HUB Jan 2014

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National Hobby Month Local Postal Customer *****************ECRWSS****

JAN 2014 Vol. 4 Issue 6

Michael Radosevich


STOP SMOKING WITH Start the New Year with a



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Adam Flanagan

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FEATURES 5 Letter From the Editor 10 National Hobby Month

DEPARTMENTS 4 Recipe 6 In Shape 8 Shop Ada 13 Marketplace

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14 Health & Wellness



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cupcakes Valentine’s cupcakes

Warm Mushroom Salad Ingredients • • •

1 tbsp. olive oil 1 ½ cup sliced mushroom (any variety will work) 1 tbsp. fresh thyme

• • • • • •

1/8 cup red wine 1 clove garlic chopped 2 ½ tbsp. olive oil 2 ½ tbsp. balsamic vinegar Salt and pepper 1 (10oz) package baby greens


Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add mushrooms, garlic, thyme, and cook stirring until soft. Add 1/8 cup red wine and continue cooking until the juices from the mushrooms have reduced to about 2 tablespoons. Stir in the remaining olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper until evenly blended. Turn off heat, and let the mushrooms sit in the pan until they are just warm, but no longer hot­— otherwise the greens will wilt too much. Put the baby greens into a serving bowl, and pour the warm mushroom mixture over them. Toss to blend, and serve immediately.

Cook’s Notes—For a more full body salad use a mix of mushrooms like portobello, shitake, and cremini. The different textures and flavors will act like slices of well marinated beef. Also, Romaine lettuce will not wilt as fast as spinach or mixed greens, so if you plan on using this and know that it is going to sit for some time, add chopped romaine so that you still have a nice crunch to your salad.

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a letter from the editor WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?



merchandise How many times have you heard, or said the words, “Where does the time go”? I have said it quite a bit and I have also heard it more and more lately. There are a lot of things going on in life that are inevitable. We have to work. We have to eat, sleep and take care of our homes. If we have children, we must raise them to the best of our ability, and we all know that can be consuming. Some of us are in school or have children in school. The list of things we must do is pretty long all by itself. Then, we have all the bells and whistles that we believe we must add to eat up any time we might have left. Where does your time go?

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If we are honest with ourselves, the time goes where we choose to spend it. Sometimes we make good choices on how to spend our time and other times we choose poorly. We all have twenty four hours in a day, sixty minutes in an hour and sixty seconds in every minute. Choosing how to spend our time is a lot like how we choose to spend our money. Many people have a budget for their finances. They know how much money will come in each month, and they choose how much goes to specific things. Sometimes, there is even a little to spare.

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Perhaps we can learn how to budget our time. What are the most important things in your life that you would like to devote your time to? Have those things been short-changed lately? We know exactly how much time we will get each day, week and month. For me, I want to budget a large part of my time to family. I know when I get to the end of my life, I will not have the thought, “I really wish I spent less time with my wife and child”. What about you? Are there some changes that you can make to your “time budget”. Let’s not be like the guy in the movie Indiana Jones who chose poorly. Remember, time goes exactly where you put.

adam flanagan • 5

IN SHAPE The Health Plan that Works Many times we do not think about being sick until we are, but did you know there are a few simple things you could do to drastically decrease the probability of getting sick? The nutrients in food have powerful effects on our body. Some nutrients help viruses and bacteria, whereas some fight them. Prevention is truly the best and cheapest health plan.


Controlling stress, getting enough sleep, washing hands often, getting enough physical activity, and laughing often also boosts your immune system.


Chronic inflammation leaves your body vulnerable to cancer, heart disease and viruses. Avoid eating a lot of fried and baked foods, foods high in omega-6 Fatty acids, saturated fats, and sugar, and drinking too much alcohol. On the other hand, fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation. When it comes to Omega 3s, focus on EPA and DHA rather than ALA (the type found in plants). In fact, if you have less than 4 fatty fish (salmon, halibut, and sardines, for example) meals per week, I recommend a daily EPA/DHA supplement.


It is estimated that 60-80% of our immune system is in our digestive system, aka “gut.” In order for your digestive system to protect you, it must be healthy. That means it needs the correct balance of microbes. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help balance your gut and promote immunity. Probiotics come in many forms. Look for a brand that contains several live strands and has been shown to survive stomach acidity. If you have been on antibiotics or don’t have a very nutritious diet, probiotics would probably benefit you.

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–For a general guide, most adults need 5-1/2 oz meat and beans, 3 cups of dairy, 2 cups of fruit, 2-1/2 cups vegetables, and 6 oz of grains per day. –Added sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium should be avoided. –The most common mistake is skipping fruits and vegetables, which are packed full of antioxidants and nutrients that play important roles in immunity.

–Be careful not to mega dose on any nutrient without a physician’s guidance. While getting enough of each nutrient is important, more isn’t always better. Some nutrients taken in excess can cause toxicity or interfere with the absorption and metabolism of other nutrients.


Vitamin D has many roles in the body and may help prevent many illnesses including Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, and cancer, as well as bacterial infections. I usually recommend 1,000-2,000 IU per day.


Some studies suggest that sugar decreases the white blood cells’ ability to engulf bacteria by 40%. One study showed that ingesting 75 to 100 grams of sugar (the amount in 24 ounces of soda) affected the immune system as soon as 30 minutes after sugar ingestion and lasted up to 5 hours. This means immediately after significant sugar consumption, your white blood cells could be “paralyzed,” leaving bacteria free to roam and multiply. Am J Clin Nutr November 1973 vol. 26

no. 11 1180:1184. Role of sugars in human neutrophilic phagocytosis.




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national HOBBY MONTH


What do you do with your spare time? When you aren’t working or hanging out with the family, is there something special you do that helps define who you are? I think most of us have some sort of hobby that engages us. Sometimes is can be creative and relaxing, other times it can be physically and mentally exhausting. Either way, the hobby one chooses to do can become a large part of their life. 10 •

The most important thing, though, is that each person find the hobby that is right for them, that opens up their world, and makes their life a little bit better.

One hobby that has become quite popular over the past decade is scrapbooking. This was a natural choice for Cassie Burrows. She has always been interested in art, so when she was introduced to it ten years ago when she was in high school, a love for this creative pursuit for formed. Some people might choose to have scrapbooks with a certain theme, or have them tell a story, but for Cassie it is all about color. This is not surprising since she received an Art degree from ECU. As Cassie says, “Some people love shoes. I love paper.” She can spend six hours decorating a single page, choosing the appropriate colors and designs, and changing them around to get exactly the effect she desires. Though she sometimes makes scrapbooks as gifts, either for her mother or her brother’s high school graduation, they usually function as a reflection on her past year, memorializing the great moments of her recent past. Instead of just putting photos in a frame or an album, Cassie puts them in this decorative setting, taking a year to make each scrapbook. While many people let their photos gather on their phones, pulling them out to show the latest baby picture or sunset, she chooses the individual photos that mean the most to her and turn them into her own creative project.

This isn’t the only creative hobby out there though. Some people choose to model bits of plastic into their own creations. Matt Temple does just this. When he was a little boy, he liked to play with little plastic army men. When he got older, one of his teachers introduced him to a game called BattleTech. Part of the process of this game was modeling and painting robots. This is where he got his start. As he grew older, though, he discovered the game of Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. The armies for these games were more varied and complex than his previous forays into modeling. He can create Britonians (which are the classic knights in shining amour), Vampire Counts (which have hordes of zombies), Imperial Guard (futuristic warriors), and many more. Now he is getting into another game called Flames of War which will give him the opportunity to recreate the 82nd Airborne Division of World War II. Before the modeling and painting, however, he has to decide which model to buy first. It could be a model from his gaming armies or just a really cool model he wants to paint. Then the aesthetic decisions come into play; stance, basing, and lighting all will play a part in the final look of a model. At that point he cleans the model and begins any physical assembly that he needs to do. Then it is on to the painting, which is his favorite part of the process. The painting goes quicker than the assembly and he can also see the results in a more timely manner. “It is quite challenging to make unrealistic objects look realistic,” Matt states. Despite the challenge, though, this is the most satisfying part of his hobby. He takes his own vision and makes it come to life.

While Matt transforms pieces of plastics, some hobbies are about transforming yourself. Michael Radosevich does this through bodybuilding. Michael worked out when he was in high school, playing every sport he could. He didn’t start bodybuilding until he was 18, though, and became friends with Matt Messex. They moved in together and would also work out together. They became interested in bodybuilding, so they started researching what you needed to do. Michael entered his first competition at age 20 and got last place. He was not disappointed though. He was just determined to work harder and do better. He viewed it as a learning experience, not a defeat. Now, three years later, in his fourth competition, he placed third. Though he is glad to see his hard work paying off, he looks to the future with excitement. Bodybuilding is not the hobby that many think it is. It takes immense dedication, not just physically, but mentally as well. In fact, as Michael points out, the mental discipline is much harder than just working out. He only does one competition per year because of the strain it can have on his body and his wallet. Twelve to fifteen weeks before a competition, he has to start preparing. He has to eat eight times a day, drink two Different hobbies fit different people. Perhaps you like to put your memories and moments down on paper, creating your own work of art through scrapbooking. Or maybe you want to assembly and paint knights, zombies, soldiers, and airplanes. Maybe the physical and mental challenges of bodybuilding are what suits you best. The most important thing, though, is that each person find the hobby that is right for them, that opens up their world, and makes their life a little bit better. • 11

‘tis the season!

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KLEAN-R-US janitorial services, inc. Deriek L. Patterson 221 W. 12th St Ada, OK 74820 580-332-4020, ext. 2630 405-379-3307, ext. 2630

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Established in 1990, Klean-R-Us Janitorial Service, Inc. has successfully served Oklahoma and a portion of Arkansas in residential, commercial, industrial, construction, and property preservation (foreclosure) cleaning. A woman owned business for the past 23 years, has believed in offering quality, dependable cleaning services at reasonable, competitive rates with customer satisfaction as our ultimate goal. We are proud to be a full service janitorial business and we strongly believe that our commitment to provide consistent quality performance is your continued satisfaction. Our objective each day is to exceed our customer’s expectations as the quality leader in providing superior cleaning services for commercial, industrial, residential and new construction facilities. Our services extend from Oklahoma into parts of Arkansas. We have established ourselves as having an innovative process in providing complete janitorial maintenance services not usually found in our industry. Commitment, trust, care and efficiency have been the pillars which Klean-R-Us rests upon from the day we started the business. Our team of people is what really sets us apart from the competition. Our employees are an essential part of our team, our family. We treat them with these

foundational values and they are driven to take pride and ownership in the work they do for our clients. As the core of our company, they represent the values of Klean-R-Us. We are fully bonded and insured, professional cleaning company with offices in Ada and McAlester Oklahoma. Our team will make your building, office, or home shine while providing a wide variety of related services. Over the years, KleanR-Us has grown from one person working after hours for extra income to a corporation employing over 50 employees. We have been voted #1 cleaning service so it is with great pride that we continue to uphold our excellent reputation while emphasizing customer satisfaction. We provide our staff with state of the art equipment, safe and dependable cleaning products, while maintaining the flexibility to customize each service to meet the need of the individual client. Our professional and courteous office staff is available to answer your questions Monday–Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. As a client, you will have access to a customer specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a company who recognizes that “Our customers are our business”, we strive to provide a professional cleaning service. Please visit our website at for more information and details.

Have you ever had a friend, neighbor, or financial advisor recommend an investment that will “considerably increase your return/interest with seemingly no additional risk”? If so, I would like to remind you of a simple investment truth: “Risk and Return Are Related”. If Investment “A” is expected to earn 2% and Investment “B” is expected to earn 6%, then “B” is exposing you to higher potential risk(s) than “A”. Does this mean one is better than the other? Absolutely not, however, it does mean Investment “B” must reward investors with a higher expected return in order to compensate them for taking the additional risk(s). Be aware that there is a Risk/Return tradeoff for any investment you make. If you hang on to this simple truth, you will be more likely to pursue your long term financial goals with greater success.

Securities offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Insurance products offered through LPL Financial or its licensed affiliates. • 13



fitness and nutrition by: adam flanagan Life is all about balance. Whiterock Fitperfect place to get a full body workout along ness, located at 1012 N. Mississippi Avenue, with nutrition and diet assistance. brings this mentality to their business everyWhen you walk into Whiterock Fitness, day. Arron and Star Edwards, along with their you walk into a new family. Arron and Star qualified staff, work together to bring each want each person to feel welcome, comfortable client the perfect blend of fitness training and and a part of a community. “The most impornutrition. Arron is a NSCA Certified personal tant thing to me is being able to see and help trainer, certified in CrossFit and has his Bachpeople with their success”, Star says. Clients elors Degree in nutrition and exercise. Star can achieve success by choosing the basic or has attained her Bachelors/Masters in Dietetcustomized membership, both having unics and is also certified by the State Medical limited access to the coach assisted training Board as a Dietitian. This qualified duo is sure floor. Each client will have a basic program to help each of their clients achieve success at written for them with slight modifications, every level. as well as a personal trainer to assist them. Arron and Star met in college at OSU. If you choose the custom membership, Arron While taking a nutrition class in Italy, they will write a fully individualized plan that is really began their friendship. After they respecific to your needs. Everyone also gets the turned from the trip, they began dating and basic nutrition program written by Star to go eventually got married on New Years Eve in along with their workout. People will enjoy 2005. They moved to Ada in 2007 when Arron working out with a nice variety of equipment. got a job as the assistant director at the ECU The equipment list includes; Airdyne Bikes, C2 Wellness Center. In February of 2011 they Rower Machine, Versa Climber, CrossFit Area, started Whiterock Fitness with three clients. olympic rings, tri-suspension trainer, sand They really had a desire to grow and within bags, kettle bells, dumb bells, climbing rope, two years they were ready to take their busisleds, medicine balls, slam balls, foam rollers ness to its current location, so they could Adult be and boxes. Whiterock Fitness will also be andplyo Pediatric more accessible to the public. With more space offering CrossFit in 2014. They plan on doing and a great floor layout, the gym is now the competitions with their participants as well.


Whiterock Fitness has the unique advantage of offering professional nutrition support along with their fitness program. They have a whole food shake bar for meal replacements and workout recovery. Each shake is jam-packed with nutrients to give you a healthy boost of energy for the day. The shakes have no trans fat and no artificial colors. The Nutrition Bar is even ready to take care of your early morning needs with breakfast shakes and oatmeal. You can also enjoy an Honest Tea along with a healthy snack if you need a midday pick me up. If you are in a hurry, just call ahead and they will have it ready. They have even paired with Delicious Dishes and offer healthy frozen meals for people on the go. If you visit their website,, you can see pictures of the meals and even get the nutrition facts. All right folks, it’s January and I know you have made your resolution to take better care of your health. Now it is time to act. Join the Whiterock Fitness family today and get the perfect balance of fitness and nutrition. You will be glad you did. Their hours are 5:30am–8:00pm Monday through Friday. You can get your workout on Saturday from 8:00am–2:00pm. If you have been waiting for the New Year to get started, it is here.



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