2J6 T 416-340-2437 F 416-340-8224 E ask@actoronto.org
Charitable registration number: 11877 9024 RR0001