Win at Life

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W i n at Li f e Dr. Pepper 10 is drawing a line in the sand. It is time to pursue who you really want to be.

Dream bold. Make a pledge. Dr. Pepper 10, friends and family will cheer you on as you set out to achieve your ambition.

The “Win at Life” promotion is hosted on a microsite. Participants make a pledge to achieve a significant life goal (e.g. transition to healthy lifestyle, career change, write a novel, etc). Pledges can be shared on Facebook. Participants will recieve a FREE six-pack of Dr. Pepper 10 and a certificate commemorating their pledge.

Five participants with exceptional goals will have their exploits chronicled on the microsite through blog posts and documentary videos. They will be followed for six months. At the end of that time, everyone that made a serious effort and persevered will recieve a trophy and a year supply of Dr. Pepper 10.

Advertisment for the promotion will be placed on Dr. Pepper 10 packaging. Intrest will also be spread online through brief inspirational videos of people who changed their life posted to YouTube, Facebook and the “Win at Life” microsite.

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