Higher education news, April 2010 summary - Australia, New Zealand

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ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

ACUMA Incorporated: Higher education news, Australia & New Zealand - April 2010

Press release: Bill will slash services and cut representation New Programs to Aid Youth Employment Communiqué for the Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment (MCTEE) Meeting Student association bill sparks debate Push for intern scheme Political carnage on campus Desperately seeking new set of skills Universities search for more cash Steven Joyce interviewed by Guyon Espiner Enhancing Human Rights Education University makes plea for more funds Uni demands cloud power of watchdog School for national progress $390 000 for action to improve quality of family day care Uni moving forward: Deakin names vice-chancellor Govt may put 2-year block on student loans for new migrants Macquarie to be first uni to open private hospital University Games: Water sports plays key role in shield win The Devil’s Dictionary Asian University Leaders, Meeting in Australia, Seek to Improve International Ties For-profit universities not welcome in India Education agreement signed with India Governance losses in polytech cuts ISSUES: Structural Adjustment Fund guidelines; university education equity; Investment in skills, AEU testing boycott; My School; Social Inclusion Structural Adjustment Fund to assist struggling universities University applications up 16.5% Helping young Australians take control of their lives Convention to bring together youth-led organisations $700 000 to support and inspire young Australians South Australia aiming to 'poach' British university students with promise of better quality of life Give it that bold college try NZ Uni games teams start arriving When Indian students suffer, Australia risks being scarred for life Taking research to the top of its class University entrance could be replaced Let The Uni Games Begin Robert Hill to lead Adelaide University's overseas push More student-doctors headed for NT Australia, India sign education deal Foreign students targeted Some Papers Are Uploaded to Bangalore to Be Graded Access Economics to examine costs and funding Beware the second rate UWA decides to dream small when selling its curriculum changes Australia urged to offer permanent residency to top PhD students Uni pushes for TAFE to teach its courses Cracking open the academy AACA National Campus Band Competition / National Campus Film Festival / National Campus Art Prize / National Campus DJ Competition launched

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Press release: Bill will slash services and cut representation New Zealand Union of Students Associations April 28 2010 Students will pay more to see their services slashed and representation cut if legislation being considered by Parliament is passed. That was the key message delivered today by student representatives at the Education and Science Select Committee. NZUSA was amongst the first to make oral submissions on Roger Douglas’ Education (Freedom of Association) Amendment Bill. Full article: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/ED1004/S00094.htm New Programs to Aid Youth Employment Media release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP April 28 2010 The Minister for Education Julia Gillard today announced that plans to deliver better career and tertiary education services to young Australians were now ready to be rolled out by the States and Territories. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100428_154737.aspx Communiqué for the Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment (MCTEE) Meeting Media release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP April 28 2010 Today, Ministers met at Swinburne University of Technology, a dual sector institution, whose successful track record in educating both Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education students highlights the potential for educational institutions to provide better connected learning pathways to students. In a presentation to members on the university’s achievements the Chancellor, Mr Bill Scales, announced a new initiative guaranteeing a pathway from vocational education and training to university. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100428_145450.aspx Student association bill sparks debate 3News.co.nz April 28 2010 A bill aiming to end compulsory university student association membership would simply see the universities themselves take over running student services and levying in accordance, association representatives say. Full article: http://www.3news.co.nz/Student-association-bill-sparksdebate/tabid/423/articleID/153185/Default.aspx

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Push for intern scheme The Age April 26 2010 EMPLOYERS have urged the federal government to establish a national internship scheme for undergraduates to help deal with the nation's chronic shortage of highly skilled workers. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/push-for-intern-scheme-20100425-tloh.html Political carnage on campus The New Zealand Herald April 25 2010 A Freedom of Association Bill could spell disaster for university students' associations, writes Matt Nipert. New Zealand University campuses have long been a political forge where the passions of youth are tempered in a process that generates more heat than light. Full article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10640682&pnum=0 Desperately seeking new set of skills The Age April 23 2010 ON AN early spring day in Canberra three years ago, Kevin Rudd, then an eager opposition leader on the verge of becoming prime minister, met the nation's captains of industry at Parliament House. Discussion at the national manufacturing roundtable lasted most of the day. According to those who attended, Mr Rudd showed keen interest in an internship scheme for all university students, an idea proposed by Universities Australia during the talks. Mr Rudd asked to receive a paper on the proposal. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/education/desperately-seeking--new-set-of-skills-20100423ti12.html Universities search for more cash Stuff.co.nz - New Zealand April 23 2010 The Government wants more charitable and foreign student cash to keep universities competitive. Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce said there was a limit to how much taxpayers could support the tertiary sector and he believed "we're pretty close to that limit". Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/3613842/Universities-search-for-more-cash

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Steven Joyce interviewed by Guyon Espiner TVNZ April 18 2010 GUYON Thank you Minister for joining us this morning on the programme we really appreciate your time. One of your top priorities in the portfolio is course completion rates, but when you look across the sector amongst all providers all students, the rate of course completion is close to 75%, so is this really such a big problem? Full article: http://tvnz.co.nz/q-and-a-news/steven-joyce-interviewed-guyon-espiner-3470798 Enhancing Human Rights Education Media Release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP, The Hon Robert McClelland MP April 21 2010 Minister for Education Julia Gillard and Attorney-General Robert McClelland today outlined a comprehensive suite of education initiatives to ensure all Australians have access to information about human rights. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100421_141010.aspx University makes plea for more funds The Otago Daily Times April 21 2010 University of Otago vice-chancellor Prof Sir David Skegg has urged the Government to invest more in universities, saying New Zealand institutions are likely to lose high calibre staff and students to Australia if it does not. Otago attracted about $28,000 per equivalent full-time student (eft) place in government tuition subsidies, student fees and research income, he said in a statement to appear in the university's 2009 annual report. Full article: http://www.odt.co.nz/on-campus/university-otago/102623/university-makes-plea-more-funds Uni demands cloud power of watchdog The Australian April 21 2010 UNIVERSITIES Australia is pushing for greater control of the development of the new national tertiary education agency following concerns the regulations will be too heavy-handed and undermine university autonomy. UA chairman Peter Coaldrake has written to Education Department secretary Lisa Paul calling for the functions of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency to be gradually phased in. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/uni-demands-cloud-power-of-watchdog/storye6frgcjx-1225856125587 Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

School for national progress The Australian April 21 2010 KAPIL Sibal, India's Minister for Human Resource Development, was bound to emphasise the safety of Indian students during his recent visit to Australia, and that captured commentators in both countries. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/opinion-analysis/school-for-national-progress/storye6frgcko-1225856099329 $390 000 for action to improve quality of family day care Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP April 19 2010 The Minister for Early Childhood Education and Child Care Kate Ellis today launched Family Day Care Australia’s five year plan Working for a Stronger Future. The Rudd Government will deliver $390 000 over the next three years to help support the implementation of Working for a Stronger Future. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100419_114326.aspx Uni moving forward: Deakin names vice-chancellor The Warrnambool Standard April 19 2010 DEAKIN University has appointed Professor Jane den Hollander, of Western Australia, as its new vicechancellor to succeed Professor Sally Walker. Professor den Hollander is the deputy vice-chancellor (academic) at Curtin University of Technology and a board member of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. Full article: http://www.standard.net.au/news/local/news/general/uni-moving-forward-deakin-namesvicechancellor/1805959.aspx Govt may put 2-year block on student loans for new migrants The New Zealand Herald April 19 2010 New residents and Australians may soon have to live here for two years before they can get student loans. Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce said the Government was considering implementing a two-year stand-down period before new permanent residents can borrow from the Government to fund tertiary studies here. Full article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10639256

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Macquarie to be first uni to open private hospital The Sydney Morning Herald April 18 2010 A LOCAL version of the famous Johns Hopkins Hospital in the US is about to open. The $250 million private hospital at Sydney's Macquarie University will use state-of-the art technology to teach latest techniques to experienced surgeons from Australia and overseas. Full article: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/macquarie-to-be-first-uni-to-open-private-hospital20100417-sli1.html University Games: Water sports plays key role in shield win The Otago Daily Times - New Zealand April 17 2010 Otago University's domination of water sports played a key role in Invercargill yesterday when it won the New Zealand University Games Shield for the 36th time. The shield is awarded to the overall champion and was first presented in 1923. Otago last won the shield when it was held in Dunedin in 2004. Full article: http://www.odt.co.nz/sport/other-sport/102136/university-games-water-sports-plays-key-role-shieldwin The Devil’s Dictionary The Times, Higher Education April 14 2010 Feeling lost, angry, disenfranchised? Confused by the jargon overwhelming the academy? Philip Davies offers a handy print-out-and-keep guide to the evils of ‘edu-speak’ Full article: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=411221&c=1 Asian University Leaders, Meeting in Australia, Seek to Improve International Ties The Chronicle of Higher Education April 15 2010 At a conference here on Australia's east coast that drew hundreds of higher-education leaders from the Asia-Pacific region this week, educators called for equal partnerships with Western institutions and agreed that they needed to become more flexible to adapt to a rapidly changing economic environment. Full article: http://chronicle.com/article/Asian-University-Leaders/65098/

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

For-profit universities not welcome in India The Times of India April 15 2010 MUMBAI: India plans to shut its doors to the world’s public and private universities that operate for profit, thus blithely believing that the move would keep the education sector free of rampant commercialisation. So the University of Phoenix, of the US, or the aggressively expanding Monash University of Australia, or Britain’s first private company-university BPP College of Professional Studies, would not be permitted to set foot in the country. Full article: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/For-profit-universities-not-welcome-inIndia/articleshow/5807435.cms Education agreement signed with India Stuff.co.nz - New Zealand April 12 2010 New Zealand and India have concluded a formal education agreement which ministers are describing as a significant achievement. It was signed today by Education Minister Anne Tolley and India's Minister for Human Resource Development, Kapil Sibal. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/3574138/Education-agreement-signed-with-India Governance losses in polytech cuts The Otago Daily Times - New Zealand April 15 2010 The Otago Polytechnic council will have to cope with a wholesale loss of institutional knowledge and governance experience after the announcement yesterday three of its previous four ministerial appointees have been dumped. Full article: http://www.odt.co.nz/on-campus/otago-polytechnic/101794/governance-losses-polytech-cuts ISSUES: Structural Adjustment Fund guidelines; university education equity; Investment in skills, AEU testing boycott; My School; Social Inclusion ABC Newcastle interview transcript: The Hon Julia Gillard MP April 14 2010 JILL EMBERSEN: In the region this morning and today is Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. She’s currently on route to the University of Newcastle. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations, Minister for Education and Social Inclusion, a real pleasure to welcome you to 1233 this morning. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Transcripts/Pages/Article_100414_174924.aspx

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Structural Adjustment Fund to assist struggling universities Media Release: The Hon Julia Gillard MP April 14 2010 Minister for Education Julia Gillard today announced that the draft guidelines for the Rudd Government’s $400 million Structural Adjustment Fund were open for consultation. Speaking at the University of Newcastle today, Ms Gillard said the Structural Adjustment Fund was designed to support universities in the transition to the new student-focused funding system. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Gillard/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100414_151755.aspx University applications up 16.5% BBC - United Kingdom April 14 2010 Universities have warned of turning away thousands of applicants The latest figures on university applications in the UK show a substantial increase - but at a lower rate than earlier in the year. Full article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/8619922.stm Helping young Australians take control of their lives Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP April 14 2010 The Minister for Youth Kate Ellis today launched the first national youth strategy to help young Australians take charge of their lives. The National Strategy for Young Australians draws on evidence and experience to help young Australians to take on new responsibilities and fully participate in all aspects of Australian life. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100414_124039.aspx Convention to bring together youth-led organisations Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP April 14 2010 Minister for Youth Kate Ellis today announced that the Rudd Government will fund a convention for Australia’s youth-led organisations to share and build their expertise. “Youth-led organisations play a vital role in facilitating youth development and promoting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of young Australians,” Ms Ellis said. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100414_123821.aspx

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

$700 000 to support and inspire young Australians Media Release: The Hon Kate Ellis MP April 14 2010 The Minister for Youth Kate Ellis today announced an extra $700,000 to help inspire, support and encourage young people across Australia. The funding is part of the Rudd Government’s Youth Development and Support Program, which funds community organisations to run projects that benefit young people. Full article: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Ministers/Ellis/Media/Releases/Pages/Article_100414_123625.aspx South Australia aiming to 'poach' British university students with promise of better quality of life The Daily Mail - United Kingdom April 13 2010 South Australia has launched an aggressive raid on British university students with the promise of a booming economy and better quality of life. The state is seeking to 'poach' British talent concerned at graduate job opportunities in the UK and the prospect of rising tuition fees. Full article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1265732/South-Australia-aiming-poach-British-universitystudents-promise-better-quality-life.html Give it that bold college try The Australian April 14 2010 EACH year university residences fill with about 40,000 residents. Close to half are young 18-year-olds. They are ready to go, ready for anything and especially ready for new experiences. Residential colleges have been moored to the wharves of Australian universities for more than 150 years, with the establishment at the University of Sydney of St Paul's in 1856 and then St John's a year or so later. During the next 100 years a further 33 would be built and anchored close to the handful of institutions that for nearly 100 years were our only universities. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/opinion-analysis/give-it-that-bold-collegetry/story-e6frgcko-1225853332665 NZ Uni games teams start arriving The Southland Times - New Zealand April 13 2010 The New Zealand University Games headquarters at Stadium Southland could best be described as the calm before the storm yesterday. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-times/sport/3574347/Uni-games-teams-start-arriving/ Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

When Indian students suffer, Australia risks being scarred for life The Sydney Morning Herald April 13 2010 Australia's handling of the assaults on Indian students has been a debacle. And it's still a mess. The country has suffered real reputational damage, real economic cost, and real diplomatic disadvantage. Reputation is central to its ''soft power'', or its ability to influence others through attraction, in the language of modern power theorists. We know this episode has damaged ours because of the testimony of, for example, the no-nonsense John McCarthy, until recently Australia's high commissioner in India. Full article: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/when-indian-students-suffer-australia-risks-being-scarred-forlife-20100412-s3zh.html Taking research to the top of its class The Age April 12 2010 IN 1928, an American, James Russell, reputed to have created his country's finest teaching college at Columbia University, came to Melbourne on a reconnaissance mission. Russell, recently retired from his position as dean of the college in New York, had a new job. He was an envoy of the fabulously wealthy Carnegie Corporation, a philanthropic organisation whose $US125 million endowment fund had been established 17 years earlier by steel baron Andrew Carnegie. Full article: http://www.theage.com.au/national/education/taking-research-to-the-top-of-its-class-20100409rxja.html University entrance could be replaced Radio New Zealand April 12 2010 The Qualifications Authority is considering replacing University Entrance with a common entry standard for all degrees. University Entrance is required for people under the age of 20 who want to study at a New Zealand university. Full article: http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/stories/2010/04/12/1247fdebbd1c Let The Uni Games Begin Voxy.co.nz - New Zealand April 11 2010 Nearly 800 student athletes from throughout New Zealand will arrive in the city this week to compete at the annual Uni Games - and Invercargill is set to reap the rewards. Along with the athletes, support staff, officials and over 100 volunteers directly involved with the Uni Games in Invercargill, a further 270 rowers and fencers are currently competing at venues in Waihola and Dunedin respectively, with many expected to venture south later in the week. Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

Full article: http://www.voxy.co.nz/sport/let-uni-games-begin/5/44631 Robert Hill to lead Adelaide University's overseas push The Australian April 10 2010 FORMER defence minister Robert Hill has been appointed University of Adelaide's next chancellor, foreshadowing a diplomatic drive to further swell the ranks of international students. Mr Hill, who has served as Australia's representative to the UN since retiring from the Senate, yesterday said he considered the role more than a figurehead position, and hoped to play a key role in recruitment and improving infrastructure. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/robert-hill-to-lead-adelaide-universitys-overseaspush/story-e6frg6nf-1225852045710 More student-doctors headed for NT The Sydney Morning Herald April 09 2010 The Northern Territory will begin "growing their own" doctors from next year, when Flinders University opens a new medical school at Charles Darwin University. The new facility will mean postgraduate medical students from NT, who previously had to relocate to Adelaide to complete the first two years of their degree, will now be able to do all four years of the course in the Territory. Full article: http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/more-studentdoctors-headed-for-nt-20100409ryn7.html Australia, India sign education deal AAP via The Sydney Morning Herald April 08 2010 Three months after the stabbing death of Indian graduate Nitin Garg on his way to work in Melbourne, Australia and India have signed a major deal on education. An India-Australia Education Council - made up of experts from both sides - will be formed and a joint ministerial statement has been signed to expand the education exchange program. Full article: http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/australia-india-sign-education-deal-20100408ru4p.html Foreign students targeted The Manawatu Standard April 08 2010 Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

To help bankroll tertiary education, Steven Joyce plans to increase international student numbers and encourage commercial university research. The tertiary education minister, who visited Palmerston North yesterday, said making New Zealand a world leader in English language-based education will not be at the expense of local students. Full article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/manawatu-standard/news/3553161/Foreign-students-targeted Some Papers Are Uploaded to Bangalore to Be Graded The Chronicle of Higher Education April 04 2010 Lori Whisenant, who teaches business law and ethics at the U. of Houston, has outsourced the grading of students' papers to a private company. Lori Whisenant knows that one way to improve the writing skills of undergraduates is to make them write more. But as each student in her course in business law and ethics at the University of Houston began to crank out—often awkwardly—nearly 5,000 words a semester, it became clear to her that what would really help them was consistent, detailed feedback. Full article: http://chronicle.com/article/Outsourced-GradingWith/64954/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en Access Economics to examine costs and funding The Australian April 07 2010 ACCESS Economics has been given the job too tough for the landmark Bradley review of higher education. The university sector is about to embark on a lively new debate likely to result in some students paying increased fees and significant funding shifting between universities, senior observers say. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/access-economics-to-examine-costs-andfunding/story-e6frgcjx-1225850635036 Beware the second rate The Australian April 07 2010 THE way students will be admitted, universities funded, research organised and rewarded is changing, following the government's adoption of the Bradley review. Last year Education Minister Julia Gillard announced a series of important policies. By 2025 the government aims to increase the proportion of young Australians with bachelors' degrees from about 30 per cent to 40 per cent. Full article:

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/opinion-analysis/beware-the-second-rate/storye6frgcko-1225850641166 UWA decides to dream small when selling its curriculum changes The Australian April 07 2010 THE University of Western Australia wants its extensive shake-up of curriculum to be as matter-of-fact as possible, dropping the previous Future Framework branding for the more prosaically named New Courses 2012. Full article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/uwa-decides-to-dream-small-when-selling-itscurriculum-changes/story-e6frgcjx-1225850639399 Australia urged to offer permanent residency to top PhD students ABC Radio April 05 2010 Australia's top eight universities have warned the country's economic development could suffer if the government doesn't do more to attract top research talent. They say there's a global war to entice the best and they've recommended Canberra hold out the prospect of permanent residency in Australia for those who complete their PhD's in Australia. The universities' recommendation comes as the Rudd government reviews its skilled migration program. Full article: http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/connectasia/stories/201004/s2864258.htm Uni pushes for TAFE to teach its courses The Sydney Morning Herald April 03 2010 A SYDNEY university wants to franchise its degree courses to TAFE colleges, which are traditionally regarded as the "poor cousins" in the higher education sector. Macquarie University's vice-chancellor, Steven Schwartz, is negotiating for targeted courses to be taught at TAFE to increase the numbers of poor and disadvantaged students. Full article: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/uni-pushes-for-tafe-to-teach-its-courses-20100402rjya.html

Cracking open the academy The Sydney Morning Herald April 03 2010 With the government offering $14 million in support, debate on how to enrol more disadvantaged students is raging at universities, writes Heath Gilmore. Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


ACUMA Inc.: the Association representing campus service organisations in Australia & New Zealand Higher education news • April 2010 .

The one-time national shot-putting champion Taniela Afu is an unlikely threat to the ruling elite. As the first member of his family to attend university, he is one of a new class of students about to turn the world of academia on its head. Full article: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/cracking-open-the-academy-20100402-rjxw.html Australasian Association of Campus Activities (AACA): 2010 national student competitions National Campus Band Competition launched: National Campus Film Festival launched : National Campus Art Prize launched : National Campus DJ Competition launched :

http://www.aaca.net.au/ncbc http://www.aaca.net.au/ncff http://www.aaca.net.au/ncap http://www.aaca.net.au/ncdjc

ACUMA Incorporated: Items in the press - monthly round-ups - Higher education news - International issues in education, and items affecting international students - Technology developments of relevance to campus services http://www.acuma.org.au/resource_library/in_the_press/

Locked Bag 1333, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, Australia ABN: 56 168 491 622 Tel: +61 3 6324 3935 / Fax: +61 3 6324 3670 / admin.acuma@acuma.org.au / www.acuma.org.au


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