Mixmag Analysis 2 Adam Michael King
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On the front cover of this mixmag magazine it includes the words DRUG SURVEY printed across the magazine in large Pacman style font. The fact that it is a Pacman style font is suggesting that the magazine are joking and taking a funny side to the thought and matter of drugs, although they are using the words drug survey so they’re also trying to scare the readers by questioning the general public and receiving statistics that are going to shock us, the readers. In the front cover they’re using bright neon colours. This is suggesting that they’re relating drugs to nightclubs and raving because neon lights are associated with nightclubs or raving. This is a negative aspect because there magazine is based upon giving people an idea on a good night out clubbing. To have the main image of the front cover to be a Pacman head used as a survey is suggesting that they’re not taking the matter seriously but this may be suggesting that the readers who read this are going to be less serious on the matter as well, or uses of drugs. Also they use a taglines such as FULL SERVEY RESULTS INSIDE! In capitals, this will draw the readers attention and keep them reading. Also the drug ecstasy can normally comes as the colour yellow with the smiley face on it, only sometimes. This relates to the image because the Pacman is smiling and is also the colour yellow, this relates to the article DRUGS SURVEY and ties everything together. The fact that they are using dark and light colours shows that the magazine are trying to convey a positive and negative effect from their articles and content.
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Contents page is printed with a bold black background and white font, the same as the other mixmag magazine I chose to analyse this is showing a regular buyer of the magazine that they’re going to be getting the same thing and that it will be consistent, this is positive and negative because the positive aspects of things is that regular buyers get to read things that they enjoy reading and the negative side is that the format will be the same and all the articles will be the same so new readers will find it boring reading the same type and formatted articles as they read the week/month before. With the main image on the first of the contents pages including an image of a group of people enjoying a club is showing the audience the fun aspects of clubbing and not the bad things, the magazine mixmag is based on clubbing so prides themselves on showing readers the best way to clubbing so this image will reinforce that matter. Also the image includes both sexes so showing that both sexes can enjoy the type of music they are basing mixmag on and also can enjoy going out and clubbing. Again the font in the contents page is the same as a VIP pass at a gig is suggesting that the mixmag magazine are giving you an insight on the best of clubbing because VIP passes are like the insight to a gig or an artist. Again the magazine is consistent and is using a section of the magazine to publish fashion, this is key because it is publishing and advertising for clothing shops and brands also attracting audiences to buy and read their magazine. It also includes little captions of people enjoying themselves on nights out, readers can either relate to these images or want to be like these people so will read the magazine to find out how to get that life style. The fact that the font is black on white is showing that the magazine is good and bad in the way it publishes music in this way but showing images and little captions of people enjoying themselves will sway the audience to the good side. The fact that the magazine has put both contents pages next to advertisements can suggest that they feel the contents pages are either less important or the audience might find them boring so they’ve put the advertisements there to draw their attention to something else, this is key because it is suggesting that the magazine want to make it easy for themselves.
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The double page spread includes the image of a women posing. Because she is wearing black she can be seen as mysterious and dark. The fact that she is a women is not typical for the magazine because most DJs are men. Also because she is a women can show that any sex can perform as a DJ and be successful. Also there is a small caption of her dancing next to her equipment looking like she is playing a live show this is suggesting that anyone can have a good time at one of the performances even the performer. With the flashing and wavy lights in the image it relates to the technology side of DJing because its sort of technologic style. Also because they are bright colours is showing the audience that they are at a live performance. The fact that the caption shows the artist being happy and the other main image is showing her wearing black is suggesting a split personality, so when she is normally out and about she is dull and boring but when she is in the party life she is in her zone of happiness. The tagline used says “A night out in New York convinced Deniz Kurtel to ditch academia for house music” this relates to the other tagline saying “DJ BRAIN BOX – with two masters degrees, Deniz Kurtel is smarter than your average dance music star” both these taglines relate to the main image of the artist because she is wearing a form of glasses which are associated with geeks. This shows that anyone can perform this form of music, this will attract a wide range audience for the magazine, even different sexes. At the end of the article they state the album she has created and where the audience can buy it, this is showing professionalism because they are advertising companies and artists in a sly and simple way. Also the fact that the main image she is wearing the black and is standing in front of a white wall is showing that she has a split personality, suggesting when she is academic she is a geek and when she is partying she is totally different. This is also showing the artist off and showing she is upcoming and big, this will attract readers because they will want to read the next issue to see if there is going to be another article on an upcoming artist.