Why Your SEO Isn’t Working If you’ve noticed that your SEO methods are not bringing in any results for your business, it’s time to evaluate the situation and determine what is going wrong. There are many different reasons why your SEO methods may not be paying off, and only when you figure out exactly why will you be able to make the changes needed to see change. This checklist can help you determine which methods are actually helping with your SEO and which are hurting it. The first thing you need to look at is the content on your business page. Is the information you’re providing actually giving your readers something they can use? Your reader needs to read what you are proving them and gain some new and useful information. There is so much competition on the web, and when it comes to your business, you need to be aware that your competitors are learning more about the best uses of SEO every day. In order to beat them at their own game, the content you provide needs to be better in every way, shape or form. It needs to attract your reader from the very first sentence and keep them hanging on until the end. Think of it as helping your reader feel as if they are in a conversation with someone who is a real expert in the biz. The second thing you need to check out are the back links your using on your page. Believe it or not, the pages you link back to play an important role in the success of your search engine optimization. One thing that Google noticed was that people were linking back to irrelevant internal and external links on their pages. This was also deemed as a negative and no longer helps out a business’s SEO. You need to create links that are relevant to the content you are providing and to outside sources that have more valuable information to provide to your reader. You also don’t want to link to the same sites that all your competitors do. This isn’t going to help you out, only hurt you by keeping you at the same level as the other businesses offering similar services. Quality linking is key, so don’t put this last on your list. You home page also plays a huge role in the success of your business SEO. Even if you’ve filled your website with great information and quality links, the condition of your homepage can make it useless. When your homepage is filled with too much stuff, it can cause your site visitor to bounce back to the search results, which will also hurt your rankings. You want to be sure that your website is clean, easy to navigate and as an added bonus, you should consider making your website have a mobile version. People love when they can access the info for their mobile devices. If you’re looking for a great SEO company to help with your business, trust Best Edge SEO to get the job done right. You can learn more about their services by visiting http://www.bestedgeseo.com/.