Dc health magazine 2016 final (pick)

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running hand

needle to the brain

the end of oranges

Welcome to our first publication

2 DC Health Spring 2017


Spring 2017 DC Health 3




Unless you’ve been living under a very huge pile of oranges, you know Whole Foods last


week found itself dealing with the Internet after


mandarins for sale at one of its locations for a

Diamond Diggs shows up for running practice at Cardozo High Schoolmost days. Sometimes she arrives, but without her running shoes. Sometimes she goes to

a customer posted a photo of pre-peeled Sumo

reported price of $5.99. Whole Foods apologized and pulled the naked citrus from the shelves.

practice, then leaves within minutes. It is hard to say when Diamond will decide to go. Or, when she decides not to, why.

CHOCOLATE, ALCOHOL, AND ME B.M. CARRIE ALLEN The first head-to-head study of three common painkillers has found that ibuprofen works best, at least for children with broken bones, bruises and sprains. Ibuprofen, which is available both generically and under the brand names Advil and Motrin, beat generic acetaminophen and codeine in an emergency-room study of 300 children treated at a Canadian hospital.

4 DC Health Spring 2017


NEEDLE TO THE BRAIN LAURA UNGAR Acupuncture was found to be effective in the treatment of chronic anxiety and stress in rats, says a recent report published in the journal Endocrinology. The researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., say acupuncture can help treat stress by targeting the specific pathways and regions through which it travels in the human body.




Unless you’ve been living under a very huge pile of oranges, you know Whole Foods last week found itself dealing with the Internet after a customer posted a photo of pre-peeled Sumo mandarins for sale at one of its locations for a reported price of $5.99. Whole Foods apologized and pulled the naked citrus from the shelves.





few years back, I bellied up to the bar at Daikaya one evening while Lukas B. Smith (now of Dram & Grain and Secret Monkey Social Club) was behind the stick. It was my first time there, and I was suffering from my usual end-of-workday decision fatigue. I’d heard good things about his drinks, so when he asked what I wanted, I just asked him to make me something good.

Spring 2017 DC Health 5

Deneen L. Brown


iamond Diggs shows up for

based at the school. She was impressed. Mundy

running practice at Cardozo

says. When school started in September, Forman

High Schoolmost days. Some-

walked Cardozo’s wide, dim hallways, recruit-

times she arrives, but without

ing students with his enthusiasm. He promised

her running shoes. Sometimes

running shoes and uniforms. He brought in

she goes to practice, then leaves within minutes.

tuna and turkey sandwiches and red apples. He

It is hard to say when Diamond will decide to

matched students with running mentors, young

go. Or, when she decides not to, why. Still, the

professionals in the city who had discovered

16-year-old sophomore keeps showing up. On

Teens Run DC through e-mail group lists for

some Saturday mornings, when most of her

runners. He wanted the students to run, but

classmates are sleeping, she rises at 7, when her

more than that, he wanted to make the students

grandmother reminds her gently: “Diamond,

feel connected to a larger community. But the

baby, you still going?” She leaves the apartment

program at Cardozo proved to be a Sisyphean

in far Northeast Washington with its crushed

vate-school parents, he yearned to have an im-

task. Some Cardozo students signed up, then

blue velvet sofas and walls lined with family

pact beyond his affluent clientele. “It was time to

dropped out. Some would appear an hour late,

portraits. Outside, she races down a steep set

give back,” says Forman, 57, a harried man with

saying they didn’t know when practice started.

of stairs to the street. Then Diamond walks four

salt-and-pepper hair and wire-rimmed glasses.

Then two weeks before the big race on March

desolate blocks, passing woods and a dead creek,

As a marathon runner, he knew what could be

26, not one Cardozo student made it to even one

to catch a train. It takes nearly an hour before she

gained by going the distance. And his clinical

of four practice runs. Forman’s enthusiasm was

arrives at Cardozo, at 13th and Clifton streets

experience made him feel he understood what a

waning. The program had taken time away from

NW, to prepare for the National Marathon.

disadvantaged teen might need to overcome ob-

his marriage and his job. Coveted appointment

The insistent calls to remind Diamond about practice get on her nerves. “You calling

stacles. Forman believed that running could help

times he could have filled with high-paying clients

the students build self-confidence and self-dis-

were now dedicated to the uncommitted Cardoz

me is not going to make me com...It irritates me, actually,” says Diamond, a girl whose exterior is as tough as her name implies. “Don’t call me and ask me if I’m running. If I’m not there, I am not coming.” Since September, Diamond has been a part of Teens Run DC, an after-school mentoring program that matches adult long-distance runners with economically disadvantaged teenagers at Cardozo High School. The students at Cardozo had started out strong, but now many aren’t showing up. So on an afternoon in early February, Benson Forman, the Chevy Chase clinical psychologist who founded and manages Teens Run DC, calls an urgent lunchtime meeting at Cardozo. “Do you want to be part of the team?”

students.Forman puzzled over how he might

“Inner-city kids are so invisible,” Forman says. “What’s really bad is when you are invisible to yourself, you feel, ‘I myself don’t matter.’

Forman asks, his back against the chalkboard as

cipline. The sense of mastery and perseverance

five students sit in a semicircle of desks before

better connect with Diamond and the other students. “I’m not a teacher,” he says. “I’m a psychodynamic therapist. My interest is how do we shift the internal world. I’m trying to find the reason they sometimes don’t follow through, trying to find the reason they seem to say, ‘If I don’t show up, it doesn’t matter, because I don’t matter.’ ” Back at Cardozo, Forman hurries to pack what was left of the turkey sandwiches, and he heads into the hallway after Diamond. But she is nowhere to be seen. He races downstairs. “I had what they call an empathic failure,” Forman explains. “Diamond felt I let her down in that moment.” He stops in front the front office and ask forDiamond’s schedule. He hurries down the

would then carry over into the rest of their lives.

hallway. He has a 2 o’clock appointment across

him. Some questions, he will later reflect, are bet-

In the fall of 2009, Forman launched the program

town, but his client will have to wait. He pokes his

ter left unasked. When Forman gets to Diamond,

at Wilson High School in Northwest Washington,

head in the classroom. The Spanish teacher tells

she lets his question hang in the air a moment.

where it has thrived. He took his idea next, to

him that Diamond and some of her classmates

“No, I don’t want to be part of the team,”

Cardozo, where he met Ebony Dennis Mun-

went downstairs to retrieve new textbooks. For-

she answers. Then she gets up from her desk

dy a clinical psychologist with the city who is

man waits outside, contemplating what he will

and walks out of the classroom. Forman calls

based at the school. She was impressed. In the

say when Diamond returns. Just then, the door

after her, but Diamond keeps going. Two years

fall of 2009, Forman launched the program at

to the staircase opens, and there is Diamond.

ago, Forman was reading about a similar run-

Wilson High School in Northwest idea next to

“Diamond, can I talk to you?” students. Forman

ning program in Los Angeles when it struck him

Cardozo, where he met Washington, where it

puzzled over how he might better connect with

that he could do the same thing here. A highly

has thrived. He took his Ebony Dennis Mun-

Diamond and the other students. “I’m not a

regarded psychologist often sought after by pri-

dy, a clinical psychologist with the city who is

teacher,” he says. “I’m a psychodynamic therapist.

5 DC Health Spring 2017

My interest is how do we shift the internal world.

she really didn’t know what she was getting

many teenagers, Diamond often shuts down

I’m trying to find the reason they sometimes

into when she joined Teens Run DC. Her teach-

with adults. But sometimes if you stop asking

don’t follow through, trying to find the reason

ers advised her to sign up. The first time out in

what she calls “stupid questions,” she’ll reveal

they seem to say, ‘If I don’t show up, it doesn’t

November, her mentor, Cheryl Kovalsky, 27, a

something. Like the time she confided that her

matter, because I don’t matter.’ ”

senior health-care analyst, took Diamond and

biggest fear is “random lights in the dark.

Back at Cardozo, Forman hurries to pack

the other students on a three-mile run through

“Like a beam of red light. It creeps me out,” she

what was left of the turkey sandwiches, and he

the city. Diamond had never run that far. “I felt

says. “Or shadows from a wall in the dark. I

heads into the hallway after Diamond. But she

like stopping, but I kept going for some reason.”

have a great imagination. Stuff gets to me.

is nowhere to be seen. He races downstairs. “I

When she runs, sometimes she zones out. “I

I think, ‘Is that something looking in the win-

had what they call an empathic failure,” Forman

look straight up in the sky so I can’t see what’s

dow?’ ”Diamond dreams of being “anything

explains. “Diamond felt I let her down in that

in front of me, so I don’t know how far I’ve been.

successful” when she grows up. Maybe, she says,

moment.” He stops in front the front office and

”Once, running in the street, “I closed my eyes,

she can do something “with my art,” charcoal

ask forDiamond’s schedule. He hurries down

and Cheryl was like, ‘Diamond, what are you

and ink drawings of fantastical creatures and car-

the hallway. He has a 2 o’clock appointment

doing? Watch out.’” “When I am running, I let

icatures. Last year, Diamond, an honors student,

across town, but his client will have to wait.

my imagination go wild,” Diamond says. “I just

got into Duke Ellington School of the Arts. It’s

He pokes his head in the classroom. The Span-

think about stuff, about relationships. About art.

unclear why she left. She says the other students

ish teacher tells him that Diamond and some of

Sometimes I paint stuff in my head. I think about

were stuck-up. “Diamond was talking too much

her classmates went downstairs to retrieve new

stuff I want to do. Stuff I’ve done. People who

in class,” says her grandmother Diane Diggs, 54.

textbooks. Forman waits outside, contemplating

get on my nerves. Long-distance runners often

Diamond’s parents parted ways when she was

what he will say when Diamond returns. Just

describe the sensation of freedom that comes

young. Her dad still picks her up on weekends.

then, the door to the staircase opens, and there is

with the rhythmic moving of one foot in front of

Diamond spent most of her time at her grand-

Diamond. “Diamond, can I talk to you?”

the other, until the body becomes like a machine.

mother’s home while her mother worked. Now,

he asks. She looks him up and down. “Diamond,”

Exercise physiologists explain the release of

Diamond lives with her grandmother most of

Forman says, “you and I are friends. I’m on your

endorphins in the brain that can lift depression

the time.Occasionally, Diamond stays with her

side. You are soooooo much on the team.”Dia-

and spark a “runner’s high.”But to Diamond the

mother, Roxianne Diggs, in Northwest Washing-

mond backs up. “When I asked you are you part

benefits of running stop with running. “I don’t

ton. “I go where I feel like going at the time,”

of the team, it was rhetorical,” Forman says. “If

see advantages elsewhere.” Could running help

She also runs when she wants to. Most times, she

it was rhetorical, why were you waiting for an

with self-esteem or a sense of belonging? She

says she is committed, “but if I say no, it will be a

answer?” Diamond, tall and self-assured, says

shrugs. “I already have friends,” she says. Like

lot of attitude, especially from Ben. One time he

Spring 2017 DC Heath 6

8 DC Health Spring 2017

called and asked, ‘Are you running?’ I said no.

someone to unlock the gate. Inside the school,

starts out at a slow, steady pace. She feels good.

He said, ‘We’re here at the track. Be here in 30

someone tells her the outside gate is open. She

The weather is cold but sunny. She runs down

minutes.’ I said, ‘Ben, I’m not running.’ I had

turns and goes back outside. The gate appears

East Capitol Street. Up Constitution Avenue.

to repeat myself over and over.”It’s a Monday

to have magically unlocked itself. Then Dia-

Through Adams Morgan and Columbia Heights.

morning in mid-March, and Forman has re-

mond sees Heather Stoner, an English teacher,

But by the nine-mile marker, she is crashing. She

turned to Cardozo with tuna sandwiches. He has

down on the track running with another student.

slows down. She stops. She doesn’t want to run

another plan to get more students to practice. He

Diamond realizes that she has forgotten her

anymore. A mentor suggests Diamond call her

will meet with them every Monday, establish a

sweats and her running shoes. She descends the

mother and grandmother, who are somewhere

constant presence in the school. “When you have

stadium stairs to the track and takes off her boots.

ahead on the race course waiting to cheer Dia-

no kids showing up, that is systemic,” he says.

In her jeans and sock feet, she runs one lap and

mond on. Diamond tells her grandmother on

“That is a group saying: ‘What does this program

then another. The twists in her hair flop in the

the phone that she is hungry. Her grandmother

mean?’ Kids need to be pursued.”Forman says

sunlight. Diamond puts her head down, closes

promises to bring her a sandwich after she cross-

he persists because he has a sense of what it’s

her eyes and keeps circling the purple track. Ston-

es the finish line. Diamond starts running again,

like to be young and economically deprived. He

with difficulty. She hasn’t run this far. Perhaps it’s

had been very close to his mother , who grew

too far. But then on 13th Street, Diamond sees her

up the daughter of a single mother on wel-fare.

grandmother and mother standing on the side.

Through her, “I know what it is like to be invisi-

They are cheering her. As she passes, they run

ble,” he says. He was raised in Queens, N.Y., with

with her for half a block. “Hey, that’s my baby!”

a father who was a successful businessman and a mother who was often anxious about her place in the world. “For my mother, fitting in was a big deal,” Forman says. “In many ways, of my mother’s children, I was the one who took care of my mother — emotionally. I was her youngest. I was her companion.” Ben became someone who wanted to take care of other people, he says. When he was 5 or 6, he says, his father would take him to Rockaway Beach on the Atlantic Ocean and walk into the surf, carrying Ben in his arms. “Then he’d let go, and he’d have me swim to shore.” Forman remembers feeling panic.

Diamond is registered to run the half-marathon, 13.1 miles. Everyone who runs will get a medal.

Diane Diggs says. “My mom, my brother and I were waiting just to see her,” Roxianne Diggs would recall later. “Then we spotted her. It just felt good. ... I’m really proud of my baby.” A couple of miles ahead, Forman is waiting at the finish line.“‘Where are my kids?” he asks. “Are they getting here? Are they going to feel strong?” At about 1 hour 45 minutes, several students from Wilson cross the finish line. A full hour passes, and Will Taylor from Cardozo crosses the finish line. As the clock turns to 3:07:08, Forman sees Diamond in the crowd of runners on the course. She is not running fast, but she is running.

“When he let go, I would swim until I could touch

“There’s Diamond!”, “There’s Diamond!” She

the sand with my fingers.” He wants to convey

crosses the finish line, and he sprints to greet her.

that feeling of persistence in the face of failure

Diamond looks up at the crowd of Cardozo sup-

to the students at Cardozo. “I see these kids who

porters surging toward her, pulls away from For-

need to be seen and recognized,” Forman says.

man and walks in the opposite direction. “Did

“We all want to But Forman’s persistence seems

er says Diamond is on pace to run an 8:23 mile.

to be wearing on Diamond. She’s trying, she says,

The week before the big race Forman is still

but there are obstacles that Forman cannot see.

worried. Will Diamond show up and run? Will

On a Thursday afternoon, Diamond arrives at

Diamond finish? On the Friday night before the

the track early for practice. But today, the gate

event, Forman gives the students race instruc-

is locked. From the top of the hill, Diamond can

tions. Three students will run the half-marathon

see the track below, cool, painted a deep mid-

relay, consisting of two five-mile legs and one

night purple. There are two ways into the track:

three-mile leg. Will Taylor, 15, a 10th-grader, and

through these gates or through a door inside the

Will is a strong runner. Diamond hasn’t run 13

school’s basement.

miles yet. “I’m hopeful,” Forman says. On the

“If you go in through the building,” Dia-

morning of the marathon, Diamond wakes up

mond says, “then the door locks behind you im-

at 5 in her grandmother’s apartment. By 7, she

you love it?” a mentor calls after Diamond. “No,” says Diamond. “I didn’t love it.” “I feel good mentally,”Diamond says later, smiling faintly. “Physically, my back hurts. ” Maybe Teens Run DC has changed her. Maybe a bit. She still isn’t quite sure why she showed up when she did. But, and this seems to occur to her as she speaks, “If I hadn’t, I never would have made it.” Diamond touches the medal around her neck. She’s in it for real now.

mediately and you can’t get out.” She is afraid

arrives at the meeting place at RFK Stadium. At

“Why quit after all of this?” she says. DeNeen Brown

she will get trapped. She decides to walk up

7:22 a.m., five Cardozo students walk up the hill,

is a Washington Post staff writer. She can be reached

the hill to the school’s main entrance and ask

blending into a sea of 15,000 runners. Diamond

at browndl@washpost.com

Spring 2017 DC Health 9

A few years back, I bellied up to the bar at Dai-

my of cocktail and language purists everywhere,

the turn of the year as an opportunity to become

kaya one evening while Lukas B. Smith (now of

beloved of corporate-chain bars where cocktails

a better person — participating in Drynuary,

Dram & Grain and Secret Monkey Social Club)

are sweet, brightly colored and trademarked.

dropping pounds and prepping for a 5K or K2 —

was behind the stick. It was my first time there,

Pity the chocolatini, that mix of vodka, chocolate

the combination of cold and little sunlight does

and I was suffering from my usual end-of-work-

liqueur and half-and-half, and sometimes Irish

not bring out my most aspirational behavior.

day decision fatigue. I’d heard good things about

cream and chocolate syrup. (As a viewing of the

Unless you consider “Sybaritic bear preparing

his drinks, so when he asked what I wanted, I

films of Alfred Hitchcock, Roman Polanski and

for hibernation” as ambitious. If I could spend

just asked him to make me something good.

Eli Roth will demonstrate, the recipe for effective

all of winter wrapped in a blanket eating brown-

I told him, which was enough to get him rustling

horror may vary.) Pity the chocolatini. But don’t

ies and fried potatoes draped in melted cheese, I

up a delicious concoction with Cynar and rye: a

pity it enough that you actually, you know, drink

probably would. Women have, or are purported

“What do you usually drink”, he asked!” perfect

one. I’ve been thinking about the chocolatini be-

to have, a strange relationship with chocolate,

ad-lib. Later, after we’d shot the breeze and es-

cause Valentine’s Day is approaching and, with

frequently depicted as somewhere between sis-

tablished some rapport, I teased him. “So what

it, the menace of the chocolatini, gussied up for

terly support and mad, goatish lust. And I still

would you have made me if I’d said I usually

flirting with a floating rose petal or perhaps even

don’t drink chocolatinis. Check the commercials,

drink chocolatinis?” Smith slid into a sort-of-“Ne-

a bauble from Jared dangling gooily from its rim.

where we ecstatically place morsels of chocolate

gronis are my go-to,” I told him, amused thou-

(If your intended sinks your engagement ring

between our glistening, dewily parted lips or

sand-yard stare and thought for a long moment,

in a chocolatini, get a gemologist to check the

roll around in silky brown sheets that turn into

then replied confidently, “I would have made

stone.) Also, I’ve been thinking about chocolate,

swaths of chocolate. Check the memes: “Choc-

you leave.” Pity the poor chocolatini, arch-ene-

because although everyone else seems to view

olate is to women what duct tape is to men: It

12 DC Health Spring 2017

fixes everything!”; “There is nothing better than

chocolatini hangs over us, making us fear to put

note of herbs or fruit or spice, something bitter

a friend, unless it’s a friend with chocolate!”; and

chocolate in a glass lest the result be something

or tart or even salty. Try, for example, a touch

“What matters that silly 78 cents to every dollar a

best served at TGI Fridays. I’ve spent hours play-

of smoky Islay Scotch and fernet with chocolate

man makes when there’s chocolate?” (I may have

ing around with chocolate cocktails, working

liqueur and a base of rye, bringing out the bit-

invented that last one. Still, if I took over St. Pe-

with Tempus Fugit’s vanilla-touched creme de

tersweet component of the chocolate. Work with

ter’s gatekeeper gig, chocolate marketers would

cacao and Godiva’s chocolate liqueur, and a bal-

the complex notes in a good sherry, providing

be joining cosmetics and jewelry marketers in

anced, sophisticated cocktail can indeed be made

contrast with its tartness and complement with

The Hot Place, where the “Every kiss begins with

with them. Indeed, I recently pestered Smith

its nuttiness. Chocolate, mezcal and chilies are a

K” jingle would play eternally on a scratchy PA

for a serious answer to the chocolatini question,

spicy, booze-forward duet in the Cocoa Smoke.

system.) Still, I like chocolate as much as the next

and he said he might have offered his Pleasure

And for a surprisingly bright highball, recall

right-thinking human, and so, this Valentine’s

Dome, a mix of rum, creme de cacao, Carpano

how well chocolate and citrus pair up when you

Day, I want it to escape the chocolatini cliche.

Antica vermouth, Coca-Cola syrup and smoked

try the Chocantonic.w We should be using choc-

This is an ingredient that was once used to wor-

paprika, whipped into an eggy flip. Now that is a

olate in drinks, but in a way that takes it beyond

ship the gods! It deserves more mature compan-

drink to seduce a chocolatini-lover onto more se-

the cloying froth it too often settles at. For Val-

ionship than the Irish cream and chocolate syrup

rious cocktail turf. If you’re experimenting with

entine’s Day, chocolate deserves the spice of rye,

with which it has been forced, for years, to dance

chocolate and booze, think about how opposites

the smoke of mezcal, the strange botanical kiss

an abominable sugary jig. We live in an age of

attract. What you want is not sweet-on-sweet,

of gin and the bittersweet embrace of amaro, a

artisan chocolate — heck, even artisan chocolate

but sweet-on-something-else, something that

word that is so close to “amore.” It deserves to

forgeries! — and artisan cocktails, and yet the

complements and complicates the chocolate: a

be sipped by dewy, wanting, hungrily parted —

Spring 2017 DC Health 13

The British researchers hope that learning more

She said: ‘You can engineer your environment to

about dieting downfalls will help slimmers plan

make it less tempting. For instance, put the office

for problems and strengthen their willpower.

biscuits out of sight so you don’t have a constant

Eighty men and women who were trying to lose

reminder of a temptation that you have to resist

weight or keep it off were given mobile phones on

multiple times throughout the day which eventu-

which to keep an electronic diary of any tempta-

ally wears down one’s self-control and makes you

tions that came their way. They were also asked to record how they felt at the time – and whether they gave into their craving. Over the course of a week, they faced the urge to break their diet 11 times on average and gave in on over half of the occasions. Forbidden foods were particularly tempting when they were stressed or hungry. More surprisingly, the men and women were more likely to succumb to alcohol than to sugary snacks or big helpings. Both men and women are more likely to succumb to the temptation of alcohol than of sugary snacks

“Secondly, it’s best that when trying to avoid temptation to try not to give up everything at once.”

more likely to give in. ‘For example, often in January or at lent people give up sweets, chocolate, alcohol etc all at once. ‘This is too much strain on your self-control and makes you much more likely to lapse than if you focus on training one aspect, such as cutting down alcohol. ‘When feel confident at that, starting to work on other temptations.’ Chocantonic 1 serving Chocolate and gin is a pairing that could be quite

Both men and women are more likely to suc-

vile, but here the two are drawn together by Earl

cumb to the temptation of alcohol than of sugary

Grey tea (which is flavored with bergamot, a cit-

snacks Birmingham University researcher Heath-

rus fruit) and a splash of orange juice. The combi-

er McKee said this could be because people tend

nation makes for a surprising and tasty highball.

to underestimate the number of calories alcohol

Tempus Fugit’s creme de cacao or Godiva Choc-

contains compared to food. However, the NHS

olate Liqueur will work here. We used Fever Tree

warns that five pints of lager a week adds up to


44,200kcal over a year, equivalent to eating 221 doughnuts. And just two large glasses of white

MAKE AHEAD: The tea can be brewed and

wine will take up nearly a fifth of a woman’s rec-

cooled in advance.

ommended calorie intake for a day. Dr McKee also showed that dieters are more like-

Tempus Fugit’s creme de cacao is available at Ace

ly to lapse in the evening than in the morning or

Beverage in the District and online.

afternoon. It is thought that this is due to their

From Spirits columnist M. Carrie Allan. STEPS

willpower being eroded over the course of the

Fill a highball or Collins glass with ice.

day. The familiar surroundings of home or the relaxing environment of the pub many also make it

Stir together the creme de cacao, gin, tea and or-

easier to give into temptation.

ange juice in a mixing glass. Pour it over the ice,

Her study, published in the Annals of Behavioural

then top with tonic water. Give a gentle stir before

Medicine, also showed we find unhealthy foods


more attractive when we are with others. This may be because we think that if our friends can

Nutrition | Per serving (using 4 ounces tonic wa-

eat something, we should be able to too. The dis-

ter): 230 calories, 10 g protein, 28 g carbohydrates,

traction factor of being part of a group may also

0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 20 mg

lead to us overeating.

sodium, 0 g dietary fiber, 20 g sugar

Dr McKee hopes that learning more about what makes us give into temptation will make it easier

Cocoa Smoke

for dieters to succeed. She said: ‘Just like a muscle, willpower can become fatigued. But, with

1 serving

regular practice, it can grow stronger over time.’

The power trio of chocolate, the grassy smoke of

Her tips include keeping treats out of sight and

mezcal and ancho chili pepper liqueur makes for

not being too ambitious.

a heady, sexy sip.

14 DC Health Spring 2017

1 1/2 OUNCES MEZCAL We like Tempus Fugit’s complex creme de cacao for the chocolate component, but Godiva Chocolate Liqueur will also work. Tempus Fugit Crème de Cacao and Ancho Reyes are available at Ace Beverage in the District and online. From Spirits columnist M. Carrie Allan. STEPS Fill a mixing glass with ice, then add the mezcal, creme de cacao, ancho chili liqueur and bitters. Stir for 30 seconds or until the mixture is chilled, then strain into a cocktail (martini) glass. Twist/express the orange peel over the surface of the drink. Run it around the rim, then drop the


peel into the drink. Nutrition | Per serving: 180 calories, 5 g protein, 8 g carbohydrates, 0 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium, 0 g dietary fiber, 4 g sugar Recipe tested by M. Carrie Allan and Bonnie S. Benwick; e-mail questions to food@washpost. com. Carrie Allan is a writer and editor who lives in Hyattsville, Md. Her Spirits column appears regularly. Follow @Carrie_the_Red.






Acupuncture originates from China and

can compare to proper acupuncture. While some

health is the result of a harmonious balance of

has been practiced there for thousands of years.

studies have concluded that acupuncture offers

the complementary extremes of yin and yang of

Although there are records of acupuncture being

similar benefits to a patient as a placebo, others

the life force known as gi or chi. Qi is said to flow

used hundreds of years ago in Europe, it was

have indicated that there are some real benefits.

through meridians (pathways) in the human

during the second half of the twentieth century

This article in a peer-reviewed British Medical

body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the

it began to spread rapidly in Western Europe,

Journal explains that the principles of acupunc-

body, these meridians and energy flows may be

the United States and Canada. Acupuncture in-

ture are firmly grounded in science, and you

accessed. Illness is said to be the consequence of

volves the insertion of very thin needles through

don’t need Chinese philosophy either to make it

an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted

the patient’s skin at specific points on the body

work, or to practice it. According to WHO (World

into these points with appropriate combinations

the needles are inserted to various depths. The

Health Organization) acupuncture is effective

it is said that the energy flow can be brought

medical community is not in conclusive agree-

for treating 28 conditions, while evidence indi-

back into proper balance. In Western societies

ment about how acupuncture works scientifical-

cates it may have an effective therapeutic value

and several other parts of the world, acupuncture

ly. However, we do know that it does have some

for many more. People with tension headaches

is explained including concepts of neuroscience.

therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and

and/or migraines may find acupuncture to be

Acupuncture points are seen by Western practi-

alleviation from nausea caused by chemother-

very effective in alleviating their symptoms, ac-

tioners as places where nerves, muscles and con-

apy. According to traditional Chinese medical

cording to a study carried out at the Technical

nective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture

theory, acupuncture points are located on merid-

University of Munich, Germany. Another study

practitioners say that the stimulation increases

ians through which gi vital energy runs. There

at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Can-

blood flow while at the same time triggering the

is no histological, anatomical or scientific proof

cer Center found that twice weekly acupuncture

activity of our own body’s natural painkillers.

that these meridians or acupuncture points exist.

treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of xe-

James Reston, who worked for the New

Acupuncture remains controversial among West-

rostomia - severe dry mouth - among patients

York Times had his appendix removed (appen-

ern medical doctors and scientists. It is very hard

treated with radiation for head and neck can-

dectomy) during a visit to China in 1971. After

to devise a sham acupuncture control that one

cer. Traditional Chinese medicine explains that

surgery he experienced some discomfort and

24 DC Health Spring 2017


was treated for this with acupuncture. He was

Times shows that acupuncture was first report-

The use of acupuncture to alleviate pain and

surprised to find that the acupuncture treatment

ed in 1854, and about once yearly until 1971.

nausea after surgery is becoming more wide-

helped his discomfort tremendously. He subse-

Acupuncture generally involves several weekly

spread. Even the US Air Force began teaching

quently wrote an article that year titled “Now,

or fortnightly treatments. Most courses consist

“Battlefield Acupuncture” to physicians deploy-

About My Operation in Peking”. Many believe

of up to 12 sessions. A visit to an acupuncturist

ing to Iraq and Afghanistan in early 2009. Using

this article triggered intense interest in acupunc-

will involve an exam and an assessment of the

acupuncture before and during surgery signifi-

ture in the USA. Reston wrote that the acupunc-

patient’s condition, the insertion of needles, and

cantly reduces the level of pain and the amount

turist “inserted three long, thin needles into the

advice on self-care. Most sessions last about 30

of potent painkillers needed by patients after the

outer part of my right elbow and below my knees

minutes. The patient will be asked to lie down,

surgery is over, a study revealed. Acupuncture

and manipulated them...That sent ripples of pain

either face-up, face-down or on his/her side, de-

is also starting to make inroads into veterinary

racing through my limbs and, at least, had the

pending on where the needless are inserted. The

medicine. This article explains how a mare which

effect of diverting my attention from the distress

acupuncturist should use single-use disposable

had an infection in her ankle was treated by a vet

in my stomach. Meanwhile, Doctor Li lit two

sterile needles. As each needle is inserted the pa-

at Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veter-

pieces of an herb called ai, which looked like

tient should feel them, but initially without pain.

inary Medicine at Virginia Tech with a combina-

the burning stumps of a broken cheap cigar, and

However, when the needle reaches the right

tion of acupuncture and traditional therapy. As

held them close to my abdomen while occasion-

depth there should be a deep aching sensation.

more and more physicians accept acupuncture, a

ally twirling the needles into action. All of this

Sometimes the needles are heated or stimulated

wider range of illnesses and condition are being

took about 20 minutes, during which I remem-

with electricity after insertion. Once inserted,

considered for acupuncture treatment. A study

bered thinking that it was rather a complicated

the needles will remain there for about twenty

found that acupuncture may help indigestion

way to get rid of gas... but there was a noticeable

minutes. Even though acupuncture is commonly

symptoms commonly experienced by pregnant

relaxation of the pressure and distension with-

used on its own for some conditions, it is becom-

women. Some studies have revealed that there

in an hour and no recurrence of the problem

ing very popular as a combination treatment by

are conditions for which acupuncture appears to

thereafter.” However, a search in The New York

doctors in Western Europe and North America.

have no beneficial effect. A study carried out by

Spring 2017 DC Health 25

researchers at Daejon, Busan, South Korea, and

no beneficial effect. A study carried out by re-

the latest findings serve as confirmation. In her

Exeter, United Kingdom, found that acupunc-

searchers at Daejon, Busan, South Korea, and

clinical practice, Eshkevari noticed that her pa-

ture cannot be shown to have any positive effect

Exeter, United Kingdom, found that acupunc-

tients reported an improvement in symptoms not

on hot flashes during the menopause. However,

ture cannot be shown to have any positive effect

related to pain, like depression, stress, appetite

acupuncture does offer effective relief from hot

on hot flashes during the menopause. However,

and sleep. Since the literature had no data about

flashes in women who are being treated with

acupuncture does offer effective relief from hot

a link between acupuncture and chronic stress

the anti-estrogen tamoxifen following surgery

flashes in women who are being treated with

relief, Eshkevari decided to find if there was any

for breast cancer, another study found. Howev-

the anti-estrogen tamoxifen following surgery

connection at all. The researchers concluded the

er, some studies have indicated that acupuncture

for breast cancer, another study found. Howev-

study based on the observation of the activity of

may help in treating low back pain (according

er, some studies have indicated that acupuncture

the rats when placed in an open box. Less anx-

to the SPINE trial), fibromyalgia (Mayo Clinic

may help in treating low back pain (according to

ious rats moved more freely and explored more,

trials), migraines, post-operative dental pain

the SPINE trial), fibromyalgia (Mayo Clinic tri-

while the anxious ones sat in a corner. When

(the Cochrane review), hypertension (Center

als), migraines, post-operative dental pain (the

dropped in a bucket of water, those that contin-

for Integrative Medicine at UC Irvine study)

Cochrane review), hypertension (Center for Inte-

ued to swim were less affected by depression

and osteoarthritis (according to researchers at

grative Medicine at UC Irvine study) and osteo-

that those that gave up first. At the end of the 11

the University Medical Center in Berlin, Germa-

arthritis (according to researchers at the Univer-

days of the research, the researchers figured out

ny), as well as chemotherapy-induced nausea

sity Medical Center in Berlin, Germany), as well

that the rats that were not ture treatment showed

and vomiting. Other studies have shown that

as chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

greater signs of depression, anxiety and stress.

acupuncture may help women with painful

Other studies have shown that acupuncture may

given the acupunc On the other hand, those that

periods. A Cochrane trial found that although

help women with painful periods. A Cochrane

were provided with acupuncture had almost

acupuncture helps people with headaches, fake

trial found that although acupuncture helps peo-

the equivalent amount of cortisol as the control

acupuncture also seems to help them. Exercise

ple with headaches, fake acupuncture also seems

group of rats. In addition, they had lower levels

and electro-acupuncture treatments can re-

to help them. Exercise and electro-acupuncture

of cortisol than those that were given sham acu-

duce sympathetic nerve activity in women with

treatments can reduce sympathetic nerve activi-

puncture and self-discipline. The sense of mas-

polycystic ovarian syndrome, a study found.

ty in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome,

tery and perseverance would then carry over into

Acupuncture was found to be effective in the

a study found. Acupuncture was found to be

the rest of their lives.

treatment of chronic anxiety and stress in rats,

effective in the treatment of chronic anxiety and

Acupuncture therapy for stroke-caused

says a recent report published in the journal En-

stress in rats, says a recent report published in

conditions such as paralysis, speech and swal-

docrinology. The researchers at Georgetown Uni-

the journal Endocrinology. The researchers at

lowing problems, and depression is commonly

versity Medical Center in Washington, D.C., say

Georgetown University Medical Center in Wash-

used in the Orient. In China and Japan, an acu-

acupuncture can help treat stress by targeting the

ington, D.C., say’s:

puncturist is likely to start therapy as soon as

specific pathways and regions through which it

possible after a stroke. However, my recommen-

travels in the human body. The lead researcher,

dation is a delay of 2 weeks before acupuncture

licensed acupuncturist Ladan Eshkevari, says

for strokes caused by bleeding in the brain, 10 to

that even though the benefits of acupuncture

20% of strokes (instead of the usual blood vessel

are already widely known, the latest findings serve as confirmation. In her clinical practice, Eshkevari noticed that her patients reported an improvement in symptoms not related to pain, like depression, stress, appetite and sleep. Since the literature had no data about a link between acupuncture and chronic stress relief, Eshkevari decided to find if there was any connection at all. The researchers concluded the study based on the observation of the activity of the rats when placed in an open box. Less anxious rats moved

“Acupuncture can help treat stress by targeting the specific pathways and regions through which it travels in the human body”y.

block or clot). The wait is due to studies showing that acupuncture opens blood vessels for better flow and decreases clotting and inflammation. These effects are desired early when arteries are blocked, but after a stroke caused by bleeding has occurred, it is safer to wait until the bleeding blood vessel has clotted and is unlikely to bleed further before providing the acupuncture. Acupuncture is done on a daily basis in China. Uncertain as to whether daily acupuncture is essential, even in Western countries, some

more freely and explored more, while the anx-

acupuncturists with experience in treating stroke

ious ones sat in a corner. When dropped in a

with acupuncture believe treatment 3 times a

bucket of water, those that continued to swim

The lead researcher, licensed acupuncturist

week is optimal. Several different approaches

were less affected by depression that those that

Ladan Eshkevari, says that even though the ben-

have been used to treat stroke, demonstrating

gave up first. At the end of appears to have

efits of acupuncture are already widely known,

that acupuncture for this disorder remains a

26 DC Health Spring 2017

healthcare art: Traditional Chinese Yang meridian point therapy, Chinese scalp acupuncture,Dr. Yamamoto’s YNSA Japanese scalp therapy, Korean Koryo Chim hand acupuncture, supplemental ear (auricular) acupuncture, and Xingnao KaiQiao (a newer therapy by Professor Shi Xuemin) are each advocated by a number of treatment centers in Oriental countries. One need not know in depth the approach of each, but it is important to know that more than one approach is available and used. Does acupuncture really work to help stroke victims improve? Many studies involving thousands of patients have been published in China and Japan, and 2 of 3 studies from Scandinavia, demonstrated significant help. These studies indicate that patients get well faster, perform better in self-care, require less nursing and rehabilitation therapy, and use less healthcare dollars. However, since

Case Study: An Interview INTRODUCTION: American Academy of Medical Acupuncture conducted a case study at the Cherry Blossom Healing Arts in Washington, DC, where a high school student with mental illnesses try acupuncture for a span of 5 weeks to see if how would the sessions react to their mental illnesses. After each session, they will be interviewed how the progress is making and if they have any sign of improvements.

1 CASE DESCRIPTION: Tom Reid is a student at Radnor High School that suffers from anxiety and anger issues. He gets frustrated with little things and when things don’t go his way. His brother told him to try acupuncture in a local clinic to see if it could help with his anxiety and anger issues.

most studies come from China, they get little credence from the Western medical community because researchers in China do not appear to be

has been made available in the United States for studies needed to confirm the claims of experts

CASE INTERVIEW: What made you try out the acupuncture, Tom Reid

in China and Japan of indeed helping stroke patients. Such studies, if done well, demand significant funding; sources of such money are difficult to find. Most physicians, including rehabilitation experts, have appeared unwilling to consider acupuncture therapy, not due to bias but because the published studies do not necessarily meet research study criteria for the United States. Acupuncture is a safe therapy, and my experience has taught that this is especially true when helping stroke victims. Even discomfort is generally minimal. If one compares the possible positive help to be obtained with the risks associated with acupuncture, my contention is that acupuncture is worthy to attempt for stroke therapy. Studies are needed in the United States to prove this to medical skeptics. It will be import-

acupuncture to rehabilitation therapy obviously increases the cost; daily-to-3 times-weekly treatment is needed for 2-4 weeks or longer. Concern

improvements to your health

Do you think people with mental illnesses should try acupuncture?

and you never know, it might work. I don’t think it’s going to cure your mental illness, just help treat it.

Would you ever try acupuncture again?

I had talked to my brother about success that he had using acupuncture treatments to cure tennis elbow and thought that I might be able to get some relief from persistent pain that I had been having in my lower back and both thumbs.

How long had your thumbs and back been bothering you?

Yes, I would like to do it more, possible come 3 day’s a week after school for now to see how it goes.

How do you think acupuncture effect your brain? I think it targets my stressor points in my body and relieves the tension that is connected to my brain

The thumb issue had been a fairly recent occurrence, just a few months. I had been having lower back pain for about 10 – 12 years.

ant for such studies to involve skilled acupuncturists with experience in stroke therapy. Adding

Try it, I think that you would be pleasantly surprised at what it has to offer in terms of

I think so, it doesn’t hurt to try new things

published unless their results are highly positive, so publication bias is possible. And, no money

What would you tell others curious about experiencing acupuncture?

Do you think the acupuncture helped with your anxiety?

for added cost would perhaps disappear if the end result demonstrates more self-care and less

Yes it did, it helped me relax and calm

dependence on family and health providers.

throughout the session

CONCLUSION: Tom continues to do acupuncture 3 times a week after his last day of classes and he seems to be more relax and focused when doing his homework. Occasionally he does get made when he can’t figure out his Algebra homework but takes a few moments to relax.

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