MARCH 2014
DISPLAYUNTIL3/28114 $ 6 .9 5
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AnnsrFocus: EznnTucrcsn
MagpieSummer,acrylic on board, 11 x l-4"
Run RabbitRun,acrylicon board,30 x 40"
Roosevelt,acrylic on canvas,84 x 48"
Hisanimalkingdom zra Tucker'scelebratedcareer besan three decades ago as a commercial illustrator.His paintings of the Budweiser
Clydesdales,Lucasfilms'Star Wars and the movie poster for the Ien Commandmentsare just a few of the numerousgold medal and bestof show awardsTuckerhas been honored with. The emotion and technical masteryof Tucker's work definesa lifetimeof accumulated knowledge.As a painterand zoologist,Tucker's Iifepassion is animals. "The focus of my work is to excite and engage people into developinga visceral understanding of the vital importance animals play in our living planet,"statesTucker. The boldly sensitive, seductivestylizationof Tucker's work givesaudiences a rareopportunity to seedeepwithin his subjectsand experience the very soul of their being.This metaphysical aspectof Tucker'swork is very importantto him. He believesthat all life sharesa sacred commonality linkedby survival.
"There is an honestyabout wildlife that is a fundamental definitionof realityto me.When I am painting,I becomea partof this universal truth," he says."This feeling of connectivity in it is extremely and my abilityto participate exciting.A sensation I hopeto sharethrough my aft." Today, Tucker's work can be found in museums,corporateand private collections. His work hasbeenfeaturedat manyprestigious venues including the Booth Western Art Museum,Safari Museum,Wildlife Experience Club International,Cheyenne Old West Museum,Societyof Animal Artists,and in two exhibitionsfor the seriesAmerica'sParks: Throughthe Beautyof Art. His upcoming shows include Arts in Harmony,in EIk River,Minnesota;Cheyenne Frontier Days ar the Old West Museum, Cheyenne, Wyoming;America'sParksshowsin Missouri,ColoradoandArizona;and a Society of AnimalArtistsshowin Colorado.i\s