Western Art Collector Sep 2013

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Shows oi Worksfor Saleat Upcoming ?reviews


RT ESTERN c o ItE c ro R

DISPLAYUNTIL 9/27113 $6.95


Art andthe Animal Oneof thefinestwildlifeexhibitions, Art andtheAnimal, its 53'danniversary celebrates thisyear, r.

': ow in its 53'd year, the Art and the

,, : :', Animal opensat the BenningtonCenter .: .'.' for the Arts September 1 through O c t ober3 1 . T h i sj u r i e d e x h ib itio nfe a tu r e sn e w

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work by members of the Society of Animal Artists. Submissionsfor this anticipated show

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t ot aled 3 5 2 , w i t h n i n e S ig n a tu r e m e m b e r s selecting l2B works of art for the exhibit. The J ury Cha i r m a n i s w e l l - k n o wn p a in te r Ja m e s Coe, who was the Master Artist for the Blrds ln Art e x h i b i t i o n i n 2 0 1 2 . Ad d itio n a l ju r y m ember st h i s y e a r w e r e : D o u g la sAlle n , Pa u l


Rhy mer , R e n e e B e m i s , S e a n M u r th a , Ja n Mart in M c C u i r e , S t e v e Q u in n , T e r r y M ille r


(2013's Master Artist for Blrclsln Arr), and Kim Dim ent . " Col l e c t o r s a n d c o n n o isse u r so f a n im a l art c an l o o k f o r w a r d t o s e ein g a ll m a n n e r o f art m ed i u m s r e p r e s e n t e d,in clu d in g sto n e , bronz e, a n d w o o d s c u l p tu r e s,"sa ys Dia n e Mas on, p r e s i d e n t o f t h e S o cie ty o f An im a l Art is t s . "P a i n t i n g si n o i l , a cr ylic, wa te r co lo r , s c rat c hb o a r d ,a n d g r a p h i t e d r a win g s will a ll be t here t o b e e n j o y e d . S ub je ct m a tte r r u n s t he gam u t f r o m t h e n o r ma lly a n ticip a te d lions , t ig e r s , a n d o t h e r l a r g e wild a n im a ls,

Linda Budge, The Yearling,oil, 14 x 18"

Linda Relis, BIue Tangeand Coral oil on canvas,16 x 20"


Ezra Tucker, MagpieSummer,acrylicon board,II x14"

September Art ShowPreview

lots of birds, domestic animals, and more unusualsubjectssuch asan ermineand a ringtailcat." Pricesfor artwork range from under $1,000 for some miniature paintings to morethan$50,000. "You will have works by well-knownartistssuch as Robert Batemanand Cuy Coheleachand John Banovich-and by up-andcomingyoungartiststhat will be the Batemansand Coheleachsof the future,"addsMason. Artists with work in this year'sshow include EzraTucker, Kathleen Ryan, Darrell Davis, Kellyteahy Radding,LindaBudge, and Linda Relis. Additionally, many of the groupt foreign members will be represented, including membersfrom India, Australia,and SouthAfrica. After premiering at the BenningtonCenter for the Arts, the exhibitiontravelsto the Hiram BlauveltArt Museum November .l 6 throughDecember29; then the Arizona-SonoraDesert Museum January1'l throughApril5,2014; and finally to the Booth Museum of Western Art May 3 through September 7,2014. "Over the past 40 years the work created by these artists has established new standards of artistic excellenceand respect,helping animaland wildlife art to achieve a placeof honorin the field of fine art" addsMason. lV

Kelly Leahy Radding, AMoment ot Iridescence,watercolor on Kelmscott calfskin vellum,I9r/z x t4L/q"

Kathleen Ryan, My First Rodeo,oil, 30x 24"

Darrell Davis , La PaireD'Amour,bronze,25x L6 x L0"

lnlhen: Sept.'l -Oct. 31, 2013, BenningtonCenterfor the Arts;Nov. 16-Dec. 29, 2013, HiramBlauveltArt Museum; .l Jan. 1-April5, 2A14, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum;May 3-Sept.7, BoothMuseumof WesternArr. Wherel Premieres at the BenningtonCenterfor the Arts, 44 Cyps:yLane,Bennington, w 05201 tnformation: www.societyofan imalartisS.com The BenningtonCenterfor the Arts is a stunning institution set in the lovely hills of Vermont.


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