all Group Communication
COM 353
MW 2-315 - Moore CRN: 2231781 - MOORE 214 MW 330-445 - Moore CRN: 2231782 - MOORE 214 TR 930-1045 - Moore CRN: 2231766 - MOORE 214 Instructor: Adam Barragato (left) Office: Moore 221E (Moore Second Floor, across from men’s bathroom) Office Hours: MWF: 11-12 Thursday: 12-2 OR BY APPT. E-mail: (I will respond within 24 hours unless you e-mail me on Saturday night/Sunday. In those cases I will not respond until Monday morning).
Required Texbooks:
What are we going to learn? 1. The Five Dysfunctions of a We will learn HOW to.. Team. 1. Work in groups as an effective system with clear clear goals and direction. 2. Motivate team members to work passionately through leadership. 3. Resolve conflict appropriately and productively. 4. Create innovative solutions using creative problem solving. & We will learn HOW to appreciate... 2. Maestro: a surprising story Listening about leading by listening. Conflict Resolution Cooperation Hard Work As a result... We will learn how to properly address the common individual behaviors among teams that cause dysfunction.
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” ~Michael Jordan
Where to find it...
Contact Info
Grading Structure
Course Policies
Classroom Conduct
Common Behaviors To avoid
How to succeed/ FAQ’s
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Required Books: Both books are REQUIRED. They are available at the CMU Bookstore and SBX. They are also available on Amazon. Make sure you have both books for the SECOND day of class. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $35-$40. Required for Each Class: A writing utensil, notepad, and binder to hold all the handouts and notes. Laptops are allowed for note taking if do not get too distracted. NOTE: HW IS DUE EVERY CLASS (with the exception on days with presentations and exams) Page 1
Grading Structure
Course Policies
NOTE: Details regarding HW, Presentations, Papers, and Individual Asssessment can be found on BLACKBOARD at all TIMES during the semester. 1. HOMEWORK POLICY
In order to earn full credit on your homework, you need to bring a hard copy to class. I need proof that you have have come prepared to class to share your thoughts from the previous night’s reading. Please allow at least 30-45 minutes every night to do HW. I WILL NOT ACCEPT HW VIA E-MAIL EVEN IF YOU ARE SICK.
You are allowed to miss TWO days for ANY REASON you need. If you miss more than two days you are subject to penalty of 5 points per day up to 25 points. Look above for more information.
EVERYONE has been in bad groups before. However, most of the reasons groups FAIL is because they never learn how to work as a TEAM. It is important that you do not fall victim to the same behaviors that you have exhibited in the past. Having people e-mail you the information the night before, or delegating tasks to people you don’t know veyr well does NOT help. However, in times of stress, it’s easy to go back to “old habits” (i.e. doing all the work yourself - see memes on next page). Please trust me. This is NOT a good idea. MOVE FORWARD. FORGET THE PAST.
To be respectul in this class you will listen intently to everyone during class discussion and presentations (without use of technology). You will show up prepared for class and ready to share your ideas, opinions, or concerns with me. 5. OFFICE HOURS VS. E-MAIL
I prefer face-to-face conversations instead of e-mail, especially for difficult questions. I LOVE when students come to talk to me about their life, future career, or other classes. Appointments can be made upon request (outside of office hours). Either way, please don’t be a stranger. I hope you come by my office regularly!
“Collaboration, it turns out, is not a gift from the gods but a skill that requires EFFORT and PRACTICE.” ~Douglas B. Reeves Page 2
What type of TEAM member will you be in this class? I value your hard work in this class! Please read carefully --->
ATTENDANCE: When you do show up, you’re rarely prepared and do not take notes.
ATTENDANCE: You show up prepared and ready to take notes some of the time.
ATTENDANCE: You show up prepared, ready to take notes, and willing to learn.
PARTICIPATION: You sit back and rarely participate with questions and comments if at all.
PARTICIPATION: You believe most of this is common sense, mainly being critical/ disengaged in class.
PARTICIPATION: You are OPEN to new ideas and ALWAYS offer unique insight.
ESTIMATED GRADE: It will be hard to earn a C for lack of effort.
ESTIMATED GRADE: C- to C+ range, for average effort.
ESTIMATED GRADE: I would be surprised if you did not earn an A due to hard work.
FYI: Avoid Group Common Behaviors The picture on the LEFT emphasizes some reality in group projects. Even when teams do EVERYTHING by the book, they can still fall victim to team members like the ones we see stereotyped in movies like “The Hangover.” The “roles” that people take on are sometimes because that’s how they are treated. Either way, talk to ME if there is a problem with your team members IMMEDIATELY. The longer you wait, the harder it is for me to help out. The picture on the RIGHT also emphasizes some reality in group projects. However, please don’t engage in this type of thinking. “Delegating” parts of the project without any type of accountability or checkup can lead to a disjointed or uncompleted project. Sadly, both “memes” demonstrate NORMAL group thinking. This type of behavior, although “natural” to most of us, does NOT produce quality work. The GOAL of this class is to help you find out how YOUR natural human behaviors ACTUALLY HINDER groups from being successful and offer help to make changes.
“Great teams do not hold back with one another...They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” ~Patrick Lencioni Page 3
Frequently Asked Questions Q: What if I get STUCK with a BAD GROUP?” A: It will be a terrific learning opportunity for you. Getting “stuck” in a bad group means that you will have to learn how to deal with difficult people in a learning environment. However, I am available to mediate groups that have more dysfunction than usual. Every team will have their own problems. The best way to deal with it is to keep me informed the moment there is a problem. Depending on the severity, I will talk with the individual or individuals in question with the entire group present. Also, the “individual assessments” are a way to monitor whether or not your team members are pulling their weight. Q: Why do we have homework? A: There is LIMITED class time for me to explain all of the important information during class time. Therefore, in order to address all the important information in a significant way, you need to come prepared to class with a basic understanding of the material so we can immediately apply it and use it in your teams. It is Important to note that you do have to be present in class in order to earn credit for your HW. Q: Why do I have to be PRESENT to earn credit for HW? A: Just doing the homework is not enough. It is important that you bring your homework as a PROMPT to discuss your thoughts with the class. Doing this allows you to apply what you learned and review the major ideas for clarification and reinforcement.
Tips for Success 1. SHOW UP and PARTICIPATE. Woody Allen says that 90% of life is just showing up. That’s not entirely true, just showing up is NOT enough. I need you to participate as well. Make sure that when you show up you HAVE come prepared to discuss the previous night’s homework and readings. SET ASIDE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES BEFORE EACH CLASS FOR HW. SET ASIDE EXTRA TIME FOR GROUP PROJECTS AND INDIVIDUAL PAPERS. 2. ASK QUESTIONS. I LOVE when people ask questions. Remember, the easiest way to get past your current level of confusion is to ask someone for assistance. Whether you ask the question in class, via e-mail, or in person, I’m glad to respond in a positive way to encourage you. 3. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. Past experience may have taught you can wait until the last minute for major exams, papers, and projects. Unfortunately, that will NOT work in this class. This class is DESIGNED to make sure that you DEMONSTRATE A DEEP UNDERSTANDING of the content through application. It’s not enough to JUST have the knowledge, you also need to APPLY it in your group.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. ~Jim Rohn Page 4