9.23.15 Chandler & Rachel Description

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Chandler Taylor & Rachel Mallary “Slug Bug Selfie” Volkswagen Beetle Promotion Product: Volkswagen Beetle Audience: What young girl didn’t want a blue Volkswagen Beetle for her first car? They’re fun, innovative, affordable, and friendly. That’s why we’ve created the “Slug Bug Selfie” promotion. On long road trips, driving through the city, or just on a routine commute, everyone can recognize a VW Beetle. Many have played the infamous “slug bug” game where you punch someone next to you as a Beetle passes by. The Slug Bug Selfie promotion hopes to capitalize on the Beetle’s unique style and appeal to the younger age bracket (ages 13-­‐30) Description: We want to create an Instagram-­‐like app for a photo competition we are calling the Slug Bug Selfie competition. Here’s how it works: Part 1: Take a selfie with a Volkswagen Beetle and upload it to the app. We hope this portion will encourage people to stop slugging each other and get the Beetle name out there. Users can connect with friends to see their images and compete for points by uploading more photos. Step 2: Browse the gallery. The VW Beetle isn’t your average commuter car. We want to encourage people to get creative with their photos. More creative photos can be featured at the top of the gallery and earn more points. Step 3: Share your photos. To get the Volkswagen name out there, we thought it was important to integrate other social media platforms with our app for higher visibility. When you share your photo from the app on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, it will apply the Volkswagen logo automatically. Step 4: Win prizes. When you accrue points, your name is entered into a raffle system where you can win great prizes. Volkswagen will award $50 gas cards to random winners, and at the end of the promotion, will give away a 2016 VW Beetle to one lucky winner. Why: By utilizing the power of social media and the appeal of photo apps, we hope to spread the name “Volkswagen Beetle” everywhere. This is something in which everyone who sees a Beetle can get involved, especially younger users. This has true potential to go viral. We also want to encourage creativity by rewarding innovative users with points and featuring their images. While everyone can participate, it’s the truly crazy photos that are going to draw someone’s eye on social media. In addition, we think integrating social media with the app is like a built in advertising tool for the promotion.

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