Exam 1- That one team

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The One Find the leader in you

Halloween Special

So magic intrigues you ‌ what kind of wizard will you be this Halloween ?

Excellent choice‌ Gandalf you shall be

Gandalf as Servant Leader

Gandalf portrays as a servant leader by having a shared vision to destroy the One Ring and make peace to Middle Earth • He has faith in his followers, especially Frodo Baggins, who at times can be doubtful and discouraged at the task of protecting the One Ring • Gandalf lays out tasks for all of his followers and follows through by keeping his word protecting against the evil Sauron • He has the end game in mind; the defeat of Sauron, and the good of all man, dwarf, elf, and hobbit in Middle Earth

Gandalf’s Inner Drives • Gandalf has a purpose; to destroy the One Ring, and to have all of his followers stay alive in the pursuit of freeing Middle Earth from evil • He has this purpose through mastery of being a wizard and being able to use his knowledge of spells and enchantments to aid his followers

• Gandalf’s act of empowerment of Frodo proves he has the confidence in the hobbit • He doesn’t give up on Frodo and him being the ring-bearer • Frodo proves himself as being empowered and taking it upon himself to rise up against adversity and get the job done

So You Want To Be KING of the Jungle?

Don’t forget to walk the walk and talk the talk.

Will you be more like Scar? • Scar leads through control of others, he doesn’t ask for their opinions on his methods or help get the job he’s asking for done. • There is a big difference between being a respected leader and a feared one. Scar doesn’t have the respect of his subjects all he has is fear so he can never show a weak moment • Its is evident that Scar has very low EQ. he lets his emotions (anger and jealousy) control ALL his decisions. For example the entire reason Scar devised his “genius” plan to dethrone his brother started all because of jealousy. • To put it simply he has no concept of self- regulation.

Or t he respect ed Mufasa is anMufasa? example of a great and humble leader.

• Has a level head, for example although he gets frustrated with Simba and his brother he keeps his cool and uses his frustration as a means for teaching. • Respected greatly by his subjects. If the opening “Circle of Life” scene in The Lion King tells you anything about Mufasa, its that he is king and his subjects are content with that, even happy. • Knowledgeable. His knowledge is his power, this is how he gains the respect of others and is such a great father to Simba. • Its clear Mufasa is a true leader with high EQ and a servant- leader

Looking to be the ultimate “Scarer” this Halloween? Ask the Best and the Baddest … Sully and Randal !

Ask your favorite “Scarer” how he’s so successful as a leader! Q: Why do you think you have been such a successful leader over the years, Sully? A: Well, it takes more than just talent and knowledge to be a leader. You have to be a leader with a strong emotional intelligence. Q: What do you think the most important part of leadership is? A: This answer can be different for everyone, but I think the most important part of leadership is having a good sense of self-awareness. Know your feelings and how everyone around you is feeling. You not only have to be honest with others, but yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help, and remember, don’t let the minor setbacks, keep you from achieving your goals! But after self-awareness comes self-regulation. This is kind of like a step up from self-awareness. You need to see your emotions and others emotions for what they are and do something with your surroundings, even if you don’t like it.

Q: How do you help the other “scarers” succeed? A: I take pride in what I do an always try to better myself. I love scaring and have a passion for it. I use my motivation for the job to help the others succeed. Q: Do you think of the other “Scarers” when you are racking up the numbers? A: Yes, I think about them and how they are feeling. For them to succeed I need to take their feelings into account. Sometimes my decisions don’t please everyone, but I make sure to take everyone’s feelings into consideration. Q: Why do you think you’re a good leader? A: I believe I’m a good leader because I have good social skills. Social skills are kind of like putting everything I’ve talked about together. I maintain healthy relationships with all of my coworkers and manage the scaring floor very well.

Ask Sully… Part 2! Q: Do you think you are the best leader on the floor? A: I know I’m one of the strongest leaders, but I wouldn’t say I’m the best. Many people bring different things to the table, like my bestfriend Mike. He shows self-regulation all the time on the floor. Whenever any part of the human world comes into Monsters Inc. everyone freaks out and doesn’t know how to handle themselves. Mike is the one who is always calms and regulates his feelings great. He helps everyone out and makes sure nothing horrible happens.

Q: What “scarer” shows a poor sense of leadership? A: I think Randall shows a poor sense of leadership. He is a good “scarer,” and racks up the numbers, but he doesn’t have good leadership. He knows he is better than some of the other “scarers” and he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Also, he gets very angry when he see’s other people succeed. Especially when I won the scaring record back from him. Randall sometimes shows characteristics of a stereotypical leader.

Ask Randall! Q: Do you think you are a good leader? A: Of course I’m a good leader. I’m one of the best “scarers” on the floor. I know what I’m doing and I believe everyone should look up to me! Q: What do you think the most important concept of leadership is? A: To be a good leader you have to know a lot about what you are leading the others to do. Also, you have to be able to boss people around, know how to control others and the most If you have seen the movie, it’s important thing is to make sure you win or succeed at what you are doing. easy to see that Randall is not a very good leader. You can also see this by just reading his answers to just a couple questions. Randall takes more of a stereotypical approach to leader ship. Rather than using an emotionally intelligent

Interested in sparkling this Halloween? UP NEXT: A fashion forward interview with Tinker Bell!

Halloween Fashion Scoop. For any Halloween party Tinker Bell’s look is it; with her green leafy dress and green leafy shoes with a soft cotton ball to add to her sweet personality and her golden and sparkly blonde hair pinned up in an up do bun, Tinker Bell has all the fairy fashionista wanting her style. But wait, she doesn't have one? This is what she told me after we had an exclusive interview about her fashion style and how she has impacted her community with being a socially skilled go getter fairy. Q: Girl, how do you stay so fashionable with all the adventures you go on? A: I just do. Um, I was always taught by Fairy Mary (Supervisor fairy over the tinkers) that if you work hard you can also look the part as well. Q: Do you have a stylist that helps you pick out your looks? A: Oh, no, I designed these by myself. One thing people don’t know about me is I love designing clothes I also designed some of my friend’s dresses too. Q: What could you tell any inspiring fairy who wants to become a leader like you? A: I would tell them to be come a go getter, meaning focusing on themselves inwardly. First, being self aware of your strengths and weakness for example I know I am not good with parting water like Silvermist but I can help her by building something. Honesty is key. Then you have to regulate your emotions and understand how you feel. If I had a quarter every time I was frustrated with Vidia, the fast flying fairy, I would be rich. But, I always take the time to understand her and why she acts the way she does. Q: Do you think anyone can learn this? A: Yes, any one can. You just have to be willing to learn and want to change. Motivation is always key too because I get so lazy with trying to understand the fairies but I have to remind myself to have empathy meaning be understanding to understand people’s feelings and also be fashionable while you do it…… (Continue on to the next page.)

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The Fashion Scoop Continues… There is nothing like a colorless fairy with a go getter mind. But, to be serious, any fairy can be a leader because leaders are not born they are made. When I look into the mirror there are things in my life I need work on that I am blind to. A: Thank you for bringing this up because it is my next question. So, Tink when we polled your friends and other fairies they said I quote, “Tink is the sweetest fairy if you ever need help, Tink is the one to call.” “Tink was a big help when the spring fairies needed to gather all of the bugs, flowers, acorns and animals so we can be on time to go to the mainland.” With all of this said, what are something's we do not know about Tinkerbell? Q: Aw, my friends are so sweet. Everyone knows I am a helper that is not a secret but some stuff people do not know is I love to eat all the honey from the honey combs every morning and I lie and say it was Vidia. Something that is known to myself is I was the one who decide to play a prank on Fairy Mary that got the whole village of Tinkers in trouble and the things is I didn’t get in trouble. That is our little secret. A: Ha ha, cool. So going back to being a leader. Do you think to be a good go getter fairy you need to look in the mirror at your flaws and things that you are good at to become a leader? Q: I believe so. If you do not have confidence in what you are good at and being aware of what you need to work on; how can you lead a group of fairies? Looking into the mirror can help anyone become a well rounded socially skilled go getter. But first remember to take your time and know that you are going to make mistakes and in those mistakes are lessons to be learned. Q: Thank you so much Tink for the interview. A: No, thank you.

y b s n o i h s a f e r o M Tink

The Nightmare Before Christmas (Transformational Leader) Jack Skeleton from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is a perfect An example of a transfortmtional leader because he demonstrates 4 of the major characteristics.

1. Create Shared Vision: One day jack grew old of doing the same thing year after year, until one day he stumbled across Christmas town, who was preparing for the annual Christmas holiday. After his discovery of Christmas town Jack returned to Halloween town and shared his findings.

2. Motivate people to buy into his vision: After Jack called a town meeting and told the people of Halloween town of his findings he was able to persuaded the people to get on board with changing the tradition. Jack then declared they were taking over Christmas.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (Transformational Leader Part 2) 3.Manage delivery of the vison: after coming to the conclusion that Halloween town was going to take over Christmas, Jack gave out specific roles. Although everyone in Halloween town didn’t understand the dynamics of Christmas they, followed their leader. 4. Build trust-based relationships with your people: It is obvious throughout the story that the people of Halloween town trust jack as a leader. Although jack was so blinded to the trouble he was causing by his interest in Christmas, the towns people still followed him. Also after jack realized the mess he had created, he lead by example in fixing the problems he had caused which showed major leadership.

More of Jack’s Leadership Characteristics: -

He stets high expectations and standards for his followers, with his many ideas on the perfect Halloween.


Jack is very dominant and aware of his role as a leader and takes full advantage of it.


Jack is also constantly growing as a leader, with him learning of his many mistakes.

This concludes our Halloween issue. Be sure to look out for our Christmas issue in the upcoming months!!!

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