Architectural Portfolio 2019

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BA(Hons),MArch,DipArch ARB,RIBA,ETEK

dimitriouadamos@gmail. com 7 Mara House,9 Victory Parade, London, UK

0044 7754905907

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Born on the island of Cyprus I am currently pursuing my professional career having so far 4 years of practice in Cyprus and London. In the past 3 years I had the opportunity to be involved and take leading role in large scale developments in London where I have demonstrated my hardworking ethic and problem solving ability. I have been entrusted to lead large scale projects following the demonstration of my critical design thinking and communication skills as I have worked through all work stages in my experience so far. I have worked as a Project Architect on a large scale mixed-use scheme, leading a team of architects, liaising with the client and consultants and having live experience on Revit through the preparation of tender and construction drawing packages. I am currently working on a large scale mixed use tower in Shenzhen, China during work stages 2-4 at Foster + Partners architects where I enjoy the interdisciplinary collaboration and high profile projects that have great impact in small and large communities around the world.


RIBA Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice | 2017


University of Liverpool, UK | 2013 - 2015


MArch Architecture. Thesis Project: The “Gynaikobazaro”.

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Dessau International Architecture Graduate School, Germany | September 2014 January 2015 MArch Architecture - Erasmus program.


University for the Creative Arts, UK | 2009 - 2012 BA(Hons) Architecture.


| Foster + Partners Architects + Architect Dongguan Island - Masterplan design commission for the

urban design of a 90 sqkm island on the east side of Dongguan. 2D and 3D design and production with the detail modelling of landmark buildings. Coordination with urban design, enviromental consultants and transport engineer teams in the office. September 2018 - Present.

| AHMM Architects + Architect Carrington Street/100 Piccadilly - Mixed-use 30 high end apartments, art

gallery, restaurant, office, refurbishment of Listed facade - London. Work stages 2-3. Work under the lead of the project architect making updates on planning application. Design proposal for 100 Piccadilly to refurbish listed facade and proposal of 28 high end appartments. July 2018 - September 2018.

Architect | RMA Architects + Project East Ham Market - Mixed-use 277 apartments, 14 commercial units - London. Work stages 4-5. Project leader of a team of 5. Liaising with client and other consultants. Primary point of contact. Preparation of tender packages. Meeting tight deadlines. September 2015 - July 2018.

Lead Designer | RMA Architects

Bexleyheath Civic Centre - Mixed-use 518 apartments, SportsDirect commercial unit - London. Ibis Hotel + residential development - 180 room hotel + 82 apartments block - London. Work stages 0-3. Planning Application. Liaising with client and consultants. Public consultation. Design development. September 2015 - Present.

Lead Designer | RMA Architects

East Ham Market - Mixed-use 277 apartments, 14 commercial units - London. Work stages 0-3. Planning Application preparation. Liaising with client and consultants. Public consultation. Planning Committee presentation. Design development. September 2015 - Present.

Architectural Assistant | RMA Architects

Northway House - Mixed-use 149 apartment, 7 commercial units building which combined refurbishment of a 1960’s tower block and new build development - London. Work stages 4-6. Construction packages preparation. Working drawings. Coordination and review of sub-contractor drawings. Construction site visits and RFI coordination. September 2015 - Present.

Assistant | E.Papachristou Architects + Architectural Biology and General teaching facilities, University of Cyprus.

Design development for international competition entry. Kassapis Accountants office block development - Cyprus. Design development. Concept and technical drawing packages preparation. 3D digital model making. September 2012 - August 2013.


+ + + + + + +

First Prize | Design Competition - Green Sky Thinking 2017, hosted

by XCO2.

Shortlisted | Housing Design Awards - RMA Architects, Northway


Third Prize | International build competition - Biology and General teaching facilities for the University of Cyprus.

AA Visiting School Cyprus Workshop | No Man’s Land workshop - Parametrically designed escape devise using recycled materials. Summer 2017. National Guard military service| Training service of two years at the Cypriot National Guard from the position of Sergeant leading a group of 15 soldiers, 2007 - 2009. Sports/Football and photography enthusiast | Regular exercise in the form of competitive football, amateur photography, with an online collection, winner of in-office photography competitions. Competitions, social media and in-office events | At the forfront of preparation of competition applications. Involved in the website and social media development of the practice. Organising social events such as photography competitions in the office.



Revit Microstation Rhinoceros 3D Grasshopper AutoCad


Adobe Acrobat Suite Sketch Up 3D Autodesk Maya Microsoft Office Archicad


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Born out of experimentation, extensive research, informed reasoning, conceptual metaphors and aspirations for better experience of spaces and cities, Architecture comes in many forms. My work focuses on these qualities and through research, understanding of context and thoughtful articulation of user oriented design concepts aims to materialise spaces and buildings that inspire, excite, transform communities, intrigue discussion, pay attention to material and light and motivate people to dream.


Project Architect_East Ham Market: and Construction (stages 0-4)



Part II Professional Experience_Northway House: Construction (stages 4-6)


Part II Professional Experience_East Quarter: Planning (stages 0-3)


Part I Professional Experience_Competitio n Project: Biology and General Teaching Facilitie s


Part I Professional Experience_Kassapi s Accountants Office Development: Planning


Architect_Masterplan: Dongguan Island


Architect_Masterplan: Dongguan Island


Architect_Dachong Tower 7 - Shenzhen


MArch(HONS) Thesis Project: The ‘Gynaikobazaro’


MArch(HONS) Project: Incubator - Nursery


MArch(HONS) Project: Ape-Tower


BA(HONS) Project: Eco-soldier


AA Visiting School Cyprus workshop: Rebuilding a no-man’s land


Green Sky Thinking Competition: Life On-Line_First prize


East Ham Market


Working for 6 months on the Planning Application of this scheme with great enthousiasm has offered me the opportunity to become a Project Architect and come to a position where I lead a team of 4 to prepare tender packages for the construction phase which starts at the end of 2018. During the planning process I have demonstrated my communication and critical design thinking skills which have caught the eye of my directors and led to another 2 planning jobs in the following months. However my desire to become an all-rounder architect drove me to ask for the Project architect role for the construction of this scheme. My understanding of all working stages has also allowed me to be able to communicate successfully with clients and address their concerns and aspirations. The project consists of 277 apartments and 14 commercial units. The design intent was taking into consideration the context, and the choice of red brick was based on the surrounding historic buildings, where the framing of the elevations provided a contemporary aesthetic to the project. A grey brick is also providing contrast to soothen the elevations.



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3 D P r i n t e d p h y s i c a l s i t e m o d e l w i t h c o n t ext


3D Printed physical model

West Elevation - Retail Unit - Tall and main other blocks - Duplex houses

1| Inset brickwork with projecting bricks 2| Framing brickwork/ deeper wall construction 3| Inset balconies with

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+ Elements

flat bar railings 4| Juliette balconies 5| Petersen Kolumba brickwork 6| Feature pendant light 7| Water feature on granite wall with signage 8| Bespoke shopfronts




3D Revit model axonometric drawing - showing structural model and external facade


5 6 8


S e c t i o n s a n d E l e v a t i o n through East elevation into t he Retail Quarter entrance - Petersen Kolumba brick

3D Revit models - showing external facade scenarios (flat and frame)

T h e d e sire of the clients to p r e s e n t a regenerated retail q u a r t e r led to my decision to u s e a linear Petersen Kolumba brick, which is a quality m a t e r i al and would enhance the r e t a i l area. D e v e l o ping details of the the e x t e r n al wall and providing cost effective ways of c o n s t r uction were a big part o f c o n vincing the client that t h i s w as a viable design. I had t o p r oduce detailed sections t o p r esent the client both f a c a d e characters, flat and f r a m e d . The deep cavity and r e c e s s ed elevations needed c o s t e ffective solutions to be a c h i e v ed. U s i n g Revit as the BIM software for t he construction stage h a s a llowed the design team t o c o ordinate elements such a s s t r uctural layout and M&E r e q u i r ements.

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Page 09 of 60 3D axonometric model

Typical Floor

East Elevation looking into the commercial quarter

Ground Floor

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Typical Floor Plan

E x t e r n a l w a l l c h a r a c t ers

Primary red brick

Secondary red brick

Primary grey bric k

Secondary red brick with

Petersen Kolumba brick

projecting brick detail

for commercial quarter

Metal shopfront frames

Metal elements colour

External wall details

Upper floor balcony details

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Page 13 of 60 R e s i d e n t i a l f l a t f u l l height window detail

External wall detail (Corium cladding)

Granite water feature wall detail

R e t a i l U n i t s a n d m a l l b e s p o k e curtain wall detail



Northway House Working on construction stages was my goal for the first year of my practical experience post Part II qualification. This experience came in the form of a project that consisted the refurbishment of a 1960’s tower and a new build block at the back in North London. Northway House was a great case study for my Architect’s qualification later on because it has provided me with involvement both on construction drawings but also on site experience. The fact that drawings that were being produced by the project architect and myself would almost immediately becoming reality, struck me and allowed me to realise the responsibility of our design as architects. Coordinating with the client and contractor as well as responding to RFI’s and producing working drawing packages were some of my responsibilities.


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B a l c o n y a n d p e r f o r a t e d s c r e e n s on refurbished block


U n d e r c r o f t p a s s a g e through to new build courtyard

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Page 17 of 60 N e w b u i l d b l o c k c o u r t yard

R e f u r b i s h e d t o w e r a n d new build block

Shortlisted for the Housing Design Awards 2017 the project is one of the most recognised in the practice. The refurbished tower keeps it’s original outline with only minor adjustments such as balconies and winter gardens, whereas the new build block is treated with set backs to respect the scale of the neighbouring houses. Detail work and careful coordination h as taken place for an some time to make sure the existing frame was provided with the needed additional support. As the tower was previously an office building, steel brackets were added to the facade to a l l o w f o r b a l c o n i e s t o b e i n c o rp o r a t e d . This has resulted to complicated but interesting details which wi t h the correct coordination are now presenting a building that looks more like a new build rather than a refurbishment.The project architect was also encouraging me to look into detail the external wall d e t a i l s a n d m a k e s u r e t h e i n t e rs e c t i o n s between different materials and elements are as neat as possible. I have taken this care through to packages of work that I was solely responsible for such as block entrance packages, landscape and hit & miss brickwork elevations.

G A p l a n f o r s t r u c t u r a l s u p p o r t m e t a l b r a c k e t s - b e s p o k e t o s u i t p r o j e c t - c o o r d i n a t i o n w i th steel manufacturer

R e f u r b i s h e d b l o c k l o b b y s e c t i o n - s e t t i n g o u t / l a y o u t a n d s p e c i f y i n g p r o d u c t s - c o o r d i n a t i n g with manufacturers

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Page 19 of 60 Ground Floor Plan

West Elevation cutting through link block

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Page 21 of 60 E x t e r n a l d e t a i l s - d r ainage and parapet details

Elevation/Section through courtyard, landscape setting out plan

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Page 23 of 60 H i t a n d M i s s b r i c k w o r k elevations and setting out se ctions

Eastside Quarter


The design of this large scale mixed-use development in Bexleyheath comprised of 6 blocks distinct in character. The first phase consists of three similar looking blocks in rich red brick, two blocks making reference to the town centre’s Art Deco character and a landmark building with stone cladding and curtain wall elements to announce this new development. My self and another architectural assistant prepared the planning application and with regular workshops we finalised the design of each block to be independent but also create a coherent new city centre, with a public realm in the centre that will rejuvenate the town. I was also assigned to design areas such as the perforated balustrades for the Art Deco blocks that give a contemporary feeling using patterns derived from that period.



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West Elevation through public realm

East Elevation through public realm


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Page 27 of 60 S e c t i o n s a n d E l e v a t i o n through South elevation of bl ock E_ Art Deco character



Biology-General teaching facilities In my Year out in practical experience I was lucky to acquire a place in one of the leading practices in Cyprus. I had the opportunity to be part of large scale university and office projects. One of the competition entries the office was part of was for the Biology and General teaching facilities for the University of Cyprus. My role was to develop the design as part of a team of 3 architects and produce physical models to explore the design. I was very happy to have contributed in a large extent and mostly because some of my design ideas were captured in the project. The perforated facade of the buildings which provided the teaching spaces with light were the result of an extensive research and experimentation of mine.


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V i e w l o o k i n g t o w a r d s t h e g e n e r a l t e a c h i n g f acilities


S o u t h -west elevation of the proposal

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Page 31 of 60 View towards the biology department

T h e p r o p o s a l r e c e i v e d the 3rd Prize in this international c o m p e t ition which was very e x c i t i n g f o r m e . T h e Biology department was d e s i g n e d a s a s t a n d - alone building separate f r o m t h e l i n e a r f a c i l ities which run on the s a m e l e v e l a s t h e t op level of the site. T h e g e n e r a l t e a c h i n g facilities were growing f r o m t h i s l i n e a r d e v elopment and projected o u t a s i f t h e y w e r e trying to reach certain p o i n t s o n t h e h o r i z o n . This treatment allowed f o r m y p e r f o r a t e d f acade to provide light i n t h o s e u n i q u e t e aching facilities. The i n t e r i o r s p a c e s w e r e designed to be well lit a n d e n c o u r a g e t h e l i n ear motion. Interior view through general teaching facilities

View looking towards biology department



Kassapis Office Development As part of my year out experience between my studies, I was lucky to be involved in the preparation of a planning application for an office building in the heart of Nicosia. I was assigned the task to design in collaboration with an experienced architect in the practice, this 7 storey building which would have a distinct character based on the main attraction points surrounding the site. One of the key buildings near the site is a historic church which the facade addresses with extrusions that create additional space for the office building but also create a reference point/ direction to the church on the south-east. The proposal received very positive comments from the client and went to the planning authorities shortly after.



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6.0 Design Proposals Carrington street6.6 Overviews Piccadilly 100


The following pages show a proposed site context



Carringtonphysical model. Street and Piccadilly 100 have been two exciting projects in one which occupied my brief time at AHMM. I was excited to work on the Planning Conditions for Carrington street, a project consisting office, high end residential, art gallery, restaurants and an automated car park in the heart of Mayfair, central London. The faรงade required amendments to satisfy 6.0 Design Proposalswhich the Westminster Council, I had 6.6 to Overviews produce updated elevations for. Additionally, the client required us to investigate the possibility of reducing the basement levels and make the whole project more efficient. I had to carry out work looking into the sections of the building and managed in collaboration with my project architect to reduce the basement from 4 to 2 storeys.

Photographic Image of Physical Model

Physical model photo

New Carrington Street

+ Photographic Image of Physical Model

Physical model photo

New Carrington Street

Site Section



On 100 Piccadilly, which includes an adjoining building on the Piccadilly road, covered a different type of work, something that I have never previously encountered. We were asked to look into the planning of this building by retaining the south and part of east faรงade of the 1885 built Grade II listed building and propose a new build extension at the back which would include high end accommodation. I had to produce 3D models and visuals as well as a real-time render animation which we have presented to the client showing how the new building will look from inside and outside.

Ground Floor Plan

6.0 6.0 Design DesignProposals Proposals 6.4 6.4 Appearance Appearanceand andMateriality Materiality The TheOffice OfficeBuilding Building

Office South elevation

1.1. Dark Darkred redbrickwork brickwork

1. Dark red brickwork

The Theoffice officebuilding buildinghas hasaaclear clearhierarchy hierarchyofofbrick brickpiers piers and andspandrel spandrelpanels panelswith withfeature featurestonework stoneworkcladding claddingtoto the thebase, base,entrance entranceand andsouth southfacing facingelevation. elevation. The Thebase baseofofthe thebuilding buildingconsists consistsofofaanatural naturalcut cutstone stone facade facadethat thatgrounds groundsthe themass massfrom fromabove. above.Dramatic Dramatic inflections inflectionsininthe thestone stoneprovide providevisual visualinterest interestand andalso also help helpdefine definekey keyentrances. entrances.Large Largeformat formatshop shopfront front glazing glazingisisprovided providedthat thatallows allowsfor forclear clearlegibility legibilityofofthe the main mainentrances. entrances.The Theentrance entranceway wayglazing glazingand andwindow window reveals revealsare areset setback backtotothe theequivalent equivalentofoftwo twobricks bricks deep. deep. On Onthe theupper upperlevels levelsthe thebrick brickpiers piersdiminish diminishininwidth widthatat every everylevel levelby byone onebrick brickininlength lengthtotoadd addfurther furtherdrama dramatoto the theelevations. elevations.Large Largeformat formatbronze bronzeanodised anodisedaluminium aluminium fixed fixedwindows windowsare areset setback backfrom fromthe thebrickwork brickworkby bytwo two bricks bricksdeep. deep.AAtinted tintedsection sectionatatthe thelower lowerportion portionofofthe the glazing glazinghelps helpsminimise minimiseany anyvisibility visibilityofofitems itemsbehind behindthe the windows windowsfrom frombeing beingseen. seen.

2.2. 2. Cut Cut stone stonetotobase baseand and Cut stone to base feature featureelements elements feature elements



3.3. 3. Light Light bronze bronzeanodised anodised Light bronze anodised aluminium aluminiumfaced faced high high aluminium faced high performance performance glazed glazed windows performance glazed windows windows

4.4. performance 4. Tinted Tintedhigh high performance Tinted high performance glazing sections glazingto tolower lower sections glazing to lower sections ofwindows windows of ofwindows

5.5. Orange /red /redglazed glazed 5.Orange Orange/red Brickwork Brickwork glazed brickwork





Site Plan

Rendered Renderedelevation elevationofofthe theOffice OfficeBuilding Building

Appearance and Materiality




Dongguan Island Masterplan My introduction to Foster + Partners was an exciting on, as I was assigned to work on a Masterplan project in Dongguan, China. The project had started 1 month ago but it was at a very early stage with a team of 4 people. The ambitious and exciting brief was encouraging us to design a futuristic city within the Weiyuan Island on the west coast of Dongguan. The client, one of the biggest insurance companies in China, aspires to build the city of the future, one that promotes sustainability and innovation while attractive the brightest young workers in a city where they could live and work amongst the most sustainable and futuristic public transportation while able to enjoy the wetland park, part of the wetland area that now exists in the island.


Ping An HQ

+ Transportation hub

Site Section

We were quick to establish some design intentions which included connection to the nature and the water by introducing green fingers that also drew up our districts. Districts that were designed oriented to AI technology, business centres, transportation hubs, cultural centres and the wetland park. I was happy to be amongst the design 山水带景观种类 discussions with partners and other consultants in the office such as urban planners, Green Fingers Landscape Typologies environmental scientists and transport consultants. I had to carry on 2D and 3D work as I was the person responsible for drawing up the main masterplan drawing and furthermore model the landmark buildings on the 90sqkm site which we later modelled in more detail for the visualisations. This exciting project gave me the opportunity to experience architecture and urban planning in a huge scale and allowed me to encounter the problems and possibilities a city poses.

山水带景观种类 Green Fingers Landscape Typologies

平安科技总部 PingAn Technology HQ W a t e r f r o n t l a n d s c a p e treatment

P i n g A n d i s t r i c t s e c t ion

Green Finger perspective section


Dachong Tower 07 Shenzhen


Dachong Tower 07 Shenzhen Following the Masterplan project, I was asked to join a small team of 3 on a project in Shenzhen, China. The project is part of a larger masterplan of 7 towers and is focused on the largest 300m tower at the edge of the site. The other 6 towers are under construction and the design of the last tower needed revisiting due to fire regulations updates. I was able to find the best alternative design which allowed us to propose and attractive tower and be compliant with the regulations, an exercise of layout of the ground floor and the whole site plan. I then worked on producing 3D models and visuals for the presentations to the client in China. The form and expression of the building have changed following these exercises but maintain the design integrity that Foster + Partners is proud of. We are working towards the planning approval of the tower with the project looking to be built in the next two years.

Dachong Masterplan


Tower 07 Ground Floor view


T07 Massing - Proposed Option B scheme - Waterplaza Diagonal View 1

T07 Massing - Proposed Option B scheme - Waterplaza Front View 4

The ‘Gynaikobazaro’


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Regenerating a ‘no man’s land’,a masterplan and the first puncture point. Conflicts between the GreekCypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities in the island which led to the Turkish invasion in 1974 have also resulted to a capital city centre filled with buildings in decay and a buffer zone, a ‘no man’s land’. A much needed regeneration initiated from a main puncture point in Ledras street with the ‘Gynaikobazaro’ followed by other three phases of places of employment, transport and public park, allow the communities to initiate interaction. The masterplan proposal identifies pockets which act as puncture points where well considered programs can influence the regeneration of this unused space. The first puncture point is the ‘Gynaikobazaro’.



T h e d i v i d e d w a l l e d c i t y c e n t r e o f N i c o sia


M a s t e r p l a n p r o p o s a l t o r e g e n e r a t e t h e b u f f e r z o n e in the centre of Nicosia

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Ground floor proposal for the “Gynaikobazaro”

No access is allowed in the buffer zone at the moment, only by application to the United Nations I was allowed to enter and be supervised through my walk of discovery. In the buffer zone the time is frozen, buildings have been left in decay, and are scarred by the bullets of war. The UN officer was very strict with forbidding me to take pictures of sensitive areas, where barracks are set up and where views are not obstructed between Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot soldiers guarding their posts. Some bi-communal initiatives have tried to preserve a number of buildings with timber supports, a temporary solution which is evidence of the shared intent of preserving the history of the place but also the peaceful interaction between the two communities. The most important event taking place during the Ottoman period was the ‘Gynaikobazaro’ (the women’s market) which took place in the streets of the old city and forced all traffic to stop and stare every Sunday for this collaborative trade.

The hybrid market stall

Argalios Traditional weaving loom used by GreekCypriot and T u r k i s h Cypriot women until the early 20th century.

Steel vertical support systems Stabilising v e r t i c a l elements to preserve the old walls in the middle of the site.

Walls in decay Natural stone walls and facades on site to be preserved and used to create a hybrid market stall, unique for this site.

T h e m a r k e t s t a l l i s comprised of the e x i s t i n g h i s t o r i c w a l ls that are preserved u s i n g s t e e l s u p p o r t systems which also f o r m t h e m a r k e t s t a l l shops by extending o u t w a r d s . T h i s u n i q u e sustainable system p r o v i d e s a l o w c o s t solution which also p r o m o t e s t h e p r e s e r v a tion of the historic f a b r i c a n d w o r k s a s a reminder of how the t w o c o m m u n i t i e s u s e d to work together.

S e c t i o n t h r o u g h t h e f i r st puncture point, the “Gynaikoba zaro�

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Just a few met e r s a w a y f r o m t h e L e d r a s c r o s s i n g w h e r e this proposal i s t a k i n g p l a c e , i n t h e l a t e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y and early 20th , t h e G r e e k - C y p r i o t a n d T u r k i s h - C y p r i o t women used to g a t h e r a n d t r a d e h a n d m a d e p r o d u c t s s u c h a s textiles, clothi n g a n d o t h e r h a n d m a d e c r a f t s . T h e r e v i v a l of the market i n a n e w h y b r i d w a y c a n b e c o m e a c a t a l y s t for the future o f b o t h c o m m u n i t i e s . T h e a b a n d o n e d b u f f e r zone will be re- i m a g i n e d w i t h h i s t o r y r e m a i n i n g i n t a c t a s a reminder of t h e b i - c o m m u n a l a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e p a s t a n d the new contempo r a r y w a y s t h a t t h e t w o c o m m u n i t i e s c a n m o v e forward with. The market is c o m p r i s e d o f t h e h y b r i d m a r k e t s t a l l s and buildings o n e i t h e r s i d e t h a t e n c o u r a g e v e r t i c a l circulation opp o s i t e t o t h e d i v i s i o n l i n e s . T h e m a r k e t cover is inspire d b y t h e c o v e r i n g t e c h n i q u e s t h a t u s e d t o encapsulate the m a r k e t s t a l l s . U s e s a n d p r o g r a m s v a r y f r o m cultural activi t i e s t o o p e n s p a c e s a n d h o t e l r o o m s f o r special guests w h o w o u l d l i k e t o l i v e b r i e f l y i n t h e c e n t r e of a historic si t e , a m o n g s t a c o l l a b o r a t i v e e n v i r o n m e n t .

Physical sectional model through the market




Incubator - Nursery

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The opportunity to work on a project in more depth, looking at it in detail came when we were asked to detail a nursery and an incubator office. The two buildings share the same language in design and construction. Me and my two colleagues decided to use timber glulam and composite concrete flooring to provide seem-less exterior and interior spaces. The structure system is inspired by tubular designs that use the perimeter of the building for the structural support with joints to the central core with horizontal trusses. This project allowed me to expand my detailing knowledge and most importantly to express my interest in physical model making, as in addition to the shared responsibilities in this project I took on the initiative to produce as many physical models as possible to showcase our concept and detail ideas.

7 6

8 12

R o o f b u i l d - u p 3 D d e t a il

+ Details 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|


Fixed low-e double glazing. Ventilation louvres. 400 x 200 mm primary oak glulam beams. Timber studwork. Internal tilt window for cross ventilation.

6| Green roof_ Turf/Plant rolls Soil Moisture retention mat Knauf polyfoam floorboard Waterproofing layer 200 mm insulation 19mm ceiling plaster board 7| Metal flashing on timber capping. 8| Concord continuum trimless profile lighting. 9| Curtain walling system.

1 2 7








4 5

Roof skylight detail

East elevation of both buildings

Roof detail

I n termediate floor detail

E a s t s e c t i o n t h r o u g h i n c u b a t o r o ffice

21 14








I n c u b a to r o f f i c e l o w level detail

D e t a i l ed 3 D s e c t i o n t hrough incubator office and nur sery

10| 75 mm screed with underfloor heating, polished finish. 11| Flush floor screed trucking for cabling. 12| Suspended ceiling. 13| Thermal insulation on concrete upstand. 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21|

Drainage channel. Metal capping. Plasterboard finish. Window position. Foundation. Galvanised steel angle. 200 mm concrete slab. 650 x 300 mm oak glulam mullion.

The structural concept for the project derives from taller precedent projects which use an innovative ‘tube’ design in which a perimeter support structure is joint to a central core with horizontal floortrusses. The perimeter structure supports the external forces whilst the internal core supports the vertical load, essentially creating a box within a box. The major advantages of the structure are remarkable stability, separation of load support with each element internal and external dedicated for different loads as well as the outer structure freeing the internal space by reducing the need for columns. This enabled us to use the glulam in combination with glazed elements in between that required no support but fixings to the vertical glulam elements.

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+ Details

Physical structural model

Ape - Tower


During my time at the Erasmus program in Dessau, apart from enjoying the sightseeing around the campus where BAUHAUS took place in the early 20th century I took part in a very interesting studio. The brief was to design a high rise proposal that would accommodate a function for the Berlin Zoo, and would be situated in the Ape house section. I was intrigued by this concept and developed an idea that contradicts the normal observation technique that zoo’s employ. I decided to create a hybrid tower where apes and humans interact and where both environments occupy the same area. The man made and the natural towers combined and interlink to rise up. The tubular structure allows for permeability into a space where each floor is penetrated by a net filled with life and nature, and as humans go from floor to floor, the apes can climb their own floors in an almost synchronised manner.



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H y b r i d t ower with



b o t h e n v ironments combined


Site Plan

Access to the site

L a n d s c a p e i n t e r v e n t i o n - g r e en for nature, red for man made

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Ground Floor

Third Floor

Ninth Floor 3D Sectional visual

3D Exterior visual

Fourteenth Floor

Twenty second Floor

3 D A x o n o m e t r i c v i s u a l exposing the different element s

3D Interior visual

Top Floor



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A nomadic habitat for destructed sites across the globe.


The Nomad is seeking a change in society through his microexistence. In this project based on the concept of ‘nomads’ the focus turns to devastated sites around the world that have been affected by natural or man made destructions. The ‘eco-soldier’ is the first respondent to those sites in order to investigate and analyse the effects of the destruction and provide his findings and decisions that are environmentally concerned. His ‘nomadic’ habitat is transported by emergency rescue helicopter teams and dropped on site. The enclosure which can be assembled and inflated on site becomes his habitat for the next period.


+ C o m p o n ents High tensile fabric tubes PVC plastic fixing balls Multifoil insulation Polycotton canvas sheets Steel joints


The Eco-soldier habitat transfered to the destructed site

Groundsheets Screws D e l t a ground anchors W i r e r opes A l u m i n ium panels S h o w e r tray W a t e r l ess toilet P l a s t i c chair P l a s t i c drawer E q u i p m ent box F o l d e d mattress Airpump Tubes M i c r o s cope T e s t i n g tubes Camera M e a s u r ing tape GPS

3 2


+ C o m ponents 1| Steel circular joints (hold the skin on the structure and adjusted in the plastic join balls). 2| Small join a cut to let through them.

5 6

balls with air travel

3| Polycotton canvas sheet. 4| Multifoil insulation. 5| High tubes.



6| PVC plastic join balls. 7| Air travels through the high tensile tubes and the plastic join balls that connect them to create a stiff and stable structure. 7

T h e E c o - s o l d i e r h a b i t at within the destructed site

Section through the habitat

During his time on site, the Eco-soldier explores the site and examines the condition and finally documents the effects of the destruction. He is able to gather his findings in his specially made habitat which comes as a box. This box unfolds to create the ground and side walls which are thereafter encapsualted by a polycotton sheet that is supported by inflated high tensile fabric tubes, A very sustainable habitat which is flexible to expand and allow for a larger space and additional uses.

P l a n v i e w o f t h e h a b i tat after assembly

H a b i t a t a s s e m b l y p r o c ess

8| Groundsheet. 8

Front elevation of habitat

Plan view of habitat

S e c t i o n view of habitat

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Bi-Bed AA Visiting School Workshop


The AA Visiting School Cyprus gave us the opportunity to express our creativity and fabrication skills in order to design a floating device that we would realise using parametric design software and only recycled materials. The use of plywood panels and water bottles was very challenging at first but we slowly have realised the benefits by combining interlocking techniques to create sandwich layers that are tied together to form a floating device. The stability of this device was tested in Rhino 3D and Grasshopper to provide us the right amount of filled and empty bottles and after some prototype tests we were able to realise our concept.



1| Foam mat 2| Connections 3| Empty water bottles 4 | Main structure from plywood 5| Supporters in PVC 6| Filled water bottles with sand and water

Back elevation of device

The device in the water

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W a t e r c a p a c i t y t e s t s u s i n g p a r a m etric software

Real life test of the prototype

1 2 3 4

5 6


3D axonometric drawing

Side elevation of device



London an ever-growing metropolis has s e e n a h i k e of its inhabitant’s growth to 16million. This vast concrete jungle required large i n v e s t m e n t in public infrastructure in order to cu l t i v a t e a n d sustain this mechanical organism. These h a v e l e f t deep ravines which intertwine and conne c t t h r o u g h the cities epicentres, an unsuspecting l a s t r e f u g e .





tempor a l


accommodation which is able to change an d a d a p t .

Within this hive structure, each living m o d u l e i s holozoic other





undergo order

gestation, to


metamorpho s i z e .


module is comprised of numerous cells pr e f a b r i c a t e d and assembled insitu and transported to t h e i r h i v e site by train thus reducing the C02 emi s s i o n s f r o m transport.



accommodati o n


typologies which are unique to the var i o u s f a m i l y structures that dwell within.


Green Sky Thinking Competition_First Prize Following the invitation to participate in this competition from our Environmental consultants in one of my projects, 3 colleagues of mine and I decided to participate. It was a great opportunity for us to imagine how London will be in the year 2050. We created a concept where due to the lack of space in the city, the last unused space for providing accommodation, are the railway lines. Building using modular architecture, above the railway lines, between the high rise buildings would enable us to expand in long distances and have a variety of heights depending on the demand. This has also provided us with the opportunity to introduce landscape and public areas as part of this new linear world.



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you. Thank

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