Customer Service Best Solution for Assignment Writing Problems in Australia
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 TASK A...........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Customer service policies and its assistance in staff training.............. 1 1.2 Objectives of customer service policy which leads to future growth.. 3 2.1 Different communication method and how these can be used for best result.................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Analysis of customer perceptions and service provisions....................... 6 TASK B (1) ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1 Sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction level...................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Analysis of customer requirements for Marriott hotel and suggestion from improvements........................................................................................................9 TASK B (2)................................................................................................................................. 14 4.1 Customer service in Marriott hotel and service environment..............14 4.2 Self reflection on customer service................................................................15 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 18
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INTRODUCTION Customers are considered to be the kings of business. No business could survive in a market without proper services provided to users. Consumers service is the provision of services to customers prior to, while or post purchase. The perception of success is depend on interactions of employees who can adjust themselves to the personality of the buyers. Product innovation and pricing are some major priorities that are availed for better customer services by organisations. Customer service includes the facilities that are provided to its consumers before, during and after purchasing of goods or services (Austin, 2011). This project is based on Marriott International Inc. which is a multinational diversified hospitality organisation that manages the large number of hotels and related lodging facilities. Present report will deal with the reasons for providing the customers with services and the different methods of communication by which they can influence the customers while providing facilities. The perceptions of target market and provision of services will also be discussed within this report. This report will also highlight the sources of information on customers and their requirements to satisfy their needs from a particular service from the hospitality industry. It will also carry out research on end users' requirements and their satisfaction level.
TASK A 1.1 Customer service policies and its assistance in staff training A customer service policy is a written document which the employees have to follow while dealing with consumers who are not satisfied with the products or services produced by the company. It also lists that how shall the employees behave with target market for improving the overall experience. Customer service manages issues of company in stores, over the phone and even by mail. Companies that produce high technical products like software Best Solution for Assignment Writing Problems in Australia
or satellite television, may even include technical support staffs to resolve the problems. There are a lot of reasons due to which customer service is considered to be significant for an organisation. Lack of customer service can even bring down the performance of an organisation and they can't even survive without providing services to the end users, as there won't be anyone to handle the payments and answer the queries from the prospective customers (Chen and Tsou, 2012).  Significance: provision of services to customers is very important for an organisation as it is often the only interaction a customer would have with the company. Customers play an important role to the company. Some customers even spend hundreds and thousands of pounds per year with the same organisation. By chance, they gave a query regarding any of the product or services, they approach the customer service
department straight away to get their issues
resolved (Fletcher, Fletcher and Fletcher, 2012).  Identification: A company always wishes to be different from their competitors and customer services are important for the same reason that their style of giving services to the customers could completely create a different image in the market. If two similar stores are present in the same market dealing with the same products, but one of them are providing additional services to customers such as complete guidance to use that particular product or range of products and clear all the doubts that customers have in their mind regarding the product and its usage, then definitely the store providing those services will gain the identity of being customer friendly. There are also many other reasons for using customer service policy by Marriott International Inc., some of them are as follows Getting competitive advantages- Rivals can copy the products or services of the company but they can not match the consumer policy.
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So in this case, organisation will be able to achieve competitive advantages over its competitors. Good working environment- If Marriott hotel will have good working environment then employees will do work effectively and efficiently that will assist in satisfying the needs of consumers. This policy will provide support in converting end users in to loyal customers and will also reduce conflicts from work place. Accountability- If business will use this strategy then it will make to them accountable for providing services as per users' expectations that will aid in increasing large market share. Image- If corporation will have good plan related to services then it will create positive image in the market as well as in the mind of consumers or prospective clients which will assist in achieving vision and mission statement (Ganguli and Roy, 2011). Guidelines- This tactic guides or instructs the member of the company that how to deal with users' expectation and their problems. With the help of this, employees can work in a systematic and accurate manner. 1.2 Objectives of customer service policy which leads to future growth Customer service policy is a written document which assists in providing better quality of goods or facilities to its consumers. If Marriott hotel wants to achieve its specified result then it should evaluate its policy on a regular basis so that it can modified it as per changing environment. With the help of evaluation, organisation can know that this policy is working according to the specified standards or not (Ganguli and Roy, 2011). Marriott hotel should evaluate the outcome of this policy so that it can take corrective action accordingly. It has many other objectives which are given below Retention- Customer service policy assists in providing better quality of services to its target market that helps in maintaining to them for
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long period of time. This tactic also contributes in converting users in to loyal consumers as well as in future growth and development of the company. Increase goodwill- If business will provide better quality of facilities to its customers then it will enhance the goodwill in the market. Goodwill increases the sale and profit of the company and al;so assist in achieving desired result. Treating fairly- For a company, all consumers should be equal and should also be treated fairly without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, personal relationship etc. Discrimination leads to loss of customers as well as of market share. Customize products- The main objective of customer policy is to provide services or goods as per requirement of target market so that their needs can be satisfied. If organisation will provide products as per need then it will lead to increase in sales as well as in loyal consumers. Friendly behaviour- With the help of this policy, company can dissolve the problems of users in friendly manner which are most important element. If problems of target market will not be dissolved as soon as possible then they may switch to other brand and will spread negative word of mouth that will affect the business activities in negative manner. Better
relationship with their customers (Gilmour and et. al., 2013). Welcome feedback- An enterprise should take feedback from the customers because it helps in knowing about the drawbacks of the company as well as its products or services. If firm will know about their weaknesses then it can improve it by taking corerctive action which will provide support in attaining competitive advantages over it's
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competitors. In short, it can be say that, feedback aids the company in growing in a better way so that it can reach to its decided destination. Resource availability- Firm should have proper amount of resources so that it can full fill the demand of target market with in specific period of time (Jahanshahi and et. al., 2011). Train
should have
knowledge about the company's products or process so that they can give some innovative ideas to the business that can lead to increase in sales and profit. Training enhances the skills of manpower so that they can deal with their consumers in a polite and effective way. 2.1 Different communication method and how these can be used for best result Communication is very important for every company because it drives the company on the right path of success. It can be defined as a two way process by which individuals share their ideas, thoughts and views via media such as phone, emails etc. There are multiple ways by which management of Marriott hotel can communicate with their subordinates, which are given below Open meeting- It is a easier way for better communication. In this kind, supervisor conducts a meeting in which specific problem will be communicated to the team member. In current global environment, it is one of the best approach for communicating with team members. E-mails- Mostly, this method is used in every company. It will enable to pass messages to the subordinates without pulling them from their job. One to one- Mostly people believes that people can easily understand the things when they took away alone and talk to them on a one to one basis. While communicating with them, it should be ensued that proper eye contact should be maintained in the entire communication process (Jasmand, Blazevic and de Ruyter, 2012).
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 Presentations- It is one of the best tool for communication because through it, people can easily understand everything because of using graphics, images that more attract the individuals towards project.  Verbal communication- Marriott hotel can also use this method which can be done one to one, in a group or over a phone etc. This technique is best when management wants to convey message in detail or wants to give complement to anyone (Sadler, 2011). It is needed in many circumstances such as training, presentation, performance appraisals etc.
Illustration 1: verbal communication  Non verbal communication- In this, individual communicates with other person without using of words such as pitch, speed, volume, gestures, postures, eyes, touching etc.
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Illustration 2: Non-verbal communication  Written communication- This method is very important in every organisations. It includes emails, memos, reports and other documents which are the most important part in everyday business life. This techniques is useful when there is requirement of detailed instructions or when other party is too far away and is not easily to speak over the phones. With the help of this, communication can be done in an easy and effective manner and also reduces misunderstanding among the parties (Santouridis and Trivellas, 2010). Marriott hotel should have proper communication channel because it assists
communication then it will provide many benefits to the firm which are as given Less conflicts- If employer will communicate with their subordinates in a proper manner then it will reduce the misunderstanding between them and will create better working environment at work place.
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Strong relationship- Effective communication makes strong business as well as personal relationship because though it, person can know what actually people want and how to give it to them. Implementation of strategy- If there is proper conversation between employer and employees then management can easily implement new strategy in an effective and efficient manner and also can attain its desired result. 2.2 Analysis of customer perceptions and service provisions Customer perception can be defined as a consumer thinking related to company' products or services. In other terms, it can be say that it is a process by which users selects, organise the information about the firm to create the clear image of the brand or products. In this, consumers think a certain brand on their own decision which can be derived from the many factors such as price, overall experience etc. To analyse the consumer perception is very beneficial for the company because it can bring changes in the goods or services as per thinking of target market which will aid in increasing sales and profits of the organisation (Wilson and et. al., 2012). If customers have negative perception about its brand then Marriott hotel should take corrective action so that it can change the thinking of the people. There are many factors that influence the clients' perception which are given below Word of mouth- It is one of the biggest influential element which affects the consumer behaviour. If Marriott hotel will provide the better quality of services then consumers will spread positive word of mouth in the market that will assist in attracting potential users and other person will also want to take services from it. If users will increase then revenue of the company will also enhance (Lo, 2012). Previous experience- It is also one of the most important influential element in hospitality sector. If a person will have worst experience in
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previous stay then he will not take services from Marriott hotel again and will also spread negative word of mouth. Advertisement- If a company will give attractive advertisement then It will be able to attract consumers towards its services. Organisation can give advertisement into newspaper, on internet etc. Price and personal needs- It also affect the perception of buyers so an enterprise should set their price as per their target market's requirements so that they can afford it. SERVQUAL model is helpful in measuring the quality of services and has main objective is to identify the gap between customer expectation and the actual services that are provided by company at different stages of service delivery.
Gap 1- It is occurred when consumers are expecting something but management of company is perceiving other thing then it creates gap (Hulley and et. al., 2013). Gap 2- It is arise when there is poor service design and absence of customer defined service standards. Best Solution for Assignment Writing Problems in Australia
Gap 3- It arises when service design is properly but delivery of facilities is not effectively and efficiently due to having unskilled or unknowledgeable manpower. Gap 4- It is occurred when company is not serving the customers as per their promise which has done by it through advertisement. Gap 5- This difference occurs when expected service is different from experienced service.
TASK B (1) 3.1 Sources of information on customer requirements and satisfaction level Marriott hotel can collect information on consumer's requirement as well as their satisfaction level from the following sources which are given belowInternal source- In this type of source, organisation gathers information about their target market inside the business which includes the following things by which firm can collect data on customers Guest feedbacks- Every hotel has policy to take feedback from their clients at the time of checkout. This strategy is very helpful in knowing about the consumers requirements and drives the firm towards its decided destination. After collecting all feedbacks from the users, Marriott hotel can change accordingly so that it can satisfy the requirements of the guest and can convert to them into loyal clients. Guest record- At the time of check-in of consumers, hotels record the information about the clients such as from where they are coming, their name etc. which can be used in future for knowing about the requirements and their satisfaction level. From this collected data, organisation can know about their target market easily and accurately (Wilson and et. al., 2012). Guest complaints and compliments- Marriott hotel has a department which handles
only complaints
of the consumers. From these
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complaints, corporation can know easily that what consumers want in actual or what things gives more satisfaction to them and then accordingly it can change itself that assists in achieving vision and mission statement. If complaints of users will be sought out as soon as possible then it will give more pleasure to them and will convert to them into loyal. External
information outside the business which includes the following things by which it can gather data about customers' requirements and satisfaction level Research
requirements and satisfaction level, Organisations can hire a agency which will have main responsibility to identify the needs and wants of guest so that firm can deliver services as per their demand. It will assist the company in capturing large market share (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). Agency can collect information from the two technique which are given belowâ—Ś Primary research- In this type of investigation, researcher collects the data for the first time. It is carried out to solve a specific problems which is creating hindrances in business activities. In this, collected data is more reliable because investigator do not take help from any existing sources but directly goes to the market. In this type, information can be collected from the various sources which are as followsQuestionnaire- It includes various set of questions which will be related to the company and have some options that will be filled out by target market. With the help of this, enterprise can know about the satisfaction level of consumers.
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Observation- In this type of research, researcher directly observes the behaviour and attitude of guest by which company can know about it's clients. ◦ Secondary research- In this, investigator collects data from the existing sources such as books, library, internet, magazines, bulletins etc. It is used when organization is going to capture new market and is introducing new products or services in the market. 3.2 Analysis of customer requirements for Marriott hotel and suggestion from improvements Research aim- The aim of this task is to know about the customer's requirements and their satisfaction level in Marriott hotel and to provide further recommendation for the improvement (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). Objectives To identify the basis need and satisfaction level of consumers. To give suggestion for the improvement in services. To full fill the requirements of target market and to satisfy their needs. For knowing about the customers' requirement, company has used primary research in which questionnaire is filled by 20 sample and has used random sampling techniqueQuestionnaire NameGenderAge1. Have you taken services from Marriott International Hotel? Yes No 2. How satisfied are you with its services?
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Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied highly dissatisfied 3. Do you have any complaints regarding cleanliness of room? Yes No 4. Will you recommend this hotel to your family and friends? Definitely Probably Not sure Probably not 5. Would you take services again from it? Yes No
Theme 1: Customers uses services of Marriott hotel.
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14 12
12 10
Column B
6 4 2 0 Yes
Interpretation: When it is asked to the people that they have taken services from the Marriott then 12 individual say yes they had but 8 individuals say no, they had not. Theme 2: Customer' satisfaction
9 8 7 6 5 Column B
4 3 2 1 0 Highly satisfied
Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
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Interpretation- In Marriott hotel, 8 people are highly satisfied and 5 people are satisfied, 2 people did not give any answer, 3 guests are dissatisfied and 2 people are highly dissatisfied with its services. Theme 3: Consumers' complaints regarding cleanliness of rooms
20 18 16 14 12 10
Column B
8 6 4 2 0 Yes
Interpretation- 18 person say that they are satisfied with the cleanliness of rooms and wash rooms but 2 people say no they are not happy. Theme 4: Consumer's recommendation to their family and friends
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12 10 8 6
Column B
4 2 0 Definetely
Not sure
Probably not
Interpretation- 10 individual say that definitely they will recommend it to their friends, 5 people say probably, 2 people say not sure but 3 person say probably not. Theme 5: End users will take services again 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Yes
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Interpretation: When it asked to the people that they will take services again form this hotel then 15 people say that yes they but 5 individuals say No, they will not. Recommendation for improvement Marriott hotel can improve their customers' satisfaction level by following the way which are given below It should evaluate the quality of services and cleanliness of rooms on a regular basis so that consumers will be highly satisfied. It should start their business in that area where tourist and target market come more. At the time of check out of guest, feedback form should be filled by users by which it can know about its drawbacks and can take corrective action for improving it. It should hire best qualified employees who have knowledge and skills for dealing with the customers and should also providing training to their staff. It should be evaluated that there is proper availability of facilities or not and air conditioner is working properly or not. It should keep prices as per target market so that they can afford it. Customer satisfaction is very important because if consumers will be satisfied, they will remain in the company for a long period of time by which firm can reach to its decided destination. If Marriott hotel wants to increase customers satisfaction then it should provide training to its employees so that they can take care of guest in effective and efficient manner.
TASK B (2) 4.1 Customer service in Marriott hotel and service environment Every guest wants that they will get better services if they are paying full amount so Marriott hotel should provide facilities as per clients' requirement so that they will be satisfied and will become loyal consumers Best Solution for Assignment Writing Problems in Australia
towards its goods or services. Service quality will be good if it includes the following five elements which are given below Responsiveness- Quality of facilities will be treated good when management will provide prompt response to its guest if they have any issues. If company will sought out problems as soon as possible then it will increase the satisfaction level of guest. Assurance- Employees should have knowledge and courtesy so that they can assure the clients that they will provide the services as per their expectations. Empathy- While providing facilities to its consumers, management should put themselves into the shoes of consumers so that they can understand what actual consumers wants. Reliability- Organisation should have ability to perform that services which is promised by it. Tangibles- Appearance of physical facilities, equipments etc. that are used for providing the services to its consumers (Sharma and Lambert, 2013). Services of Marriott hotel will have these above mentioned element that its services will be assumed good and better. It can deliver best quality of facilities to its consumers if it follows the following task which are given below Know your consumers- If enterprise wants to achieve better result then it should identify their customers and their requirement so that it can serve top them accordingly and can attain its specified target. It will aid in increasing sales and revenue of the company. Respond as soon as possible- Corporation should sought out issues of end users so that they will get pleasure and happiness and will take services again. It will also enhance the goodwill of the company in the market.
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Keep the promises- Management of the firm should provide accurate that facilities which is promised by it. By keeping this promise, company can effectively deliver the services and can attain desired result. Along with, it will get loyalty of consumers. Thus it is the beneficial method through which they can attain large number of clients for their respective business concern (Sharma and Lambert, 2013). Keep the promise activity is a advantageous for long run survival of the entity. This helps them in attain the large range of market with their effective services. This effective service are important and helps them of their future growth. 4.2 Self reflection on customer service There are many skills and abilities which makes up my strength in a hotel industry. These capabilities have to be updated as per the work requirement on constant basis. Today, the market is very dynamic in nature and changes in different factors keep on coming. As an employee of Marriott hotel, I have to face every challenge with dedication and innovative approach. There are certain qualities which I have that act as my strength. Communication skills: These are the skills which I use to communicate with my colleagues, seniors, customers and clients in a right manner. They are very important for ensuring flow of information in a right direction and without any barrier. Commitment: I am committed towards my work as it provides me satisfaction and allows me to use creativity and innovation. This keeps me interested in my work and boost me to perform in a proper manner. Organise: I am able to organise different types of resources which assist me in keeping my work smooth and prepares me to overcome all the challenges.
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Team building and working: I have very good quality of connecting with people and perform in a team. I am able to motivate people to start working together and build more teams to achieve collective targets. These are my few qualities that boost my performance and ensure that i achieve all the targets and objectives in time. Even though there are some issues which have to be addressed for future growth and development: Knowledge regarding safety and hygiene: There are many laws which exist in hospitality sector and I have to address these issue. There are constant changes which keep on happening with time as to prepare laws as per future. Interpersonal skills: These are the skills which enhance customer service and interaction with other people. I have to fix this too. Leadership: I am shy and that stops me from leading people in a better way. Other issues: These are the issues which are related to lack of enthusiasm and motivation. I need to address these issues in order to ensure that I achieve a desired level of competence and I am prepared to face future challenges. There are certain activities which I need to attend to fix these issues: Research: I need to start researching about various laws and keep myself updated with the latest techniques adopted by other hotels and whole industry. Training and development: There are many types of training which will assist me in developing collective skills and abilities to the desired level. Take part in decision making: I need to start taking part in decision making. It will boost my leadership skills and motivate me in a right manner.
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 Seek guidance from seniors: I will also ask for the advices from my seniors who will use their experience to guide me in right direction.  Simulation training: This is a type of training where individual is put into a simulated scenario. This boost decision making as well as leadership skills. It also enhance enthusiasm in a person.
CONCLUSION Customers who are the most important stakeholder in a company because without having them, organisation can not attain it's specified target or mission or vision statement. For keeping the consumers in the company for a long period of time, firm should provide facilities and goods to them as per their requirement so that they become loyal users. From the above discussion, it is concluded that there are many reason for using consumer policy which provides many benefits like increase goodwill, market share of the company in the market. There are many methods by which management can communicate to their employees as well as to their clients such as verbal, non-verbal communication etc. This report also states that there are various factors which influence the mind of consumers such as word of mouth, past experience, advertisement etc. It also describes that there are five elements of service quality which are reliability, assurance, responsiveness etc.
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REFERENCES Books and journals ● Austin, W. J., 2011. The incommensurability of nursing as a practice and the customer service model: an evolutionary threat to the discipline. Nursing Philosophy. 12(3). pp.158-166. ● Bushberg, J. T. and Boone, J. M., 2011. The essential physics of medical imaging. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Chen, J. S. and Tsou, H. T., 2012. Performance effects of IT capability, service process innovation, and the mediating role of customer service. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 29(1), pp.71-94. ● Fletcher, R. H., Fletcher, S. W. and Fletcher, G.S., 2012. Clinical epidemiology: the essentials. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Ganguli, S. and Roy, S. K., 2011. Generic technology-based service quality dimensions in banking: Impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.International Journal of Bank Marketing .29(2). pp.168-189. ● Gilmour, P and, 2013. Customer service: differentiating by market segment.International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. ● Hulley, S. B. and et. al., 2013. Designing clinical research. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Jahanshahi, A. A and, 2011. Study the effects of customer service and product quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(7), pp.253-260. ● Jasmand, C., Blazevic, V. and de Ruyter, K., 2012. Generating sales while providing service: A study of customer service representatives' ambidextrous behavior. Journal of Marketing, 76(1), pp.20-37. ● Kelikian, A. S. and Sarrafian, S. K. eds., 2011. Sarrafian's anatomy of the foot and ankle: descriptive, topographic, functional. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Khan, F. M. and Gibbons, J. P., 2014. Khan's the physics of radiation therapy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Lo, B., 2012. Resolving ethical dilemmas: a guide for clinicians. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Sadler, T. W., 2011. Langman's medical embryology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Sadler, T. W., 2011. Langman's medical embryology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ● Santouridis, I. and Trivellas, P., 2010. Investigating the impact of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in mobile telephony in Greece.The TQM Journal .22(3). pp.330-343.
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