Questions You Need to Ask Before Acquiring Live Chat Services With the rapid technological enhancements around the world, businesses are making use of diverse channels of customer support for providing maximum convenience to their customers. If you are seeking a live chat service provider to completely outsource your website’s live support then you need to be very careful while selecting your service provider. The budget is main concern for most of the online entrepreneurs and they are always in search of cost efficient services. Simply finding the top rated live chat service provider is not a big deal. Instead, finding the one which is also affordable is what you need to do. There are many factors which are vital for providing up-to-the-mark customer support service therefore, before you finalize your service provider, here are some questions you must ask upfront:
Q1. Can I virtually manage my resources and lookup their activities? Outsourcing your online customer services to a live support company does not mean that you are no longer going to have any updates regarding your online support. In fact your chat service vendor should provide you complete access to monitoring the activities being conducted by the chat operators appointed for you. You should be able to track the number of current visitors on your website and check complete activity of your chat operators.
Q2. Would I have access to the chat transcripts? Your live chat support service provider should give you complete access to the chat transcripts so that you can judge the level of service, which is being provided to your customers over chat. This way, you can not only track and scrutinize the ability of your chat operators but can also analyze the latest customer trends, and see what your customers want. Regularly checking out your chat transcripts lets you enhance your business and improve the overall quality of your products and/or services.
Q3. Do you offer customization? If you are conscious about building a unique and reputable brand, you must be quite conscious about the appearance of your website too. If your live chat window is not in accordance with your business theme color, it would always look odd. Professional and reputable online chat companies such as WebGreeterÂŽ offer complete customization, letting you choose your own colors and theme for the chat window. This promotes your brand and lets you create a unique corporate identity.
Q4. How secure is my chat record? Whether you are running an online store or a services company, working with a fully secure and dependable online chat services vendor is too crucial for you. Your chat transcripts are to be stored on a secure server. Therefore you should make sure that your chat service vendor uses chat-encryption method which cannot be intervened from in between. Providing a fully secure chat becomes even more crucial if you offer financial or legal services, since your clients trust you with their confidential information. Without asking a chat vendor for clarification to these questions and concerns, you should not outsource your online support services to them.