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Florida Companies to Watch 2014 Winners

Business Incubation Flourishes in Central FL

Profiles of Leading 2nd Stage Companies

FALL 2014




.J. Soileau, Ph.D., VP, Research M & Commercialization at UCF





Envisioning the Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center

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Florida Comp anies to Watch 2014 Winners

Business Incub ation Flourishes in Central Fl

Profiles of Leadi ng 2nd Stage Compa nies

Creating Jobs


InnovatIve Businesses M.J. Soileau, Ph.D., VP, & Commercialization Research at UCF


M.J. Soileau doesn’t shy away from a challenge and he has been influencing the economic infrastructure in Central Florida since he arrived here in 1987.

Thomas O’Neal, Ph.D. Associate VP for Research & Commercialization, University of Central Florida

Fall 2014







Envisioning the Florida Manufacturing Researc Advanced h Center

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When M.J., who has a Ph.D. in electric engineering and quantum electronics, a master’s in physics and optics and a bachelor’s degree in astronomy and physics, moved from the University of North Texas to a little university in east Orlando called the University of Central Florida, he and his team recognized an opportunity to build an optics and photonics research center from the ground up. Having worked for M.J. for years, I don’t know of anybody else with the deftness to have succeeded on the scientific, academic, political, and personal fronts as well as he did. M.J. inspires great loyalty from his team members because no matter how hard we think we are working, he will work harder. The Center for Research & Education in Optics and Lasers - College of Optics & Photonics is now one of the most respected centers of its kind in the world. It has created a culture of innovation that has spawned 250-plus patents and 23 spinoff companies. It is where I got my start at UCF and it is where I realized the need we had in Central Florida for a community-based incubation program and other innovation services. We are now a national leader in those programs as well. When he received the Orlando Economic Development Commission’s Chairman’s Award last spring, M.J. remarked on the need to double up on our efforts to build tech-based companies in Central Florida if we are serious about diversifying our economy. The Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center is the latest effort to receive the benefit of M.J.’s laser focus and I am certain we will all be better served for seeing it succeed.

“M.J.’s intelligence, tenacity and passion have helped our university grow into one of the nation’s major metropolitan research universities and, more importantly, have helped UCF make major contributions to the economic growth and diversity of the Central Florida region.” — John C. Hitt, Ph.D., UCF President

The Race to Build

“WHAT’S NEXT” Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center



inston Churchill correctly observed that one of the best ways to predict the future is to know the past. Recently, the University of Central Florida, the Orlando Economic Development Commission, Osceola County and the Florida High Tech Corridor Council announced their plans to open the Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center, to recruit or to create the world’s first industry-led “smart sensor consortium.” To understand what this could mean to Central Florida’s future, a quick review of the past may provide perspective and understanding on this innovative endeavor. In the 1980s, U.S. high technology companies and the federal government were watching a steady migration of the development and manufacturing of the latest technological breakthroughs to the Pacific Rim. At that time, a public/private consortium was conceived as a partnership between the United States government and 14 U.S.-based semiconductor manufacturers to solve common manufacturing problems and regain competitiveness in the most lucrative and strategic manufacturing sector.

Austin’s Quantum Leap

This association was actually preceded by another comparable consortium, the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) founded in 1982. MCC was formed to address similar challenges and after conducting a national site selection search, it chose Austin, Texas over 57 other cities in 27 states to locate its headquarters. The key ingredient in the choice of Austin, according to many observers, was the collaboration among government, business and the University of Texas, along with other notable manufacturing operations already located in Austin like Texas Instruments and Motorola. In early 1988, Austin again won a much heralded national competition to become the site for both these consortiums. More than 30 years later, Austin is home to more than 2,200 technology companies, employing approximately 120,000 of the region’s workforce. These include Samsung’s only semiconductor plant located outside Korea, Dell’s corporate headquarters and manufacturing operations, Freescale Semiconductor, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and many others.

Albany’s “Tech Valley”

Albany had watched companies headquartered in New York, like IBM, losing its U.S.-based manufacturing technology edge for decades. So in 2001, the state of New York invested in a handful of education “centers of excellence” intended to spur high-tech growth. In January 2003, the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany established a major partnership to commercialize advanced semiconductor, nanotechnology and other emerging technologies. The school has spent more than $1 billion to build cutting-edge research “clean rooms” – the type of hypersanitary labs where engineers in white suits etch out the integrated electrical circuits used worldwide in electronics. Then, companies in the computer chip supply chain, facing spiraling increases in development costs, relocated employees to the nanoscience center – which in 2004 became a college – to conduct research and collaborate with competitors. The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, which has become a catalyst in the race to build everfaster, ever-smaller components and products, has attracted hundreds of companies and created thousands of high paying jobs. This includes GlobalFounderies, a company formed by the semiconductor firm AMD and the investment arm of Abu Dhabi. They are building the state’s first chip fabrication plant north of Albany, which will boast a $4.6 billion, 300,000-sq.-ft. clean room.

If You Build It, They Will Come… There is a highly competitive environment to locate these helixes of economic development and innovation, which these consortiums and ones like them represent. In this race there are two essentials in gaining a competitive edge. First is creating the infrastructure or preexisting facilities where academic researchers and industry experts can work side by side to move university discoveries to the manufacturing floor. Dr. M.J. Soileau, the vice president for research and commercialization at UCF, observed, “This type of collaboration is fundamental to what we do at UCF, to try and weave ourselves into the economic fabric of the region – from our work with and through the Central Florida High Tech Corridor Council, to our collaboration with local industry partners. We have been watching and participating with groups that have been successful in meshing the academic world with the business world, to ensure that the next new knowledge actually moves into production.

MOORE’S LAW “The number of transistors and resistors on a chip doubles every 18 months,” was a statement Intel Co-Founder Gordon Moore made regarding the pace of semiconductor technology development. He made this famous comment in 1965 when there were approximately 60 devices on a chip. Proving Moore’s Law to be rather accurate, four decades later, Intel placed 1.7 billion transistors on its Itanium chip. In 1975, Moore extended the 18 months to 24 months. Recently, he added that the cost of a semiconductor manufacturing plant doubles with each generation of microprocessor.


“We also are developing the workforce necessary for the industry to survive or to bridge, what in this country we sometimes call, ‘the valley of death.’ Meaning, we do a great job in our universities and research centers developing the next great thing, but then they aren’t producing it here, but somewhere else. The nation is waking up to the fundamental idea that we need to re-shore manufacturing.” This is what the 100,000-sq.-ft., state-of-the-art Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center will become; a place where university researchers and industry experts can bridge the gap between the revolutionary research breakthroughs and the significant challenges of manufacturing products that incorporate these breakthroughs in a cost effective way. The Center will be built on 20 acres owned by Osceola County near the intersection of US 192 and Florida’s Turnpike. Nearly 250 additional acres are available for development by other research and manufacturing partners. The memorandum of understanding approved by the Osceola County Commission and the Orlando Economic Development Commission with UCF and Florida High Tech Corridor Council includes a cash commitment by the county, an additional $46 million in-kind support for power, water and sewer infrastructure needed at the site, and a $1 million cash and $4 million in-kind commitment from the Florida High Tech Corridor Council. UCF will provide $10 million, from non-state and non-tuition sources to help design the center and for start-up costs, as well as an additional $7 million to hire gifted researchers. Once completed, the facility will be leased to UCF to oversee.

The Right Place, At the Right Time One leader who is not a stranger to these types of projects is Rick Weddle, the president and CEO of the Orlando Economic Development Commission. Before taking the helm at the EDC, Weddle spent seven years as president and CEO of the Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina, the owner and developer of the Research Triangle Park, one of the most successful academic/industry collaboration arenas in the nation. Weddle observed, “Over and over again we have tried and failed to recruit advanced manufacturing companies here because of a lack of infrastructure. But this proposed facility will enable us to compete for the types of large economic development projects that previously have eluded us.” Though it may seem like all of this has happened overnight, it is one of those overnight successes that was years in the making. Weddle, Dr. Soileau, UCF President Dr. John Hitt and a dedicated team of local leaders have been working on this project for several years. When Donald Fisher, Osceola’s County Manager, was asked how the County Commission moved so rapidly to approve a project that other counties had balked at, he said, “We had been looking for the right opportunity for some time and when this one presented itself, we were ready. It will change our region as we know it.”

Chasing What’s Next The second key in a project that could alter the manufacturing landscape of Florida and produce a research park which may have a greater impact than Medical City, is anticipating where technology and the market are trending. To use an early 20th century analogy, you don’t want to design your regional manufacturing economy to build horse-drawn buggies while Henry Ford is starting to turn out automobiles. Disruptive technologies are those that alter the way life and civilization are done. The arch, the printing press, steam engines, the internal combustion engine, harnessing electricity and the computer chip, are all examples. According to Dr. Soileau, smart sensor technology will likely be the next tsunami of innovation on the horizon. Sensors will quickly take the Internet of Things (see sidebar) from the domain of research into everyday life, producing smart roads, smart buildings, smart cars (even cars that could drive themselves), not to mention applications in the biomedical field. It is technology that can touch, taste, see, hear and smell, then make a myriad of adjustments without direct human involvement. Dr. Hitt was quoted as saying smart sensors hold promise for advancements “beyond our power to predict.” We are already impacted daily by sensor technology, but according to Dr. Soileau, Moore’s Law about rapidity with which the number of transistors used in hardware doubles, the silicon chip may be reaching its capacity. For this and other reasons, the international smart sensors market is projected to reach $7.8 billion by next year, according to Global Industry Analysts, Inc., and the worldwide demand is projected to pass $1 trillion in the next decade. If Central Florida is to be on the leading edge of this next wave of manufacturing innovation, the creation of the Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center in Osceola County may be the most important step in achieving that objective. As Churchill said, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) IoT is the idea that the first version of the Internet was about data created by people, while the next version is about data created by things. “If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things – using data they gathered without any help from us – we would be able to track and count everything and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best.” – Kevin Ashton, an expert on digital innovation, said in the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Journal






Maintaining the

MOMENTUM Business Incubation Gears Up in Central Florida



s the region celebrates and wraps its collective mind around the impact of the new research center, the Economic Gardening® efforts of UCF’s Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (UCFCIE) is becoming the focus of national and international business development efforts. The National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) announced that it is preparing to relocate its headquarters to Orlando and form the Global Training Center for Business Incubation & Innovation. Winning out over 30 potential cities, including Atlanta, Denver and Phoenix, this is the latest acknowledgement of the region’s reputation as a hub for business innovation. “NBIA selected Orlando because of its reputation as being the home of entrepreneurship and innovation, making it the ideal place to expand our programs and enhance our mission,” said Karl R. LaPan, NBIA’s board chairman, interim president and CEO. “The fact that the Orlando region has one of the best business incubation network systems in the world is icing on the cake.”

In addition to the UCF Business Incubation Program (UCFBIP), one of the largest in the Southeast and 2013 NBIA Incubator Network of the Year, the area is also home to the National Entrepreneur Center, one of only two such centers in the nation. It has coached and trained more than 100,000 businesses and facilitated more than $150 million in loans since its inception in 2003. “This is truly a win-win for our region as we welcome the premier organization for business incubation in the country; this is very good for the Orlando area, NBIA and for innovative companies everywhere,” commented Jerry Ross, executive director of the National Entrepreneur Center. Incoming NBIA Chairman Elect and executive director of the UCFBIP Dr. Tom O’Neal observed, “The relocation of the NBIA to Orlando puts the region in the forefront of innovation-related activity in the world. By working with the NBIA and having direct access to its expertise, we hope to further strengthen the region’s innovation culture by building stronger and more successful companies.”

What Is the NBIA?

The National Business Incubation Association is the world’s leading organization advancing business incubation and entrepreneurship. Each year it provides thousands of professionals with information, education, advocacy and networking resources to bring excellence to the process of assisting earlystage companies. An elected, voting board of

NATIONAL BUSINESS INCUBATION ASSOCIATION • 930 organizations • 2,200 professional members • 49,000 start-up companies assisted through North American incubators • 200,000 full-time jobs created • $15 billion in annual revenue generated

directors representing the world’s leading incubators governs the association. The NBIA includes 930 organizations and 2,200 professional members in the U.S. and around the globe. Since 1985, their business incubation programs have catalyzed the process of starting and growing companies by providing entrepreneurs with the expertise, networks and tools they need to make their ventures successful. NBIA estimates that in 2011 alone, North American incubators assisted approximately 49,000 start-up companies which provided full-time employment for nearly 200,000 workers and generated annual revenue of nearly $15 billion. “Every now and then things come along that are bigger and more profound than they initially appear, in terms of their

2013 REGIONAL ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY ON UCFBIP • 1,856 jobs directly sustained in Central Florida • 1,500 jobs indirectly sustained in Central Florida • $58,000 average income • $18.5 million in state and local tax revenues • $6.16 fiscal return for every $1 of public investment


“The relocation of the NBIA to Orlando puts the region in the forefront of innovation-related activity in the world.” span of control or sphere of influence. The NBIA is like that; they are a network of people and organizations that occupy a strategic space in the economic development continuum of incubation and innovation. If you know them, you know a lot of people,” observed Rick Weddle, Orlando EDC president and CEO. “Also, there are projects which create a strong validation of the efforts that have been made in this area to promote entrepreneurialism, and having the NBIA move their headquarters here is one of the strongest.”

15 Year Celebration UCFBIP Thanks to the resources, coaching and infrastructure provided to local entrepreneurs by the UCF Business Incubation Program (UCFBIP), which is celebrating its 15th anniversary in October, small businesses are making a big impact on the Central Florida economy. A recent economic impact study demonstrated that more than 3,350 jobs and an estimated $620 million in regional economic output were the result of local startup companies that received help from the business development resource. Commissioned by the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, the 2013 Regional Economic Impact Study analyzed and documented the productivity and sustainability of the UCFBIP – the economic development partnership between private enterprise and several local governments. Conducted independently by Dr. Vernet Lasrado, assistant director of research at UCF, the impact study concluded that from Oct. 1, 2011, through June 30, 2013, the UCFBIP helped these companies which directly sustained 1,856 jobs in the Central Florida region and indirectly sustained an additional 1,500 jobs, with employees of these firms earning an average income of more than $58,000. In addition, these companies generated more than $18.5 million in state and local tax revenues. “For me, the most impressive finding was the return on investment,” said Dr. O’Neal. “The study concluded that during the study period, the UCF Business Incubation Program helped generate a fiscal return of $6.16 for every $1 of public investment.” According to Dr. O’Neal, the study ultimately confirmed his idea that a focused university-based incubation program can be one of the most effective ways private enterprise can stimulate local economic development, spur job growth and help rebuild the economy. [A copy of the 2013 Regional Economic Impact Study can be found online at Incubator.UCF.edu/business-plan/resources.]



Jennifer Szaro knows all too well that you can’t grow a farm without a community and a whole lot of sunshine. Szaro used that knowledge to help OUC plant Central Florida’s first Community Solar Farm – a dual purpose, covered parking structure and solar array. Subscribing customers reap the benefits of solar power without the hassle or upfront costs associated with installation. It’s just another way OUC is ensuring clean energy for future generations. Learn more at www.ouc.com.







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Florida Companies to Watch 2014 marks the fourth anniversary of Florida Companies to Watch, a program that celebrates growing second-stage growth companies headquartered in Florida. Florida Companies to Watch is presented by GrowFL, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that demonstrate high performance in the marketplace and innovative strategies and processes, which make them “worth watching.� Winners will be recognized at the annual awards program on Oct. 23 at Hard Rock Live, CityWalk, in Orlando. COMPANY 11th Hour Business Centers, LLC 3dcart Across Borders Management Consulting Group, LLC Akron Biotech Alakai Defense Systems, Inc. Altavian, Inc. AML Superconductivity and Magnetics Anuva Manufacturing Services, Inc. Argosy Group International, LLC Aviation Partners Group, Inc. AZZLY Bean Team Beneficial Blends, LLC BioZone Scientific International, Inc. Blinc International, Inc. CPR Tools, Inc. Clean the World Global Crunchy Logistics, LLC CSI Specialty Group Destination MCO, Inc. Diamondback Towers, LLC Digitec Interactive, LLC Distinctive Kitchen and Baths Employment Technologies Corporation EnableSoft, Inc. Enterprise Risk Management GameSim, Inc. GDKN Corporation GO Auto Recycling Informed Medical Decisions, Inc. Innovated Industrial Services IRISS Lenco Marine, Inc. Level 3 Inspection, LLC MCCi, LLC MobileHelp Moten Tate, Inc. PAC Seating Systems Photon-X, Inc. PPi Technologies Group Pyure Brands, LLC QuantumFlo, Inc. SeaDek Marine Products SEARCH Shadow Health, Inc. Synergy Settlement Services The Smart Companies UCT Coatings Vestagen Technical Textiles, Inc. xByte Technologies

GrowFL.com info@GrowFL.com




East Central Region Southeast Region East Central Region Southeast Region Tampa Bay Region North Central Region East Central Region East Central Region East Central Region Southwest Region Southeast Region Northwest Region Tampa Bay Region East Central Region Southeast Region South Central Region East Central Region East Central Region East Central Region East Central Region East Central Region East Central Region Southeast Region East Central Region East Central Region Southeast Region East Central Region Southeast Region Northeast Region Tampa Bay Region Tampa Bay Region Tampa Bay Region Southeast Region Southeast Region Northwest Region Southeast Region East Central Region Southeast Region East Central Region Tampa Bay Region Southwest Region East Central Region East Central Region North Central Region North Central Region East Central Region Southwest Region Southeast Region East Central Region Tampa Bay Region

Orange Broward Seminole Palm Beach Pinellas Alachua Brevard Brevard Orange Charlotte Indian River Leon Hillsborough Orange Palm Beach Hendry Orange Orange Seminole Orange Brevard Orange Palm Beach Orange Orange Miami-Dade Orange Broward Duval Pinellas Polk Manatee Martin Martin Leon Palm Beach Orange Martin Osceola Sarasota Collier Volusia Brevard Alachua Alachua Orange Lee Martin Orange Manatee

Orlando Tamarac Altamonte Springs Boca Raton Largo Gainesville Palm Bay W. Melbourne Orlando Punta Gorda Vero Beach Tallahassee Tampa Orlando Boca Raton LaBelle Orlando Orlando Sanford Orlando Cocoa Orlando Boca Raton Winter Park Orlando Coral Gables Orlando Pembroke Pines Jacksonville St. Petersburg Bartow Bradenton Stuart Stuart Tallahassee Boca Raton Orlando Palm City Kissimmee Sarasota Naples DeBary Rockledge Newberry Gainesville Orlando Fort Myers Palm City Orlando Bradenton

FLCTW.GrowFL.com #flctw SEPTEMBER2014[XI


omeone observed that surfers don’t make waves, but they do position themselves at the right place, at the right time and with the right equipment to catch waves. Akron Biotech is on the forefront of one of the most significant waves of medical innovation in history, supplying qualified raw materials and services to the regenerative medical industry.

AKRON BIOTECH CEO: Claudia Zylberberg Location: Boca Raton, FL Year Founded: 2006 Primary Business: Scientific and Technical Consulting Growth Last Year: 83% Website: AkronBiotech.com

Wikipedia describes this breakthrough as, “a process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function.” Adding, “This field holds the promise of engineering damaged tissues and organs via stimulating the body’s own repair mechanisms to functionally heal previously irreparable tissues or organs.” Claudia Zylberberg, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Akron Biotech, has more than 25 years’ experience in the biomedical research and biotechnology industries, and first-hand knowledge of what it takes to bring products through R&D, and on to approval and commercialization. She is highly knowledgeable

about current FDA regulations, qualification of raw materials, process design and validation, and bioassay development. She is an advisor and consultant to organizations worldwide regarding the regulatory roadmap and commercialization of cell therapies and stem cell banking. She is also the inventor of numerous patented proprietary technologies, and has an extensive peer-reviewed publication record.

APG AVIATION President: Boris Nekrasov Location: Punta Gorda, FL Year Founded: 2006 Primary Business: Aviation Services Employees: 34 Growth Last Year: 18% Website: Avionix.com


hey are a Florida company with a global reach. When the United Nations mandated in 2013 that all helicopters flying under the UN flag be equipped with Heli-TAWS (a terrain awareness and warning system), APG Aviation was able to respond to the need by working with operators in Napal, Afghanistan, Siberia and Africa. With a staff that is fluent in six languages, along with engineers and technicians that are American and Russian trained, their potential is just beginning to climb. Leveraging their international relationships and expertise, APG contracted with Italian-based, OMA SUD Sky Technologies to assemble and complete the SKYCAR, a twin engine, five-


passenger aircraft. Components of the SKYCAR are shipped to APG’s avionics hangar at the Punta Gorda Airport where it is assembled, the avionics installed and it is completed for flight testing. Through strategic acquisitions like Eastern Avionics and more recently Aircraft Depot, APG has continued to expand their capabilities and market share. Their expertise covers the gamut of general aviation services from avionics installation, custom panels, annual inspections and certifications to maintenance and repairs, vibrations analysis and propeller balancing. Their skill and reputation have made them the choice of Charlotte, Lee and Sarasota Counties’ Sheriff’s Offices, the local civil Air Patrol and warbirds (vintage military aircraft).


in structured data fields from the moment a patient requests an appointment, arrives for his or her first visit with a healthcare provider, and ends when that person’s balance equals zero. All features and functions required to run a modern successful healthcare practice from A to Z (AZZLY) are seamlessly integrated to reduce waste and inefficiencies and to support business analytics.

CEO: Coletta Dorado Location: Vero Beach, FL Year Founded: 2009 Primary Business: Health Information Technology Growth Last Year: 278% Employees: 13 Website: AZZLY.com


ealthcare reform and the push for deficit reduction are forcing providers to address long‐standing inefficiencies and shortfalls around the RCM process, driving the market for innovative next generation Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solutions (the process that manages claims processing, payment and revenue generation). This need opened the field to a solution such as AZZLY.

Founder and CEO Coletta Dorado commented on her company’s pivotal moment, “I attended a major healthcare conference looking not to reinvent the wheel, but for a good solution that we could make great. When I realized that what was considered ‘new’ technology was built on old programing, we realized we had a great opportunity to move healthcare to the cloud and engage patients and providers in better outcomes.”

AZZLY was formed to introduce a Total Patient Care Management Solution to bridge the gap between payer, provider and patient. The AZZLY Core Platform is an all‐in one cloud based system that captures all patient information


ohn Benkert, CPR Tools CEO, says the most important lesson he’s learned on his entrepreneurial journey is, “I really would love to say something poetic or profound, but honestly the biggest lesson I have learned is that there is no ‘silver bullet’ or ‘easy way.’ Everything is hard work.”

CPR TOOLS CEO: John Benkert Location: LaBelle, FL Year Founded: 1995 Primary Business: Information Technology Growth Last Year: 83% Employees: 32 Website: CPRTools.net

But his hard work has paid off at CPR Tools, a data recovery and data security company, providing products, services, and training for two important markets. The first is data recovery, which most people think of as a “hard drive crash.” Benkert explains, “In today’s world data recovery is performed on all kinds of storage devices including phones, tablets, memory cards, and more. CPR Tools was one of the first data recovery companies in the world and is known worldwide for our ability to recover data from damaged media.”

the data security market space. It really was that simple and we began to build products and provide services for ‘End-of-Life’ data security.” By not only being an industry leader, but keeping all of their design, building and testing services on their products here in Florida, they have a unique market edge.

The other side of the business happened when one of CPR’s customers asked, “Since you guys are the best at recovering data, then you should be the best at making sure the data is gone forever!” Bemlert said, “That is how we expanded into


GO AUTO RECYCLING Co-CEO’s: Brian Shell & Jason Finley Location: Jacksonville, FL Year Founded: 2009 Primary Business: Auto Recycling Employees: 34 Growth Last Year: 20% Website: GoAutoRecycling.com

auto recycling business was “highly fragmented, lacked advanced technology, and was mainly mom and pop businesses, many of whom had no succession plans.”


ew realize that auto recycling is the largest supplier of raw materials to the scrap metal industry. With production costs rising and consumers becoming more environmentally conscious, what once was called a “junk yard” is now a technologically sophisticated and astutely managed raw materials and parts supplier, along with being a hazardous waste disposal operation.

Shell and Finley put together a business plan, found investors and launched their company which has garnered national attention. Reflecting, Shell said, “My wife told me that I came home from work happier than she had ever seen me. At the time it didn’t feel like it because we were working 12 hours a day, six to seven days per week.” Then added, “I love the freedom to run the business; to take accountability for the decisions I make and see the outcomes. As time has passed, I am now seeing people we hired growing and learning new skills.”

Go Auto’s founders had worked the other end of the supply chain, traveling the Pacific Rim for scrap metal suppliers. But wanting to stretch their entrepreneurial wings, they looked to the supply side, and according to Shell, found that the


t is regarded as one of science’s most famous understatements: “This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.” So wrote James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 in the scientific paper they presented on the structure of the DNA-helix. Today, the impact of that understatement is shaping modern medicine’s approach to diagnosis and treatments.

INFORMED DNA CEO: David Nixon President & Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Rebecca Sutphen Location: St. Petersburg, FL Year Founded: 2007 Primary Business: Health Care and Social Assistance Employees: 43 Growth Last Year: 121% Website: InformedDNA.com

However, as Informed DNA’s CEO David Nixon, who adds his business acumen to president and chief medical officer Dr. Rebecca Sutphen’s research expertise explains, “There simply aren’t enough genetics specialists in the U.S. and this is leading to poor care and wasteful spending on inappropriate genetic testing. Our co-founders recognized that by improving access to genetics specialists with a phone/online service delivery model, patients would benefit from standard of care clinical genetics services and physicians would have decision support in ordering and interpreting genetic tests.”

“In 2014, less than 2 percent of Americans will access genetics services. By the end of the decade, genetics specialists


will be an integral part of every healthcare team – leveraging genetic information to inform both medical management and prevention strategies,” Nixon added. From a financial standpoint, “Informed DNA’s Genetic Benefits Optimization solutions make for a compelling business case for physicians, hospitals and health plans alike.”


CCi understands the challenges organizations face every day with paper‐based processes. According to its CEO Donny Barstow, “We provide innovative solutions that transform these challenges into smart practices which improve efficiency, productivity and organizational structure.”

MCCi CEO: Donny Barstow Location: Tallahassee, FL Year Founded: 2003 Primary Business: Information Technology Growth Last Year: 7% Employees: 42 Website: MCCInnovations.com

MCCi has spent the last 10 years working with cities, counties, state, higher education, school districts and other organizations, on records and document management, document scanning, business workflow and open records request tracking. It is significant that MCCi is a Florida company and is the largest Laserfiche reseller in the world (a software development company that creates enterprise content management, business process automation, workflow, records management, document imaging and webform software). “A pivotal moment in the start‐up phase was when we reached 100 clients and knew we had developed a core niche to support sustainable growth,” Barstow said. Today they have over 100 clients in Florida and over 600 nationwide. It was then that MCCi separated from its parent company in 2001

(Municipal Code Corporation), “and developed a different business model and plan for sustainable growth.” “We are fanatical about client success. Success starts with our eagerness to understand our client’s goals,” Barstow explained. “We don’t just want to date our clients, but want our team to understand and practice the foundations of a longterm relationship.”

PROTON-X CEO: Blair Barbour Location: Kissimmee, FL Year Founded: 1999 Primary Business: Scientific R & D Growth Last Year: 4% Employees: 45 Website: Photon-x.com


ntil recently, Photon-X was based in Huntsville, Ala., but moved to Florida in order to reach new markets. This adds another high growth company to Central Florida’s burgeoning sensor, optics and simulation industry, as the company is a leading innovator with patented 3D technology, which is considered two to three years ahead of any research on Spatial Phase Imaging techniques. “In Alabama, Photon-X mainly contracted work for defense. Now that our company is in Florida, we are rapidly and successfully commercializing the technology in multiple industries alongside the market leaders in each industry and developing advanced solutions. We have continued to expand

our patent position (Photon‐X has a web of 17 patents) with global international patents so we can enlarge internationally to accelerate growth around the world,” commented CEO Blair Barbour. “Our company is poised for double digit growth as we commercialize our technology and deliver industry specific solutions with our partners in the healthcare, media, advertising and energy industries. Photon-X sensor technology is applicable to an endless range of market opportunities including solutions, applications and products for government, consumer markets such as law enforcement, security and military, arts and entertainment, manufacturing, medical, architecture, robotics, and consumer electronics. “Photon‐X’s culture is one where innovation thrives, team involvement is encouraged and empowered and risk taking is part of our daily routine.”


SHADOW HEALTH CEO: David Massias Location: Gainesville, FL Year Founded: 2011 Primary Business: Information Technology Projected Growth 2014: 46% Employees: 67 Website: ShadowHealth.com


hadow Health is described as an education software developer of rich, interactive learning environments including the Digital Clinical Experience, for nursing and allied health education programs. Using this program, educators enhance teaching and learning in their classrooms, giving them more time to focus on student achievement. In the Digital Clinical Experience, students practice critical thinking, communication and procedural skills in an immersive, safe and always-available learning environment.

Technology Training) in 2012 allowed us to bring aboard a number of new employees, train them carefully in our culture and thus meet the needs of our expanding customer base. It also allowed us to hire mostly fulltime employees, eliminating the need for contract workers.” At a time when our nation is facing a critical shortage of qualified healthcare workers, Shadow Health is a technology innovator with a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit. Registered nurses are one of the largest segments of the U.S. workforce with nursing schools enrolling 350,000 annually, compared to 16,000 in medical school. Yet, nursing schools receive the least amount of federal research dollars. Shadow Health offers the nursing market innovative solutions which in turn impacts the national healthcare system.

According to CEO David Massias, the business expanded because of the impressive efforts of his marketing and sales teams. But what created the greatest momentum was, “A HBOTT grant (Healthcare Biomanufacturing Occupational and

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8/15/14 8:47 AM

20142014 Florida Companies totoWatch performing second companies throughout Florida. Known for their performance inFlorida the stage marketplace, innovative products, unique processes performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for theiror Companies Watch performing second stage companies throughout Known for their mpanies to Watch2014 is an awards program celebrating highFlorida Companies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highphilanthropic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. Florida Companies to Watch 2014 Florida Companies performance the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or mpanies to WatchFlorida is anin awards program highFlorida Companies tothese Watch iscelebrating anis awards program celebrating highphilanthropic companies represent a wide range of highindustries. performance inactions, the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or Companies to Watch an awards program celebrating performance in the marketplace, innovative unique processes or second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their mpanies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highFlorida Companies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highFlorida Companies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highphilanthropic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that mpanies to Watch isisan awards program celebrating highperforming second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their ompanies to Watch an awards program celebrating performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highphilanthropic actions, these companies represent a range of industries. Florida Companies to Watch is an awards celebrating highphilanthropic actions, these companies represent wide range of industries. ce in the stage marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or ROCK in your community. Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program celebrating highperformance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their second companies throughout Florida. Known for their Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their Florida Companies to Watch is awards program celebrating highce in the stage marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or Florida Companies to Watch is an an awards celebrating highROCK in your community. performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or or second companies throughout Florida. Known for their performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes g second stage companies throughout Florida. Known Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performing second stage companies throughout Known for their performing second stage companies throughout Florida. Known for their pic actions, these in companies represent acompanies wide range of industries. performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes philanthropic actions, these companies represent aor range of industries. ce in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes ROCK your community. performing second stage throughout Florida. Known for theiroror performing second stage throughout Florida. Known for their performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes philanthropic actions, these companies represent awide wide range of industries. pic actions, these companies represent acompanies wide range of industries. ce in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes philanthropic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. nce in the marketplace, innovative products, unique or ROCK in your community. ROCK in your community. performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or performance in the marketplace, innovative unique processes or performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes or philanthropic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ovement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performance in the marketplace, innovative products, unique processes orthat Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that performance in the marketplace, innovative unique processes or pic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies philanthropic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ovement and nominate and support second-stage companies that pic actions, these companies represent a wide range of industries. opic actions, these companies represent a wide range Join thephilanthropic movement and nominate andand support second-stage companies that actions, these companies represent wide range of industries. philanthropic actions, these companies represent range ofindustries. industries. philanthropic actions, these companies aaawide range of industries. Join the movement and nominate support second-stage companies that philanthropic actions, these companies represent wide range of industries. philanthropic actions, these companies wide range of our community. ROCK in your community. ROCK in your community. Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ovement and nominate and support second-stage companies that Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that our community. Join the movement and nominate and support second-stage companies that Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com movement and nominate and support second-stage that ovement and nominate and support second-stage companies ROCK in your ROCK incommunity. your community. Join the movement and nominate andand support second-stage companies that Join the movement and nominate and support companies that Join the movement and nominate and second-stage companies that Join the movement and nominate supportsecond-stage second-stage companies that our community. ROCK in your community. ROCK in your community. yourcommunity. community. our ROCK in your ROCK incommunity. youropen community. ROCK your incommunity. your community. Nominations April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ns open April 1stinROCK visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ns open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open AprilApril 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com ns 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Tickets now on sale flctw.growfl.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations openApril April 1st visit visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony Nominations open 1st FLCTW.GrowFL.com onsopen openApril April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Tickets now on sale at at flctw.growfl.com ns open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Tickets now flctw.growfl.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Nominations open April 1st visit FLCTW.GrowFL.com Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando Join For the Ceremony JoinUs Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, 2014 atRockin the HardAward Rock Live in Orlando October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in OctoberJoin 23,2014 2014 atthe the Hard Rock Live Live in in Orlando Orlando Us at For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, Hard Rock Orlando Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony For the Rockin Award Ceremony Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony For the Rockin Award Ceremony Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony Join Us ForUs the Rockin Award October 23, 2014 atRockin the Hard RockCeremony Live in Orlando Join For the Award Ceremony


October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orland October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orland October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando October 23, 23, 2014 2014 Rock Live October aton the Live in in Orlando Orlando Tickets now sale at Tickets now on saleHard at flctw.growfl.com flctw.growfl.com

2014 at Rockin the HardUs Rock Live in2014 Orlando or the Award Ceremony October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in in Orlando Join For the Rockin Award Ceremony For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, at the Rock Live Orlando Join Us For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, 2014 at theHard Hard Rock Live in Orlando or the Award Ceremony 2014 at Rockin the HardUs Rock Live in2014 Orlando Join For the Rockin Award Ceremony October 23, at the Hard Rock Live Orlando October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in in Orlando

PRESENTED BY GROWFL IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE EDWARD LOWE FOUNDATION Hard Live in Orlando October 23, Hard Live 3,2014 2014at the HardRock Rock Liveat inthe Orlando October 23,2014 2014 at the Hard Rock Rock Live in in Orlando Orlando PRESENTED BY GROWFL IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE EDWARD LOWE FOUNDATION 2014 atatthe the Hard Rock Live in Orlando October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando

Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! elebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando Congratulations to Winners! Congratulations Winners! elebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Congratulations to our our 2013 2013 Winners! October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando elebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit October 23, 2014 at the Hard Live in Orlando October 23, 2014 at Rock Live in Orlando Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit October 23, 2014 the Hard Rock Live Orlando Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit October 23, 2014 atat the Hard Rock Live inin Orlando PRESENTED EDWARD LOWE LOWE FOUNDATION PRESENTEDBY BYGROWFL GROWFLIN IN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION WITH WITH THE THE EDWARD PRESENTED BY GROWFL IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE EDWARD LOWE FOUNDATION FOUNDATION


Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! Congratulations Congratulations 2013 Winners! Congratulations to to our our 2013 2013 Winners! Winners!

Tickets now on sale sale atOrlando flctw.growfl.com October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live inOrlando Orlando Celebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial elebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Tickets now on flctw.growfl.com Tickets now on at flctw.growfl.com elebrate Florida’s Entreprenuerial Spirit Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in October 23, 2014 at the Live in Orlando Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com October 23, 2014 at the Hard in Orlando Congratulations toCongratulations our 2013Live Winners! toRock our 2013Live Winners! Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com October23, 23,Congratulations 2014 at the Hard Rock October 2014 at the Hard Rock Orlando Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com Congratulations toCongratulations our 2013Live Winners! to our 2013 Winners! Tickets now on sale atin Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! Winners! October 23, 2014 at the Hard Rock Live inflctw.growfl.com Orlando

In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual Florida Companies To Watch, entrepreneurship, presented by GrowFL, in In its fourth fourth celebrating the In its year of celebrating theannual annual Florida Companies To Watch, entrepreneurship, presented by GrowFL, in In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive Congratulations to our 2013 Winners! Proudly presented byon GrowFL, theCongratulations FloridaFlorida Economic Gardening Institue at theby Florida Companies Watch, presented inin to our 2013 Winners! Companies To Watch, presented byGrowFL, GrowFL, Tickets now sale at flctw.growfl.com association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive Tickets now sale Companies To Watch, presented by GrowFL, in Proudly presented byon GrowFL, theflctw.growfl.com FloridaFlorida Economic Gardening Institue at thecompanies awards program to honor second-stage that Tickets nowby on saleinat at flctw.growfl.com association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, association Lowe Foundation, isaadistinctive distinctive Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Institue at the University of Central Florida, association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, Proudly presented GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, theisannual awards program to honor second-stage companies that association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the University of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual Proudly presented byinGrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit awards program to honor second-stage companies that awards program second-stage companies that University of Central Florida, association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies To Watch, presented by GrowFL, in Florida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual University of Florida, in association with the Foundation, Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit In its fourth year ofEdward entrepreneurship, the annual awards program to honor second-stage companies that University of Central Central Florida, in association with the Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies To Watch, presented by GrowFL, in FloridaProudly Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University In its fourth year of celebrating entrepreneurship, the annual innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make demonstrate highwith performance in the marketplace, exhibit presented by GrowFL, the Florida Gardening Institute at the University of Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the Universityof Central Florida, in association Edward Lowe Foundation, demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive Florida Companies To Watch, presented by GrowFL, in Florida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute the University innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make Florida Companies To Watch, presented by marketplace, GrowFL, in at demonstrate high performance in the exhibit Florida Companies to Watch is an awards progream Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of of Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive Florida Companies To Watch, presented by GrowFL, in their company “worth watching.” Florida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make Proudly presented byassociation GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University ofof Central Florida, ininnovative association with Edward Lowe Foundation, products, services or processes, ordistinctive otherwise make Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University Central Florida, in association Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a awards program to honor second-stage companies that their company “worth watching.” association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, is a distinctive products, services or processes, or otherwise Proudly presented byassociation GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at themake University of Central Florida, ininnovative association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies toin Watch is an awards program like no other. awards program to honor second-stage companies that with Edward Lowe Foundation, is alike distinctive their company “worth watching.” their company “worth watching.” Central Florida, association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies to the Watch issecond-stage an awards program no other. Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. awards program to honor second-stage companies that Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. awards program to honor companies that their company “worth watching.” Central Florida, association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Companies to Watch isawards anawards awards program like no other. FloridaFlorida Companies to in Watch is an program no other. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit awards program to honor companies that Florida Companies To Watch seeks out like businesses from a crossFlorida Companies to Watch issecond-stage an program like no other. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. Florida Companies To Watch seeks out businesses from athe crossdemonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit presented byProudly GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at of Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. Florida Companies To Watch seeks out businesses from a innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make demonstrate high performance in the marketplace, exhibit section of industries allor areas of themake state, not justUniversity presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of Florida Companies Torepresenting Watch seeks out businesses fromat acrosscrossProudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute the University of innovative products, services or processes, otherwise their company “worth watching.” presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of innovative products, services or processes, or otherwise make section of industries representing all areas of the state, not just Florida Companies To Watch seeks out businesses from a crossProudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of Central Florida, in association with Lowe Foundation, Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of section of“worth industries representing all areas of the state, not just theirEdward company watching.” innovative products, services or Edward processes, or otherwise make Central Florida, in association with Lowe Foundation, those inof major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of section industries representing all areas of the state, not just their company “worth watching.” Proudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institute at the University of Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, their Edward company “worth watching.” Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, those inof major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation section industries representing all areas of the state, not just October 23, 2014 Central Florida, inLive association with Lowe Foundation, Hard Rock in Orlando Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, those in major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation their company “worth watching.” Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, on past growth and projected success, applicant companies are Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, those in major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation Hard Rock Live in Orlando Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headCentralCompanies Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies To Watch seeks out businesses from aevaluation crosson past growth and projected success, applicant companies are Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, those in major metropolitan areas. In addition tocompanies an HardRock Rock Live inOrlando Orlando Florida to Watch is an awards program like no other. Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. on past growth and projected success, applicant are Hard Live in Florida Companies Toand Watch seeks out businesses from a other. cross- are FloridaCompanies Companies to Watch is an anFlorida awards program like no other. judged according toprojected their special strengths. Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no on past growth success, applicant companies Companies To Watch seeks out businesses from a crossFlorida to Watch is awards program like no other. Hard Rock Live in Orlando Florida Companies to Watch is an awards program like no other. section of industries representing all areas of the state, not just Florida Companies Tois Watch seeks out businesses from a crosson past growth and projected success, applicant companies are judged according to their special strengths. Florida Companies is Companies an awards program like no other. quarteredto inWatch Florida. to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe judged according to their special strengths. Florida Companies Watch an awards program like no other. Florida Companies To Watch seeks businesses from a just crosssection ofto industries representing allout areas thestate, state, not just oudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue atjudged the according to their special strengths. section of industries representing all areas ofofthe not those in major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation section of industries representing all areas of the state, not just judged according to to theirattend special strengths. oudly presented byby GrowFL, Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the Join the movement and buy your tickets this exciting event! Proudly presented GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the niversity of Central Florida, inthe association with thea Edward Lowe Foundation, section ofmajor industries representing allInIn areas of the state, not just those in major metropolitan areas. addition an evaluation Foundation as unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that October 23, 2014 Hard Rock Live inEconomic Orlando those in metropolitan areas. addition totoan evaluation oudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Gardening Institue atbuy the Join the movement and buy your tickets to attend this exciting event! on past growth and projected success, applicant companies are niversity of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, Join the movement and your tickets to attend this exciting event! those in major metropolitan areas. In addition to an evaluation University of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, oudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando orida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. Hard Rock Live inwith Orlando Join the movement buy your tickets toareas. attend this exciting event! those in growth major In addition tocompanies an evaluation on past past growth and projected success, applicant companies are iversity of Central in association the Edward Loweand Foundation, on and projected success, applicant are orida Companies toFlorida, isisJoin an awards like other. Hard Rock Live inprogream Orlando the movement buy your tickets attend this exciting event! demonstrate high in metropolitan the marketplace with innovative strategies and Florida Companies toWatch Watch an awards progream like no noperformance other. iversity of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Loweand Foundation, judged according toprojected their to special strengths. on past growth and success, applicant companies are Hard Rock inprogream Orlando rida Companies to Watch is anLive awards like no other. on past growth and projected success, applicant companies are judged according to their special strengths. Presented By: In Association With: judged according to their special strengths. rida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. judged according to their special strengths. Proudly presented byPresented GrowFL, Economic Gardening Institue at the By: Association With: processes, making them “worth watching”. Presented By:the Florida InInAssociation With: judged according to their special strengths. Proudly GrowFL, Economic Gardening Institue atthe the Presented By: the In Association With: Proudlypresented presentedby by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at

Tickets now now on on sale sale at flctw.growfl.com Tickets Tickets now on sale at flctw.growfl.com flctw.growfl.com

Growing Florida Companies Growing Florida Companies October 23, 2014 Growing Companies Growing Florida October 23, 2014 Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headCompanies October 23, 2014 Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headOctober 23, 2014 Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies head-

quartered in to was by Edward Lowe Florida Companies to Companies Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies quartered in Florida. Florida. Companies to Watch Watch was developed developed by the the Edward headLowe quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as aa unique way second-stage companies October 23, 2014 quartered Florida. Companies to Watch and washonor developed by the Edward Lowe that Foundation as unique way to to recognize recognize and honor second-stage companies that October 23, in 2014 Foundation as aa unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that October 23, 2014 demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and Foundation as unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that October 23, 2014 demonstrate high high performance performancein inthe themarketplace marketplacewith withinnovative innovativestrategies strategiesand and demonstrate processes, making them “worth watching”. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making making them them“worth “worthwatching”. watching”. processes, processes, making them “worth watching”. By: In Association With: Proudly presented byPresented GrowFL, Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the University ofJoin Central Florida, inthe association with Edward Foundation, the movement and buy yourthe tickets toLowe attend this exciting event! Growing Florida Companies

Proudly presented byFlorida, GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at exciting the University ofJoin Central in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, University ofJoin Central Florida, in association the Edward Lowe Foundation, the movement and buy your tickets to attend this excitingevent! event! Growing Florida Companies the movement your tickets to attend Growing Florida Companies Sponsored By: oudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue atthis the University of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFlorida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. Join the movement and buy your tickets to attend this exciting event! Growing Florida Companies Sponsored By: Sponsored By: oudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Economic Gardening Institue at the roudly presented by GrowFL, the Florida Gardening Institue at the University of Central Florida, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, PAGE 4 Join the movement and buy your tickets to attend this exciting event! Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headGrowing Florida Companies Florida Companies toCompanies Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFlorida Companies to Watch isis an awards progream like noInstitue other. Florida Companies to Watch angrowing progream like no other. FLCTW.GrowFL.com –the TheGardening Official Event Website | #FLCTW #FLCTW | 407-823-6384 Sponsored By: PAGE 4 by oudly presented GrowFL, the Florida Economic at quartered in Florida. to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe iversity ofCompanies Central in association Edward Lowe Foundation, FLCTW.GrowFL.com – with The Official Event Website | the 407-823-6384 PAGE 44Watch Florida Companies toPAGE Watch celebrates second-stage companies headFlorida to is an awards progream like no other. Sponsored By: FLCTW.GrowFL.com TheGardening Official Event Website #FLCTW | | || | 407-823-6384 407-823-6384 oudly presented GrowFL, the Florida Economic Institue at the FLCTW.GrowFL.com –the The Official Event Website | | #FLCTW #FLCTW 407-823-6384 PAGE 4Florida. PAGE 4byFlorida, quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe quartered in Companies to Watch developed by the Edward Lowe Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headiversity of Central Florida, in association with Edward Lowe Foundation, University of Central Florida, in association Edward Lowe Foundation, FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website | #FLCTW 407-823-6384 Florida Companies to Watch is an awards progream like no other. PAGE 4 FLCTW.GrowFL.com Official Event Website | FLCTW.GrowFL.com –the TheEdward Official Event Website #FLCTW | 407-823-6384 Foundation as ato unique wayin to recognize and honor second-stage companies that | || #FLCTW PAGE 4 PAGE 4 quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe iversity of Central Florida, association with Lowe Foundation, FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website | 407-823-6384 orida Companies Watch is an awards progream like no other. FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website #FLCTW | 407-823-6384 PAGE 4asato Foundation ato unique wayin toan recognize second-stage companies that Foundation unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that | quartered inas Florida. Companies toawards Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe iversity of Central Florida, association with the Edward Lowe Foundation, FLCTW.GrowFL.com –progream The Official Event Website #FLCTW | 407-823-6384 lorida Companies Watch is an awards like no other. orida Companies Watch is like no other. demonstrate performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and Foundation ashigh ahigh unique wayis to recognize andprogream honor with second-stage companies that rida Companies to Watch an awards like no other. demonstrate performance in the marketplace innovative strategies and demonstrate high performance in the marketplace innovative strategies and Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that rida demonstrate Companies to performance Watch is an awards progream like no other. processes, making them “worth high inwatching”. the marketplace with innovative strategies and

Growing Florida Companies Growing Florida Companies Growing Companies Growing Florida Companies #FLCT Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFLCTW.GROWFL.COM #FLCTW PAGE 44 Companies #FLCT Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFLCTW.GROWFL.COM Florida celebrates growing second-stage companies headPAGE FLCTW.GROWFL.COM Growing Florida Companies PAGE 4 #FLCTW Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headGrowing Florida Companies FLCTW.GROWFL.COM #FLCTW Growing Companies PAGE 4 quartered in Florida. to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Florida Companies to Companies Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headPAGE 4Companies Growing Companies quartered inFlorida Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by Edward Lowe quartered in Florida. toWatch Watch was developed bythe the Edward Lowe Florida to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFlorida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headquartered in Florida. Companies to was developed by the Edward Lowe Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headFoundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as to a unique to recognize andsecond-stage honor second-stage companies Florida Companies Watch way celebrates growing companies head- that

processes,making making them“worth “worthinwatching”. watching”. processes, them demonstrate high performance the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”. processes, making them “worth watching”.

TW.GrowFL.com ––The Official #FLCTW FLCTW.GrowFL.com – Official Event Website CTW.GrowFL.com The Official Event Event Website Website ||| #FLCTW FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The The Official Event Website TW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website #FLCTW FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website TW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website | #FLCTW FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website TW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website | #FLCTW FLCTW.GrowFL.com – The Official Event Website

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407-823-6384 #FLCTW | || 407-823-6384 #FLCTW 407-823-6384 #FLCTW | 407-823-6384 #FLCTW 407-823-6384 | #FLCTW

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407-823-6384 407-823-6384 407-823-6384 407-823-6384 407-823-6384

Foundation as ato a unique unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that #FLCTW quartered in Companies Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Florida Companies Watchway celebrates growing second-stage companies headFLCTW.GROWFL.COM #FLCTW quartered inFlorida. Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as to recognize and honor second-stage companies that FLCTW.GROWFL.COM #FLCTW quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that FLCTW.GROWFL.COM demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and #FLCTW quartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM Foundation aaFLCTW.GROWFL.COM unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that #FLCTW quartered inas Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that FLCTW.GROWFL.COM TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and Foundation as unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM processes, making them “worth watching”. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”. Foundation as aamaking unique way recognize and second-stage companies that TICKETS ON AT FLCTW.GROWFL.COM TICKETS NOW ONNOW SALE ATSALE FLCTW.GROWFL.COM processes, them “worth watching”. demonstrate performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and Foundation ashigh unique way to to recognize and honor second-stage companies that TICKETS NOW ON SALE AThonor FLCTW.GROWFL.COM demonstrate high performance marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”. demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, them watching”. demonstrate high performance the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes,making making them “worth processes, making them “worthinwatching”. watching”. fauxFLTREPcover.indd 4

8/15/14 8:47 AM

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