Sample Report on IT And Business Project

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IT AND BUSINESS PROJECT Best Solution for IT Assignment Writing Problems in Australia


INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................3 Drawing a terms of references for a project Board by using Prince 2 methodology.......................................................................................................................... 3 TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Developing Gantt chart reflecting phases and stages of review................4 2.2 Implementation of project and recommendation.............................................7 2.3 Test requirement of project 1 and setting out deliverables and responsibility.......................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Technical and contractual action as well as message to the stakeholders........................................................................................................................... 8 TASK 3...........................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Discussing the benefits and drawbacks which are associated with implementation of DSDM for Project 2.........................................................................9 3.2 Producing a risk register for the second project............................................ 10 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................13 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 14

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INTRODUCTION Business projects are undertaken by the firm with the motive to attain success in the highly strategic environment. In the recent time, IT advancements are taken place within the business unity the very high pace. Now, majority of the companies are using IT tools and techniques for managing the business projects more effectively and efficiently. Moreover, IT tools facilitate better decision making to a great extent by simplifying the large amount of information. The present report is based on the case situation of Brighter Futures which offer support or guidance to the young people regarding their career aspect. This report is based on two projects which will develop deeper insight about Prince 2 methodology, risk register and DSDM. Besides this, it will also shed light on the manner in which project management tools such as Gantt chart helps in managing the project effectually.

TASK 1 Drawing a terms of references for a project Board by using Prince 2 methodology PERINCE 2 methodology is highly significant which in turn helps in assigning roles to the different members of team on the basis of their expertise level. Such methodology is highly important which in turn helps in managing various aspects such as business case, plan, organization, quality, risk, change and progress. Hence all such seven principles provide high level of assistance in meeting all the criteria’s more effectively (PRINCE2 Project

Methodology, 2017). The given case situation presents that Brighter Finance is planning to share IT system for finance, HR and general procurement. In this, by following the principles PRINCE 2 methodology business unit can get the desired level of outcome or success. On the basis of such methodology by making competent plan Brighter future can improve its existing position and performance. Moreover, without having sound plan or framework it is

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not possible for the firm to direct its efforts in suitable manner. Along with this, through the means of monitoring, risk can be assessed by Brighter Future in a prominent way. Hence, by taking strategic action for the mitigation of risk within the specified time Brighter Future can attain success.

TASK 2 2.1 Developing Gantt chart reflecting phases and stages of review System development life cycle is also known as application development life cycle. It is also known by name systems engineering, information systems and software engineering.

Under this stage thee are different

phases like system investigation, system analysis and design etc. All these stages are performed in sequence and in this way project is completed. Different phases of system development are explained below.  System investigation: This is the first stage under the system development under which old system that was existing in the business firm is analyzed. The main objective of this stage is to do preliminary analysis (Benner, Feather and Zorman, 2014). In this stage first of all existing system is analyzed. In this stage business firm objectives, nature and scope of problem of is taken in to consideration. An attempt is made to prepare a system in such a way that to large extent or completely eliminate the business problem. In this stage after analysis of the existing system alternatives on which work can be done is identified and it is ensured that best one will be selected by the managers.  System analysis: This is the second stage under which system is analyzed. Project goals are defined and functions as well as operation of intended application is determined. This is the stage under which data is gathered and facts are interpreted.

The process that is

followed to diagnose a problem is determined (Bustard, Wilkie. and

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Greer, 2013). On analysis of information recommendations are determined that need to be followed in order to make system better. Thus, it can be said that this is the one of the crucial stage that one need to follow in order to develop system in better way. This is the reason due to which most of business firms give due importance to this stage.  Design: This is the stage under which different things are determined like screen layout, business rules, process diagrams and psedocode as well as other documentation. In this stage the way in which system will appear is determined. Apart from this, process in which system will work is determined (Henisch, 2014). For example if any firm is preparing database management system then process for query addressing is determined. In this stage the way in which system will address user query is determined. After determining all these things coding is done and software is developed. Thus, it can be said that on the basis of input provided in second stage software is developed.  Environments: Environment refers to the domain where developers build, install and configure the systems that move through system development life cycle. Environment is related to the varied areas of system development life cycle. There are number of example of environment






development integration


environment, testing and




build user


(Krishnamurthy, Ou and Tripathi, 2014). Development environment is the environment in which engineers work independently. They work collectively when work is merged. On other hand, there is another environment which is known by name common build environment. In this environment work is merged to build a combined system.  Testing: This is another important stage under which software is tested. Coding that was designed in the earlier stage is tested in this Best Solution for IT Assignment Writing Problems in Australia

stage and it is ensured that software is developed and working in proper manner. It must be noted that unit, testing and user acceptance is most frequently performed in this stage. Under waterfall model testing is done and how much testing will be done is determined (Lin. and, 2014). By performing testing in different stages defects that are in the software are identified and issues are fixed to solve the problem.  Training and transition: Training is another important stage under which first of all relevant employees are educated about the way in which software must be used. Extensive training program are operated so that more and more relevant employees can make effective use of software.  Operations and maintenance: This is the second last step and under this software maintenance is done. In this regard, time to time modifications is done in the software. It can be said that it is the one of the important stage of the software development.  Evaluation: This is the final stage of the system development under which same is evaluated and additional features are added if required. Task Mode Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul

Task Name

Duration Start


Predecessor s

System investigation 5 days

Thu 3/30/17

Wed 4/5/17

System analysis

8 days

Fri 3/31/17

Tue 4/11/17


60 days

Mon 4/3/17 Fri 6/23/17 2


10 days

Tue 4/4/17

Mon 4/17/17



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ed Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul ed Manuall y Schedul ed

Testing of software

2 days

Wed 4/5/17

Thu 4/6/17 4

Training and transition

10 days

Thu 4/6/17

Wed 4/19/17


Operations and maintenance

5 days

Fri 4/7/17

Thu 4/13/17



2 days

Mon 4/10/17

Tue 4/11/17


Figure 1Gantt chart 2.2 Implementation of project and recommendation In order to implement software process that will be followed for implementation of same is determined. Thereafter, engineer do software configuration and ensure that it is running in proper manner. In the third stage user acceptance testing is done and software is checked in terms of performance (Losada,

Urretavizcaya and Fernรกndez-Castro, 2013). In the

fourth stage cutover plan is prepared and under this transitioning from one system to new one is done. Cutover is prepared and executed and this plan

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is prepared to ensure that ongoing risk of transition from one system to another will be reduced substantially. Finally, in this stage system is completely implemented and users are asked to use the system. According to relevancy of system different operations are performed by the users. 2.3 Test requirement of project 1 and setting out deliverables and responsibility Systems that are related to finance and HR as well as other departments will be tested. Under the testing process the extent to which these three systems are integrated with each other will be identified. Chief engineer will be responsible to do system testing and during testing it will identify the extent to which systems are performing well (Sarigiannidis, and Chatzoglou, 2014). After checking of entire system chief engineer will send report to the top manager about performance of system. In this way entire system testing is done and responsibility is fulfilled. 2.4 Technical and contractual action as well as message to the stakeholders In order to control rumors technical and contractual action will be taken and under this employees and users will be well educated about system. Data transformation is a very tough task and there is a very high risk of same is data is not transferred in better manner (ThĂźm. and, 2014). Important message will give to the relevant entities which are stakeholder of the business firm and under this it will be communicated to them that data that is stored is safe and will safety transferred from server so that data can be kept safe and server can be upgrade in better manner. Data migration is the one of the most important project under which servers are upgraded and replaced. Data migration is also done when websites are consolidated and server is maintained as well as data is relocated to data center (VĂślter and, 2013). Hence, it can be said that there is significantly importance of contractual action and message to the stakeholders. Through different channel of communication contact will be established with the varied

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stakeholders. Like investors will be contacted through annual general meeting.

TASK 3 3.1 Discussing the benefits and drawbacks which are associated with implementation of DSDM for Project 2 DSDM may be served as a one of the leading agile approach that place high level of emphasis on aligning benefits or deliverables with the organizational goals and objectives.

Such methodology or approach lays

more focus on facilitating workshops (GemĂźnden, Huemann and Martinsuo, 2013). Along with this, DSDM is highly associated with the continuous development of project. On the basis of the cited case situation project is highly associated with the development of information system. In this, Brighter futures firm have taken decision in relation to moving from predominantly face to face method from social media. Moreover, information which is provided by the firm through the mean of E-click is not highly interactive and attractive. Further, cited case situation shows that now firm is facing financial issues and difficulties due to the changes take place in the policies of government. Hence, now with the motive to attain success business units have taken decision in relation to the appointing highly skilled personnel such as 300 including both part and full time.

Hence, by focusing on new

technological aspects business unit can improve its financial position and performance. In this regard, by using such approach Brighter Future and other three firms of similar industry are placing emphasis on using DSDM approach which maximizes user involvement to the significant level. DSDM includes three phases such as pre-project, life cycle and post project phase. Hence, by going through from such phases Brighter Future can complete information system project in the best possible way.

Benefits: There are several benefits which are offered by DSDM approach to the business organization. Such approach gives more priority to Best Solution for IT Assignment Writing Problems in Australia

the aspect of continuous development which in turn enhances the quality of product significantly. In the context of Brighter Future, by making continuous monitoring of performance of e-clips and users involvement aspect business unit can make suitable modifications (Adak and YumuĹ&#x;ak, 2013). Along with this, active user participation throughout the life cycle also may result into greater improvements. Further, DSDM ensures rapid deliveries and provides high level of assistance in reducing the cost level.

Drawbacks: Such model is highly difficult to understand because it is relatively low. This aspect highly limits the significance of DSDM method because in the absence of having proper knowledge it is not possible for the firm to execute it in an appropriate manner. Along with this, all the three organization including Brighter Future has to make significant changes in the cultural aspects (Azimi and, 2011). Besides this, it is not cheaper for the firm to switch from other technology to DSDM. Further, model of DSDM is highly appropriate for the specific situation. Hence, business unit should keep in mind all such aspects while taking decision in relation to the adoption of DSDM. Moreover, there are several drawbacks which might create difficulty in the implementation of project 2 namely IS development. 3.2 Producing a risk register for the second project Risk






a document



information regarding the risks which will be faced by the company. Along with this, it also contains information regarding the ways through which risk can be managed by the firm in an effectual way (Wirtz, Schilke and Ullrich, 2010). Hence, risk register may be served as a management tool which in turn helps in reducing the ratio of failure to a great extent. S. No. 1

Risks Deliverables

Ways to mitigate it By making comparison of the actual output in against


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predetermined business




monitor performance on periodical basis. By this, business unit can assess deviations suitable

within frame

the and

thereby would become able to take corrective action. 2

IT breakdown







breakdown by making proper maintenance of equipments (Lushey and Munro,



using highly advanced tools Brighter future can complete the project of information


timely. 3

Duplication of work

Through the means of the delegation of roles and





avoid duplication. 4

Financial risk

Brighter manage





through the means of budgeting

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provides deeper insight to the personnel about the








money (Zott, Amit and 2011).



the means of budgeting Brighter



make optimum use of funds. 5

Time management risk

By preparing schedule or



plan Brighter Future can accomplish the project on






development. 6


co-ordination: Risk in relation to co-





entails ordination of



the mitigated by the firm

employees will do work through the means of from



this, proper work allotment

issue regarding the co- or


ordination will be faced (Storbacka, by



Brighter futures.

of Hence, specific







personnel duplication in the work of IT system can



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Further, by organizing periodical meeting and video










CONCLUSION On the basis of above discussion it is concluded that software development is a very tough process and individual have to consider number of factors for development of same. By considering number of factors software can be developed in the systematic manner. High level of delegation must be formed and in same large number of things must be discussed deeply. By doing so it can be ensured that software will be developed in proper manner and same will work in best manner. It is also concluded that number of stakeholders must be taken in to consideration in order to ensure that all features that are required by the client will be inbuilt in software.

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REFERENCES ● Adak, M. F. and Yumuşak, N., 2013. Hpcs: A Web Based Homework & Project Control System. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 106. pp. 1378-1383. ● Azimi, R. and, 2011. A framework for an automated and integrated project








projects. Automation in Construction. 20(1). pp. 88-97. ● Benner, K.M., Feather, M.S. and Zorman, L.A., 2014. Utilizing scenarios in the software development process. Information system development

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transport and reaction processes in diffusion media, with software development. Elsevier. ● Krishnamurthy, S., Ou, S. and Tripathi, A.K., 2014. Acceptance of monetary rewards in open source software development. Research Policy. 78(4). pp.632-644. ● Leary, M. R., 2016. Introduction to behavioral research methods. Pearson.

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