COM 357
Public Speaking
Why study Public Speaking in What are we going to learn the 21st century? about in this class?
Public speaking is the most valuable tool we have in our “global society (just look at the popularity of Ted Talks alone). Every word we SAY and TYPE (through social media) has the potential to impact the world around us. However, not every voice will be heard. Only the most credible, passionate, and charistmatic voices will be heard. If you want to make a difference in the world around you, it is IMPERATIVE you learn how to speak clearly, credibly, and passionately to your audience otherwise your voice will not be heard.
MWF 10-11 AM - MOORE 206 - CRN: 22231783 Instructor: Adam Barragato (left) Office: Moore 221E (Moore Second Floor, across from men’s bathroom) Office Hours: M/W/F: 11-12 Thursday: 12-2 OR BY APPT. E-mail: (I will respond within 24 hours unless you e-mail me on Saturday night/Sunday. In those cases I will not respond until Monday morning).
-How to organize, outline, and deliver four DIFFERENT types of speeches. -Critically evaluate our own work as well as the work of others. -Deliver speeches that are intended to be remembered. We will learn HOW to appreciate... -Preparation -Hard work -Creative thinking -Research -Constructive feedback As a result... -We will be confident to share our words with the WORLD!
“Speech is persuade, to convert, to compel.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where to find it... Contact Info
Grading Structure
Course Policies
Classroom Conduct
Appropriate Dress
How to succeed/ FAQ’s
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Required Textbook: There is a course pack that is REQUIRED. You will be asked to bring this to class with you every time we meet. It’s available at the CMU Bookstore. You cannot pass the class without it. Other Requirements: You need appropriate dress clothes to wear for all four speeches (please see page 3 for details). You also need access to a computer and internet for your homework assignments. Contact me immediately if either of these requirements are a problem for you. Page 1
Grading Structure
Course Policies
Note: Extra credit is only available to dedicated students who have completed all HW and quizzes. 1. HOMEWORK POLICY In order to earn full credit on your homework, you need to bring a hard copy to class. In most cases, your course pack will offer the questions from the reading and/or video (on blackboard). I need proof that you have have come prepared to class to share your thoughts from the previous night’s reading and/or watching. Please allow time every night to do HW. 2. YOU PRESENT ON THE DAY YOU ARE SCHEDULED Granted, there is the possibility of emergencies which will be taken on a case-by-case basis (assuming a finished outline/manuscript is submitted to blackboard ON TIME). However, failure to provide proper excusable evidence (decided by me) in a timely and respectable fashion will result in a 10% deduction of your speech grade each day it is not delivered. If handled disrespectfully or untimely, you may not be allowed to present the speech in question.
Note: Regardless of what day you present, all outlines/manuscripts are due on the first day of presentations via Blackboard. Note: All HW for the entire year is on blackboard under HW (each folder has a unit number with the specific HW information). The schedule will have all of the due dates in case you forget to check blackboard. Note: Grades will be updated on blackboard in a timely fashion. Divide your total points earned by the total points in the class. to know where you stand.
3. MANDATORY SPEECH DAY ATTENDANCE You are allowed to miss TWO speech days for ANY REASON you need. If you miss more than two speech days you are subject to penalty of 5 points per day from the total amount of points. Look above for more information. 4. BE RESPECTFUL TO EVERYONE To be respectul in this class you will listen intently to everyone’s speech (without use of technology). You will then offer constructive, well thought out feedback. You will also listen and participate during class. 5. OFFICE HOURS VS. E-MAIL I prefer face-to-face conversations instead of e-mail, especially for difficult questions (i.e. feedback on your drafts). I will GLADLY review your work in person. Appointments can be made upon request (outside of office hours). Either way, please don’t be a stranger. I hope you come by my office regularly!
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” ~Vince Lombardi Page 2
What type of Audience member will you be in this class? I value your hard work in this class! Please read carefully --->
ATTENDANCE: When you do show up, you’re rarely prepared and do not take notes.
ATTENDANCE: You show up prepared and ready to take notes most of the time.
ATTENDANCE: You show up prepared, ready to take notes, and willing to learn.
PARTICIPATION: You sit back and rarely participate with questions and comments if at all.
PARTICIPATION: You offer valuable input and strong questionsfrom time-to-time.
PARTICIPATION: I ask others to participate since you offer so many great ideas!
ESTIMATED GRADE: It will be hard to earn a C for competency with lack of effort.
ESTIMATED GRADE: C+ to B range, for average to above average effort.
ESTIMATED GRADE: I would be surprised if you did not earn an A due to hard work.
Appropriate Dress (for speech presentations) MEN 1. Shirts should be ironed and tucked in. 2. Faded T-shirts, shorts, or torn clothing attire are NOT appropriate. 3. Suit jacket is NOT required. Tie is recommended. 4. Black or brown dress shoes should replace street shoes. WOMEN 1. Please dress comfortably and appropriate. 2. Dress pants and “dressy” shirts are acceptable. 3. leggings are not appropriate dress pants (unless worn as tights under a dress or a skirt).
Winston Churchill is known as an EXTREMELY influential public speaker whose words helped lead a nation at a very dark time. However, Winston had to work VERY hard to become the speaker he is known as today. And, most importantly he was VERY well dressed!
“There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars”. ~Mark Twain Page 3
Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I do well in this class if I’m a “bad public speaker?” A: Research shows that in order to be an “expert” you need to have practiced something deeply for at least 10,000 hours. That being said, I don’t expect anyone to have logged that many hours in public speaking. I assume you are ready to log your first hour with me (whether that is true or not, it should make you feel more comfortable). The only way you could be deemed a “bad public speaker” would be if you chose not to practice the skills you learned in this class. Remember, you cannot be bad at something you have never done before. Put time, effort, and honest thought into your work throughout the year and ask me for feedback along the way. Remind yourself that this is a learning process. If you do these things, at the end of the semester you will be surprised to find you are NOT a bad public speaker after all. Q: Why do we have homework? A: There is LIMITED class time for me to explain important information. Therefore, in order to fit all the speeches into the semester you need to come prepared to class with a basic understanding of the material so we can immediately apply it. Q: Is there extra credit? A: In the conventional sense, no. You have ENOUGH work to do in this class already. The evalautions for all speeches are at your fingertips AND I provide you with the questions for the final exam weeks in advance. If you do all the HW and Quizzes as a result you will earn extra credit.
Tips for Success 1. SHOW UP and PARTICIPATE. Woody Allen says that 90% of life is just showing up. That’s not entirely true, just showing up is not enough. I need you to participate as well. Make sure that when you show up you HAVE prepared from the previous nights homework. SET ASIDE 30 MINUTES BEFORE EACH CLASS PERIOD FOR HOMEWORK. SET ASIDE EXTRA TIME FOR SPEECHES. 2. ASK QUESTIONS. I LOVE when people ask questions. Remember, the easiest way to get past your current level of confusion is to ask someone for assistance (you might be surprised how willing they are to help you - check out the first speech example on the squeaky wheel proverb). 3. DON’T TAKE FEEDBACK PERSONALLY. Read my comments as you watch your recorded speech (yes, I video tape each speech and upload it t blackboard for you to watch). Please know that I want you to grow, so I will be honest but also constructive. If I EVER come off hurtful or destructive LET ME KNOW. It is not be my intetion. I struggle with handling feedback from speeches I deliver as well. Feel free to come to my office and ask for help with this.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. ~Jim Rohn Page 4