A Collection of Archival Newspaper Stories about San Ciriaco related to North Carolina

Page 1




ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance.







The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper Published in This Section. The Most Wide-Awaand Successful Business Men use the Fisherman & Farmer columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. ke



Drummond Opened.



pushed her further on, where she lay bumping, with the gale still increasing. There she lay for an hour or so, when she went over the shoal into the deep wa ter again, about 8 p. m. It was again mpossible with all steam on to hold her head to the wind. Aftr consultation between Captain Davis and Mi. Wallace, it was concluded to beach the steamer at the first point they could reach while holding north and west, at the mouth of Pain lico Rher or any other land, as they could not tell wltere they then were. Or course n land was visible. It was still impossible to see the length of the steamer even. After rolling frightfully from 8 until 11:15 at night, she brought up solid on a sandy bottom, we knevr not where, not being able to see any thing, not even merely whether it was merely a shoal or some shore, The engines were kept going to hold her in place, until it was seen she did not move and lay comparatively easy. About 2. 30 a. m., the sea seemed to get a little quieter, and the passengers were able to take some rest.

STRANDED. The Lake Druimnond Canal Company to wish nnd Water Old the Dismal that notice give Canal route between Two Awful Days and Nights Swamp Norfolk and Elizabeth City is On Board. and the now open for business boat will leave every other tu day except Sunday coinmeru RELATES TALE OF PERIL cing August 28th, making trips Leaves Norfolk Officers and Men Heroically as follows : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fris Stuck to Their Posts. Returning, leaves Eliza pays. Capt. Davis Injured. both City, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Canal Company insures Mr H. T. Greenleaf, of Elizawater of at feet present nine beth City, was among the passen time between 4he locks, and in gers on the steamer Neuse.which a few weeks they will have ten feet of water in the canal. The was caught in the terrihe gale Company has dredged fifteen of last week, was at Raleigh on feet in depth for a distance .of Tuesday and related to the three thousand feet below the News & Observer the experience They undergone durine the awful locks in Deep C reek. have also made deep water South Mills locks, in the gale. The following account is waters of the Pasquotank rivei. as nearly as possible in Mr. The Canal Company has dred- Greenleaf's ow 1 word: ged the old Turner Cut to the "We left Newbern abjut 9 depth of ten feet at low water. o'clock Wednesday night, three Thus Jar the Canal Company hours later than the usual sched cm insure a sufficient depth of ule time. The usual ladning water. The Canal Company would down the river at Oriental was not at present guarantee a safe made, and then at Ocracoke. passage between Norfolk and Going out of the mouth of the Elizabeth City for boats drawthe weather was seen to be ing more than seven and a half river, a thick and rough that Captain feet of water as the Pasquotank Friday morning at 5 o'clock has one shoal place, and Deep Davis put back to Oriental and Creek at low water has not more laid to until 4 a. m., when we it began to get a little lighter, than seven and a half feet at started again. After getting into and the bow of the steamer was the present time. the sound it was found impossi- then seen to be upon the edge of The government has appro- ble to reach the barge anchored a sedge marsh, the tide covering priated money to deepen and widen Deep Creek and also to off Ocracoke, so we continued the land and almost overtopping But we still deepen and straighten the wa- toward Elizabeth City. The pas- the high grass. terway of the Pasquotank river. sengers were awakened about 7 did not know whether it was This work is to commence at a. m. by the rolling of the boat. mainland or an island. In the once. The Company in the It was so rough that no cooking afternoon, when the storm had meantime intend to improve and widen the cana . and in the could be done, nor could any ta- begun to abate somewhat and near future tne Canal Company ble be tet, so that we had no the sky to clear, we found that believe that they will have a breakfast. (We continued on our we were ashore on a point of canal and waterway between course up the souud till 11 a. m. marsh land outside of a place the ooints named tnat cannot be The wind was increasing to a called Mouse Harbor, on the excelled in this country. hurricane, the rain was driving, Beaufort county shore, about J. K. SAN FORD, V. P. the weather was so thick and three miles southwest from PamInformation as to where to the sea so high that, arriving at lico lighthouse. About 10:45 leave and receive freight and of the boats lauding can be had at what the Captain thought was Thursday night we had passed Hathaway Bros., corner Main Judith Island, off Hyde county close to that light, but could not an Water streets, Elizabeth shore, it was decided to anchor tell whether it was the lightCity, N. C. in the sound where the water house or a vessel lying at anseemed shallow and the sea not chor. be-lov- v


so high.


IXoi'f olli Ac

ern I.


Schedule in effect Oct. 19, '98 Norfolk & Southern R. R. Afa.il and Express trains, Southbound, daily (ex-rept

Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at

11:40 a. m., Northbound. daiLy, (exeepa Sundays) leave Elizabeth Cny at 2:45 p. m. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 leave Elizabeth City Southbound 6 p. m., Northbound 9:30 a. m. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk & Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer lines, and at Kdenton with Steamer for Roanoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scuppernong rivers; Transfer steamers to iVackey's

Feiry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to Roper, Pantego, and Bell haven, connecting with Old Dominion akleyville, Aurora, steamer for Washington and all intermediate land, ings.



Carolina AND

out Dominion Liiue. The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth


Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

at6p. m.,forNewBern OcracokeOrieutal connecting with Roanoke Island the A. & N. C R R. for Goldsboro Kiuston, aHd Morehead City, and with the W. & W. R. R. for Jacksonville, Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning leave Newbern Monday, Wednesday

and Friday. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth CU3 station to all landings. Newberne, Kinston, Goldsboro, Morehead City and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service Ik: weer Elua beth City and New York



and Norfolk. Through cars and as lo lates and quicker time than by any othei route. Direct all goods to b shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispa'ch as follows From Norfolk by Noriol & Southern Railroad; Baltimore by R., President Street Stat

W. & B. R.

The starboard anchor weighing twelve to fifteen hun dred pounds, and all the cable on board, 60 fathoms, were run out. The anchor was fouud to be dragging, so that the vessel could not be kept from getting into the trough of the waves, with her stern to the wind The engines were going at full speed, but even then with the increas-gal- e and rising sea it was im possible to hold her head to the wind. The barometer was falU img all the time. The vessel was rolling frightfully. Dinner was out of the question, with everything being dashed in a heap from one side to the other. The officers managed to provide a few sandwiches for sustenance. Captain Davis and First Mate Wallace were out on deck, when a violent squall struck Captain Davis, blowing him down and bruising his leg severely. They soon concluded to cut the hawser and let the anchor go, finxU ing that the boat was draging into deep water. By about 2 p. ni., the gale was increasing, Squalls as well as the rain. were blowing the water in clouds so that it was impossible to see from one end of the ves. sel to the other. The men on deck said the spray blown into their faces felt like so much flint, so sharply did it sting. Although the heavy saloon win-

n; Philadelphia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock Street Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Dominion Line. For further information apply to M. dows were fastened down and H. Snowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, ot to the General Office of the Norfolk & the inside shuHters closed, still Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Va the rain was driven in so that it M. K. KINO, General Manager. on the floor an inch or H. C. HUDGINS. G. F. & P. Agt. stood

more deep. The roar of the gale was simply deafening. The Gravestones. barometer stood at 29 8. tyoijumeijts ani They put steam on again for Our nin"! ted Cat ilogue, No. vj in il free, 10, wbi an hour, trying to head ior the f designs of tains a lftrble an riuite Memorials, Hyde county shore, steering to con-i-t- y


Saturday morning early, after the Captain and officers consulted with the passengers, it was decided to make way to the nearest telegraph station, which was Belleport, the southern terminus of the Norfolk and South ern Railroad, on the Pungo river, a distance of about twen ty miles from where we lay. Captain Davis and Mr. Wallace lowered a boat and proceeded toward the lighthouse, near which they overhauled a small schooner which had been driven into Mouse Harbor. They got the capt.. in of this schooner to take them to Belleport, to tele, graph for assistance. At the mouth of Pungo River they met the Tar River, of the Old Dominion Line, on its way to Belleport. They boarded her and reached Belleport about 11:30 a.m. Here they secured the assistance of Mr. M. K.

King, general manager of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad. We left the stranded steamer lying perfectly level, about 500 yards from deep water, and en tirely uninjured.

Arc You m Easily Tired? ! !

i! !

! !



i I

that all your Just remember come from your

strength must

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Vi1U .114






m Cod.Liver Oil with Hypo- phcwphltes. The oil is the most t fly changed of all foods into T strength ; and the nypopnos- - x

tonics for the nerves, SCOTT'S EM TJIi- SION is the easiest and quickest cure for Kind, coughs of every ofde-bilitand for all cases

into the trough of the sea, and Couper Marble Works made away rapidly, finally striking another shoal. The en(Established 50 Years.) 159 to 163 Bank 8treet, Norfolk. gines were kept going 'till they



weak nervlfe,

and loss of flesh. X

toe and i.oo; SCOTT

H druggists.

BOWNE, Chemists,





Woman Resident Of





That's Aycr'. The .ime old tarsapariHa as it whs made ami

The great agnostic! looking th good Christian iu the eyes, thanked him most! heartily for his kindness, and solemnly added that Mr Clark! was the first Christian minister that had ever wished hiu. ;od speed. He then left the plat form and the audience slowly





old by Dr. J. C. Aver SO


ago. In the luboratory

it is different. There modem appliances leud speed to skill and m experience. But the i rilla the same old ssrwparilla that made the record SO yearm of currm. Why dont WC tetter it? Well, we're much la the condition of the Bishop and tha " DoobUtW, " he raspberry : aaid, "God might have made a better berry. But doubtless, Why also, He never did. "

The incident was related by a Bradford lady who requested that Ocracoke, Clarks, Nag's Head and her name be not mentioned in Other Points Suffer From Effects connection with it. Of The Storm. ."It was in Pittsburg," she said ' i believe in the Library Hall, The news .rom the storm of bight ot Royal Shoal. The where I first heard Col. Inger-sofiled out of the building. il last week along the Atlantic crew is missing. speak. There was a large "The sequel, though, shows Coast is just beginning to come The Northwest Point Light- audience gathered there among Ingersoll as he w.is. It brought don't we better the nrsaparill.i? in. house is damaged and one boat them being We can't. We arc utmj( tfic 0llt the great manhood of the clerevman and the and provisions lct. mam old ittant th.it cured the AT OCRACOKE cream of professional life of the agnostic. Rev. Alexander Clark Indians and the Spaniards. It A new inlet has opened on I am not sure to the storm was very damaging. the north side of Ocracoke with city. Col. Ingersoll 's speach was went West. has not been bettered. And magnificent from an oratorical what State he emigrated, but since tre make MfM pari 11a comThirty houses, two churches, about five of water in it. It standpoint, fet pound out of saraaparilla plant, but his attack on believe it was Missouri, and and school houses ware des- is suppoed all the horses and wa sec no way of improvement. Of course, if we were making troyed, the hotel pier wis wash-- . cattle on the island were drown religion and the Bible was bias- - there he became ill. lie was at phemous. some secret chemical compound However, the man's a hotel, and the Governor of ed away and the island was d. we might.... But we're powers as an orator and as an tle State, who had known him covered with water for three making the same old We're S'xteea fishermen were camp actor made a deep impression Iuany years, had him removed days. to cure the s.nne fid ing on Swan Island, nar the on his to his home. Mr. Clark diseases. grew You can tell it's the hearers and seemed to af- Not since the awful storm of mouth of the Neuse river. The tm old mmrma pm rittm be feet one man in particular, the worse and was threatened with the been Ocracoke has 1846 cause it work the suma ! island was overflowed, com pell death. The news came lutst, rurra. It's the sovereign blo.xl witness of such scenes. The ing them to see the mainland Rev. Alexander Clark, pastor of the Methodist church, which and Ingersoll heard it in Wash purifier, and Wm rm omplete; In the attempt all of their boats whole island is a every one in Pittsburg knew as ington, where he was lecturing, wreck. Tne wind reacnea a were capsized, xceot one. the Old Home. and immediately went West as velocity of seventy miles an drowning fourteen mmi couv "At the conclusion of the lec-t- quickly as possible and was at hour and the sea was breaking sisting of four Smiths and four Col. Ingersoll was backing the bedside of the Christian from twenty to thirty feet high Salter brothers and six ofchrs. you are nbont to buy a Sewing HmeY .n from the stage in peculiarly minister and until the death of doWhen not be deceived by alluring Wertlsemr.a on the island. All were married and men of graceful nd be ted o think you ran get tha bast nada manner, when the Rev. Mr. Clark, was almost constant finest linisbed and Captain Hill's house is a to larg families, eitizens of Piney Mr. Clark bounded io lv upon attendance him. Most Popular to the forum tal loss, Eagle House saloon Point, Tarteret county. Mr. a mere son? See ta It that died, Clark When ingersoll for and asked to be introduced to you buy from reliable gone, Hotel Ponder badly damThe two survivors saved them- the speaker. have gained a This formality took charge of the remains and reputation thAt by boa sat and square aged, Captain Tilgmau's house selves by cutting away their vou will then get a haviHg been gone through, the brought them Etst to New Cas- dealing, Sewing Machine that is noted and saloon badly damaged Dey's boat's mast, throwing their car minister and world over for its dura acrnnatir rlacnv tie where they were buried. At the thr bility. You want the one that off of its goes overboard and drifting ed hands, billiard room washed the funeral, after the officiating u eiet to manage and the minister with Bridg- - ashore. They witnessed the blocks and damaged, Light Running eageruesi, the agnostic with a clergyman lia4 concluded his man's porch and cottage washed drowning of their companions grace peculiarly his own. I sermon, the delivered agnostic There Is none in the world th.it well can equal in mechanical away and kitchen and dining, but were powerless to aid them. durability ! working remember the pleasant, hearty, an address touching upon the porta, fincneB of finish, beauty A crew of four men, who room a total loss. Tuthill house In appearam e, or haa aa many honest manner in which the grand life and character ot the improvements as the badly wrecked, sleeping apart-- J were camping on another is- great Ingersoll grasped the deaa man wnicd moved ins land, are missing and are un- - hand of the good minister, whose hearers to tears. uients washed several feet. The It was one of . .... . at tne doubtedly drowned. boarders while sitting fam as a Christian of the real llis best efforts and from the It has Automatic Tension, Double nePeed, alike on both cides of needle ifattntid), ortin has could table in the Tuthill house PORTSMOUTH t New Stand ' fiafentea), driving wheel )nnK"l kiud was knowu throughout nearto on adjustable centers, thus reducing see the floor rise over a foot in suffered like Ocracoke and had Pittsburg. ' the minimum. response to the swing of the houses blown down and horses cure constipation and WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. "Mr. Clark, when he held Quickly and in vi'rnrntf lln ntit-THE NEW HOME SEWIHG MACHINE CO. rli ilH never Mr. Luke Tuthill's and cattle drowned. waves. Col. Ingerscll'i hand in his held system gripe or nauseate Mam. Mn. M t'Kiow Sut'awb, house was carried thirty feet, r'S. 1'Airiy III. Ht. I.ori. Imm !rin. Cbkaui. it tightly while he lifted his nuiu uy vjngjjs tf??. UD" b If' HATTERAS. ouu roa BALE B" the chimneys at Captain Bragg's The storm at Hatteras was the house were blown down and most disastrous storm ever visitcrushed in one end of the house; ed that place. The village is the Southern M. E. Church is a entirely ruined and everything total loss, and the Northern M. there a perlect wreck. The ocean E. Church was washed off i& waves swept across Hatteras ererything blocks; two school houses are rapidly, carrying with them as they went. Dwel- gone. mgs, stores, barns, stables and "OF: hotel at room the ball The wharves were washed away and was turned into a room of completely ruined. Boats were wrecked and lost. Many of the prayer. came near sincr The sahooner L. A. Willis, in inhabitants and des heir some lives are left charge ef Capt, R. S. Griffin, titute, all of their property being with a party of pleasure seekers destroyed. Hatteras was entire from Washington, N. C, on y submerged and, for several board, parted two anchor chains; days, the people were without This is Hamburgs. We are going the time you causing her to drift to the inlet, food or water. The loss cai'uot be estimated atpieseHt. to "clean up" for the benefit of our patrons preparatory to landing on a shoal about three On theseashoie the beach is miles from where she originally strewn with wrecks, merchangetting in Fall Stock. We have gone through our boxes was. dise and other wreckage. Sever and reduced practically our entire stock of Hamburgs for After the Willis went ashore al sailors lost their lives in their this 'clean up." she almost immediately filled attempt to reach shore. stock were drowned. All with water and sand, causing AT KINNAKEET those on board to be forced on 1. deck and to secure themselves houses were wrecked and plan, About 75 yards narrow edge. About 250 yds, narrow edge and tations destroyed. in the rigging. Soma of it was formerly marked 5 insertion. Lots of this was marked of I. H. residence Scar The Mr. Geo. Buckman, of Wash cents a yard. Take your pick at 10 cts. a yd. We are going to close it borough, Jr., was washed fro:n 1 Cent a yard, out at 5 Cents a yard. iugton, was df owned, while its foundation and injured. Henry Blango, colored, the U. G. O'Neal's house washed cook, on Friday died on. deck from its foundation and carried 5. from exhaustion and was washed half mile in the sound, when About 225 yards medium and About 125 yards narrow edge. wind it changed drifted the back wide edge. Many pieces of this lot are Some of it was formerly marked 8 overboard. to within 100 yards where it worth 15 cts. a yd. Wc have marked cents a yard but most of it was 5 cts. The unfortunates 00 the first stood. j it at 8 Cents a yard. Your choice at 2 Cents a yard. G. M. O'Neal's dwelling, store schooner Willis went without water and food from Wednesday and goods were all swept a ay. The residence of M. C. Gray to Saturday noon. was washed left its foundation, About 175 yds. wide edge, About 175 yards medium open c The N. & S. R. R. Company's over a lence ana leu in tine able for flouncings and ruffles. Vorth edge. It is all worth at least lay boat, used for the pmpoae of marsh. at least one third more. For this sale 5 cts. a yard. To "clean up" we hare The dwelling cA A. T. Metk transpoiting passengers to and 2h Cents a yard. marked it 3 Cents a yard. from the island Darted herJ ins was unrooraa ana mown to Miins.j drifting- a mile and a pieces. Residence of Z. J. Scai bor half and went ashore near ough and Mrs. Josephine Scar Portsmouth. borough were washed from their We have been fortunate in securing another lot of Shirt Waists at greatly reduced prices. We give you the benefit of our opportunity. White lawn, lace The custodian and his wife foundations. were ditches converted Small stripe yoke, pleated back, full front, four ply linen collar and cuffs. were rescued Friday afternoon wide creeks, tome of hvj the life savin "er crew at into deep, . which are from 6 to 10 feet Portsmouth. deep. Lignt weight percale, pleated back, full front trimmed with insertion, launThe schooners Dareo,, Jane The steamer Neuse parted dered collar and cuffs. her chains ano is asnore mi and Henrietta are totally lost. gga GO B Brown sunk H. Schooner of Mouse at water feet three and bilged. These are the Biggest Shirt Waist Bargains we have ever offered. Harbor. The four M. E. Churches, The sloop Helen Roxie, Cap known as the Northern Metho tain Kellv is ashore on the dists, were blown down and toF-AuII- R,, tally destroyed. beach. Fishing boats were smashed A schooner is ashore on Har up and fishing material swfcpt bof Island. Her name is uns away. known. Continued on Fourth Page. A schooner is tnrned oyer in









GET THE BEST manu-facturer-









Nk w Home:



















ATT. 4N1










Iot 4.

Tjot 3.


suit-wor- k




light that

The Severest Storm Ever Known Along The Atlantic Ceast.

The Same...


then take

and will help you in making the northwest, but the wind Write for proper selection if, we will atisiy you as to was so strong and the vessel so prices Our stock is the lar- she paid off her bow


eyes toward Heaven and prayed in a fervent manner that God would direct the wonderful talLNGERSOLL'S FRIEND- - ents of this man in another and better sphere. His prayer was not a long one, but it was from A Stoiy Vouched For By A the heart and had its effect upon


ti tt











ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance.






The Best Advertising Medium in the Albemarle District The Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Doubles Any Other Paper Published in This Section. The Most Wide-Awaand Successful Business Men use the FISHERMAN & AT MER Columns with the Highest Satisfaction and Profit. ke



Drurnmond Opened.



On Saturday evening at Ren of PASSES AWAY. nes, France, the court-martiseven judges by a vote of five to Death of Cornelius Vauder-bilt- , two pronounced Alfred Dreytus guilty of betraying French mili Millionaire and Railtary secrets to a foreign governway Magnate. ment.

The Lake Drummond Canal Water Company wish to an give notice that the Old Dismal Swamp Canal route between Norfdk and Elizabeth City is now open lor business and the tug boat will leave every other day except Sunday, commen cing August 28th, making trips HIS END WAS SUDDEN. Leaves Norfolk as follows: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri A Seaond Stroke of Paralysis days. Returning, leaves Eliza Terminated the Earthly beth City, Tuesdays, Thursdays 1

Career of the Head of the Vanderbilt

and Saturdays.

The Canal Company insures nine feet of water at present time between the locks, ana in

weeks they will have ten The feet of water in the canal. fifteen dredged has Company fret in depth for a distance of three thousand ft t below the They cks in Deep Creek. deep water made also have South Mill's locks, in the wafers of the Pasquotank river. The Canal Company has dredg- (1 the Old Turner Cut to the depth often feet at low water. Thus far the Canal Company can insure a sufficient deptli of a few

be-twe- tn


Family. Cornelius Vanderbilt, head of the Vanderbilt family, died at his residence in New York Tuesday at 5 45 o'clock from a Mr. Van- stroke of paralysis. cieront was in nis 5ttli year. At his bedside when he died was his wife. No physician was in attendance. The attack was very sudden and unexpected, and it was impossible to reach any doctor before his

Dr. Francis The Canal Company would death occurred. ot at present guarantee a safe Delafield, who had been attendpassage between Norfolk and ing Mr Vanderbilt, arrived at Elizabeth City for boats draws the house after Mr. Vanderbilt'" ing more than seven and a half feet of water as the Pasquotank death. was Cornelius Vanderbilt place, and Deep has one Creek at low water has not more born on Stat n Island, Novem than seven and a half feet at the ber 271 h, 1843. Wm. H. Vanpresent time. derbilt, his father, was at the The government has appro time a fanner, and Cornelius, at priated money to deepen and widen Deep Creek and also to the age of 16, left school and deepen and straighten the wat- secured a place a$ messenger in ers of the Pasquotank river. the Shoe and Leather Bank. This work is to commecc at His grandfather, the commodore once. The Company in the learning of this, sent for him meantime intend to improve and widen the canal, and in the and asked him why he had not near future the Canal Company applied to him for a place. "Because I did not want to helieve that they will have a canal and water way between the ask you for anything." was the points named that cannot b ex reply. This pleased the Comcelled in this country modore, and it is said that he J. B. SAN FORD, V. P. made a codicil to his will a Information as to where to few days later leaving $ iooo,odo leave and receive freight and of the boats lauding can be had at to his grandson. Cornelius left the Shoe and Hathaway Bros., corner Main ai d Water streets, Elizabeth Leather Bank to go into the emCite. N. C. ploy of Kissatn Brothers, bankers, but later his grandfather asked him to enter the railroad St service. The young man was Ifc. IX. making $60 a month and he declined to leave his place unless J3 He was he got more money. given $65 and accepted it. He was then about 21 years old. Schedule in effect Aug. 28, '99 The first place he was given Norf ilk & Southern R. R. MmW and ot Express traiHS, Southbonnd, daily (ex- was that of assistant treasurer cept Sundays,) leave Elizabeth City at the New Yoxk and Harlem Rail1:40 a. m.. Northbound, daily, (excepa His rise was rapid and Sundays) leave Elizabeth City at 2:45 road. p. m. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 leave Elizahe succeeded his father as head beth City Southbound 6 p. m., Northbound 9:30 a. ni. Tuesday, Thursday ot the Vanderbilt system. The trains arrive at and Saturday. Mr. Vanderbilt'- active career and depart from Norfolk & Western depot, Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with was practically closed when he all Rail and Steamer lines, and at Kdeutou with Steamer for Roanoke, suffered a paralytic stroke in 1













Casnie, Chowan and Scuppernong rivers; Transfer steamers to vJackey;s 1896. Feiry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to Roper, Pantego, and Bell Toblets are guaranhaven, couuectiug with Old Dominion teed. No cure no pay. 7 doses for 10 steamer for iVakleyville, Aurora, cents. Cures all headaches. (Washington and all intermediate land, ings. OF NO-HED-A-





Old Dominion Uino The stmer Newberue or Ocracoke

leaves Elizabeth City Monday, Thurs-da- y and Saturday at 6 p. m. for New Berne Oriental, Roauoke Island connecting with the A. & N. C. R R. for (Voldsboro. Kinston, Morehead City, and with theW.&W.R.R.forJacksonvile Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning leave New Bern Tuesday and Friday. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Cit; station to ali landings. Newberne Morehead Cit Kiustou, Goldsboro, aud Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service !e weer Eliza beth City and New York


Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as lo .ates and quicker time than by any other route. shipped via all goods to Kasv-rCarolina Dispa ch as follows From Norfolk by Noriol & Southern W. & B. R. Railroad; Baltimore by Philadel.n; Stat R., President Street phia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock Street Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, aud Old Dominion Line. For further information apply to M. H. Snowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, 01 to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Va If. K. KING, General Manager. H. C. HUDGINS. G. F. & P. Agt.

Dit a

Gravestones. oijumeijts and Our Illustrated Catalogue, No.

10, which we mail free, contains a variety of designs of Marble and granite Memorials, and will help you in making n selection Write for it; we will satisfy you as to prices. Our stock is the largest in the South. n-n- npr


Couper Marble works Years.) 159

(Established 50 to 163 Bank 8treet,




it were better for most of us to complain less of being misunderstood and to take more care that we do not misunderstand other people. It ought to give us pause at a time to remomber that each one has a stock of cut and dry judgments on his neighbors, and that the chances are that most of them are quite erroneous. What our neighbor reidly is we may never know, but we may be pretty certain that he is not what we have imagined, and that many things we have thought of him are quite beside the mark. What he does we have seen, but we have no idea what may have been his thoughts and intenThe mere surface of his tions. character may be exposed, but the complexity within we have not the faintest idea. People



This verdict, almost entirely unsupported by evidence, is re garded as a most brutal act of Wrong and injustice, and for it France stands disgraced in the eyes ef the whole civilized world. The chief witness against Dreyfus in his first trial now fills a suicide's grave, a confessed forger and omiurer; the chief documents against him have boeti proved to be forgeries. But, without evidence, he has again been convicted and sentenced to ten years imprisonment. What the result of this unjust verdict will be no one can tell. Appeal has been taken to the Court of Cassation, but without hope. Again as Dreyfus has already suffered five years imprisonment in solitary confinement, which in French law equals ten years ordinary detention he may be released in a fortnight. Or President Loubet may pardon the unfortunate Jew. As we go to press all Fiance is in a tumult, and if out of the tumult comes liot and bloodshed we shall not be surprised. "I suffered from plies for twenty

five years, and after all cures had failed was permanently cured by one box of De Witt's Witch so-calle-


Hazel Salve,"' says Eli Hile, of Lumber City, Pa. Be sure you get "De Witt's.'' There are injurious aud



Griggs & Sou




The amendment to the constitution, having for its end the restriction of ignorant suffrage in North Carolina, is going to be carried, unless all piesent indications are widely misleading. There is evidence piling up daily that the majority of the white people ot North Carolina Democrats, Republicans aud Populists do not desire the State to remain longer iu the hands of shameless politicians who have heaped disgrace upon her good name and who have polluted her noble institutions with vice in every form. The bold statement of Hon. Thomas Settle, of this city, ap pear ing in the Raleigh Morning Post to day, and which we res produce in the Telegram, cannot fail to do inestimable good to the cause of white supremacy and good government throughout the State. And especially must his declaracion have a fine effect upon those Republicans of Stokes, Wilkes, Surry and Yadkin, and other Western counties, to whom the smallest utterance of the brilliant has all the weight that was anciently imputed to any ebullition of the Oracle ol Delphi. Mr. Settle is eas ly one of the brightest men of his party in the South. Moreover, he is a gen tleinan of broad culture, high

character and finest extraction. We are glad that he has come out bravely on the side of the right for the best inteiest of our loved State. The amendment is gaining ground fast. Greensboro Tele

gum. Tab One bottle of lets will convince you they are the bes headache tablets on the market Yaekel Drug Co. Baltimore, Md. E

John Y. McKane, formerly prominent as a New York polit-

ical boss, who served a term in crammed with self conscious- Sing Sing prison for attempted are often election frauds, died at his home ness and praised as humble, why shy and at Coney Island Tuesday night. reserved people are judged to be proud. Some whose whole life The great success of Cham is one subtle, studied selfishness berlain's colic, cholera and diartreatment get the name of self sacrifice, rhoea remedy in the has made bowel complaints and other silent, heroic souls of greater all the over standard it are condemned for want of hu part of the civilized world. For inanity. Ian Maclaren in the sale by Drs. W. W. Griggs & Son. "Potter's Wheel." self-conce- it

Tip pru.pw






a mo bas Congress Will be Asked to Ap, 1 l IV UUUIViM preached to the f misers. propriate Bet Veen One and iSi?lRll. I wida Mrs. Alexander Taylor, it is tight but equally important Old Two Millions. ow 35 yeais old, of Toronto, n?ar is diversified industries for the UNJU ARE PEOPLE dy-j Wheeling, has been slowly cities ;: id towns. A lack of A special from Wahineton That's Ayer'. The tame old ing ot consumption for some these diversified says industries Me: is 1 Wrecking as it was made and that the ritt sarsaparilla 1 Come e much to our system of edu- - Company has the contract forj sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer SO years time past. A few days ago she he Time will ill Th S dujer ago. In the laboratory it is became unconscious. A doctor jcation. We have had the idea raising the lightship at Diamond different. There modern appliEqually Guilty with was called and pronounced her tuat a boy must he taught how Shoal, which during the recent; ances lend speed to skill and The Felucer. n t dead, and funeral preparations !o work instead experience. But the sarsapabeingo big storm was blown ashore, rilla is the same old aarsaparilla ware begun. taught how to .,ork." carrying with her the great au-- i made the record SO wen r that W e often inquire why it About midnight her friends v'.il operatic is worth a cr chor and marine 'rhain 11 can Why don't we better cure: of rii c oau ci a noes and loafers. were astounded to see Mrs. Tay- ton when a woman uuu H much in the it? Well, we're ities o; fails and the forever in estimation Bishop the condition id the ic a ai woi lor move, opeu her eyes and ak something! it "At nrcseui the lighthouse " he " Doubtless, . raspberry for water. She asked that a fa- - a lare number of professed instead ol trying to have some- - board is more concerned abont said, "Cod might have made a vorite neice, who lives in Iowa, Christians? The fallen woman thing made by other people lor the rescue of the vessel than better berry. But doubtlesa, conalso, Ha never did. " Why other people for nothing. He with anything else canuected be summoned at once to receive has neither sympathy nor don t we better the saraaparilla f a message from her mother, who 'deration at the hands of those is able to buy somethiug. with Diam md Shoals, but the Wc can't. We are using the vvho should be her saviour and " 1 he farm and factqr are om has been dead several years. mame aw old j!aMt that cured the of ay the has ship sweeping 3 ni is niocKec, ria source of wealth ane and the Spaniards. It Iudians Trs Tnvlor savs her so rit redeemer, he farm demonstrated the impossibility i j j j been bettered. And not has soared icuitu, acnouncea, snunneu anu produces the raw material- - the of satisfactorily (rnarriinor th in was disembodied and since wm make saraaparilla comthrough space till a brilliant and the vilest epithets are piled up- manufacturer increases its value most dangerous locality, except pound out of sarsaparilla plant, on is ens denied head. her She we see no way of improvement. from ten to one hun Ired fold." beautiful grove was reached. by the erection of a lighthouse. course, if we were making Of Build your railroads. Here angels were flying about, trance into the homes of Christ They An attempt was made to estab-ar- e some secret chemical compound necessary, and when built lish a lighthouse there some guatding what seemed the en iins and ostracised by the we migh; But we're not. receives of Sue Church God. wc same old aar We're making the pester was snouia heaven. She trance to them not with years ao and failed, involvia ie same old saparilla to cure the fused admittance, but was allow no word of kindness or admoni- uniust exaction or unitiLiKiU loss to tue contractors of nearlr diseases. You can tell it's the x 00.000 ed to converse at a short distance tion, but is pronounced too low legislation." The 1, nrd will now am olA marmaparilla be-to common noticed! even be cause last!and it works the mmmm ofl The improvement of the' take up the matter and Con- with her husband, who died , ' j r caret. It's the sovereign blood CJe ULier emem or society, puouc highways would stiinu- - gress will be asked to winter, and with her sister the aooroDru purifier, and if 'a Ayrm. T1 mother of the favorite neice. 1 ne Poor woman realizing ner late commerce and agriculture ate between S ,000,000 ii $2,-tand hope condition she abandons all an fully extent message not apnrecia neice fer the sent The 000 000 with whiMi if i. of and lower salvation by sinks audited the people.' to disclose, except to she refuses lieved an artificial rock can be is she lower redemp until past of 'One the woman, best rs. Taylor things to do created and a lighthouse erected1 the young vShe carfeels 110 one tion. that with our cotton is to spin it at hicll Will be capable Of defy! When you are about to buv a Sewing Mart says she was promised that she So sot be deceived by alluring; advwrtisemer'.a es her, fails and care to soon lor the nearest railroad tou b should come to paradise very think eaaa nt the best mAm, even storms the iPiT that rate . fictit finubed and . for herself. Poor The woman! organize your banks, we off Cape Hatteras' soon. Mrs. Taylor is an edu j Most some of daughter degenerate need more money at lower iu- cated, sincere, Christian woman, for a mere aonr See to It that you buy from reliable nanaNo teresf and is in ecstacy over the belief pious C hristian mother. Indignation over the Outcome lecturers that have ralaed a T1 i dj aonest ana square that she will soon join her home, 110 friends and 110 one to apnoiibiic suggestions ol the Dreyfus trial has caused a reputation iucse dealing-- you will then set m Sewine Machine that Is noted mauc friends gone before. The neice reach forth the hand of love and wuic the world over for Ha j. iII ope mown, party 0f ovcr -- 00 hm Yon want the oat that . . to back S and .. sympathy bring rli nrfsidfnr rf rrrinHiri1 has been telegraphed ior. Mrs. r who were going to the iair in a ts easiest to manage and is l5"u"lu,ai Taylor cannot live more than a that state of purity and inno Society, of Georgia, in a speech body to abandon their trio, Light Running: cence enjoyed before she lett the before the Southern Industaial few days, it is thought. There is none la the world that Bisinark's Iron Nerve pleasures and comforts of home League at Atlanta. They have can equal in mechanical con traction, durability of working "Our baoy was .sick, for a mouth with for the dangerous voyage on the been culled and arranged in this parte, finencaa of nniah, beauty Was the oi splendid his result in appearance, or has aa many way in the hope that Southern severe cough and catarrhal fever. improeemeBU aa the Indomitable will and; Although we tried many remedies she ocean where made shipwreck oi fj mers who are thinking men health. kept getting worse uutil we nsed One CQuld bc may ponder am aR h upon them and ap- - tremendous energy are not found Minute Cough Lure, it relieved at once ana cured ner in a lew nays. to ply the truths contained in them wheie stomach, liver, kidneys tut. there IS another p Of Order. It has Aetomatlc Tenstoe. Double Peed, aim- and bowels are OUt ... UL'a School, B. h. Nance, Prin. If on both BMSS oi needle itatenltd), neofhrr hai rwac rtnid h v ( ; h mr x th i s su biec t and one that we to the betterment ! themselves yOU Want these qualities m.ffnfii and the; en 't ; New Si Bn4 '.patented), 6rving wheel hinif- -1 and section. their Sou. . adjustable centera, thua reducing friction o wish to emphasize: What buccess iney oring, use nr. the minimum. the cause of the downfall of t!ie MUM FORD. King's New Life Pills. They WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. develop every power of pain and THE NEW HOME SEWMG MACHINE CO. poor woman! By what means body. Pi ice 25c. at Alex. Oauaa, Ma. Itoeroa, K.u M Dnoe surm, 9. T J. E. J. Warren aud wife, of was she led to ruin aud disgrace Cuicaoo. Itx. St. LotiM, Mo. Im.iu Tim. Berkley this to went of this place, Wadsworth's Drug store. S m Fa&aoiaoo, Oaa Atlauta Ua. offered not Was one it who the warn sake v week on a visit. her his hand in marriage! Did Luther William?, of Berkley, he not tell her he loved her and spent last week in Pasquotank would some dav dc her husband! f county on a visit. Did he not asnre her that he Miss Bertie Hewitt, of R e : UaiC, IS V1S11.1UJ4 IClrtUVi-- J "a would never ioriret her! oi.e Having conmience in friends near E. City. George A. Jennings, of Berk his promises because she oved ley, was in Pasquotank county-las- him Was led to take the fatal week on a visit. step. Yes, the young man who Miss Nannie Davis, of Berk- moves in the best society and ley, is visiting relatives and who has married one of the first friends in Pasquotank. ladies in the community escapes Miss Deborah Whitney aid public rebuke and public cen brother, John, of this place, sure. He maintains his position spent last Saturday night near iu society and iu the church aud the Fork. is the direct cause of the down Choice and pretty stuffs cteap. Wc have taken great pains in selecting this Jerry Stokely, of Virginia, fall of the woman w hom he has spent last week in Pasquotank disgraced. It is a shameful fact, stock. Our buyers have searched the market for these goods and have found excounty on a visit to relatives same young man finds this that and friends. ceptional bargains. Our Black Dress Goods stock is perfection itself, composing no impediment in his way to the Clifton Pritchard, of the Fork best society. He is permitted all the staple wares and mdny novelties. is spending the week with the by fathers and mothers to assofamily ot J. M. B. Whitney, Sr. ciate aud even marry their Our Novelty Dress Goods Stock is large and varied, comprising many fashion-abl- e at Mum ford. daughter. We enter our protest weaves and colorings. Bertrand Williams and wife, against such methods as condoot Berkley, spent last week in ning the crimes of men and an Pasquotank county on a visit to athematizing poor, weak, and1: helpless dependent females. relatives and friends. TI woman has committed an the Miss Maggie Goodman and pardonable sm aud should be A large assortment of Silks, Fall Patterns, in waist lengths only. Black Silks Henry Williams, of Lake Drurn- discountenanced by society, then mond, spent last Frida night we insist that the same should in Plain Taffetas, Bcocades and Corded Taffetas. Velvets in all the leading near Mumford on a visit. be meted out to him who stands G. B. M. shades. Ribbons, a complete stock and also Velvet Ribbons. eqully gui.ty with her in The time the sight of God. must come when the seducer is equally guiity with the seduced. w It is a shame for man to be r o ognized and woman unrecogniz A large assortment of Golf and Walking Hats, also of untrimmed shapes, flow 5 ed when both are morally responsible for the act committed. ers; feathers, quills, buckles and ornaments. Washingaon Messenger. !c a fnnA mrHirinfc for the M Story of a Slave. baby that is thin and not To be bcuud hand and foot well nourished and for the for years by the chains of dis- We are making a special effort in this department and have secured a great mother whose milk does slavof form W not nourish the baby. J ease is the worLtD. Williams, of many novelties as well as staple notions. It will pay you to look over our line' George It is equaHy good for the y ery. Mich., tells how 8 boy or girl who is thin and M Manchester, a slave was made free. He $ paie and not well nourished yg such says: "My wife has been sol We extend to all our friends and patrons a cordial invitation to be present on by their food; also for the M helpless for 5 years that she S anamic or consumptive could not txrn over in bed alone our Opening Days. Our efficient aud obliging corps of clerks will spare no m aciuit tnai is losing iien After using two bottles of ElecA ciwonritit 9. pains in showing you our entire stock. We invite comparison. We want you to tric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her In fact, for all conditions Ve are satisfied as to the result ook! look. ook!!! This supreme; is food Z own work." 8 of wasting, it the yt medicine that will nourish - t M and build up the body and S ly cures nervousness, sleeplessc headache, ness, melancholy, if give new life and energy br.ckache, fainting dizzy sp dls. when ail other means fail. S This miracle working medicine P Should be taken in summer as M is a godsend to weak, sickly, fi run down people. Every bet-ti- e well as winter. 50c. guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold S SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Kew York, y by Alex. Wadsworth, Druggist. ' The following comes from

v 7

"Diversified agricul ire



Wheeling, W. Va.;










1 k




































1 i



dura-v,nicagoa- ns










Nkw Home:




ibuFsday, Friday and Saturday,


September 14. 15 and 16




SCOTl'8 i













m HE




wi & V


WILMINGTON, .n. C, TUESDAY Al.UUSI - - hoarse voice, coughed frequency and

NO. 68.


V $1.00 I'

15, 1899.






asked to be allowed to be seated. On a stranger, his appearance and ; wholesale Arret Mil liojaiuu la bearing produced a far from favorable France Evidence of Intrigue He gave the impression oi orleamtu effect. shiftiness, his forehead was wrinkled.' j Paris, August 12 M. Deroulede. foun-eyhis eyebrows were contracted and his peered through slits between his jer of the League of Patriots and a Buildpuffy eyelids. His cheeks were sallow j SpiritecTRe-olmtr of the chamber of deputies for wSc pro- - the Angouleme division of Cfcarente. morning 4 upon those who j was arrested at o'clock this duced a soporific effect were not able to distinguish his words, at his estate at Crossey, near Paris, but were within hearing of his voice. number of of the ante- Thls monologue, with hardly a break, ; Semite League members and Patriotic League except when the clerk read the various presented to also the were arrested this morning. documents Mercier court, lasted nearly four hours, with M. DeRoulede was taken into custody ten minutes suspension at 11 o'clock, by four gendarmes and was driven to Residences, Business Houses and Crops Swept Away Hundreds of there was a general feeling that inCasimir-Perie- r On was he his here and General Mercier on the Witness Stand. when prove arrival Paris. as to going was the the witness People Killed The Bodies Being Buried Where Found-Fi- rst Dreyfusards predicted, an utter fiasco. carcerated in the Conciergerie prison. is M. Denies the Genuineness of the Incriminating Mariel arrest The Habert of The "While he was under examination. touch of the Storm on the Coast of Our South Atlantic Mercier asked Colonel Jou- expected. General closed the offices of Letter From Dreyfus The Prisoner Speaks to the Same aust to allow him to present a docu - The police have League, which are now States High Wind at Several Points Advance ment showing how an espionage sys- the Patriotic by gendarmes. Effect Mercier Tirade Against the Prisoner. guarded Coloby tern was organized in France Winds to Reach Hatteras bv Tonight PreWhen an attempt was made to ar- Schwarzkoppen, the former German nel by the Audience as He Retires Hissed Antl-M. Guerin, president of : the rest military attache at Paris. The docudictions of the Weather Bureau. ment referred to the l.rufications of ' Semite League, he refused to 'surrender by Guarded Ushers. He house. bafricaded himself his and in the Meuse. Ponce. Porto Rico, August 12. The o'clock this afternoon raising a dust is prepared to hold out for General Mercier then entered into an says hi Rennes, August 12. A stirring scene compromise the position of the reprecloud that hid the tops of the hiish explanation tending to prove Schwarz- three weeks, having a good stockwin-of terrific wind which accompanied the re- buildings. Along the river front evir-thin- g closed today's session of the LreyfU3 sentative of Germany. fire arms.The doors and koppen was at the head of the Ger- food and destroyed the crops and de"HOHENLOHE." storm cent was held down tight and no nearspoken of had are his barricaded Mercier dows residence trial. General and M. Casimir-Perie- r then recounted how man espionage system in France, conon the damage Is reported, though a sailor was houses of molished a number M. blow announces will Guerin he and ly four hours in ruthless denunciation he had expressed to the then premier afterward, had the famous letter off the Mobile And Ohio dock, before he surrenders. higher ground, while the floods destroy- blown the words "Cette Canaille de upOnhisthehouse of Ireyfus, who had listened unmoved and minister of war his astonishment taining was but rescued. Many telegraph and M. application Fabri, fresh of indignation at the interview which D " read. ed bridges and houses and caused great electric power poles went down In the until MercieT concluded by saying that and were of made houses various searches gave The FiIn the meanwhile Dreyfus watched this morning, including the headquar Captain Lebrun-Renau- d of city. large number life. loss A of human apif he had not been Convinced of the garo on the subject of Dreyfus. Mercier through his eyeglass, but Antoine Stauter. aged wnere only cattle were killed. attempted ters or the guilt of Dreyfus and if 'the tatter's conThe witness told of Colonel Piequart's to one brush papers of were unimportant seized wires fallen asld the The storm was, most severe in the and was instantly killed. displayed the deepest interest was the Blysee at the time of the who Casimir-Perieviction had not been fortified since visit to 1894 Altogether of the members sixteen r. 's M. Seated in front of to inform him that M. trial in 1894 he would admit he had been misand the Patriotic Leagues, central part of the island and along the CYCLONE IN ALABAMA. demonstrations had little effect a row of private seats, he leaned for- h southern coast. Three hundred bodies taken. Dreyfus jumped to his feet as on the judges. He added: "I received ward, with his hands on his knees, ex- Montgomery. Ala, August 12. A cyrested. M. Guerin, have been buried in the city of Ponce, clone struck Centerville, though the words had galvanized him M. Bertillon on December 10th and 15th cept when very excited, when he lift sent, Ala., this knives, armed with revolvers and gesture 2,000 persons expressive an war, is of it in of and that minister the estimated the his instance hands ed at and damage was considerable into life and shouted in a voice which who thought his demonstration very of disgust or impatience. still holds possession of his apartments, were done. The Methodist was blown church Ponce In district. the drowned headquarters of the resounded through the hall like a trum- curious, interesting and conclusive, but Mercier, who had his back turned to the pillars, from a its warehouse was people League, of the lower wrecked which entrance is secured The number of pet note: "You ought to say so now!" I must confess," said M. Casimir-Perie- r, the former president, saw nothing of only afterto running and the A. residence of J.. gauntlet a of the classes lost is not known, but it Is cer- Ozane demolished. No casualtir.s have amid a general titter in court, "that I this, but after he had completed his strong guard of s. The audience burst into a wild cheer, judged them differently. AH that was testimony and had reiterated all the tain that there were few fatalities been reported. It is reported that M. Andree Buffet, among whereupon the ushers called for silence. done and said among the ministers was charges contained in M. d'Ormesche-ville'- s WHAT FORECASTER GARRETT Young Royalist president the persons of the better class, of vice the bill of indictment, Mercier pre- League, has been arrested. Hut when Mercier replied 'that he would done without my knowledge." EXPECT. among . The witness then related the facts in sented a document to be read by the the Americans. and none admit Dreyfus was innocent if there connection appears officials 'the unearthed that It Washington, August 12. After reM, with the futile efforts of The work of clearing away the debris ceiving clerk, which proved to be the alleged was any doubt, the prisoner shouted Waldeck-Roussea- u tonight's report from the to prevent the first Dreyfus letter concerning the alleged telegrams sent to the Duke of Orleans progresses slowly. from Brussels at the time President southern states. Professor Garri-ttcourt-martiagain: "Why don't you, then!" in sitting behind closed engagement entered into with M. Casimir-Senor Luia Gautier has been appoint- - i chief forecaster funeral, the first saying: "All Faure's of the bureau, Perier, doors, hothe, so witness, said and the had had the which latter At this there was another outburst never our men are ready." The second tele- ed alcalde, the former incumbent of the said he did not considerweather any the that received th of member ly denounced. gram following day, office having, been deposed on account Indian hurricane had yet reachedWest was dispatched the of applause. Dreyfus family. barely the left the saying: "It is useless to come." The last word had of negligence. coast, Florida regarding M. Casimir-Perihigh M. Casimer-Perle- r the then rose and draconcluded this part clerk's lips when M. Casimir-Periattempt at an insurrection fes-te-Considerable unrest has been man!- - winds of today at Jupiter and other The by raising 'his voice jumped up and shouted: "That's the against matically demanded 'to be confronted of his statement among the people and a cavalry points In the southern part of the n:ato the government had in the excitedly, saying: letter I read in the newspapers." with General Mercier, in order to deny and speaking very patrol has been established. The wat- as a mere forerunner of the storm, meanwhile failed. "For the honor or the chief magistracy, General Mercier, startled, turned some of his statements. supply er has been restored. M. DeRoulduring Later, the trial of which is yet to come. He said it was Colonel Jouaust ordered the court to which I occupied, for the honor of the round and muttered excuses, saying he ede, traces were discovered of a fresh HOSPITAL WRECKED. evident republic, I that the centre of the huri-can- e to not allow will be said did not believe a president of the it be adjourned until Monday, at 6:30 plo't and of consultations at which the would progress During enter the coast some wher nau wora of storm a the enexchanged a the l the tnat with an would enter into such o'clock a. 'm., for the confrontation, and Question was discussed whether the at- - municipal hospital was WTeeked, and its south of Jupiter. He expressed as Mercier turned to leave the court captain in the French army accused of gagement. j tempt be made to change the patients were removed to the military the opinion that thefurther storm would retorted in form ofshould To this M. Casimir-Perie- r the audience rose en masse and hissed treason. government before or after the hospital. curve, upon hitting the coast, turning This statement caused applause in a tone of the bitterest sarcasm: "Thank Rennes court-martiand cursed him, those at the back of Yabucoa, Adjuntas and Humacao northward from the striking point. Ho speedily you, general, for this testimonial." the court standing on chairs and court, which Colonel Jouaust The government thereupon, judging expected the hurricane to be felt as to clear the benchej, in 'order to better hound him suppressed, threatening end of his evidence General that the time for action had arrived, were devasted and in some instances At the exany villages were swept far was north as Jacksonville an Savannah entire repetition if out hall there of it. of down. The gendarmes placed themMercier said he believed that the only ordered a number of arrests to be made tonight repersons One president are The istence. former hundred his state ended auwas Dreyfus' treason that tafll of which apparently have not yet ported to have been killed on coffee ties Capeand said that in all probabiliselves between the general and the motive of Hatreras would be reached a dience, who showed a strong disposi- ment by saying: "I affirm before this Dreyfus had no feeling of patriotism. been effected. plantation. by the advanced gales within least at tion to maltreat the former minister of tribunal of soldiers that my resigna j MERCIER HISSED. The ministry of the interior declines Everything is ruined, pestilence threat- the next twenty-fou- r tion was not connected with the diplo- hours. However, war. give the names of prominent per- ens and money and work are needed, it had not yet been thought to ' brought forth utterance cruel This Germany. concerning matic incident It out General Mercier hurried of the or who are to and a newspaper appeal has been to display hurricane signals necessary from the audience whose blood sons already captured north of court room through a side door, amid pains me not to be able to second the hisses sent up. to fever heat by the be taken into custody. people made to the the South American for relief. Carolina coast. velocity The ' fierce denunciations from the audience. court in the work of Justice confided to had been savage M. When! arrested, DeRoulde shout- The calamity, with the commercial de- of the storm Is regarded as slow, Dreyfus.. on attacks emerge witness it, place must for from this at emerging crowd On but into the street the "It is a rascality on the part of pression, has produced a terrible con- -' so long as it is out at sea, the weather General Mercier. not heeding the ed: government, for the sake of country, reconeili- outside cheered him and cried: "Viva last imtrying to the is which peace. Ir plicate me with1 remarking: of affairs. I can do no more than hisses, terminated ation bureau officials are not disposed to talk . ....tieand TArmee!" i 3 gen-in- g in the same affair as the dition my mma, very freely of the possibilities In tne cioudi deBoth crossed nothPorto whole Americans and least truth, Ricans tent the and truth spectator scene the of a "Ah!" cried whose Orleanist, adversary I am." to declare would first the tlemen, he I adoption immediately but the mand the state, chief of or truth. As of damge. in court. "If they had heard the inhuA note issued this morn- definite, permanent policy on the ofparta when a ciizen, I have always in my it to you and say before you: 'Dreyfus, ing man monster speak they would not respect reads as follows: of the government. for France, regarded her as I am mistaken, but in good faith.' "Our baby was sick for a month with cheer him now." "A certain number of arrests Dreyfus his to hearers. electrified decision, free Then a as make severe cough and catarrhal fever. Ashe is herLOSS FEARFUL OF The proceedings this morning opened self LIFE. this morning as the result of a lthough revered." (Applause, which was ! He jumped to his feet, as though the magisterial we tried many remedies she tamely and the hopes of a sensational quickly San Juan, Porto Rico, August 1C inquiry' and by virtue of new galvanized him into suppressed.) words had kept getting only until we used One flag, to was sitting began but this 89 of the penal code, regarding According 'to an official report receiv- Minute Cough worse Various questions were then asked .M. life, and shouted with a voice which aArticle Cure relieved at ncc the calm before the storm, and when Casimir-Periconspiracy organized for the purpose ed here the port of Arecibo was de- and cured her In a it by the assistant Judge j resounded through the hall like a days." B. L. few the storm broke it carried every one In and Demange on stroyed during of accomplishing a change in the form the recent severe storm Nance, Prin. High School. you oughi. Captrumpet is note: subject what "That the of BlufTdale, whirlpool of a the court with it into of government. Persons implicated be- the place being inundated by water Texas. R. R. Bellamy. tain Lebrun-Renaud- 's Statement that to say." wildest excitement. to the group of the royalist youth from the ocean and river, 200 bodies Dreyfus had confessed to him, and the The audience burst into wild long are in the morgue there and hundreds the Patriotic and and THE PRISONER ENTERS. ; witness said, emphatically that he nev- - cheers, whereupon the ushers called Leagues. Th Nan Domluto irbrllloa of persons are missing. A number of Meuilly At the trial of the Dreyfus, on entering the court today er had from Captain Lebrun-Renau- d i for silence. Cnpe Haytien, August 12.- - Twelve saluted the president with the same any communication such as a confes- General Mercier then stammered: "I barracks affair facts relating to that wealthy citizens who lived on plantasoldierly mien as last 'Monday, and sion during the captain's visits to him. wrould come and say: 'Captain Dreyfus, Incident alone were used as the basis tions in the suburbs were drowned. The hundred Insurgents crossed the Yaquo the prosecution; but searches were commanding officer of the district has the president, Colonel Jouaust, returned He added that he was not prepared to j I was mistaken in good faith and I of made and documents were seiz- ordered that the bodies of the victims river under the fire of mitrailleuse. then the salute and said: "Sit down, Drey- deny that General Mercier had told come with the same good fath to admit ed which to the discovery of an or- of the disaster shall be buried where In, the engagement the government Captain Lebrun-Renau- d fus." to communi- - j it, and I will do all in human power ganization,leddating back to July, 1898, they are found. San Juan has been forces The prisoner was first asked in re- cate this alleged confession, but he af- - to repair the frightful error. " lost eighteen men killed, but of plot to and seize a the government apnlied to for supplies. gard to a copy of the text of the bor- firmed 'that the captain did not speak The prisoner then shouted: "Why by force. The documents According to the latest report from there were no fatalities among th inleave no dereau, which was found in his pocket of it to him. don't you, thenfl. That is your duty." room for doubt, either in regard Yabucoa, eighty bodies were buried surgents. to the when he was searched in prison. DreyAt t1tlis there was another outDJist existence of the plot or as to the chief there on Wednesday, M. Demange then introduced the' -while the remains fus ?t a ted that he had kept the docu question of the letter which the anti- - of applause, A dispatch from Banica announces of 200 victims have not been recovered. very actors therein. close After watch ment as a souvenir. pause, a when Mercier General after Dreyfusards asserted Dreyfus wrote lo The organized proof church only is was building the obtained the the entire province of Neyba is that that left t. a secretary i M. de La Roche-Vern- e easimir-Perer in which it was the excitement had p. rtially calmed, same groups were preparing for a standing. ready to rise In favor of General Jim-ine- z. attached to the French embassy at Ber- - TriaimVd he i poke and My no. convictions since fresh attempt at an early date, the of engagements en said: "Well, 'is rumored It a that number of Jin, ana M. I'aieoiogue, oi ine nencn cored into by M. Casimir-Perie- r 1894 slightest not the suffered have rebeing such as to enable the dis- American soldiers were killed at Maya- foreign office, were examined as to the specting him. weakening. It is fortified by the deep- proof General Torribo Garcia is expected turbance be averted by immediate guez. translation of a Panizardi dispatch, and The witness emphatically replied also by measures. toThe study est and of the dossier from Cuba to assume command of tbo investigation of the afthat the inanity of the means resorted to FIRST TOUCH OF THE STORM. while their evidence was conflicting at he had never engagerevolutionary is entrusted to M. Famre. examinentered into such morement. certain points, the net result of the two ment as alleged Jupiter, Fla.. August 12. The dav the purpose of proving the inno- fair ing magistrate." Havana, and he asked that the for August 12. General Juan witnesses replies to MM. Labor? and letter, which was 1894, been passed with no fiercer touch Isidoro of the condemned man of published by The cence A police commissary called at 4 o'clock has Demange was that never, in any transJiminez, aspirant to tho the of spite of accumulated the the evidence West Indian hurricane than a Relair, of Paris, be produced in court in in 'the morning at the residence of M. steady gale presidency lation, was there any question of rela- and money of the spite Dominican of in millions and republic, the of which has not txce. ded the whole matter cleared up. Thiebault, on the Quai Voltaire, and a forty miles per tions on the part of Dreyfus with Gerdenies knowledge expended." all any hour. The freshwind of expedinumber of policemen surrounded the ened at 8 o'clock many. DREYFUS SPEAKS. Colonel Juaust then said: "Have you house. tion unof his morning being this and captured off Jamaica. But M. Thiebault escaped by a der the murky sky CASIMIR-PERIEJ Of Increased in veloci- He asserts that there are no Santo balcony adjoining House. an to ty until a rate of about forty miles General Mercier replied: "Yes." itSS5?rt Sf?taJn i Colonel EXAMINED. ihTh n122i?Sf.5Ku. The police have seized The Draheu was there. announced then reached. At 8 o'clock tonight the that Juaust Thfiurn r, newspaper Casimir-PeriethP office. formerly president of speed of the wind is thirty-eigwould miles. The house of Andre de Duffet, repre- The France, was then called to the witness Hamilton Clark, of Chauncey, Ga., Monday 29.57. registers morning, resumed barometer j says he suffered with itching pile ed, no of have sentative I for Orleans the and Duke recollection of stand. of such barometer has been falling slowvice president of the Young Royalist lyThe SfJ In response to the usual questions, a letter. The words the former presi- trying DeWitt's ever yesterday indicating the proLeague, 52 was years old; no dent of the republic have just uttered Hazel Salve, searched and a number of approachsince two he said: "I am of a storm. It is believed completely cured him.boxes of which president formerly I was of fession. Beware of . i j own mind, supposed there was any en- - j ana 1 oum preier 11 10 ue 111 cururon- Feiguier, on the frontier, as he here, owing to the direction of the worthless and dangerous counterfeits at Tiie repuuuc. wind which has been prevailing all R. R. Bellamy. tation with him. c ah,mt Daui..m Colonel Jouaust then asked: "Did you sensa-derstaday, a Thia announcement caused that the storm is south by southpolice upon , The have placed seals know the accused prior to the acts of he had not held thereto. I can well un- the east of this place. Its distance cannct indigation of charged?" doors residence, Jules is M. the of in he Guerin's which Caaimir- ' The i tor gin. Drammcr' Kxrurlon ne thrilling be demonascertained, but it is believed to be follo,wed Casimir-Periwhich he still defies them. No, M. Monsieur Perier, but such an idea never crossed sira-uo- fn 100 Charleston, S. C, August 12. Tho about miles away in the vicinity against vieiierai Jiiercier. my mind. . At Xacy a man named Pisson was ar-- j of 'President. out, was Nassau, N. Drevfus hurried the but P. It is a well known Georgia Travelers Protective Associarested on the cha'rge of espionage and Jouaust You were president of the M. Demange had asked me at the gendarmes Immediately cleared fact the the that storms ; has of this character tion ran been years republic at the time of the arrest of nine to condemned three an excursion of four passenget 'cue tiicti, hi uvuv ejng xnrougn court room. often remain stationary you for some time 500 imprisonment, Captain Dreyfus. In this position francs fine and to be and M. Waldeck-Rousseamy request for trains into Charleston today and tho then start out with seemingly ren deprived of civil rights for a decade. Mercer played the now were able to have many particulars a public trial that this publicity should newed excursionists force. will epend three days at The Inroute istoday, upon the circumstances and causes of only be on West the war scare Of seventeen be the must effect but warrants the arrest of question condition that the dian the Isle will hurricane problematcomonly you very is of Palms, take discouraging to him, as his hearers sued to kindly fourteen were executed. the new seashoro-resor- t his arrest. I beg of the origin of the documents remainAccording to rumors current in off- ical. in Charleston harbor. Hotel municate them to the court. ed secret. I gave my word of honor not listened without stirring a muscle to Pensacola, August 12 The outer edge Seashore, Just completed, was openX M. Casimir-Perie- r, in a loud voice, to raise this question and in that I bow his story of how France was on the icial circles the affair is likely to proof the West Indian hurricane swept In honor of the drumere you ask before the superior interests of my threshold of a war with Germany. The duce serious consequences. It is statsaid: "Monsieur l'President, over Pensacola this afternoon. The There are nearly 1,000 this morning government possesses preme to speak the truth and all the truth. country. In my mind It was with the the have cried "wolf" too ed that excursionist la I have sworn to do it. I will speak defense and not with the president of often. cise and detailed instructions from the wind reached a maximum velocity of the party forty-tw- o nearly and every county la an miles achour, was Due and agents. d'Orleans to without reticence, without reserve, in the republic that the word "of honor was his At the outset of General 'Mercler's tesMeasures have been taken to pre- companied by a heavy rain. Several the state of Georgia Is represented, its entirety. "Whatever I may have said given. I never had an idea that an timony lie prepared the court for a war in the past, whatever the people may engagement was made between, the scare by declaring the emperor of Ger- vent M. Guerin from communicating vessels In the bay dragged anchor, but Owing to a severe Indisposition, Govbelieve and say, which unfortunately is president and myself. Never! Never! ! many personally took an active part in with persons outside his residence and no damage was done by the storm, ernor Candler could not come and denot always the same thing, that I alone Never!" the water, gas and telephone connec- which was of short duration. ; organizing espionage. liver an address for which, he was am aware have been tions which off. cut incidents and facts scheduled. HEAVY M. Jouaust "Then you declare false WIND AT KEY WEST. Governor McSweeney, General Mercier, when he had finishLeague of Patriots is organizing might throw' light, and that I have not The could gennot according ed testimony, to these attend the in letters his either, which owing is said the it to sickmeeting Key West, Fla., August 12. A heavy ness In hitherto said all, justice tfught to know president of the republic entered into a eral opinion, had said really nothing a for Tuesday next to protest family, tis Rou-ledbut e. against prominent other prevailed the wind is day. the that it here all false. I will not leave arrest of M. Paul de The steam- men spoke. certain engagements with ytu?" and had proved nothing. The overplace without saying all." er Further Olivette, of been the Line, made Plant arrests did not haw Dreyfus replied: "In my case, the whelming proofs he was to have thrown at various places in The former president, in a loud and sense on leave regular provinces. trip her the for Havcua court-martidown al has been completely distorted." before the members of the All weak places In your system efdistinct voice, repeated the evidence he and is still in port. The steamer LamCasimir-PeriapM. gave bombshell, to a failed like evidence his fectually given pasas closed against disease by De before had arrived from Galveeton and the court of cassation. with a blanched face, but in the de- pear and he left the court discredited. The witness read the text of the dis- termined Little New Early Risers. They York. sailed exfor Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepFears are Jitts the bowels, of a man who maintains cleans patch received by Count von Munster-Lebenbur- every wordtone pressed tonight she that will promptly cure because ingredients sia catch the are such its uttered, which Inspired conchronic constipation, the German ambassador at fidence in his West stings, Irritating regulate bites, hurricane, Indian scratches, reIs pubhelp it which so. doing can't the liver, that "The words. The members of wounds and cuts soothed and and fill you with new life and Paris, from Prince Hohenlohe, the Ger- the court-martiported Jupiter. upon can off rely lic healed vigor. remeas a It master listened to him re- by DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve, asure dy for all disorders arising man imperial chancellor, which the for- spectfully. Jacksonville, Fla, August 12. Sev- Small, pleasant, sure; never gripe. It. imfrom mer communicated to M. Casimir-Perie- r and safe application for tortured flesh. perfect digestion." James M. Thomas, eral vessels are at the mouth of the R. Bellamy. during a visit to the Elysee palace. It GENERAL MERCIER TESTIFIES. Beware of counterfeits. Root. R. Bel- M. D in American Journal of Health, river awaiting the outcome of the ap ran: lamy. proaching storm. The steamer Atlas Adjutant General Moorman letljtna N. Y. TL IL Bellamy. When his testimony was ended M. "His majesty, the emperor, having Casimir-Periesailed for Baltimore, but will hug shore New Orleans, August 12. General was conducted back to r every confidence in the loyalty of the ready to run in. Sailing vessels George and be Surgeon m The Appetite The Fooled lie Goat of by a Moorman, who for many years officer president of the republic and the gov- his seat are closely reefed. The schooner MeAll eyes were by doctors envied directed poor Is Renick Hamilton, told all dyspeptics of haa and all been General John B. Gordon's adtowards a ernment of the republic, begs your excosta, laden with lumber Cayenne, jutant door to the right. There was a moment West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 whose Stomach and Liver are out of F. G.. from Providence, R.for cellency to tell M. Casimir-Perie- r general and chief of staff anthat I ran into suspense and then General months from Rectal Fistula, he would order. All such should know that Dr. Mayport for harbor. nounces it is proved the 'German embassy was of painfulentered a letur today that bus'incES Several vessels the court room and die unless a costly operation was per- King's New Life Pills, the wonderful cleared today, but will not sail until Interests in never implicated in the Dreyfus affair. Mercier compel his resignation. Genstand by formed; but he cured himself with five Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a the weather permits. His , majesty hopes the government of was conducted to the witness eral Moorman has right splendid of been a conspicuous appetite, boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the hand besound digestion and the republic will not hesitate to declare a soldier. He lifted his A GALE AT MOBILE. every regular bodily on Pile surest perswore cure at earth, to and and crucifix a the best tell habt the that insures the so. Without a formal declaraton, the fore Mobile, Ala.; August 12. A south- held since the United Conleterate legend which here continues xo.s.pread 1 whole truth. The witness appeared to Salve in the World. 5 cents a bcx. fect health and great energy. Only 25c. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, Druggist. easter came with great force at 3 crans Association was organized Veu at R. R. Bellamy drug store. regarding the German embassy would ' De broken in health. He spoke In es

Byrthe Entire Audience Ion General Mercier.



In 3?orto Rico Strewn With Wrecked ings and Dead Human Bodies.







Ex-Preside- nt




! !




Anti-semite- s,



Anti-Semi- te

j i

af-terfn- oon

Anti-Semi- te


















semi-offici- al








Anti-Semi- te



























j ;















Vol IV. The Huugry Sea Took Tithe of the Living.

Morehead City, N. C, August 21. The following is the list of persons drowned while away from home fishing last Friday during the terrible northwest storm : Kilby Smith, John Smith, Elijah Smith, Wallace Smith. All of these were brothers. John Styron, James W. Ellis, Henry Willis, Joe Lewis, John Lewis, Joe Salter, John Salter, Kilby Rose, Bart Salter, William Salter. All live at Hunting Quarters, N. C., and nearly all of them have families. The storm in the eastern part of Carteret county were extremely severe. Many hundreds of banker ponies, sheep and cattle pastured on core banks were drowned. This was the worst storm in this part of the country in years, it having been twenty years to a day since the terrible storm that washed away the Atlantic Hotel at Beaufort. Beaufort, N. C, August 21. Sixteen fishermen were camping on Swan Island, near the mouth of the Neuse river, during the recent storm. The island was overflowed, compelling them to seek the mainland. In the attempt all of their boats were capsized except one drowning fourteen consisting of four Smith and Salter brothers and six others. All were married and men of large families, citizens of Piney Point, Carteret county. A crew of four more why were carnp-in- g on another island are missing, and are undoubtedly drowned. The two survivors saved themselves by cutting away their boat's mast and throwing their cargo overboard. They witnessed the drowning of their companions, but were powerless to aid ttiem. Washington, N. C, August 21. The Old Dominion steamer arrived from Ocracoke last evening at 8:30 loaded iswith passengers from the land and today a pall of sadness and gloom hangs over our city. Not since the awful storm of 1S46 has Ocracoke been the witness of such scenes, The whole island is a complete wreck. The wind reached a velocity of seventy miles an hour and the sea was breaking from twenty to thirty feet high on the island. Thirty-threhouses were destroyed seven chimneys "ne, two churches wrecked aud two souls hurled into eternity was the story whispered iu our car as the passengers placed their feet upon terra firma. Two souls sleep iu a waterv grave, yet to God all the praise that so many seemingly doomed to meet a similar fate were saved and restored to the bosom of their loved ones. The wind began to blow on last ' Tuesday about noon and increased all all the time until Wednesday when it registered almost a hurricane on Wednesday night between 12 and 2 o'clock the Schooner L. W. Willis, in charge of Captain R, S. Griffin parted two anchor chains, causing her to drift to the inlet land on a shoal about three miles from where she originally was. The Willis left here last Friday one wee.. ago for Ocracoke with pleasure party on board consisting of A. S. Kelly, O. M. Winfield, J.. B. Latham, T. vv. Phillips, Spencer Brook, P.. Ross, Lyndin Shaw, George L. Buck-maHugh Paul and John Ross. Of this parts of pleasure seekers two drowned: Mr. George Buckman, one of our most honored and oldest citizens and father of Mr. J. F. Buckman, and the cook, Henry Blango, colored. Mr. A. S. Kelly is in a precarious condition.due to exposure and famine. The lay boat used for the purpose of transporting passengers to and from the island parting her citizens, drifting a mile and a half and went ashore near Portsmouth. The custodian and his wile were rescued Triday afternoon by the crew at Portsmouth. The schooner Willis was in such a position that only her masts could be staseen by the crew 0 the tion. Saturday morning a distress signal was seen flying from the mast of the Willis. Assistance was immediately station and rendered by the A, S. fcelly, Jobn Ross, passengers and Captain Griffin and mate Benjamin e



Griffin, were taken off the ill fated vessel and carried to the hotel Ponder, where they were welcomed with words of joy and all done for them that could be, but two were missHng. Tears intermingled with smiles of joy, smiles for the rescued, tears for those for whom fate had willed otherwise. The rest of the party of the Willis fortunately were at the lathe mill house when the btorm began and and would have been on the Willis

and perhaps met their death had the wind not frustrated their oflbrts. After the Willis went ashore she almost immediately filled with water and sand, causing those on board to be forced on deck and to secure themselves in the rigging. Mr. Buckman, who was nearer the water than the rest, being old in years his power of holding on soon weakened, and he succumbed to the angry deep, and now sleeps beneath its waves. Mr. Kelly also gave way, but fortunately the cap tain and mate were near and they held him all Thursday night when the storm was at its worst in their arms. Heroism and bravery we love

to write.

Henry Blango, colored, the cook, on Friday died on deck from exhaustion and was washed overboard. On the island untold suffering Is the story. Captain Hull's house is a total loss. Eagle House saloon gone, Hotel Ponder badly damaged, Captain house badly damaged, Dey's saloon and billiard room washed off of its blocks and damaged S. Bndg- man's porch and cottage washed away and kitchen and dining room a total loss, Tuthill house badly wrecked, sleeping apnrtments washed several feet. The boarders while sitting at the table iu the Tuthill House could see the floor rise over a foot in response to the waves. Mr. Luke Tuthill's house was carried thirty feet; trie chimneys at Capiain Bragg's house were blown down and crushed in one end of the house; tne Southern M. E. church is total loss, and the Northern M. E. church was washed off its blocks ; two school houses are gone. The unfortunates on tha schooner Willis went without water and food from Wednesday to Saturday noon. The ball room at the hotel was turned into a room of prayer. Captain F. G. Tuthill. of the Portsmouth life saving station, reports the following wrecks1 .Schooner turned over in the bight at Royal shoals, crew missing ; Norfolk and Southern boat ashore on Hog Island ; schooner L. A. Willis, Captain R. S. Griffin, of Washington, S, C, wrecked near Oracoke inlet, two men lost, four saved by men from the Portsmouth life savinjr statton cloop Helen Roxie, Captain Kelley, ashore on the beach ; schooner ashore on Harbor Island, name unknown, as the crew from the life saving station have not rescued them;steamer Neuse of N. and S. R. R. Co., ashore at the mouth of the harbor in about three feet of water. Out of twenty fishermen on Swan Island fourteen were lost ; Northwest Point lighthouse was damaged and lost one boat and provisions. Portsmouth suffered like Ocracoke and had houses blown down and horses and cattle drowned. It is also reported that a new inlet has opened on the north 6ide of Ocracoke with about four feet of water in it. Tilg-man- 's

provement, co.,from whom the State leases, charges in his testimony gross incompetency since Superintendent Leazar was removed. The reason the farm was not profitable was on account of mismanagement. Mr. S. Blossom, a citizen at Castle Hayne, corroborated Shearer's testimony in every salient point and went for John R. Smith with gloves off. Smith was familiar with convicts and employes and spent little time at the farm. Many of the employes were addicted to drink. H. H. Rasberry, steward at Lyree's camp, admitted the unsanitary condition of the camp at times. Several of the convicts from Goldsboro brought vermin into camp. His books and records produced for vere incomplete and examination unsatisfactory to the committee. Dr. T. F. Nixon, physician at the farm, also admitted the unsanitary condition of the camp, and denied charges of drunkenness. Wm. H. Chadbourn, director of the penitentiary from January, 1897, to January, 1898, testified as to conference with Russell regarding Smith The Governor was dissatisfied with Smith.

4IX tTIt 1Z ISLANl Aug. 4,

Ali. 1S99.

Editors Times: The detachment of the battery which was sent to Yosemite National Park two mouths ago was relieved there on August 7, so we have joined the battery on Alcatraz again. We had a fine time in Yosemite Park and were sorry to leave there, although we are having a good time on Alcatraz for duty is light here. Alcatraz is a military prison only, and all we have to do is to guard prisoners, while at work. They are securely locked up at night. Alcatraz is a beautiful place situated on a moun tain surrounded by the San Francisco bay, and midway between Oakland and San Francisco and in full view of Angel Island, Fort Mason, and Presidio. At night when these cities and different points are lighted it is something worth looking at. It doesn't rain here during summer and all the cultivated land that I've seen is more or less irrigate'd. Thou sands of cattle die on those large plains for lack of water. On my way to and from Yosemite Park 1 traveled over two different branches of the Southern Pacific 11. R., and I never saw any crops grow ing whatever, except hay, oranges, lemons, grapes or raisins and other fruits of various kind. These are the principal crops of California. I have been asked the question whether or not my battery would go to the Philippines, will say that so far we are not under any orders and it is uot probable that we will be for there is a sufficient force of artillery in the Philippines and on route to these islands. Artillery isn't needed in the Philippines somuchas infantry and cavalry; futher more we have the finest battery in the 3rd arty; and it is an official rumor that we are to be held in reserve and sent to the Paris exposition in 1M0 as representatives of the American Artillery. (We hope 1

No. 29





A New

Claims of Dockery.

Rennes, Aug. 22. Today's event has been the coinage of a new phrase which deserves to endure as long as the history of the Dreyfus case itself. Labori had been pressing Ceneral Gonze vehemently for an explanation of why the general staff persisted in shielding Esterhazy, permitting him finally to escape, despite the over whelming evidence against him. Gonzo dodged and parried, getting more aud until finally he more discomfited, IS9S," In other words, h asks for an in burst out "But Esterhazy was not vestigation of the Wilmington troub- accused in special circumstances." It is rumored tonight that Dreyfus' les by Congress. As stated by your this is what last winter, prosecutors on the general staff in correspondent the Republicans want and this is what tend to abandon the theory which they will urge in connection with the they have all persisted in until now, election contested case in the Wil- that the prisoner wrote the bordereau, and to take the ground that he and mington district. of the Esterhazy were accompanied and that In asking for a E the latter, of course, was the author of W. of affidavit an he case appends at taken the the bordereau as he now claims., Ind, Henderson, Indianapolis, as late as August 2, 1890. In that Hen- If there is anything in the rumor it the desperate extremities of derson states that "six days prior to the election, the Wilmington Messen the piosecution, for it is incredible ger, Morning Star and Evening Dis- that they except the acceptance of a patch, all daily papers, contained ar- radically new theory at this late day. The sensation tonight is Colonel ticles calculated to intimidate and make afraid the colored citizens by Schueider's letter to the Paris Figaro, means of threats and violence in case stating that the letter attributed to they attempted to register and vote." him is a forgery, even if he wrote the Further along in his affidavit he contents of it, which he does not states that '"Senators Pritchard and because the date was altered, and Butler and Gov. Russell were forced declaring that he certainly never wrote to abandon their respective engage such a document on the date assigned ments to speak at Wilmington and in 1897, because his opinion then was New Hanover county." absolutely different from that expressfur Henderson ed in the letter. colored men, Many Nationalists are jubilant over this ther asserts in his affidavit, were strick r en from registration and the burden of half admission and declare that is completely cleared. They add proof placed upon them that when they tried to disproved it the clerk was out that other documents in the secret dosof his office all day and could not be sier are equally genuine. found. Thai a large number refused The Dreyfusites explain theeonten to vote or register for fear of losing of the letter by declaring that Colonel their jobs. I heard registrars say to Schneider, if he wrote it, did so in the mayor of the city that they were 1894, when he was piqued by his exforced to sign false returns. I will fur- clusion from the combination that Colther state that at one of the precincts onel Schwantzkoppen forme a for the in said city I saw an armed posse lying pose of obtaining information from at or near the voting precinct all after- France.

Washington, Aug. 22. Oliver H. Dockery, has asked Congress, in his brief filed in the contested election case of Dockery vs. Bellamy Sixth district of North Carolina, to reopen his case and "take up the investigation of theSe unparalleled political crimes where he has been forced to leave it, and through its committee bring out and fclpwihe House the whole of that great iniquity called the election of




While in the mayor's office I heard a call for protection from several of the precincts. While in the mayor's heard that the polling later, it had been closed had after place been broken in and the boxes stuffed. Further, that armed men were patrol-in- g the streets during the night of the election, terrorizing the citizens, and will give facts and circumstances concerning the Republicans being forced to abandon their ticket and the forcing of colored nun not to register, etc. Subscribed and sworn to before me this :d day of August, iS9g. Seal JOHN H. RADER. Notary Public. Henderson says that he was driven from Wilmington and is now a resident of Indiana. Claudius Dockery also figi.r the affidavit line to have a congressional investigation. He says Claudius Dockery, being sworn by me, the undersigned notary public, deposes and says That since the election of 1898 he has been acting for the contestant above named in the matter of procuring witnesses to testify in the above entitled contest. office





All Pull Together.



PopuOmaha, Aug. lists and Silver Republicans held conventions here today and nominated Silas A. Holcomb, Populist, for Supreme Court Judge. There was some opposition to him on the part of the Democrats, but Matt Gerring, on in structions from Bryan, made a personal appeal to the Democrats to stand by their promise made to the Populists two years ago, that the Democrats would this year endorse a Populist. Every mention of Bryan's name as presidential candidate for 1900, and free silver as the leading issue, was

applauded. 'Ihe platforms of,;the three parties were similar excepr';in the matter of some phrrseology. They favor income tax, fair treatment ojt Filippinos and Cubans; jpppose mijitagsm and entangling


'alliaWs, endjr)rseryan for 1900 allejianc to the Chicago

r .

Come to


In the



Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 2:. Harry M. Atkinson, President of the Georgia Electric Light Company and Secretary of the Collins Belt Street Railway, and Councilman W. S. Thomson came to blows on the street here this evening as a result of Mr. Thomson's denudation of the Boston man in the council yesterday. The encounter took place on Alabama street near the Constitution building:. No very serious damage was done, due perhaps to the and quick interference of passers-bfriends of the combatants. Only a few blows were struck, and these were landed by Mr. Atkinson on Colonel Thomson's face Colonel Thomson says Mr. Atkinson struck him before he (Thomson) knew the latter was him. Colonel Thomson was knocked to the ground by the first blew, and his face is badly bruised. During the day the two men were looking for each other, and Colonel Thomson armed himself with a heavy walking stick when he left home this morning. It is believed that friends of the combatants will arrange a conciliation between the parties before further damage is done. Colonel Thomson's speech yesterday denouncing Northern speech and "Yankees" in particular, has been severely criticised by business men today, as entirely uncalled for, coming as it did from a citizen of Atlanta, a city in which much Northern money is invested. y

Kruger Yields.

London, Aug. 22. The Vorning Leader prints a dispatch fn'ui Cape Town, saying that President Kruger has yielded to British deman.M and r will grant a retroactive franchise. He will also allow four additional members from the gold fields in each Raad, and will increase their representation if their number of enfranchised Uitlandersjustifies it. The dispatch adds that the governor of Lorenzo Marquez admits that he stopped consignments of arms to the Transvaal at the Instance of Great Britain, five-yea-

t ;jt

"V f





The sad nevs of the horrible accithrough which Mr. Junes Fulghum lost his daughter has just reached us, we cannot help extending our sympathy to the bereaved parCastle llayiie Probed. and family. Thanking the ents for the past favors, I remain. Timks Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 21. The A. B, BAILEY. penitentiary investigating commitCorp'l Baty B 3rd, Arty. tee, all members present, were in session this morr'ng and afternoon Negroes Buy Guns. and the testimony of several officials and citizens was heard. Disinterested Little, Aug 22. Negroes are highwitnesses testified that the camp at ly excited over the arrest yesterday times was in very unsanitary condi- of forty one negroes, charged with tion and that sewerage was allowed being assailants of five white women. to overflow on the ground near the The arrest led to more lawlessness and well from which drinking water was the negroes are preparing for a race used. This state of affairs caused an war. Dealers in weapons reported today epidemic of fever last summer and a were of the the sale of armes and cartridges that prisoners large proportion was the largest in the hiswork. for The yesterday her,by incapacitated odor from the camp could be detected tory of the city. The better classes of negroes say they will not permit 100 yards away. Mr. W. H. Sharin, superintendent lynching. Bad negroes threaten; to of the New Hanover land and Im start a race war it a negro is lynched.

Phrase Coined.

) .








THE WILMTNGTON MESSENGER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1899. counter and putting a pistol at the worthy, valuable and enterprising citiNORTH CAROLINA cashier's head said, "Give me ray zen. He was successful and generous. gave lately (5,000 to the ISethodlst 13,000 or you are a dead man." He got Tarboro Southerner: One thing is IrpMliage certain the crop La . bping juarket'ed to be erected at Raleierh. the money, and was the only depositor' here as rapidly faa cAo be and about wha did. He was prompt in inception $e wii the father of the,, cultured and. tljo rarmersare JBtidhl t It pcteraed thAt




OF WIUIINGTON. viE i?AVnfryya.OFr nnsivr ; vv wit r p: wA ATTrr?JT R Tr have the;



was and(pornpt, "in e,civtidn pour The British Fariiamena is asked to ireneral In War atiki la finance Vo u see. i v. jjaxton Scottish Chief has beer mn more tisirf IJKpT Jttfesi eight vote for, raising a force At SiOOO rnin "The11f?v4i Fptre& is" h at, Aito MaxtoaJera:d urpcy Scotfr: Tie J.Jkd&" Corun- "'&ATfeNT,&btbBER lOtli? additional for South jifrtca. St" has Tennessee. McKensie, who company's mines at Shooting long K un has. so dum had been but Just announcedjirithin three have shut down for the present Loans and discounts.. $:5215.TS Capita! stock der Ma change, rtetines, and ir. C. A. Creek or four days that 50,000 troops now on water. scarcity account To Cure LoGrippo In Two Days. of the of S. U. 6S. 000.00 CirculiUon :Z and bonds other ,r ready, will be dispatched at once for Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Brown becomes- editor- and proprietor. This t3 the largest corundum plant ia Demand loans DepoMt, publv?t to check 40.000.00 long nwpaper gnt4emafwf t -.- .". onl. means V much if It He, 7S0.f Net. coflts... wnffiiirare exttl'txtures: the Jseit of war. Oif tC4norroi kix. All druggi3ts refund theimtaey , ' LaVad Ave . nope expdtfcncfc meet couQlry- 1 r n Rederhr-tkM- i . t t Signature 2.i3.Co W. GrdvVs to cure. E. fails frti iroop snips wm leave soumarapiuu, is on . eachbox 25c. . . RevenufiL .siampa . . . with-al- l : .C0 poesibte eueeess it will-b- e Times: Chnr. Iu:.bm-4 Engiand,and this" will be followed for Cash due col Carpenter, and from son banks... Daniel old of J.0LS1 genuinely democratic ."Good luck'! at ored, of llarrta 'township acf.fientai!y sitf liaa with jqtMi ahipsrW .taking; "WK HAVE fsfXNED. r cfcej. jte ten ftf.'VJf shot himself with a pito2. on Monday regard abiJiers.' 50,(0 - iTHi Is ed as Ithe 0 ..Tfce bail passed, through, his body ; laai. SOLD. greatest undertaking ever before made. Alas! we 'offended Jdur bright arid weekly, FOREIGN BOUGHT AND EXCHANGE That excellent the Rich and he,i.on Monday flight, , . , ttt published in Narthamp The J'hi.adeiphia-- . Record ,says .that newsy daily contemporary at Greens- Square .Times, Durham. .iln; Durina a, revivaj ia W-C?- ; vi i ' '( v J. V; poWby by6nd: "sxrch aIt v?k wotrid be boro, the Telegram, the what we said ton county; says that negroes from that Davie county,. E. D. Cf Pope. raa inv: govern"a owner of the was He , , , f; Prtkldent. . CbJ er of an: other- European, nation, for recently'Vf the flight ot the cooks from section sjre'stfll Jjgbiog", J: If.' Virginia, erted.distillery immediateiy alter and ment raih-'odcentre, was ho:, a fleet of merchantmen to that' breezv 'it r none New Jersey, New York and otter states his conversion- he;WU, to his distillery " i r III 'exactly s tonnage comparable on in "Flight of un north to live. About two hundred and tore-thnot the the. Duchess; draw pr; sills from the furnace and Priscilla wears a gown or serge. - 1 Wilmington .Sayings r rilusratIon; Afackttvp&Sn; destroyed, was InftUrinT; trdA or jBritish'' ! cha'tft; ytar. main i what beer there numberW Vithithe "(see Robert iafv gofte, f rom pr a f resh section y 'the tubs:. What whiskey was on gray eyes, peep coyly out marine, rne army aooui 10 oe sent oui Brownim?) that we attemptea to con? and their absence has been felt In the In harid was in the government warehouse ,Her sweet o;- -v Beneath. a sailor's brim. from England will be by far the largest si&er in aVaragrapti, but a really more making and housing of crops to some and tie had; r right to trouble that land 'force that has ever left her shores important "fight the ISO cooks upon extent. Those whd go 'are, for the most without it. He yeifl hayeto But In the Safe Deposit' fund. IS THE STRONGEST STRlCTlY-.SIYln' account, government the, .for lha tp. will' it for a campaign 'beyond the seas; whom depended., the breakfast of. the parU able bodied and the thrifty beer" as though Tie BftNK IN NORTH CAROLINA. Five silver dollars bright. . converted It into be twice the siza of the British contin men, ol the Jiejegrara 4 ana xrj ptner men and women, ihe 'aged, the de whiskey, ar.d this had wiR cst him about She stores away 'gainst rainy day ASSETS. OVER Sr.OO.OOO. gent in the Crimean war and greatly households. But bear the-- severity , of crepit and the children are left behind." $32. 3 ; i . zi As flight. each, month takes its Market value of stock iZ&OM iu gold These repeated migrations from mapy superior in n umber 10 the British army the Greensboro contemporary upon our vkwted Ralerh.- - t Post: Burglars for each UW in stock. show-thathe labor question Joneeboro:on the night of the iith, Por "what I save." she say?. "I have under "Weiiington at Waterloo. attempt rat jjleasahtry "after copying sections Deposits bear Interest at 4 ptr cvht. effected, an . entrance aisoa into doomed, to become a question of the and Why t..4H great demonstration, thi3 what we said: is I spend While on what dress, quarterly. compound , & X5regoiys large brickr stare Main t :. z r goes greatest only at lowest rate on apmade awhile, "pith of labor and means. and Pleases Loans out moment." style, vast exi Not of and Trade streets. They prized .open quoted paragraph is from above "The security. proved and pen;..ips of men too? Are the the much esteemed Wilmington- Mes- the question of cooks and house ser the front door, in Trade street with a . And leaves me penniless II. WALTERS J. W. NORWOOD, Boers so great, so awful fighters that senger"; Its- - alF fight, probably, ex vants Dut ot iarm nanus win soon grow crowbar, although it was stroDgly fas But he Safe Deposit fund in are into a condition demanding the most tened with, a large: store :l$ck. i After Vice President President., it takes 100,000 men to deal with them? cept the last insolent sentenced We I've put ten fives this year, they entered they proceeded to. the of argu ther pith of to compelled the shift consideration W"hile tae world fice and began work on the safe, which. And when ten more Increase the store, It is said the Boers can muster 60,000 J. S. WORTH, and state " that' the erudite Dr. pareful fighters, That is the estimate of a ment laborers, however, filled with' proved is too the southern much for them. Kingsbury's-educatio- n Acting Cashier. I'll have hundred clear." is remarkably in ruining the combi- military authority in Berlin.'! 'incomplete' if he has not yet learned whites as a whole prefer negro labor if ve it can be made useful arid satisfactory- - the large outer door vbgkqi xzfiffffi town. Germany. Another estimate even puts that CireensDOFO is no emailbusiness; nation iarrangement and in damaging STATEMENT reputation, the the the have OF ATLANTIC NATIONAL , BAHK targe outer door and hinges. , it greater at 67,000. This force is com- population, th3 advantages and" facili the The recent several serious robberies : : : r : ' posed of soldiers from Cape Colony, ties and all the ..: city, (' i ota ' " , That Troubling Headache. , , , v"T the Transvaal, Natal, and Orange Free and what is- more, one of the leading that have occurred at Durham, Raleigh Carolina, and our friends, Jonesboro and one or two other points vVould quickly leave you, If tou'-use-d State'. England has a big army wildly ones of Northspeakingrof At the Close of Business rpt. 7th, 1899. Condensed from Report us will please probably the skillful 'work of northOr. King's New Life Pills. Thovanda scattered. It is in fact a prodigious observe the dignity becoming our im are ' rr.atch-i:-s- s proved ' of to Comptroller. have auffarers their ern "professionals." The Durham Head-'acheforce if it could be concentrated, aggre- portance. Sick and Nervous for merit " They- - make pure blood and gating nearly 750,000. According to the We take it all back, cry peccavi, and Herald gives this hint: police1 roundup Raleigh strong5 will "If the 'nerves ' and build1 up - your New I'ork . World this, force is thus promise; not to offend Greensboro in the fakirs at the fair they. will undoubtRESOURCES. i LIABILITIES. health. Easy to take. Try them. Only Loans JC69.597.45 t : 125.000.00 i: Capital j V J '. way a made up: must be again. mystery burgedly is 23 and solve the of the that It cents. Money back If not cured. Overdrafts 255.03 Surplus and undivided proms 95.S47.41 "The regular army consists of 11,231 "city." You see we 'sinned ' naturally laries committted here and at Raleigh." ?old by R. R. Bella my. druggist. 93,600.00' Circulation U. S. Bonds (at par) 4l.040.0O 'cavalry, 16,989 artillery, 5,368 engineers and easily. .Being of English, descent you never read of the is it How. that Banking S. House Deposits, U. 10.000.M and Fixtures. and 65,6.j0 infantry, making a total of , ,STATE I'll ESS Due from approved 50.000.00 Treasurer 99,258 men under arms in Qreat Britain. on both sides, and having long been a shooting of robbers and "burglars? ' , Agts Reserve 5I.S94.75 202.269.74 Deposit banks from In Egypt;' the colonies, 'India and else- reader of British publications news Due Judge man right the in 573,501.55 Deposit's. Shaw from is other thp Rev. J. R. H. an able Presbyterian Individ... where are 121,743 men, making a total 'papers, periodicals, and books, we have righX" place.. Sorry 'all our., judges .'are 167.609.20 Banks 860,871.2 of dep. 35.O0O.4K) Certificates England, New is army in 221,003. is minister, and regularl of These are the come some on Quite", evil Cash not "of, numbfer 326,806.2? a. 107.J02.27 him,' like. hand...... English tastes. what under figures for the end of 1858. An addition writing interesting ' letters from that doers .knov, liat it is to appear "behas:bec-- made this year which swells Over there' they speak of a place with part Total $ltX229i'i$iO JU22.758.tfr Total of Emperor William's dominions. fore" a judge Who has 'the backbone to the total to 250,111, butdetails are not 60.000 inhabitants as a "town,'" while a his'-du'Airj' discharge Mt. Xaithfuro'. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. He writes in the spirit of good will and accessible. The reserves of the first class number town of 5,000 or 10,000 people they des as an observant' traveller. He attends Sept.7. '99 Sent. 7. '98. SDt. 7. 97. McKinley- - refuses to interfere in- the 83,0o0, the reserves of the second class ignate a "village." We must have had gatherings pf Deposits Total JSG0.S0O J4S7.0O0 J711.500 including various kinds quarrel between England and the Boers Surplus and Net Profits only Clemen. ' The militia numbers 138,- -' the English way in mind when we "81.S00 95,800 69.300 week he because his interference would give of churches. letter .his last In 961, the yeomanry 11,891, the volunteers 6 per cent, paid per Dividends annum. Capital cf I'ni.l Installment Last dared, and most unfortunately to refer gave this interesting item, and it re- some foreign power the right rto interr 1892. ' 263.963. in October; ere- in Ms private Philippine war. ,We The total home and colonial forces to Greensboro as a "small town." We minded us of what he Messenger had ffind LEE II. HATTLE. Cnsliler. J. W. NORWOOD, President. nothing m the Scriptures to the 669,259 men. The regular recant, recall, retreat It is veritably amount to sriiallness comparative of the of said loveth a coward. effect that the Lord forces on the Indian establishment a North Carolina "city" and a hustler, : casualties in recent wars of Uncle Sam. Asheviille Citizen. number 73,162, making a grand total of and "Kurnel" Jim Boyd lives there Mr. H. writes: ; 742,421 men." Without committing' ourselves to General Washington, Carr's candidacy, we are free with his feet "Mrs.; Judere told '.somebody that I At present the British force in Africa when not in jav in our opinion ha would that io does, n .t exceed, probably: 35,000. Those in a feed trough of Uncle Samuel. You was 'Mrs. Jackson's pastor, and "from make the state an exceflifnt- to sail at once thousands Lof miles see brother "Telegram" we are apolo- that time oh I was a distinguished He could ?eTtainQy be depended upon man. You should, hear, these old blue to be diligenU and un'tiring in his efaway amount. to 50,000. The, parlia- getic and we hone our. severely irate jackets .Condensed from Report' to Cdtiiptroller at Close ot Husincss .talk about the; Spanish 'war,' forts t& serve his constituents. Wades-borr the Cuban 'veterans aridthe' 'battle' of ment is asked for 35,000 more.' It looks contemporary will let us off gently Messenger.:. . 7th September, KS'J!). , Santiago. Their contempt is inimita- ' ' as if not less than 150,000 men was the 3 , more people no of Is class assets; If there t LIABILITIES. ble. I ventured to say to, "one who was SUPPLEJACK MCKINLEY. number that it is proposed to concenthe Loans and discounts.. J369.41X49 Capital surplus and profits... J120.820.02 freely expressing himself' on this sub- imposed upon than - another it issomepeople.- That railroads Bonds at par 117.300.0i Circulation trate for the wiping out of the Boers i D0.000.00 McKinley is like some others, he can ject, 'Fighting Spaniards and fighting railroadpractice Banking imposition business house and the 350.C03.C0 deposits.... furniture times Total two. you are defending their own land against different things, :. .. not so state facts as to give right con rebels . 23,000.00 Bills payable thPTrnsfvlvea. there is t.o doubt,, - but fixtures . . . 50,000.00 The'j exfp was assent , think?" this Suppose it was Germany in- elusions. He will mistate, ignore, per pressed Redemption sustainin brought.and U. fund often are with charges in language .too emphatic; to be S. Treasurer 4.5W.W ed, .against them by juries on the stead of the 'weak states warred upon vert. He is very slick, and is inventive repeated in your columns.". ' ro on Cash hand and due from most friolous would Great Britain be less eager for in errors. He would make a very poor 97,210.13 Banks Telegram.. a trial of conclusions? Cape Town Dewey to Visit Cities Later. Southern general. not or If he could ' f $61L423.6i! J611.423.C2 Washington, October 19. Admiral Africa is perhaps : 8,000 .miles from handle figures better than he does or ' In Ohio. Bryan Southampton, England. It is a big job count noses with more accuracy he Dewey received a call today from a .plodding steadily along, We are do ing a safe and conservative business. Greenville. Ohio., October 19. Wil delegation from Macon, Ga., headed by pleased your will be have, We to account, and offer you absolute safety, and to send big armies that distance. Bryan and the Bryan; Mrs. would bankrupt the concern or make Representative Bartlett and President liam J. of all the accommodation account will warrant, and at the very bent that who accompanied, the rates possible. Referring to our own war of aggres- war upon a wrong count and be licked Smith, of the chamber of commerce of newspaper-meKentucky, crossed who presented an invitation to nartv throughoutCovington sion upon a much inferior people, the out of his boots. Take this, for it is Macon, ' last night from river the 'Macon-to Dewey visit1 Admiral Record says, comparing distances and recent. In his 45th stump speech in him provided special train the boarded expressed his thanks and said that and - difticuties: The Ohio. of tour davs' the for three South Dakota( and the Sun says he is while he regretted he could notr make S. during Dayton, to run was train Southampton to '"The distance from repeats ideas, etc.) the visit at the time of Tiis trip to At- night, where the private car of John the great speaker a but R. Cape Town is somewhat greater than lanta, yet he expected to go "south durwas attached and at (jreen- that between San Francisco and Ma- he got off this bit of error, and it was ing the winter or early spring, and at McLean Ville. Darke county, today Mr. Bryan Macoatr and Sanila; and whereas the problem con- not meant for'fun either:. "We have a that time he would visit ' : delivered - his first address in Ohio. --Hi ': fronting "our army transport service is little insurrection in the Philippines vannah. was an immense crowd present. There ,the carriage of about 30,000 men and which I trust will be very promptly The decorations were numerous and their equipments to the Philippines in suppressed." a Given Medal for Tea Savine Lives. tasteful and the enthusiasm prothe space of about three months, the Celebrated Washington, 19. : secreOctober The nounced. That "little insurrection" which he tary of the treasury, upon the recom British authorities are wrestling with to party was escorted p5-DERThe visiting tl.a far more serious one of transport- caused from the start and has kept it mendation of the board of award of the BY the court house square by. a mounted ing an army' nearly twice as large, in up, has been ' going on for a year or life saving service, has presented, to body, largely composed of 'the farmers as many weeks. The dispatch pf 15,000 nearly so. S. Midgett Rasmus country. Dr. L. C. Anderson gold a for Washing of dispatch the medal A from sc :diers from England to Egypt in 18S2 conspicuous and heroic presided res conduct and introduced Mr. John' R. in within three weeks was considered a ton of two or three days ago had this, cuing ten persons from the wrecked McLean, the democratic candidate for gi eat feat at the time and was said to and it is a suitable commentary upon schooner Precilla, off Cravats for Function,. Sport and Business. governor: light Gulf Shoal and Mr. McLean introduced hi ve elicited words of praise even from saving station, unchallenged McKinley's misleading statement and leader North Carolina, during Mr. Bryan as the the taciturn Von Moltke." tne nurricane or August last. of the democratic masses! up ignorance duplicity: his shows and IN IN FACT ALL England evidently fears European "The combined military and naval complication judging from its moveI have just -opend another lot of Colored Shirts that you of the United States in the Phil irritability RS. ment in the call of Empress Victoria to forces says disease.. indicates PINKHAM that should sec. will soon be time for you to change your ippines, when ail the troops and ships embody all of the reserves and more if now under orders rea6h their destinaUnderwear." So don't foruct my htock is new. . Women who are nervous and snappish are to be aggregate seventy more will tion than required. The country that starts out pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable; their dis- forty-fiv- e vesmen war thousand and may expect combiria to grab the earth ipositions grow constantly worse. Such women need the counsels." tions against her and untold wars and sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar A litttle Insurrection indeed! General expenditures of life and money. Washington never commanded one fifth troubles of her sex. army Mrs. Anna E. Hall, of Mill-dal- e, of an of the size of McKinley's t--.T t--LOUD WOIWELY ON GEN. FORREST force he is preparing to fight the "little Conn., was all run down in insurrection", with.' The World says of health and had completely lost The Messenger, recently gave what McKinley's folly and misrepresentacontrol of her nerves. She wrote that great military - captain, General tion: to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn," Mass. ' Joseph E. Johnston, said of General "A list of the regiments and ships : writes Now she 10,000 advices for ACHES LitOiD , . t was given. not Wolsely, of considerable Is this Bedford Forrest. Lord at the you for put wish thank what to to a a HALF . insurrecMILE down force C. L. "little FROM A. "I head of the British army, has some army Philippines The in is the tion!" your me me. helped done Vegetable Compound has for It has kind words too which the Messenger is more than double the size of our entire This plantation lays on the east side of the North Bast Caae FarTrla?r. sir more suffered time with nera long for anything I else. than miles from the. city of Wilmington, N. C, one-ha- lf gratified to copy. He says of the great standing army before the war with mile from' the' Atlantic ; . . Line Rail Coast Road. Spain. vousness, falling limbs womb; of and is pains in and the times size the back of three the It . soldier's command over his men: The-highlands to are adapted well and fruits required 'truck ?rowinir of all ttnriA whip Spain to In Cuba force also had neuralgia in my nead and could not sleep, i I told especially strawberries and lettuce timber and oaks pine and hickory.' "They were reckless men who looked and Porto Rico. And it is three and a my husband that someto him as their master, their leader, half times bigger than the armies unAsanas isveu wiin grey .oam ana ciay lounaation. ' The river sides are hijrh overlooking: the most beautiful sstream in the south plied by : small bluffs and over whom he had obtained the der Scott and Taylor, that conquered thing must be done, for river, steamers, making the city easily. accessable to ail on the plantation. most complete control. He possessed Mexico." c I was nearly frantic with 5 Natural drainage, with the exception of a small ;partlon . .which . will reau ire that rare tact unlearnable from books which enabled him not only effective pain, tiaving reaa pi , ... HOME FOLKS. . .. . . rT f I i xwu Iy to control those fierce, turbulent eiiea lur nuns, wun UJ) inexnaUSUDie Supply Ol VfAlfiT. ' i wonderful s cure the The lowlands aTe adapted. to rce. hay and corn. .' spirits, but to attach them to him per ; ; r Lydia Veg E. Pinkham's Swamp lands are Juniper, Poplar,: Ash and Cypress In abundanct. " sonally with hooks of steel. Mr. Marion cood, or uurnam, nas a Vr There is no game preserve; in. the country which has The most volcanic spirit among them long card in the Durham dallies in deetable Compound zhadg sportsman. hogs, Deer., the wild turkeys and a Bail, are here in nur felt he must bow to the superior Iron wat performed, I determined $ bers. The streams &boun4 with duck aad fish.! , ,. will of the determined man who led fence of himself against a public at r i to trv it. I have, taken The piace is extremely heaUhy. - i t them. He was essentially a tack made upon his character by the The pasturage Is splendid, remainlns: KTeen th entlrV lOQOit practical man of action, with a daunt- president of Trinity college. His Con am and happytto.say it and tempting grasses in spring and. sa mm er. No place less, fiery soul, and a heart that knew eluding paragraph is earth, would is this: & t- -j .... . . . f no fear." ier suiieu ior mc riiisiu,-- jutiaoie.tor nogs, cows ana sheep. ' . nne was , r prompted aeposiis pspnate pi , done have "What my ana domains agricultural I friends', all to oi and neveXi marl. r : We knew General Forrest in Memphis solely by a love for and interest in the .. as Known Rose In the -il trtfiv Plantation Hill will and Wafrm " tire ot teumg tne Denent i - t , in 186S. We were told this concerning successs of the college. My father be- at low prices. Apply to - :: ; g have derived its use. 'l ali. VJavi him. Ia the year 1867, the Gayoza bank iore me attenaea Trinity, ana l nave 210 503 and Market iiro.f childhood, been to taught early fromhayex you aWeto'Uiank for 3 , x WIlxaingtonN, JC S failed. It was the most important one love oct 8 lm , o t. .. the institution so highly esteemed : t- 3 -- my recovery, : in Memphis. At midday, as was the by him; do,-and loving: It as I would custom, the cotton brokers and others do it no. possible In jury t here, in : justice myself,'! to must, lo de Square and were around :Cqurt lunching, r GAN, i8io tMauntam St., 4-- . to",' as un nounce the remarks referred ' Philadelphia; Pa, i writes: o etc,, and talking with each other. Sud- becoming a christian gentleman, un denly a report came to them that the worthy a minister u ed ; Pear .Mrs; W of the gospel, unfair, c; 3 f S I Gayoza bank had failed. There was unmanly and untrue."-1- -- ' , years ago . was Three I n . 'cl 'v l great excitement. A friend rushed -3 -'back Is Caldwell from R down 'Madison street to General .For- his;, ; ' dyspepsia, was irtitble He" wrote; In ti ;tr:c. and, ; c: told him what had teresting rest's office and cross, andcan say o and observant" 'letters' to: his happened. The true soldier ;at once put paper, the" that after taking evehig Charlotte ObserYer t We a couple of. 'Derringers in his. pockets hope he returns ' ' i -', bottles of Lydia B. Pink--1 ? c in much "improved and quickly reached the bank Just as health. . was Vegetable entirely Compound great cured.UlI take ham's i oneof the, employes was in the act of ouk 0 you vriting? in would and to to this .'. pleasure be' be"pleasetl Mr; Allison 'double; T. door. Forrest Page Whose1 death was shutting the big .: interviewed-biaay one who .is threw his stalwart Vfora .against it. Recently announced 'in 'lis 76tW. yewv ,r'Ji -,tp yon. . i complaint, i am fburst through, went at once behind the was a native ?fWake count y.ond a most Cor 2na And Market Ctreets. :5V -

















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They-succeed- ed



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git-up-and-- glt

























































ARMSTRONG, President.








Act Cashier








Shoes that are swell,"' Clothes that fit well "





talks warn










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Contin rom Last eek THE' SAME IRON;BEb.,HOR:?"--

Pikaii 2i









Why Becaus the" public demand it. and aim is to please them; 4











, T.,




The Commonwealth.





The North Carolina College

CKOP REPORT. porch and cottage washed away and kitchen and dining room a total loss, It has been stated recently that a E. E, HILLIARD Tuthill House badly wrecked, sleeping Edibor, OF Following is the crop report lor A special to the News and Observer cotton mill in North Carolina paid 58 : several washed feet. The Carolina North apartments Published Every Thursday. per cent, annual dividend on the capi- from Beaufort, N.C., dated Monday tells boarders while sitting at the table in The conditions during the week end Entered at the at Scotland tal invested, and that one in South a taie of death. the iuthiil House could see the floor ling Monday, Aug. 21, 1899, were ex "Sixteen fishermen were camping on rise over a foot in Neck, N C , as Second Class Matter. response to the swing tremely unfavorable for crops and tor Carolina paid 41 per cent. Offers a thorough practie-;- l education in nil brnnol; t f Swan Island, near the mouth of the of the waves. J farm work the porin Cotton Manufacturing, in Civil, M?ehanic;i! ; . N throughout greater tare, To be this a looks sure, bit high for Neuse river, during the recent storm. THURSDAY, AUG. 24, 1899. Mr. L,uke Tuthill house was car-- 1 linn r.f .tin Rtaf a. Tlifi WW. Tndinn cal Engineering, in Architecture and in the Jnd: 'rv; 'v dividends !n the cotton miHing busi- iue island was overflowed, compelling ried : nand Lnm.' chimnevs feet the at Chemistry, isattMn Biology thirty Physics. Vnnl, NOTHING PERSONAL WfiAT- - ness, but it is not probable that them to seek the mainland. In the tain Bragg's house were blown down Regular courses; special courses, ehoi t cr,nr;-r.-'any from the lfith in thn 19th': nmHn Total annum expensos, including board, fuel, Ii t: r EVER. all of their boats were cap- - and crushed in one end of the house: ih in nmnnnt good business which already has compe- - attempt Jnfll One hundred and twenty scholarships carrviir.' fnv zeu, except one crowning fourteen, the Southern M. E. church is a total " few coast counties, but over a with are open to needy boys. a tition' 'or more much except lodging made) From remark that have been of lour Smith and Salter loss and the Northern M. E. church the winds were counting Appointments made by any member of the LedshiKrp high and continuous - was washed off its blocks : two schoolSiX omers. about an editorial article in these would make a false elatemeut about u,uluo,a marwere J,uu All A ih a MM m.Mf " VlUVUi lilt 3.MiU deal I rieu and men of larsre families, f.iti- - hrmoa 0 profits 1 dnlnmna Inst. fnniArn.nrr thn fi- i oi was none by northeast gales " ' , '03. Suu0. aamage zens of to us It is Carteret that of Piney the Point, strange xhe people county. unfortunates on the schooner itn oil nances of Halifax county, it is prob Candidates for admission may ho examined in ench count v ...... .wux uu were vv mis went without water and food antral dialricta. ttnttnn mti hlnwn at 10 a. m., August 19, 1S99. by the County Sui;.; able some have regarded the appllca- Eastern Carolina do not put more mon camping on another island are miss- - ffrom Wednesday to Saturday noon. ent, or at the College in Raleigh, September y, 18:)',). down, tangled or tossed by the wind : tion as personal. Now, we stated in ey in this business. With no freight -- . For catalogue, address 1C UfUWUeU. uuuUUUlcu "Xne Dall rOOm at the hotel Was mnr-nnrn ia nil IhAomnnrl- - frMAr PRESIDENT GEO. T. WINSTON, the vory beginning that we had noth- - cbarges, but with the cotton hauled to survivors sayea tnemseives by turned into a room of prayer. nnrt tnW Wfla whinn.rl to wo .1 J OI tuo n West Raleigh, X.'e "uurs w lue wouia in mmanal to sav. but that we were I Clones, """ "Jt-ooais mast ana Uaotain F. CI. Tuthill.' of thn" -Pnrfa - uao uaunJ uiuiecu. t ouvxi viuuo, . rril thmwlnff seem wisdom to (liaip invest money indeed, Mv.am- a. . . nUn..j moum me savinsr- station, ' renorts thfi CIO fioiri n.,.. k7VU.lllVU n ULJU UV7lU fUVlO 0 considering the good of the county. . , JVV comof where item this could bo exPense lUr lo.iowing wrecks : Schooner turnedJ were not so much injured. Minor Because we stated that the treasurer q pamons, but were powerless to aid oyer in the bight at Eoyal shoals, crew damage resulted from the submergence failed to pay a a account presented by avoded. LlL t? Rhnvthn-nr- i missing; JNorfolk and Southern boat Qf swamp lands near the coast, where If tbere is Sood business in the e . 7 the editor of The Commonwealth, F,t! viiuiiiUs are I : the names of the lost ashore on Hos Island : schooner L. A. tha Following aa nfau ha seem to think that this paper ton milling industry in this State, it uu omuu, x.iijau y 1111s, captain 11. S Gnilin. of Wash- - h;,u ir,it AU 01 "kicks" because it is individually in- - ouSht to be developed jn the eastern C ' wecked near T:IU,ngtn' ,tfieSe Southeast the ::.!? portion. There was a " con 7 8aVed by men remarkable contrast between the weath 9t' tW terested. This is a mistake. The fact sect5on- fUr JSt' , VV. Kills. n-. Tna Willla i TTpnrv finlfai. .1 nr. iu. ' J nimi iub xurcsmouin mesavinsr eta-lo- - I k uaoiui .r.riittr.r.a vaav auu that we presented to the treasurer an Wb? cannt Scotland Neck combine TV ivug v ? ci 1 HeICD ; SlOP KelKXie' est y, to aptam a WhmI moneV westera mc b'ith a of cotton drawn line beeroujb good account which he could not pay 1 m Salter. ap-ATvat Hunting ley, ashore on the beach: schooner u a duuiu ,1, k J tut? ""i T v r v.j xtuicjuii miuuuij cause he held no county funds with miiI? It would give employment to 0 , . on tisuure ttaroor island, name un- woti, KEY, !.. ,u a of number luit9 who would people which to do so, gave a safe starting , VAWV uie7s to bs ,ad rom ucracoxe also comes via Wash- - station have not rescued them : steam week, and the drought prevails with ihe and Set work, thus the our from to make which obseryaO. point on account of the hiah . . , . SCHOOL. town's interests would be advanced as iuii a uiie iur wue, a pari 01p wmcn is as er Neuse of N, and S. Railroad Co., greater severity ' tjons northwest winds, which dried out the fit I . nshnro of. tha mAnfU t well as that of the country around. JOilOWS ; soil and parched vegetation. All sec Then, some sem to think that be-- Evf-rabout three feet of water. wrsnn arlAoA tr tho tions in the west need rain, and fall iv tut, LIULUiaiiuu r The Sixty-fiftAlinaa I Tit" f'AMrnvnrr ttu 1c ctaviiln has Ocracoke been the witness of such Session will begin ,Vu2 t .lfith "Out of twenty fishermen on Swan of Scotland Neck is another consumer scenes. is progressing very slowly, plowmg iuirceen inland whole Ihe isacomDlete independent Island "Schools, ' pnii'iv,ci!i fnnrt and firmly democratic and the county Cotton to shed forms continues and of what the people in the surrounding wreck. The wind reached a velocity Point lighthouse was damaeed and lost bolls. Resides the is now under democratic rule we damage by wind. have to sell. Every dollar paid ot seventy miles an hour and the sea one boat and provisions. Portsmouth country should not say anything about short& out for labor in any good manufactur .. '" iistj ucracoKe ana tinri- hnnccoi "y Buueitju ing. In the south the crop a age ; that we should say nothing be feet high on the island. Mown down and horses and cattle that is add much here, enterprise ing Lining rapid! y and picki ng has com- cause "our folks" are running things. 'Thirty-thre- e houses were destroyed, drowned .in ia aieu a mpn(,p mat ed to the v.olume of circulation in this jepuriea .. seven chimnevs Science, Language, Mathematics, Philosonr. w u ulK,UBa. uu ma norm stohr. ta-chnwiino Now, this is one of the chief reasons v , siae nnrn ;a " t,, and is accordingly an ad wrecked and two souls 'hurled into eter- - of i,t0 etc. Exnenses modemfo. community, ,co.1' phy, Bible, Law, we have lor BDeakine out. We exnect Ocracoke with about four feet of where : elsewhere Pres. Address, needed Wake Forest, N. C. is is rain it Taylor, to those who have stuff of any nity was the story whispered in our ear j water in it." better management by the democratic I vantage ; fodder contin generally good saving as the passengers placed their feet upon kind to sell rule than we bad under the mixture of ues ; the loss of fodder by the wind in THAT BIG MAN. terra firma it from two Then, stand considering the east was very great. Populists with Republicans. Yes, be"Two. souls sleep in a watery graye, is desirable that we should it points, In the extreme northwest some to The following description of "the cause they are our folks, we expect the yet to God all the praise that so many . i . ; 4..-a., i culliai t...... have some industries of the kind. i S was WQO a natlve of ' Iuriner east ' . seemingly doomed to meet a similar very best possible administration. county, has been widely considerable damage to the leaves re-tnd fo ha Northampton The wise man said, "Faithful are First, from the figures we quoted, it is fate we.e saved and a repnnted from the JNashville (Tenn.) sultea ,rm continual rubbing togeth- the wounds of a friend," and that "Open fine investment for the men who bosom of their loved ones, . Christian Advocate : erJ iortunately the chief part .of the "The wind began to blow on A Farm Library of unecmallsd value have money ; and secondly, it is a i . . i Pwf'- -i s rebuke is better than secret love." naa is been croP the tt cured the in man known iiKely a'reaoy Concise and Cornpreliensive f?VC ' : largest about noon and increased all Tuesday means of giving employment to many : We have desired to wound somely Printed and Beautifully Ilitistrctefl. ! no one, the time until Wednesday when it reg- in recent times was the late Miles Dar- - sotheast portion. Some poor cures who would be glad to have it, and at j naprson county, Tenn. He "CID norie wis wees caused by the UB,J' OI nor hare we meant to rebuke any one ; By JACOB BIGGLO istered almost a hnrri nn I No. 1 BIQQLE HORSE COOK but if we have done so in speaking the same time a means of increasing day night between 12 and 2 o'clock. WMbtinNorthampton county.N. C. difficulty of regulating the h"eat during All about Horses-a Comir Trep.llsc A ever 1 near Lexington, Tenn., tQe "orm 74 illustrations a standard work, population. All of which would work The schooner L. A. Willis, in charge Ceutk J 5o trice, our about finances frankly the opinions no. 1001 was and sweet rice seven liiiiULK C001C KERRY feet peanuts, ' of cieiapeas, to S. R. neignt the Captain Griffin, parted two advantage of the farmers in the All abOUt PVOWTTIcr Small Tf,;.v- of Halifax county we hope it will be six inches, and his weight over 1000 ' Potatoe3 continue fine, but are suffer-"dl uj e anchor contn3 43 colored to her to chains, diift rrpridirtioW nin"Ceai' causing varieties and xoo otlicr illustrations, for want 1839 of In mg i his in 50 moisture coat regarded as coming Irom a true friend. surrounding country. pounds. west was rice, the button the inlet landing on ashoal about three no. a umtiLE POULTRY BOOK JUDGE MCRAE ELECTED. For we eertainly do love the democrat All about Poultry ; tiic best l'onltrv Dock in miles from where she orieinnHv ed around three men, each weighing Turnips are coming up; seeding has tells eyerytliin been ; witii23 colored much over are j 200 delayed. Grapes and ripe pounds, was. The Willis left here last Friday ic party, its principls and its folks; they walked and ' g principal ureciis; with rvx ot'icri'l trail', as. commenced. so Cents. Trice, around the At a meeting of the trustees of the one week ago for Ocracoke with a public squaro at Lexington, and it is because we have such high No. 4 B1GCILO COW BCOrC Tenn. In 1850 it required thirteen All tbout Cows State HIS LIFE on in WASSAVED. board fne Pu!"-cpleasure of University last Saturparty Raleigh consisting regard for it that we speak frankly of contains 8 coloredDr.iry sale; and f of cloth one yards A. O. S. M. yard Lawith B. Kelly, treed, J. 132 Winfield, other illustration ' 1 Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen the people's interest under our good day, J udge James C. McEae, of wide to maue him a coat. His coffin No. nnr-.6 T. BiQQLH W. oi tham, Phillips, Spencer Brooks, was elected Professor of Law at Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderold party's rule. Just out. All about Ifoas Srwliao- Tf,.PAs.. t inches ful deliverance from a frightful death. B. Ross, Lyndm Shaw, George L. was eight feet long, thirty-fivery, Dueaws, etc Contains v r ,',?.", rV--i the University. He was notified and ' '" tones and other encravinrs. nice across the breast, eighteen inches across in telling of it he says : "I was taken Then, as a matter of county pride, Buckman, Hugh Paul and John Ross. TheBfOGLE BOCKS are .. with unioH-yu:Typhoid Fever, that ran into eaw anything like V-i we should much prefer to see every ob- signified his acceptance. Judge Mc Of this party of pleasure seekers two the head, and fourteen inches across Pneumonia. v " rr hard"tt My lungs SAaV1Sff eaori1;os Rao is an were drowned : Mr. George L. Buck-ma- the feet. It took twenty-fou- r of the Suj. one yards of ened. Iwas so weak I couldn't evpn keeps n xtorre CVuv 'lu - r ligation of the county promptly met. or black Chicten, Small Fruits oi:o ; to velvet grows to cover - sit it. h?.t ri,' t His measone of x our bed. most for in honored eway the B1GGI.S DOCKS. T e and old up Nothing belned me. viiu arouna, :s a man We hope no one will think that we twenty-seveuieu inches to soon around of die the expected est citizens and father of Mr. J. F. Corasumption, have been prompted to write a single of legal learning and his election crown, and is now in possession of the when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis- and the Buckman, cook, will give general satisfaction Henry Blango, State Historical One bottle gave great relief. line on this subject because of through colored. Society at Nashville. coyey. any 1 continued to use it, and now am fear on our part that we shall lose a the State. There has been something not a is6t. It is vcr. "Mr. A. Si Kelly is in a precarious This modern Goliath was twice married, well and strong. I can't allflt SfSS' say too much few dollars that the county owes us. said of another professor in that de- - condition, due to exposure and famine. and became the father of eleven child- in its praise." This marvelous mediren. In religion he was a pronounced cine is the surest cure m the world for uaving over a million and a half regular readers. We have felt no such fear and have parment at the University, but the The lay boat used for trie purpose of all Throat and Lung Trouble. It must have Baptist. taken a pretty sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial Regular been actuated by no personal motive, trustees left that matter for future de transporting passengers to and from 5L?!E f the BIGGLE E00KS' an,f e PAPJI JOURN4L bottles stream a and ueep Island the pretty tree strong her fe at E. T. ,, chains, drinftinr parted vVhitehead Cn' velopment ; thai is to say, if another 3) will be .sent by mail folnfd&o? A DOLLfe'gflll!901" IS2 Eud ye are considering the interest of the teacher Store ; Every bottle guaranteed. a mile and a half and went ashore near minister to irarnerss hi in.". of FARM JOURNAL and circular Sample in that department should be describing BIGGLE D00-- S fro VTMfBR ATKINSON. people of the county, one and all ; and Portsmouth. CHAS. F. JENKINS. Mr. 4 W. F. JOCI2?A3- Marshall has needed, they will then elect him severed his AGENTS WANTED we hope to see every single FOR "THE connection as tHILAUELriliA The custodian and his" wife were LIFE f county offeditor of s the T Gastonia AND Achievements of Admiral rsi xj. nr.n v,v,.. icial, in whatever capacity he eerves Gazette, and Mr. W. M. Grier becomes vorinington,of Wilson, has rescued Friday afternoon by the life- - Dewey," the world's greatest naval hero. editor of that sterling weeklv. We are the people, use such diligence and been mentioned in this connection saving erew at Portsmouth. By Murat Halstead, the life long friend to lose Mr. Marshall" from the sorry and admirer of The the nation's idol. Big Wilson News recently said : "The schooner Willis was in such a faithfulness in h's office that there and best book ; over 500 Dae field of weekly journalism, but heartigest that position her There is a gentleman in Wilson, masts could be oxiv incnes ; only ly welcome his successor, who, Mr. will be no mistaking of the fact that nearly loo pages halftone JUarsn.-il- says, has seen by the crew of the life -.-illustrations. good ability for I saving Only $1.50. Enormous Den,waUc sapencr to aay olh. , station. making. demand. commlsaions. Big Outfit .. over vui.ucun viuzens nrml .n k. free. Chance of a lifetime. Writo in county tne State, who would fill th "Saturday morning a distress signa! The Dominion Company, 8rd quick. and township matters as well as in A with ability, with ciedit to the was seen flying from the mast ot the State, axton ijiag., Chicago. No. 10, win.;, ,veI1lH tional and State affairs. to the University uuu Willis. Aspistance was immediately TfUKtSJWHtRE ALf ELSE FWLSrM ut anJ iv JJIUlSBil, Syrup. Tastes Good. Use FJ j j3i3k This gentleman is Col. D. Worthing. rendered by the station and The C harlotte News ot Monday gave ton. A. S. Kelly and John Ross, P y passengers account of the death of Rev. W. S. a proi'Cr CHARLOTTE'S BEGGAR HEAD. making r . ... . . , it "If Col. Worthington; would and Captain Griffin and mate, Benia von as to mliausiv IT D. a accept Creasy, D., at hospital nine miles the position of Professor of Law at man Griffin, were taken off the etock from ,ar8t Baltimore. Dr. ravestne,, 7 bad been the Creasy "John Soseoman is dead." ln the South, ana l.nve University " a man vessel and carried to. the Hotel Ponder m poor health some time. He was I . , .u. Ht,k lbs uUou of memorial S'crkS'nnt one of xi foremost the men iyB woras aDove the pic-- anywhere more in Meththe size. tUBy were welcomed with words odist thoroughly qualified, Conference of sinrl this ture of Charlotte's beggar in the Uhar-- A cIose.. investigating State, student, fully oi joy and all done for them that could his death is a heavy loss to that denom COUPHR lotte News a few days ago. And while Brounded in the science of his proles-th- e be, but two were missing. ination. UJAIjEKS in WORKS, Tears intermingled with smiles of man whose death was noted in the 8!n' sI,lendidIy Gained by a prac- An Old Idea, (Established 50 years ) joy, smiles for the rescued, tears for EvefT day strengthens thn htfiVF cUy Papers of that good town had been .mi. 161 159, and 163 Bank St., those for whom fate had willed other aent phgpieians that n.els'wetnmk'the Jan for one impure blood is the NOBFOTJi. VA. Wi Jcaio auu years so long the positions." OB !Mi8e of the wise. The rest of the of eur diseases. majority of the e party . Awenty-flvvenra am " that he was a familiar figure to all row hi fho, iron USUIj Buwij vviuis iortunately were at the lathe the formula of Browns' Iron bas,.for we confess to a strange interest am now- - inn remarkable enres eflFected mill house Si when the storm began and SP' Jhfma,1y in the ENFIELD NOTES. . o pifi'mauoji for the would have been on the Willis and short sketch of his life. The tna the theory is correct fRw papers Bitters ia sold by all dealer perhaps met their death had the wind said he was an honest betrtrar - nA (Corwspondeiiw to Tin Common weai.t i not frustrated their efforts. N. C, Aug. 21, 1899, feJt that there was soma "After the Willis went ashore she MrS" Curtfs and Mlss Mabel" world in the death of an hont" Curtis almost I. I hflVA wAno 1V.K immediately filled with water . WI bAJ OF ftww " wa oeggar. Mrs. Dnni"""-guT- -O .iu xvicnmond and sand, causing those on board to be INrortli and her daughter, Mrs. Matthews, r, forced on deck and to secure themselyes Owned and controlled in . bv the Bantista r.f tho Kf the rigging. v WELL, NOW! Spring Hope, is staying here with her . u"u. iauiBB OI any ae- nomination Ji: renir "Mr. Buckman, who was hearer the Thn ttii. 71 bmldinfi: 7 "a "IS0 W6Slon oept. ztiti, xsyy. lather in her absence, is nossiblv the mnst. ho uuiverBity , a,w We thought the News & Observer an tae , incann r,r.n Miss Bessie Alsop has South. ErBrvih,nffn. m 111 gone to Mr, water than the rest, being old in years, iences. modern conveh- latest Cost. A rnro chance bis power ot holding on soon weakened. paper, but it is a little sug- W. J. Rowers' to stay seyeral weeks. Room; ciesets, Bath Call soon and eeciire hn save monoy Miss Donnie Heptinstall has and he succumbed to the anerv deen gestive that it still quotes from the gone to and Universities ana now sleeps beneath its waves. to spend some time. of thTs and nth. "?JE!?f I nd n Jhe :best -Collet Scotland Neck "Democrat." The Scot Xiittieton n wMUi;i wvr. will be excellent Ttaa Alion i.A7 u"'iaVT" r and mf eleeantW "I" xx. aeiiy, uiso gave way, but fortu ColWs of vijr Mary' oi summer lor work done m credit land Neck "Democrat" on June 18, 18, given uA'uY T fieTe. 1 . . is 'field, visiting Miss o" Collins and nately the captain and mate were near, -j conierrea. . KoorH "cgreja and "Aary tuition $160.30 and they held him all Thursday to, metamorpnosed into the Scotland! MlS8 Jessie Whitaker. 16io MU8IC night MiBS SalIie Neck "Commonwealth," and has not Wn't$eld is still very when the storm was at its worst in andElocVo"n7'ForPrr nL!atea' mMronh busiD- e- Music. Art ! B CK their For the pusnosfi nf c -- ... arms. Heroism and bravery we yes unmetamorpTlosed, and there is no PRES. JAS. C. BLASINGAJIE. snnnlv nfwonr. uimg an film,,,!,,..! Children's Day services at Bradfords tove to write. probability that it ever will. buck a pin nere, please, and remem- Henry Blango, colored, the cook, on Sunday, -- I MMaum. , rri uu moco rain ana wjnd have dam- - Friday died on deck from exhaustion ana was washed overboard. aired tha nrntvi SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. . I " mill ill ' f"' vvvli On the island untold sufferina is Mr. E. S. Whitaker and- wif vuaa;aju ERUPTIONS. t lctorios' rublic L.u Metlibds of Instruction Npw and I r on.I.l " , tt. -' re on a vl81' to his the story. Captain Hull's house is a vantage but Skin Ernntion- - k IZZV given total loss, Eagle House saloon eone T We of joy. Bucklen's Salve R H TT n ha8 returned Motel cores them: also Old HnnninJ ronder Damaeed. Cunfai badly Trainine- brinrrs TT "um "iB "e8t wun his bride 1 Fever SowM-n- i Tii- Tilghman's house badlv damaged. TW'a of manhood. mgnest type saloon and billiard room washed off of Wrts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds sawmills. Rn r ,"1,u and oil its Mocks and damaged, S. Brldgman's Vnappea Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile Students opportunities from distance will be carefully looked after ILUbA- have'bUn lost by ri'"cf). DrlyM ooUPaiM Achea.Only 25 cts. a box. Cure who suffer from rheumatism. Tor full Bv The Kind You Haw Always particulars address, Boufiht guarutsed. Sold by E. T. Whitehead taking Rheuraacide now they will ba Bean tin operation. Well . Signature . . 4 Wo. Druggist. r Ijtma T? Xlf tt permanently and positively cured in VttttPONDEWr JXortn oi "'swaolilrjcs f fi1Lrl Carolloa), tv. vmversiiy SIDNOE SOLICED . v ftmu Principals. i'uiw vonegej, k


Agriculture and Msofamc












Ai-- i






Eleventh Session Opens Septemhar









i I









235 students, 27 states, best of advantage? business.














botii sexes.






Wt i,n .,.



library. For catalogue Pjy. to


Ureek. HarnRt.


Board $4.00 tooft' Tuition $1.00 to mm


















location, 15 miles to a bar room, militarv optional.


1.1 .





Up-to-d- ate,




















sale-ra.t- Vt.
















Monnments and Gray u






life-savi- ng





S. H.Haw8s&Cfl,







The Baptist Female University Carolina,




r .::vr'r. '"rea

SSSl!" r:.

tm-to-d- ate


T7-.- lt


a 1






Fall Trade.


,, at





SiL.." f,r;


at.iT. Baleigli. ......



The Racket Store.

Richmond, Va.








Brill eci

Vme Hill Male Academy, Complete Pumpino. vi .


to student.





n,i ti,










At Halifax, North Oarolins






Plim ivn




OUR LOCAL OPTIC. Uoldsboro and Vicinity History In Brief KpUome of Sayings and Doings, Wise and Otherwise, Kan Down and Kan In by Omnipresent Ubiquitous, Local

"Grand Rounds."

Mrs. Charles Stocunib will re same instruction to nor music classes on the 1st of September. Mr. D. W. Patrick, President

of the A. & N-railroad, is clear and expects to of fever be out in two or three days. Mr. Patrick is sick at hie home in Snow Hill. The Goldsboro Oil Company are erectiDg another large oil tank on the grounds of their plant. This new tank is erected as a result of the increase of the capacity of the mill. We were glad to learn from a conversation with the managers of the. old Oroldsboro Tobacco Ware y, house that there baa beeja rice in a the price of good quite tobacco s in the last few days. We understand that the Mayor is .finishing up the delinquent dog owners who have failed to get dog badges. Oyer two months grace has passed "and quite a cumber have paid no attention to to-d-




the Jaw. Nearly all the banker ponies were drowned ui the recent terrible storm on our coast, A gentlemen from Beaufort toJd us this that one man counted morning fifty-tw- o dead ponies within a


distance of a few miles. . Mr. Hi. jt. Taiton Drought a curiosity to this office Monday in the shape of a watermelon. The melon looks as if it might be a cross between a watermelon and pumpkin. It is just one of those ireaks of nature for which no one is able to account. The Board of Aldermen met in special session Monday night and granted a recommendation for liquor license to Mr. Lipmau Ktivie, who will open a saloon at the north door in the building of Mr. Asher Edwards, on East

Centre street.


Dr. W. G. Sutton, of Seven Springs, was here Tuesday. Dr Sutton is one of the best physicians in North Carolina, and '"people who visit the famous fcseven Springs cau nave the satisfaction of knowing that in the event of sickness they can secure the best' possible medical attention. Ab'cut seventy-fiv- e people came up on the Atlantic roadTuesday on their way to Asheville. The 1 T I f xrauuwag iiuiultci iiuui laigusv fort and Morebead City.. A still larger crowd left from this city. Tho "train was composed of seven passenger coaches and a baggage and mail car. v


The many friends of Mr. E. D. Broadhurst will iaarn with pleasure of his election to a position oh the faoulty of the Greensboro public school. His record at the State University, from where he graduated with distinction this year, is very gratifying to' his, and the many friends of the family and the Argus predicts for him, the success as a teacher which all are anzfous for him to achieve.


Rev. Dr. W. S. Creasy, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, ot Winstor, died suddenly Mon-d- ay morniug at a private sanitarium in Baltimore, where he bad been under treatment for several weeks for some brain trouble. He was 52 years old and was recognized as one of the finest pulpit orators in the State. The remains will probably be sent to his old home above ,Mt. Airy for interment. He bad a number of friends iu Goldsboro, who will regret to hear of his death. , ,


The death of Mrs N. G.Price occurred Saturday afternoon at . their borne in Eistern Goldsboro. She had been' in feeble health for several years and her death bad been expected for seme time. She was a. member of St. Paul Church and a devoted Christian. The husband and family have the sympathy of the community in their deep sorrow. The funeral was conducted frsm the home by Rev. F D. Swindell, her pastor, and Rev. H. T. Moyle, pastor of St. Jobji church Sunday afternoon and the interment made in Willow-dat- e cemetery. The report'eomes fo this office that already notwithstanding a most stringent law to the contrary invasion is being made upon the young partridges in certain locali- " ties in this section.This is a crying shame, and any good citizen who knows any individual guilty of shootiDg or otherwise hunting quail before the opening season ar- .Xrives should promptly report them to the nearest Justice of thePeace. -- : If. the names of of any violators ;" to the ' the game law are given Argus this paper will eeo to it tbat'all such are duly prosecuted and punished. WaynrCounfy Superior Court will convene in Goldsboro on the ilth of September, There are a -



A TERRIBLE STORM. number of Magistrates in the not who have sent in their county reports. The law requires this to Havoc Worked ' by Last Friday's be done. Gale Along the Coast. Don't forget the Sunday school M5rebead City, N. C. , Aug. convention at Salem, Saturday and Sunday. It is especially de 21 following is the list of sired that every superintendent persons drowned while away from and teacher in the county be pre sent on both days, to get the home .fishing last Friday during benefit of the normal lessons of the terrible northwest storm: Mr. N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh LILBY SMITH, The following is the list of JOHN SMITH, "" marriage licenses issued in ELIJAH SMITH, Wayne county for the week end WALLACE SMITH. ing to day : White Henry Hoi land to Martha Rtynes, Claud All of these were brothers. Hinnant to Ada Tattoo, Wm. G. JOHN Parks to Ina E. Ivey, Leonder JAMESSTYRON, W. ELLIS,' Price to Minnie I Fulghum. Col oredFrank Cox to Emma Chest- HENRY W.ILLIS, nut, Fred Hines to Laidistus JOE LEWIS, Wayne. JOHN LEWIS; " v



The' last excursion of the season to Wilmington, will leave Golds boro on the morning of the 30 Lb lbe managers of this .excursion are the noted Hatch Broe., of Mt. Olive, who always carry a large crowd and preserve the best of order. They carry none but white people and have eyery car first class. If you want to spend a day at the seashore,- - this is your best The fare for the opportunity. round trip is only $1:25.


All live Hunting Quarters, N. C.j and nearly all of them have families. " The storm in the eastern part of Carteret county was extremely severe. at- -

Many hundred of banker ponies, sheep and cattle pastured on core banks were drowned. Thiswas the worst storm in this part of the country in years, it having been twenty years to a SONS OF VETERANS. day since the terrible storm that the Atlantic Hotel There will be an important washerf'away at Beaufcrt. meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans held in the Court HOW THE DISASTER OCCURRED. Beaufort, N. C, August 21- .House Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. All who are interested Sixteen fishermen were camping and any who desire, to join, are on wan Island, near- - the moatl of the Neuse river, duriDg the cordially invited to be present. recent storm. The island was over By order of Chester Prince, flowed, compelling them to seek Com. Richard Lamb, ' the mainland. In the attempt all Adj't. of their boats were capsized, ex cept one, drowning "fourteen, con MARRIED tisting of four Smith and Salter brothers and six others. All were - At Seven Springs married and men of large families, (Communicated) citr?3ns of Piney Point, Carteret Dear Argus: The first wed ding in Piney Grove church was county. celebrated on the evening of A crew of four more who were on another island are Sunday, August 20tb, when Ina campiDg and are missing, undoubtedly Elizabeth, eldest daughter of drowned. two The survivors' MrT and Mrs. John --Jrivey, - besaved themselves by cutting came the wife of William Gordon Parker, of Florida. The away their boat's mast atd church was tastefully decorattd throwiog their dargo overboard. with white and green. To the They witnessed the drowiug of but were strains of the wedding march, their companions, . them.-aid to powerless played by Miss Townsend,of AlHAVOCT AT OCRACOKE. abama, came the wedding party. The ushers were Messrs. Charles Washington, N. C,' Aug. 21.: Ivey and Fred B zz411, who were The Old Dominion steamer ar followed by Messrs. WillmFau- - rived from Qcracoke last" eveiK cett, of LaGrange and Samuel ing at 8:30 loaded with passen island and D. Moody, of Newbem, and gers from the a of sadness and Callie Misses pall Ivey and Essie our over city. Uzzell. Tha best map, Willie gloom hangs Not since the awful storm of Parks, led the groom to Jjae altar 1816 has Ocracoke been the wit where stood the pastor Rev, ness of such scenes. The whole Thos. H. Sutton. Next cams two island a complete wreck.. The is ittle girls, Ethel Ivey and Bet- tie Sutton, carrying baskets of wind reached a "velocity of flowers. Miss Ina Ivey, escorted seventy miles an hour anrf the sea was breaking from twenty to by her sister A lie?, took her high online island. place beside the groom and tha thirty feet e Thirty-threhouses destroyed, w . ... impressive ceremonjt was per seven formed. The bride was daintily chimneys' ; gone, - two attired in a white organdy dress. churches wrecked and two souls She carried a bouquet of white hurled into .eternity." was" the flowers and also wore flowers in story whispered" in our ear as her corsage and har. Hosts of the passengers placed their feet friends came from far and near upon terra fir ma. TWENTY LIVES LOST. to witness the event and the Norfolk, Va., Aug. 21v A church wass filled to overflowing. A bountiful collation was served special to- - the Virginian-Pilo- t at the home of Mr. Ivey. Mr. and from Washington, N. C, 'says Mrs. Parks will soon go to re that the storm played havoc on destroying side at Stewart, Fla., where they Ocracoke Island, two churches, will be followed by the hearty thirty houses and washing away the Norfolk and good wishes of ttieir many Southern Railroad piers, ground: friends. ' ing several steamers and schooners, wrecking smaller "craft, of fishermen, drowning, not less! Woodland Items. than twenty meu, and all the Fodder pulling is now in order, horses ax cattle on the ' island. It was the most destructive storm and hands are scarce. that section Has ever J known. island was under water three' The of The large crop vegetables , ' '',:"'., days.;' and mellons in this section are Out of twenty firiherxnen on Swan Island fourteen were lost: nearly off. Northwest Point lighthouse vas Mr. Joseph, Moore' aJU tie girl damaged and-lost- , one boat and is somewhat- - improved, but is provisions. Portsmouth suffered like Ocracoke and had .houses quite sick yet. v blown down and horses and cats Mrs . Patience Denmark, s vis tie drowned.- - It is also reported-thaa new inlet .lias opened-- , on iting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. the north side of JOaracoKe with Price, in this sectioo. about four feet of water The cotton crop is .beginning to Ex Judge Macrae Elected Dean. . shew1 i6self, but owing to the rech RaleigPo8t. ent heavy rami it will be quite We feel quite sure the selection short. by the trustees of Judge James C. Our delegates bare returned MacRae to be Law Professor at from Yearly Meeting much, en the University will meet with the thused, and we look v, for a good general approval of the friends of that institution tbtddghout the years work this time. Slate. A gentlemao of high- literWork on Woodland Academy ary as well as legal attainments, is nearly complete, and wc hope of easy address and we may' say to soon be able lo announce the loveablo social qualities, generous in hiB sympathies, quick to make the school. cpenlng'of r and strong in holding friends, it Mr, Daniel W. Moore, of is believed that the" peculiar duties Jamestown, and Mrs. J. H, Ed of the position have fallen into ex hands. - lie . has adminis gerton, his sister, of Guilford Col cellent law from theKSuperior the tered lege, have been visiting their Court bench, and expounded 'pit mother,, Mrs.'! J. Moore, for i rbm the Supreme bench, always some' days, returning home to- with honor to the position, to his State and to himself. . day. --

















in-it- .








. -




Experiments at Lowell Show the Advantage of American Ilonndlap Bales. The Roundlap bale of the Am erican Cotton Co., the Lowery bale of the Planter' Compress ZJompany.ahd an ordinary square cotton bale wera subjected to a thoroughgoing fire test in Low ell, Mass., June 8th byNthe Associated Factory Mutmal Fire Insurance Companies "of the United States, for the purpose of determining the relative fire hazards of the several methods r of.baling cotton. - Two small (rame house?i exactly alik?, and soma -- distance apart had been erected on a vacant plot and the space beneath them filled with boards and cot ton waste, over which ten gal-- Ions of coal oil were poured. In one building 'eight American Roundlap bales and one square bale were stored. In the other, eight Lowry bales and one square bale. The torch wasiapplied and the fUnoea- - were ' permitted to" burn one hour before being extinguished. It was as "hot a blaze as cotton could well be subjected to. There was mr test of the square bale, owing to th9 fact that when the superstructures collapsed, which they did a few minutes after being fired, one of the "Square bales fell .away fro'm the fUmes and the- other was re moved.. It was evident and generally conceded that the American bale stood the test much better than the Lowry bale. Nearly all the wires on the Lowry bales - were burned off ancTthe bales elongated from their original length of 3 feet 3 inches to 6 feet and over. This exposed the cotton in the Lowry bales to the flames which were eating into the bales at many points when the fire was put out. Two of the Lowry "bales broke in two and were more bad- -

Week s, Happenings of the Olive Section.


Argus Bureau,

Jno. R. Smith Mgr. August




Jy burned than the others.




Ira in Wilson.

Hi )


231, 1899.'


Cobb, spent last week

Mr, J. F. Rudman, of Clinton, is in town. Mr. Dan Kornegay, spent Sunday at llowdnn' p. Miss Mefa Outlaw, of Dover, is visiting Miss Lucy Hatch. Mr. Mack Williams, visited a "friend" tet Warsaw, Sunday. v Miss Katie Byrd, ?of Southpor, is visiting Miss Maggie Elmore. Misa Lucy Hall, of Goldsboro, is visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. McGee, spent last week at Seven Springs. Mr. F, P. Lof tin, of Warsaw, spent Sunday in town with friends. Miss Ella Williams, pf War Miss .Annie saw,- - is visiting Flowers. ' Mr. ."B." Jackson, of Wallace,spent a few days with f riendajicre last week.: Mr, Rob t. Southerland return ed to his home at Mobile, Ala., Monday Messrs. Thos. and Henry El more returned Friday from Rich'





mond, Va.

Mr. Robt. Williams is erecting two handsome dwellings on the . Hicks' lot. Mr, Henry Broadhurst says he spent a very pleasant day at War saw Sunday. Messrs. B. W, Southerland and Da Brutz English, Bpent Sunday at Kenansviller" Mr. Ira Hardy, of Chapel Hill, is spending this week in town, on a visit to friends. Mrs. A. O. Coz, of Jackson ville, came Wednesday night, to visit Mrs. J, M. Cox. Mr. J. D. Southerland returned Thursday, after spending two weeks in Kenans ville. Mrjs. J. C. Wiggins, of Wilm ington, spent a few days with Miss Lily Mclntyre, last week. Mr . F. K. Tomlinson returned home Friday, after spending two weeks at Atlantic City, N. J. Miss Lilly Mclntyre, of Rocky Mount, is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. A. S. Mclntyre. M iss Evelyn Smith left Tues day to visit her. grand-mothe- r, Mrs. Sol, Moffitt, at Ashboro, N,

The American bales stood up splendidly under the severe ordeal. They neither unrolled nor extended in. length, and only the outer surfaces exposed to the in tense flame were burned. This late9t'tes, was only another big American triumph for the '5 Cotton Company Roundlap bale. It was stated by underwriters present at ebe Lowell fire test that-- at a secret test recently made as to the ability of the two different styles of round bales to withstand the , action of water, after being submerged tor some time the , wires on" the Lowry bales had burst and none of the Lowry cotton was recovered from-t- he test. Tha. American, Company's bales' came out intact C. . and wet only on the exterior, Fannie Lambert .returned which soon dried, leaving the cotton as good as ever. home Friday from a pleasant visit to friends at Teacbeys and BRE4K UP A MEETING. Don't forget that Jno. R. Snake Coiled Aronifd a Deacon's Smith has just received a full supply of fresh turnip seed for Leg and C imbed Up the Fall planting. ; back of His Pew. ' Miss Mary Aaron, who has Parkersburg, W. .Va., Aug. beeh spending some time with 20. During this evening ser vice at the Hargrave, Jackson friends at Rocky Mount, returned county, church Deacon James home,Tuesday. Miss Ada English, returned Arnold felt a strpng pressure on the Calf of nis right leg. Reach home Wednesday night, pfter ing down he found that a snake spending several days in Jackson was coiling itself around his leg. ville with friends. ' For fear of being bitten and not Call at Jno. R. Smith's drug wishing to .create a panic, he next door South of post store, minutes few a sat quiet for tilr, ' for office, pure frelh drugs' and turning'; toward his wife, he Z ; caught sight of the reptile's head druggist sundries. on the pew- seat about to strike Messrs. Jno. R. Smith, Wm. him. Catching it qoickly, he' Maxwell, B. H. Hatch and otherp, threw, it to the floor,: placed his to spend a few days foot on its body"? and attempted to crushJt, in the meantime try at Asheville, N. C who has MtfeS Sudie Mabry, ing ,'to 'get out his knife. His conduct. attracted the attention been spending the Summer with' of ... the congregation and in a Mjss Julia. Elmore,T returned to moment the cry of snake," was her home in Raleigh; Friday. " : raised., i Women '. mounted the Mrs .Fannfe" Pierce and rMiss seats, screaming in 'terror,'.,' arid Sarah McMillan,; returned home m.en either left the building or started toward Deacon Arnold. Monday, after spending several The latter succeeded ) irf getting days with relatives and friends, bui his knife and." by ' the time near here. - ' ' , help rea(ihedhim he had cut the August 3jDth,"is 'the date' for snake in two.' To quiet the con- Hntch ,Bros.'.last excursion to gregation he held' it aloft, - one and the Beach. .'Fare peice in each hand.' The reptile. Wilmington was .laid out in the .aisle and for the round trip, through- to Aha measured.'' and its long th- - was Beach, is only f 1.25. ; . , sii feet .lacking one inch. - It Mr: HenrjrE, : Cox,- who- has was. a hlack snake, a species been spending soma time here rarely seen in this section. An with his parents, returned to his attempt to continue the- seryices post of duty at Washington, D. " proved unsuccessful. C:, Friday night. " ' TO CLEANSE THE BIStEM The next term of the Mt. Olive ,




Ken-ansvil- le.



ve ' eHovp the fnrro f the Mi. Olive Hih Schjol is bright. The game of b&se ball between M Goldsboro and Mt, Olive, which came off Monday afternoon, proved to be quite an interesting game, especially for Mt. Olive. Goldsboro had first inning and made three runs, but was kept out for the next five innings by Mt, Olive. Night ended the game which prevented Mt. Olive playNear the ing her last inning. close Goldsboro rallied and made the game stand 10 to 12 in favor of Mt. Oliver Our battery, Tomlinson and O'Berryi deserve credit for their grand " playing., O'Berry, though left handed, is an pitcher, and to him a belongs greater - part ef the credit for the game.



r .

R. A. GreeGh,

Sign of Electric Clock.

Jeweler and Engraver.

Some of the Most Notorious Criminals in the State Now At Large. - " Raleigh P.st. An evpn dczen convicts who isn't a great way off now. . from: the road escaped county force and the central prison-o- f Don't you think it's time to think of your Fall the State penitentiary Sunday night and yesterday morning are Dresses ? at large this morning with one Our Fine Dress Goods are coming in every day exception. At least five of these are as now and we are pretty a'pt to have what you want dangerous men to be turned loose on the country as could be We would especially call your attention to A LINE OF singled out of the entire roll of convicts in North Carolina viz., . two of the Williams family of Rileigh negroes, who were recently conyictedof robbing the Lumsden. hardware store (and guilty "bf breaking into a number of other stores in this eity), and 52-in- ch cloths for Tailor modes. three United Siates prisoners the latter all safe erackers, They are priced at ONE DOLLAR and are in named Miller, Wright and Mass. ' The convicts who took French every way worth more. Also a line of ; leave of the prison are all white. Five of them are Federal prisoners and the other two are State convicts. The Federal prisoners in Greys, Browns, Tans and Modes with fine plaid the party beloDg to a gang' of lines. $2 inches 8 cents, crooks that are the most notorious ' If in thd country. The government you are going off to college, look, through our spent years in effecting their cap- stocks. ' ture. Tliey have operated in every State in the Union, cracking safes and robbing postofSces. Frank Mos?, who led the party, was sent here 'from NewOrleans to serve a ten-yeterm. Moss is 50 years of agp, but very acHeadquarters. For Honest Merchandise. "' tive.

Fall Weather


Herringbones, Venetians, Homesptins.


Plaid Suitings.




Henry Johnson, another desperate criminal, who was sent here from South Carolina, to serve a five year term of imprisonment, was in the party. Harry Wright and Charges Miller, the two noted safe crack--, ers and postcffi.ee robbers, who were sentenced fa the Federal Court here by Judge Purnell to tsrms of imprisonment, ,



also made their escape. The other. Federal convict was Warren Goodwin, who was . sent from Georgia to serve a threes

year term.


To youna Ladles


The two State prisoners to escape were Rv Metcalf of Mecklenburg, who was serving an eight year term, and Georgo Harrell of Mitchell, who was serving a two-yeterm. ar

Going off to school this Fall : We can supply your demands for all the necessary articles in wearing ap' parel, etc. "

Rich, Black Creppns






: For separate skirts. The newest and handsomest patterns, received in . our advance Fall shipment of

dress poods.










Acts gently on

Ki d n EYS,




and BbWEtiE



the System


Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to perm anent'jr orer come habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy aotlvK ty , without Irritating or weakening themi to .'dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Fiffs, made by the Qalilornia Fig Syrup Co,

Henriettas. All were bought before the prices .ad vanced, and you get the benefit of our bargains.

' A ne vV -r lineqf woolen plaids, ' Many beautiful dress patterns in colored goods, suitable for early fall. I





We have a complete line of trunks all styles. The "beautiful roller tray trunk, two trays, linen lined, ' brass bound, two extra leather straps, iron: bottom- sjust the trunk suitable for traveling only $5.00. I ; V English Golf bailors the latest , idea in Ladies headwear $2.00 and $2T0.: . ,








'X--- .





lovely black goods for whole suits or separate skirts;, as well as a full line of Mohairs, Serges and -



Another large line of Side Combs, Tack Combs, Combs, Pnmondoar Bng Combs, eto CHEAP.




ADORNMENT in gold and silver can be had-lro- m our magnificent stock of Jewelry, at modest prices. J





up-to-d- ate




in COMBS, HAT PINS, and an endless variety of PERSONAL




Icminine SancicA





O ftlfc

lew Blacksmith Shop!

High Schools, will begin nextMon-day,th- e I have just opened a blacksmith 28th inst." The Board of shop next door to my sale stables and horse shoer, whose Trustees have elected Prof; D. F. have-- first-claoffer services I public, and Nicholson 4 as . Prof. guarantee prices toandthe work to be ' Nicholson has been teaching in satisfactory. Geo.-D-. Bennett. the West "for the past three years ss










times the hotel was entirely surrounded by water. Old beachers declare that the tide was the highest they ever saw on beach. The ocean humpTHE C.HEAT WEST I INDIA STOIWI Wrightsville style, and the tide ed in itself grand KK ACHES WIIIINGTON came away up under the pavilion at Ocean View and swept under some of The Wlud Blew from 26 to 46 ITHles The water was up to the board an Hour Yeitcrdaf , Accompanied by steps. in walk front of the new Ocean View Tremeudouv Haiti Fall Alarm at the Hotel. The tide in Wrightsville sound Tlie lllsliet Tides Ever made the bank's channel and all the lleacbe hundreds of other channels into one Kuovu- -l e People Fled to the City broad expanse of water from Wrightsrlaktavllle and Carolina ville beach to the village of Wrightsfrom ville on the land side. Not a blade of Heat-limarsh grass was to be s:en anywhere. morning yesterday Several small boats tied to the cotMessenger The tage piers at Wrightsville beach were gTeat chronicled the advent of the away. At last accounts no damdrifted "West India hurricane to this region. age to any extent had been done, but At 2 o'clock a. m. a steady gale vas this morning will tell the tale. If there "blowing and when this paper went to was a strong wind from either east or more or less damage will be press yesterday morning the hurricane southeast, on both beaches. inflicted had reached this part of the country in AT SOUTHPORT. the most unmistakable manner. Southport the wind reached a veAt THE STORM IN THE CITY. locity of forty-si- x miles an hour. There In this city at 4 o'clock yesterday was a big tide, but ,so far as learned no damage. morning the wind was blowing at a ve- there was Clyde steamer New York, which The miles an hour and cleared for New York yesterday mornlocity of twenty-si- x ing, on account of the reports of the the barometer was falling. veweather bureau, anchored at South-po- rt The wind gradually increased in will not put to sea until the locity and was accompanied by a tre- stormand is past. mendous rainfall in the morning, and The steamer Southport made her trips up and back from Southport velocity usual wind of the at 2:30 p. m. the yesterday, but on account of the weathreached thirty miles. About 3 o'clock er bureau forecasts returned to the miles an city and tied up lastshe there were gusts of thirty-tw- o night. All the government dredges and veshour and branches of trees were blown were also brought up to the city sels down. safety. for In exposed places a few trees were THE PROBABILITY OF DAMAGE. A tree on Front street, beWhat damage may be done on both tween Orange and Ann was blown out beaches depends alone on the velocity by the roots, and also one on Dock and direction of the wind last night. street, between Second and Third With the unusual high tides, if the wind is with the tide, there will be streets. At Eighth and Walnut streets some damage. At last accounts from Telegraph and both beaches, however, everything was a pole of the Inter-Stat- e Telephone Company was prostrated. holding its own against wind and waThere were other small casualties, but ter. The latest Information from Wrightsville beach last night was that no damage was done. There was an unusually high tide in the tide was still high and the wind the harbor, but the river was not very strong. As The Messenger goes to press this rough, so the shipping rode out the morning, the whole sky is overcast gale in safety. with ugly.inky clouds and there is a WEATHER BUREAU BULLETINS. high wind, but no gale. Yesterday morning Mr. W. H. Fal- NO DAMAGE BY THE STORM AT lon, the observer of the weather bureau CHARLESTON. here," issued the following bulletin: "The storm continues to move slowly Charleston, S. C, August 15. A few up the coast. It is now central be- minutes before 5 o'clock this morning tween Wilmington and Charleston, and the wind reached a velocity of n has been accompanied during the day miles here, this being the highby high northerly winds from Norfolk, est point attained during the day. So Va., to Charleston, S. C, the following far as can be learned no damage whatmaximum wind velocities being re- ever has been done by the storm here ported up to 8 p. m.: Charleston, 56 or in this vicinity. Contrary to predicnorth; Wilmington and Norfolk, 30 tions, there was not an unusually high Northeast. Another gale is prevailing tide, and consequently, the rice fields over the west gulf coast. Generally have escaped without serious injury. cloudy weather and rain prevailed durTO REACH NEW YORK. ing the day over the middle and south Washington, August 15. The middle Atlantic and gulf states, with lower Atlantic states, including New Jersey, temperatures, continuing tonight; else- Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and where the weather is generally clear, North Carolina, will experience the with an area of high temperature ex- effects of the tropical storm that is tending from the central Ohio valley moving northward from the South southwestward. The centre of the coast Carolina coast where it is now censtorm will probably pass Wilmington tral. Along this portion or the seaduring the night, followed Wednesday board the wind will increase to a strong northeast gale and will conby decreasing northerly winds." The following warning was received tinue Wednesday, causing high tides and dangerous seas. By tomorrow the from Washington in the morning: censignals. Storm storm effects of the storm will begin to bo "Continue tral near Charleston, moving north- felt in New York. ward. Northerly gales this afternoon, tonight and Wednesday, with rain. uother Victim ol' the I rtiNi Signals also displayed northward to (From the Planter and Ginner.) MOORE." Boston. p. 5 m. The story here appended is the plain, The barometer yesterday at registered 29.65, and the observer fore- unvarnished tale of a man who monkcasted that the storm would reach its eyed with the great American Cotton maximum during the night. At 7 p. m., Trust. It i3 its own best comment however, the barometer was stationShawnee O. T., March 8, 1899. ary, giving a more favorable turn to This is the following .statement of indications. my experience with the round bale peoTHE BEACHES DESERTED. ple, called the American Cotton Baling As the storm increased after daylight Improvement Company. the people at Wrightsville and Caroagreed to capitalize the stock lina beaches became uneasy, and the of They local the Texas, at weather bureau had more telephone $10,000, they plant at51Venus, per cent of the taking calls than could be well answered. As the 'barometer continued to fall, Mr. stock and allowed me 49 per cent of W. H. Fallon, the observer, advised the stock. Said company were to furthe cottagers, that while he did not an- nish the house and all buildings necesticipate any serious damage from the sary for the same. storm, it would be the better part of They agreed to put press on ground discretion for the people to leave the to be in operation beaches. They might have remained tember, also to by the first of Sepfurnish all funds to with safety at the hotels and cottages, press keep in operation dursuccessful on existing alarm the but owing to the part of some and apprehension of in- ing the cotton season, also agreed' to creased violence of the storm, as fore- pay me $75 per month as manager of casted by the weather bureau, the the plant beach inhabitants would have passed a get In the first place they did sleepless night, so it was deemed ad- press in according to contrast. notThey visable under this circumstance and pped us from buyvarious time-the possibility of danger, to advise them at whcing machinery was in cotton ur to come to town. good shape we could have run right and Accordingly many families came up on along. They keep me ini the dark as the early train from Wrightsville beach to What we were doing in regard to and at 3:45 p. m. about 200 people left prices of the output of the plant. I for the city. The out of town people went to the boarding houses and hotels, asked them often how the outcome was and the exodus may be judged when and they would avoid answering im this It is stated that The Orton had a list of way: Said we would ,make money after about a hundred guests last night. the outcome of the season; and I never Quite a number of the beach people and got a settlement until April after the a few guests stuck to the beach, how- season was over, then they claimed ever, and spent the night there. There was also a hegira of people that the plant lost $6,000. They also from Carolina beach. Many families kept me and three boys out of our seacame up on the steamer Wilmington in son's wages and refused to pay interest the morning and the steamer yesterday on same, and I want to state here that could have handled cotton on home afternoon brought most everybody away. A few of the unterrified remain- market and made a fair profit by gin ed o see it out. Among those who re- ning the square bale. The only capital mained at Carolina beach to watch the they put in was the press, the outside progress of the storm and be of aid to buildings which were worth about those who remained was Mr. - H. C. $2,500. ' McQueen, president of the New HanMy stuff which I put in invoiced over over Transit Company. The steamer up Wilmington made her last trip from $5,000, 'After first settlement they changed .the beach last evening at 6 o'clock, land Captain 'John W. Harper returned from American Cotton Baling ImproveottI U han n 79A r m anil tioil iir n f tho ment Company to Aerican Cotton Com "beach pier last night. He also remainpany and offered as an inducement to ed at the beach to offer his services if transfer to the new company all loss they were needed. Seven families year which nullified all previous of at the beach. contracts and my salary as former A GRAND SIGHT. manager was knocked out and a new The wind at Carolina beach reached manageent put in instead and I worked mile3 an as a common laborer a velocity of about forty-tw- o at a dollar a day, u. u Lonnor, oue. oi they laying me on Hour, ana .Major off at their will. and the cottagers, tells us that there was may You can concern: whomi To it saw. In the the highest tide he eversweeping they froze statement above see over from the morning the tide was v. ginners ere ocean and waters out advise me and would the beach and the being mixed with those in the sound. farmers to be very careful about having Many of the cottagers who took the any dealings with them'. train to come to the city had to wade C M. KEYS. The out in water several inches deep. cotMyers, O. M. Griffin C. J. Witnesses: tide was running up under the tages and the steps of several houses The soothing and healing properties were washed out to sea. At Major on two cottage breakers the of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its O'Connor's over his all water sent occasions the pleasant taste and prompt and permaoiazza and throusrh the hall. There was nent cures, have made it a great favor-it- s but considerable uneasiness, of course, rage with the people everywhere. For an eye witness who watched the of the ocean savs it was the grandest sale by R. R. Bellamy. sight Imaginable. In the offing the ocean seemed to be higher than the more Popular cottages and when the huge waves Mr. W. L. Sampey, of Alabama, rolled in towards shoe, it looked as if finds the square bales more uniform they would submerge the houses, but weight would they in they reached beach as the assuage, as if held back by some great "I find bales are more uniform 'in force outside. There was not only very weight than the old style variable bales heavy showers of rain, but there was were, and are more popular with the an immense sand storm at times. farmer, as well as the shipper. The At last accounts from the beach last round bale is not yet introduced here, night the tide was still very high. The of its getting water was sweeping clean under the and I see no probability plans present of doing Oceanic hotel and the water was run- in here on their ning nearly to the railroad track. At business."
















Petroleum Firm.



Rice Firm.


Firmer; state and Pennsylvania 17018c; western ungraded 1 Mil Sc. Potatoes Quiet; fair to prime $1.50C? 1.75; fancy t2.O0e2.S3; southern sweets Egg

Wilmington, X. C, August bales. of cotton today Receipts same day last year 1 bale. This season's receipts to date 2S3.632 bales. Receipts ro same date last year 323,-1bales. The quotations posted at 4 o'clock today at the exchange: Cotton steady. Ordinary

IP THE GULP sTimy to iiattkkas


IS, lasr...



Coffee Options opened steadr with prices unchanged to 5 points higher and ruled more active with some positions shewing an advance of 10 points on, Yesterday Alternoon iu tiie HUtery of covering and fairlr rood European j news. Sellers were icarce in the rlsbuvllle lleacb Incldniof tbe I sence of Brazilian news. Klo and San- Storm 4 6 Good ordinary . tos were closed. hnliJ.iv: cKxM steady Vermifuge which Frcy's S Low middling , and unchanRNl u 5 points higher: The tropical storm has paid Wilhas cured for 50 years. j sales 14.000 bag?, including September Middling 6?i teg by us passed VM tUi j ma mington its respects and B mUL ' Good iriddling at $1.40; February $: M; March $303; 6i without damage, much to the relief of year, May $3.1503.20. day same Prices last j.?; ooffVc Ilia dull 5Hc Baltimore, EUU our people. nominal; mild ju!et and about and STORES. NAVAL At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, so Spirits turpentine firm; machine bar rteady. SugarRaw steadier with Iondvn: of the Fallon, weather H. Observer W. rels 49c; country barrels 4SHc. j fair refining 4c; centrtfuc.il. ' test, consigned Harriss, to Geo. Messrs. and Rosin firm at 90c and 95c. bureau, informs us, the storm had Son & Co., is overdue. 4 He: mo!a?se ug.ir refined Tar firm at $1.S0. j steadier and more active. slowly passed up the gulf stream and The lighthouse tender (steamer) Wa firm; turpentine Crude hard NAVAL, STORES. was opposite Wilmington. At the hour ter Lilly, Captain J. A. Heilander, ; soft $2.60; virgin $2.60. was Tuesday looking at Orton which following bulleyear day same issued the Spirits New York Rosin firm. Turrnt in named he Prices last after several beacon lights, and which turpentine 264c and 26Uc: rosin 924c firm at 52H(?33c. tin: came up to the city out of harm's way, J and 97Vic; tar $1.20; crude turpentine Charleston Spirits turpntln nrm at "The storm area is now central off has gone back down the river. $1.10 and $1.60. 4Ss; sales 10. Rosin firm and unchangReceipts today 113 casks spirits tur- ed: sales 300 barrels. North Carolina and has moved further c LtM-u278 barrels rosin, 244 barrels pentine, r Savannah Solrits turpmin firm at seaward. The wind will continue brisk j 73 turpentine. tar, crude barrels 494c; sales 270: receipts 1.431. Rosin northerly in this vicinity during the , year 12S firm and unchanged; same day Receipts last salt none; refnr-li i i.Mir-! Some Fcl i a:id Would casks spirits turpentine, 588 barrels ceipts 3.S94. hours, with generally next thirty-si- x sup. C' .r tli Seem it that It I rosin, 113 barrels tar, 44 barrels crude partly cloudy" and cool weather." i a JIercile turpentine. Gtwd luveMuieut down were signals ordered The storm " (Correspodent morning, on S. at Yorkville, COUNTRY PRODUCE. yesterday to C, Wilmington Mr. R. C. Necly, of Georgia, doos cot for advices from the weather bureau at News and Courier.) North Carolina $1.03 to $1.10. regret changing his press box. Peanuts Washington, and it was an agreeable Virginia 63 to 75c. "I do not regret changing my pre The fanners of York county do not ! Rice sight to look at the flag pole and miss Nothing doing. box to 24x34. My old box made a very the red flags that have held out euh take kir31y to the cylindrical cotton. Corn 52 to 53c. long, ugly bale; it was hard to load ominous warnings the past few uas. , bale, and neither do the ginners as a Corn meal 19c. nicely in the wagon; and, unless very Observer Fallon forecasts that it will "iw peas 63c to 70c. In . heavy, made a soft, loosed y packed bale. no fact is probability rule. there today. calculated clearing He that be N h Carolina Bacon Hams. 9c .0 the storm would be central off Hatteras that there will be more than one in- 10c; .shoulders 7c to'7'fc; sides Sc to The small cost to make the change . ($2.00 to $3.00) I consider a good today and last night the direction of investS&c. w the wind indicated as much. At mid- - stalled in a York county gin house at spring 10c to 18c ment. I believe all owners of gins will Chickens night the wind had shifted to the the beginning of the season this fall, hens, 22c to roosters, 15c to 20c. And it to their interest to change their northwest, showing that the disturb- - and there is little prospect of its being Sc. Eggs steady at press boxes, so we can have uniform ance has passed us and Is going north-wa;- d Shingles Per l.ir !ve Inch, hearts bales." slowly. kept busy. The farmers oppose it and saps, J1.50GM3: inch. $2.50C? Experience of Messrs. J. A. Elliott they are not willing to place $3.50. LAST BREATH OF THE STORM. & Son, of Alabama: 000 feet. The storm began to subside Tues- - themselves at the mercy of what will, j Timber at $5.00 to $8.00 p- "Our experience with the standard day n'ght, and yesterday morning the 24x54 prove o bale is. our average weight was materialize, be if schemes the observer warned the refugee cottagers larger. Could haul one more bale on V.L"&-.APiguests they from the beaches that and most merciless trust ever organized in 8' a dray, and the trouble from bursting could safely return. Consequently a the United States. The proposition of bands was less than with th? old style number of the Carolina beach people FINANCIAL. bale. returned and others will go back to- the representatives of he round bale New York. August 16. Money on call day. Yesterday morning's 10:15 train people to pay 45 cents more per hun"The cost of changing press to standon the Wilmington Seacoast railroad dred pounds for cotton packed in round easier at 23 per cent.; last loan at 2V2 ard was normal." carried back nearly 200 people to bales than square is no inducement to per cent.; prime mercantile paper at per cent.; sterling exchange firm Wrightsville beach and others went a farmer who has sufficient intelligence fvoveriiiitetii rkl) r down on the 2:30 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. to make a very simple calculation, be- with actual business in bankers' bills Washinton, August 13. The followtrains. The hotels, which were desert- cause the difference in the cost and at $4.S6U4.861,A for demand and at for sixty days; posted rates ing is the weather bureau's weekly $4.824.S3 ed, are, therefore, again filling up. weight of the wrappings of the square at $4.834.84 ard $4.87(4.87; comSAW THE STORM OUT. and round: bales will actually make mercial bills at $4.814.82; silver cer- summary of crop conditions: A Messenger representative went to 500 pounds of lint cotton wrapped in tificates at eOV&t&ei1; silver at Favorable weather conditions pr'v:i liWrightsville beach yesterday morning the old standard style net 15 cents 604 ; Mexican dollars bar 4S; governat to ascertain of the storm on Tuesday more than 500 pounds put up in the ment bonds strong; state bonds inac- ed during the week in the Ohio valley and generally in the middle, south and Tuesday night had done any damage. He walked around Moore's inlet, new style, and besides this, practically tive; railroad bonds Irregular. Atlantic and east gulf statt-s- , throughCOTTON. county dursoldi cotton York iu all appearances, the to all inlet, and the after Liverpool, August 16. (4 p. m.) Spot out the central and southern Rockv having been nearly closed up by a sand ing the past two seasons was bought mountain districts and on the Pacific Ameribar for several months, was washed by cotton mills of this and neighboring limited demand, prices lower; ; middling good can midfair out and considerably widened. A stroll counties, audi the farmers received coast. Drought prevails in the .owe middling 3 low lake region, northern New York. ;ind along the entire length of the beach about 25 cents per hundred more for it dling 3 good ordinary 3 from the inlet to Ocean View, revealed than could or would have been paid by middling 3 2 ordinary The sales of the day portions of the central and wit gulf that no damage had been sustained by exporters. were 6,000 bales, of which 500 were for states, while the lower Missouri, Red any of the cottagers, save the underThe farmers and ginners object to speculation and export and included river and the north and central Mismining of a few steps. string that is tied to the round bale 5,500 bales American; receipts 2,000 sissippi valleys have suffered Some of the cottagers had remained the from press. It is a well known fact that bales, including 1,700 bales American. at the beach on Tuesday night to see rains, severe and destructive opened easy and c'osed quiet. the storm out. Those who staid at the they are not sold to the ginners, but Futures middling, middling American low occurring in Wisconsin. storms hail following terms: Ocean View hotel, besides some of the are installed' on the 3 August clause: sellers; press when, help, were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mayo, $500 to be paid or due the huvprs! Minnesota and North Dakota. Rain- and Sentember 2 Miss Kate Mayo, Captain Joe Lippitt, is put in. The ginner is then allowed Aueust to September and October 3 sellers; fal,s amounting to from one-haMr. Johnson Graham, Professor Hock- to pack 1.000 bales, weighing 250 October 3 more one inch, and November than for remarkable ey, of this city, and Mrs. A. J. Cramp-td- pounds each and for each bale over and December the season, occurred in Washington of Charlotte. They state that it that number be is to pay the ownres 3sellers; 'November sellers; December and and Oregon, and, although retarding was a rough night, of course, but that 50 cents. An January 3 press royalty buyers; Jan- - harvesting in Oregon and causing a of the of they were not alarmed. They went to. 3 uary February buyers; some damage to oats in Washington, press square can and box ordinary double bed at 1 a. m. and slept soundly and 3 February were generally beneficial, and March $350, the farmers and bought for be safely. The tide had reached its high3 buyers: April March and This has been another favorable est point about 1 o'clock and began to and ginners think the cylindrical press 3 3 May April sellers; week and for corn. Except over southe rn recede, with the wind blowing off should be sold outright at about the buyers; May and June 3 Missouri, Central Kansas, and in c shore. The tide reached the board walk same price. The cotton raisers of the 3 July western Nebraska, where it June and and tral in front of the new Ocean View Hotel south are heavily burdened now and it sellers. needs rain, the crop has generally and some times sent its waves as far as is to be hoped that they will not stick decided made advancement. It is es- THE NEW YORK MARKET. the steps of the hotel. The tide also their heads in the new sugar-coate- d r maton tnnr Mr v in ?irlnl. went up under a number of cottages, noose offered by the round bale people. tton quiet; pal corn gtates of thirn cemra,Acugust yaUi.ys damage. no but did gross receipts 100; middling 6 oe sare from irost by September 1,085; stock 144,326; exports to the win sales HIGHEST TIDE EVER KNOWN. 15th and the late crop by September Her ov A Mother Y'll !? avd continent 395. 30th. The Messenger representative re- - j AtMiigliter'B itlc kittle Total today: Net receipts 2.C05; exStacking threshing of spring mained at Wrightsville beach till 3:45 j ports to Great Britain 3,283; to the con- wheat has and eight and children of am mother the I p. m. and witnessed the highest tide generally delayed by been 3,326; stock 350,544. rains, ever known on the beach, even exceed- - have had a great deal of experience tinent and violent hail storms in tlv Consolidated: Net receipts 11,332; ex- Red river valley have ing that of the great storm of 1893. At j with medicines. Last summer my lit- ports caused a loss to Great Britain 5.772; to France estimated at 2,000,000 bushels 11 a. m. wrhen he reached the beach the in North to the continent 9,593. 50 per cent, of Dakota and tide was coming in and the wind was tle daughter had the dysentery in its 50;Total about since September 1st: Net reyield of 50,000 acres in Minneblowing from the north at about 25 ' worst form. We thought she would die. ceipts 8,338,608; Great Bri- sota, while high miles velocity, causing a very heavy I trie'" everything I could think of, but tain 3,498,321; to exports to winds have shelled surf. If the wind had comei from the nothing seemed to do he.r any good. I continent 2,841,433.France 796,609; to the considerable ripe grain in the first ocean instead of from the shore, the saw by an advertisement in our paper state. Futures closed easy. August 5.52, named In nearly ocean and Wrightsville sourfld would sections cotton is openSeptember 5.52, October 5.70; November ing rapidly all picking is In general and have united and not a hotel or cottage that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and 5.75; 5.81. January 5.85. Febprogress. While complaints of shedwould have been left. According to the j Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recom- ruaryDecember March 5.92, April 5.95, May ding continue general they are somehydropgraphic almanac the tide should j mended and sent and got a bottle at 5.99, 5.88, 6.01. June less numerous than In the previhave been high at 2:30 p. m., but it con- - j Spot cotton closed quiet at He de- what to be one of the very ous over the eastern half of the week tinued to roll in till 4 p. m. It was con- - j once. It proved we midever had in the cline; middling uplands 6 cotton sequently the highest tide in the his- - best medicines belt. Rust is, however, still sales 1.0S5 bales. tory of the beach, within the memory house. It saved my little daughter's dling gulf 6 prevalent and is increasing in the cen GRAIN AND PROVISION. tral and eastern districts. In the north of people who have spent the past ten life. I am now anxious for every mothyears there and within the remem- - er central and western portions of the 16. The leading fuChicago, August to know what an excellent medicine tures were as follows: cotton belt the condition of cotton is brance of The Messenger scribe who ' was on hand and witnessed the hiph it is". Had I known It at first it would Cpen. High. I ow. :ioa. decidedly less promising than at the close of the previous week. tide during the great storm of 1893. In have saved me a great deal of anxiety Whea- t1893 the wind was coming from the sea 70 The reports concerning tobacco con Sept 70 7114 suffering I and my little daughter much nnrt sound was rone-hpan1 tTra 73 73 73 72 tinue Dec ravoraDle In. nearly all tobacco 76 May states. The crop has. however, sus- 76 76 76 thar Tuesday. Yesterday with the Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Burdick, wind coming in with the tide, the beach Liberty, R. I. For sale by R. R. Beltained some damage from storms in Corn ew iorK ana irom too much rain In would have been wiped out. On the lamy. 30 30 Sept 30 30 cohtrary an"! very lucki'y it was southern Indiana, and has suffered 28 Dec 28U 28 284 against the tide and braced the break- drought from In Pennsylvania. 29 May 23 29U 29 Fore Caswell Note ers. As it was the railroad track in I Oats-S- ept many places was all that kept the wa- - "Correspondence of The Messenger.) 12atljr fluudlt-d- , Ilueduud More! 19 19 19 19Ti ted from the ocean and sornd from j 19 19 14. 19 Dec 19 Fort Caswell, August "I like a uniform bale of 24x54, for mixing. From the bank s channel to May 21 21 21 21U callMay, suddenly who was I think that the size bale to .make, and Private WrightsilIo the sound was a vast Mess pork, per bbl. if my press was not that size. I would sheet of watei with no marsh grass to ed away by a telegraphic message to Sept $8.25 $8.25 $8.12 $8.20 p. seen. change it at once, no matter what it be m. train left the funeral of his mother on the 25th Oct When the 3:45 8.32 8.32 8.20 8.27 for the city, the water in the Bank's of July last, returned this afternoon. Jan cost, for cotton la more easily handled, 9.35 9.37 9.30 9.37 Channel and in the sound between the hauled, stored, and my customers liko Lard, per 100 lbs. Hammocks and Wiightsville was with- He has the condolence of his commuch better. If you can get a uniform it 5.17 5.15 5.10 5.17 7f in four feet of the railroad track across rades in blue in this his saddest of be- Sept COttnn bate of tho rmrA hilo rsmrtm Oct 5.224 5.22 5J7 the trestle. The only damage done by reavements. ' i by 5.40 board. the 5.35 S If the round bale 5.32 40 this high tide was the washing away Corporal T. J. Ticha, a former num- Jan j methods are successful it will of several gangways, if we except the ber per 100 ruin the ribs, Short lbs. of this battery, has been fortunate Sept 5.00 little one room shantly which stood enough 5.02 5.02V; cotton gtates. This is the war to look 4.93 good position secure a with to r: Ar on the beach between the old Ocean j large wholesale grocery house In Bal3.0S 5 OA 5.05 Oct at iL View htel and the Hewlett house. The atimore, Md. His many friends here are Jan 4.82 4.87" 4.82 4.87 "You did not ask for an opinion on surf undermined the shanty and broke" j delighted to hear of his success. TomCash quotations were as follows. the round bale, but I could not help it to pieces. It belonged to the Ocean my is a gentleman in its broadest steady. No. 2 yellow corn, 32c; : from saying something, and would lik Flour View Company and was occupied by and he has the gcod wishes of hit ; No. 3 spring to say more." No. 2 spring wheat, .air. a. a. xsatnan s servant girl. Alter in blue. wneat, t8Qoc; No. 2 red. 72S72Uc: : the house dropped into the surf several The engineer department has com- No. 2 corn, 31c; No. 2 oats. ICed Npiiug Note men got into the house and saved a menced work on the big fill between o. - wnne, -- j'flWHC; o. 3 white. . bedstead, several chairs and most of hospital and the officers' quarters the (Correspondence of The Messenger.) for 21(23c; mess pork, per bbl.. $7.03 the occupant's effects. In one or two the foundation of the new barracks. Red Springs, N. C, August 13. 8.25; lard, per 100 lbs.. $5.0505.17; places the swash of the surf glided E. S. Smith and Mis Man Ann The commanding officers will detail short ribs sides, loose. $4.8035.10: dry across the beach into the sound. At the various detachments tomorrow will be married at 9:30 o'clock toto salted shoulders, boxed, $3.505.62; Wrightsville, the road on the dam be- serve the guns during target practice. morrow in Red Springs Presbyf-rlasnort clear sides, boxed, $3.4035.60; tween Wrightsville and Summer Rest church. H. G.'iiill. D. D., and whiskey, distillers' finished goods, pei H. Craig Revs. was several inches under water. officiating. The church Is nicegallon, $1.26. A Little Time CAROLINA BEACH ALL RIGHT. New York, August 16. Flour market ly decorated. Mr. Jas. A. Lamkin; ' of Georgia, was The storm passed by without doing health Good seasons, fine crops. quiet with bids 5 to 10c under old any damage to Carolina beach. Quite a thinks we can do as well with the asicing progress bere. and abound prices. number of people remained at the square as the round bale. Spot firm. No. 2 77c. Op- - t Wheat beach Tuesday night, and at 8 o'clock does not cost ginners anything uuua vjcucvi oiea-u"It If or jlcni at advance 101- the tide was so high that it covered but a little time to change their boxes Iowing steadier cables, Mr. W. H. Fulghum, of Georgia, but eaed off the railroad trestle over the canal so as to make a standard bale. This through liberal short selling and fair gives reasons for standard square bale. which connects the fresh water pond will save the ginners of the cotton belt crop news. A western bull raid In the "I like the 24x54 bale better than my with the sound. Some of the tents of afternoon an aroused devouring old 22x60, for several reas 0113. Colonel Walker Taylor's Boys' Brigade thousands of dollars, as they will have movement which closedactive prices firm at were blown down, and as Mr. Hans to abandon their square presses, if the "First: I don't think there is any net advance; sales included No more A. Kure's cottage was considered the round bale is adopted, and I don't see 2Hlc strain on the presj. or that it rered. September closed Del at 76c safest place on the beach, the boys why we should adopt anything that cember closed at 78c. quires any more power. and most of the people on the beach" will cost so much, where we can do "Second: It Is easier to head up or Corn Spot firm; No. 2 38c. Options assembled there and remained till af- just as well without it-- Now, the 24x54 market opened and unchanged roll over, and is covered with less bag-ginter midnight, when all the danger' was bale is much more easily handled than with wheat. It steady afterwards off over. the old style bale, and It costs mere through fine crop prospects, toeased "Third: We all recognize the necesrecover THE SHIPPING. nothing to change one of the old press- finally on big clearances and th iumD sity of system in any business, and The Cylde Line steamship New York, es. Just drop in a scantline on ends "utrai, tioseu unn at a partial Vic what is to the interest of the compress which anchored at Southport Tuesday, I and cut out sides, and cut off follow aiso to the interest of the went on her voyage yesterday. The block, and you are through with the September closed at 26C; December men. is and ginner. It ia true there are planter steamer Oneida, of this line, Is due j Job. I don't believe In spending money closed at 34 c. compressing cotton Oats Spot firmer; No. 2 27c. Options other methods of here, but no anxiety is felt for her j power nothingless run takes they to arc so expensive It gin; for but at the quiet. safety. , average 28x62 than does 21x54 ginner cannot bale a run to it Cnttnn" fiwA rvil" T d American schoonThe , prime cruue tha farmer and tested nominal; yellow 2626c. er C. C. Lister, bound from New York bale. I have it" afford it"

are a source of comfort. They are a source ox care, aiso. lor your cnnn If you care send for ill nitrated book on the disorders to which children are j subject, and

Damage Done to Wilmington's Seaside IIeort-T- be Ilsbet Tide



Vir-alt- h.








-- .



. .


















































18-G47- ?3
















































um-rad- es



Mc-Na- lr





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