Higher education news, January 2010 summary - Australia, New Zealand

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ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

ACUMA Incorporated: Higher education news, Australia & New Zealand - January 2010

Support centre to ease foreign student fears Uni 'well buffered' against lost Indian enrolments $527 million in unclaimed Education Tax Refund Newcastle University's bid for mega future From where I sit: Lost boys need direction Overseas student numbers dwindle because of attacks The year of small change Nation building plan to offset ageing population - Kevin Rudd High-risk race to meet new demand English language schools fear new visa rules Bond University appoints business leaders to Council Education boosts ACT exports Minister congratulates Victorian main round offer students International medical graduates could soon buy interships Down to business: new users tap into social media International student security Uni staff migrate to the cloud New $2.25 million childcare centre for Bendigo families Newcastle students in low pay rort Why are Indian students being attacked in Australia? Catching up with Australia: Stuart McCuthcheon Indian assault response decried Live it Now and win in National Youth Week Macquarie University to save millions with Gmail deal Editorial: Struggling students Graduates to be offered student loans discount under Tories Canterbury University gets tough on failures AUSA: Uni Crackdown Reveals Wrong Priorities Gen Y @ 30: charmed, tech savvy and ready to take over New online tool to help families budget for child care 'Hate crimes' spark global bad press Indian student visa applications fall by half How will ICT change the future of education? The University of Western Australia - promotional video 2010 National student leaders elected Brewery's links to uni event at an end Cambridge considers issuing bonds Australia 'safe for overseas students' New course caters for international nursing students India Condemns Fatal Stabbing of Student in Australia Which university degrees pay the most? Half-price Kiwi degrees

Support centre to ease foreign student fears ABC News January 28 2010 A support centre for international students has opened in Melbourne as the Victorian Government tries to allay fears that the city is a dangerous place to study. Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/28/2804233.htm?section=australia

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

Uni 'well buffered' against lost Indian enrolments ABC Illawarra January 22 2010 The University of Wollongong says it is well placed to compensate for the loss of students from India after concerns about racism in Australia. Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/22/2799051.htm?site=illawarra $527 million in unclaimed Education Tax Refund Media Release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP / The Hon Wayne Swan MP January 22 2010 The Rudd Government is encouraging Australian families to keep their receipts from education related expenses so they can take advantage of the Education Tax Refund (ETR). Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100122_075320.aspx Newcastle University's bid for mega future The Herald January 21 2010 THE University of Newcastle is aiming to become a multi-campus mega university by 2020 under a major program of expansion. Full article: http://www.theherald.com.au/news/local/news/general/newcastle-universitys-bid-for-megafuture/1730262.aspx From where I sit: Lost boys need direction The Times Higher Education Supplement - UK January 21 2010 Australia is desperate to protect its tertiary education market and reaffirm the country's position as a safe place for international students after a growing number of attacks on Indian students since 2008. Full article: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=410049&c=1 Overseas student numbers dwindle because of attacks ABC Perth January 20 2010 Perth's universities say interest in courses from India has dropped as a result of violent attacks on Indian students in Melbourne. Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/20/2797344.htm?site=perth The year of small change Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

The Australian January 20 2010 THIS will be a year of big political events but modest developments in higher education. The big events will be the release of the report of the Henry tax review, expected soon; the commonwealth budget due on May 11; and the federal election expected later this year. But none of this will have much immediate effect on higher education. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/opinion-analysis/the-year-of-small-change/storye6frgcko-1225821368982 Nation building plan to offset ageing population - Kevin Rudd The Courier Mail January 19 2010 KEVIN Rudd has warned of economic disaster from a looming wave of retirees unless Australia embraces a decade of nation building and workforce reforms. Full article: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,26605242-953,00.html High-risk race to meet new demand The Australian January 20 2010 UNIVERSITIES Australia has warned this year's big expansion of places is unsustainable and the sector will face a challenge to maintain quality and expand unless backed by additional teaching and infrastructure money. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/high-risk-race-to-meet-new-demand/story-e6frgcjx1225821382798 English language schools fear new visa rules The Guardian - United Kingdom January 19 2010 Though the English Riviera may no longer be a huge draw for British holidaymakers, it is still, nonetheless, a magnet for many foreign visitors. Every year, English language schools concentrated by the seaside in places such as Bournemouth, Poole, Eastbourne and Brighton attract hundreds of thousands of overseas students braving the unpredictable weather. Full article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/jan/19/foreign-student-visas

Bond University appoints business leaders to Council The Queensland Business Review January 19 2010 Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

Bond University is enhancing the academic and corporate expertise of its governing body with the appointment of an additional three Councillors. Full article: http://www.qbr.com.au/news/articleid/61935.aspx Education boosts ACT exports ABC News Jan 18 2010 Spending by international students and their visiting families has boosted the ACT's export figures for the last financial year. Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/18/2794902.htm?section=business Minister congratulates Victorian main round offer students Media Release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP January 18 2010 The Minister for Education, Julia Gillard, today congratulated the more than 60 000 Victorian students who have received a main round offer at a university and called on the Opposition to pass legislation in the Senate that would given many of them brand new scholarships. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100119_095028.aspx International medical graduates could soon buy interships The Courier Mail - Brisbane January 17 2010 FOREIGN medical students could soon buy training places in Queensland Health, potentially shutting out local students, secret Government documents reveal. Full article: http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,26595830-3102,00.html Down to business: new users tap into social media The Age January 17 2010 TELSTRA was first to take the plunge, allowing its 40,000-plus workers to tweet (almost) at will. Myer, too, has jumped in online, thanking its 1932 Facebook fans for their patience during recent store renovations in Melbourne. Now Cricket Australia is dipping into online social media, launching a branded Facebook page and Twitter site for national vice-captain Michael Clarke. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/down-to-business-new-users-tap-into-social-media-20100116mdj8.html Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

International student security University World News January 17 2010 I want to take up an issue that goes to the heart of higher education, especially research universities, around the world. It is about global mobility, especially the mobility of human subjects. It also highlights the implications of changes in higher education for the larger world: that issue is the human security of international students, by which I mean people who cross national borders for the purposes of formal study. Full article: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20100114185440897 Uni staff migrate to the cloud The Australian January 13 2010 MORE universities are set to follow Macquarie and outsource staff email to parties such as Google's Gmail, with Curtin University close to a deal with Microsoft. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/uni-staff-migrate-to-the-cloud/story-e6frgcjx1225818578173 New $2.25 million childcare centre for Bendigo families Joint Media Release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP/Premier of Victoria, the Hon John Brumby January 14 2010 Premier John Brumby and Acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced $2.25 million for a new integrated childcare centre for Bendigo. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100114_121300.aspx Newcastle students in low pay rort The Herald January 14 2010 ALMOST half of the businesses that employ overseas students in Newcastle underpay their staff, an investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman has found. Full article: http://www.theherald.com.au/news/local/news/general/newcastle-students-in-low-payrort/1724778.aspx Why are Indian students being attacked in Australia? BBC - United Kingdom January 12 2010

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

What is happening to Indian students in Australia? Why have they been mugged, knifed, set alight, and murdered, mostly, in Melbourne, Australia's proud multi-racial melting pot city where, according to my colleague Nick Bryant, people from 140 nations live side-by-side? Full article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/01/why_are_indian_students_being_att acked_in_australi.html Catching up with Australia: Stuart McCuthcheon The New Zealand Herald January 13 2010 Don Brash's 2025 Taskforce made a range of recommendations about how our economy could catch up with Australia. Its ideas, which included slashing Government spending met with widespread condemnation. Full article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10619568&pnum=0 Indian assault response decried The Australian January 13 2010 AUSTRALIA is in denial on racially motivated attacks against international students and has failed to take action to deal with the issue, an internationally respected Australian academic has told a major conference in Switzerland. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/indian-assault-response-decried/story-e6frg6nf1225818580004 Live it Now and win in National Youth Week Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP January 08 2010 Minister for Youth Kate Ellis is encouraging young people across Australia to get creative and win a National Youth Week launch event in their home town. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100111_155104.aspx

Macquarie University to save millions with Gmail deal The Australian January 12 2010 GOOGLE has struck a landmark deal with Sydney's Macquarie University to provide staff members with its free, web-based offering, Gmail, a move that reaps millions of dollars in savings. Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/australian-it/macquarie-university-to-save-millions-with-gmaildeal/story-e6frgakx-1225818206662 Editorial: Struggling students Stuff.co.nz - New Zealand January 11 2010 OPINION: The stricter enforcement by the University of Canterbury of its rules governing underachieving students may have been made necessary by a squeeze on the university's budget. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/opinion/editorials/3218801/Editorial-Struggling-students Graduates to be offered student loans discount under Tories The Telegraph - United Kingdom January 09 2010 Graduates will be offered a ten percent discount to repay their student loans early under plans from the Conservatives to fund extra university places. Full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/6951905/Graduates-to-be-offeredstudent-loans-discount-under-Tories.html Canterbury University gets tough on failures Stuff.co.nz - New Zealand January 09 2010 Canterbury University is cracking down on failing students, with more than 800 "shown the door". Vice-chancellor Rod Carr is taking a "firmer stance" against failing students. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/3216892/Canterbury-University-gets-tough-on-failures AUSA: Uni Crackdown Reveals Wrong Priorities Voxy.co.nz - New Zealand January 09 2010 Auckland University Students' Association President Elliott Blade says reports that Universities are cracking down on struggling students and open entry programmes for students over 20 reveal a set of fundamentally wrong priorities. "The University of Auckland offers a Special Admission programme for students over 20 without formal University Entrance qualifications. This gives a fair go to people who for whatever reason did not achieve University Entrance at secondary school. "Just consider the case of Graham Hart, undoubtedly New Zealand's most successful business man, who left school at 15 to work as a tow-truck driver before starting tertiary education later in life. Full article: Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/ausa-uni-crackdown-reveals-wrong-priorities/5/35034 Gen Y @ 30: charmed, tech savvy and ready to take over The Age January 09 2010 "If we could increase the speed of change, I think I would enjoy that. Do we feel ready to take over as tomorrow's leaders? Absolutely." DAVID WOODRUFF, 29 Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/gen-y--30-charmed-tech-savvy-and-ready-to-take-over20100108-lyy6.html New online tool to help families budget for child care Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP January 08 2010 Minister for Early Childhood Education and Child Care Kate Ellis today launched a new online tool to help families budget for child care. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100108_143335.aspx 'Hate crimes' spark global bad press The Age January 08 2010 THE international fallout from the murder of Nitin Garg has spread well beyond India, with media outlets in Asia, the Middle East, North America and Europe reporting the trouble in Australia. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/hate-crimes-spark-global-bad-press-20100107-lwsg.html Indian student visa applications fall by half The Age January 07 2010 THE number of Indians applying for visas to study in Australia has plunged dramatically, heightening fears for the nation's $17 billion international education industry. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/education/indian-student-visa-applications-fall-by-half20100106-lubt.html How will ICT change the future of education? FutureGov.net January 05 2010 Educators from Malaysia, Australia and India foresee a future in which digital books, hybrid mobile computers and touch-screen writing tablets will replace the text book, chalk and blackboard, according to a series of FutureGov interviews on how technology will change the future of education.

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

Full article: http://www.futuregov.net/articles/2010/jan/05/how-will-ict-change-future-education/ The University of Western Australia - promotional video YouTube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGsXlaPqGq8&feature=related 2010 National student leaders elected Scoop.co.nz - New Zealand January 07 2010 As students return to campuses nationwide later this year, their interests will be defended and represented by strong leadership in Wellington. Full article: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/ED1001/S00004.htm Brewery's links to uni event at an end The New Zealand Herald January 06 2010 Speights, a long-time sponsor of the Otago University Students Association Orientation Week, will no longer be associated with the annual event on campus, following a move by the University of Otago to ban alcohol advertising and sponsorship. Full article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/education/news/article.cfm?c_id=35&objectid=10618562 Cambridge considers issuing bonds BBC - UK January 06 2010 Cambridge University is considering issuing bonds of up to ÂŁ300m for the first time in its 800-year history. The university said funds raised would be used for building projects. Full article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/8441034.stm Australia 'safe for overseas students' The Sydney Morning Herald January 05 2010 Despite a number of attacks against Indians, Australia is a safe place for international students, Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says. Full article:

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • January 2010 .

http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/australia-safe-for-overseas-students-20100105lqmc.html New course caters for international nursing students ABC News January 05 2010 A group of 25 nursing students from Asian countries have begun a new three-month training course at La Trobe University's Bendigo campus. Full article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/05/2785669.htm India Condemns Fatal Stabbing of Student in Australia Bloomberg January 04 2010 The government in New Delhi condemned the killing of an Indian student in Melbourne and called on Australian authorities to ensure those responsible are swiftly brought to justice. Full article: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081&sid=aXiFYHv489CQ Which university degrees pay the most? Sunday Star Times - New Zealand January 03 2010 School-leavers aiming for a well-paid job after university should study engineering or health sciences, a new government report suggests. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/3203559/Which-university-degrees-pay-the-most Half-price Kiwi degrees The Sunday Telegraph January 03 2010 THOUSANDS of Australian students are exploiting a government scheme and gaining half-price university degrees by studying in New Zealand. Full article: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/sunday-telegraph/half-price-kiwi-degrees/story-e6frewt01225815497836

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


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