Citizen timespuzzles120914

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BRIDGE/By Bob Jones Polish power East-West vulnerable. North deals. Piotr Gawrys, of Poland, has long been considered one of the world’s best players. He was South in today’s deal, which helped his team win the Rosenblum Teams at the recent world championships in China. The opening trump lead was ducked in dummy and won by East with the king. The shift was to a low diamond. West won with his jack, cashed the ace and then led another trump, going to the nine, 10 and queen. Gawrys next led a heart to the ace and ruffed a heart as East discarded a club. A diamond was ruffed with the jack of

NORTH ♠ AJ96 ♥ AKJ82 ♦ 10 4 ♣K8 WEST EAST ♠75 ♠ K 10 4 ♥ Q 10 9 7 4 3 ♥5 ♦ AJ 3 ♦K987 ♣ Q6 ♣J9532 SOUTH ♠Q832 ♥6 ♦Q652 ♣ A 10 7 4

The bidding: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1♥ Pass 1♠ Pass 3♠ Pass 4♠ Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: Five of ♠

spades and another heart was ruffed in hand with the spade eight. Declarer crossed to dummy with the king of clubs and cashed the ace of spades, drawing the last trump. This was the position:

NORTH: ♠Void ♥K J ♦Void 2 ♣8 WEST: ♠Void ♥Q 10 ♦Void ♣ Q EAST: ♠Void ♥Void ♦K ♣ J 9 SOUTH: ♠Void ♥Void ♦ Q ♣ A 10

Next came the king of hearts and East was skewered! Whatever he chose to discard, South would discard in the other suit and take the last two tricks. In the replay, Gawrys’ opponents did not reach game and took only nine tricks.

CROSSWORD Thomas Joseph

ACROSS 1 Gambling mecca 6 Construct 11 Sailor’s cry 12 Without help 13 Highway division 15 Keats creation 16 Opponent 17 Chop down 18 Election night news 20 Before, to bards 21 Maiden name label 22 Gushing review 23 Convoy trucks 26 Is patient 27 Anticoagulant’s target 28 Scary cry 29 Roulette bet 30 Ottoman rulers 34 Historic time 35 Debate side 36 Luau dish 37 Winning stroke in tennis 40 Door sign 41 Sleep inhibitor 42 Flair 43 Peruvian peaks DOWN 1 Steam 2 Steer clear of 3 Atmosphere makeup 4 Dray puller 5 Suppresses 6 Is furious 7 Under the weather 8 Approval 9 Rattle

10 Some young football players 14 Memo 19 Mile or meter 22 Mob revolt 23 Predicaments 24 Swanky 25 Victorian virtue 26 Sandwich meat 28 Char 30 Chapel topper 31 Garden pest 32 Gallows sight 33 Locations 38 Salt, to Simone 39 Abel, to Adam

ANSWeR TO yeSTeRDAy’S puzzle


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

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Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

A: Yesterday’s

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: GLORY HEFTY INFUSE GOVERN Answer: During the ghosts’ football game, the band played their — “FRIGHT” SONG


Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in each row, DPMVNO BOE Y CMPDL 6TF MPHJD BOE QSPDFTT FMJNJOBUJPO UP TPMWF UIF QV[[MF 5IF EJGmDVMUZ level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest). Rating: SILVER

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Solution to 12/8/14


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