History of modern architecure booklet Adam Nuttall 161153344

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History OF Modern Architecture

Adam michael william Nuttall 16115344 History of modern Architecture Ba (hons) architecture

Contents 4&5, task 1: what is modernism 6&7, Task 2: Pre-raphaelite 8&9 Task 3; Bauhaus 10&11 Task 4&5 Le Corbusier 12&13 task 6 Avant garge Manifesto 14 task 7: fishes 15,16&17 task 8 Essay plan 18 Task 9 Essay poster 19 Bibliogrpahy

task 1 what is modernism

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Le corbusier’s Five points of Architecture

task 2 pre-raphelites


The Pre-Raphaelites were a Avant Garde group of young artists and writers that opposed themselves to the Royal Academy’s promotion of Renaissance ideals, primarily works by Raphael. Sir Edward Burne-jones was a artist who specialised in the rejuivnaton of traditonal stained glass windows. He designed the widnows for birmignham Cathedral in the C19th. During the second world war these windows were removed byBirmingham Civic Society to preserve them.

The stained glass was designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, originally he designed only the Ascension; two years later he deisgned the Nativity and the Crucifixion. Burne-Jones typical style had elongated bodies with small heads. The stained glass are separated into to two, to represent Heaven and Earth

I also found out that Sir Edward BurneJones, with William Morris, designed a Stain Glass window in St Martins Church next to the Bullring. The bottom panes represent the Annunciation, the coming of the magi, the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ. Above this stands the propets David, Elijah, Melchizedek, Moses, and Solomon.

task 3 bauhaus This is theBarcelona Chair, designed by Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe. The piece for me is timeless, designed in the late 1920’s, 90 years later it would still feel contemporary in the most cutting edge of buildings. This is due to is balance between form and function. It is also unsophisticated design as it has a seamless steel frame shaped to fit the human form. The use of Leather brings a natural element to the design, as well as enhancing the clean and crisp idea of living that modernism as famous for. The Bauhaus was about the unity of fine art and craft. Because of the chairs simplistic design, it shows its craft, I believe echoing the BauThe Bauhaus Building by Walter Gropius built in 1925 utilised modern advances in architecture as glass curtain walls. The layout of the building is very interesting; it forms a pinwheel in which come areas are raised like bridges and some rise like towers. This creates an architectural form that has no point which you can view all its architectural beauty meaning you must move around to truly appreciate it. The design is proud and strong, it shows innovation the layout shows the ties between each of the distinct studies unifying the entire programme

Finally we have Lyonel Feininger’s Kathedral. The abstract form looks chaotic and heavy. The artwork is clear in its purpose. It was used to advertise the Bauhaus to the public, immediately it strikes you with a harsh black lined background with an illuminated church rising, symbolising rebirth. This artwork is purposefully unclear. It is a print from a wood carving and the technique used shows the texture of the wood. I like this as it hints to how the piece came into being, again unifying art and craft

Innovation Center UC by Anacleto Angelini and Alejandro Aravena was built in Santiago in Chile. This Building represents Bauhuas ideals as it was designed to problem solve. Santiago has a Mediterranean climate, thus glass curtain walls which let in plenty of light also allow too much infra-red radiation, this building was therefore flipped inside out to contain a glazed courtyard and concrete exo skeleton, The buildings simplified shape and geometry also has strong links to the Bauhaus movement.

task 4 & 5 le corbuiser

Unite D’habitation Our group was given Unite d’habitation to study. Located in Marseille in France, the purpose of this building was to fulfil a housing shortage after many homes were destroyed in World War II and also to house many more families after a post war baby boom which lead do population increase. We split the research into several sections which were fundamental to the buildings design and I was assigned Construction methods. Contruction methods oulined how the structure was formed and and what systme was used.

Contruction Methods

• In 1914–15, a year or two before the Villa Schwob, Le Corbusier made a huge step forward in Modernism with his Domino housing system design enabled: interiors to be freed from internal supporting walls creating open living, exterior facades to no longer be load bearing allowing for horizontal windows which allow more light into a space. • Unite D’habitation was constructed using the Domino House method. Le Corbusier designed the residential spaces into pairs of apartments. These apartments would cross 2 floors, creating two interlocking L shapes with a centralised corridor in the centre. This design allowed for open plan living with a double heigh lounge, it also enabled the flats to have windows on either side of the accommodation. • The structure of the apartment was formed from two reinforced concrete columnseither side of the central corridor for a total of 4 between two apartments. These columns were located in the ajoining wall between two adjacent appartments so to not interupt the layout of the flats.

task 6 avant garde manifesto

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Use as many sustainable materials as possible and where we cannot, we must regenerate the area in which we have taken the resources to give back to the environment. furthermore we should use renewable energy sources to cut our carbon emissions and half global emissions.

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Use as many sustainabl

Seek master craftsmen in all creative professions instead of allocating it to machines for economic gain. Modernism helped kill many skilled professions as they believed in the rejection of detail and ornamentation for uniformity and minimalism. For architecture this means we must look back to times when houses were crafted with care and treated like individual and unique projects; instead of the mass production of sterile homes we see today.

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Remove technologies like social media and television numb, these numb the mind. we prioritise time with these devices over true human connection. Social media gives instant gratification, and has also manifested itself into a vessle for hate and misinformation, leaving people inpatient and irritable. The same goes for television, It requires no interaction or deep thought leaving its users uninspired and shallow.


To help us escape this impending apocalypse we must:

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In recent history technology has taken place of master craftsmen and women, removing the art form from these professions. 3D printers, automation lines and binary code will replace all professions in the future if nothing is done. Leaving our world dull and without purpose . Humans not only have a responsibility for each other but the planet itself. for too long have we lived as parasites feeding from the Earth pillaging it of its resources; acting like our planet is disposable. We must understand that our relationship is symbiotic, what we take from the earth, we must give back to not disturb the delicate ecosystem. This includes using renewable resources, sustainable materials and doing our best to rehabilitate the dwindling animal populations after we have neglected them for so long.

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Technology has enabled us to dumb down language which we have developed over thousands of years into text slang. Technology has also allowed us to become introverted and lazy. friendships and alliances require minimal effort, as they are only a text message away. However this ability shields us from true connection.


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Three factors separate humans from the rest of the animal kingdom; our ability to interact using our complex system of language, our ability to make artwork and our knowledge of our responsibility for the rest of the earth.

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task 7 fishes

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task 8 essay planning

task 8 essay planning

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Social Equality

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Expressionist, Einstein Tower



l task 9 essay poster a n o i se t o on M E ps re

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Futurist, The Fiat Lingotto factory

BIbliography Archbishops’Council (2017) St Martin in the bull ring). Available at: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/birmingham-st-martin/heritage.html (Accessed: 13 December 2016). ArchDaily (2014) Innovation center UC - Anacleto Angelini / Alejandro Aravena | ELEMENTAL. Available at: http:// www.archdaily.com/549152/innovation-center-uc-anacleto-angelini-alejandro-aravena-elemental (Accessed: 1 January 2017). DACS (no date) Futurism. Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/glossary/f/futurism (Accessed: 18 December 2017). Dean, T. and Cathedral, C. of B. (no date) Windows. Available at: http://www.birminghamcathedral.com/windows/ (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Gurak, W. (2016) Unité d’habitation (Cité Radieuse). Available at: http://www.architravel.com/architravel/building/ unite-d-habitation-cite-radieuse/ (Accessed: 19 December 2016). Meagher, J. (2000) The Pre-Raphaelites | essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of art history | the metropolitan museum of art. Available at: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/praf/hd_praf.htm (Accessed: 10 December 2016). Pre-Raphaelite (no date) Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/glossary/p/pre-raphaelite (Accessed: 10 December 2016). Tate (2012) Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt (1833-1898). Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/sir-edward-coley-burne-jones-bt-68 (Accessed: 19 December 2016). The Bauhaus building by Walter Gropius (1925-26) (no date) Available at: http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/the-bauhaus-building-by-walter-gropius.html (Accessed: 27 December 2016). Watson-Smyth, K. (2011) The secret history of: The Barcelona chair. Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/ property/interiors/the-secret-history-of-the-barcelona-chair-2289641.html (Accessed: 27 December 2016). (No Date) Available at: http://www.modernfurniture8913.com/files/2913/9276/2459/CC-8030-21.jpg (Accessed: 18 December 2016). (No Date) Available at: https://www.architecture.com/Explore/ArchitecturalStyles/Modernism.aspx (Accessed: 5 January 2017). Citations, Quotes & Annotations Archbishops’Council (2017) St Martin in the bull ring). Available at: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/birmingham-st-martin/heritage.html (Accessed: 13 December 2016). (Archbishops’Council, 2017) ArchDaily (2014) Innovation center UC - Anacleto Angelini / Alejandro Aravena | ELEMENTAL. Available at: http:// www.archdaily.com/549152/innovation-center-uc-anacleto-angelini-alejandro-aravena-elemental (Accessed: 1 January 2017). (ArchDaily, 2014) DACS (no date) Futurism. Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/glossary/f/futurism (Accessed: 18 December 2017). (DACS, no date) Dean, T. and Cathedral, C. of B. (no date) Windows. Available at: http://www.birminghamcathedral.com/windows/ (Accessed: 19 December 2016). (Dean and Cathedral, no date) Gurak, W. (2016) Unité d’habitation (Cité Radieuse). Available at: http://www.architravel.com/architravel/building/ unite-d-habitation-cite-radieuse/ (Accessed: 19 December 2016). (Gurak, 2016) Meagher, J. (2000) The Pre-Raphaelites | essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of art history | the metropolitan museum of art. Available at: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/praf/hd_praf.htm (Accessed: 10 December 2016). (Meagher, 2000) Pre-Raphaelite (no date) Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/glossary/p/pre-raphaelite (Accessed: 10 December 2016). (Pre-Raphaelite, no date) Tate (2012) Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt (1833-1898). Available at: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/sir-edward-coley-burne-jones-bt-68 (Accessed: 19 December 2016). (Tate, 2012) The Bauhaus building by Walter Gropius (1925-26) (no date) Available at: http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/the-bauhaus-building-by-walter-gropius.html (Accessed: 27 December 2016). (The Bauhaus building by Walter Gropius (1925-26), no date) Watson-Smyth, K. (2011) The secret history of: The Barcelona chair. Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/ property/interiors/the-secret-history-of-the-barcelona-chair-2289641.html (Accessed: 27 December 2016). (Watson-Smyth, 2011) (No Date) Available at: http://www.modernfurniture8913.com/files/2913/9276/2459/CC-8030-21.jpg (Accessed: 18 December 2016). ([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]) (No Date) Available at: https://www.architecture.com/Explore/ArchitecturalStyles/Modernism.aspx (Accessed: 5 January 2017).

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