ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing tertiary campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand News summary: International education, August 2011
News summary: International education, August 2011 Are student loan policies effective? Anger as £78m Aimhigher support scheme for students is axed Research recruiters look to Indonesia A Level Flops Targeted By Oz Tourist Chiefs Be quids in at our branches abroad, Nottingham tells students in the UK Opinion: Ivory tower besieged by the new economic reality International student round-table issues Immigration officials cancel 159 student visas after airport interviews Rank shows role of fees in elite research School of hard knocks an experiment to watch Chase for foreign students State premiers look at plan to give foreign students special visas New Zealand to streamline student visas China-ASEAN education collaboration on fast track Resorting to headhunters a smart move in the search for the best Assaults on Indian students lower but robberies higher Must try much harder – report on universities Chinese cast stern eye over Western lessons We have 18 billion reasons to find a strategy Tourism a casualty as students quit Two years jail for IELTS fraud Is Higher Education More Like a Business? No, Business Is More Like Higher Ed When language is no barrier Australia and India foster higher education linkages Student swap to help fix India rift Bid for uni degree swaps with India Students flock to Canada instead of Australia New programs encourage education exchange Student visa applications on slide Offshore applications still spiralling out of control When opportunity knocks, students take a 'gap year' Australian and New Zealand Higher education resources: ACUMA Incorporated Are student loan policies effective? University World News August 28 2011 In the latter part of last century, student loans policies became a central issue in higher education strategies in several countries. On the one hand, the explosion of university enrolments coupled with fiscal pressure, quite naturally pushed towards the participation of graduates in education costs. On the other hand, the debate in higher education policy had been characterised by growing attention to a cost-sharing approach.... Full article: Anger as £78m Aimhigher support scheme for students is axed The Guardian, UK August 20 2011 Vice-chancellor attacks 'poorly timed' government closure of scheme as steep rise in tuition fees looms
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