Ajim summer 2018 mag final

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In this issue

Meet the team

SUMMER 2018 04

Practitioner Spotlight


School Shootings, a New Reality


The Dangers of Summer


TeleHealth 2018 – Online Medicine


Hypnosis for Weight Management


6-Fit and Fabulous!


Summer, Sand and Sickness


Understanding a Child's Emotional Needs, Part 1


Are you raising a Bully?


Mental Health Benefits of Summer Activities


Tattoo & Body Mod TEK


Addiction – It’s Time to Change


Gardening for Wellness




Quick Tip Series


DIY Hypnosis


Big Tobacco Targets YOUR Children


Sex Sells


Wellness Wheels


EDITOR Perla Galan

Pren'tis Knight President, ZTEK Corporation

Dr. Stephanie B. Nielsen, PHARM.D., CCN

Sue Ayers, MS, LPC Director of Customer Care

T.S. Wiley

Rosie Schulman, RN

Rev Brian Shaffer


Laura Lopez

Dr. Mary Jo Ruggieri, PH.D. Powered by Acute Care Triage, Inc. 27134-A Paseo Espada, Suite 324, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 www.acutecaretriage.com

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 03


guistic Programming (NLP), Energy Psychol-

TED™ talks. Laura is continually practicing

ogy and Cognitive Behavioral Psychology.

living each moment, being fully present and grateful. Every day is an opportunity for her

Laura is a native Californian and an enthusi-

to share love and happiness with others.

astic learner. Her list of future goals are learn

- “I smile a lot and say good morning, good

to surf, play the violin and piano, visit as many

afternoon or good evening to others. I love quotes, here is one for you” -


so. Laura’s mission is to guide each client to

states as possible and travel to Europe. In

py is a very powerful

know they possess the power to create posi-

her spare time, she tends to her plants, lis-

way for allowing mental

tive change in their life - Now.

tens to music, enjoys time with her sisters,

The most beautiful people we have known

children, grandchildren and friends. Some of

are those who have known defeat, known




The little changes we

Hypnotherapy allows us to relax and quiet the

her other interests are art, architecture, histo-

suffering, known struggle, known loss, and

make create the biggest

mind. We begin to enjoy life and be present

ry, drawing in pencil, reading, and listening to

have found their way out of those depths.


in each and every moment. Transformation is

Laura Lopez is a Certified Clinical Hypnothera-

created by changing your thoughts from neg-

pist; who has been practicing for over five years.

ative to positive. Employing Hypnotherapy,

Laura’s goal is to guide you to create positive

Laura has helped many people achieve suc-

and lasting transformation in your life. Laura

cess and create the life they desire. Behav-

has a passion for helping others and making

ior modification through hypnosis techniques

lasting changes in the quality of people’s lives.

free us from stress, fears, phobias, confidence

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

issues, relationship issues, self-esteem, weight Laura’s diverse and varied professional career

release, nervous ticks, insomnia, anxiety, de-

has spanned the areas of Alcohol and Drugs,

pression, lack of motivation, procrastination,

Health & Human Services, the Department of

PTSD, and can even be utilized to enhance

Correction, the District Attorney’s Office and

effectiveness in sports.

the Public Defender’s Office. As your hypnotherapist Laura will gently guide The most common success factor for clients

you in achieving your goals, desires and at-

who make real change in their life, even while

taining your dreams. Allowing you to be the

faced with difficult circumstances, are those

amazing person you already are. Laura uses

clients who have made up their mind to do

natural methods such as Hypnosis, Neuro Lin-

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 04

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 05

SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, A NEW REALITY By Sue Ayers, MC, LPC During the televised coverage of “March for Our Lives” I was compelled to see how the Parkland High School youth were dealing with the aftermath of the school shootings. What price are they paying for the unruly world which they are soon to inherit? When they look at adults they must have a profound sense of disappointment in our failure to provide a safe school environment, our most rudimentary responsibility. There are days as a counselor I have felt impotent and deeply frustrated about this growing trend. Watching the students grieve reminded me of another painful time several decades ago when on prom night a popular football player was killed in an automobile accident. Just to be clear no drugs, alcohol or guns were involved, just enough rain to make the streets slick. As one of the school counselors and a member of the district’s crisis intervention team I witnessed the aftershock reverberate across the campus the rest of the school year. Noting this incident is very different from a school shooting I did recognized that the teens on the television were experiencing similar intense pain. Today our nation is being forced to accept that school shootings are a part of our new reality. Now we have two dilemmas to address, first helping our youth process trauma and the second helping students feel safe in school. As a parent, you may be wrestling with how you can best help your struggling child or adolescent deal with either of these issues. The first step to help them cope is by opening a conversation. What you say and how you say it will of course depend on their age but much more important than any words you choose is that you listen to their response with an open mind and heart. Let them express their feelings without any interruptions and I stress no interruptions. It is in our nature as adults to immediately reassure a troubled child by telling them everything is okay, but honestly did that ever take your pain or fear away when you were a child? In reality this approach only helps relieve our parenting anxiety and is probably the model our parents used. Telling them school shooting statistical realities and how unlikely that would ever happen in their school invalidates their feelings and will shut off any hope of real communication. When you were an upset child did a parent ever tell you to “suck it up” or “just get over it”? How did that make you feel, shamed, humiliated or devalued? Have you ever gone to a funeral and struggled for the right words to reassure the family, or if you reverse the role did any words ever take away your pain after a loss? I found the friends that were present offering a listening ear, empathy and a warm hug to be the most beneficial support after any loss. Our kids need exactly the same thing. In reality we can’t take away their fear or pain but we can help them defuse it. This approach may sound too simple but I challenge you to give it a try.

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 06

Here are some basic tips to help kids open up: •

• • •

Timing to approach the topic is critical. Be mindful of your internal cues, your child’s external cues as well as the environment. For example, the before school morning rush hour is not a time when you or your child can be fully present as our minds are too distracted with important start of the day details. Look for openings during a more relaxed time of day for both of you. Start the conversation by letting them know you are interested in how they are coping with the crisis or loss. Freely share your opinion without disregarding or discrediting theirs. Do not tell them how they should or should not feel. Help your child identify their feelings. Young children do not know how to label their feelings and it is our responsibility to teach them. All you need to do is reflect what you observe they may be feeling at the moment. “You feel afraid that someone may come to your school and shoot you or your friends.” Direct simple statements like this also work well with adolescents. Don’t worry about using the wrong feeling word because they will auto correct you and that is desirable. When we respond to anyone by reflecting how they appear to be feeling it projects a message that you are present, concerned and that you respect them. If I learned anything during my years as a school counselor it was that respect is a very big issue. The number one complaint made by teens was that they didn’t feel they were treated with respect by whomever they were having an issue with. Listening without judgement demonstrates respect and does not indicate agreement or disagreement.

At first some of these new behaviors may feel a little foreign to both of you but with practice they will become fruitful and second nature. You can find more information on communication tips through the web, in self-help books or from your child’s school counselor. Don’t ignore the topic as children have vivid imaginations and unless you communicate with them you will have no idea what is going on in their heads. With the news and social media making so much noise about school shootings it is imperative that we address these traumas in our homes while limiting their media viewing time. At any point if you begin to feel overwhelmed or if over time your child’s anxiety does not subside you may want to consider consulting a licensed mental health professional. While we as a nation are unable to resolve our differences and conduct unbiased research to find appropriate prevention and intervention techniques these school travesties will continue to happen. In the meantime as parents we need to be prepared to be present for our children in a way that is supportive and anxiety reducing. American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 07

The Dangers of Summer By Rev. Brian K. Shaffer The Dangers of Summer: Teens and Drugs

There is no general explanation for this. Both edu-

Abuse of drugs is one of the biggest dan-

cation and individual constitution or personality

gers in children and adolescents. Adolescents

can influence whether or not a child or adoles-

are particularly susceptible to such temp-

cent succumbs to drug abuse. There must be

tations. They are not yet settled in life and

dissatisfaction with the desire for change in life

have often not yet found their personality.

in order to resort to drugs. The pure curiosity is

Doctors and scientists sound the alarm. In recent

in the opinion of experts usually not enough - at

years, a flood of new drugs has come, and with them

least not to slip into a permanent drug addiction.

the number of drug-related deaths has increased

As a result of boredom and school / professional

for the first time in many years. The subject of drug

overload, but also simply out of how to want to be

abuse is more topical and explosive than ever.

like the others. Having said this, drug addiction is a disease and any family history or mental health

Which drugs are here?

history in the family are markers of susceptibility.

Starting with the soft drugs (also referred to as

Another, often found, cause of drug addiction is

starter drugs) such as alcohol, cannabis, marijua-

coping with traumatic experiences. Such experi-

na on amphetamines (ecstasy, LSD, etc.), to the

ences can result, for example, from abuse, vio-

hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine or - most cur-

lence or even neglect.

rent - Crystal meth, countless substances pose a

How can I tell if my child is taking drugs?

threat today for children and adolescents. In the

There are a number of signs that may indicate

meantime, it is often a common practice not to

a drug addiction in a child or adolescent. Of

follow the "classic path" from the soft to the hard

course, individual symptoms may also indicate

drugs, but to start with the most dangerous sub-

other circumstances. However, if the signs are in-


creasing, you should be alert as a parent. Such an indication may be, for example, diminishing ap-

Why do children and adolescents become ad-

petite. Has your child always eaten and suddenly

dicted to drugs?

refuses to eat? Often the whole thing goes hand

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 08

in hand with a strikingly pale complexion and dull,

perience in with drugs without trivializing it. Make

tired eyes. Other physical symptoms include shak-

it clear to your child that you want to help her/him

ing, increased sweating, constant fatigue and a lot

and not condemn them for the behavior. Be con-

of nervousness.

fident. Be patient. This will help your child to co-

It is also important to be alert to other mental and


spiritual symptoms. For example, do you feel that your child is suddenly losing the joy of life? Or does

Professional help with drug addicted children &

your child get encapsulated, suddenly have a differ-


ent circle of friends or can hardly leave the house?

Sometimes it cannot be done without professional

Do you see changes in achievements in the school,

help - especially when parents no longer have ac-

in the sport, etc.‌.? All of these can be signs of drug

cess to their child in an advanced drug addiction.


The network of counseling centers and support centers is now very close.

What if my child uses drugs? Anger, despair, perplexity and the feeling of having

AcuteCareTriage.com is here to help provide the

failed to educate your own child. All these are feel-

tools, resources, and support you need to deal with

ings that arise in parents when they learn of the

a child or adolescent caught in the throes of addic-

drug addiction of their child. As a person affected,

tion or substance abuse. Consider seeking counsel

you must put these feelings as far as possible in the

from a member of our Therapy Team!

background, because now active help is needed. Accusations and blame would only make things

This is an original article written by Rev. Brian K.

worse, and your child will most likely shut up com-

Shaffer, GC-C, FT, LLPC, NCC and the grade/read-

pletely in front of you. Therefore, seek an open con-

ing comprehension levels is 58.4 and 8.8.

versation in the gentlest possible way. Talk to your child about your suspicions, but do not expect it to open immediately. A single conversation with the idea of eliminating the whole thing is not enough. Do not impose strict prohibitions or overwhelm your child with expectations that cannot be fulfilled right away. It may help to talk about your own exAmerican Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 09


doctors who partner rather than preach. The

As costs continue to rise and people continue

iPod generation has changed medicine and

to seek more time at the end of the day, we

how we practice. It's a brand new day.

in healthcare and technology must produce answers and present solutions. The barriers

Advancement in medicine doesn’t have to

to access must come down. The legislation

TeleHealth has been in practice around the globe

ber 24/7, get a triage RN answering you right

come in the form of higher spending. It can

is changing every day, but some of it must

in one form or another for well over two decades.

away? Why would you not turn on your de-

come in the form of advances in communi-

be reviewed, rewritten, and replaced. The en-

We are not consistent in what we call it; nonethe-

vice, wait less than 2-3 minutes for your

cation technology.

vironment the practitioners work within, and

less, we have been using it.

turn, and have your clinician arrive, on time!

are governed by, must become cooperative to Today, devices are used for basic biometrics,

unite the consumer and providers.

Perhaps a doctor returns a phone call to an-

In less than 15 minutes, most cases, can be

blood pressure, heart rate, and other data;

swer a question. We have seen or been part

treated, have your electronic prescription issued

even blood glucose results are being sent

TeleHealth, wellness, alternatives to western

of TeleHealth trending before our eyes for two

and sent to your participating pharmacy.

wirelessly. The National Health Service(NHS)

ways—all are here. It's a brand new day, indeed.

decades. While we may marvel at the tech-

in England is practicing in virtual hospitals.

nologies, some of us still balk at the concept of

Post ObamaCare, these types of interactions

having a on line appointment. But why? Does

will be the norm instead of the exception.

The possibilities are endless.

This is an original work authored by Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI-MP, HHA

it not make good sense to stay home for nonemergent medical issues? Why not keep your

The goal of AcuteCareTriage.com is to con-

germs to yourself? Is it smart to drive a car when

tinue developing and maintaining our proven

you’re groggy and unwell? Of course, it’s not.

track record of providing on line/TeleHealth delivered patient services consistently. In or-

What about the effect on the environment? We

der to achieve this goal, we have recruited

could go on and on about the global green im-

highly skilled professional providers across

pact. What about the amount of time we spend

the country. They are committed to quality pa-

sitting in waiting rooms. The level of germ expo-

tient care and satisfaction. This allows us to

sure or a doctor who is an hour behind schedule.

be a strong partner for you and your family.

The drain on a sick person is endless! TeleHealth is the tip of the iceberg with digital naTeleHealth is the answer to these challeng-

tives. Millennials are the ones driving the trends

es. Why would you not dial a phone num-

in this health care deliver model. They want

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 10

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Hypnosis for Weight Management By Rosemarie Schulman

The KISS method is a best practice approach to most new things we want to master. Whether it is for health, wellness, or behavior modification, with a direct and simple approach you will be more likely to succeed. If you try, (I mean, honestly – try and follow) the simple steps outlined below, you can have great success in weight management.

after dinner and take breaks when sitting at your desk for more than a half-hour. All of these simple actions will remind your mind that you are increasing your metabolism. Would it be too damaging to add a FitBit? Proper Choice:

• Reduction of Volume • Increase activity • Proper Choices • Consistency with the help of imagery using .....hypnosis.

feeling confident, powerful, healthy, beautiful and in control of your life and health. Practice memorizing that image daily.

It fosters an emotional charge to the brain for desired results.

Hypnosis is the process by which you use your mind’s imagination to explore your desired results. It fosters an emotional charge to the brain for desired results.

Look, if you always do, what you’ve always done. You’re going to get what you’ve already got. Hypnosis creates consistency in your behavior to achieve success in your goals. You have to modify that behavior with a known outcome.

Hypnosis is the process by which you use your mind’s imagination to explore your desired results.

Health and wellness is your fundamental right! Live right and Be Well!!! This is an original work by Rosemarie Schulman, R.N.

These should include more protein in your diet, (and NO a BigMac doesn’t count), about 120 grams or more. Increase your water consumption. Be mindful to decrease the amount of grains you eat. Add more seasonal fruits and vegetables to your daily intake. Eating fats will clog your arteries and the sugar we get from overloading There are four components we must follow to achieve success in our dietary programs for optimal on grains, fruits and vegetables, will add to our waistline. weight loss. Reduction of Volume: Put down the Twinkie and read on. Reducing your food intake can be interpreted in many ways. By taking small steps, such as, eating half of what you normally consume can lead you down the right path toward your new slimmer, healthier self. You can substitute a meal with a high-protein shake or remind yourself that your nutritional requirements for a smaller person, is half. It may seem like mind games with yourself, and it is! So give it a shot. Increase Activity: This means to do more of what you do routinely; yet add a few nuances, take stairs vs. an elevator, park further away from the Dairy Queen, walk American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 12

Consistency with the help of imagery using hypnosis: The secret for success, in all three components, is to be consistent in applying them. Here is where imagery using hypnosis will help with your results. Focus on the end-result, not the process of getting there. Visualize. Now, you may say to me, “I don’t visualize! I don’t know how.” Let me ask you a question: Have you ever watched a movie you loved?” You will say, “Of course!” Now tell me this, could you recall certain parts of it in your mind’s eye? Ah! Success… SO, see yourself clearly walking in a room American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 13

6-Fit and Fabulous! By Pamela Edwards

Its 2018, and health and wellness have a new band of disciples. Today’s millennial is general fit, food conscious, and very discerning. The millennial health movement is more of a revolution with people armed on all sides of the allopathic/functional medicine debate. This debate on Standard of Care is so polarizing. Do I follow the AMA and FDA as I age, or do I go to a “Jump start your car with crystals” witch doctor? I am only somewhat kidding, but it’s not that far off. Some Homeopathic and Naturopathic Practitioners operate more like it’s the Wild Wild West, than a traditional medical practice. We wear biotech, use bars to supplement food, even can train with The Biggest Loser gal on our own machine for a mere twenty thousand dollars. These innovations in equipment are so exciting. Many of today’s fitness classes rest on the bleeding edge of extreme fitness. We take advantage of these classes and tools because they give us an opportunity to live a more healthful life, maintain a healthy weight, improve our outlook on life, and grow as a person. Age is no longer a barrier. We can re-sculpt the outside of ourselves, but the most important part is our inner being. While all these classes, exercises, fitness modalities take time to work, but don't you deserve to be the best version of yourself? I believe that now is the time. Today is the day. YOUR day! As Boomers, we American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 14

must take advantage of the opportunities before us. We can change our end game, extend our life expectancy, and live a higher quality of life. A holiday weekend just passed and a lot of us veered from our weight management programs, right? Ok.....don't beat yourself up. I always say don't get off the freeway to crash and burn. Just pull over to the shoulder and rest. Do you have goals for your health and fitness? If you don’t, you need to jot some down right now. Goals are so important. Start off with short term goals then work gradually to add longer term goals. Have you ever visualized something? When you were little, did you beg Santa for a specific toy? You dreamt every night of that Christmas morning when you would run to your tree, search the packages, shredding the paper as it flew through the air until, alas! There is was, your Baby Alive! (don’t judge me) you had visualized playing with over and over. Yeah, you know you did.

driveway? You need to be able to visually see marked changes. SO, stand in front of a see what you want for yourself. This keeps mirror, tell yourself you love the way you were you accountable to your own ideal YOU. created, from your beautiful eyes all the way to those gorgeous feet. Affirm to yourself, “I Don't write down goals that make you feel good am whole, perfect, and complete.” Words are or look good. Write down realistic goals that powerful, use them to your ultimate advantage!! support you. Goals that will not pressure you. I promise you that you will not follow through Continue on your quest and always be proud of if your goals are unrealistic and unobtainable. yourself. Never let anyone put their beliefs on you Check your goals weekly even daily. because that's their beliefs. Being healthy is your This is about you. While a fitness regiment might divine right and it is such a beautiful privilege. be ideal for me, it may not be doable for you. I believe loving and accepting yourself is Light and Love the most important thing that you can do for yourself. Start doing mirror work. Go This is an Original Work by Pamela Edwards to your mirror every day, look at yourself with no judgement and tell yourself that you are beautiful inside and out. I know this will feel awkward, I understand, but you must trust me here, give it a shot. Do this for one month, each day and you will

We must visualize our desired outcomes in life. I mean, think about it, have you ever planned a trip to a place you have never been to before? You say, “Of course I have.” Well, how did you get there? Did you get in the car and hope for the best? Absurd. You planned, right? You got directions, you planned your approach to your destiny, is that how you got there? Buy didn’t you have to know what your outcome was before pulling the car out of the American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 15

Summer, Sand and Sickness Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI_MP, HHA

How may of you will take a vacation this sum-

plans can make all the difference when you

mer? Whether you are vacationing with the

need someone in the middle of the night to call

family, or you are a frequent business flyer

for help. Take a plan like the International Al-

we must be diligent when traveling. There

trua Health Sharing. This plan is accessible, af-

are two key areas to evaluate. The two ar-

fordable and is accepted on three continents.

eas of managing health risks and manag-

IAHS offers members a worldwide phone line

ing security risks are key for all travelers.

that rings to a 24/7 RN triage specialist. Access and medical sharing plans provide ex-

Managing Health Risks - Health risks vary from

pert medical advice through credentialed

region to region. Sometimes the weather can

providers 24 hours a day, across the globe*.

enhance the present health risks in a region.

of an abundance of caution, use only bottled or Current travel warnings about specific areas can filtered water. Also, eating uncooked produce be accessed on this site. https://travel.state.gov such as salads and fruit may be another source of water-borne infections and other types of Safety concerns vary considerably around the world. Remember American Foreign Policy will


Insects and animals are habitual carriers of in- impact the world as we know it. That the world fections. Mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, and a vari- is always changing. Political struggles, economety of other animals can carry various diseases ic pressures, even those who rise into power and parasites. Prevention of the initial contact may suddenly change a previously safe country with use of creams, spray, or lotions, is very im- into one you should not consider for your famportant where diseases frequently occur. Log









ily vacation. Obtaining current information on por- your destination is an easy way to prevent an

consultation unpleasant end to your trip.


Take note of a few things:

Managing Security Risks

The current countries political status

The U.S. State Department and the Depart-

The American embassy locations

ment of Homeland Security publish notic-

Visa and other entry requirements

es from embassies all around the world to

Current threats or warnings from the TSA

Depending on the time of year, your destina-

These same companies may have medical

tion, and your own current health, a hazard like

evacuation providers through their concierge,

malaria, for example, can prove deadly. Before

in case you need to be flown to a safer loca-

you travel to some exotic destination, investi-

tion, or to a country with a higher level medi-

gate the potential for infectious disease risks in

cal infrastructure. Do your research. There are

the region. Performing research on the level of

several companies which provide services,

health care services available and your ability

see what best fits your needs and your bud-

to gain access to such care, can make all the

get. This type of health sharing plan or insur-

difference financially and physically. Let’s face

ance is more important if you travel to Mexico,

it, none of us plans to have a heart attack or a

United Kingdom, even Europe and Canada.

car accident. Be prepared – That’s a great Boy

Generally speaking, traveling to modernized

Scout Motto. Get a contingency plan, especially

nations has less risk for infectious diseases.

when travelling to exotic and third world coun-

Medications or immunizations are available to

tries with a poor health care infrastructure.

protect you from many indigenous diseases.

If you travel often, you may want to consider a

Contaminated water and food are major sourc-

This is an original work authored by Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI_MP, HHA

worldwide health sharing plan. Some of these

es of infection in many parts of the world. Out


American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 16

help U.S. citizens who travel. These notices are specific to each region and are updat-

regarding safety and security •

cidents, including kidnapping

ed on a regular basis. Check out the website www.travel.state.gov.

Some guidance on the state of the medical system

They provide detailed reports and news about countries in crises. In America, we use a color

Reports on crime, robberies, staged car ac-

A report on traffic and airline safety

system to identify threats. It is as follows: So get packed, get excited, and get information, a great summer holiday awaits… Be Well!

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 17

Understanding a Child’s Emotional Needs, Part 1 By Sue Ayres, MC

I don’t think anyone would argue against the statement, “The most difficult job in the world is that of being a parent.” We joke that when children are born they unfortunately don’t come with directions. Oh, if it was just that simple! Mother’s cringe and father’s vex over what is the best way to raise a happy, healthy and successful child. Sadly, as a society, we don’t appear to be making the advancements in parenting that we have in science and technology.

and then gravitate toward them. This is a demonstration of sense of belonging; we all seek it out including children. Why do teens feel compelled to own the same brand of tennis shoes that their friends have or why do children want the same toys they see their friends playing with? I do not advocate that a parent purchases every toy or item that is requested but I do want to make it apparent why their demands can be so adamant.

Think about it, we can put a man on the moon, transplant a heart, communicate wirelessly, and yet how to parent is still something of a mystery. Mental health, medical and education professionals can debate, until the cows come home, over boundaries, discipline and techniques while looking for a panacea, but in the meantime what do we do?

The third need is to be resistant or adversarial by testing limits, rules or restrictions. Perhaps this element is what causes parents the most grief yet it is closely tied to the child’s natural desire to become independent. Conflict is inevitable and here is where some parents throw up their hands, give in or ground their child for life. Instead of being drawn into a power struggle try telling yourself this is not a parenting failure on my part but a demonstration of my child’s developmental need toward independence. At moments like these it may be wise to step back, take a deep breath and calmly let them know you will only be open for a discussion when they can keep their cool.

Understandably parents are responsible to provide food, shelter and medical care; however it is the abstractness of emotional well-being and safety that appears to be the greatest challenge. Knowing how and where to set boundaries is perplexing. Every child has different needs based on their personality, environment and abilities. Developmentally speaking the needs of a young child are very different from that of an adolescent and the transition between those years is quite complex. It is a child’s task to develop into an independent person and a parent’s duty to provide the kind of guidance that will allow them to make the shift. Let’s identify three basic emotional needs parents should be aware of and attend too. The first is the much maligned self-concept, self-esteem or self-image. I cringe every time I hear an adult make a sarcastic or derogatory remark negating the importance we place on building a child’s self-image. Without a healthy self-concept a child is at risk to develop a feeling of being worthless, unacceptable and undesirable, the important word being healthy, not inflated or overblown sense of self. Parents are the first significant others in a child’s life and by being present they can validate and affirm their child’s importance and acceptance through positive responses. A second need is a sense of belonging, feeling a part of a larger group. This element becomes very apparent when you observe someone entering a room full of people. What is the first thing you do in that situation? Let me guess, you scan the room find someone familiar

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 18

You are now modeling adult behavior rather than meeting them at their level as once this becomes a power struggle you both have lost. Give them time to express their needs and frustrations while sincerely listening and by paraphrasing back in a calm voice you validate them as a worthy being. This does not indicate agreement or disagreement it does indicate you are fully present and that their personal views are being respectfully considered. Next evaluate their concerns or requests and then give them your response. The goal is for your child to see you as someone who respects them and willing to listen without instant advice or judgement. Yes, this step does take some extra time but so does a battle. A child’s emotional needs are complex, multi layered and if they go unmet they likely will be unable to develop the appropriate skills needed to become a fully functioning adult. They may lack the understanding of the rules of socialization, communication and how to connect with other individuals. In Part II we will address other basic emotional needs and why they are significant. An original work by Sue Ayres, MC

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 19

Are you raising a Bully?

16. Do your child’s friends show a lack of empathy, compassion, and respect for others? Yes No 17. Do you worry about the way your child treats you and other family members? Yes No

20 QUESTIONS TO EVALUATE YOUR CHILD This morning while sitting in bed, having a cup of coffee, and scanning FaceBook, I realized something very interesting to me. The community pages in my local area are becoming increasingly offensive. The anonymity of the internet has given people a veiled space to judge others, even others they do not know, harshly. I was surprised to see the escalation of rude and outrageous comments on the most benign of posts. In this digital age, we have become openly opinionated. We comment on other peoples posts ad nauseum. We may or may not have any expertise in the subject matter, but we have a big mouth, and sound off, hidden behind our devices. Safe, protected, sniping.

18. Does your child skip school?

Take this quick quiz to evaluate your child. The more “Yes” answers than “No”, indicates that your child is a problem. 1. Does your child get into fights at school, at home? Yes No 2. Have others, (family, neighbors, friends), complained about your child’s behavior? Yes


3. Does your child yell at you, are they oppositional, or treat you in a disrespectful way? Yes No 4. Do you parent harshly? Be honest, do you yell, scream, even hit your child? Yes No

Is this behavior an adult way of bullying? Where does this lack of tact and decorum come from? Is it as we grow older we become grumpier? Did we really learn this in our homes? Good questions. How do we thwart these behaviors? Behavior modification – SelfAssessment.

5. Do you give up and not parent at all when your child pushes back against your authority? Yes No

Self-assessment is a great way to learn to better yourself, your family and your children. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. What do you need to acknowledge about yourself, your spouse, even your children?

7. Does your child prefer to watch violent movies and play violent video games? Yes No

Are you raising a bully? Bullies gain power and control by insulting, isolating others, name-calling, gossiping, even resorting to physical violence toward others.

9. Is your child frequently left alone and unsupervised? Yes No

Today, with the prevalence of FaceBook, SnapChat, and Intagram, bullies can stalk you electronically and bully you from a distance. Bullies target other children who look different, who are shy, have a different religious affiliation, and those who are unable to defend themselves. A bully has one goal: cause physical or emotional pain. Bullying, whether on the Internet, or on campuses across the country, is a serious problem that cannot continue to go ignored. Parents must be more engaged and pay attention to their own child’s behaviors. While it can be hard, or even shaming, we MUST correct our children’s hurtful and dangerous behaviors.

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It can be hard to manage and correct a child’s bullying behavior by yourself. At Acute Care Triage.com we can help. We have licensed professional counselors, life coaches, and psychologists who specialize in parenting and challenging bulling situations. Using professionals to address the cause and developing solutions is key to moving your child and your entire family in the right direction. In the meantime, here are some changes that you can make at home: •

10. Has your child had outbursts and damaged things? Yes No

13. Is your child braggadocios?



14. Do they gossip or spread rumors?


Consistency is KING! Establish rules, boundaries, and limits in your home and set clear expectations for your children’s behavior. Be friendly. Be firm, but fair.

Connect to your kids. I cannot stress this one enough. Do you remember being in high school? How often did you feel loved UNCONDIONALLY by your parents? Be honest! Talk at dinner, phones down. Tuck them in at night. Yep, even the 16-year-old. Once in a while, they want you to put them to bed, kiss their forehead and tell them how amazing they are. You will not be disappointed in the results.

Have your home be their sanctuary. Keep it a calm place that is safe for you and your children.

Get real - Do not defend your children’s bullying behavior. Get in front of it, correct it, and be accountable. The example you set will last a lifetime.

20. Does your child seem indifferent to other’s emotions? Yes No

8. Has your child been bullied by anyone at home, at school, or in the community? Yes No

12. Does your child tend to explode quickly, or have a short fuse and bad temper? Yes No

Set boundaries with your child and HOLD to them. Tell them, you will not tolerate bullying at any level. Period


19. Is your child secretive when confronted with behaviors that are brought to your attention? Yes No

6. Has your child’s school complained about your child’s classroom or playground attitudes that are disruptive, offensive, or defiant? Yes No

11. Does your child lash out and display violence toward their brothers and sisters? Yes No


Children will emulate what they see. If Daddy drinks too much, so will junior. If Mommy is abusive, junior will repeat that cycle. Put a virtual mirror up in your face. What kind of parent are you? You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, and if you are failing at parenting, how can you expect your kids to win the game of life? Do not and get

NOT try to be your child’s friend. They are your contemporaries. They are to grow learn from you. Stop the buddy role, anchored into the positive parent role.

There is never a reason to physically punish your child. Now, that doesn’t mean you need to negotiate with a terrorist either. There are hundreds of ways to get your child to change their behavior. It starts with your behavior toward them. We tell or kids to “Keep their hands to themselves”. Practice what you preach. Praise good behavior. Re-enforce all positive attitudes and actions. Change yourself. Problem kids come from problem parents. You remember the old saying, right? The apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. It’s true. Own your part.

If you think that your child is a bully, then make it a priority to help them change their own lives. Instill good behaviors and reward them emotionally for the changes. But if you cannot try any of the suggestions we listed here, try this one simple exercise. It will take you 30 seconds: Imagine it’s YOUR child being bullied. Visualize in your head what toll it takes on them, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. No child should have to fear going to school, a sporting event, or playing in their own neighborhood. Be well! This is an original article written by Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI-MP, HHA


15. Does your child engage in name-calling? Yes No

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Mental Health Benefits of Summer Activities By Rev. Brian K. Shaffer, GC-C, FT, LLPC, NCC

Adventure based therapy can be described as a type of experimental therapy that is designed to inspire emotional healing. Additionally, it has been seen to be quite impactful for teens and adults. This program works by making it possible for the participants to take part in activities that are outside their comfort zones. When provided with an opportunity to get away from their day-to-day routines, participants are able to see themselves from a new perspective. Moreover, the ability to master a new challenge in an environment that promotes collaboration easily boosts participant’s social skills and their self-esteem. The following are some of the benefits that come with taking part in adventure programs and summer outdoor activities: >Ideal for Individuals of All Ages and Mental Capabilities Adventure programs and outdoor activities are ideal for people of all age groups. It is a tool that has been seen to be effective in enabling individuals to overcome a wide array of mental health issues. Because of this, adventure programs are seen as a great way to cater for individuals who are currently recovering from teen substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders. The approach can also be used to treat depression and anxiety. Outdoor activities make it possible for individuals to deal with personal loss. Many experts believe that it could come in handy in treating schizophrenic patients. >Individuals Get to Experience Nature’s Therapeutic Properties

Recent studies have indicated that experiencing awe, e.g., the one that comes when one surveys a scenic mountain side landscape or when you are immersed in lush surroundings could encourage you to generate positive, and generous social behaviors. This also acts as a great way for us to get out of our heads and focus on something that is bigger than us. >You Get to Take Part in an Engaging Real-Life Experience Adventure programs are mainly designed to assist individuals take part in activities that are goal-based. Other programs aimed at enhancing a person’s mental health will normally have them reflect on their triggers, habits, tendencies, and personalities. Goal-based activities will help you acquire new mental traits that will come in handy when you are executing your daily tasks. Another aspect of outdoor activities is that they are able to promote healing by helping an individual get away from their normal habitats. There are people who use their natural habitats and habits to avoid confronting the challenges that they are currently facing. In addition, you get to go away from some of the factors that could be contributing to some of the mental health issues facing you. The main benefit of an adventure program is the fact that individuals get to work together in order to overcome various obstacles. They take part in tasks such as navigating rivers, scaling rocks, and using compasses. As you come across opportunities that will test your personal strength and weakness, you get to learn how to take calculated risks and push your limits in a controlled environment.

Taking part in adventure programs and outdoor activities is the best way for one to spend time with nature. It is a method that has been seen to assist people improve their mental health in various ways. For instance, the time spent outdoors can assist one lower their anxiety, depression, and stress levels. Furthermore, nature helps in lowering cortisol—the hormone associated with stress. The surrounding environment can also inspire you to find positivity and tranquility.

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Why to Use Tattoo & Body Mod TEK

The Art of Tattooing and Body Modifying has been practiced around the world for thousands of years- with traditions found in many cultures throughout history as a rite of passage, representation of faith, celebration, and in some unfortunate cases – used as a symbol of ownership. Today, almost half of people between 18 and 35 have a tattoo, while a staggering 40% of American households report having at least one person in their home with a tattoo – a huge leap since 1999, from 21%. If you’re thinking of getting “inked,” getting more Art to add to your collection, or modifying the body by piercing, or cosmetic surgery; there are some key items to consider and prepare for, in order to protect your Skin, prevent infection and achieve the bestlooking results of your new Tattoo or Body Modification.

A medical-grade Silver infused cream, Tattoo & Body Mod TEK is used for purifying care & maintenance of various skin trauma such as Tattoos, piercings, augmentations or surgical scars and works well with all tattoo styles, piercings, scarring, lacerations, surgical scars, burns, scabs, and even laser tattoo removal. Increased levels of Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™), a non-nano, elemental form of Silver and all-natural botanicals help accelerate skin’s natural healing process and repair, while pure Silver particles acting as germ-resisting agents. Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is highly effective against multi-resistant microorganisms and provides continual anti-microbial action on the Skin which also dramatically reduces swelling, bruising, while softening and improving Skin’s tone & texture. This all-natural, vegan

So, what exactly is a Tattoo and what are Body Modications? A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin by pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer. Tattoos are trauma to the skin, and the procedure itself is technically a form of minor surgery. Typically, the tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine that acts very much like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin’s layer repeatedly. With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets - depositing pigment in a deeper layer of the Skin tissue called the dermis. As the skin heals, the ink remains trapped below the surface - essentially ink trapped underneath scar tissue. The procedure is done without anesthetics and causes a small amount of bleeding, and because there is bleeding, the skin becomes more vulnerable to bacteria or viruses to easily enter the wound and the body. In today’s modern world, Body Modifications can range anywhere from piercings, to implants, cosmetic surgery, amputation, burns or prosthesis- as these are only some of the varying forms of “Body Mods” that are prevalent today. Taking care of your open skin immediately after getting a tattoo/piercing, modification or minor and major surgery, is necessary to prevent infection and help keep Skin looking its best! Proper after-care is vital, to prevent tattoo or surgical complications such as infections, or the development of raised scar tissue (keloids). Good Hygiene and proper care can also prevent ink patchiness, fading and bacterial cross-contamination which can greatly affect the healing of a Tattoo or Body Mod.

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cream formula helps preserve colored tattoos and ink, while providing supportive care with Vitamin K, Arnica & silver to help reduce swelling, pain, bruising and minimize scarringby allowing the dermal layers of the skin to heal appropriately. Shea Butter, and Hemp Seed Oil provides added moisture for comfort and repair, which also contributes to the accelerated healing of skin tissue.

germs. Today, silver can be found in everything from skincare to battlefield dressings to medical devices. In creating ZTEK’s line of products, we wanted to find the most effective delivery system to meet our purifying needs. That’s how we discovered Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™). ZTEK’s Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is a pure silver powder consisting of highly porous and micro-sized nonnano particles of medical grade silver. Unlike nanosilver, which will not stay on the surface of the skin, Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) provides lasting broad spectrum purifying action on top of the skin, helping to maintain a healthy skin flora and boosting the skin’s natural defenses, all while gently soothing the skin with custom botanicals.

• Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is produced in a wholly phys-

• • • • • •

Why use Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) over other forms of silver?

• It’s a 99.97% pure medical-grade elemental silver • It’s NANO-FREE with micro-sized particle 1,000 times

larger than a nano particle, so it does not enter the bloodstream • It’s long-lasting large microstructured surfaces ensure the continuous release of silver ions with antimcrobial effects on skin surface.

ical and 100% eco-friendly production process with no additional chemicals or ionic impurities. No chemical waste products are created during the manufacturing process, and there are no damaging degradation products. Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is an ECOCERT-certified product of natural origin. It’s highly effective – against a multitude of bacteria and yeast, especially multi-resistant microorganisms Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is free of any animal product or derivative. No animal tests have been performed with Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) Gentle and effective to use every day with no side effects — in fact, it’s recommended for daily use. Free of side-effects and non-cytotoxic (ISO 10993-5), also used in personal care items such as toothpaste, wound care, implants It offers highly versatile application- promoting skin health, accelerated healing, skin rejuvenation, and the reduction of unfriendly bacteria. And most importantly, it’s safe for all skin types!

And that’s why ZTEK with Purify Z (MicroSilver BG™) is #AlwayzOn, protecting you and your environments each and every day. ACT now and get 10% off all orders with order code: ACT10.


• Hypo-allergenic • Vitamin K, Arnica & silver to help reduce swelling and bruising. • Shea Butter, and Hemp Seed Oil provides added moisture for comfort and repair. • Helps retain color and vibrancy of colored and Black Ink • Naturally scented with Lavender & Rosemary Essential Oils So how does it work? Silver prevents infections by interrupting the bacteria’s cellular ability to bond—in other words, it causes germs to simply fall apart. As the most broad-spectrum purifying agent available today, silver is effective against bacteria, fungi and antibiotic-resistant American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 25


Every day, more than 115 Americans die after overdosing on opioids. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the total “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse alone in the Untied States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement. Of the 20.5 million Americans 12 and older that have a substance abuse disorder in 2015, 2 million of them specifically abuse prescription opioids and 519,000 abuse heroin. It has long been hypothecated by those in the addiction and recovery field, that opioids are a gateway drug for heroin. In fact, according to the CDC, people who use opioids are 40 times more likely to become addicted to heroin. Nationally, the misuse of prescription drugs was second only to marijuana.1 From 1999 to 2008, overdose death rates, sales and substance use disorder treatment admissions related to prescription pain relievers increased in parallel. The overdose death rate in 2008 was nearly four times the 1999 rate; sales of prescription pain relievers in 2010 were four times those in 1999; and the substance use disorder treatment admission rate in 2009 was six times the 1999 rate. Right now, 300 million annual opioid prescription are written in America. This equates to every adult in America having their own bottle of pills. It’s outrageous! Prescription opioid abuse is one of the largest health crises facing Americans today. Addiction to prescription drugs is lethal and hard to stop. These drugs hijack the brain’s reward center. This is one of the main reasons why rehabilitation is so difficult. Withdrawal symptoms are brutal. Some users stay addicted over the fear of withdrawal. Will power is pure fantasy, when dealing with opioid dependency. So how did we get here? Are those who use drugs just weak? Do they come from broken homes? Are they just losers? Some become addicted to numb themselves from the realities of life, childhood trauma, or a current level of emotional and physical pain that they cannot with-

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stand. Whatever the reason, the effects of prescription opioid addiction are psychological and Physical. Drugs with the greatest chance for dependence and abuse are divided into the following categories: Barbiturates like pentobarbital (Nembutal) are sedatives and central nervous system depressants. • Opioids like oxycodone hydrochloride (Oxycontin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and hydromorphone (Palladone) are medications to relieve pain. • Benzodiazepines like lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), and alprazolam (Xanax) are sedatives and relax the muscles in the body. • Opioids are some of most addictive drugs given to people today. Opioids go directly to your brain. The high is addicting, and to most people who use them, pleasurable. •

Acute Care Triage has professionals who understand addiction and recovery from a behavioral modification and medical perspective. They know what is needed for sobriety. Their team can help a patient achieve abstinence from drug abuse, and freedom from the clutches of addiction to prescription drugs. Log in now: www.acutecaretriage.com Be Well! ________________________________________ 1“Results from the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2005), http://www.samhsa.gov/data/nsduh/2k5nsduh/2k5results.pdf. ‘Normalized’ Among Teens,” The Partnership at Drugfree.org, 16 May 2006, http://www.drugfree.org/ newsroom/generation-rx-national-study-confirmsabuse-of-prescription-and-over-the-counter-drugs“normalized”-among-teens. Except as noted, this is an original work by Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI-MP, HHA

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Gardening for Wellness By Rev. Brian K. Shaffer Growing Health and Happiness Know how gardening isn’t your thing? Well, this year changes that! You’re going to garden for your mental and physical health. Before you ask; nobody forces you. In fact, you’re the one who pushes brunch plans so you can water. Stop laughing. Gardening used to be our grandparents’ sport, something you only did after retirement to fill the hours. Not something for young, work-class me, right? That changed when I bought my first home with a large back yard. It looked… well, sad. It was perhaps a touch of shame at the sight of my neighbor’s overgrown rosebushes, compared to my plain dirt patch, but I decided to throw my hat in the ring. Fine. I’d garden. But not because I wanted to garden – just because I wanted to beautify my home. Was I in for a surprise or what? Sure, it was difficult at first, with a lot of dead plants and only my vision of lush blooms driving me, but a few months later, something had changed. I didn’t simply garden for necessity. I began going to nature so as to be soothed and healed, as well as have my senses put in tune once more. Quite the jump, right? Gardening became a retreat – somewhere I could go and relax. If something didn’t grow, then I could narrow it down to soil, water, sun explosion, or some sort of insect. There weren’t any human complications in the garden. Solutions were easy, and when they weren’t, it only took a creative touch and patience to develop a result. Reconnecting with nature allowed me to reconnect with a simpler mindset: that life takes its own path and its own time. Don’t rush it; it’ll bloom when it’s ready. Gardening didn’t require a massive amount of thought; just instinct and listening to nature, honing my senses back to something more primal and more beautiful than the hustle and bustle of modern society.

better than that? I began with a crop of strawberries and it was all-downhill from there; jalapenos, peas, cabbage, broccoli, so on. Growing my own food gave me control of its quality and freshness, which enriched my and my family’s eating habits. Since we’d worked for them, it became exciting to include the vegetables and herbs in meals. My mind became clearer, my hair shinier, and those morning jogs I was dragged along on by my neighbor weren’t so hard. On top all that, I accomplished my original goal: My garden turned my home into an oasis. The bright colors, the overwhelming lovely fragrance, the cooling effect it had in the summer… The results were stunning, and I had myself to thank. Which brings me to the most unexpected advantage I found in gardening: The sense of accomplishment. In today’s age, everything is “push a button, get a result.” Gardening takes its time and won’t speed along for anyone. The satisfaction of planting a seed, tending to it, and a few weeks down the road, seeing it grow and bloom – and knowing it’d happened because of my hard work – was a sense of accomplishment you can’t replicate with technology. Gardening made me eat healthier and feel healthier. It gave me a mental retreat, which has made me happier and more decisive. Start gardening. Not because you have nothing better to do, but because the results are stunning – and it’ll put you in your prime to do better things. AcuteCareTriage.com is here to help provide the tools, resources, and support you need to deal with your Mental & Behavioral Health Needs. Consider seeking counsel from a member of our Therapy Team! This is an original article written by Rev. Brian K. Shaffer, GC-C, FT, LLPC, NCC and the grade/reading comprehension levels is 72.0 and 6.4.

Then on the health front, after I got my flowers, I felt like nature had issued me a challenge. Could I do American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 28

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SELF-HYPNOSIS ROSIE SCHULMAN, R.N. Self-Hypnosis - Help to Get and Stay Motivated In my practice of helping my clients lose weight, it became very clear to me that all diets work and fail due to the emotional component influencing their motivation. In the beginning of dieting you are highly motivated, committed, maybe even determined to compliance to the protocols associated with the eating style of the diet you have selected to follow. As the days progress you tire of your performance based on your results. You simply lose that emotional charge, that determination, because your mind has not been prepared to create visuals with new behavioral patterns to support your performance.

2. Your changes MUST be attainable 3. You MUST be able to measure your results 4. Most importantly, you MUST have a reward attached to it. The reward should heighten the emotional attachment to motivate your reactions toward your desired results. If you make something a MUST, you are more likely to reach its attainment, than if it is a should. So, make your commitments a MUST. Something MUST change, and you MUST change it, and you can.

Self-Hypnosis is a tool which helps in the support your subconscious mind to motivate you to remain on course. Learning to master this tool, you can dial up your commitment, passion and determination in succeeding an achieving you weight loss goal.

This Self-hypnosis series will be continued in the upcoming publications. In future articles I will explain the protocols of teaching yourself the modality of self-Hypnosis.

But self-Hypnosis training isn’t just for weight loss. It can be used in all aspects of your life to create lasting changes you need to achieve your goals.

This is an original work by Rosie Schulman, R.N.

Practicing self-hypnosis on a daily basis will train your subconscious mind to respond visually to suggestions. Here are some keys to lasting change through self-hypnosis: 1. Your suggestions MUST be positive

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Get ready, and stay tuned‌

Quick Tip Series Tip # 2 - Decision-Making Easily BY TRACY WOOD, CPC, ELI MP, HHA What does it mean to make a decision? A real decision? The word decision in its Latin root means “to cut off from.” To cut off from any other possibility. How do you make decisions easily? That’s simple – You DECIDE to.

Imagine being able to know which path to take at every crossroad in your life. And what if, you knew that you picked the best path? The path that leads to your ultimate destiny. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

• Now write down all the pleasure you have gotten from NOT taking action in the past. And be honest, get real with yourself. You know you have times when you overeat. You get a pleasurable physiological response from that. Maybe you love salty things. Chips, French Fries, and you get all worked up when you think you are hungry, where you’ve got to have Ruffles, right? You’ve got to be brutally honest with yourself if you are ever going to make any lasting changes. So, write it all down, list all the pleasure, maybe it’s the taste of the food, or the feeling of being full, maybe the comfort you get from eating a Supersized meal! I don’t know but write it out.

Yeah, I know. It does sound pretty fantastic. But what if I told you, that right now, I mean today, right in this moment, you can learn to make decisions that empower you, easily. Would that be something you were willing to learn to master? Of course, you would. There are four easy decision-making power:





Write down all of the things it will cost you in your life right now if you don’t make that change and lose the 25 pounds. What will it cost you into your future, 1, 3, 5 years from now. All of the things you will lose, or miss out on, or you will see yourself so ill, you may not be here 5, 10 years from now. So, get clear and list right now, all of the things carrying these 25 pounds will cost you today, PLUS will cost you in your future.

Write down all the pleasure you will gain from taking action on this, right now. List these things in gains, I’ll gain health, I’ll gain pride in my appearance, I’ll gain self-respect from achieving my goal, I’ll gain, I’ll gain….

Step One: Clarity. You’ve got to get clear on what you want. How do you arrive at any destination in life without a clear understanding of where you are going? You don’t. You would get lost every time. So, you must get clear on what it is you want. Step Two: Decide. You decide you are no longer willing to live with __________ (it) anymore. You know something in your life must change, and you must change it, and most importantly, you can change it. You MUST get committed to your decision. And make it a MUST, not a “should”. We all know if you should do something, that doesn’t create enough pressure to get you to take massive action. But if something is a MUST, you must have ________, (it), you will achieve that goal. Step Three: Get Leverage. How do we get leverage on ourselves? Human beings do things for one of two reasons: Our need and desire to avoid pain, and our need to gain pleasure. In 99% of the cases, we will do more to avoid the pain, than we will to gain the pleasure. Think about it, would you do more to save $25,000, or would you do more to avoid someone stealing your $25,000? What is causing you pain in your life? Maybe you need to lose weight or stop drinking. Maybe you want a better relationship, or maybe you’re single, and you want to find the love of your life. But for now, we are going to use weight loss for this example. You have decided you want to lose weight- 25 pounds to be specific. You have decided that you are no longer willing to live the way you do right now. Maybe you’re unhealthy, overweight, bloated, busting out of your clothes. Maybe it’s causing illness in you. Now, what are the steps to getting the leverage you MUST get to achieve this goal?

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Describe, in detail, all the pain that you associated with taking action in the past. Maybe it’s simply the pain of giving up something, or maybe you associate dieting to DYING (die t). It will be different for everyone. So, write it all down.

Step Four: Take ACTION. Design a massive action plan. Decide, you have got to act knowing you MUST and will. By making 1% progress toward your MUST, you will make changes beyond your wildest dreams. Now, in front of you are all the reasons why you MUST lose that weight. You know you can, you know what it will cost you if you don’t take massive action right now, and all the amazing things you’ll gain. As you venture down your new path of exercising your Decision-Making muscle, pay attention to the feeling you get when achieving each little win. Mastering the ability to praise yourself will always feel right; it will make you feel excited, accomplished, determined, powerful, happy, and proud. I encourage you to decide today on something that will empower you long term. Do something nice for yourself. It will trickle down to your loved ones and help you like the life you’ve DECIDED to live! Be Well!

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Most of us have experienced an emotional high associated with our accomplishments. The question is, how do we sustain that high, and tap into that emotional charge when we need it? I mean, really need it to help us focus on reaching that next goal. The answer: DIY Hypnosis. Self-Hypnosis is not only possible, its quite simple, with practice. The concept is to train our mind to retrieve that emotional attachment that drove us to accomplishing that goal. I mean really experiencing that feeling again, linking it up, the physiology, emotion, visualizing it in your brain. When visiting a hypnotherapist, one of the responsibilities of the hypnotherapist is to train you to practice self-hypnosis so that at any given moment you can tap into the subconscious mind and illicit the images that will keep you on track. Really seeing the outcome with its emotional attachment and subsequently, with its emotional success. Here are some tips to successful DIY Hypnosis: 1. Prepare for Hypnotic suggestion - While you are preparing to go to sleep, concentrate on relaxing your body starting with all muscles from head to toe. Example: Starting with your head, relax your scalp and work with all parts of your body that you sense tension. 2. Pre-sleep talk - After relaxing as best you can, you are going to create a mantra. One of the mantras used in self-hypnosis is “Every day in every way, I get better and better.” Visualizing what getting better means to you. For example, let’s say you want to quit smoking. See yourself as a non-smoker by substituting an action in replacement of smoking. When you repeat this process every night, you will see yourself CHOOSING the other action, in place of smoking. You begin to develop an attachment with an emotional bond to the new and desired action. You are training your mind to respond to a suggested command to control your bodily actions. This is an important step in becoming free from cigarettes. 3. Affirmations - Every day, create in your mind suggestions and affirmations associated with your desired behavior. These suggestions should be formulated with five criteria.

a. Positive – State all affirmations in the positive. So, instead of saying I want to quit smoking. Try saying, I release myself from cigarettes. b. Present tense – State things in today’s context. Instead of Smoking will kill me. Try, today I am free from cigarettes. c. Measurable – Make your progress measurable. If you smoke a pack a day, cut it by 50% a day until you have titrated off the nicotine completely. Example: Smoke half of a cigarette when I’m in an open area because it makes me feel in control. When creating these suggestions and repeating them to yourself while relaxing, you’re helping your mind to take control of your actions. Repeat this exercise every day with new affirmations or stay with the ones that work. d. Doable – Your goals must be realistic and attainable. Set your self up for success, not failure. e. Have a reward attached – Reward good behavior. Stack your successes upon your successes. What do we do when our children perform well? We reward them. Then why not reward yourself. Find something you have looked forward to. Set that as a goal. Maybe you have wanted to take a trip, or buy a new set of golf clubs, whatever it is, you only get the reward once you have successfully reached your desired outcome and maintained it for let’s say 30 days. Behavioral modification can be simple, realistic, and achievable. Knowing your outcome is important. Setting realistic goals and taking small steps every day toward attaining them can insure your individual success. Take control of your life, instead of your life and habits controlling you. Finally, with these techniques, you are utilizing mind power to give your actions a positive outcome.This is the mind/body connection called self-hypnosis. Be well! This is an original work by Rosemarie Schulman

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Big Tobacco Targets YOUR Children BY TRACY WOOD, CPC, ELI MP, HHA Cotton candy, watermelon, bubble gum…flavors that tantalize children, and adults. Product manufacturers have been using sugary tastes to sell things for as long as humans have had a sweet tooth. Now, over 7000 flavors through 460 brands are available for your little darlings to try. The packaging is trendy, fun, even sexy. These flavors mask that disgusting taste of tobacco. Vaping has become rampant all over campuses across this country. The manufacturers of these electronic cigarettes say that the flavors are intended to lure adults to this 21st century addiction. Yet, with flavors such as Fruity Pebbles, a take-off on the breakfast cereal Fruity Pebbles, it is not surprising that children are being drawn to them as well. According to the statistics published by the Centers for Disease Control, use of e-cigarettes by middle school and high school students topped 2 million users through 2016 . According to a report compiled by P&S Market Research, the global e-cigs market is forecasting revenues at 48 Billion by 2023 .

stigma has diminished with e-cigs, doesn’t mean the threat to your life has gone away. Think abut that the next time you pick up your vape pipe. Be well!! Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “E-cigarette use more than doubles among U.S. middle and high school students from 2011-2012”, September 5, 2013 http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2013/p0905-ecigarette-use.html i

Craver, Richard “Analyst projection: E-cigs will overtake traditional tobacco revenue at Reynolds in 2021” Winston-Salem Journal, Sep 24, 2013 http://www.journalnow.com/business/business_news/local/article_948674ca-1ca9-11e3-a0ae-0019bb30f31a.html ii

In August 2016, the FDA finalized a rule that extends its regulatory authority to include all tobacco products, including Hookah, pipes, vapes, cigars and e-cigarettes. Part of the FDA-s goal was to improve public health. Before this rule, it was the Wild Wild West in the electronic and flavored products. Big Tobacco has spent billions on marketing research to help target a new clientele. Think about it, this product is the first new tobacco like product to come to market in decades and has the potential of reversing a 50-year downward trend of cigarette smoking. Some of the arguments against smoking centered around the taste, the smell, and the smell of the smoker. Add a little e-juice, a little crisp apple, or even worse, a Cosmopolitan, and bam! New smokers start lining up! As part of our wellbeing program, we offer a proven method for smoking cessation. We use certified Hypnotherapists to best support our members and their desire to live a smoke free life. So what does it take from you in the way of a commitment to live a smoke free life? While it is a common belief that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, studies have shown that it takes an average of 66 days to maintain any real change. Call the nurse hot line. Ask questions, let us help better prepare you to stop smoking. Just because the horrible smell, tastes and

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 36

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 37

SEX SELLS – AND WE SHOULD ALL BE VERY AFRAID Sex trafficking is a lucrative industry, raking in an estimated $150 billion a year, according to a report published by the International Labour Organization in 2014, and those numbers are rising.

the link: https://www.pedalthepacific.com If you know anyone who could be at risk, or if you yours are in trouble, reach out to:

Here are some horrific facts about this industry:

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40.3 million children and adults are bought and sold globally into commercial sexual servitude, forced labor, and bonded labor¹. Female victims make up 96% of all trafficking for sexual exploitation. China & Russia have been named among the worst offenders when it comes to human trafficking, according to the US State Department. In 2016, an estimated 1 in 6 runaways reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children were likely sex traffic victims. Of those children, 86% went missing from the Foster Care/ Social Services systems.


This is not a “NEW” problem. This has gone on for more decades than we want to admit. While we can point fingers all day, it changes nothing. So, what can we do? We can build safe spaces. We can create shelters. We can make Refuge Ranches. We can house these people, male and female to protect them from the horrors that they have endured. However, all of those viable solutions take money. Private funding, from sponsors, people like you and me. This week, I was introduced to an amazing group of women doing a phenomenal thing and it prompted me to write this article. Pedal the Pacific started out as three girls who were unathletic, inexperienced, young, and idealistic. They set a goal to raise funds to help positively impact these global injustices. What started out as small group of three, quickly gained steam and notoriety. Now they have 11 participant riders, heading from Seattle to San Diego, raising money for the Refuge Ranch in Austin, Texas. These riders want to not only raise awareness, but as they ride, they want to start a dialogue with passersby. They want people to ask questions, to gain knowledge, and to spread the word to those who are lesser informed about the atrocities of modern day slavery. The hope is their actions will spur others to act, creating a chain reaction. The desire to contribute to stamping out this horrific problem in their lifetime is an ideal they hold in their collective hearts. To learn more, and to donate to this worthy cause, please click on

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American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 39

WELLNESS WHEELS BY TRACY WOOD, CPC, ELI MP, HHA Did you know that the diet and weight management industry take in $60 Billion dollars a year? It has been said, that 95% of all people fail in their diet strategy. Does that mean all diets are ineffective? No, it means that until we change what we link to food, no diet will ever work – long term! As a Certified Professional Coach and a Holistic Health Advisor, I work with clients every day to help them find ways to control their weight, manage their stress, and enjoy their lives by addressing the core issue: Behavioral Modification. Implementing positive lifestyle changes can help you age more gracefully, stay healthier longer, and decrease the likelihood of chronic or serious illness? But how, you may ask? Health and Wellness Coaching is a cooperative partnership between the client and the coach. There are two keys to a successful outcome: know where you are starting and know where you want to go. Have you ever gone on a road trip? Of course, you have. Did you know how to get where you were going? Maybe, maybe not. If you didn’t, you certainly didn’t just hop in the car and hope to end up at your vacation destination. No, you got directions, put them into action, and bingo! You arrived at your vacation, ready to go! So why do people with poor, or horrific eating and health habits, think they can change 20 years of conditioned behavior? Good question. Enter your Wellness Coach. It’s our mission to help the client uncover where they are currently in their lives. A good coach will listen to you, learn your patterns, and help you define what success means to you. How? Well, there are many tools used in effective behavioral modification. One of these are Lifestyle Wheels. Wheels are universal coaching instruments. These are interactive visual tools that help clarify your goals. Clients like the Wheel because it creates a picture for them (literally). By working together, you will determine which areas of your life are most important or meaningful. If you have had your biometric panel done, we can match the Wheel to your biometric or health risk testing results.

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The picture that is created gives both the client and the coach a clear sense of how balanced or unbalanced the client’s life feels right now. The client chooses which area to focus on first. That’s the client’s decision. As a Certified Professional Coach, we listen and asks questions that get you thinking. The goal is to find your starting point. We then chunk down into small, manageable, and attainable actions, the steps to help you get to the next area of success. Success is the key. Working together, we look at ways to build support that you need to get the rewards that are meaningful and crucial. Accountability between the coach and client is one of the pillars of the relationship between the two. By taking small steps each week, huge progress can be made over a relatively short period of time. And how do we measure that success? One of the ways is recreating the Wheel of Health and Wellness at intervals to get the picture of how life is changing in a positive way. Health and Wellness Coaching is a strategy that can help you transform your life in easy steps, so you can achieve what you thought was impossible. Your Coach will use proven processes, help you stay motivated and on track, and hold you accountable. The agenda is always yours, and you will establish goals that are meaningful to you. By choosing small achievable steps, one after another, you will soon be living a more balanced lifestyle. You will look good on the outside and feel good on the inside. If Wellness Coaching sounds like a strategy worth trying, please request an e-consultation with one of our Certified Coaches. This is an original work authored by Tracy Wood, CPC, ELI-MP, HHA

American Journal of Integrative Medicine, Page 41

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