Realistic Oil Painting Create a realistic Oil Painting effect in Photoshop. Have fun and give your photos a different atmosphere to it. This image we'll be using works great on the effect so you might as well choose something like this, too. Photo credits Here.
1. Click on your color palette and change you Foreground Color to f86923 and hit OK.
2. Click “Create New Layer� at the bottom of the Layers palette. Grab the Gradient tool (G) and choose Linear Gradient at the options above.
3. Drag the Gradient from bottom to top until the entire image is covered with the two colors of Linear Gradient.
4. Set your Blending mode to Hard Light and your Opacity to 68%. Duplicate that layer and change its Blending Mode to Divide and Opacity to about 10-12%.
You should now have something like this.
5. Now for the twist. Duplicate (Ctrl+J) the “Background” layer and go to Filter > Pixelate > Crystalize... Set the Cell Size to 180 and press OK.
6. Go to Filter > Distort > Shear... Curve the straight line like an “S” looking shape and set it to Repeat Edge Pixels and press OK.
7. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur... And set the Distance to 128 and Angle to 0 and press OK. Set the Fill to 50%.
Remember that you can always play around with the settings of steps 5, 6 and 7 depending on the size of your image. You should now have something like this.
8. Finally, add some grain to make it a bit old. Click on the top layer (which is “Layer 1 copy�) and go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise... Set the Amount to 50%, check on the Gaussian and Monochromatic options.
Note: The amount of the Noise will always depend on the size of your image. Larger images takes a lot more amount. Just be sure not to have too much of it for it will be unbearable to look at. Done! There you have it guys, hope you like it. Make your own Oil Painting effect and Enjoy!