Harriet's Apothecary Spring Edition Program 2016

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Flyer design by Tiffany Lenoi

WELCOME TO THE SPRING EDITION OF BEATBOX BOTANICALS’ HARRIET’S APOTHECARY Harriet’s Apothecary is an intergenerational, healing village led by the brilliance and wisdom of Black Cis Women, Queer and Trans healers, artists, magicians, activists and ancestors. Our village is committed to co-creating accessible, a ordable, liberatory, all-body loving, all-gender honoring, community healing spaces that recognize, inspire, and deepen the healing genius of our vessels. We o er free to sliding-scale, body-a rming, love-drenched potions, prescriptions, and customized healing o erings and spaces to restore and expand your body and organization’s abilities to heal and to love. We are so grateful you are taking care of yourself in this way and in turn taking care of the communities you are a part of. We hope that every moment you spend with us cultivates and inspires the best in your being and encourages the healing genius of your vessel. The intention of Harriet’s Apothecary is to continue the rich healing legacy of abolitionist and community nurse and herbalist Harriet Tubman. Like our courageous ancestor, we intend to expand access to health and healing resources that support our people in their healing journeys toward freedom. We also hope to connect individuals and communities to accessible self and community-based resources that are rooted in the wisdom of our bodies, our ancestors and our plant families. Our village is an intentional space for self-identi ed POC/Indigenous/Mixed-Race Cis Women, Queer and Trans folks and the allies that love them. We recognize that there are signi cant individual, collective and generational consequences to living in a world that systematically oppresses people of color. We know that the consistent, widespread direct and indirect exposure to violence, colonization, loss, burn-out, stress, microaggressions, imperialism, dis-ease and traumatic social conditions permeates and impacts our personal and interpersonal physical, emotional and spiritual well-beings. We know that time and time again enduring systemic injustices impacts our relationship to self and community care and our relationship to our movement building work. We want to be a part of shifting this reality in our bodies and our communities. We are enthusiastic about the in nite possibilities we can create when we all engage our individual and collective capacity to heal, to love and to transform.


We are deeply invested in creating a space where each person feels welcome at all times. We invite you to co-create a space of love, growth, compassion, respect and healing that honors the intricate beautiful identities and energies we each hold. To the best of your ability, lovingly challenge yourself to walk with us in the following agreements.

HEALING & LOVING COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS Set a loving intention for your time at Harriet's Apothecary. How do you want to love yourself while you are present? In what ways do you want to grow? What do you want to be open to? How do you want to embody the love that is you? Release judgments, preconceived notions, your ego and your fears. Lovingly challenge yourself to be open without attachment to outcomes. Allow whatever needs to manifest arise in order to be fully present to yourself and the community you will be with. Be present to your truth. Practice actively listening to what might be arising for you as you are in the space. Reach out for support if needed. There will be folks identi ed to meet your needs to the best of their ability. Practice active listening with each other, making a conscious e ort to hear and understand what others are sharing. Be aware of the language you use to address and/or connect with people. Many words have been used to historically oppress folks. Let’s participate in engaging in language that is liberatory and loving with each other. Please honor people's pronouns and gender identities, whatever they may be. Allow people to self-identify their gender and preferred pronouns to describe who they are (e.g. he/him/his/she/her/they/them/their/z/hirs) Be humbly and compassionately self-aware and curious about the pervasive ways privilege and oppression, both across and within identity groups, impacts us all. Be accountable to the impact of your actions to yourself and this community. To the best of your capacity, please be scent/fragrance-free to support members of our beloved community with chemical sensitivities. We acknowledge that essential oils, perfumes and scent products are important to one’s self expression and healing and we ask participants to also recognize how using these products can create barriers for folks desiring to share space.

TO OUR HARRIET’S APOTHECARY ALLIES (adapted from Color of Violence) As a participant in this space who DOES NOT identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color, we o er the following ways to honor and uphold the commitment to Harriet’s Apothecary to center Black, Indigenous and People of Color. 1.

Commit to being mindful about the impact of your presence on the goal of centering Black, Indigenous and People of Color at Harriet’s Apothecary.

2. Do NOT attend designated Black, Indigenous and People of Color-only spaces. 3. If you decide to attend a healing o ering or workshop: a. consider leaving when the room lls to create space for Black, Indigenous and People of Color b. consider sitting in the back of the room, to create space for Black, Indigenous and People of Color c. be accountable to how much space you take up: for instance, step back in the space rather than being the rst person to speak or to ask questions, do not take over or dominate in conversations, but rather step up listening and honor the space as a quiet presence. 4. Respect people’s gender identi cation by using their chosen pronoun and name. IF you do not know the pronoun of the person, use gender neutral pronouns (them, their) when you are referring to participants . 5. Remember that all bathrooms are for everyone; Please respect people’s choices. 6. Talk with white folks and cis-identi ed men about the importance of honoring Harriet’s Apothecary’s commitment to the centering of Black, Indigenous and People of Color. 7. If you are feeling discomfort during the conference around these goals, talk with other white folks, not Black, Indigenous and People of Color. 8. Continue to support, fundraise and invite Black, Indigenous and People of Color to Harriet’s Apothecary.

ACCESSIBILITY We strive to ensure that Harriet’s Apothecary is accessible and welcoming to our community. If you have access needs and/or need support in attending Harriet’s Apothecary in the fullness of your being, please email harrietsapothecary@gmail.com or talk to one of our collective members dressed in white attire . Please note: This multi-level healing village has a working elevator, which can be accessed from the ground oor. We will have designated scent-safer spaces at Harriet’s Apothecary. Please be scent/fragrance-free to the extent that you are able, so that beloved community members with chemical sensitivities can attend Harriet’s Apothecary. If you need support being scent/fragrance-free, please contact us at harrietsapothecary@gmail.com. Bathrooms at Harriet’s Apothecary are designated All Gender.

CHILDCARE & NURSERY We will be providing free childcare through Regeneracion Childcare collective. Feel free to request childcare assistance when you register at the entrance of the building.

MINKA, means ‘Home of the people’ in Japanese. As a center for wellness and holistic living we strive to create an inclusive environment where businesses can thrive and people can heal. Here we gather, learn and better ourselves as a community through the healing properties of crystals, energy work, ower essences, crafting and whole foods. We welcome all who strive to shed old skin and glow anew from the inside out. Minka is an inclusive space for healing and therapeutic professionals to host workshops, meetings, lectures, meditations, and classes. We believe each of us has a role to play, a lesson to teach, and our very own special stone to place towards manifesting pure love in all its forms. Our mission is to promote the inherent magic already present within nature and to unleash the power of human potential. Minka is located at 1120 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11255 Visit Minka at www.minkabrooklyn.com or email them at info@minkabrooklyn.com to nd out more information about their space and o erings to the community.

www.beatboxbotanicals.com BeatBox Botanicals is a local, sliding-scale, love-centered and community-inspired, plant medicine and healing practice. Rooted in the traditions of our ancestors, we use compassion, your body’s intuitive experience, and plant wisdom to handcraft medicine that restores and expands our body’s abilities to heal and to love. We work with herbs and our bodies as tools for healing, reclaiming our individual and collective wisdom, and nurturing sustainable relationships with the Earth. We create customized medicinal herbal products based on what your body’s needs and truths are. We o er individualized and community health consultations, skill-shares, workshops and healing spaces. We support liberation and justice movements committed to healing. We understand that transforming our world is deeply tied to the vitality of our minds, bodies and spirits and the spaces where we conjure up our liberation and justice magic. Transformation and liberation can not be sustained if we do not individually and collectively prioritize the healing and re ective work necessary to keep us alive and thriving. We believe investing in love and our own and each other’s healing, engages us in a rich legacy of resistance and decolonization, one that has sustained our ancestors and movements and in turn will strengthen us and enrich us for the long haul. Our work is inspired by the manifestation of love in and around us. The wisdom of our ancestors. The miraculous nature of our unshakable bodies’ intuition. The legacy of individuals and communities who have used healing and wellness as a tool for justice and liberation. The creative genius of indigenous and people of color, and queer and trans and two-spirit folk. The brilliance of sick and di erently abled warriors. Loving-kindness meditation. Laughter. The Moon. The gifts of Nature. Intimacy with the Earth. We look forward to lovingly and authentically journeying with you towards healing and caring for ourselves and each other and expanding the wholeness that already resides within us.

Harriet’s Apothecary Schedule | APRIL 23, 2016 12:00pm-2:30pm One on One Healing Sessions DIY Medicine-making Labs Self-care and Community Care Lending Library Group Healing Cyphers S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D. by Climbing PoeTree Community Altar 2:30pm-3:30pm Welcome Harriet’s Apothecary Healer Introductions Sound Healing Community Ritual 3:30pm-6:00pm One on One Healing Sessions DIY Medicine-making Labs Self-care and Community Care Lending Library Group Healing Cyphers S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D. by Climbing PoeTree Community Altar 6:00pm-7:00pm Announcements & Blessings Sound Healing Community meditation Closing

Harriet’s Apothecary Schedule | APRIL 24, 2016 12:30 pm - 6:30 pm Freedom School Workshops DIY Medicine-making Labs Self-care and Community Care Lending Library S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D. by Climbing PoeTree Community Altar

HARRIET’S APOTHECARY HEALING MENU Saturday, April 23rd 12:00pm - 7:00pm ------------------------------------------------------------- One on One Healing Sessions CRYSTAL BODY HEALING Crystals were created in the womb of the Earth by water, wind and volcanic re. They carry life force and healing powers from the earth as well as the sky. Their healing properties were recorded thousands of years ago by the Ancient Egyptians (KMT). Crystals have always been apart of Ancestral/Traditional wisdom of all of our people. Within Moon's treatments she energetically scans the body for blockages and directs the treatment to those areas. Moon's nurturing and intuitive touch allows all of her clients to feel supported, protected and loved. Healer ~ Shiwan Moonwanie $15-$30 20 min sessions


Reiki is an ancient hands-on energy and spiritual healing technique that can activate the natural healing abilities within, and restore healing, harmony & balance to one’s spirit, mind, and body. Reiki helps to unblock energetic stagnation by channeling the “universal life energy” to the main energy points in the body. Each person is nurtured and honored in a way that supports their personal healing journey. Participants are encouraged to set clear intentions for their healing experience & will feel protected and empowered during & after their session. During & after receiving treatment, one can experience shifts & releases in their spiritual, mental, physical and/or emotional bodies, from subtle to profound. Trust and deep surrender are key, allowing the spiritually guided healing energy to ow to where it’s needed, and embrace one’s own inner magic. Healer ~ Selome Araya $15-$20 30 min sessions

RAINDROP THERAPY Highly therapeutic essential oils are used to anoint the recipient’s head, spine, and feet which work synergistically with applied Tibetan re exology and targeted massage. The speci c oils used boost immunity, reduce in ammation and pain, kill pathogens, and improve cellular communication. The combined process is a gentle yet powerful way to stimulate deep lymphatic drainage, fortify the nervous system’s electrical function, and assist the limbic and muscle tissues in releasing stored emotions. This technique provides an energetically harmonizing, physically restorative, and profoundly relaxing experience. It is vital to hydrate before and after treatment, and wear comfortable, loose tting bottoms. Healer~ Kiyama Monique $20-$30 30 min sessions

Healing touch therapy In the hands and the ngers there are bundles of nerve endings, Marma points, and Meridian hot spots that relay wisdom and information back to our spinal column and subtle body. Our digits are like our antennas or whiskers -continuously informing our senses, both gross and hidden. When using our hands to prepare food, plants seeds, or soothe another we are creating Sadhana: daily spiritual practice. Khay's touch and massage are her Sadhana. She simply allows the tips of the ngers to relay messages of healing that bypass the mind and swirl through the heart. Please, breath deeply and explore life's subtleties Healer ~ Khay Muhammad $15-$30 30 min sessions

------------------------------------------------------------- COPPER & CRYSTAL HEALING AND ORACLE GODDESS READINGS This healing practice will work with you to create customized, hand-crafted jewelry and adornments. You will learn the healing properties and powers of crystals. Shiwan's jewelry ranges from rings, power pieces (highly-charged necklaces), waist beads, earrings, crystal crowns, and custom pieces that can be created on the spot . Healer~Shiwan Haynes-Greaves Copper and Healing Crystal Jewelry Price Varies-$15-$111 Crystal Card Readings: $20 Goddess Oracle Readings: $25


This healing practice will use face paint to pamper participants with decorative designs inspired by tribal patterns from world's cultures. Healer~ Dimitrea Tokunbo Donations 10 min sessions

HERBAL-LED CONSULTATIONS Join Herbalist and Nurse, Natalie Sablon, BSN, RN for a spiritually-guided herbal consultation, which includes both a tarot divination and an herbal medicine consultation. Looking at both aspects allows for a customized herbal medicine recommendation, guided by spirit, and the science of herbalism. Healer ~ Natalie Sablon $15-$30 30 min sessions

ROSE QUARTZ PENDULUM READINGS This healing technique employs a rose quartz crystal for a divination of the elemental energy in the body deciphered through the meridians (energy channels) running through the hands and ngers. The pendulum reading reveals plant medicines and self-care rituals to balance and enhance each element in the body. Healer ~ Jasmine Burems $11-$55 20 min sessions

------------------------------------------------------------- Group Healing Cyphers Exploring Sensation: from soma to psyche Re-membering your power through the wisdom & safety of the body and mind through yoga stretches & restorative movement, along with deep re ection and exploration of thoughts and emotions, we'll release trauma residing in the body and mind. (15 person max per session) Healer~ Naimah Johnson $11-$33 35 min sessions

ME, MYSELF, AND I MINDFUL MOVEMENT Me, Myself & I Mindful Movement will be the gateway to explore and express our personal truths through the process of connecting to our bodies. Through a dynamic, energy and chakra based movement practice, we will become attuned to physical blockages and release tension, moving toward a loving and forgiving inquiry of ourselves as we explore and release our experiences. All levels welcome! Healer~Oledayi Le Blanc $5-$11 30 min sessions


This workshop is for self identi ed femmes interested in using our sexual energy for healing ourselves and others. During this hour we will discover and explore the magick and healing

potential of Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs. We will discuss the historical use of the crystal egg as well as contemporary uses which include increasing sensual sensitivity, strength, orgasmic power, meditation, sex magic and personal transformation. We will discuss the meaning and reclaimed de nitions of "yoni" as a center of creative power. This session is an intro our workshop series "Masturbate Your Mantra: SexMagick, Healing and Transformation" starting in May 2016. Healer ~ Jasmine Burems $11 or pay as you wish 1 hour workshop

Astrology: Let’s talk about Venus!

Black Girl Astrology by Ashley Brockington is an astrology workshop for beginners and advanced beginners. We will be learning more about our cosmic snapshot by paying close attention to the Houses of our Horoscopes. Please have your natal chart printed out. You can get one at Astro.com. You will be doing yourself and extra service if you hand draw your chart and bring it with you. This is a great way to get more familiar with your own chart. Draw it again and again!!!! Healer ~ Ashley Brockington $5-20 2 hour workshops

Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation practice allows our innermost voice the opportunity to speak, to be heard compassionately by our bodies, and to be released from entanglement and freed from judgement through loving kindness. This will be an opportunity to ground into our beings and integrate the new openness and healing we have received throughout the day. Using our own breath as a guiding force, we will journey into a place of deep listening to our heart’s intelligence and reverent awareness to the temples that house our souls. Healer ~ Adaku Utah 30 min session



Using an array of 2D materials participants will intuitively create paper dolls, an actualization of their emerging divine selves, ancestors and/or spirit guides. Healer~ Ti any Lenoi

Medicine-making diy station

Come cultivate your own heart oils with locally grown herbs to move with grief, open your heart and build nourishing healthy boundaries. Healer~ Adaku Utah

S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D. DIY STATION S.T.I.T.C.H.E.D is a story-gathering project that Climbing PoeTree started during their 2005 national tour. This incredible multi-colored tapestry holds more than 10,000 Stories, Testimonies, Intentions, Truths, Confessions, Healing, Expressions, & Dreams written by audience members and workshop participants Alixa and Naima have met across the nation. This project is one stitch in the patchwork of our collective liberation.

VENDORS LIberation Cuisine Gabriela Álvarez is an alchemic chef and founder of Liberation Cuisine: sharing food as an essential ingredient for success, love, and happiness. Gabriela o ers cooking classes for mindful eating and intuitive cooking, one-on-one consultations to integrate food into the holistic healing journey, and chef services for spaces of healing and liberation.

Beat Box BotanicALs Moon Wannie Manifestations Honey and Gold WildHerban Shamilia McBean QUEERING HERBALISM/AFRO-GENDERQUEER

Harriet’s Apothecary freedom school Schedule SUNDAY APRIL 24th -------------------------------------------------------------

12:30 pm -2:00 pm

"The Clapback": How womyn* are taught to under value each other and how we can fight back!

This workshop explores how society teaches femmes/womyn to undervalue the work we do and how that impacts our relationships with other womyn/femmes. We will explore these structures of oppression, then move into active bridge building strategies that allow us to move forward into the realization that womyn* and girls in fact do RUN THE WORLD! LED BY EVA TURNER

“Name YOur Chains & Set Yourself Free”: Unchained Emotional Emancipation Circle

This Unchained Emotional Emancipation Circle is focused on identifying the oppressor within. You will be led through 1) creating a full Unchained vision of yourself, 2) unearthing the chains keeping you bound in each area of your life - incl. who/what put the chain there & how it manifests in your life; and 3) developing a Truth Statement to weaken and break your chains so YOU can set yourself free. Takeaways: 1) An Unchained Vision - What does the Unchained you look like? mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and sexually 2) A self-re ection tool to help you track your chains and your growth 3) A personalized Truth Statement for the chain(s) you choose to focus on in the workshop LED BY ERIKA TOTTEN

Actualized Magic: Doll Making for Healing, Restoring & Play

Rooted in African Diaspora tradition, participants will be guided through cloth doll making for means of restoration, worship, play and remembrance. Doll making is an intuitive, healing and responsive practice, which guides the creator through the actualization of the inner and outer self. Each participant will hand sew and adorn their doll, which can used for their self care, healing and/or worship practices. Basic Knowledge of sewing is required. LED BY TIFFANY LENOI

Personal Card readings w/Intuitive Counseling Sessions

1-on-1 Support, for nding and centering your own psychic powers and wisdom. Through exploration and re ection, you'll move through uncharted areas of consciousness. LED BY NAIMAH JOHNSON


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Getting your self care game on eek, physically, mentally, and spiritually while navigating through anxiety, trauma, and stress. This workshop will center honoring our Black brilliance as we shine our brightest during our darkest hour. We will be exploring and creating custom blended herbal goodies, please bring a baby food sized glass container. LED BY NATALIE SABLON

Personal Card readings w/Intuitive Counseling Sessions

1-on-1 Support, for nding and centering your own psychic powers and wisdom. Through exploration and re ection, you'll move through uncharted areas of consciousness. LED BY NAIMAH JOHNSON


This workshop is for self identi ed femmes interested in using our sexual energy for healing ourselves and others. During this time we will discover and explore the magick and healing

potential of Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs. We will discuss the historical use of the crystal egg as well as contemporary uses which include increasing sensual sensitivity, strength, orgasmic power, meditation, sex magic and personal transformation. We will discuss the meaning and reclaimed de nitions of "yoni" as a center of creative power. This session is an intro our workshop series "Masturbate Your Mantra: SexMagick, Healing and Transformation" starting in May 2016. LED BY JASMINE BUREMS

Unchained Spiritual Life Coaching: 1-on-1

1-on-1 Support. If you're feeling stuck in any area of your life, One-on-One Coaching is a divine opportunity to sit with a spiritual life coach and process your present state of being, unearth self-limiting beliefs and thought patterns that keep you stuck, and come away with concrete next steps that move you toward individual liberation. 25 mins Sessions LED BY ERIKA TOTTEN

Dancing in the Unknown: What Can We Learn From What We Are Most Afraid Of

A writing, movement and dialogue based workshop that seeks to radically rethink and transform how we approach our relationships to our dreams and what we are most afraid of – personal fears and sometimes others’ fears for our life. Participants are invited to practice conscious breathing exercises, share personal narratives and experiences, ask questions, and openly express their vulnerable selves in an intentional space in which we navigate risk together. For people of various genders and lived experiences. Attendees will leave with tools, knowledge, and support necessary to challenge and work towards liberating themselves through various creative and intentional exercises. Comfortable clothing and shoes are recommended. Participants will be moving. This is speci c to black folks of all gender experiences. LED BY JAMAL T. LEWIS

How to make a personal dreamcatcher

Dream catchers show us the dynamics of the web of life yet remind us that in the circle and cycle of life, we never leave the circle. We are woven into the fabric of life. We belong here. Come catch your dreams by weaving your dream catcher and experience the unfolding of your personal power. "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will loose your heartache, whatever you wish for you'll keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, a rainbow will come shinning through..." Yes, come weave your dreams and catch the beauty and magic you embody! LED BY JULIA BENNETT


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm BLACK GIRL CANDLE MAGIK

In this workshop you will learn how to use your black girl magick to dress and prepare candles along with following speci c Moon phases to help manifest prosperity, abundance, overcome trauma or many other goals and aspirations in your life! Each participant will walk away with 1 dressed candle to take home! LED BY SHIWAN MOONWANNIE

Personal Card readings w/Intuitive Counseling Sessions

1-on-1 Support, for nding and centering your own psychic powers and wisdom. Through exploration and re ection, you'll move through uncharted areas of consciousness LED BY NAIMAH JOHNSON

Liberatory Medicine Making: Partnering with Plants for Inner Peace and Liberation Together we will focus on our sacred relationship with plants. Co-visionaries, medicine makers, knowledge-holders, warriors and everyday ordinary superheroes will share in the ceremony of partnering with plants, sharing not only healing histories and experiences, but also recipes, remedies and strategies for healing, transformation, and release. LED BY TOI SCOTT

Unchained Spiritual Life Coaching: Small Group

Small Group Support, 3-5 people. If you're feeling stuck in any area of your life, Small Group Coaching is a divine opportunity to sit with a spiritual life coach and process your present state of being, unearth self-limiting beliefs and thought patterns that keep you stuck, and come away with concrete next steps that move you toward individual liberation. LED BY ERIKA TOTTEN

Rituals for Strength, Joy and Healing

Altars are a creative and spiritual way to express the deep inner workings of our hearts and minds, with them we can conceptualize and ritualize our dreams, goals and desires. Participants of this workshop will walk away with a clear understanding of the importance and elements of home altars, as well as a foundation on how to build and use them as a tool for healing, power, a rmation and joy.



ADAKU UTAH beatboxbotanicals@gmail.com www.beatboxbotanicals.com www.harrietsapothecary.com 773.593.5399 FB: beatboxbotanicals IG: soularbliss

NAIMAH JOHNSON johnson.n.lmsw@gmail.com 646.531.1212 845.527.6687

NATALIE SABLON nativemoon88@gmail.com 678.665.1878 FB: WildHerban

JASMINE BUREMS jasmine@honeyandgold.us www.honeyandgold.us FB: www.facebook.com/honeyandgoldus Twitter: twitter.com/honeyandgoldus

SELOME ARAYA selome.araya@gmail.com www.selomearaya.com IG: @selomystic

SHIWAN MOONWAMIE moonwannie@icloud.com www.moonwannie.com FB: moonwannie manifestations IG: moonwannie_manifestations

JAMAL T LEWIS jamalterron@gmail.com www.jamaltlewis.com/

OLEDAYI LE BLANC ameyoganl@gmail.com 914.844-4977

JULIA BENNETT healinghand7@gmail.com

DIMITREA TOKUNBO dimitreatokunbo@gmail.com

BEATRICE ANDERSON anderson.beatrice.rl@gmail.com

ASHLEY BROCKINGTON blackgirlsaredelicious@gmail.com

JULIETTE JONES info@julesonstrings.com www.JulesOnStrings.com

SHAMILIA MCBEAN shamilia.mcbean@gmail.com

KHAYRIYYAH MUHAMMAD khayatollah@gmail.com

GABRIELLA ALVAREZ chefgabriellaalvarez@gmail.com chefgabrielaalvarez.com Twitter: @chefgabalvarez FB: Chef Gabriela Álvarez IG: @chefgabrielaalvarez

OLA RONKE ixesmama@gmail.com

TOI SCOTT queeringherbalism@gmail.com www.afrogenderqueer.com Queerherbalism.blogspot.com FB: www.facebook/afrogq; www.facebook/queeringherbalism

TIFFANY LENOI TLCbyTLJ@gmail.com TLCbyTLJ.com https://www.facebook.com/tlcbytlj/

ERIKA TOTTEN erika@toliveunchained.com www.toliveunchained.com

KIYAMA MONIQUE kiyama.monique@gmail.com, 917.328.8446

HARRIET’S APOTHECARY SPRINKLES INFINITE GRATITUDE TO......... HARRIET TUBMAN MINKA A BLADE OF GRASS HA HEALERS AND FREEDOM SCHOOL WARRIORS | SPRING EDITION adaku utah. beatrice anderson. mercy carpenter. dimitrea tokunbo. jamal t. lewis. julia bennett. naimah johnson. natalie sablon. oledayi nicole leblanc. selome araya. jasmine burems. Juliette jone. shiwan moonwamie. toi scott. ti any lenoi. kiyama monique. khay muhammad. erika totten. ola ronke. gabriella alvarez. martina downey. eva turner. shamilia mcbean. selome araya FAMILY, VOLUNTEERS AND SUPPORTERS aki baker. minka wellness center. terressa tate. aderinsonla. assefash. alixa garcia. allied media conference. anisha thomas. healing justice practice space coordinators and healers. anais marvel. black women’s blueprint. casitas. diana warwin.. ida cheng. ebony golden,. eyinannya utah. jelani thompson farah tanis. foster henry.jahshana Olivierre.. juliette jones. karen rose. king. kyla cheung. kelechi utah. herb shoppe brooklyn. leah penniman.. mariana castaneda-lopez. neshima vitale-penniman.myrna caban.. paul utah. regeneracion childcare nyc. sacred vibes apothecary. sharmin hossain.seyeon lee. sharmin hossain.. susie martinez. ure utah. vijou Bryant, yishrayl utah. veronica alicia agard. stephanie wong-you. rachelle erica faroul. maria grand. natalie mcclellan. lauren wilfong. mariana castaneda-lopez. nyx zierhut. lissa venderbeck. nora christiani. shirley francess juste. vanessa celestine. michelle hyppolite. ali. lauren hawk. all of our known & unknown ancestors & trancestors. our fearless, erce plant allies. & our entire ecosystem. & YOU

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