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What to see this illusion? Well, at first, you see a nice view of the tropical forest or something like that. But, look at the tree in the m i d d l e ! N o w, s h i f t y o u r e y e s towards the left, and look at the rocks. Do you see how the rocks are very very much like a man who's screaming? Or better said, mother nature is screaming due to all the harm that we do to her! Not nice, right? And there's even more! You can find tons of very interesting hidden images in this poster,

and we strongly encourage you to take your time and breathe it all in. Naturally, let us know what you found as we like to share!

WWF's “Preserve Your World” Campaign How does this illusion work?


ust like with all hidden images, this visual optical illusion works by the use of the genius had. We already talked about how it works and naturally, by now, you should be more than familiar with hidden images – if not, check out our hidden images category!

Preserve your world visual optical illusion


on't you just love it when WWF has awareness campaigns? They sure like to make them filled with really cool visual optical illusions. This Preserve y o u r w o r l d , p r e s e r v e y o u rs e l f campaign has surely a really nice poster, and we shared it with you here. We have to say that there are tons of hidden images in this poster, and you should have a lot of fun while trying to find them – and hopefully,

this will sensitize you to the dangers of the pollution and things like that (we're not really green here…we're all about science)!

Give a hand to wildlife

Credits The WWF “Give A Hand to Wildlife� campaign was developed at Saatchi & S a atc h i S i m ko, G e n e va , b y creative director Olivier Girard, copywriter Jean-Michael Larsen, art director Nicolas Poulain, with body painter Guido Daniele.


hese print advertisements are made for WWF by well-known advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi. The slogan that goes along with the ads is: “Give a hand to wildlife�.It points out the fact that there are many endangered species in the world that need attention. The campaign has won a Grand Prix award at Cannes.

San Francisco Zoo

print campaign


sk someone, “What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Jaguar?“ and they'll probably mention the car. That's because, with the proliferation of brand names based on animals, it's sometimes easy to forget the animals that inspired them.

With this in mind, San Francisco-based BBDO West created these print ads (part of a television, print and online campaign) for the San Francisco Zoo to attract new visitors and members and to help people remember the "real" animals behind the words. The ads show a single animal-inspired word with multiple meanings and a small line of type that's a call-to-action to visit the zoo. The result? Near record-level zoo attendance.




his series of advertisements create as the theme to beauty, showing the men and women of a beautiful transformation process, e x t r a o r d i n a r y c r e a t i v i t y. I t a l s o demonstrating the features that the brand product can make people become more beautiful.

E. Breuninger GmbH & Co., is a Stuttgart-based German department store retailer trading u n d e r t h e n a m e B r e u n i n g e r. Targeted predominantly at upmarket shoppers, the Breuninger ra n ge i s m a i n l y re st r i c te d to fashion, clothing and premium household goods.


reuninger was founded in 1881 on the same site it o c c u p i e s t o d ay a t t h e centre of Stuttgart on Marktplatz (market square). This head office outlet now covers 35,000 sqm and is one of the largest of its kind in the whole of Germany. In terms of privately owned department stores, Breuninger's head office outlet in Stuttgart is the second largest in Europe (after Harrods).

Crazy Advertising

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