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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 1 Leadership and management functions ..................................................................... 1 2 Management by objective................................................................................................. 1 4. Management theory by H. Mintzberg.......................................................................... 2 5. Leadership Traits theory................................................................................................... 3 6. Hard management skills and Soft leadership skills............................................... 3 7.Transformation processes................................................................................................. 4 8. Quality and the cost of quality for the managers................................................... 4 9. Total quality management approach...........................................................................4 10. Just in time approach and waste reduction in operations.................................4 11. Capacity management in operations........................................................................ 5 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................5 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................................6
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INTRODUCTION The experts or the individuals within an organization with some sought of special capability and potential regarded collectively are to be termed as leaders and the concerning activities to be allotted and performed to these leaders and also the ability of performing these tasks can be treated as the leadership quality (Altay and Green, 2006).
Whereas the set or the
mechanism which are to be adopted by the business corporations for running smoothly the complex and complicated systems of people. The leadership is an ability which aids an individual to realise the organizational goals with the help of team-work and also the work accomplishments are influenced by influencing the team to work. Leadership also aids authority. Whereas the management helps the organization with making forecasting and plans relating to the concerning areas. It also aids in commanding and controlling the individuals under them by giving them instructions.
1 Leadership and management functions According to J. Kotter there are very much dis-simmiliraties between the two concepts The management (Kleindorfer, Singhal and Wassenhove, 2005) is the the that revolves around providing order and consistency to the organization whereas the leadership is concerned with production, change and movement. Thus leadership is about seeking adaptive and constructive changes and whereas the concept of management is about order stability and stability. Management The
Leadership produces
consistency. Management
and Whereas this topic produces change movement.
with Leadership
planning and budgeting of various establishing aspects such as:
with also
creates vision, provides clarity and
Established agendas, set timetables big
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and allocated resources.
strategies are also set.
2 Management by objective The objectives of the employees and the organization are sought and a balance is maintained by this approach which is known as management by objectives. An the main essence of this theory is the determination of the of the joint objectives and the to provide feedback on the outcomes. The motivation and the empowerment of the employees has been done by setting up the attainable objectives (Liou, Tzeng and Chang, 2007). And also by increasing commitment, managers are given the opportunity to focus on new ideas and innovation that contribute to the development and objectives of organizations. The below mentioned are the conditions that are to be met: The set goals and objectives are determined with the employees;  The objectives are formulated at both quantitative and qualitative levels;  There are the objectives which are need to be challenging and motivating;
4. Management theory by H. Mintzberg According to this approach the managers work can be boiled down to the level of common roles and also these roles or the expectations for the behaviour of the manager are divided in three categories which are mentioned as below:Category
Searching and attaining the work related information.
In this communication is done and transmitted to the individuals within
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the organization Transmits
individuals and the outsiders.. Interpersonal
Legal duties are performed and acts
as a leader. Directions and motivation is provided
to the colleagues and employees. Maintaining contacts
and outside
establishing the
corporation. Decisional
generated and initiatives are taken in the improvements of the projects Disturbance
(Rajan and, 2008).
Dealing with the issues and conflicts and taking measures and actions on
the same.
Decision of the application of the
resources. Defends business interest.
5. Leadership Traits theory The different personality and characteristics are identified by the trait theory of leadership and also linked from the successful leadership across a variety of situations. The research has been introduced as one of the earliest types of investigations into the nature of an effective leadership and is also linked to the approach or the theory of �the great man theory�. According to this approach history is shaped by extraordinary leaders and this ability of
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leading was considered as something that people were simply born with. The following are the some of the implications of the trait theory of leadership: Certain patterns of behaviour are being produced by certain traits (. Consistency is maintained across different situations by these patterns. The below mentioned are the two leadership styles: Autocratic : In this concept the leaders are the whole and sole and have the total command and the authorities. Less or no involvement of the team members is there. Democratic : And whereas in this style the leaders invite and encourage the members and are considered as an important part of the team.
6. Hard management skills and Soft leadership skills. Hard management skills: The individual with the smart brains or a high level of IQ will be considered as the hard skills. For example maths, physics, accounting, programming, finance, biology, chemistry, statistics, etc. These are the skills where the rules stay the same regardless of which company, circumstance or people an individual is working with. These skills can be learned for the books and also in schools and are usually designated by the level of competency and a direct path as to how to excel with each hard skill. Soft
emotions or EQ. For example self confidence, stress management and people skills like communication or networking skills. A set of soft skills can be known to communication skills (Heizer, Render and Munson, 2016).
7.Transformation processes. The concept is concerned or considered as an activity that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and provides outputs for customers or clients. In this the inputs are considered as the raw materials and the identification is relatively easy as the transformation is involved. For Avail Quality Online Operations Management Assignment Help by the PhD Writers of Assignment Prime.
example, a hospital transforms sick patients which are considered as the input, into healthy patients that are to be the output. The process includes: Changes in the ownership of materials or information. Storage or accommodation of materials, information or customers.
8. Quality and the cost of quality for the managers The term quality can be defined as the ongoing process of building, developing and sustaining the relationships by assessing, anticipating and fulfilling the implied needs. Moreover it can also be defined as fundamentally relational (Slack, Chambers and Johnston, 2010). The cost of the quality are the costs that are to be incurred to detect, prevent and removing the defects from the products. There are four types of quality costs which are as follows: Appraisal costs Prevention costs Internal failure costs and External failure costs.
9. Total quality management approach Total quality management defined as that they are doing the continuous efforts in doing the improvements in the process and system to make the best quality products. Managers play a essential and important role in total quality management. In this manager initiates and implement the management of the total quality program so that they can require the amount for which they have to do the planning. In the entity manager acts like a facilitator and having a duty to assist the employees so that they can do the proper implementation of the total quality management.
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operations. This approach is an inventory strategy and the materials are ordered and received on the basis of the requirements in the production process (De Neufville, Odoni, Belobaba and Reynolds, 2013). Minimizing the costs by saving money on overhead inventory expenses is the main goal of this approach. For the reduction of the waste in the operations it is of very much essential to recogni9ze the wastes. This process consists of reviewing the current processes and seeking out any waste that exists.
11. Capacity management in operations. The concept is the ability of the the organization system for the production of the output within the specific time period. And in the concept of operations, management capacity is can be considered as the amount of the input resources available to produce relative output over period of time. The three methods which can be used by the managers are as follows:Long term capacity (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2013). Medium term capacity. Short term capacity.
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CONCLUSIONS From the above carried out analysis it has been inferred that the leadership and management styles has been evaluated. Moreover the concepts of the capacity management in the operations and also the approach of total quality management has been analysed.
REFERENCES Books & Journal Altay, N. and Green, W.G., 2006. OR/MS research in disaster operations management. European journal of operational research. 175(1). pp.475-493. De Neufville, R., Odoni, A., Belobaba, P. and Reynolds, T., 2013. Airport systems: planning, design and management. Fitzsimmons, J. and Fitzsimmons, M., 2013. Service management: Operations, strategy, information technology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Heizer, J., Render, B. and Munson, C., 2016. Principles of operations management: sustainability and supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Hou, J.L., Wu, Y.J. and Yang, Y.J., 2010. A model for storage arrangement and re-allocation for storage management operations. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 23(4). pp.369-390. Kleindorfer, P.R., Singhal, K. and Wassenhove, L.N., 2005. Sustainable operations management. Production and operations management. 14(4). pp.482-492. Liou, J.J., Tzeng, G.H. and Chang, H.C., 2007. Airline safety measurement using a hybrid model. Journal of air transport management. 13(4). pp.243-249. Nájera–Hillman, E., King, P., Baird, A.C. and Breen, B.B., 2009. Effect of pest– management operations on the abundance and size–frequency distribution of the New Zealand endemic frog Leiopelma hochstetteri. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 36(4). pp.389-400. Polack, D.S., 2008, April. Unit testing model management operations. In Software Testing Verification and Validation Workshop, 2008. ICSTW'08. IEEE International Conference on (pp. 97-104). IEEE. Prahlad, A., Schwartz, J.A., Ngo, D., Brockway, B. and Muller, M.S., CommVault Systems, Inc., 2009. Systems and methods for using metadata to enhance data management operations. U.S. Patent 7. 613. 752.
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