Storm of 33 NC News Archive

Page 1



GOOD AFTERNOON Scientist* (teamed up again over whether they can create life. Moat of ut continue to be interested only in whether we can aupport it.

Saturday night

,„d Sunday.

[VOL. 52—No.













IN TEXTILE FIELD WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 (UP) A total of 2,200,000 persons have back to work since the depression's bottom in March, Secretary of Labor Perkins estimated yesterday, and she noted with satisfaction that payrolls were ini creasing at a rate faster than that i of re-employment. In August, she said, 750,000 workers returned to jobs in in| dustries surveyed by the labor department. a rise of 6.4 per cenz. Payrolls increased 11.6 per cent, increased purchasing ; reflecting power made available under the National Act. i Recovery The August figure accounts for fonlv about half the industrial es-f ' tablishments of the country, but 'the estimate of re-employment since March is adjusted to covev all manufacturing and non-manuI gone


from the National




This board is Johnson. ted by industialists. emlaborers, and a reprelu of the consumers in tr.:at:ve •.nat all interests may be presented when probi... > >nnection with the NRA : to the local submitted :r .



embers of the local Com:.ance Hoard and their repre7.->

r.T.ut.' ns E A.

I facturing groups.


Smyth. 3rd—Manuface-president and tr^asier of Balfour Mills. J. 11. Creech—Laborer—ForeTimes-News. s'E. \V. Ham—Mercantile em\Ltr;ager of J. C. Penney «r.(any. CViarl:e i

Kluttz—E m p 1 Sherman's G >ds Store. !(>r


WASHINGTON, Sept. 1G—Employment in the cotton textile industry increased by 145,515 I workers during the period from March to September, according I to a I rej)ortv made by George A. Sldar, president of the CottonTextile institute, to Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, national industrial i 1


recovery administrator. General Johnson expressed satK. \V. Kwbank—Attorney— isfaction at the report. 'resident of local bar. The report showed that 320,3ir?. John S. Forrest—Consum000 persons were employed by r of Woman's Club. the industry in March, 356,000 The committee, according to in May and 465,916 on SeptemIK net and elected u This carries the average hana:.. office going to Here's the peril-fraugiit nocturnal ber 1. of employed 20,000 belay or A. V. Edwards, who has trip that Policeman William En- number ten a ':nuas general in the gelhart had to make up a slippery, yond the 1026 average. Monthly payrolls incre a s e d cam- 80-foot flagpole atop New York's ra! XRA membership $13,200,000 during the period u:». City Hall—all because Commun- from March to September. In aid has been set up I ists had hoisted there a sttlmon- I 1 1 f" conciliation and pink sateen banner bearing in March, the payroll was $12,800,"M, 000. and in May the payroll was comin le»:iat:>n handling white letters the words: "HANDS This $15,300,000 figures had twhich t ) non-compliance with The climb, OFF CUBA." estimated $26,to •A ^ Nations help mem- would have meant death or grave jumped to an on September 1. P> v-i'h petitions for excep- injury if he had slipped, took two 1 000.000 Mr. Sloan said that, while the | ' the regular codes, etc." hours. But he brought down tho economic and credit position of most of the local busi- banner. the industry had improved from blue mis are under the its disastrous situation of the >• t principal work of the early sprintr. the mills had not ki will be to hear complaints yet reached a position where ink -insr about compliance with terest on investment is assured. v regulations The majority He also explained that this iniv complaints thus far have had taken the risk of asdustry Lmisunderstanding. upon suming the increased cost occa» board doesn't expect much sioned by the NRA in advance When the on this score. must To Return of other industries and have Ito it He nds necessary application the general to a look for it before member v Home of the act and a consequent ini- i.-aring he will have the crease of the nation's purchasing! he of knowing that >n of the' t hoard with : i-;>resentative Capt. George Gibbins and fam- power for a maintenance J and ily. former residents of Hender- present rate of employment. s and employes The results of the activities of :s all represented, just sonville, have returned to this Johnson and his assocustom of formulating place from Spartanburg. They are General their efforts to increase in * ciates XRA Hills. the Druid in codes by residing purchasing power, in formerly ' was general ation in Washington. Captain Gibbins work opinion, justifies the Sloans Mr. are various codes f.he in charge of Salvation AvUiy textile industry's posi1 this local board will in Hendersonville, but left here cotton authority in | when the Army post was discon- tion in its prompt co-operation P7- c siderable and securing from 1 : rs. salaries and other- tinued. He will operate a wood in submitting indirsement of the ' I and the fall president the ^ that the NRA obliga-' yard here during I first code. winter. 0Bf «re fully observed. of employes and' tv.i-ses r will have representa-; s board and there n > hesitancy in regis-1 .'^plaints because the rar'i ha been, set up to hear nt-


Gibbins To Run Wood Yard Here And Family Make This Their







a.v employe toper waires, "the '




be reported, is not driven same



Smuggling And False Entries Basis Of Action committee, but preferably Alleged Creech and Kluttz. as Against Subsidiary Of British Concern; Many .:>;)osed to represent | Others To Follow f employes.




1 the











nee n




Hoard are ex-j few days but members will be in, to hear of infractions. > i



Purely Acci-

A coroner's jury afternoon exonerated

yesterday Evelyn j Case, 15-year-old daughter of ; Mr. and Mrs. iiynum Case, of the in connection with blame of her death cousin, Lavada Case 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Case holding that Lav'

ada Case came to her death as a result of a gunshot wound at the it was purely accidental. Lavada Case was shot on the aftcrnoo nof August 30 and died about ]0:o0 that night in the

Memorial hospital. large number of witnesses

Patton A


-16. refund of duties on importations. NEW ORLEANS. La., Sept. Edmond E. Talbot, United jury federal grand (UP).—The district attorney who drew States Dunbar the yesterday indicted said that the

Some Disorders Still ReMain Out Of Control In

BINS OUT 11 The Towns FOR CHAIRMAN Washington! 5

sept, ig (UP) a I Secretary of State Hull after I talk with Ambassador Sumner that | Welles in Havana said todaycondithe fundamental political

Vinct "Dry" Meeting Is He!d| ,^inct



An Initial Success


ed; New Long Bridge There Is Demolished

G.O.P. In State





Meekins of Hendersonville is a candidate for the chairmanship of the State Republican executive committee, his friends here reseveral days port. Meekins spent here this week on business. He ij of U. S. District Judge I. M. Meekins of Elizabeth City, but who spends much of his time holding federal court here. of the chairman If elected

a son


Republican executive


mittee, Meekins will try to do two things, he told his friends here, as follows: 1. Administer the affairs of the party without regard to any factions or cliques and without any dictation from any of these. of I the office 2. Administer chairman personally and not turn the office

secretary, past.

over as



JJw. .



has been done in the

The state chairman is by the State Republican

elected conven-

tion for a period of two years, so that he will have had at least a year's experience before having to undertake the direction of a presidential campaign. Thus the new chairman will be elected by the state convention in April or May of 1934 and he will hold office through 1934 and 1935, and

be in charge of the campaign both the off-year campaign in the fall of 1934 and then of the presidential campaign in the fall of 1935. Th*, feeling in Republican circles in this section of the state is that the faction of the Republican party headed by Chairman Jame* M. Duncan of Greensboro has been in control of the party machinery long enough and that the time has come to make a change. exThey believe Meekins has an cellent chance to bring the various factions in the party together and weld it into a single, smoothis ly functioning organization. It also agreed that if the party is going to be able to do anything either next year or thereafter, better co-operation and a more must be ob-


1G (UP)


The bituminous coal operators today accepted a code of fair practice for the industry and began signing the document, with indications that practically the entire



soft coal industry would be bound by early this afternoon.

A discussion of wage contracts between the United Mine Workers of America and operators of the Appalachian group is in progress, with efforts still being made to reach an agreement simultaneously with the approval of the code by President Koosevelt later to-

What's in a name? Don's ask Nell Rose Atwood that. Hut ask her what's in her initials (NRA) and she'll tell you—a job! She was given a furlough from the Department of Agriculture in Washington a month ago but now, due to the increased activities of th£ day. Signing of the code by indi- NHA, the government has called vidual operators is necessary be- her back to work. cause the code is not sponsored any one






Virginia coast* today, bringexceedingly high tide* and

rains. Two persons were known to have been drowned, while a third is reported missing and damage is estimated to run into sev« eral millions of dollars. Communications with Morehead City, Beaufort, Elizabeth City and Hatteras remained disrupted aftei-

to the document


winds of a tropica! lathed North Carolina











One Fatality Friday,

But 37 New Cases




WASHINGTON, Sepl. 16 (UP) The weather bureau's 10:30 a. m. advisory storm warning said that the hurricane is now centered near Cape Hatteras and is moving northward at about ten miles an hour. It will pass near Cape Henry late this afternoon or early tonight.


16. (UP)—of the tropical hurriestimated to be at or near Hatteras now by the weather bureau here.. Its direction has changed from northeast to approximately northwest, it it said. Communication lines have been disrupted to North Carolina coastal towns and the weather bureau here said it was unable to raise army or navy radio* at Langley Field, Norfolk and other It is places in the storm area. presumed they are also disrupt* ed. Communications with Hatteras The


center was

still disorders









ST. LOUIS, Sept. 16.—(UP). —With only one death reported towns. during the past 24 hours, physicians in charge of the city and were disrupted at 8 a. m. today, of the reunion The sixth annual (Copyright, 1933, United Pre«») sickness, last night ex- before th» storm was due to sleeping this in Ilill and Hyder connections SUR, section will be held at the Dana pressed the belief that the mal- strike. It was then off the coast. DEL CONSOLACION The barometer then read 28.28, was "dying out." Cuba, Sept. 16.— (UP).—The re- high school Sunday, Sept. 24, be- ady Although 37 new cases of en- the lowest recorded. The bureau bellion led by Captain Fernando tween the hours of 10 a. m. and i the reported hurricane winds of a were reported, cephalitis Aran was ended last night with- p. m., it was announced today. death rate appeared to be defi- velocity of 82 miles per hour at out bloodshed. The program will be under the nitely checked. Senior Surgeon Norfolk and 69 miles per hour Loyal forces from Camp Co- chairmanship of J. C. Hill this James P. Leake of the United at Langley Field. Haat lumbia, army headquarters ye_ar. States public health service said afterthe of arrived yesterday vana, Among the speakers NEW BERN, Sept. 16. (UP) noon. They comprised two full morning will be James F. Bar- yesterday. The death of Mrs. Mary Lewis, —New Bern was struck early took companies of infantry and rett, the Rev. Melvin Hyder of 55, reported yesterday, brought today by the center of the storm. over military control of the city Mill Springs preaching at 11 a. the total number of fatalities to Damages are estimated at one of 7,000 persons, after a night of I m.. while the Rev. Mr. Dry of Mt. The mile long 145 since July 30. when the epi- million dollars. terror. I Moriah and H. Patterson of this bridge built at great expense demic first became apparent. his i and Aran that heard. found be also will They city Figures released by the Metro- last year was reported washed men had ransacked the local barIn the afternoon, the speakers health council, organized away by turbulent waters. Crops politan of work at GasHill of racks before fleeing will include Joseph the when epidemic broke out, re- were practically destroyed by infantry tonia, Andrew Lyda of EdneyThe their approach. 23 per cent of the raging currents of flood waters. that vealed chased them into the countryside ville, Miss Juanita Hipp and D. The Coast Guard Cutter Pamtotal number of persons stricken and surrounded them near Ceja M. Kuykendall of this city. was reported to be in danger were between the ages of 15 and lico del Negro where Aran surrendered Mrs. Lula Shipman, in announc34 years. Twenty-nine per cent of running aground near hero and was taken captive. There was ing the partial program said that ' of the cases were persons over 54 last night, where many sections! no fighting of importance. all families in attendance are 1 of the city along the river front old. The two companies from Camp asked to bring ample basket din- ^ years were under water. men 400 the as reinforced Columbia ners this year, inasmuch Thousands of dollars of dam* concentrated from barracks in attendance runs from 3,000 to age was estimated done in the western Cuba during the nighi". 4,000 on these reunions and it is flooded wholesale district. started at hoped that dinner will be providThe Aran uprising Boy Scouts in rowboats moved 9:30 p. m. Wednesday night. It ed for all. many families from their homes. Mrs. Shipman said also that any BREVARD, Sept. 16 (Special) The city has been without elecapparently was an effort to embarrass the Havana government choruses, quartets, or singing —Drive for support of Fruit- tric power since 9 o'clock last in intervenbe invitland Institute will staged and force United States night. groups do so are tion. ed to attend and that place will all Baptist churches of Transylforce be provided for them on the mu- vania on Sunday, with speakers 32 DEAD AND 1000 A citizens' volunteer which has been drilling here re- sical program if they will tommu- presenting the cause in differ- HOMELESS IN MEXICO ent churches. TAMPICO, Mexico, Sept. IG. cently offered to aid the govern- J nicate with her. ment troops in putting down the (UP)—A hurricane swept the eastern <.-oast of Mexico yesteruprising. Some of the peasants, day, striking Tampico at 70 miles however, apparently sympathized an with Aran's men and gave them hour, spreading death and destruction in its path. food, although some reports said Estimates of the dead here the soldiers took their provisions reached 32, and 1,000 homeless. by force. Nine inches of rain fell in two Aran's forces were estimated hours. Transportation by land up to 400 men, although Thursand sea was cut off, while all day night the original figure was communication lines except the considerably less. Twenty desertlocal wireless station of the Paned before they had gone far, reAnd In In American Airways were out of turning to their barracks. commission. Seventeen civilians, including

I are

The Times-News Bureau Sir Walter Hotel




Raleigh Hears He Has As- ' tions in Cuba appeared to be im- Will Be At Dana, Sunday, there pirations To Head I proving*. He added, inhowever, Sept. 24; Program Is the interior

the indictment, Corporation of New up Molasses Cor- company had defrauded the govYork, the Dunbar Molasses ten ernment of tariff totalling "apand poration of New Orleans, half million dola with those com- proximately associated persons lars" operating between April, violating of charges panies, on unified leadership 192C, and August, 1931. the national tariff act. tained. nationally corporation. The of a $40,known, is a subsidiary P. 0. 'He Southwest Hendersonvillc 000.000 concern of Great I.ritain, here. committee of the County it was reported indictment was due to The i'' forces held a meeting this the induswith Chairman H. C. reverberate throughout understood was RRKVARD. Sept. 16 (Special) made today presiding, and added the trial world. It one of the first —Brevard was postoffice is being • Announcement was this winjr that to the named citizens of the , the under auspices deal' 'new that, afternoon the closed each Saturday of the committee: i prosecutions under a silAuxiliary, n » hip American naI.egion in This is similar keepat one o'clock. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. 0>- and that others of a at the Le-4 will be tea ver given that ing with a recent ruling >muh. E. p. Phillips Mrs. Ed ture would likely follow. 19, charges that postal employees take a nine gion clubhouse Tuesday,4 Sept. Mn. L. e. Racki-jy, A. L. The indictment and 6 between the hours of "no constituting during holiday acts pay" day overt rs- Fannie Jordan and among the the ocu mo- each quarter. Postmaster T. C. | o'clock. The proceeds of *- A. Brown. the conspiracy. Black Strap 7 Airman it is stated, will go toward the casion, Unithat states regular the I into Galloway Hanson states that lasses was smuggled kitchen. be furnishing the clubhouse M;"'niittee i« active and will; ted States and "false and fraudu- service will in all probability will program A musical of special first the !,. Octr :re',a<fnt iitmtiBtjs .until the l$ut eutcies*' wtity; .ipade into the resumed after artists. [1 t Ja local offered be by ) j on v NoY«mb«v -1th. »;.w« »4. bdoks of the. vouipahy to qbfoip obor.


after she was year-old girl shot that they were playing and that she was shot by 'Mutt,' a nickname for Evelyn Case. Witnesses heard were Mrs. Annie J. Case, mother of Lavada; Dr A. B. Drafts, who attended the injured child; Mrs. Lavada grandmother; (Jarren. maternal Miss Othello Hall, of the hospital; C. Fieeman, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Nellie Sexton, Rev. R. N. Williams, Charles Parker, Mattie Nell Case, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Clemme Case, mother of Evelyn, Evelyn Case, and others. Members of the jury were Z. C. Byers, John S. Forrest, H. M. Russ, D. M. Wells, John Livingston, and W. C. Hinsdale.







y e—




Board Is Established Here

Case Was dental















Hoard Hender*as organized yesterof >eein^r purpose ligations assumed in lembers of the XRA d with. •v board, one of which every city in the I'ni-

Ni *






Secretary Perkins Gives Operators Accept AgreeI 1 but the On New at heard Jobs Finds iiujuest Coroner's ment, Entire Industry Figures Jury substantitestimony of all Be Bound Soon Since Last March Wounding Of Lavada ally to the effect that the 10-





Delegated Body As To Keeping Obligations




BIATION ARE Bong duties Considerable Authority


fIRA Compliance A Banner Climb



Small Town "Speed Trap" Talmadge investigates, But Floridian Still

Sholtz Caught

Dario, a newspaperman, Dr. Udefonso Mas. a physician, were arrested on charges of aiding the rebels. There was little apparent sympathy for the movement, however, among the people generally. Soldiers patrolled the streets of this town last night, in pairs, reSimilar the police. inforcing


Minus His Five Dollars

| and .

mm mm

16. (UP)— cash bond. Talmadge said he'd I HOW DID OXCN FIGURE IN When the governor of Florida see about that. QETCRMININGr AN ACRE? complains about getting caught being forced to put up the $5 "Governor Sholtz tells me he in an alleged Georgia "speed trap," the governor of Georgia was driving along at a rate of is goinj; to do something about about 40 miles an hour outside ! it, even if he has to hold a the corporate limits of Lula when measures were taken at Pinar del a policeman stopped him and decourt.' dashed i "kangaroo Students Rio, nearby. So yesterday afternoon, Gov. manded the bond money," Talmotor in cars, through the streets Talmadge held a "hearing" to madge related. "I never arrest anybody unless carrying rifles, and holding dem- learn just whv Gov. Sholtz. of onstrations of allegiance to the Florida, recently was forced to they're going more than 40 miles provisional president at Havana, post a $5 cash bond when he was an hour," Hawkins, the arresting Prof. Ramon Grau San Martin. stopped for speeding in Lula, Ga. officer, defended himself. "We've got to protect our Before him, the Georgia govcitizens from Charspeeders," Mayor summoned ernor solemnly B.Y.P.U. les Hawkins, the chief of police Tallent put in a word for his .of both Lula and Belton, and one-man police force. To which, F. E. Gabriels, ordiVic? i Mayor C. E. Tallent, of Lula. j It seems as though neighbor nary of Habersham county; C. BREVARD, Sept. 1(! (Special) WHEN Vici J. WCRB —Center district B.Y.P.U. asso- ; Sholtz was driving through Geor- P. Wilbanks, the sheriff, and WHAT 15 THE all DICE ciation will be held at Brevard gia recently to his summer home E. Franklin, county attorney, WCANING OFTMIS F|R5tO chorused: was LATIN f XDPESSKW Baptist church Sunday after- i in North Carolina, when he U5CD 1 with tactics "Thpse motorists noon, convening at 2:30, accord- given a ticket for sDeedinp iust When are driving them away from our citizen. ing to announcement made by like any ordinary Miss Dixie Jones and Miss Hy- he came back through Georgia county." For correct anmri Ui'lliMtiu There were about 30 others at he complained to his bernia Shipman, leaders of the j a pain, pltti* Urn (o p«|* 5^! questions, on about page three) (Continued Governor friend Talmadge district.







ton'Kht; mostly a<r-*"v fair with occasional Saturday






No. 233

lot 52

> Two mosquitoes named after Named, Australian scientist. only? Whole flocks of them go after us. an





Ik dealers I CODE OF lament


of Prices October 1

( 1

in Hurricane


CIX hurricanes of major intensity have swept sections ot' the United States, Mexico, and the West Indies in the last five weeks. Hundreds have been killed and injured and property damage has been

20-2:5, Sept. 16 More than, 50 dead, millions property

high in million?. The West Indian hurricane is due, according to scientists, to a conflict of two systems of winds, chiefly from August to Oc-



Struck by Freight While Driving Wagon



tober. At that time the northeast trade wind belt shifts north of its average position. At the . same time, the southeast trade winds have crossed I the equator and have been turned by the earth's rotation into southwest winds.



IpiTTlOlT COSTS fair

practices, »n- j schedule of retail

ha> been -nilk interests of iity ami will be-

Florida, Sept. 2-3-— Little life loss, heavy


B. •

October milk






Texas, Sept. two dead, Twenty 1500 injured, millions property loss.

property damage.



compliance with the



ait. all milk try iucts producers, dis-

ft .





p 11- i t of tht> and adopted a -

ie approved under adjustment act, any firm or in•nakingr any change of the HenderCouncil, comllrowninjr. Jr.. I Stevens, j

I. v I


Near Hosiery Mills

iTAiMPICOl uuoa,


dead, dreds injured.

Tampico, Sept. 25— Hundreds reported dead and injured. Heavy damage.


at the East Flat Rock cross-








or •

at variance


hedule and fair I red by this


underminwill be frusof the na-

be -






said. "The licensed mil's,



Farley Declares NRA Based on

r uz-

Gardner, was •he code. tins: to enter


o-operation milk supply ex-


FOUR HELD IN Lubbe Confesses LARGE CROWD I He Set Fire to PRICE'S DEATH The Reichstag AT DRY MEET Murder Charged and Bond Not Allowed in Waynes- I ! ville Hearing


LEIPZIG, Marinus



Sept. Der



centric young Dutch stone mason, confessed in the supreme court today {bat he set fire to

was on

the main track






Miss Ruth Henderson Wins Principles Same as Those of Declaration of IndeMedal; George Justice pendence, He Says Talks of Evils •



CITY, Sept.


prosecutor Herbert K. Hyde began the government's final thrusts at ten defendants in the Urschel kidnaping trial at noon today. The case, the first major test of the Lindbergh anti-abduction law, will go Chicago police are grilling Gus to the jury late today. Winkler, above, gangster high on Meanwhile, a lawyer uith unthe roll of the city's public enemies, regarding the holdup in derworld contacts was sought tomail day as the "master mind" .n the Reserve Federal which pouches were stolen and Police- Urschel kidnaping. Federal man Miles Cunningham was slain. prosecutors declared Winkler and bis wife were sur- the original ransom notes, as well prised and captured when detec- as the threatening letters used by tives crashed into their exclusive Kelly "were formulated by a leapartment as a grocery boy en- gal mind."

Johnson's Illness Holds Reorganization of




of the Southern



Mass Trial of 10 Defendants in Hands of Jury Late Today





railway, lying the train was approaching- and j near Chipman-LaCrosse Hosiery that he was driving off of it, Mills, when an Asheville bound when as a matter of fact, he ' drove on to it when the accident freight train struck him. Mr. Kuykendall was driving a occurred. He said the engineer, whom he horse and wagon in the opposite i direction from which the train interviewed, declared he did not He suffered see anyone at the crossing until I was approaching. breaks of both legs, one arm was he saw the horse running, then saw the I broken, and his skuil was frac- saw the wagon, and then tured in several places. body. The wagon was demolished but Mr. Kuykendall was the son ot He K. Kuykendall. j the horse escaped without iu- Mr. Robert leaves a wife and three children. | juries. inn

under nra




Coroner J. Brooks, who visKufus Kuykendall, resident ot ited the scene of the accident said killed was New instantly Hope, j that he believed Kuykendall must I shortly after 2 o'clock this after- have become confused, thinking



Grill Gangster


Atlantic coast, Aug.









Administration WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 (UP) Illness of General Hugh S. Johnson held up again today action on the master retail code and forced delay on reorganization of the administration. Johnson is suffering from an infection which necessitated a minor operation. He will not return until Monday, aides said.

George will

to Oklahoma tomorrow, federal authorities indicated today. The departure of the Kelly plane and the escort squadron will depend on developments at the mass trial of defendants in the Urshel kidnapping case, in which Kelly and his wife will be tried October 9. Sixteen planes are expected to leave with the desperado a few hours after the Urshel case goes to the jury. Kelly bore up under another day of• relentless questioning and obstinately guarded the secrets of his barnstorming career of


City before


Death of Hendersonvillei Summer Resident Shocks St. Petersburg

29. the


Sept. 29.—(UP). (Machine Gun) Kelly noon

DETROIT, Sept. 29.—(UP).— A large crowd was present (UP).—The principles of Ford wants to keep his giThursday evening: at Dana schoo new deal are the principles of* Henry industrial empire running gantic meda W.C.T.U. of the a the declaration house for caused independence smoothly, but would close every to constithe ST. PETERSBURG. Fla., Sept. Hitler Slnd his | contest, in which six girls anc .pnd the preamble ger that swept in the country if the strike the general plant Dann 44, for banditry. I Nazis into power. of the higl tution—to "promote fever spreads from the East, the —29.—German*A. man one Fedefal agents who last night young welfa-e and secure the blessings a figure in St. prominent years Miss Ruth of libert to ourselves and our United Press learned today. reported a partial collapse of the schoo] participated. and civic business, Petersburg's coThe industrialist will not be iron wall of silence surrounding General Henderson, whose recitation was posterity"—Postmaster and closely identified crced by what he calls strike agi- political life the austere Kelly revised their Nathe affairs, told James A. national Farley "The Bottomless and Jug,' entitled, tators, it was said. Sources close with .state statements late yesterday. the winner of the silvei tional Association of Postmasters to Ford said he probably will meet was drowned at 8:15 o'clock Wed,was "We havg not obtained a satat last here in convention night. medal. with NRA mediators, however, if nesday night while swimming statement from Kelly isfactory of 11)29, The economic collapse The other contestants and titles Grandma's lake at Cosme-Odessa, or his they came here to confer. wife, Katherine Kelly," of northwest miles 22 of their recitations were as fol Farley said, brought "a determiabout strike Ford believes agitators said John M. Keith, special agent nation to effect such a reorganlows: are taking advantage of low-ebb Tampa. of the bureau of investigation at social at Or of our home "Sail ization economic, summer a Helen had Ward, Dann Miss production now due in the period N. C., and was Washington. Miss Margaret Lane and political life as to guarantee and On." of transition from the old to new Hendersonville, "He has made no confession to the I restoration of high Elist full Miss the Love." "The New well known there. models. me and has not admitted anythe in the of which of standard member living Dann, a former Stepp, "Tom Lane's Awakening.' I The strike at Cheater, Pa., was thing. However, he has not dethink to been Pinellas Thai I have we proud past Miss Catherine Parry, "Lips legislature from led by GO workers who were said state connection with the Charles nied States of United Touch Liquor." Miss Carolyr distinguished the to have heard that Ford planned county and a past president of F. Urschel kidnaping at Oklachamber state Florida here the Blackwell, "His Soul Was Free.' from other nations." Officials to close the plant. Soldiers' homa City." To- Allard Garren, "Prohibition th( the Turning to postoffice affairs, said Ford then closed the plant commerce, left 18 Holes W. A. Roper, special agent of no that as a said postmaster! he was serving Farley where immediately and ordered its pro- Home, the bureau and chief of the San Remainder of Con- Ultimatum." for o* oi removed board political! been chairman had veterans' the M. II. Huggins, J transferred to other member of last Francisco office, reported ad- duction quota the precinct dry committee foi ^reasons under the Roosevelt review, at 4 o'clock Wednesday eastern plants. test To Be that Kelly had confessed night Most the acting postat tht ministration. called afternoon for his lodge North Blue Ridge, j complicity in the Urschel abducThe invoca- masters appointed have replaced lake. meeting to order. BY THE UNITED PRESS i he tion. Keith substantiated Roper'a Dr. J. G. Hennett, defending had terms expired, I F whose men Prof. C. was made went in swimming shortthe by Dann tion unrest Labor throughout ' He said 661 post-' East and Middle West continued ly after 8 o'clock and swam to- announcement. champion, and Dr. R. C. Sample Jervis, principal of the school explained. 1 will Both hurled back vehement desince meet this afternoon in the Mrs. W. K. Shipp of Henderson masters had been removed discordant ward a diving raft anchored about a to lend of the 36-hole finials yesterday. of these 625 were j Thursday March and W.C.T.U. the 4, shore. the from feet | firstof18theholes Nationals 25 to the symphony of Kiwanis Invitation Golf ville, representing "infractions of the note Wednesday night Roper quoted ; nal A. H. Stoughton, official of explained the plan of the contest removed for Industrial Recovery progress. Works, the vagabond outlaw as saying | tournament at the Hendersonville A large group of school childreT i postal laws." Only 36, he said, Novelty Petersburg and St. workers the steel Coal miners, on Chicago and ! Golf and Country club. The first of the primary department undei were removed for political activ-| automobile laborers in various who accompanied Dann to the "you're wrong 18 holes will be played this aftKansas City." a circular took of Mrs. D. B. Green ity. Dann the direction said the to lake, ignore sections continued ernoon and the remaining round Keith said yesterday afternoon The postoffice irftpection serv-1 raft and when sang a temperance song. government's appeal for a holi- course towards thefrom the float, that Kelly casually mentioned the tomorrow afternoon. the contest Horac< ! ice, Farley said, is being restored feet in10 Following about In several between Re- j day on strikes. Dr. Bennett advanced to the hands and "Oklahoma City job" after his Flack of Hendersonville,. gave i i to the even balance stances there was disorder and stopped, threw up his finals with a sensational comearrest here early Tuesday, and and Democrats instituword. a publicans humorous recitation. uttering Burle- rioting. In Indiana the national sank without back victory over C. K. Hoover nearby, could in no way be called The contest judges were Mrs ted by Postmaster General swimming to quell a out Stoughton, ordered was score a ?uard yesterday afternoon by J. F. Brooks and Miss lzoral i son in the Wilson administration.! riot between union and non-union dived for Dann but said he could a confession. of one up on the 20th hole. Reese of Hendersonville, and th< ( On March 4, Farley explained, | coal miners and remained ready not reach him because of the reWith three of the 18 holes is aouut only 170 inspectors out of 540; for action today. Rev. E. M. Pickop of Florida. RUMORS OF GARBO'S | depth of the water, wmcn maining to be played Bennett W. Justice, county com were Democrats. coal 18 feet at that point. After sevGeorge soft The Ho Pennsylvania will be, was three down to Hoover. revenues Postofice said he missioner, a native of Blue Ridg< i to Mercer county eral attempts, Stoughton 1 staged a great come back to win township, made a brief talk t< i brought "within hailing distance"! strike spread strikers I summoned a negro helper at the Fayette when marching holes and square all three the audience while the decisioi i of expenditures this year, Farley invaded that county, coaxed the Dann's lodge and sent him to a STOCKHOLM, Sept. 29. (UP). 20th the On is match on the 18th. mile Rumors of the of the judges was being awaited said, even if the postal deficit miners into joining their move- Boy Scout camp about a impending marout. Hoover missed a gimme put to i wipped som< not out actually Mr. Justice pointed riage of Greta Garbo, screen acment, and moved northward to- away for assistance.. take a four while Bennett shot a of the evils of the liquor traffii The negro returned with four tress, were revived last night as ward Venango county. JOKER SHOT DEAD par 3. to rear. before North Carolina voted pro a result of a report in the DagThe Indiana rioting occurred at men who used grappling hooks semi-final round other the In BucTher< Shortly after they turned, I Oakland City, where "raiding par- raise the body five minutes after ligt Allehanda that she had pqrthe hi bition 25 years ago. surprised 29.—(UP). R. C. Sample Dr. i Sept. NEW YORK. distilleriei two licensed hanan saw two more men to their were visited they rowed to the spot in a boat. chased an estate of 125 welldowning Dr. W. E. within a few miles of Dana schoo I Jokingly, Fred Conrad walked up- ties" of striking miners right, near the trail. One of them, field by 3 and 2. homes of men employed in the While the rescuers used artificial wooded acres on the Island of on onunin^s Demands That Dewey Dollman Frank house, and drinking and drunken to his friend Potter, came out, he said, Brackett and Francisco mines, respiration in an effort to revive Dyvik. In the second flight Joe Smyth ness and crime all the way fron i the street here yesterday and said j Somerville American Bar Have the other seeming to remain beThe fact that Max Gumpel, an that the non-union Dann. Stoughton called an ambuJim while demanding on Not in defeated 0. C. Fuller, the( men leave town. i misdemeanors to murder resultei 1 "Stick 'em up!" hind a tree. lance from Tarpon Springs which engineer with whose name the 3 Con-' J- H. Lampley shot defeated Charles f Patrolman House salt Potter Grey and joke. that the manufacture Buchanan testified Wherever resistance was en- hurried to the scene with a pul- actress' often has been linked, is 2. Smyth and Grey will meet [from rad dead. said, "Stop where you are!" and (Continued on pag» three) windows were smashed motor. understood to be planning to I 18-hole countered, an in * afternoon this .VGTON. Sept. 29. (UP). Price's reply was, "Who?" Ambulance attendants worked build a mansion on the island the victims were dragged and for an was regarded as significant in General Cummings pre-| Potter was testified to have re- match. from their homes and beaten. j on Dann with the pulmotor In the third flight Dr. J. L. night that some law-, sponded, "All of you." left town as a I hour and then placed him in the the rumors of this long-rumored 30 About persons Brownlow Buchanan testified that Potter Weddington defeated conspire with the un-| ambulance and went to Tarpon romance. (Continued on page 3). Jackson 5 and 4; Bartlett defeaton page three) "will be made to suf(Continued operating the pulmotor j jp' Springs, and ed Rev. W. H. Ford 9 and 7, r pals of crime," and ^as they rushed to that city. | P. N. defeated Ewbank Ernest Amer-, the leanup of He never showed signs of reTimmerman 3 and 2. I : to the treatment and this sponding Bartlett will meet Ewbank ••<i notice that the just-j ; later was brought to the Endicott will winner the and afternoon apartment proposes to pun-1 Funeral home here. meet Dr. Weddington tomorrow ! y.h" advise criminals j afternoon. Stoughton said Dann had not I crimes wuhout rim 11 ductions resulted yesterday when) of feeling ill while at Geat What is complained First 1 the law and plans to the lodge and had eaten nothing the French and Germans confer-1 THE NAME them effort to have neva on Armaments ! except/ a few sandwiches about red officially for the first time School Post; OF THIS n° TRIP half an hour before entering the I the session of current Will the Plans MAM? in Are during laracteristic thing L to Stoughton, Successor water. According Miss League of Nations assembly. J IN f swimmer predatory times," he said EARLY a not was Dann strong Be Perfected at the The French foreign minister, anner in which some GENEVA, Sept. 29.—(UP).— [ but was able to take care of himmet with' Miss Alexa Rapin of Rock Hill, Paul-Boncour, un- Joseph east far "f the bar co-operate war in the rA great Court House self in the water. CHICAGO, Sept. 29.—(UP). duties today as minister, German the foreign The time S. C., assumed her underworld. L": T. G. W. Set- less Japan is halted in her expanMembers of the family and Von Neurath. of commercial classes in Lieut. Commander Constantine Baron hy i c^n:». in this Country for a teacher was a sion program predicted Henderson county 'wets'* will , friends, however, said that Dann school, suc- tle's second attempt to pilot that asserted high sources French Hendersonville dele"f the bar. will Wellington Koo, Chinese Every barf the county courthouse at had complained of a heart ailment Miss Anna Patton, who balloon into the stratosphere made Paul-Boncour said the French po-[ meet at ':a >n he should be interested.; ceeding HOW LONG IS THE October 2 or soon there- gate, in an earnest appeal i *1 office posi2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, recently and expressed belief and begin to accept remained sition unchanged <n put the league assembly today. heart attack while my fingers on many resigned bo suffered a will was announced yester- to it plans after, island of Cuba?< York from City and organization come New must "Do not let the league's cove- •that concessions who are under serious tion in perfected at this meeting', L. B. swimming. Berlin. Miss Patton has been a member day. of paper," nant become a Prof. scrap break to Settle's attempt Joe S. Clark, who worked with Is the Chinese faculty for four or Von Neurath was said to have Prince announced today. -Timings ,aid we did not know of the local "All signs in the Far altitude record Koo said. Prominent speakers favorable Dann as a member of the veterher resignation was Auguste Picard's POPULATION OF to consult with his govconflict promised a East to major his Punishment would be asked five years and point 18th amend- ans' board of review, said the vicschool of- failed last August 4, when 5f ' the United States If ernment, but it was believed the to the repeal of the I:. Campbell, indicted in accepted with regret by within the next few years. had comballoon came down in a Chicago to agree to ment will be heard at the meeting tim Monday afternoon refuse Germans be still to G5EATEP THAN THE a ficials. file the covenant is permitted 1,>rk for failure to F. and his of camA. of for a made heart, will railroad be yard. plained of arma-; and plans east of the international control Japanese? Miss Ragin is a graduate of $200,000 in gold holdas a of is paper which scrap balloon, of Dann's same father-in-law, j the four-year commercial course The Thomasson, ;^rn paign to carry the support under arrange-] present can it become a real- ments has how Suez, building, a had not five-story been feeling the repeal said Dann Rock Hill, high as ments,' demanding that France Henderson county for i»rn i in n I I. -aid Campbell was the larg- of Winthrop College, at well for several days because of been repaired and will be used ity in Europe?" to more drastic! of the amendment. commit in herself covenant Known holder of gold and and has had one year experience the at broke is It Japan answers to thes* correct attempt. connection For second duties be strenuous in the his also School in candidate will A wet ^ r Training reductions during the proposed and will be brought i seizing Manchuria, Koo said. .f*'e government asked in the Winthrop ' named at this time. ir a questions, please turn to page $ (Continued on page three) comes to Hen- Akron, O., sentence in his case for Teachers. She A deadlock on armament re- trial period. Monday. next j here recommended. • well Ptnd.s on dersonville himself." WAYXESVILLE, Sept. 29.— the state." Four mountaineers, held shortly tine agreement, after the slaying of Thomas Price, elsewhere in 60-year-old retired secretary of t ^ ides an average the Union Pacific railroad, on his : of 1 cent a estate a-*' •i here Sunday afternoon tas distributors are were held to court without bond or more cents per by Magistrate R. M. Leatherwood, he increased cost in a preliminary conducted her'J ar Pro-' Thursday afternoon. c was said. i >s?s have advanced The four defendants, charged -v 3-> per cent, while in warrants with first degree muritI. washing powd- der are: Dewey Potter, 34, mica f "les. caps and other miner; his brother. Clarence, 29; »• advanced sharply.1 Wayne Potter. 14. son of Dewey; i> state tax and: and a Eric Ledford, 22,* their itrt «- nse occasioned bv ad-' cousin. t- tx ht-li and higher wages Constable Buchanan, a surprise Hunder the XRA, the witness for the prosecution, testirr-"^ pointed out. fied that he had heard Dewey Pot•Jf agreement, which applies ter threaten to kill Price. The selling milk or milk i threat was made, the officer testiii'-ery -c;.« n Henderson county re-' fied. at Potter's home at Big Mica f--" -f whether or not they Kidge mine, the Sunday afternoon the agreement,! of the killing, about 1 o'clock. He ina" ry to a: -hethe following retail declared that he heard Potter say •it- price lists: he was going" to get his gun and tail kill Price. He further told the ira<!<? -A" Milk—Quarts 13c, | court that he saw Potter get a 12& 7c. 1-2 pints 5c. and guage breech-loading shotgun e (Vam—Quarts $1.00. hurriedly leave his home, goir.,* -ints 25c, 1-4 pints toward the place where the shooting took place on Lickstone moun60c, 1 injr Cream Quarts tain. Potter, Constable Buchanan > Wc. I-j pints 15c. said, was excited. U!!e: ;]*—quarts 8c. Charles Buchanan, one of the ta i buttermilk—Quarts l^c.1 men who had accompanied Price » Sc. | on his fatal horseback ride Sun"ta*re Cheese—Package (12 day afternoon, was the first witHe and called yesterday. ness 'te- and Kggs—At prevail- j Williams went with Price Virge Continued on page three) horseback, while who was on Price's two mountain companions rode mules. They had ridden on the estate and were returning home, Buchanan testified, and as they turned, he saw two men walking behind some sheep. Price was riding in front, Buchanan second and Williams was in the a



which reichstag, of popular anwave











Being Played







operation ot Underworld and




lawyers Charged Cleaning



Koo Declares Japanese kxpansion In Far East Will Bring Great ! War In Few Years Unless Halted; WETS




Miss ratton Will

Live in New York



Quits High






.i I,




!j:ul ,





canipbell i ;• JO)



















tration Is Conducting Sectional Meeting; Indications Are Hendersonville Contemplates Street Work Under Provisions of Act

Sunken Manteo DamSchooner; I age Not Known


SEW BERN. Sept. ID.— (UP).


were recovered from ''-nine schooner Dale. down in Ratan Bay James Howard and h;s

I •

r i:>•.






huaediatoly. I SEW BERN. Sept.

(UP). K De Otte. commander guard cutter Pamlico, last night that a moaded with supplies had



!«• thr ,nr


;.,rboa' Fr



civilian the to camp at Bell *lsland



>n o





:np reported itself in uriri of supplies as a result uirricane last week-end.



pf Lie^enant Pe Otte stated there en considerable loss of life (is.: of the i- <o!ated communities the indicating area, burr cane c--8th toll may yet exceed the »:«ent known total of 15. Patrol boat 9253 from the Pamlicj returned here from its Salter Pith base last night. Pay Clerk Pickering, in charge, reported Salter Path had been demolished bat that no lives had been lost. Broad Creek and Gale Creek escaped the brunt of the storm. A correspondent of the United Press returned from hurricaneswept Oriental in Pamlico county tad reported no lives lost there. The Goodwyn oyster plant, howwas a total wreck, and many iVre> had been destroyed. Ther»» us some destitntion and no pown facilities. Richard W. Fowler, of Kinston, ret:r"d from Carteret county aci reported only 14 out of 84 ncme< were left standing on Cethe hurricane. :ar Island after The general store at Sea Level, with sto~k valued at $20,000 or


This is the scene that signalized the end of months of hitter debate and controversy over a code of fair practice for the bituminous coal industry. Pictured here in Washington at the signing of an NRA NRA administrator; General wage agreement are (seated, left to right) Donald Richberg, assistant Hugh S. Johnson; J. I). A. Morrow, president" of the Northern Coal Control Association, and (standing. left to right) E. C. Mahan, president of the Smokeless Appalachian Coal Control Association; W. A. Jones, secretary of th»> Northern Coal Control Association; Hugh R. Hawthorne, secretary of the Smokeless Appalachian Coal Control Association, and K. M. Simpson, deputy NRA administrator.

fatalities r-.~




was as



ing Controversy


Quits Dallying

By ARTHUR F. DEGREVE United Pre»« Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON. Sept. ID (UP) the President Roosevelt signed bituminous coal code in his study late yesterday, and by executive order removed from it an "interpretation" of the labor protective clause of the Recovery Act to which organized labor had ob-




Britain favors a reduction in the unit tonnage of large cruisers and it is known would be vastly pleased if the United States would devote its remaining cruiser tonnage under the London to vessels of about 7000





cadets who took Part- in civil disorders when Prewas assassinated were to serve four today ^ntenced ?ear>' imprisonment each. Of* hundred and fifty days will deducted from each sentence •'r timp already served. The cawill not be required to labor. The Procurator had recom-


building programs. Friends of the administration, meanwhile, expressed surprise at counEuropean tension over this of the view in naval plans try's fact that both Britain and Japan 1922 have been enerapred in since alin steady building of tonnage Washington under the lowed


! killing p'0'!--"' American




Sept. 19 (UP) Credit Administration Governor Morgenthau replied to cri**s today with a pledge to cut red so loans to debt-ridden farm!rLcan he speeded up. He charged had been "inherited" ! the farm credit set-up under e 1 Hoover administration. farm



P-—(UP).—Three men were incollision of two u/Let! ^odaV in Wheeling

and Lake Erie freight runs. Five cars- and the-engine V one were



Hendersonville and Henderson and officials citizens, county along with all others in Western North Carolina, are invited to attend a meeting at Asheville next Friday under the auspices of the state advisory board of the fed-




U. S. S. STURTEVANT SENT TO ANTILLA WASHINGTON. Sept. 19 (UP) * —The navy department ordered the destroyer Sturtevant from Guantanamo Bay naval station to Antilla, on the north coast of Cuba, where labor trouble is reported. it was learned today.




page three)





"To tnat ena, n. u.





engineer who will pass on all of projects, is coming to Ashemeet to representatives ville from this section of the state these








These are known as courtesy tickets, a child's ticket and 10 cents or an adult ticket and 20 cents admitting the holder to the "big top." Prices at the show ground Friwill day afternoon and evening be 25 cents for children and 35 cents for adults,

Scruggs Drug


HAVANA. Sept. 19.—(UP).—

A strong government force under

Capt. Benitez, accompanied by a large body of armed students left Cienago today for Moron, pursuing Capt. Juan Bias Hernandez who. with 300 followers was stirring an uprising in Moron district. Extreme difficulty in putting down the Hernandez movement is

expected, because of the rough through nature of the country which the forces must march. Hernandez was reported moving

towards Santa Clara. A second threat was discovered in the disaffection of Rolano Jeres, former chief of police of Sancti Spiritu, who, with 40 men was heading an uprising in Santa Clara privonce.

Fog Early


Saturday; Crashed



Attending Synod From Here



A Wentworth school bus carrying 50 children home after their first, day at school was forced off the road and turned over near the Rockingham county home yesterday afternoon. Seventeen of the children were, brought to Memorial hospital here, suffering from cuts and, bruises, and a few with fractures, |

I Several Stores Will Be Closed For 2 Full Days

sonvjlle Presbyterian church.


In the absence of the pastor, Dr. L. T. Wilds, who is attending the meeting of Synod at Kingsport. Tenn., the prayer meeting Hendersonvillc the service of Presbyterian church will be conducted Wednesday evening by apparently none fatally. Howard Prof. S. L. Woodward of FassiConnor, bus driver, was unhurt. fern School. The service will be conducted Ages of the children ranged from in the church house at 8 o'clock. 7 to 16.

Intimate One Form of Alliance May Be Appointment of Prentiss Gilbert as CommissionerGeneral to the League ably in charge of an undersecreBy STEWART BROWN United Prens Staff Correspondent tary of state. Persons close to the Roosevelt Copyright, 1933, by U. P. GENEVA. Sept. 19.—(UP).— administration assert that this States-League alliPresident Roosevelt is preparing new United United ance may take one of three of drastic extension States' co-operation with the forms: 1. Appointment of Prentiss Gilleague of Nations, the United Press learned reliably last night. bert as U. S. commissioner-genThe president plans to "regu- eral to the league. 2. Appointment of Hugh Wilrelations larize" Washington's with the league, originally spon- son as U. S. resident minister to sored by Woodrow Wilson, the the league, at Geneva. 3. Permanent establishment of last Democratic president in the Norman Davis as ambassador-atUnited States. The United I'ress was informed large in Europe, with headquarthat Mr. Roosevelt intends to ap- ters in Geneva. This tendency toward full copoint a prominent diplomatic repthe United between resentative at Geneva as his reg- operation States and the league has grown ular post. The plan also includes estab- with remarkable rapidity since lishment of a League of Nations the inauguration of the Roosedivision in the department of velt Democratic regime in Wash(Continued on page three) state, it was understood, prob-

HAVANA, Sept. 19.—(UP).—

The cabinet at an extraordinary session yesterday afternoon voted to hold general elections on April 1 for .delegates to the constitutional assembly, which will reconstitution the Cuban write


and explain to them this plan in and confer with them on the matter of getting federal funds for I The Ashethese public works. ville Chamber of Comerce is glad • in to call this meeting and we have the assembly in it for to arranged new liquor levies, designed CLEVELAND, Sept. 19. (UP). Park hotei,; drive the bootlegger out of busi- room of the Battery Air Lines, Inc., was inUnited morning, Friday o'clock, at 11 ness when the repeal becomes an formed last night that Hal Neff, actuality. They proposed taxes Sept. 22. "If you have any improvement 26-year-old mail pilot, who disapwhich would be so low as to allow that peared in a fog early Saturday good whiskey to retail at $1.50 to projects for your community fed- between Toledo and Cleveland for think qualify might you $1.75 per quart. errl aid, we urge you to attend while flying the night mail from this meeting to get full informa- Chicago had crashed at Leoni, There is no limit to the Mich. tion. Neff was in a hospital at Jacknumber of people you may invite to attend and we hope that your son. Mich, officials said, suffering comunity will be well represent- from a broken leg and other lesser WASHINGTON, Sept. 1(1. (UP).1 ed." injuries. Roosevelt President appointed I More than twenty planes had Raymond D. Muir last night as searched for him since he was rechief usher at the White House. ported missing shortly after his Muir who was senior assistant plane was due here Saturday to the late Irwin H. (Ike) Hoovmorning. er, has been at the White House His former a number of years. position will be filled by Howell G. Crim, also an usher. Dr. L. T. Wilds and Mr. and Hoover died Thursday night. Mrs. J. T. Fain of Hendersonville He served as chief usher for and John L. Brown left this mornmore than 40 years. ing for Kingsport, Tenn., to attend the sessions of the Synod of Appalachia. Dr. Wilds and Mr. Fain will represent the Hender-

WASHINGTON. Sept. 19 (UP) While Idaho and New Mexico, the 30th and 31st states to act, were fcaJTotrog on the repeal of the 18th Amendment today., congressional were tax experts here drafting


Hendersonville city schools will be dismissed at 2 p. m. Friday so that pupils may attend the Gentry Brothers Dog and Pony show which is billed for afternoon and evening: performances on First avenue west, near Justice street. By running classes straight through the day, it will be possible to dimiss early without losing time from classroom work, it was said, whereas if the regular schedule were kept many pupils would absent themselves for the entire afternoon. To comply with the arrangethe ment for early dismissal, show management has agreed to start the afternoon performance at 3 o'clock instead of 2:30 the usual time. noon, tickets to Until


ton last spring.

dustrial Recovery


the ment recovery drive—as under the fivewithin its and as naval power in from the outcome of the Geneva parFurthermore it was added, ley. Robert Phillips, of Asheville, objections were not anticipated 58th district of when it degovernor of the will pay his by this government on a five-year Rotary International, embark to cided official visit to the Hendersonville building program costing $lf>0,the Skyclub at the meeting at and involving the laying 1 o'clock. 000,000 land hotel tomorrow at of 34 combat ships. down are the Officers of the local club The expenditure is part of cent works proworking to have a 100 per public the $3,000,000,000 membership attendance for gram. conaddress of the district governor, It was recalled that in his to be and all Rotarians are urged with Norman H. Davis, versations Rotarians visiting present. All be head of th,g American delegation present. are invited to conference on the been ac- to the Geneva has long Mr. Phillips that meeting Mr. | of objectives tive in Rotary. He is a past presi- Roosevelt did not bring up the I: and orconstruction, dent of the Asheville club, North Caro- subject of warship ganized the Western which is com- indicating he anticipated no Eurolina Rotary Council, of the pean protests. posed of representatives Naval experts pointed out last section. He this in clubs of cureight at night that abandonment governor was nameti district the shipbuildof present tailment the district conference in Charlesof


three hurt in wreck SHERRODSVILLE. Ohio, Sept.


that the looked upon its

Joseph Clark ambassador to

T,rew'. •'Pan. but that the suggestion did tot result in action.


administration Rotary District plained newly authorized re-employwholly Governor Will program-—part rights agreement consideration Pay Club Visit ouch apart

hands of all disarmament moves unless the recurrent dilly-dallying was denied. Davis said far from bringing any so-called "Roosevelt plan" for arms limitation to the parleys, his chief job would be to find out exactly what the French and British want. He has been in London for the last several weeks conferring frequently with the British—and said he came to France to confer with the French and find out how far they will go when the world in reconvenes arms conference Geneva the middle of next month.

Schools To Be Dismissed Early


mended that the court martial fix at eight years. •fences The radets testified they


The British are understood feel that if the United States builds its full quota of 10,000 when ton ships, it will, by 1935, the next naval conference meets, have so many of them that the British and Japanese oanno* consider their deletion from future

calling attention to an apwhich pendix called "Schedule B" in detail. gave the interpretation leavBy removing Section B. but Schecode the to ing appended dule B. the president in effect reduced the interpretation to the (Continued on page three)





For Co-operation On Disarmament






By FREDERICK A. STORM United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, ept. 19. (UP). President Roosevelt will stand pat on his program to bring the Is to Cease His navy up to treaty strength, dewas it abroad, uneasiness spite Efforts Unless indicated strongly last nipht. face in This view was expressed of reports that foreign powers the regard inclined to were PARIS. Sept. 19. (UP)—Presi; American warship construction dent Roosevelt yesterday strode program as a threat to success into the limelight of the opening of the Geneva arms conference arms and that at least one nation had session of the three-power of conference. He relayed a brusk a a in part delay suggested message through Norman Davis, the building program. The state department denied his "roving ambassador" in EuLondon Reports that Great Bri- rope, demanding action on arms t tain has asked the United States cuts or regulation. Davis, on arrival from London, to suspend its whole building had not comment denied that Mr. Roosevelt projrram but would any arms plan of his own, but infurther. to co-opObservers conversant with Brit- timated he was ready France and Great ish naval policy considered it erate fully with Britain, the other two powers at | probable that London had sug- these conversations. gested only the suspension of He then added that the presi6-inch ton the 10,000 on work his to wash cruisers recently ordered. dent was prepared gun

"Prices will go up," marked, "but I hope they'll not rise too rapidly." declined to predict how He much more the consumer will pay of the code. J! for coal as a result Some experts have estimated an ! increase of 30 to 40 per cent,


Roosevelt Ready

Affect American

Prices Will Rise Soon; Labor Wilis in Rar^aifr

p»r«i patrol boats worked their along the coast, in and out adr ounds. rivers .ind bays, t' stering relief to the suffering >• recovering the bodies of peron ws killed bv the hurricane \ rridav night and earlv Saturday. jected. of the "interpretaRemoval There was a fair possibility tobecome known for ny receiving reports from iso- tion" did not the code had been after an hour i>: Manteo, island county seat came for a t Dare county, located on Roa- signed, when the time of the labor ad1Island, which has been cut scheduled meeting of the NRA at which * ••>> the hurricane struck Kri- visory board to it was to have been objection night. N '-ing more has been heard discussed. The president's order removed torn Manteo since reception of B of Article V of the Section distress calls Sunday night A of Article V is Section code. w 'nic for help. labor protective famous Tv latest dead were a fishing the Section 7-A of the Recovclause. on three) ^ntinued page i ery Act. which was "interpreted" • in the automobile code despite ArI strong protests. Section B of parawas explanatory V aq. tide


trninmMwmmmmmi&im I


WASHINGTON. Sept. 19 (UP) Retail coal prices will shoot upward after the bituminous cod-> becomes effective October 2, Administrator Huprh S. Johnson said 1 but added that he hopes more, was destroyed completely. last nijfht The South River community, he they will not rise too sharply. he re-

said, was a scene of devastation. Patrol boat No. 9263. with Chief Boatswain Mate Rother in charge, returned from Belhaven md the Allieator River canal and reported little hurricane damage. The craft pulled the schooner Wamot whitehead off at the enle Creek canal. Only dami rudder was

San Martin Laying Plains to Occupy Presidential I Palace

Austria, Sept. 19.— It is understood that Hender(UP).—Claiming to have infor- sonville contemplates street work of the act. mation that the Heimwehr Fas- under the provisions are invited interested Those a cists intend ft) attempt coup through the Chamber of Comd'etat in a few days, radical ele- merce by letter from Warren H. ments in the Socialist party to- Booker, chairman of the North for day demanded that their leaders Carolina recovery committee and by permit them "to meet force with water works construction, the the fpllowing letter from the force." Radical elements in the aroused Asheville Chamber of Commerce. "As you have doubtless read, Socialist party declared they inestimated aptended to arm and march thru $50,000,000 is the of State for the the streets of Vienna immediate- propriation imly the Heimwehr (home guard) North Carolina for public Scores of planes soared aloft in members occupy the city hall in provements under the works pro- a search for Pilot Hal Neff, above, Governor NTRA. gram of the who vanthe Austrian capital. States 25. of Cleveland, Ohio, the The demands further compli- Khringhaus, our United flying in a fog while ished commission the and cated the problems facing Chan- senators from Chicago to air-mail night work I cellor Engelbert Dollfuss, fight- .vhich has charge of this was found yesteranxious I Cleveland. He ing not only against overthrow i n this state are all very fdav and had sustained a broken all municipalities! 1 counties, hat Nazi Austrian by the outlawed leg.. of the state be thorparty, but by rebelling forces i ind sections the manwithin the ranks of his followers. >ughly informed as to be ner in which this money may obtained by loans from the fedVIENNA,



Find Lost Pilot

eral emergency administration of public works for an explanation of the provisions of the public By ROBERT BEST United Pres* Staff Correspondent works section of the National In-

reported today,




Lnetary loss is

PUT AT $3,000,000





State Advisory Board of Federal Emergency Adminis-

ft\rt Taken From


home and stole nothing aaxophone. Police are com* pletely baffled, as all the neighbora have perfect alibis.

into but


Signing Code to End Bitter Coal Struggle



Chicago report* burglar broke

Hebrews to Observe New

along more liberal lines. The assembly is tOibe convoke J 1 on May 20, 1934.

the last two weeks since he

president's palace—a move interas indicating his belief he

will be in power indefinitely.

Opposition leaders predicted his early overthrow, due to increasing labor unrest and anti-American demonstrations in the provinces, but the professor-president remained optimistic and unshaken. He announced that the cabinet intends to create a commission to draft a new constitution to serve the basis for discussion at the meeting constitutional assembly scheduled next May. The plan is similar to that followed on the formation of a republic in Spain. as

Amencan Home In Cuba Looted

of the Hebrew New Rosh Hashona, a dozen Hendersonville stores more or and other places of business will be closed Thursday and Friday. Because or



urging their cussupply their needs


Wednesday or Saturday. The holiday will begin at sundown Wednesday and will be observed with services at the local on Wednesday and synagogue 6:30 at evenings Thursday o'clock and on Thursday and Friday mornings at 8":30* o'clock, with Rabbi J. J. Goldstein of Asheville in charge. Tien days of I repentance will be observed from Wednesday through the day of atonement, or Yom Kippur, which is Saturday, Sept. 30, when stores will again be clofced during the day but not during the Kol Nedri servevening hours. ices will be held Friday evening, Sept. 29.






swept into office by the "revolt of the sergeants" has been living began at his private residence, preparations for moving into the

Year Thursday and





Martin, in making this announcement, ignored references abroad that te was expected to resign be. fore the end of the week. He is paying no attention to these or other reports circulated by the bitter opposition to his revolutionary administration. His answer was the cabinet decision and a further announcement of changes in his cabinet secretaries. President San Martin, who for


HAVANA, Sept. 19.—(UP). A fans of negroes broke into the home of Mra. A. O. Stadlinyer, American employe of the Cobaa Electric Co., in Vedado district, looted the place and departed without interference either by neighbors or the police. HAS TOBACCO PLAN 19 (UP) A marketing agreement to supplement the government's production control program will be proposed by Secretary of Agriculture Walalce to flue-cured tobacco buyers at a public hearing Thursday.






Koosevelt Mill





f. i I Ai

WASHINGTON. Sept. 19 (UP) Roosevelt, on advice of his physieian, Ross Mclntyre, rePresident

mained away from his desk again to a cold which it was said had been broken, but he still is running a slight fever.

today, due



Sept. I

and Mrs. Lindbergh deferred their trip across the Baltic to Leningrad, Russia,







iNvwcrswre post mwseo

For correct


question*, please 1



the«4 p^s 5,




72-Y ear-Old

Dare County News and Advertisements Hotel Fort Raleigh( Manteo. JOHN C. EMMERSON. JR., Associate Editor and Manager Dare County Dept..Office -

COUNTY Dare Interested in!JCH0CL NOTES

Dare County is I)A8E


Herts Hardware And Lumber For The South Banks

Him Injustice


j® Reports that Commission would|a Highway look with favor upon a substitution «»f the purchase of.*' the Wright Memorial Bridge jt:


Camden-Currituck.3 [ one of the new owners. The will be rebuilt short-cut project, carried in j chcol funds and provide a new bus. wharf at the plantbetween the plant THE buildings of old and IX-js issue last week's of a new bus to be torn will The purchase wharf the and proper DEPF.XDEXT, haveinaroused erve all of Roanoke Island has al- down and replaced by new. includ¬ and Adam Dare

j,-: B


NOTICE OF Mrs. G. F. Derrickson, age 72, went to High Point last week to 1 luring qualified 0. A,|,: visit her daughter Mrs. Roy Spear¬ hitp r. t. .II :x>rvm» indebted i |.iman. She felt that it would be her ward an J make .,].] ^B last visit to her daughter. She died those li.ililuu; «isihi> ajjan,.. -«*»t I In in fur. |..i ¦ in the home of the Spearmans tIn* dale of iIn. ;, ¦ High Point Tuesday night. idea,led in liar i,t ili,.,! This J\. |!i,1:(. AlipM of a heart died she that Reports attack are discounted by her broth¬ rinn.1.. 1:1 -M.rer, Dr. L. S. Blades who says Mrs. |iS15-flt Derrickson has been in a low state NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION of health for several months and ,1'l.llilii-l .,< V probably succumbed from feeble¬ iiitrllaVlllK Hiiima .1. I!.,| | to all ia*raou> itnM,t,s| t«, ness and old age. ami make,. News of her death was received, forward tluisc li.-Mla;; elaiios .,.... with silent grief by her husband present t Iii-iii f,.r imviii, ¦ from tin. 1,., ,.|.. Frank Derrickson, age 74, who is ¦in-title. will In- pleaded >i l,.,r ,., himself ill and weak at his home! This s.|.i.(jiii, r i'i:::i HKMcv I. i: iitriis,,,corner of Main and Elliott Sts. si* n t Derricksons had beer, married 501 NOTICE and the town h.\d no sweeter,! SALE OF l/ALU ABLE







!years gentler

of the




Ify virtue of

The funeral of Mrs. Derrickson




tin* by If. It. I'teoey an,) t(j|, that Meekins was held at 10:00 Thursday morning fur curtain pnrfaiscs therein Leo Midgett will be in charge of; District, says said iluuil ill trust .1,*. V, her survived She is husband, by 1 Kill, lill'li, ami is r>*,*isi. the Goosewing Club and Skyco went too far in his criticism IG. F. Derrickson; two daughters, tin* lii'ijistcr ut ltcsl, ,,. I*,...,. to X. C., ill Itcsl X.. lis' , Lodge, which will be operated to ac- nnd that he is constrained Mrs. Spearman of High Point and sliall at 11* u'cltM-k M sviri, commodate sportsmen during the believe that the criticism was Many new homes will be built at Mrs. C. Wilson Hollowell, of Eliz¬ (M'TOIIKIt 111!,. |tins. ,.tT. H hunting season which opens Novem- prompted by a desire for publicity Avon and nearby settlements as a abeth City; two sisters, Mrs. J. W., Court lloiisu lAair in the ,aj.|H J lie unction, : cast,. 11,.. u i'.



much interested County.

Says Sheriff (Vleekins Does


rower line of the Roanoke Utilities The interest of Carson D. Creef north from Nags Head to Kill was Devil purRaleigh Fort n the Hotel C. Duvall. Hill is nearing completion. No ar- I ?hased Monday by C. him the rangements have yet been made formerly partner with the in Duvall with the government to furnish Members of * entire power to light the beacon on the family will take overhoteltheSeptemto criticism of the of management L. Allen, ends his Wright Memorial, however. J. in a communi¬ ]aer 15 when Work of repairing storm damage himself voiced (service as manager. to the beach highway was gotten on lion to this newspaper last under way Monday by the contrac¬ week from 1). Victor Meekrehabilitating the old tors, Ellis f,Vork of <fc Klein of Greensboro. & of Dare county, Storage lee 'slant of the Peoples The Currituck plant of the R. o. ins, Sherill' Company on the waterfront will beLassiter Company will be used in Commander \Y. \V. Bennett, ?in next week, according to E. F. the work. Seventh Coast Guard

Only Dare Co. js for the



County Doings

Differences between the budget ommitcee of the Board of County Commissioners and the County loard cf Education were still in videncc at the meeting of the lotin ?r body held Tuesday night rhich the members held out for a Lake 11 ew bus to serve the East chool. instead of one purchased econd hand. The board asked that he commissioners allow them the mount necessary to purchase a eccnd hand bus. planning to sup- Wise, .lenient the amount with district

the State


Gentlewoman Makes Last Trip



If four rubber-tipped d*screwed into the ; ordinary chair, it makes high chair for kitchen a small child. are


eadv been approved ing a packing house. The new own¬ r itheridge was selected as its o[>er- ers plan to make cold storage faci¬ r a ,tcr. Two buses, one far Wanchese lities an important department of ber 15. The two properties were: and not by a desire to champion result of the wreck of the schooner Derrickson of Dover, Delaware, and to me in said ,|,*c*| of tni-: p, has which transferred this week by W. Jules the case of the Coast Guardsmen. G. A. Kohler in the recent storm. Mrs. Clay Foreman of Elizabeth KI If ST l,i IT ¦ The short-cut proposal, a;nd another for the North End. west slilu of Seidell s>, fi oppo- lave previously served the Manteo their business. Day to the Goosewing Realty Cor- Sheriff Meekins was aroused by To the banks dwellers the four- City; one brother, Dr. L. S. Blades ofthe Mlirillulll aroused much 111 feeling and I'll;. been, has York of New Com-1 County, in which is City. in now poration hopes the board article a lumber yard |H,iut on the West so|, is a number of and and master of Elizabeth sit ion in Currituck chool just City, newspaper a E .Lennon feet villtli from lliu int. Indifference, few!5* hat the state will eventually au- Dr. and Mrs. William regarded here with mander Bennett was quoted as as¬ that the owners have decided that nieces and nephews. Caro¬ and Seidell Stna-ts. ami I., of an addition- and children, BiEy and Mary ac- Frank Stick, who has made his serting that thf crews at some of she is not worth the coast of float¬ east corner of the 1.1 ; \y r j. ,1 the believing that the comparatively horize purchase i1 line of Federalsburg. Maryland, home at Skyco Lodge for the past! the Coast Guard stations where! ing. formerly the tlailaiil .v«.,,t |. siiort milleage which it would save il bus. Miss Mary Yancey, aj two years, plans to move his resiiriKterly alone south lim- .* ,,l \t was done by the A. lit IL'U it. t!.tc.. over the present route would have |a Superintendent Robert H. Atkin-1 companied by the G. Jackson build to cast damage It $243,000 left heavy Baltimore, of nurse in graduate with Seldei, St. IIJ t'. t.. IfI effect dence to Elizabeth bringing; for bids City temporarily storm of August 22 had been negli- Kohler, but shipping generallly and on was authorized to secure any noticeable morning,' Tuesday ailcy ,tlu asferly home their for to Elizabeth;'!; Mr. Stick plans to! Dare county trade Icct to Hidden .Sr.. Hi-lie. luilding two additional rooms for after visiting Dr. Lennon's parents, next month. and unprepared. He said the sailing vessels in particular entered his time between Elizabeth gent divide wed side <t said -tr. be City. On the other hand, the pur- * he Hatteras school and endeavor to Mr. pro¬ easily the doldrums. The ship brought and Mrs. W. P. Lennon at. City. Manteo and Washington this Commander might nili£. aiul brinn lit*' -.mi. i | chase of the Wright Memorial :eep the cost within the SI.200 askhis own men as "the $43,000 subsequently, $1,100 when No more will N. S. K. li. C'rewy i»t:r<-huM<«i and Am¬ Leary winter and will build in Dare coun¬ nounced by | \.,%m ami wile by unxuc-! Bridge and the removal of the bur-. d for the purtxxse in the budget j North End. most unpopular nnd mast she last changed hands as a going brose Walston park their hindies ami duly ni^mlnl in II." k r.j .r !. |t is looked upon next toll charges, in' increase the ty spring. denscme has estimates. Duo to district s»\ m i.|. this i* Iht* Avon commander of ami ri'fwnei* Williams ColeCharlie cessful over concern. its victory on the steps of the od Bee Hive for lh'fi**r i|esrri|iliiui *»f «ij.» f..f as the project of mast vital umber costs it was thought possible Following But here is the para- purchased the stranded hulk last H a score of 2-0 SKroNh Lot p., ,4_ corner of Main and Poinbuilding have reeom- ever known." engineers est to Dare County and one which'' hat it might be necessary to divert rain last Sunday by Highway which got letter in Meekins' of ril*li«itt an.I i 'linrHi Sn,..?. owners had dexter Sts. There aint is to be cormT going mended that a one-way bridge be graph the skin of Commander Ben¬ week for $100 after the "it' Kli/iift-fli would do more to stimulate trade ' cme of the $500 item asked for pur- the Manteo Baseball team fortrying' of City late salvaged the newer of the sails, run- any steps any more. E. S. Chesson il**srrilK*«l a> follm*: It> 4intiit(* with Elizabeth City than any ether. ¦basing new desks for the school to sign up other opponents with St. built across New Inlet provided under of <*iiii««-|i i',11 |. nett: season games. Thp game ing rigging and movable fixtures. & Son, principal occupants of the iiitiTMfii<.u the in is no in the situation forth there set is change rant orI y ;il«#:ix i'Iuh.!, <..,,. o the building project. Local opinion "If Commander Bennett has made Noah Price of the Little Kinnekeet building, recently purchased the tlii*ni*i* is the only; at 24 oil Brides o\totli2ill,: lin k 11. tllOlU'O September foot, sent next six in been the that point months, The followig committee wore apfollowing letter which has u,. i.. B T'.l l»vt. ami now scheduled but Elizabeth any such statements and still sticks Coast Guard Station purchased her r.tructure and are remodeling the liliesflu*about corner l».\ ittk' to the Elizabeth City Chamber o: xjinted for the new local school dis-! game Williamston and New Bern are its has been learned here. With thai to them, we of the Coast country fish¬ net in use to long | store front. The steps will be re¬ ion. yawl-boat City, building of the bridge local in¬ Commerce by D. B. Fearing, secre- t riet: Hatteras district. L. A. considered as likely opponents for' terests are preparing to urge that; know that his ability for leadership ing, her stores were peddled among moved to provide an additional en¬ This S«*|»teii:!!>er 12. W. ffKK tary of the Dare County Chamber s,rett of Hatteras. E. P. White of other dates. and his the neighboring settlements. District Seventh the in trance to the Chesson store. I T1... cT&W Sl.%-4t. the next step bo the construction of 3uxtc:i. Dewoy Basnet: of Frisco; of Commerce. come to an has for service excellent makes ability Hive Deck The Eee was built obplanking building no have the South Banks road down a dirt "While we of course {lodanthe, L. Dottglas of Salvo. any group of men could framing, cabin doors and in 1897 by the late Dr. F. W. Lowry. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Weeks along the sound side, by dredging! end. How that jection to the proposed short-cut we jRudolph Midgett cf South Rodan-| returned and! such a severe storm trim can do duty ashore as well as R. J. Mitchell's department store their from honeymoon anticipate muck and using it to form a right ure dubious as to whether it will,, he and Frank Meekins of North or he expected to! would arise, are making their home at the Tran- j of < trade incidentally Elizabeth City occupied the lower floor. Upstairs effect of upon Mack, decided T. R. George Mashoes. engineer have any way. lodanthe: Midgett. ( build¬ afloat, lumber mills may expect orders for| was the city's opera house where the Commission, left on a trip to the move anything like a station relations between Dare County and (jolon Wescott and Ira S;>encer. No quil House. weather boarding to complete the barnstorming road shows showed section Tuesday to make an investi¬ ing, it equipment and outbuilding Elizabeth City. .ecommendations for the Avon! 30-year- gation relative to the request that to a place of safety, is beyond the jobs. Masts and spars will prob¬ their gory melodrama and Star "On the other hand should Eliz- L* chool committee have been receiv- Early Lawrence Smith,Mrs. Her- a maintenance truck be old son of Captain and of all human imagination. ably be sawed up for firewood un- Course entertainers did their in¬ abeth City people get wholeheart- ¦d. assigned bounds man C. Smith, died at his home to that section. If his mind is able to encompass less disposed of as derrick booms sipid stuff. E. F. Aydlett purchasedly behind the proposal to remove; SchocI teachers of the county here Friday morning. The funeral tliis. it Is evident lie is fitted for or dredge snubbers, odds and end ed the building from Dr. Lowry in the toll charges from the Wright ,rill meet in the Manteo school auby the Rev. H. B. The herd of the Hulcum Dairy is service in some other sphere, his of equipment and gadgets will find 1900, ;.|A Memorial Bridge they will earn the {litorium Friday morning at 101 was conducted of Manteo Baptist free of Hines, pastor goad will and cooperation of the >'ciock as a preliminary to the open-J church, any trace of contagious talents are not for the North Caro¬ their way into variety of uses. was made in | UNEVENTFUL MEETING abortion, people of Dare County to a degree j ng cf th»' school term Monday morn the localand interment according to a test re¬ lina coast, and his department The hull will probably be left to cemetery. Besides his par- j cently made bv Dr .William Moore should remove him to some section the slow process of dlsintergation that could not be attained in any': ng. Short talks by M. P. Jennings, J where he will be better apprcciat- from the storm and the The Board of Graded Schools ether manner. In addition we be-: Pasquotank school superintendent eras he is survived by three broth- of the State Board of Health. Iieve mac a tree onage to our coast, £tnd representative of the North ers. Walter. Marshall and Herman 20 cows of the herd of the local "d" I other headstone in the Graveyard of Trustees transacted little business Mrs. Laura at their regular mee.ting on Mon¬ in the! Commander Bennett did say to a the Atlantic. country would result in the building i Carolina Educational Association; Smith: and three sisters,and results showed negative dairy Annie tests made to detect. the disease reporter for this newspaper that day night. Only four members were u;> of a resort development here j,>y Dr. W. W. Jolinston. county Skinner. Misses Mary which would be of benefit to EIiz- jtealth officer a member of the Smith. which is lleld responsible for the' come cf his men had been unpre- "Who Ls Victor Meekins to judge present, the three vacancies creatthe resignations of Dr. S. W. abeth City scarcely less than to ils. jBoard of County Commissioners! of undulant fever among j pared when the storm struck, spread for leadership in jed by "A large proportion o: the visit- ;tnd of the Parent-Teachers Associ- The Norfolk-Roanoke Island bus humans. Dr. W. W. Sawyer and J. warned well in advance that it was, when my ability Gregory, and District my Seventh line has proven to be one of the ability) ors would pass through Elizabeth >n->r> II. Wilkins having not been filled. in r'n iwnomm nf rVio I to strike their stations, and the going end? an to come service has its' The The board will meet hereafter on City en route here and the volume |,neeting which will bo presided over casualties of the recent storm,since' German Ambassador and that they had not been alert and, for advertising space you can I officers are judges of the first Tuesday night in each Cheapest service having been suspended of business which our merchants do j >y Superintendent Atkiifton. cent a word for each a- I One of two fellow coun¬ on the job. He also said that he My superior buy. composed party with the wholesalers and jobbers in Allotments of funds for all pur¬ that time. The Virginia Dare; trymen who registered from Essen. had told his men plainly where they that, in my opinion. Who is better month, instead of on the second sertion, no ad for less than 23e. If ¦ the your city would increase many fold, poses but that of teachers salaries Transportation Company. which! Germany, were visitors to the! had fallen down and that he did fitted to fight the battles of who Tuesday. J. C. Casper, mathematics somebody wants the thing you have I to say nothing of the increased pur- llave been received by Superinten- jnissed but a single trip on the! Wright Memorial on Tuesday, ac- not think there would be a repeti¬ Coast Guard service.a man teacher in the city high school for to sell, or if somebody has 'he thing I receives the chasing power of Dare County peo- ,Jent Atkinson and all shjw a de¬ day of the storm, has since had| cording to Horace Dough, the care- tion of what hapened when last; sits on the outside and from past three years, was released you want, one of these little ads I the pie who have always taken a large, cease under last years figures ex- the field to itself, making quick taker. the board at his own request, he will bring the pair of you together. I month's hurricane struck the ecu*. many favors and services by a man who part of their trade to Elizabeth City (:ept in the case of transportation. connections both north and south The reporter did not ask the Com- Coast Guardsmen, or having accepted a position in Ral¬ 'Phone 2*1 thirty years of Coast eigh since being elected to return merchants. I, ¦vhich has been increased from $3- at Siigo for Norfolk and Elizabeth State Auditor Baxter Durham, ac- mender for elucidation and elabora¬ has had nearly and been has fight¬ service I >38 to $3,700. Funds under thej City. companied by his sister. Miss Ellen tion of these remarks but took them Guardit battles on the inside for a here this year. FOR SALE Dr. Hughes B. Hoyle. for the pas: aead of M. Durham and Dr. W. C. Horton to mean that the Coast Guardsmen ing control, which general that I six years mayor of Manteo. tender-' dude of superintendent and Work of .setting poles for the of Raleigh, stopped over in Manteo might have made everything fast number of years? I knowa certain FARMERS SHOULD DEMAND ed his resignation at a meeting of dericalsalary and COUNTY AGENT WORK diem for; visited Eden- and stored their radio equiipment have been unpopular with Tuesday night. They help per FOR SALE in Dare county the Board of Town Commissioners members of the Board of Educa¬ pccted to engage an additional ton and Elizabeth en route and and other movable supplies in a| clique or element City this to I came held last Friday. Dr. Hoyle gave'.tion have been decreased from $2.- teacher by use of district funds. is extremely doubtful that returned to Raleigh Wednesday by safe place before the storm struck! since shortly after It W :i r (I r o 1) c Inink as his reason, "press of personal af- 11 j30 to $1,688.59; allowance for sup¬ Stumpy Point, Principal R. B way of Manns Harbor and Columbia. and thus averted some of the dam- district, and I also happen to know farmers in those counties where the fairs and increasing duties of the I' reason condition. Will the why. Eunice Smith. Miss! refuse to Miss Mood pro¬ has beer, decreased from $171 50 Young. county commissioners age done at the Coast Guard staMayor." His success has not yet toplies$92; operation of plant, J'liorx Laura Pritchard and Miss Naomi The following deeds went to re- tions. What the Commander actu-j "I might say that I have no vide funds for county agent work for one-half been selected. Harrell. cord last office of Mel- ally meant was that the men at1 criticism to make of The Indepen¬ will receive as much benefit from 172-W or 2«S I. L. D. Tarkington was elected, ing janitor service and supplies, Wanchese, Principal John W. vin R. week in the of deeds: because of the misconstruction future operations of the Agricul¬ water, light and power, fiom| Daniels, register seme of the stations, warned of the dent member of the board to succeed S.!,fuel, Hamilton, Miss Callie Jones, Miss W. Jale Day t.o the Goosewlng, approaching hurricane, neglected to of my remarks. The Independent tural Adjustment Adminstration as $1,769.30 to $1 586. ELIZABETH SAUNDERS A. Griffin, Jr., who tendered The full teacher with the ex¬ Lessie Hooper and Mrs. C. S. Meek- Realty Corporation. Goosewing Club; inform the families living in the! has always had the good of the do farmers living in counties where resignation last mon'h on account! ception of one yet list, has and at heart always service and Skyco Lodge. to be elected at; ins. the officials are more far-sighted. settlements around the stations so' of having taken up his residence! Buxton. Principal C. P Gray, Mrs. Martin Kellogg. Jr.. Commissioner, that the women and children in been kind to the service, oftimes This is an opinion expressed by NOTICE.V/e have on h .:i:i .i f-r Manns Harbor, is as follows: beyond the town limits. to E. H. Peele, Jr., eight acres at these families c:<jld take refuge giving credit where credit was due officials of the United States De¬ extension ladders and crplaH*:-. I Manteo. Principal F. T. Johnson, Maud White, Miss Nita Baum. The real estate and personal prop- Miss «¦ I Miss Nellie Wise. Beatrice F. S. Frisco, Davis, Hunter, in the Coast Guard stations. One but where no other paper would partment of Agriculture at a meet¬ two slightly uszd heatnla- ami I erty tax rate was increased from R. J. Gibson. Mrs. H. B. Hines, East Lake, Miss Edith Bogue and Colington. unfortunate that attratw is It it. just at very Nancy Midgebt to John B. Gray,: famiiy was carried a mile out into give ing of extension directors held at used gas range SI.10 to SI 50. the additional charge! Mrs. G. T. Wercctt, Jr.. Mies Bon- Miss Sallie Patrick. five acres in Hatteras Township, the sound perched atop the roof of Sheriff Meekins used the article as Washington last Saturday. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO I prices. to go toward defraying the cost of' L. Combs. F. D. Patterson to Duck Is.ard their heme and numerous women an excuse for gaining newspaper Such an opinion is of extreme corner McMorrinc and CoiJina.'A'.f I fire apparatus. Local auto license nybel Evans, Miss Marv Davis Wes- Manns Harbor, L. S. E. Green, Miss Club, decoys and other equipment' floated around in cork cott and MLss Helen Vinarski. Avon. Principal publicity at the expense of a man significance to North Carolina in Phone 137. cSW jackets hold¬ who tags were also upped from $1 to $2; Hatteras, Janet and Miss Leon a has a far deeper interest in that crops like cotton, tobacco, Gray W.. Perry. C. C. Miller to Principal Joseph George Gaskins. | ing their babies above the water in the same cause. I TWO STORE1' brick store and I Hamilton, E. G. Gibson. MLss Helen Miss Ruth Dixon. tract in Hatteras Township. for several hours after the hurri¬ the Coast Guard service than he wheat, and probably peanuts, dairy | hotel building. Three Poindexter S: ¦ Walter in fitted to better Cox, Turner. Mrs. Sallie Gaskins, Mrs.! Rodanthe, Principal ui>-*a:r«. ¦ fight cane swept a wall of water across and is far products and hogs will be handled stores 20x80it.ft. with hotel to OWNER ¦ Luck Parker. MLss Hilda Ballance,! Miss Eliza Midgett. I have no time he. than battles Apply EGGS TO TEST $8,000 buys few AAA in the the S. ¦ the narrow body of land between coming by ELECTRICAL WORK 116 N. Poindtxter Mi«s Etta Baum and Miss Coiington, Miss Fannie Long rA;)"-d ¦ the ocean and the sound. This sort for a newspaper controversy with years. Dean I. O. Shaub said it 'premises: N. C. Evans and Miss Lena C. Gamiel. Burruss. Place an egg in a pan of water, of thing might have been averted, Mr. Meekins or anyone else, but I would be passible for farmers them¬ Elizabeth City, If fresh it will lie on its side. If a! MONEY TO I.liM) not lbt this far-fetched com¬ selves to form groups and work with Kitty Hawk. Principal L. W. An- Mashocs, Miss Hazel Owens. according to the Commander, if his could Manteo colored, Estelle Tillett, few days old it will tilt C. W. derson, unanswered." Mrs. C. munication W.! Caldwell, go AAA the State the the warning of the through College LOANS: Investigate our ;> uIj:: I Manteo Caldwri 1. Clattdie Sanderlin. Miss Genevieve Scarborough and Eva If stale, it will stand on end. If' men had spread Extension Service but the benefits convenient weeklv paym> of and the hurricane had approach ...od o:r.< ¦ ......- | Nora Baum. past due bills very old, it will float. REGISTRATION ENDING Kitty Hawk is also ex-1 Armstrong. ¦ will not be so thorough and as pay your obligations. INDUSTRIAL given shelter to the families in the pressing rsx: I C .V as its where the has settlements before the full general City. College Elizabeth BANK, nearby for farm Ji Oil force of the storm broke. It was The task of registering pupifs representative in a county. MISCELLANEOUS school .term has 1933-34 the kept "We have an administration at just a misunderstanding or miscon¬ Earl H. Hartsell of Mary W:r:i I Washington struction of the Commander's re¬ Superintendent extremely sympathetic SCHOOL.Mrs. MUSIC the city schools busy this week. towards farmers and agriculture in I music her marks on the part of the reporter. Most will open of the registration work has M to Ls Builcliirr and if this "I have been in the Coast Guard sympathy School general ¦ now, however. All be translated into dollars for the I In the High 1?. Ph :r service for 29 and a half years," been finished ! day. September in the first grade who did beginners I the to make he must begin said Commander Bennett, "and I not cS15-li. register in the pre-school clinic farmer,









Chesson & Son Abolish Famous


Parking Spot

























For Sale Ads Lost and Found









iitl I










11 II I







Gold Medal


Cotton Netting

Linen Gill Netting


THE LINEN THREAD CO., Inc. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co. Products Sts.




j Harbor, N. C. Representative for Dare and Hyde Counties



have the good of the service at heart, and my men know I have always fought for them. I can do more good fighting for the men of the Coast Guard service on the in¬ side in ten minutes than Sheriff Meekins can do for them thru newspaiier articles in ten years. It Is peculiar that I am taken to task and criticized by an "outsider," while the men I criticized have not yet voiced any objection or evinced any displeasure because of the newspaper article which Meekins refers to. The men know I am for them; that's why they have said nothing. I think it is strange that Sheriff Meekins did not take up his grievance with me when I saw him at Chicamacomico Coast Guard station last Thursday, two days after he wrote the letter to The In¬ dependent. If he had been so anxi¬ ous to straighten the matter out, it certainly seems that he vould have said something to me about it at that time. His failure to do so makes me feel that the whole thing was done for the sake of newspaper

\ Coy /,





Lombard and Calvert






last spring will meet at the primary school on Friday morning at 11 o'clock. All new residents who ex¬ pect to enter the second and third grades will meet at the primary school at 2:30 o'clock Friday after¬ noon. Pupils who have recently moved to Elizabeth City and wish to enroll in the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh grade will meet with Miss Hattie Harney in her office Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Pupils pro¬ moted from the third to the fourth grade are not required to register, will merely have to report in the auditorium of the S. L. Sheep school on Monday morning at nine o'clock.













"Every ^

Memphis, Tenn., "John" a pet at a produce company, has the head In

of a rooster and the body of a duck. His feathers have chicken markings, TYRRELL COURT NEXT WEEK but his wings are those of a duck. His feet are those of a chicken. The 1933 term of Tyrrell County Superior Court begins next Mon¬ Dr. W. A. Archer, of the Smith¬ day with Judge Clayton Moore of sonian Institute, in Washington, has Williamston presiding. There are discovered a plant, which when no cases ofoutstanding interest on chewed by the Citara Indians, of Colombia, prevented tooth decay the docket. and replaced damaged enamel. Let changes come. Without There's only on e turns

changes there is



necessary contacts," said Dean I. O. where the Schaub. "The County farm agent A DRUG Store has a meaning and Is ¦ ¦ is the greatest aid he can have in service ried out in full. c& I this. It may not be passible for us PHARMACY, Phone 152. to continue much longer the emer¬ job o .«*'e I gency workers paid entirely out of HOUSE MOVING.No Write phone too large. no Job State nation national funds." 108 N. Dyer Str*"- I The Dean pointed out that voca¬ wire J. H. PRICE. N. C.. Phone 651-" I tional teachers had aided greatly in Elizabeth City. past campaigns but these men must I MONUMENTS be busy with their classes in a GRAVE" short while and will not be avail¬ "MARK EVERY J, ¦¦ from D. «. Ing your monument 'o*n able to the extent they have been SINGLETON, your home St., ¦¦ during the summer vacation period. load dealer. 206 South Road bione Delivered and Set

the teeth jet Week.








o/i 1-* I SMALL FARM, with ". I¦ near Elizaiv'Vs' potatoF.soil, J. BRAINARP. See -J1061 Blvd.. City Ior Phone ,



Dr. H. A. Tliorson II Chiropractor 304 Kramer Bldg.


Phone.Office 1054 Residence






(The tBimpa-Nfmai

To The Christian Science Monitor: America has selected a new patron saint and is his example—the first-born son, the in-

Hendersonville News Established in 1894 Hendersonville Times Established in 1881


discretion and common sense to portunities, the winds, and traded all his hopes for the future and his right to be prince and leader for a mess

Managing City


SUBSCRIPTION RATES Times-News Carrier, in Hendersonville, By


Second Class Matter at the Post Office in Hendersonville, N. C.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1933 THE GREAT ERROR "The Son of Man is come to seek and to that which was lost." (Luke 19:100). .


where art thou? (Gen. 3:9).





The idea that God hates sinners is the great huof the ages. Instead of Adam calling to

man error ,

God for reconciliation, we read that God came in who had wronged mercy and sought for the one Him, to offer the promise of the Saviour, by whose death an escape would be made from the verdict of




It is


reproach against

in the coun- tian civilization that

hogs supply is to be which the and disposition try the following in of the pork product, graphs : to decrease the

everything else that has been countof rations apportioned for re-

far from

ed a normal supply lief purposes.




dominant in


Political cor-

ruptness is constantly being discovered throughout






clear. This meat was not primarily secured for th:.s could be cited, rises in firm independence, and because in takes a stand for righteousness, the people flock purpose. It was made available only de- to become his followers. If we bad more leaders the minds of the leaders of the agricultural this of tons in Washington, multiplied to take this strong and courageous attitude

partment _meat had to be taken off the market in order to enable producers to get out from under the burden of a sagging and distressed market. That was the original and fundamental reason for its availability, and to turn this surplus to some such good account as utilizing it for supplying the mouths of the hungry of America a







than to have dumped


in behalf of good


ready agreed to see what they believes the can do along these lines, while diKed Cross and the federal relief Mrs. Thomas O'Merry, state office should try to assist in re- rector of relief, was in Washplacing: nets and boats of fisher-1 ington yesterday conferring with administration officials in men who lost them in the storm, relief an effort to get an additional alisince if they will do that, (hose lotment of federal funds for refishermen can become self-supagain almost immediate- habilitation and replacement puri porting Ked Cross officials have al- poses in the storm area. on ly.

j difference." Director Etheridge






Coast; Many Without a


and human prog-

Christianity would come nearer being accepted in politics.—Beach Haven (N. J.)

ress, the ideals of

Times. UNJUST SLUR GIVEN all right for W. H. Shepherd, of Collier's It to come down South to see what the abolition of child labor from industry was doing, but his exwas

it into the river. But how lor.g jmd to what further extent can Gastonia was chosen for this survey this brand of economics be followed in America? planation that labor spot in the counIs the time speedily to come or is it indefinitely because "it is the darkest It's a is resented. gross slander. out in the future when normal consumption de- try"

Gastonia has been nothing of the sort, neither mands for this product and for all others of which have the southern cotton mills been the most agbe will there is such a distressingly large surplus gravating offenders in violation of the ethic of to the production?

Livelihood The Tiines-Nows Sir


with meat, but with wheat, with cotton, with to- this week's issue of his magazine in such a way as bacco, with every commodity of which there is now to bring damnation to them with faint praise. If he had honestly desired to find the "darkest a surplusage. The administration is wisely trying to experi- labor spot in the country," he probably could have in


deviations from the old


of saved

lot of mileage by getting his gold-headed and walking: a few blocks from where Collier's a

It may succeed or it may cane not, but at best whatever its accomplishments, only is published.—C larlotte Observer. a temporary virtue will attach to them.






RALEIGH. Oct. 3.—No class suffered more from the recent

FOR T. V. A. JOBS Prosperity and balanced business and profitable production will come to stay only when that conFifty thousand have applied for jobs in the Tendition of social and economic life is returned by nessee Valley experiment, Lawrence Richey, emwhich hungry mouths disappear not by the bounployment director for the T. V. A. announces in ties and bonuses of governmental favor and charKnoxville. All of these applicants, we understand, ity, but when able-bodied men and women can earn must answer the question: "To what extent do you their bread by the sweat of their brow; not from use intoxicants?" the artificial jobs created by government, but by No one denies the right of the T. V. A. to ask opportunities offered by private capital and busi- that question. ness and industry. One question which the person given by ihese 50,000 applicants as references must answer seems to us out of place and tactless, however. NEWSPAPERS' OPINIONS That question is: v O "In your opinion, is the applicant's wife an asset FARM WAGONS AGAIN IN DEMAND or a liability? We hope, however, that Tennessee and Alabama Word comes from Hickory that the Piedmont who do not drink and whose wives walk of that one of the oldest persons wagon "Wagon Co., city, manufacturing plants in the country, has staged a the chalk line will be chosen in preference to those comeback and is now operating to full capacity. from afar, no matter how pure those from afa* The plant employs 75 men and now has orders may be.—Chattanooga News. booked for 1,200 farm wagons to be delivered ir But how can a federal police force find a rarthe Carolinas and other southern states.. In forketeer if it couldn't find a flock of saloons? mer years the Piedmont, along with the Nissen an: Spach farm wagons maUe in Winston-Salem, wen All right. Go ahead and inflate. We always to be seen in great numbers on the farms of tn< South, but witn the advent of good roads, the trucl wanted to know how a $25 sandwich tastes. and the automobile, the wagon factories were pu Correct this sentence: "This proud state o; practicaUy out of business and it is refreshing it know *h*t *b% feickory concern is coming back.— -'ours," said the politician, "asks no alms of th< Union Republican. MI8 federal government."



the fishermen than hurricane along the coast whose nets and boats were destroyed and who now are entirely without any means of making a living, according to R. Bruce Etheridge. director of the department of conDiservation and developments rector Etheridge was at his horn.? in Manteo when the hurricane struck that section and has since visited the New Bern-Beau fortMorehead City section, where the hurricane did the greatest dam





t \/ J








D. C.

In order to get an accurate estimate of the damage done to fishermen's nets and boats, !>irector Ktheridge has had a survey under way for several davs in the storm area. Captain John A. Nelson, state fisheries commissioner, with headquarters in Morehead City, is visiting every fishing village and every fisherman in that section to learn the extent of their loss in nets and In the Dare county area, boats. from Kittyhawk to Hatteras and Okracoke, a similar survey is being made by volunteer workers, Director Etheridge said. "We are trying to get the name, address and extent of the loss of every fisherman who suffered any loss at all in the storm area," Director Etheridge said. "I have instructed Captain Nelson and the others who arc assisting him to get the value of the nets destroyed, and whether








^ v




lowed when the fir.\ went to tiio boose^e and no reward was pa

Politeness Is









Harry Payer t Cleveland lawyer wl. "Mr IMckwick'' hec;m> way lie looks, is happii. He's tlie first secret a: ant. secretary who ev. \ visit every nook and ».i. ami



\\< that th

the I'ar Eastern division »tired doctor of phil«> • ;

Paye r appalled


corre. t

Hull press conferen" burst into a flowery which referred to tlum tinsinft.r .<1 gentlemen" pressed his sense of I lubeing allowed to work to shoulder" with them. a





final /rum' the judgment, which will be several times as large as cost of the land program.



part of a forcstation campaign, Governor Robert »II. Gore of Puerto Rico offered SlfiO reward for apprehension of cadi person caught cutting down a live. The reward ;.Iau didn't wor!;. belaluih.ur. cause $100 repriTj'nl.wealth to most I'm rto Ri ;<n •. •whereas jail meant free boar.;

Worker Is Benefited '





and hour tahli that the a verau



find manufacturing ir.dustric a weekly wage increase

i i n

tSIS 72 between mid .Ji:! August. In the cotton try, the effect of the .MIA' which hceaaie opera' :o .1; 'y shown in an average i:;ci< $11.37 to S13.1S. Cost of living increas 1 2.5 cent in that, period. »< niic •lie National Industrial (' '.'• ;i

poard, so the av< r.r, • wi.rker would •.••ein to l» ,r:'i <• n!.; a week better "Cotton




tii«"» rood.




Mill sk









»,n fcmicr i»c

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and a iri< nd. hr.t-i hein?r interested in astronomy, on<e agreed 'r oh; > rve ((•",>«; :ro:n (iieir respective towns at Hi•* same m l ii'j: :u a: t rainstorm set in at Philadelphia an.: spoiled Franklin' plans, and lie surprised to learn later that the i tonu did not 11«>: *»• i: until the next 'vik morning. This started his inv- ti al!.).i <4 storing and then habits. -






U. S. A.. IS Drer*. 20 Bay !ioi" 23 Beer



15 Hindu ascetic. 16 Wattle tree. 17 European flatfish. IP Nobleman. 21 Indians. 22 To 24 Black haw. 2G To perform. 27 Street. 29 To harvest. 31 Moist. 33 To scatter. 35 To hang. 37 The pictured


25 Mocley .( 28 Dogma. 30 Riftjlv ;• p in ^ itii Amcri.a. 32 Pair J4 Tyro ol ! cattle. 30 Bill HO ['reposition. 52 Fict on story 54 Third note.

bS Preposition. 5'< To tell. 59 IVfthin/ 60 What is the

was one

most famous

of the Ci' il






Answer to Previous Piu/le

HORIZONTAL 1 Who is the 19th century writer in the oicture?

hook of the



39 Heavy blow 41 Three.

64 Unit.

43 Sccond note. 44 At no time.

65 God of love. 66 Came In. 1

•JG God of the sky. 47 Clan symbol. 19 Above.



Deity! YKRTIt'AIi

2 Rowing t »ol.

3 Least wholo number. 4 Lazy person. 5 Yes. Soft 7



STo submit. D Pound



YYY1W i. \

wo .\




3S Son try.

40 Keplio 4i> Hl lhr t ia (leg it-e. 45 Rfotous U 4X Affny.

Denvativ* ammonia. 51 Barly-'-s? 50

stick. (abbr.). 10 Cry o» i icve. 63 Grass r','t nG Everpree* 11 Measure. tree. 12 3te earned Inr living as SJ Child, fil -Toward. a 13 Examination. 6£ Suffix 'or! nvjns. 17 She made her 63 Nffl'li'33t. home in .





drafted allotment law which will prevent any more sale of Indian land to whites. The necessary money, he will tell Congress, should be advanced against Indian court claims, repay-




"inde- ed

fensible" allotment laws until twoth'.rds of them are pauperized, de moralized, or headed that way One of i lie lirst Indian Bureau reforms under the ^ew l>e;il iwas prohibition of further sale' or Now alienation of allotted lands. Collier wants money to restore Kind to landless Indians, claiming there are large ft;?-:re savings for the






LIKED#0 WORKED US TO DEATH, DPAGSIN'OUT those boulders. DIDN'T she ! boy! i'm sure glad to be AWaY from THERE ! -AN' I AINT GOIN' BACK! NEVER!! SAY, FOOZY. T YRANNOSAURUS/





T.T;"/iy t)ii(7ft!es lie.can

years before all the tried. Taxpayers now support virtual"Allotted Inly entire tribps their lands lost dians" have of state department federal' operation through



cases are




li *? r wants them to have some of At the present the money now rate of speed it will be more Mian



»vh"fs. Eventually, they will got i part of it. Indian Coinmissvmrr John Col-

Congress has approved the suits.


years old, also similar data in regard to boats destroyed. This will enable us to more adequateproportioned These are inquiries that press for consideration child labor. ly determine replacement costs. Mr. Shepherd mingles lurid exaggerations of past For a man who lost a three-year and for an answer. The sane balance must evenold net should not expect a brand in the Gaston county mills with sweetconditions of the sources between restored productually be without paying some one new in tion and the sources of consumption—not only smelling compliments for present refinements





the various sections of our state and nation which in the presence of whicft have a great tendency to make the average lavthere is not much to be done except to speculate abiding citizen lose faith in his fellowmen and his is in wonderment. Certainly, if the government government. The general tone of politics in th'i it United States is wise in having killed 600,000 pounds of hogs, low, although there are many conhas, also, acted properly and judiciously in turning scientious people in the game who are doing the administration best they can. over this vast supply to the relief of in Washington for use this winter in its field People underestimate the power of courage and service. righteousness to win adherents. Somehow when a and many others who The anomaly, however, of the issue remains man like Theodore Here is


ma A celebration tion of the 75th c<> be held at Whitm June, school offi< Whitman- College. the pioneer missi Whitman, was foui

chopping. Widespread disapp Indians

'1110 rt"A SIIINGTON •* claim nmrc than a biiiion <lu|lawsuits against 'm" ir lars

so-called Chris-


great many of our people made seem to leave their' Christianity behind when they into politics. Ihey feel it is supremely necespara- get sary to win primaries and elections, and secure



\ i: A Scrvlor V> "!lcr


support of their political organizations, and that, FedNorth Carolina is soon to receive from the they cannot do these things if they attempt to folof povk eral government more than 600,000 pounds low Christain policies. the to give away to the needy and destitute during The keynote of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount may winter. Orders issued by Mrs. O'Berry, furnished be found in the words, "Seek ye first the kingdom the her by the National Relief Department, are to of God." That is, the pursuit of righteous and unand not effect that this meat is to be additional to, selfish aims was in his mind to be the guiding prindisin lieu of, what grocery orders are now being ciple of people's lives. It is to be pensed, containing meat allotments. The aim of seeking first the kingdom of God is and above


Constitution, campaign promnot, we are going to have it. We are


government program of






to the views of the Charlotte Observer offered in an editorial of this date. The Ob-


"Therefore I feel that the de- I CROWING HEN CAC partment of labor can perform THE DALLES, <• ... r to extend no better service than ! hen that crows bei'. to assist efforts its employment As a j egg and cakles afti lay this class of unemployed. 1 owned by Paul Vela "Farm a set to up result I intend 1 also greets the rione in every 1 Placement Service" with a lu>\ of the permanent employment of- morning







in this coun- going to have that liquor revenue even if it costs offered by private us $12 to $14 for every dollar from license. We try from "opportunities are going to have that revenue if we have to tramcapital and business and industry," and ple every ideal we possess, in the mud. These aio not from the "bounties and bonuses of gov- hard times, and we need the money.—R. I. Grinernmental favor and charity," according dell, Westerville, Ohio.

discusses the


and throwing away her unequaled op-

Esau did not make a mistake—he sold out. We He knew what the conseare doing the same. do we, but—we need the So be. would quences





Esau could have lived many days longer, had he found nothing at all to eat on that memorable evening. For the sake of one supper he forfeited all with more money than any his future.


Lasting improvement in business and


announced. "Reports received from our field men indicate that a great the many of the unemployed in farmers who tenant are state came to the industrial eities dur- ! ing the boom days, but who have ; been unable to make the grade I and have become industrial misj fits," Commissioner Fletcher said. i these of cent than 7-") per "More I are anxious anil eager to get i

not return," that dry states would be protected. Those promises have been uttei;y disregarded. Beer was licensed, in direct defiance of the spirit of the Constitution, but then, we need the money, and


lams. ''f Relieve


presidential campaign, solemn, emwere given that "the saloon muse assurances phatic


prosperity will


In the recent



owe foR the MAsree AA/P OfJE FOR THE PAME, MP ONif TO 6f pf<Trov£P /.-* ocpec ro Pi?a/E/vr




liquor traffic a prolific cause of crime, disease, weakness, poverty, vice and moral degradation, bi't we are going to tolerate it because—we need the

appointed, portunities.


burden off our n Because this sort of work a Oct. RALEIGH. tiiJit a time »k> a world <> iri\ e£tigation ha> shown un- ting t'houfuntJs of» the of very Jarge percentage the con- ers employed in North Carolina have that file present 11 who sists of tenant farmers in in- tiiial prujuam moved from their farms J of & «f '• dustrial centers in search, un- tnat,' 1r.-ny farmer were g)o they which but work, to curtail, the »>r- i able to get or perform, a "Farm Kut I a!s > to crops. designed Placement Service," most farm owners farmers tenant these help return cities have their tenant and their families from the main- I icd than not and ! back to the land, will be S. them will co-opei, tained in all of the regular U. Com- these stranded tot: state employment offices. least jrrow enouj missioner of Labor A. L. Fletchthemselves and th.

other country, with huge natural resources, only needs proper coordination to rise from the depression stronger than ever. But she is deliberately abdicating the high place to which she was divinely



su <.

ileavor to canvas, lions of the stateinformation possi!

The Times-News Dure iu Sir Walter Hotel







!faMe"Tnformatirn \V tibese tenants.


yes SIR! Y£$ si*/ IHRgE 0A6S (MLf

else- not solve the critical problems of poor relief, taxe.-;, 12c etc., but send commissions and delegations to Can$5.00 ada to study (?) their liquor-selling system! Down in their hearts Americans know that the price

will be of The Times-News in Zones above No. 2 based on the cost of postage. as

have iou

of "savoury pottage." Today this nation is doing the same. Our legisEditor cannot find money to carry on our struggling Editor lators schools or libraries, but hastened to legalize beer, race-track gambling, and easy divorce. They can-

where, per week By Mail in Hendersonville, per year Due to high postage rates, the subscription









—wc II



ficcs and be


for leadership, Published every afternoon except Sunday at 227 heritor of priceless opportunities threw was he away those opbecause hungry, North Main street, Hendersonville, N. C., by The who,




Times-News Co., Inc., Owner and Publisher.

fices-"which we h< In this... way_ 1;



com- rlie by H. II Creoejr and fared heavily in the loss of counor certain IH|r;>:sc« tie r Jiaiil18th, deed <iI int-t Lmercial timber, as most of the 1 an.! Up tracts. timber ty is composed of lie Register «i I lent .j there. V. C.. in r^sl It...,t, very little farming being done

Advertisements and News Dare County Etheridge Says I Fish Industry Needs NRA Code


Dare Cfrunty Dept..Office Hotel Fort Raleigh ( Manteo. JR., Associate Editor and Manage I less than Hal atchewan, had shrunk to size. register of deeds, last week. B. A. Williams to G. T. Wescott, one-tenth of their former Sr., property at northwest corner A more thorough exploration of of state highway and County street. the region is recommended to as¬ G. T. Wescott, Sr. to B. a. Wil¬ certain its potentialities in greater

Kemp's Famous especially heavy damage. Damages Orchestra Plays particu¬ and outhouses 10 Washington Oct. tolarlybarnsnoticeable. In Pasquotank and young

Dare County Doings


at' It! o'cl.K-k \t. ,, Pecan and fruit trees were shown';.hall M Hth. ItlTI 'i.. due largedamaged, 'iinrl ll.mse lin.r in to be especially Count- i ic auction, f..r t|,.. ly to their exposed condition.many 1 ii me ill said d»-is! ..i ; irless trees were damaged, KIUST I.OT. That ,.>.; were the Wi4t .sulc nl Kelilcl reparably, and very few nuts of Kliz.ihelli t'ily. ati I left on the trees. Grapes suffered |H,int >ni the \r...t





feet soutli tr.>iii the unit Seidell' Stf et.. .ii east nirn*r of the l.t fnrlinrly the westerly along south Jackson lot 12« ft lcl with Schhii St. lot it.


corn county, truck crops detail. Further, the part of the Hal Kemp and his International j were practically totally damaged. on a visit to the site last Sun¬ liams tract in Wanchase. terior Newii of n i, the agri- Favorites, touring under the auspices alley .thence easterly aloe; Changes in the contour The enlargement of the reser¬ P. L. O'Neal to W. E. Midgett, breeding region north .of day. September Amefeet the of hi be Seldm th belt St.. similarly in street, I Manteo. tl... should, cultural extend to tract on Broad Inlet wrought by of the Musk: Corporation NOTICE OF SALE We«t aide ef said street to j week by j vation so that it would also re¬ the Camerie for one of the there, trustee to E. for Daniels, P. L. were mapped last the to surveyed, M. will and i <itorm llitltf, play lieill/ the and -.II, ica, ocean the perhaps u, contained In a It. It. Cns-ey :>>n. li.i..| State Ity virtue of the authority 1 st Wise, Peoples Ice & Storage Com- port asserts, the key to the prairie- gest dances of the season, in the certain 1in engineer of the died rf tni-t executed on the ami and Wife by ilivj the scene!.'sound on the west, the construction to went be Washing¬ at situation In" H. who may l'aul 1!»28. by Warehouse, roads January, duck-breeding nt ami duly ncurded ji It Farmers' pany property. af an airport and of radial A NRA code for the fish- jDepartment to \V. A. \Vorl|i. TrusVe, Oct. | day W. B. Tilleii of Wan-!< and reference is In r-o ., will-, r.trio Ives the monument from Edward Eldridge and Frank Stick found. ton, N. C. Tuesday night, in Hook 71. I'atrc t.'it, of the a i n the boat of approaching the! rerouted and for better dea-riidioti ot by in may area X. brought the agricultural ing Industry Even in were among the to J. S. Phipps, tracts in Hatteras these. Sand 10th. SKl'ONIt I.OT Register of Iloeds for I'a.sipiotnnk County, II H the eonchoked the sound..:everal directions Caro¬ I'.. default liaviic been madetlieinundersigij'aL North -are possibilities of improve¬ of Klliott .ml i a c.rner is young there Those making Township. Hal solution to the troubles of i ;tcrm hastoallthebutinlet Kemp discussed. trust, of ]j projects deed said channel of ditions 111 and City ment. For example, dams can be linian who has achieved distinction Trustee will, on the 1 llli dayatof!beOctober, were E. A. Demoaray. sasstthe dcserllasl as follow*: It*, d. North (Carolina fishermen tntrance Court in eight feet of water ant trip at 1 2 :(t'l o'clock noon, intersection ot t'litir- h Park Ser¬ built (as has been done at the junc¬ as a musician and orchestra leader. 1933, door National stakes planted of the chief not found are if l'as-.iuotank. N. t'.. offer for were thence lleiiie when who at easterly along ri-n, and survey River career the Apelle of Qu musical liidili r his B. tion to tlie liisliost Bloyd in a previous He ailetion began Mrs. and Demaray; at vice sale public thence stcinling lot feet, was. which near Craven, Saskatche¬ he was three years old, according for rash, the following described property: Creek lines about the 711 h i. a'i.1 > of Long reiving any adequate return mbedded in a atsandbar superintendent Flickcnger, J Situate I in Mount liermonand Township, the turner lot, .m t>. low water. The! wan) to increase marsh areas. to his mother, a charming Southern l'asiiuntaiik bounded ing and Mrs. reservation, County. X. C.. Yorktowu for their catch, according to jaigh and dry 1110. boat.1' the leave :' Xortii by Canal Itoad; on the Kant was forced to chief Marsh vegetation can be reestab¬ woman whose home is in Charlotte. on the by Suf¬ This Seiiteinber 12.w.l'.i":| from the Pea Flickenger; Charles Peterson, R. Bruce Ktheriilge, director 1oariy by Tr.nklo road; on the South o <:.\ITI!» watch his sister practice folk Eastern i mile and a quarter lished. would the of on tbe West Hal architect llailroad; 1 landscape Carolina ii and of C011-1;Csland Coast Guard Station j JDivision, and K. B. Simmons, as¬ below the flying age her piano lessons and then a bit by Mr. Mark Jackson, containing 04.28 c T&W sir, 4U of the Ducklings esJackson dock acres, and known as the Cherry jvade ashore. The ferry are sometimes in distress, due to later he learned to play the Jew's were met at the reser¬ servation and Development, NOTICE TO CREOITOHS Farm and bring the same landa described I inlet shortly after',sistant. They the the and At at eventual of the by trust potholes of the up deisl some over drying certain here | the with proficiency. ablishtxi acting home that in hia harp who visited was vation by Horace Dough, 1931, March, to tbe Southern Trust In the District Court. Eastern Bistre. in wife end that 1>. has hatch¬ well I'. so have been where in opened was its> I they was doing Meekt he « Victor is of ten going,] D. already The Literary Digest, ponds week-end. Work age North Carolina Trustee, dated Feb. 1st., 1928. be high and dry and. j <caretaker. Sheriff be removed to ade¬ he was engaged for a while to play ACompany. In the Matter of John Daod Warren. a;r,, I dep. sit of flie per rent of tile amount forward on a code for the oyster'}ilso found toto Ca;>tain C. E. Pruden;:ins. Frank Stick and H. C. Law¬ current issue, tells something! ed. These canareas. rupt. bid will be required of the successful balder Breeding con¬ in a military band. quate water industry and Mr. Etheridge is in jiccording The latition «f John \V . tile hour of sale j station, there is Jrence. that is effort the tabu¬ In 1919 he entered the Alexander at This of be should surveyed, 14 extend-! <>f the Pea Island be this day ditions will idea and j Hertford r..» the dated posted, \ notice that hopes that the inlet1 probability winter Ilia, for alull discharge in It., m school of Charlotte! of September, 1'J.'13. I[ VV. A. WORTH. jHi! lated and reported annually. Board of County made to stem the high Graham Dare County's ed to cover all sea food operations. ,1i strong closed l tiled ill by hcrtl. Mailt our:, this thej Commissioners and Board of Edu¬ of wild ducks in this count-j But most of alf, the report con¬ and scon organized the be Trustee. , he t'oiirt that l.e..r H cS-22-4t. The greatest essential to the in- will there is need for "united crs,' 'a small orchestra. He was Itli day >'f NovciiiImt. It'll I. prevailing northeast winds. cludes, 1 at a deadlock in the remain is, in; cation however, State, the In ADMINISTRATION I M. lleekilis. Jul. ¦ dustry OF title NOTICE Read: round, a bashto and lean try. action by sportsmen put well known as a tall, ! ih'.Ii/.ahcth fitjr. Xettli fatol.i.i Mr. Etheridge's opinion, the adop- The newly opened Durants Inlet11matter of the purchase of two sec¬ been offered rotor of thcji oreliooii. and that all V ¦ school buses by the form¬ a new answer has has harassed adequate program for the preserva¬ ful blonde boy. His first triumph j Having qualities! as AI eliiUnlet ond-hand Hatteras tion of modern methods of and ve notieo Hill s'i ither |«-| lntetisti-1 iiuy hereby 11. Wikal, to the duck riddle that 'jetween Creeds tion and increase of water fowl in- was when the orchestra, opening tolatealltieoruc i],t illie and. place, d: l.t II-' and shipping fish, and he expressed s also causing considerable at ten- er body and which the latter de¬ pels;,uk iudelitisl to Ida estate to come and conservationists, a! won and India" of effect." settlement, { buses sportsmen, tj two "The they have, why the l't.'S' Song with forward arid make immediatetbe name to the determination to have his de-11:ion and people of the latter eom-j1clines to accept. The d t iotier'l tut l» at' alike preofficials aring ¦ against olaiuis holding those contest sponsored street, ac¬ government j'1nunity have requested that the stand parked on Water prize in the local This 2«*'"i day ot s,s.t,.|.i. partment do all in its power to fostsent Uiom f..r pay men! wltb'U twelve uiotitlis In efforts to check1 S. A. A SI 11'. ¦ vaudeville the r it will be e. bv one of noli that < cumulating dust and rust after the recent years. of this date along tbe from practices 10,er up-to-date furnish Ilv J. 1*. TibiMI'siiv j, I rcr-j ry. 'rounty commissioners a rapid and alarming depiction of At the University, he made the pleaded in liar of 18,their Clerk I'. ¦ line. Pish shipped from this state )00 bags for use in sandbagging up manner of the Tin Soldier and Toy the 11133. Tliis September the shooting soon and duck supply, i" mean¬ without difficulty Kli/ < ;S2U-2t. e in the t>. N de-d R. WOOD, while for ochestra C. The Dog of the poem, uuder the methods in use :the channel to close the inlet. Administrator. has been cut, bag limits have learned to play most of the wind in- pS22-ftf. cades, hastily packed and shipped request was referred to the State time East Lake school children walk son the game heg has Prisons who took sanpshots during ctruments. Later he organized his reduced, been the'1 at school. arrive from and fish to NOTICE thatmany fo Commission. Sentiment been denounced. Just recently, the! and after the recent devastating own orchestra, the success of which 6ALE OF VALUABLE LAND as markets- in poor condition, are fast Highway a Buxton and Frisco is reported ;j baiting issue provided firework; in! storm in this section did so that in a few years has brought Hal B" virtue of the | lower vested in the unin the repair¬ in Work of competition asphalt laying closthe losing ground toward to steps In spite of all this, the they might have a lasting record Kemp to the forefront as one of the ilorsiyiied In a Certain deed of trust ovcriited ing storm damage to the beach high¬ Washington. decreased. with packing houses to the North.11opposed date of! of the inlet which is tn liiiu by W. 1'. ltoj;ersoii. he.triinrBook ducks have the of and pictorial story of the damage country's outstanding orchestra ]Ire. north Kitty was 71 begun way where cleaning, filleting and freez- j11,ng 11127, and recorded in I'l, an aid to fishing. as 01 .here in storm recent worst explanation most the done by, this, leaders. Hawk Coast Guard Station Monday This at l'a:n? 137. securing certain indebtedneiia I jng are established practices, he made been are liariuj ducks now difallit And that is described. dLs-1 the section's history. This limited tour which has been therein tin? expected to be completed the situationbecause til cpaymont of saiil indebtedness. i.iaiu the A request that the road between and is 37 the lakes and comes the information that these arranged by the Music Corporation rciiilcst In the appearing within working days. of tin' holder of said indebtedness, included be Inlet taken been by Cuffevs have and after duel jDuck Already steps undersigned, as trustee will the State forces have ponds of the northwestern United pictures of the damage done by thei of America is a result of hundreds .said deed ad wrti anient and as provided in said the department to rehabilitate the :n the State highway system for meantime the construction of a States, and southwestern Canada.! storm can be of material benefit to! of Hal Kemp has re¬ of that offer for hale, to reasli, at the requests to' trust, completed forwarded I at. public oyster industry and an application maintenance has been of this eoiliity ill productive storm sufferers. ceived within the past year for a e itirthon.seto door County temporary bridge across the wash¬ once favorite and highly the hiylicst bidder on the 18th will be made for government funds jRaleigh by the Board aitetion. of are disappearing, en¬ Wade. his W. Secretary and road grounds, breeding of the the end Stacey M. southern the o'clock at appearance, 12 personal day of (letober 11133 .at with which to carry on the work. ,Commissioners. Considerable dam¬ out drought in State, writing to the editor of this gagement for the one night at property described in said deed of trust, toplaced mats at all points too. Long-continued North Carolina with a million and a age was done to the road during I and have reaone wit: is follows: as this in Octo¬ N. the question C., Tuesday, regions newspaper, explains Washington, tide where the road was broken through Kiti'.atisl iii Sah in Township, and bequarter acres of natural oyster rock :he last storm when the sea secof food and cover "On account of the distressing ber 10th, is one that has been look¬ yi'iniiiK Destruction con. to st the ititerseetioii of the I'ailin no is that it necessary so longer eroded and in her inland waters, free from pol- ,:ame over the bank is A third and the tfriffin Swamp Itoail, tlietiee about lload was brought another. is which a great deal of s»tuation with to at forward firm ed of a vegetation off any drive roadway the tlriffiu Swamp Ito.oJ 8. 27 K., lutlon which is a serious menace (lions of the road as the water the spread of agriculture, bringing, by the storm September 16 in East¬ anticipation by not only the danc¬ ah.11S 15.50 e'.i»., theme in alotij said Mail a in other areas, now has an oyster ,?d into the sound which is skirted point along the road. V, K.. 1.21 el is.. thi-nre on toa too the virgin prairie into cultivation,! ern Carolina, the administration is ers but by the music lovers as well. H. 10road the the | 8. 30 14 K. 14.83 cha., said industry which does little more than «|jy the road. The request thatmade and' resod, towards I the prairie energy tbenee bending every 1 Latest reports received by Super¬ breaking up line of the ,1. S. Markham land, rerve the needs of communities along State remedy the situation was and the runoff that once lief, in that disease and want shall a Ion,; the line of kui.l .1. S. M.rkham the thus show Atkinson stopping H. R. intendent the of in said ditch the coast and immediately adjacent. \ay Captain Truxton Midgett wife S. 3S IV. 9.77 chs., to a and streams. not prevail. Markiiaiu*k land. thence N. 28 4 \V. 31.71 Inlet Coast Guard Station" following enrollments at county fed thea lakes said lakes Governor broad to once occurred has While Mr. Etheridge declined to 'Caffeys result, "It As ehs.. t the I'ailin, thence alnnit not had which m schools previously busi school the that out who pointed K. 10 3(1 elis.. to the heitin-11Cheapest advertising space yea road X. tin in be large' it that pos¬ mighty comment on a proposal recently air¬ 1 ducks congregated where Ehringhaus Harbor 35, eleareil Manns One cent a word for urh in¬ Kitty 3«>.JS acres of buy. reported. of containing' children fami-j nine tiiii;:. carries *hich as lot Xn. 1 ed in the press under which the ' completely or nearly sible to secure from Washington The damage done to farm crops land, and being designated than Zk. L' around the station to the I Hawk 157, Hatteras 235, Frisco 17 numbers have Marsh the I'sertion, no ad for less nil the .-tirvey of IV. K. I'ritehanl of on some relief from the "Storm Fund" in Pasquotank county by the storm Albemarle Sound would be made 1 ies living vegetation, disappeared. and Maihoes See said j somebody wants the thine yor hav eight. Ball land. I.. has school difficulty Mr. and Mrs. Hawk Kitty died. suitable for oyster growing by openset up some time ago, and to do of September 16 actually amounted for further description of said land to sell, or if somebody has the :r.:u which the ducks fed. has making its run under present Mr. and Mrs. C. L. TBAl'T. Beginning at the J. j ing an inlet near Nags Head and*1ai and Many lakes that still exist have this we are anxious to secure photo¬ to $204,500, according to a report of i T. Slit'<IXII one cf these little jcj Midgett oonditions. lias is corner in tlie line oitidi. near ii you want, alka-! devastatheir the the of that much size as oS of in statistician S. 42 \V 4.15 will bring the pair of you together. constructing bulkheads across Croaso a Frank 6hrunk Parker, of held graphs Mrs. Patsy Tolar (ma rind pilie. all I thvnee 5.12 Skyco I rhs., thence a sur- tion as is possible. The Governor State Department of Agriculture, oils., tiicnee S. 13 U K. tan and Roanoke Sounds, other the recovery of a total joint celebration of their birthdays line content has solidified as 'Phone 281 K. 4 114 IV. 3.23 ehs., thence X 38 \V. I leaders of the community regard the Suit farhas been the photographs pre¬ who visited this section after the 519 that thinks was 75 or face crust. 8. \y. .11.<11 clia., Mr. 4214 week. last thence Midgett ehs.. in Dare. entered of $7,650 8 2111 | tucuce links, and be 89 K. to Wash¬ sented to the Department in project as whoHy impractical report (soon storm and made an extensive survey thence S. 18 4 thence 8. 2 14 K. 91 links, FOR SALE by Harry C.j September 29. Mrs. Midgett 70 on A voluminous \V. 5n links, without justification. Such a pro- County Superior Court, on a detailed survey of ington will aid him very materially of the storm damage. Previous 25, and Mrs. Tolar 63 on 8. 28 \ H. 84 links, thence 8. 2 W. Jule September Day. Lawrence against pctjal, which would create new ,'ormer owner or" the Goosewing Club, September 23. Guests included the pralrie-duck breeding region in securing additional funds for estimates had placed the loss at half thence K. 3 '¦ link*, tin nee 8. 2!) \V. 72 links, | tin nee S. 211 \ K. 1.83 ehs., thence 8. ti oyster grounds at a time when those The complaint alleges that the sum George Charles Daniels, Columbusi cites these circumstances and many rehabilitation in the section of the a million or more. elia,, 213 ehs.. thence S. 2114 K. 2.<12 wife's FOR SALE already available are undeveloped is of $4,750 is due for construction, Midgett, Mrs. Ida Midgett, Mr. and more. The survey was made be-1 State that has been so sorely afflict¬ Mr. Parker's survey covered the the line f tiie J. 8 .Markhain slid said c!is along K. 29 41 X. nee thi 111111!, looked upon much in the light of 1933, 13, and his 29 and July ed. area June report storm entire tween Miss John Mrs. 7.71 W. HayMary 43 and chanHayman, X. canals theme j Markhaui's line, \V a r (1 r o b c trunk in the Lake Mattamuskeet project un¬ work cn. dykes, and that the for More Game Birds in America, a "I. therefore, trust thr.t you can places the damage in the various ehs.. t the point of beginning, containing plain-1 man. Mr. and Mrs. John Tolar. Mrs foundation, der which millions were spent to nels at the club acres of woiHlianil, and being de15.78 of some make direction to the clear coun¬ condition. Will under North Carolina .-ee way Northeastern your Mrs. Ina Cudworth the sum of' Carrie Midgett, as lot Xo. 1 on tile above referred create few farmlands at a time tiff also should recover mention of this in your paper in ties at the following figures: Cur¬ signaled Plmnc to plat. I as caretaker at little Jean Cudworth. Mrs. L. N A. C. Camerle. one-half for for services $2,900 1933. when over production of agricul-:: from Bismark, North its next issue, appealing to those rituck. $129,500; Camden. $151,900; l'a'.cd and p istisl Sept. J.15th. Starting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Daniels month. Stick, $150 of rate the B. LKBiil, per 172-W or 2,SI. tural products was already depre-1 Miss Marie Daniels and Mr. andI, Dakota, the investigators went who have taken photographs to Dare, $19,300; Pasquotank $204,500; eS22-It .Trustee. elating the value of farm property.' Charlie C. Smith, aged 23. and Mrs. John Pugh. through parts of that State, Mani¬ send them directly to me or to the Perquimans, $32,000; Chowan. $68.ELIZABEIH SAUXDE3S NOTICE OF SALE toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Governor and they will be acknow- 200; Washington, $96,400; Tyrrell, A move toward organizing to Elma Farrow. 18. both of Buxton, Aira miles. in the in used and and 3,400 application contained Montana, Beaufort. $159,500, covering ledged the authority $127,800; work for better prices for fish was were married in Manteo on Septem¬ The following have bee n summon¬ By virtue ..f 1st I certain deed nf trust cxic.ited in tin- ami made Saturday when a number of ber 28. The Rev W. F. Walters of ed to serve as jurors at the fall tern; plane observations were made of for funds for Eastern Carolina, Hyde, $164,500. FOR SALE.Cypres.. if January, 1H2S. by J. 1). llaskett (day St. Paul, not in¬ Fargo, "I want you to know that all of Dare's estimated loss did Trust Wanchese fishermen agreed not to Manteo Methodist Church perform¬ of Dare County Superior Courl; other regions.about wife. Maggie W Basket!, to Southern 71, Book iti recorded anil North us are anxious and willing to go clude $200,000 timber damage, but Company. Trustee, | wharf'stakes. C. W. PKI!C.'!F" Pihtn sell to local buyers if prices fell be¬ ed the ceremony. which "convenes October .24: J. M Valley City, and Jamestown, "f tin' officy ut the Register of LBR. CO., Columbia, >.'. C. 31)2, page i.i-i: low ,four cents for speckled trout, according to Mr. Parker, Dare suf- I Irisla fur Pasquotank County, N. <ilcfault the limit to aid our people." 1612. Midgett, F. T. Meekins, T. S. Twi- Dakota. lir. in_' been uiai'c i:i tlic c.imlitioiis of said two cents for spots or one cent a! Good crowds are attending the re¬ ford. S. S. Nixon and R. B. Hooper ,| "The duck-breeding situation was will, Trustee tlic undersigned deed i.l trust, .'ore ari TWO STOREY brickPoindexte: pound for croakers. 111 -.III 14tin day of Octiibcr, 11133. at 12:00 St. ¦ vival now in progress at the North Stumpy Point; J. O. Meekins. Col- I spotty in North Dakota," says the tun ii, at tlic Court House door of hotel building. Three k, uVl.u ¦ southin the P. Meekins poor C. which be¬ "very H. is report, A. Ward. End Baptist Church lington; offer fur sale at stores 20x80 ft. with hotel u ir- ¦ Ci.uuty. X. JVuiiiutiiuk public aii"'i..ti bi the highestluutjbiililcr for casli $8,000 buys it. Apply to OWN?!?. S'. ¦ ing conducted by the Rev. Fred N. L. R. Etheridge and C. H. Barnett western corner of Manitoba, the 116 N. PoinJcx?: tlie following described pr. Day of Winston-Salem, assisted by Manteo; L. D. Midgett and I. S southern quarter of Saskatchewan, c¦ certain lands situateil in Pasquo¬ premises: Tin N. C. northeastern the and more particularly Elizabeth City, and anil Alberta, B. B. Hooker X. H J. C.. the Rev. Hines. Rodanthe; the tank County, pastor. Midgett. ELECTRICAL WORK described ua follows: Hiram Gregory Tillett, B. R. Til- corner of Montana. It was better "MONEY TO LEVI) 1st THAI"P: Beginning at a oonanci between Humboldt, Saskatchewan, rtilr pimf at tiiu Kast Sl'ls ut tlic lot of LOANS: Investigate oar! rA I Tentative plans for the improve¬ let, T. O. Tillett, E. R. Payne village of Xixonsaid*.lusojib llaskett ill tlictbonce T. L. Mid¬ and Buffalo Lake, Alberta. Rastwardly convenient, weekly ¦ ment of the Kill Devil Hill reser¬ llvey Daniels, Wanchese; t»u, X. C.. ruiminic and other ¦ Sal R. J. were bad. Mashoes; Douglas, a |umt; tliemv running pay .vour past due bills to Manteo fuel "Water conditions very gett, gnu alioiit vation were discussed by officials INDUSTRIAL I.ittle to tree a cberry obligations. past Southwardly pressing Elizabeth City, X C. ctV. ¦ M. Tillett A number of large lakes have dried of the U. S. Department of the In- jvo; C. B. Midgett, P.W.Twiford Hirer at tlecp water; riinuiug tbetloe Wistami up completely or have been reducabout BANK, F. M. Sawyer, R. wanlly alons saiil deep mater line tlicnce !!00 feet upjxsiite the starting point; MISCELLANEOUS Bruce Mann, Manns Harbor; S. H ¦led to fractions of their former siae. X'nrthwarJIy the line of said llaskett U. G, O'Neal. A. P. Wil to tlie print of liygiuuing, containing about Of the small water areas more REMOVES Corns. B::nix; I one iiel'e unire or less, said lot beiug kuotvu "DOC" liams and Chester A. Morgan, Avon than one-half were dry. Oi the Protect Your Property Against Fire and Storm the same lands Callouses, Ingrown Nails. A: I lot. lteing ILaymau n« tlie IR. F. Smith, Buffalo City; E. E larger bodies of water. Horsehead rultviyisl to Joseph llaskett by deeil of t>. OWENS SHOE STORE E'izab !" ¦ W. Cartwrigbt an! wife, rts si riled iu Hook ¦ Beacham, B. F. Perry and Joe E¦" Lake and Irvine Lake in North 08, l'age 104. City Tuesday. Oct. 10. A' Krrtford I Baum, Kitty Hawk; V. L. Ballancis Dakota, Whitewater Lake and Plum 2ml THAI T: That certain tract of Wednesday morning. F/i n Ji". and D. S. Oden, Hatteras; W. E'. Lake in Manitoba, Lake of the In ii. 1 an 1 improvements thereon, situated c^'" I Fire, Tornado and Automobile Insurance.Surety Bonds a Mil lieiug iu Xixontou Township, Pasqtio- nesday afternoon. Rollinson, Frisco. and Rivers in Saskatchewan, t.ik County, X. C., and known ami desig¬ Many nated us the Identical land ami improve¬ LEARN SHORT K.AM). Islands Lake in Alberta were dry. Address all communications tc Mantco ments which John ff, Sawyer purchased BOETTCH- ¦¦ The following deeds went to reconi Long Lake and Devils Lake in North from Joseph li. Han-lift ami w.fe, llary S. bookkeeping, etc. S. M 2'Jtli. 18H0, January dated Hun-lilt, by deed ER'S BUSINESS SCHOOL. H in the office of Melvin R. Danielsi, | Dakota, and Chaplin Lake, Saskduly registerisi iu Hook 2, Pages 261-217, ami being the same lamia conveyed to Wiley floor Robinson building.



{ big-)j







|SomeTheReasons! Supply; jWhy Of Ducks Is Low









[1 packing'










Snapshots of sea-j Damage By Storm Want









For Sale Ad^ Lost and Found



Farmers Took Heaviest Loss





























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Linen Gill Netting



THE LINEN THREAD CO., Inc. Distributors of American Net & Twine Co. Products

Lombard and Calvert Sts.





Representative \

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It. Sanders by deed of 1 litllicl Sawyer, ct al dated Jieceniber 1st. 11)16. ami rcconled iu Hook 44. Page 25. and oonveyed by Wiley H. Sanders to J. 1>. llaskett Iiy deed recorded iu Ihs.k 47, Page 408, all of the


City, WHOLE WHEAT BREAD and P'* I bran in it, amazingly good Public Registry of Pasipiotaiik County. fresh daily. P& I 3n'. THACT: Beginning at the corner .far you. Baked Mill ami the road S nf the Halls Creeks CARTWRIGHT BAKERY. ¦ N. C.


Itoail ami running down the Mill Koad to a little ditch between cleared land and the pine thicket; thence up a ditch to the Over¬ need "¦ ton line; thence down Hie Orcrton line to DOES YOUR ROOF Halls Creek Koad; thence down Halla and tin for me Call lng? con¬ Creek Koad to the place of beginning, putter -v'u'


re.^B¦ ¦

work and drain and taining 10 acres, more or less. Also another tract beginning at corner in of Halls Creek and Mills lCoail and lying be¬ ing. Tinner. ? tween tlie Mill mail and Halls Creek ami L. P. LOUIS. The ^ S being all of the Sitnfison heirs owned onia 995. 26 N. that aide, except the Log Landing which about 300 feet square, the said Log Land¬ where the \'>,U ing being excepted from this deed ami not A DRUG Store and bring tsoUTcyvfl heivhjr. lteing the same service has a meaning lauds isitireyed to J. I), llaskett by deed ried out in full. of I'lisha Coppersmith and wife, recorded PHARMACY. Phone 152. In Honk ill, Page 470, Public Registry of to Pasquotank County, X. C. A defaisit of fire jut cent of the amount HOUSE too large. Write hid will ho required of tlic successful bidder no at tlie hour of sale. wire J. H. PRICE. 108 N. Dytr This nutico dated and posted this 14th Elizabeth City. N. C., day of September, 11)33. Southern Loan fc Insurance Co.. Trustee, ' Formerly -Southern Tnist Company) By Worth & Horner, Attorneys. <Vt I.H-S22-4t. "MARK EVERY





J ¦¦


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^ I¦

MOVING.No jobph'-"?




NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION qualified as Administrator ct the ma J. ltoberson. 1 hereby girc notice to all iiersotis indebted to tier estate to come I forward and make immediate settlement, and those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will he pleaded in bar of their ri-covery. This September 7. 1033. HBXKY L. KOBBRSON, pSl5-C t Administrator.

j lateHaving Mm




Hy rirtne of


deed of trust executed to


irom ^ lng your monument I hom<Road ».. ¦ SINGLETON,306your South

load dealer. "ivent stone cS4-tf.

Delivered and *


Dr. H. A. Tkorson I Chiropractor Bl'lf. & I 304 Kramer

Phone.Office 10.',4

R-m«1""^. I

the Coast; Storm Played Hell Along of Public Works Funds Available F Bus law Protested-Tobacco Markets

i! Nirth Carolina this week feet so that they may resume their completion of a marketing agree-. to its feet after having livelihood and further hospitaliza¬ ment with the buyers, now in oro,i» solar plexus! tion will be furnished those on the cess of formation in Washington \ colt a terrific the hurricane casualty list. It was by far the and on which a publics hearing end by blow 1-;t week .o .: » the Atlantic seaboard most destructive storm ever to strike been set for today. The agreement ml vis'led its fury upon the coastal this State. The wind attained a contains definite minimum price >o ¦.¦aten Morohead City and velocity of 100 miles an hour at one levels which will be aired at the K;:tv Hawk. I: was a deva-fating' time. Extremely high tides were hearing. ni one that took a score of lives' recorded in the New .A preliminary survey just made property damage to the City area. i a. -a the State Advl ory Board cn Ae,i: ot many millions of dollars.! .Several hundred pupils in Dur-' bv Public Works shows that there are counties vrere Carteret p.'ttho ham county were kept at home in North Carolina potentially 600 nanl-h :. a< also were most of Tuesday while their parents left eligible projects that would call for Albemarle the section, of jc< for Raleigh by automobile to protest an expenditure of at least $25,000,003, .ur'.ns ariy in Dare. Pasquotank.l against the new school bus law Dr. Herman G. Baity, State engineer Chowan and Currituck.! which forbids transportation of for the board, revealed Saturday. communica-! were damaged, Crops pupils within a two-mile radius of a Allotments to the various states t:on w cut off. transportation wasj school. The parents that have not yet been made but they was business and almost; half-filled busses axecomplained tied u chil¬ passing probably will be based on populaof homes were Hundreds paral;. i or dren walking to school and that and North Carolina should redestre; .d damaged. State agenc- these walking children could be tion, tiding health, military and hauled without additional expense. ceive at least $50,000,000, possibly $75,000,000. h'.-hw.- patrol, were marshaled and! rushed to the distressed areas to .North Carolina's tobacco market¬ .The big political rumor of the cooper; e the Red Cross. Re-! ing holiday, which became effective summer is the talk that Robert L. tiej a nicies have worked inccs-1 by proclamation of the Governor Doughtoa of Laurel Springs."Farmusitly his week to alleviate dis- on September 4, has been prolong¬ or Bcb" to his constituents in the hr people of the State have ed until the opening of business onj ninth congressional district and to rrr*-< bent c .Ird upon to make Monday. September 25. With the thousands of other North Carolin¬ tioits tt the Red Cross to assist in reduction campaign for 1934 -and ians.may forsake the high position rehev.i the storm victims. The 193-> practically ended, it had been ho has won in the House of Reprefunds i .11 be used to buy boats and assumed that the markets would re sentatives and run for Govei nor of nets, t xl and c'othing. and other! open and warehousemen asked the North Carolina in the next Dembrateigf :y supplies. Damaged Governor for an early c.-~-.:ng, but, cratic primary if suiffciently urged. houses vlll be repaired with the they agreed that it wrxi be "dis¬ Representative Dough ton. a Conmoney, ishermen will be sot on their astrous" to reopen markets before gressman since 1010, now chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee of thp House, refuses to talk about such a proposition. His friends are frank to admit that they are u-rging him to take this step.




. I


U. S. Exports to Europe boat carries C Each, bushels'* million 20 j






H j M





Production in Europe ^./l (Each sacK holds 100 million bi>.)'




rWheat: U.S. Exports to Europe"^ i < and Production in Europe .




or I Open Monday-Plenty Governor?.Sleeping Sickness In N. C..Drake Trial Begins.T w o Youths Killed.'

Sch )ol V f."Farmer Bob" For


.Justus Everett, Jr., 24, of Green- .Adelard W. Bonneville. 30. suspectville, was killed Monday afternoon <id accomplice of Harvey Bailey, when his face came in contact with' Oklahoma giinman. left Laurlnburg serve a flvo-year sen¬ a live wire while he was up an elec- this weejc trie light pole repairing damage tence in Massachusetts on an auto theft charge. done by the storm.








Afternoon and TUESDAY, SEPT.


o o

n o \v 11



e s



-Lethargic encephalities

Europe produces


wheat for herself she buys less from the United States. That Is the feature of the world wheat problem




Show Grounds, Next to Cardinal Field

(Near Depot)


HARRIS I). WALTER For (i (I C 1 Hi k

(jetan tf&wrTfofveS..filler Vre »jcw"Iarf«

{"Elizabeth city,Night c|/*








that 'this chart shows. For Instance, in 1921, when many wheat ships were busy carrying the bread grain to Europe, that continent produced only 1.200.000,000 bushels. Since 1927, European countries have been

sicklies to -os laymen.has claimed an average of 15 deaths per year since 1922, records of the Slate Board of Health show. There have

been no signs of such an epidemic in this Si a to as has swept St. Louis, and health olficials are not in the .Roy Herring. Duplin county farmleast disturbed by fear of any such er .was found guilty in county outbreak in North Carolina. How-1 court of cruely beating a 14-year-oIu ever, it Is not a reportable disease orphan girl, who had been placed and the only record available are in his custody. Witnesses testified those in which encephalitis was, that Herring whipped the child

and more of their own wheat and the wheat traffic across the Atlantic has slowed up. In fact, efforts of European coun¬ tries to supply their needs,and their buying wheat from other countries ha3 Just about cut off our wheat ex¬ ports, as the lone boat for 1933 rep¬ resented in the chart indicates. The United States doesn't want to with-



trade, but pile up la the United States or be sold at less than cost, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration has begun a wheat plan which will reduce acreage In the United States and bring

draw from the export rather than have grain

Performances at 2 and 8 P. AJ. Doors Open One Hour Earlier

production down to the point whore It can all be marketed at a profit to the farmer.

.Trial of the action of Brunswick .R. E. Parker, former Goldsboro wa5 at tacked end robbed Bank and Trust company Will be of his automobile when lie stopped heard next week at a special term for some reason on a road about six of Superior court that will be con-' miles from Goldsboro 'last. Friday vened in Whitevllle, Columbus conn-; night. Three Negroes did the atgiven as the cause of death. third the ty. The action involves the sum tacking. lie was badly cut and one throe times in day, her head between his of $57,035, which the plaintllf con-1 brui-ed. He lay in an unconscious 'time placing .W. B. Drake, former president of knees and beating her until she tends was deposited with the condition beside the read until Eat-1 the defunct Raleigh Banking and foil unconscious. Herring was given fendant for several days before thci tirday morning. Trust Company, went on trial in! an 18-months sentence on the roads. bank closed on March 3, 1933. of the Wake Superior court yesterday The ,N. Bryant, president and judge said he was sorry the law .For the first time in years the .J. club baseball pro¬ afternoon with a Johnston county Wilmington no graver punishment. old bell in the South Building failed! minent lumberman of that. city, was jury hearing the evidence and a permitted judge transferred there especially .About 100 laborers, nearly all the to sound a greeting Monday to the j sentenced to three months on the for the trial presiding. In one in- force of the Lumber Company freshman class at the University of State highways after being con- j dictment, Drake stands charged in in New Bern, offered this week to North Carolina. The key to the victed on a charge of assaulting G. .-even counts with having made work for the company without com-1 roam from which the bell is operat¬ L. Coleman of Fayettevilie aft-r' fake reports of the bank's financial I sensation for one week trying to re-! ed was misplaced and til? janitor breaking into the lattor's hotel room. condition, and in another with 22 pair damage done by the hurricane. could not recover it i:i time to greet; He appealed and bond was set at counts of embezzlement and in a .The b.dy of M. D. Dominitz, the frosh. Th'c opening of the $300. and The third with live counts of embezzle- Biltmorc travelling salesman, who orientation program was held up for .The Wentworth school bus, con¬ drowned Sunday when his car left five minutes awaiting the bell. ment. taining around 50 children, was the road and plunged into 40 fuiLi .John L. Grimes, 17, and James T. .of water in Lake Lure, was reco- .State Highway Commission forces forced off the road and turned over' 20 High Class Circus Features 20 went to work Sunday salvaging the near the Roekingham county home Dannies. 13, bjtn of Lexington, were' ered on Monday. timbers of the highway bridge part¬ Monday afternoon. Seventeen chil-! killed Sunday when the wing of an Bred Lions Capt. Walker, Battling Fierce Forest Campbell Rivers, 72, editor ly washed away at New Bern on dren sustained cuts, bruises and airplane in which Grimes was stunt¬ .Robert Acrobats Dem¬ the Somersault of hundred Watauga One the founder state children and The Saturday morning. fractures. Youseppe Troupe, ing crumpled while the plane was in a and sixty-five spans went down. This bus driver was not responsible for about 1,51)0 fecit off the ground. The ocrat, died Monday afternoon Melton Sisters, Famous affliction. heart a was from one-half to three-fourths the accident. hospital of plane belonged to Grimes' father, States Buckley's Clog Dancing Horses Boone the W. A. Grimes. Lexington grocer, an Mr. Rivers founded in the paper of the bridge. Damage to the bridge of worth Somersaults on the Wire and Legisserved $7,000 He and between .Between 188a. at $6,000 in estimated is $45,000 Dorendo, were Both boys aviation enthusiast. -1 a part 963,000. was aUribu! He of which 1929. theft in played lature goods, of badly mangled and the motor Performing Elephants, Camels, Ponies, Dogs and Coats State ed to the Tommy Burns gang cf ( the plane was buried in the ground. i in bringing the Appalachian Teachers College to Boone, was in- .E. C. Geddie, United States Mar¬ Winston-Salem, has been recovered' lajf. outboard motor race of fluential in bringing the railroad shal for the Eastern District of from hiding places in Davie county !the sea-on on Lake Tahoma near there and was prominent in Demo¬ North Carolina, Tuesday mai'ed his where the gang was arrested recentresignation to Washington. Mr. Marion ended in a serious accident cratic circles. a native of Erwin, had servSunday afternoon when Bill Bar¬ .Construction of Wake Forest Col¬ Geddie. about three years. His resigna- .Julian B. Coppedgc, popular |ed bour. 23, of Greenville, S. C., with new administration building tion was requested by the govern¬ Wcidon postal employe, took his leading position in the race, capsiz¬ lege's began on Monday morning. The ment, which wishes to fill his pasl- life early Sunday morning by fl ing ed and was thrown into the water structure will replace old Wait Hall, with a Democrat, probably Ford a bullet thru his brain. He left no by just in front of another boat. Life which was burned last May. Of S.tionWorthy Big Free Outside Exhibitions at 1 and 7 P. M. of Washington, N. c. message and no reason for the act from Barbour Life. For preservers prevented Slides aiories three Backward and design DORENDO, Daring could be found. j sinking but while he was struggling fireproof in height, the budding and fixJ. Blpe, Henderson furni-: From the Top of the Highest Centre Pole to reach h's boat the propeller of tures will cost appioxlmately $100,- k.Leslie Themes-' ture concern employe, was fatafly .Billy De'eerry. two. of of the Bjg Tent to thf the boat driven by Mike Murray The building contains all the when a furniture-laden viile, died this -week af.e. cat;n Of Asheville almost completely sew college administrative offices, seven injured his box'in a from' or he'was 75 which turned1 80'pills truck driving 1 ercd one of his arms and inflict¬ faculty offices, 11 classrooms arid iQver near Louisburg Tuesday. hotpe. I ed serious wounds on his head and rooms for various other purposes. i » -a j > ., v\< 1. ^ one leg. His condition was critical. .No term of superior; cdppt ivisl .Ending a long fight with the State held in Jones county thus week asJ Board of Charities .the Mecklen¬ scheduled. The clerk of the court burg Beard of County Commission¬ announced that the term had been ers and Board cf Education Tues¬ postponed until October or Novemday elected Wade H. Williams sup- ber as a result of the "acute agrierintendent of the county welfare cultural situation." To hold the department to succeed M. M. Grey. 'court now would be too impose "too Tne State Board refused to confirm great a hardship on the farmers,'' he Grey's appointment and the mat- said. Only two terms of court are 1 ter hung fire for months as Char¬ held each year in the county. lotte citizens tried to secure conwidow of the ifirmation oi his appointment. The .Mrs. Lonnie Russell, station operator for Ashcville filling co¬ not had board said State Grey was sen¬ murder Gus Langley whose operated with it. tence to die, was awarded the Carolina can participate in maximum amount of Workmen's two of the three plans for applying compensation, $0,000, in an opinion now the Federal recovery program to filed this week by Industrial Comare over; education. Dr. Arch T. Alien, State missioner T. A. Wii'son. Russell [operated the station on a commis¬ Suj>erintendent of Public Instruc¬ a tion, said Tuesday upon his return sion basis, but Commissioner Wil¬ a was Dr. that he regular held son these, Of room or from Washington. new room, or Allen asserted, the use of public employe. works funds for construction of a or room needed school buildings should prove .The story of the recentforfutile the of mast benefit to North Carolina. search around Wilmington McNeill may The other plan available in this birthplace of Anna Matilda artist our State is the employment of unem- Whistler, mother of the great McNeill Whistler, brings a ployed teachers in an adult educa- James F. McCulloch, claim from Mis. E. any tion program. can editor of the Bladen Journal of .Delia May" Stamper of Hampton Elizabethtovkn that the artist's to Martinsville, Va., with Carl Eiizabethtown that the artist's Mc¬ Fulk of Proximity on Saturday mothers was born at the oldBalden The Neill place near Clarkton, in night, and they were married. was 14 and the boy 17 years county. The home was destroyed The girl's mother, Mrs. F. G. by Arc last year. a warrant charg¬ Stamper, swore out with kidnapping. .W. L. Everhart of Winston-Salem Fulk ing young locked in the Greensboro Monday lost a $50,000 damage suit They were Utilities jail, he on a kidnapping charge against the Southern Public to have and she on a charge of juvenile de¬ company for injuries alleged after been incurred when he was struck linquency. She wasbe releaseda hearby a street car while riding on a will given and days running board of an automobile.

county against the North Carolina policeman,



Combined with the jl Buffalo Ranch Wild West




Buckley Bros. Wild Animal Shows Equilibrists


'There goes one of the most telephone users in town."


"I didn't know she had one."

"She doesn't dern it; She



Telephone & Telegraph Co.


Aii!)o>tfjh your neighbour smiles when you use probably growls behind your


DRIVING COMFORT 1 lave your batteries checked


prolong their

life and


It will lot of embar¬




rassment. 2

1 se Texaco Fircchief (lasoline, Texaco Motor <)il and

Products Firestone BATTERIES TUBES TIRES .


Stevens Tire Store, Inc. ONE STOP SERVICE PHONE 563. "M .








BAf J^tothe home

J.North J


j'eleped j jgirl jold.



f MOVEMJENT^ mmw tm ,:j everybody's back home VACATION days .and we're going tb do lot of living in the home this dimliving bed fall and winter. A suite, maybe just few occasional pieces ing make all the difference in your comfort and satis¬ newest offer¬ faction. We invite your inspection of look around here without feeling ings. You

obligation to buy.

! Furniture Company Quinn TWIFORD, S. W.

105 to 115 North Poindexter Street


25c To All

T JiA n T.tie





his telephoney he


Special Reduced Prices:



I The Norfolk & Carolina



Sole Owner

Elizabeth City, N. C.





Hopes Soar


Stratosphere Again

fisherman business has several


about an old "friend of mine. : «ork and pay. more }:t school .. He is one of who got along uays on a small caught with a \i'ii



Backed LaGuardia Foe; First Defeat for Man-







teachers. is fine n make kids

he can



taught by long before >;ue high-faultto «ve big jobs



iris for piaytng inder those lug held responsible ;;nd brought up seated his chil-




colleges. $45.00 a month .-Howie legislalis' go.s u ;akes three fires, stock and chickx.




u ;e>


six hi urs.






and being on a board attends -onal accounts urs more. He J solid hours a vk. and pro'owhat with : iy. a:u! princiid beard mevtcst of the etcyears old or






day. five day




is less the counv<>n farm labor. -ohool work re on le-s <

:• ,













s: an.



Icvelman. bea



the Cough or thai Hangs On


cinu'".< anil cold*



u>. > t can >t»p them now J*:-a. ai emulsified creosote C.'rf>mu!-i>n is a 1 acrv v.\:'x iw £ &an 2- I .i'-alj the inHjmecl

_.iaad fc







«. creosote

is ro. og.

ll authorities s: iro z azenc:e« f«>r pcrt k :1 > and other ferns lecr-: contains, tv eriior healing e!?iSc and heal the i"feet°d ch« irritation and in: a. :






-bed into r'eb!>od, j; of the trouble. Ksr ;u :rar.:n d sat:-' ;> :orv C" : rsislent cour'is sr«I t.2, *.->nfh:lio. and t bu: iinjr up the system J" "a. ^ our own dr:t~ei«r is refund <Htr nor.e> «>n the sr courh er c !d is nnt re(adv.) .fomulsion. ar.!_-



An alt-tudo of 53.000 feet was the goal of Lieut. Com. T. G. W. e, left above, and his aid. Major Chester L. Fordney, right, they prepared their balloon, pictured below, for a second flight into Ss.ra:or i here. th On his first fliirht. Settle was forced to descend wh.n a va've stuck after he reached 5000 feet. His new goal Is 1700 feet below the height recently attained by Russian scientists. sive in politics, fearless in public! life, clean in private life, the I sort of man to serve both as instructor and exemplar to youth, i He ought to be pensioned at i the su»ii he gets for working. \Yh» ,i North Carolina's congressmen have the {ruts to tell L'ncle Sam to give us back a decent) pait of what we pay in tobacco *1 he Time*-New* Rurcnu land possibly what we may pay Sir Walter Hotel on whiskey) and when we fret legislators worth the salt they RALEIGH, Nov. 8.—Although eat, some t»f these infamous inefforts to secure funds with which be God righted. justices may to replace fish nets destroyed in speed the day! the hurricane the latter part of September have not yet been sucMUST CHANGE DOGS Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, CONCORD. N*. H.—(UP).—A! cessful, state director of relief, is still recent ruling by the state fish and to get funds for this purhoping that game department provides she said yesterday. An apthe same dog cannot be used to pose. for an allotment for this plication ba*r "nore than 10 raccoons in a purpose has been before the emseg^on. ergency relief administration in Washington for some time and There is no substitute far she is hoping to have definite word newsoa'ier advertising. soon that the allotment has been approved. Mrs. O'Berry has contended from the beginning that these nets should be replaced for those fishermen who are unable to replace them from their own funds, since if they are provided with nets they can again become self-supporting. Otherwise they will have to be carried along indefinitely on the relief lists. One reason for the delay with regard to the replacement of nets has been the failuie of the relief administration and the Red Cross to reach an agreement as to which agency should provide for new The relief administration nets. has contended that the Red Cross should provide the nets as part of its rehabilitation program, but so far the Red Cros3 has declined to do this, despite the recommendation of some of its workers Mrs. that the nets be provided. O'Berry does not believe that there is much possibility now that the Red Cross will provide these nets, although she is still hoping that Red Cross headquarters in Washington will experience a change of heart and authorize the replacement of the nets. Otherwise the only chance of getting

Still Hoping To Get Nets For The

Coast Fishermen


them will be through a special grant from the relief administra-




your most precious possession r is dangerous to strain and weaken them eyes are





inadequate lighting. with genuine MAZDA lamps


forces met





Fill of eye insurance. cheapest that with sockets lamps give empty S°cd maximum value of light and keep on ex^c carton on hand to replace the old lamps needed. D°r't gamble with your eyesight—good lightis safer. re "Lamp Man" is on his way. Check your empty sockets now and be sure of good lightln9 this winter.

tion. The Red Cross has been providing funds for the purchase of materials for the rebuilding of houses destroyed by the hurricane and in Carteret county has expended $10,000 for materials while the relief administration has expended $8,000 for relief labor in the construction of these new homes. The relief workers maintain, however, that nets are just as essential to the coastal fisher folk as are houses and that as a result the Red Cross should also make provision for providing them with nets as well as houses.

tional administration. There was no comment at the President RooseWhite House. with his velt spent the evening family. Farley, national chairman and other Democratic national committee officials were in New York. Against the judgment of some advisers, Farley launched the Mckee candidacy in a daring stroke to capture New York city from the hands of a hostile Tammany. It was the culmination of a long feud which began when the Tammany leaders fought the nomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt to thp bitter end at the Chicago convention. McKee stood out in the New York delegation for Mr. Roosevelt and Farley, true to his policy of supporting original Roosevelt men, boldly went into the New York situation, it was never admitted at the White Houuse, but Washington has taken it fo-: granted that Farley's intervention in the New York fight wa? agreeable to the president. 1 he hope was to build a proRoosevelt organization in NewYork city in preparation for the 1934 and the 1 f>3 G campaigns when the solid support of the country's largest state would be

dustrial communities under presof long disappointment at sure the slowness of recovery.


(Continued from

nacre oni)

"workers." He challenge:: them all to fight, en masse. When they eyed him sheepishly, he demand-

invad- tested and




"repair man"

knocked senseless. the bums from

reported to havs day as "repeaters," hurrying by automobile from poll polling place with a bag of tools to poll to east their votes. to "repair" numerous voting maBoth John F. Curry, Tammany chines. When he pot through ! chieftain, and John H. McCooey, with them none of them would his powerful Brooklyn ally, were No. 1 in their respective voting work. In the second assembly district lines, and both encountered trouGrace Hegger Lewis, former wife ble with the voting machines—a ol' Sinclair Lewis, challenged th- fact hailed as an omen by Tamright of Representative Christy many foes. Sullivan to vote, charging him Curry entered the booth but with falae registration. Iler com- soon emerged and announced that panion, a Fusion worker, was he couldn't make the machine exercise his personal franchise. A promptly slugged. At public school No. 130 a man policeman and an inspector had in a derby hat, with an immense to help him. It took McCooey 13 star in his lapel, handed out 50- mintues to vote the straight Demcent pieces to the needy poor who ocratic ticket. Alfred E. Smith, who had regathered at the polling booth. Groups of men and women car- fused to enter the municipal camrying banners which proclaimed ; paign, upset tradition and voted "penalty for false voting—5 years minus his brown derby. LaGuardia in jail," paraded in front of poll- voted at 7 a. m. and then went ing places, lending an air of civic home to breakfast. virtue to the general scenc. Joseph V. McKee, independent A Republican watcher on the Democratic candidate for mayor, lower East Side encountered a I appeared troubled when he cast uang of hoodlums in fropt of his his ballot at 11:30 a. m., and was Thi | surly with press photographers. particular polling place. hoodlums were singing loudly, Mayor John P. O'Brien. Tammany and threateningly: "You can't candidate for re-election, waited In Manhattan from



polling place














ed that police "throw them all out!" When the officers had herded I the "workers" outside, LaGuardia , led his meek Fusion watcher to a vantage point and told him to | stay put and to keep an eye out for crookedness. During the melee ; a newspaper photographer, at-: ; tempting to get a picture of La-1 vote here 'less for 1 until this afternoon to cast his vote you To recount his record in con- Guardia's personal war, was O'Brien!" The Republican pro- ballot. gress is virtually to recount the slugged. Numerous incidents tending to events in congress during the were < time he spent there, for he was show widespread fraud almost always in the thick of the noted. At Baxter and Hester streets fight. He interrupted his congressional career once in 1919 when "repeaters" set up a wail, comhe was elected president of the plaining that they were only bo-;' » board of aldermen in New York. ing paid 50 cents for their votes. be-1 buck "We always got a In 1929 he ran for mayor against James J. Walker and was fore!" they cried. At Market and Monroe streets defeated by nearly 500.000 votes. attorney generals Major LaGuardia is widely two deputy popular as a personality, and is were slugged and rendered hors known as a wholly unconventional d<> combat far the remainder of Office Next to Penney's Dept. Store PHONE 54 out- the day. men, given to spontaneous Disorders were frequent in the bursts and actions. In 1929 he NRA MEMBER married his private secretary. Miss Chinatown district and in one Marie Fisher, and immediately place five Fusion watchers were


SERVICE Is Our Motto


Ming ?

Who kSI tm

highly desirable. Republicans regarded

the defeat of the administration candidate for mayor as a serious reversal for Farley, whose political generalship hitherto has been 100 Coming at per cent successful. a moment when the farm belt is is revolt against the administration, when NRA is under heavy attack in industrial centers and when Republicans are groping for a path back into the sun, the upset in New York city was welcomed by Republicans. Much significance has been attached to the activity of former Secretary of Treasury Ogden L. It Mills in behalf of LaGuardia. has drawn comment that Mills was building toward the Republican presidential nomination for 1934. C'ouzens, ReSenator James publican, Michigan, hailed I-aGuardia's triumph as a victory for the progressive element and predicted the mayor-elect would give the city good government. Couzens had previously endorsed






A sensational murder—no clues






and twelve









an) of

whom might be the ....*!



There was also national interin the Socialist victory in


Bridgeport, Conn., city elections. Jasper McLevy, a roofer, and a proceeded toward completion owing to the general willingness of the bondholders" to make the exchange, but some bondholders reThe most sorted to litigation. famous instance was a suit by South Dakota, in which the U. S. supreme court in 9041 decreed that North Carolina muust pay the amount of the principal and


AfiMlt T< 1"-"-"


ARTHUR LAXG Shielded his daughter





PARKER COLEMAN In love with Denisc

Ho called the



The state unwillingly made payment to South Dakota, and later other payments of these old debt bonds were made. No case involving the validity of the special tax bonds has ever come before any court for final decision. Attempts to give some of the bonds to Venezuela and Columbia and to persuade these governments to bring suit failed 1905-6. in Since 1905, New York, Michigan, Rhode Island, Nevada, Cuba, Connecticut and Colorado have been involved in But in efforts to bring: 'suit. every case negotiation has blocked the efforts.




Talked too mnch

with a


JOE PARKOTT Oncc King's partner

CARI/OTTA SCURLACH Flirtatious . . . made a scene






Tin- Tiiiies-Newsi Ilureim Sir WuitiT lintel

RALEIGH, Nov. 8.—The story of the conversion of the North Carolina after the debt scaling of

HERMAN SCURLACH Wrote angry letters

for 1879 and the attempts to sue the collection of the repudiated reconstruction "carpet bagger" or special tax bonds, is told by Prof. B. U. Retchford of Duke in "The Conversion of



the North Carolina Public Debt after 1879" in the October issue of the "North Carolina Historical

Review." The conversion of the main debt of $12,627,045 of old bonds into £3.589,511.25 of new bonds the Carton

tRes. Phone 302-J Phone 505. Hotel and Home Appointments

Dr. Bertha W. Branstctter Osteopathic Physician

%rn Public Utilities Do.

Colonic Irrigation Grouncjl Floor, 410. N. Main St.


JULIET FRANCE King's rooms?

"Was she in

J OK DRUGAN Friend who quarreled



cat ate

her canary

Read the first few chapters of "The Unknown Blond"—then try to pick the after surprise in is guilty party. You may be wrong, because there surprise




severely beaten ing gang of 15


major political defeat last night MAYOR OF N. Y. when former Representative F. H. I.a Guardia and his Fusion ticket (Continued from page one) swept New York city, defeating Fammany and the recovery ticket backed by Postmaster General airplane designer. himself LaGuardia acquitted James A. Farley. was Although President Roosevelt heroically during the war, by the Italian governkept aloof from the New York decorated and returned to the United city election his political man- ment, States. In 1918 he was re-elected and ager, Fa'ley, worked spoke to congress and he served seven lor former Mayor Joseph V. McKee. recovery candidate for may- successive terms before he met or. JVlcKee backers appealed to defeat in the elections last fall. cilizcns to support them as a His opponent, James L. Lanzetta, beat him by about 1.000 votes. vote of confidence for the na-




United Press Staff Correspondent

they began





periodic Socialist candidate for dischai'ged her from the governoffice, was elected mayor in a ment payroll, having only a short which gave him, 22,726 time before been crusading sweep votes as against 16,672 and against nepotism. A crusading wet during all the 7324 for the other two candidates. Socialists elected 12 al- years of prohibition, he enjoys his dermen as against fo\ir Demo- glass of beer. He is an expert crats. The Socialist victory led cook and when he has visitors at by a hitherto obscure leader of heme, loves to don an apron and the discontented, and in the home demonstrate his culinary adept city of Archibald McNeil, Demo- ness. He is short, standing only Ho cratic national committeeman for five feet and two inches. Connecticut, was taken by some weighs 165 pounds. His facial thos'j of as an omen of the temper of in- characteristics resemble

this thrilling, dramatic story that you will fellow to

One flower of France that refuses to fade out of the tennis


is Mile. Suzanne Lengrlen who, a decade ago, was beating all the worldu's women players. ^The French ace, now professional racqueteer, is shown togged out :n the? latest fashions as she opened ,




professional at


Eplinf*. London.


amazing climax.

'The Unknown Blond' Times-News The in Thursday Begins

KIMS GOLF TOURNEY ILL BEGIN MONDAY Shotmakers Will Attempt To Take Cup From Dr. Bennett





A Chance to Get

his brain


winter last Australia and which was used as an alibi when the boys But . lost in France. "Ekky," they say, will come back to the tracks to beat









Sun Beau's money earnings . o£ $376,744 next year and he needs only 75 grand The to turn the trick. has nag great handicap started in 41 races, and has .










And the with which


Kingpunch, punch overrecently Levinsky slows men fish left their effects. insidiously whelmed him Loughran has been training hard, Loquacious at the legs ; with the idea that he will not have that once were so v.4»rantly supple. to ask for a chair in this battle. The Old Sailor is a man worse for He remembers. And it may be his I night for revenge. wear.

ATLANTA, Sept. 23.—(UP)

is opening- day for seven Southern Conference elevens, only Maryland. North Carolina and Puke being idle in the parent circuit. South Carolina entertains Wofat ford Columbia; Washington and Lee tackles West Virginia at ASHEVILLE DUCK PIN Charleston, W. Va.; Virginia opPLAYERS ARE poses Hampden-Sydney at Charlottesville; Clemson engages Presbyterian at Clemson; V. P. I. warms airainst Roanoke at up The Asheville duckpin invaders Blacksbury; V. M. I. plays Emory the Hen- and Henry at Lexington, and To Make vere defeated again by Continue dersonville players when t,hey North Carolina State meets Ca"ame over last night to resume tawba at Raleigh. First Division the series of contests which they have been staging. T'ho local playPHILADELPHIA. Sept. 23.— ; ers won the contest by 4> pins. (UP).—Continuine their battle to! Scoring by the several players was rise out of the National league'.? | as follows: Ilondersonville— second division before the season j 97— 2l>4 104 93 N. pr.ds. Boston's braves yesterday | H. Thompson 99 106— 314 Williams 109 blanked the Phillies. 3 to 0. and 93— 293 100 100 C. English udvaneed to within two games of CRAMTON BOWL, MontgomlO.'J 102 100— 305 the fourth-place St. Louis Cardi- Shipman ery. Ala., Sept. 23.—(UP).—Au301 95— 99 107 Byers nals. burn won its first football game The Cards' game with Pittsof the 1933 season from Birmingr 150 Total burgh was rained out. ham-Southern here last night, 20 Asheville— Braves Philadelphia outhit the 111 108 88— 307 to 7. 11 to 6, but Buck Betts was ef- Ball The Tigers showed greatly im95— 275 97 93 Glenn fective with men on bases, leaving form in the second half proved 94— 261 86 81 11 Phillies stranded, while the Luper after the first two periods ended 99 105— 294 90 Gilbert Braves made the most of their six at 7-all. 99— 315 with the score knotted 98 118 safeties off Austin Moore, includ- Griset A crowd of 7,500 fans witing Handy Moore's homer in the 1462 nessed the frame in moderately Total fourth. i cool weather. Boston scored twice in the 0th ! Both teams scored in the first J when Jordan's single drove hom.' j quarter, went through the second Mo wry and Urbanski. and third periods scoreless, and then Auburn uncorked its power to score two touchdowns in the final period. 23.— BUFFALO. N. Y., Sept. The Tigers marched 08 yards (UP).—The Buffalo Bisons last on sustained drives by Pulargely night won the International league pree for their first tally, Dupree By UNITED PRESS pennant and the right to meet Co- carrying the ball over. Birminglumbus of the American Associaham Southern came right back At Lebanon, 111.—McKendree ! tion in the "little world series" by with a touchdown march of its College 31, Scott Field 6. 8 Rochester's Red Wings, beating own, Teel going over left tackle At Barboursvillo. W. Va.—Sa-' to 1, to take their final play-off from the two-yard line for the lein 6. Morris Harvey 0. series four games to two. counter. At Erskine. S. C.—Erskine 13, 7. Appalachian Chinese Maids Work (Night Games) The Roman Empire At Beaver Falls, Pa.—Geneva In China young women are workIt cannot be said that the Roman 1 17. California State Teachers Col- ing in government offices, In the vaempire sprang out of Greece or out le«re 0. rious professions as teachers, lawThere Is no of Grecian territory. At Montgomery, Ala.—Auburn I yers. doctors, dentists and scientists doubt that Greek civilization anil 20, Birmingham-Southern 7. beside the most intelligent leaders Greek culture had an important inAt Newport News. of the newer republic. They are fluence in the growth and developGuilford 0. School i 6. !>rentice At Cincinnati. O.—Xavier 31, competing with men In every field ment of Rome. Tlie Roman empire and demonstrating an astonishing rransvlvania 0. at its greatest extent, about 117 ' At Ashland, O.—Ashland 28, capacity for industry, application A. I)., included all Greece. [Iolbrook 0. and social usefulness. At Indianapolis, Ind.—Butler ( /s. Franklin (postponed tonight), i Took Great Paine Building for Inaugural Ball At Pittsburgh—Duquesne 25, first Instance of a special The Architects, engineers, officers of W. Va. Wesleyan 0. Yale and the rawing coaches studied At Allentown. Pa.—Muhlenberg 1 building being erected for the Infor two years before constructing augural ball was when Zachary Tay12. St. Joseph's College 0. Once more three the rowing tanks In the I'nyne WhitAt Birmingham, Ala.—Howard lor took office. College 31. Jacksonville (Ala.) | balls were held, one being In a spe- ney gymnasium, so that outdoor teachers 0. cial building 100 feet long, 50 feet boating conditions might be reproAt Jackson. Miss.—Millsaps 2C, i wide and 2t> feet high. President duced indoors as closely a? possible. 7. Delta State Teachers Taylor and Vice President Fillmore At Lewisburg. Ta.—Bucknell | attended all three. > 46, Waynesburg 7.

Boston's Braves Blank Phillies

substitute far







BASKERVILI, Tiinus-Ncws l!urc»u Sir Walter Motr!


by the hurricane. A great many of these relief workers are woat men, hut thov have stopped nothing and have carried on in spite of the greatest difficulties, Mrs. O'Herry said. The rehabilitation needs from, now on are going to be tremend-! and probably much more J ou.s than the immediate needs, Mrs.' O'Herry said,

of the needs and better a how to care for them. The need for aid is acute in are trymany sections and we ing to meet this need now and relieve the suffering as quickly as possible, without bothering about red tape," Mrs. O'Berry said yesterday before leaving for the New Bern area where she is going to make another perinto condisonal investigation tions and confer with IJed Cross "From the very moofficials. ment I heard of this hurricane I have and the damage it did.







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Football Results



Called "the Cuban Sandino," tain Juan Bias Hernandez, abovo, | houses. was reported to be at the head of "We have a big job ahead of 800 rebel troops marching; through | us, but we are going to do the Camaguey province en route to I host we can," Mrs. O'Herry said. Havana to attack defenders of the j "We are confident that the re| lief administration in Washingnew Grau San Martin regime. assistant. ton will he as liberal as possibhand provide some additional families th.'itj funds for the rehabilitation worktute persons and noL were previously on relief,! that will be needed." the state relief office! provided as as possible act quickly tried to will continue to care for those to provide relief funds for the whom it has already been| affected areas without regard for Mrs. O'Berry said.] to red tape or anything else. For providing, This plan should not materially! at times like these, the thing to increase the burden on the relief! do is to save lives and provide office after the first few weeks; food and clothing for the deone or over. stitute with as little delay as are of course, relief office, "The have we is why possible. That is not a disaster relief agency, already sent the checks for the the while the Red Cross is a disaster j to allotments September Mrs O'Berry! counties needing immediate relief relief organization," this disaster "But when | funds, and have assured them said. will came, the thinrr to do was to t that some way or other as as soon relief send as much more as is needed give as much possible—there was no time to Officc Next to Pcnney'i Dept. & as soon as possible." PHONE 54 The need was there hairs. of split is The lied Cross proving relief1 closest the were we has and and inestimable assistance But for the the need. agreed to take care of all desti- agency to



left standing, KG houses were and all of these were damaged All the and now need repairs. others were destroyed. The *{2J people on the island are at present living in these 1G damaged



of families that form-; erly were on a self supporting: While basis now have nothing. 1 this correspondent was talking to tele-1 a had her, Mrs. O'Herry phone call from New Hern, telling of condition on Cedar IsHel'ore the hurricane hit land. the island, '.i24 people lived there Only 1G of these in 8(5 houses.




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of course." only the O'Herry has rehighest praise for the many been have who lief workers working night and day, travelling! I by boat and oven wading through to take water for miles in order medical food and clothing and to those made homeless





RALEIGH. Sept. 23.—One of the busiest state officials here urday" although there arc only now and one who is handling one about half as many parries as will of the biggest and most difficult he held on succeeding Saturdays jibs in the entire state and riyht Few of the games will do much now a much bigger job than more than uive coaches and fans anyon eevcr thought it would be j some advance information on the ' —is Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, dirceof tor of the governor's office players and combinations. I For while the job fo Except in the Far West few of relief. the headline teams will sel* action. directing the regular relief work There Southern California, Stan- in the state is a tremendous task, Washington the new problems that have been ford. Washington, will meet added by the recent hurricane in State and California on" with exception, the eastern part of the state | teams, which, This excep- have made it about the biggest are virtual set-ups. the ention applies to California which and most difficult job in increased the Hut will try to avenge last year's un- tire state. expected victory of Santa Clara. work and added responsibilities Washington plays Gonzaga and ir are not worrying Mrs. O'Berry, | relief ! would be a bit surprising if the I who has already gone with But the other and lied Cross workers into de| former did not win.Southern Cali- vastated sections in order to get ! games are easy. fornia, generally rated a.s champion of 1932. will play a doubleheader. meeting Whittier and Occidental; Stanford plays San Jose; Washington State plays Whitman.




will usher in another football season on 70 gridirons today. This is the first "football Sat-


Sharkey. The fat that up has wrapped itself about the middle of the Lithuanian, and drags





On the night of knockout. Sept. 27 at the Phillies' ball park, ^.oughran will have a chance to get up and continue where he left off that night in 1929. And those1 who have peered through the ropes year after year at the colorful ex-

J j



fall this year spring was too much for him . is similar to that which Cook's tour members of the U. S. Davis Cup team took


hibitions of ring skill staged by the Old Phantom somehow hope he can come back. He will be facing a different


By J. C.


Auburn Wins Its

its 1933 football season last night bv defeating Mississippi State Teachers 47 to 0. A crowd of 8,000 attended. Loyola scored almost at will over the much lighter opponents. Coach "Doc'* Krskine used every player on both the first and sec-! Both, ond string Loyola teams. teams played ground football Loyola tried only four passes, j completing two. while Mississippi ; five and completed attempted





La.. Sept. 23. j (UP).—Loyola University opened




rPHEY gave him a chair, he sat -* down and they called it a tech-




. feat by Dark Secret giving the reason that his long, tough campaign from



for the after that de-




I want to sit

"Give me a chair.





.vhich opens at the Polo Grounds , on October 3. and 11 to 10 against, the Giants. In other words persons betting on Washington to win will receive 17 for 10 risked if the Senators take four of the possible sever- , games, while Giant backers would f receive 21 for their 10. in case of ; a New York victory. A peculiar feature of Doyle's ( prices is that the Giants are favored to win the opening jrame, ! although Washington is the series i choice. Doyle offers 4 -to 5 j against New York for the first : game and even money against the Senators.


ri^HEY'RE talking of retir-*


one desire. Sharkey paused gaped at the man in amazement as the Old Phantom uttered one of Fistiana's classic remarks:

Favored To Win By Odd Of 7 to 10





NEW YORK, Sept. 23.—(UP). The thud of floated shoes auain^t



Washington Now

There is


"Cuba's Sandino" | Leads New Revolt

Is First ''Football Satur- Mrs. O'Berry Has Biggest Job In State On day" Of The Season; Hand Now Southern Teams Active









Play will be in three flights ar.d the prize for the first flight wi'l be the Kiwanis cup, now in the possession of Dr. J. G. Rennet*., who at present holds all four of the city's golf cups. In the second and third flights prizes of $5 and $3 in club< and balls will be awarded to the successful contestants, or the money may be applied on golf club dues. A number of local golfers are expected to participate in the tournament, and all visitors are also invited to take part. Tht cup will be awarded for possession for one year, and if won by a visitor his name will be engraved upon the cup and it will be placed at the t-lub house. Qualifying rounds will be played on Monday and Tuesday an'i scores will be turned in at the pro house at the club. Xo advance' registration is necessary for par-!1 ticipation and registration may be made when qualifying scores are turned in at the pro house. Qualifying rounds will be for* IS holes. The entry fee is 50 cent?. The cup has been awarded only to Dr. Bennett. one time, that Other leading local golfers are expected to hotly contest his pos-l session of the cup for another j

Doyle quoted 7 to 10 against Washington winning the classic


I nave I'R years aso your old Phila- HPHE panches of Schraeling I IX) " -*• That done the Gob no good. delphia Phantom, Tommy ; that Camera uppercut matched for 15 I' terrific was I Loughran, his chin knocked rounds with Jack Sharkey at Mad- crashed against ison Square Garden. The bout was brief. In the third round, the Boston sailor brought one up from the YOU KNOW THAT—

buckled and he almost went down. Lurching toward a corner he seized the ropes. Out of the haze the





Golf tournament will open on tho Golf course of the Hendersonville •and Country Cluh on Monday, a tocording to an announcement day by H. Walter Fuller, chairman of the club's sport commit-

NEW YORK. Sept. 23.— (UP). Washington is favored to beat tho New York Giants in this year's world series, according to quotations announced last night by Jack Doyle. Broadway betting


Tommy's chin. Loughran reeled.

Play in the Kiwanis Invitation



London-! j-, organized in every A full 'lay's Ur> workers our had ls county cost I.OlHloil right at hand in every county, sufthere is no doubt that ttye much Phone fering would have been 505. r I greater than it has been. And it Hotel and We wai. it has been enough as Dr. Bertha W. scene and were the first on the do the best are now trying to Cross can we can until the lied Ground Floor, 4]'. v ? get its workers and organization Then we will work toset were

fact we



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