广 告1 1 0 1 20111304216
I ntroduction
Cause-related Advertising is part of noncommercial advertising. It’s not only for business proďŹ t, but intend to ask and participate in how to solve the social problems and environmental problems. As vulnerable groups, Women and children usually become the object of Cause-related Advertising. This magazine is focus on this part of matter.
MSF is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that is committed to the armed conict, epidemics and natural disasters, and from the outside of the healthcare system providing emergency medical aid.
S FRONTIER The print ad uses a direct way to show the fact that if you hesitate and don’t help people who need your help badly, and the implications of your action could be great. And even people lost their life. If you donate today and help this child, he can continue to live. If not, he could die. It all depends on you. The visual impact would be massive.
Rain changes everythi Please This is a new campaign attempting to create awareness of the dangers of driving in the rain. Most of the “Drive responsibly” billboards that I have seen, usually use guilt as a weapon, but this one takes it one step further. Basically, on a regular sunny day…. oops! forgot we live in Vancouver… on a rare sunny day, the billboard shows the image of a kid and a banner in the bottom that reads “rain changes everything. Please drive to the conditions.” Sure the kid looks a bit pale, but other than that the billboard 05
ing. drive to the conditions is pretty standard. That’s until it starts raining though, when it comes in contact with water, the billboard starts “bleeding.” See it for yourself . I thought this was a very intelligent ad that promotes not a product or a service, but an idea or a value. But what’s best is that it is actually effective: no more accidents! Not gonna lie though, I would’ve thought accidents would increase just because of startled drivers completely ignoring the road at the sight of a billboard that could 06
Some things ca
There is a full-page picture of a woman with a black eye clearly visible underneath her burqa. Below the image ran the slogan in Arabic, "Some things can't be covered", and a list of phone numbers for local domestic abuse shelters. In a culture that tends to turn a blind eye to the issue of violence towards 07
women, it was a shocking and powerful image.Saudi Arabia's King Khalid Foundation ran the country's ďŹ rst anti-domestic abuse ad in national newspapers on April 17 and 18, 2013. The campaign, titled 'No More Abuse', is timed to promote pending legislaton to criminalize domestic abuse.
an't be covered. Synopsis Harrison Smith is six years old. He has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. There's no treatment, no cure and very little hope. In January 2012, his Dad, Alex, set up Harrison's Fund. A charity dedicated to raising the millions needed for research. Not easy when no-one's heard of it, and you've got no budget. So he asked if we could help. The Evening Standard offered us some space. Which was a start. Then Alex told us something that shocked us. That sometimes, he wished his son had cancer instead. A disease people had heard of and that was treatable and, possibly, survivable. This desperate thought summed up the struggle, frustration and despair of a parent with a child suffering from DMD. We knew it would make a powerful ad. So powerful, we feared to run it. But Alex didn't.
I WISH MY SON HAD CANCER. Results His courage paid off. He landed appearances on ITV and the BBC, newspapers covered the story and online, it really took off. Visits to the website went up by 17,000%. Facebook reach increased by 800%, 99% of which was viral reach beyond the existing community. And people debated and donated to the cause from all over the world. Major businesses, like Barclays Capital, pledged support. A documentary is now in the pipeline. And direct donations went up by over 200% to ÂŁ65,000 and counting. But most importantly, there's now more hope for Harrison and boys like him. 08
ABUSE THROUGH PROSTITUTION STEAL CHILDREN'S LIVES This kind of ad use a incompatibility pictute a n d c a t c h p e o p l e ’ s e y e s . A n d w e p a y a t t e ntion to the ad and find the words “Abuse Through Prostitution Steal Children's Lives.” Then we suddenly understand and pay more focus on this issue.
he kid’s face are old and dirty, and they feel scare and unhappy. They are kids but they feel old. Seeing this advertising, people will ask why? what happened to them?
Child labour ,Contaminated drinking water,Child prostitute. Democratic Republic of the Congo c. 2009 It's frightening to think children today are still forced to work in factories, employed as prostitutes, or don't have access to clearn water. These are some of the many issues Save the Children is working to make obsolete. Don't miss our unique 'Make it a thing of past' exhibition at Southern Cross Station, corner of Collins and Spencer Streets, 3-12 July.
Cause-related 20111304216