Hurricane Hazel Newspaper Archives

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lfSW9.'l'DIUOfflCE .........





TUF.SDA Y, OCTO BER 26 , 1964

In Case You Didn't Get a Friday Paper. • •

Board .Will Wei9h Police Issue at Meeting '.Tonight


County Farmer~ Suff er FromSaltwater Damage By ALVIN C. NEWSO:WE o\all1an1 C. unl y Aceat

UnH Continues OnActive Duty

Loolun1 SD41lliieul an-on Ute Be111dtrt-Morehe1 d CltJ l'tllllt'way, tbe .i,tltleer 1uuc:tloa prciperty c,wnera withstood there.

fol b e~uJ



Commanding Off ic.r Reviews Outfit's Service

The reported [arm people the county have quiteor widesprend damage lo cro1>3, land and build •

Since Hurrlcano


..L .,.


John L Humphrey , county road 1uperlnlenden1. esp r e u e d h.11 tha nks today to Dan L . Wallter , Beaufort town cle rk and the town or Beaufort !or loaning Beaufort'• bulldozer lo clear hurricane clebrll from th• causc,way. "All of our equlpnu-nt wq Ued up heh.ind the North River br idge which wu wuhed out by the lltorrn. and the hiJlhway deriartment would have been unable to cope with vita l caute .. ay 1Hualion had It not been for Beaufort town crew help, " Mr. Humphrey nJd .

Parents ofGirl Scouts loMeet

Phillip Ball, George Brooks V ie for Surveyor 's Post rhllllp t<. Ball, Mote hHd City, teek ,ng re-t'lection •1 NKJDlY 111rveyor on the DemocraUc !Jekel, wa• born In JlaleiQh OcL 1, 18911lie attended &'11mmar.c,hool and b lah .c,hool In Ralelah and entered 1,he Arm,r In Ju ne of 1918. Ile attended oll~r·• tr •Jning tc hopl while In 0,e Army and after bla dlachar ae enrolled al the Uni ve...Uy of Waah ln1ton at Seattle ln 11118 . li e wu a membff or KapPll s1,ma fratfrnlt, and maJoted In en&inetrl ng and hu1ln- admln latrallon . He bu been a 1urveyor , land · aeape an,hltect and enel neer for the paat 30 1ea ra. Mr. Ball bu -"rv ed a, cou nt y aurveyor (or approx imat ely 20

George Brookl, a native of lkau rort . who I• running for cou nt y aur vt>yor on the Rep11hllcan ticket, ha1 been in the 1urveylng and enalneuing bu,lneu ever since his return to Beaufort after the lint world war. +------------Mr. Broolll was gradualt'd rr om Beau fort Hl11h Schoo l and auended Walle Fcwe.t and Sta te College. WhJJe In tbe Army he 1tlldJi,d road rontt ru dlon at Edinburgh Unin rslly, Stolland. He w1111 1 captain lo the Corp,, or Enelneers . In 1817 he attended the War CoUeae at Wuhlncton, D. C. Mr. Brookll Is married to lbe for • mer Sarah Parki n or Beaufort. Their dau1ht er. 811-y. la now • aophomor e 11 But Ca rolina Colle1te. (l~n vllll". ran. They have live annclchlldren . He married Mrs. WU!J.lni £. M/ &,t . Oe«ae llroob. now mAa float riew., die ....... ;11116,Bw:ti ... •• •, .... h .... ro. of Wublncton , .N . C., In Uoned In AUflrla , bu two dHlb.................... t11et•-dlklt , in,ert1• --8'Mllmit o.e.iber o1 llM3 an4 llaa IJINie ten,. and lira. Rlcbard K. Williama, lleadt wtll -' M 11 a.•..,. IICtpdllldrn , Mra. OnlwD Elliott , Aluandra , Va., wife of llajor Wulll •,ton , N. C., llrs . Alu C. Wlllleme who II a • maa wlllt lbe ltGII.Nr , lrvlng , Tn. , end C.pL Anny al the ~. b• three I!!. Jlaugllaffl, Fort Hood, JOllnplen. Tu. Mr, Broou la a. -.iia or the. Mr, Jlall II a 1111mber of the lland t:1111and be.Ion,- lo £pqcopal Cburcb ud tbe North It . Palll 'a g.,_.,.a Cllurch , BeauThe Hal'-tt Caml•aJ at New- Carolina llodety ol' rn,111ffft. Be (ort. llr • ..._. II a ,_i eult ed ruler port School will set undffw., l'ri- mo beton,, to the Sodely ol Elb Lodae d.lY 11 !I p.m, llrflh a aupper In U.. American IIUltuy EneJoeers ud o( lbe Amerlca:n llod e . ty o1 1:ng.1-n. No. 1'110. "Now lt'I open , now ll'a not " IChool cafetd':la. , chlrla teeffll If' be the llm')' on th e Beau • 11lad pl ates, hot cloea, plft , cakfs, fort drawbrldp. At preutlme yuterday , the popeom , ptanuta, candy , coif• ad br idle, lhoueh cracked and udly aoft drlnb will be IOld. I II hi,_ At !l:IO boot1lt wlll CJPltll, Tllar• ugg n1, open lo a ve C,ao wlll be . gtft lllop, crab ... 0,., three grou lonl and under . Ins pond, photo abop , spook,-. At 2 p.m. Saturday It wu dOled blneo. duck pond and fortune laJI.. to both foot and vehicular traUlf Inc. • •• Oeor...._ H-•'Ill--'Ae lllld Uut W p ....__ __ 111addiUon to a Prov •• Ill... ._ _. • • ~•--• but wu nopened at II p.m, to ~ auditorium al 7 p.m. IJl«re will lie WMmt of tha Co lllll)' Welfare De- 11-•d CJIY, • and Paul Jona, pie wanlln• to walk •a,1a . Twen- a e.tume parade and au ,..._ ...,..nt, 811a,,..., th• l all ... ufon. tllllaalacl lhe nlue of lY•four houni later II •• reopened ----------- ., Ille hurrlca!IH8 •19 1ed food la tlle Nlftled food at '2.IIOO, to vehicles , That wu 11 5 p.a f-LItile Aid' Store , Beaufort, w• DOI " We Pft'belPI t'Ollld Ila,. dllM • Sunday . Ulillll9 ~ ~ Job ol ,-Ulq the food to Then a tew hours lala It --. TMee .. U. ....,_, Carl Short dlltrkl llllllllllff ,rl ..... who .-ded 1t.• Ila Hu:= al.ltcd lbat It may ha•e lo be dOle1t IIIGII LOW Ille UP , ~ NllWI-TUda , '1lut It lMldto be .,.1n to can, but lnatead It ,. .,..,., , 0d. • i.e .,.. tllat ., Ille ,_. ~~ ucl - cUdLIie btM malned open . TIie tuhlll at .,_ 7: .. UL 1:27 a.& ... Ille. Nt 11111 II-• ,ltd M lime •• t11e •• It wu lalll 7:05 p.m. 2,111p.& 1e1n deelNd 111aC ... food NIM Tuaday : open to all .. hldea of ........ ,., 0d. 17 lit .... ., ~ II ll wae .-1 ,_ ~ ..._. lhne ,,_ 1o111or i8:211a,m. 2 :11111:.& wttllln a lew - •. Pour ..... __... U. --. The draw C811 lie • flMd an, 8 :30 p.m. 2:• p.a Iii. H............ -lfan de, 1111of t11e ....... a, Jl• uiT



AlJpareeuofGlrt'-1118... count, .,.. requeJted IO a meeting Thu,-daJ at 1:ao p.111.It II - • 141M .. ._ .,. ..._ • .. nilal • a lk Seoot 8ulld ln 1, Pollodl Sueet CIIJ'.Al U. ld1 a II• ....... ~ ....... Ila• tw9 ..... --, Baufoft. Al the meell • c ~ I) . wUl be made for the Girl lkl..a drl-. la Ute county Nov. 1-11. Car , lel'll 's .... th is )'fir ill ,1.- .•. •vovr l• WN!lt and -,POrt wfll cMtennlM wbelher .. - • 11 ...,. a -a1ber of the-' 11111 ,ear,~ llrw. w. J. Lollln. 9Nufon. aut ~a, . Tllill patt ,-r tile dnt Ur•t Girl Seoutllll ID CarAJtboulh .trtually IOO pereat Co. In Ulla coat¥ , J't'.lterd •J ell • teret W -ncll atnllal.loll . of lbe loa, dlatanee dtttilli and an prflNd lhanlta lo the nine tele"We .....S trained luden for latl•IA!d 30,000 teleJ)honee of pbolNt tffwmm ol South~rn Bell ti.a &lrla• ,re to be our Ind- eanu.. 'l'eMph- UNI Teiqrapll wlie wera -t llere to belp makll era la tile ,..._ r.ent.1 JOUo- c...,., •ere ltnot'bd out bf repaln . It 10 ,-. DDll'I allow HII.ITIIU• line! , -,,1o,,_ oC the ~ wtra P , 11. Aleunder and - elN your reqtOIIU • eocnpeny -11 011 the wa, to J . I!!. spear •, both of A~ . b!IIU-.~ 11n, fAt\lll "lei ratontloll ol n- •l aemee. 'l'1llll S. C.; J . E- a. non, C. t. Sc:l)ttJnll •U It 11 ..,_. ,. for you to dlle'-d today bf W, C. Clrtoe Scott, all of G,ffmUle , i,. pr-.t .,....., nl1bt. writa Dellow, dllttid -rd.II IIIAII- s. C.; D, D Zimmerman, E, 8 . your dNCh ..... ._.r I card , OC' •-- • Tellot.M>n. J . H Lona. and W. J. write to• II,dnghter ham"t Woning tbe 1oqNt J)GUlbltl Ware, all of llf,artanbura. 8. C. r .. .. ,.,.,. WI ,... . kovl lr'OOINI...... -, day alnee 1ut ....... TIM • US Wedlieatlu abould be .....,.. ..i of Ball · Ille -n el tbe .....,,._ -,.,, and haft now It« lo •Ip l •ab 111rt. ,.._ ...... a,eettq wtt11 ~ 1111Wde _.. repaln at Weldon and A__ le,


Jll..i ..•~•,.,...,... .._ , (•-

..,_. • ,.,.

• I Ma kes Te Iep hone ()ffi c,1a •• Repor t O n L•,ne Repa1rs


I'd dlsmb&al o.f' GU>' •t • r pcclal - -----------meetln1 lu1 TucJdaJ night. Guy clalrm a ttchnlral foul on the grounda that notice of the aperlal meeUn& was not given the tom• miuioners 24 hours In advance u required by the Beaufort charter. Ma)l()r Cllf (ord Lewis has aeen lo It that therr will be no ttthnl , cal foul au"ounding lunl1ht'• mee1. 1ng. He aent notice or ii to all ro mmiss1oneu lut Friday . lla yor StePI Dow • It waa Mayor Lewi.a who mad e Fisheries Comm iuioner the nioUon to dismla Guy. Un• Estimates Industry's :lcr Robru1'1 rules or parllarnenhlry law he rell nqu l• hcd his chair to Lossesat $1,75 0,000 Cummlss loner (mayor pro-tem) W. G Templ e. The only vole • not The Call IICSl!lon of the Slate polled in favor of Guy·, dllmlua l Board ol Conservatio n •nd Develop, were lhOIIC!of abffnt llatsell and ment ln progre M at the Hotel BarTemple. Temple, u acting mayor , rln,rr, Charlotte. la upcctltd to could not vote. probe the $47,000 survey or Inland Mayor Lewis, who wu appointe d Waterway potential and coru,lder atling police chief by the commls- Auiltant F1sheraH Commluloner •lonera . relieved Guy or badge , C. Gt'hrm,on Holland's report ll urrlc • ne Hazel damaged com mer gun. and prow) car Wednnday . Thursday nieht a meeting of cial l~hJ.rul by $ 1.700,000 . CrlUclsm of lh,• waterwll)'I re lhree of the commlulonen. Hat • 1ell, Temple and Gortlon H• rduty, pOrt came l"rom Mill'I J, Smllh of wu held In Guy•• •·ront Street Salisbury , vice chairman of the apartment when, the)' dec,t"ffd that c•o boanl and eh9lrman of Ill Guy WIIS still chie( IS he clal med . Committee on Waler Resources, Just pre•lou. to that Impromptu Inlets and Coll/lUII Waterway,. He meet ing, virtually sec.rel , Commll , made hla statement3 In a pre lim• alonrr Gerald HUI had been • !nary commille e meeting . caller at Guy's apartment , but u "I'm diaappolntcd In the report ," a member of the ~t.atr of Johnaon- Mr. Smllh Oally advised his com • Saunden ' dry cleaning eatabll•h · mlllce . " I had hoped II would plnmerit to pld: up Guy'a police uni• p0lnl lndulltr ial opporlunlty for form for deanln11!:utem North Carolina, which Pllone te ~rll sorely needs ii •., The trio not only dtt rttd th at He dC>tertbed the report 11/1" very Guy wu 11111chief but phoned gt'ncral" hut ..,,d ii b< "o ( .amc Town Clerk Dan Walht to r eturn value ." eun . badge, uniform and prowl car • It bu gotten toi:et her much to Guy . W.1lker phont'd Maycw uwl11 and worthwhile Inform ation .'' Mr. Smith ••Id , "IIO rM o( whlcil alread y Wit the mayor, In the dual capacities or ~ and police rhlef available ln othtt publkatlon._" The report j)ttpared by the ordend G•r •• t111penslon on the Yllt'lt en alntt rin g llrm al around, lliiat Gu)' 11,d •o ld jwn NHall, Par • oJII, .arwi.dll>d and DfOpel'ty, ~l~ M , ad . Ttle $47,ollo tot' Ute ..., , had bttn 111Ull1 ol alller ch1r1 ol JJebcmaltf conduct nol befllllna a chlt f or ffY wu provJded by fbe l"3 Gener al Allllt'mbly. It waa reco m1111nd • police. Since then , and uotll conclUllon ed b)' GOVf'mOr Umatea d and WU or tonight '• board 111tttlng. Beau- pu1hed by lhe North Carol ina C021tal Marine Coundl . fort will buiz with IPff UlaUon. Al Mr. Smil h'a 1ug11cs11on, lhe If lhe N1mmlalonrr1 1tlck to &heir Jut Tuesday nlllhl deelllon C&D committee votNI lo •~Pl lbe See Cl, D, Pa,e Z on Ib is TuNday night, Guy II oul.

Properly Owners AtBeach w·111 Meet un day

lngs. Probably the ten poUI• IOtoi was experienced by thegrea ,wcet to l(rOwers of the eastern section or the county . The communities of Beltie and Otway have reported soll walel' covering a majorlly or t bl- area for several hours . Roy Keller or Bettle report~ 16 A. B. Cooper, mayor of Atlantic acres of potaloea covered by w.ier . Dcach, anoou nted ye,,lerday that Warren Gllllkln "'•nd Clarence bea<'h property owners have been Piner In the Otwa)' community re • in, lied lo I meeting al II o'clock po, I their potato "field • were rov, Sunday morning at the ll eart of ,red also. Salt waler will kill al• the Beach. mml aoy kind o! plant growing The mer1in11 hR$ been called by ,n 1•11d . (h e potato vines are dead the mayor and town board to In, ur ioon wlll be dried up. As l ,;ee form property ownr rs of progress it, the only hope for thou having made 1n dcarln11 up the aflrr~ lsw~t potatoes covered by water fccta of the storm and to dl8<:uss is to dig them •• soon IS you can pl•n• for rebuilding. !(Cl In the Held. Mayor Coopel' Aid he Is espeUsually the most o( our pota - dally anxlou, Lo have ocean,fronl 10<'1 are dug from the lut week property e1wne~ and be•C-b hu•lin October on unlll lhe.Y are au du11. n<'Qmcn nttend . With the "lnea dead you can expect The town of Atlantic Brach has , !he potatoa to rot In about a week. hired buUdoiers. truclul and ctl'WI SO lhe 0111,t way lo uve your crop lo clear 1treeli and move debris. Is to dli ll and Ril It u llOOm U The mayor nld tha t Pf'l"IODI ~IUl ble . I don't believe I~ w1M11dstill are not able to rwch their "' ~dvlaa ~ to try to l lOl'I ... . homes . but mot;t of tllcm now have lot1 covere 3 by Alt water . How- aCC'ellto t heir cottaan. '9l-_. ..a'-' tl,,a ·A ,-, he added, havw atartcd .to Whe n we get more ln(ormallon on malterepairs. Nationa l Guard1111e• SM t'A .. IS, Pap 7 at the Beach went oU duty Sunday night but An extra police oUlcer la sllll on dut}'.

National Gu1rd1men Crom. the Beaufort unit wue 11111 on duty lhl, week wilh a definite date sti ll not llt!t ror term ination or a.cUn duty which began Sunday night, Ocl. 17. Fli,t LI. Norman Ma,te n, battery commander, atated that the entire personnel of lbe unit would be avdlable to county and cUy aulhorllles II long u they were needed . The unit. Battery A o! the 295th Pleld Artillery battallon , wrui call • ed on active duty OcL 17 be!ott midn ight and wllhln an hour mem, hen of I.he unit ~n th e 24 hour conUnuou1 auard duty 11 Atlantic Beach. Other ll'CIIS aerved by th e unit Included penionneJ stationed al the North River bridge on Highway 70, u.blin& the highway department and Marina rr om Camp Lejeun e In keeping urgent 1uppllel and puaengers moving acroa the rtv"r . Penonnd bu alto bee n ,ladoned at the Jleaufon brwlp arwnd the cloell since llonclaJ afternoon , the State Uqliiwa, patNI• men tolillldN ~clea' Ins dte lhl'ft-toa g,Uclt from c..-lJI& the l p,llll, Full cooperati on wu lllinl afven Carteret Shedfi Hu&h Salter and hl1 ala!( , 11 well as the pollte rorce• of Beaufort and Allullc Buel> , Lieuten ant Maslen , in a stat~ mtnt ye,,terday, 1• id lha l he WH , eladJ that the unlt wu avalW>le to aula t In the emergency . Full aut.llorl:r.ation wu elven II.Im by the Adjutant ~nerar, office ln Ila · lejJh the day of lbe burrkan e to call the unit on active duty at his dhcretlon. Much ,ooc1 could have been accomp lished, · he added , a~ the beach Friday nlp t and Slot· urday momlna lo .llop tbe reported heavy looti ng that took place with · In hours (oUowln& the sto rm . No form,J request wa• mad e ror tbe battery •• ,ervices, however , u n• tu Suruu.yafternoon when Sheriff Sallu requested the aid of tbe unit to help ln &U• tdlng the beach and other area1 , accordlna to the lieutenant. > lkallen Velu_lffr Varlou members of the unit vol· untMred their au vlca Friday and Ulilted the Bnu!ort police ill &ljardiDS the Fron t 11ttet area and bu&lneu dbtrkt all nl!lht Fri · day In an atfon LO ptevent lootlnl, One of lhe baltery'I truclll WU preaed lnto aenlce on the nit See NAffONAL GUAaD, •~• 1

What. Beaufort'• Town Board, meelinr In special ee8111on toni1ht at 8 o'cloclc In the town hall , will decide about suspen:led Chief of Police M . E. Guy is anybody'~ gue1111 . Baaed on lt:11put record of vacillation and woman ly mlnd-ch11n1lng, the odds fa vor reinRllltement of Guy. The board, with Comlt1Sioner <'arl Ha l8ell absenl, orde r-

C&D Offi cial Fee lsSurvey OflittleHelp

Hurricane Pidures

Ir evid,nt to all p11Aln11 Re-Run to Mfft Dema nd lbrou_gh Cart~rcl County that Hur• B ~ ca u I e Friday', NEWSrlr,ne ll au,I ,trail th is area a ~Tll)IF.S ,.,.. a N>mplete 1tell-0111, verr blow. Bulld ll\f.l.1,boata, hom e,i, plctuna of Ole hu rrka"" d 111tpier,. and ot her property han re- 11e are ""'n• r.prloted ta thll ceived unt old damage due to waler luu4!, aloof wl&b ..,n,4 new photo ,i:. and wind&. A!lu travelling through We re 1 re 1 tlla1 all of !be or• good part or northeaster n North Carolina, one can 1ee the wide- Mn re<'eived fer Frlda 1'1 paper of tliie cleCIIJUIOI be llllcd and bope that sp read damage of the sto rm . Wind damage acems to be the wor11 In the re •runnlDI of 0,e plc:tarts In that area ever experienced . In fa ct toda y•, paper wW In ~ mee1 the duaand ' for pldorial report& no 1torm hH enr done auch wld~ SPN'ld dam age In th<' rute so (ar IS of llurr!Hne Ru eL- The Editor . I can !ind out. -----------It

National Gua rd



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Newport Carn ival Beaufort DrawTo Start at 5 P.M. OpentI Car S,

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Mailboat n..:__ ft..



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Wellare Department Distributes A&P Food


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Scrapbook of Francis Hays, 1954, Digital Collection North Carolina Memory, Granville Collection Vol. 126


Hazel played havoc in Dunn and fered severe shock. throughout Harnett and lhe sur- A number of minor automobile rounding area Friday, leaving a accidents occurred, none of them trail of damage and destruction, serious, during lraffic congestion at least one person injured and which followed the hurricane. property damage estimated at Parents rmhed to local schools hundreds of thousands of dollars. for their children. It plunged the area into dark- During most of the aflernoon, ness, silenced thousands of telc- downtown streets were practically phones, disrupted Western Union deserted, except for citizens flockservice and left the town without ing to hardware stores ¡ to buy means of outside communication, lamps, candles and batteries. except lhrotigh Dunn's ham radio The Dunn Hospital suffered a operators. heavy loss when a brick storage Business in stores came to a building, erected only recently, was virtual halt, most stores closed almost completely destroyed. early in the afternoon, Dunn An automobile owned by Mrs. schools dismissed classes right in Mabel R. Alexander was smashed the middle of the blow. flat by an uprooted tree on South Haze! hit town with a mighty King Avenue. Numerous other wallop at approximately 112:40, vehicles were damaged. digging up tree,s by the roots, shat• Business firms were among those tering pla~ glass windows; fe:ir~hgHaid' hit by Hazel.



Scrapbook of Francis Hays, 1954, Digital Collection North Carolina Memory, Granville Collection Vol. 126

• h D tgs • RQ l etg 0 ut A ff er

line -1=--.=

of the State. Also CP&L lpart men were brought fr om the wes• te~n part of the State to damaged




Hurricane A1


Bridges Out

WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 t.ftThe Highway Patrol rePorlPres1dent Eisenhower toda:, ed here yesterday that at least


5 si:i~pf~r :l!~ ;:;!t~d~::sd:~!~s~~:: ~·000 ~~= ~~~;s~·~r:a:: ~~:~ :~ ;~!.y ~u;r~~::; :~s:a~i~er~~d~sm~!~!1~


Hazel'S Blow ~~~~~o~~i!!w~~c~~~s .~:: ;::

cisely when power wo~ld be re- will be administered by the over them.


Raleigh staggered to its feel yesterday after being slu1ged mightily by Hurricane Hazel. The battering winds that passed through Friday ·Ieft the city with crippled communications, a dearth of electric power, and damaged properly. No loss of life had been reported. Telephone and power company repair crews stayed at work late last night and city trucks were picking up debris. c:-m;aa::li:f~icf~w:: id 1

store d. Although expecting_ to f~l- Federal Civil Deftnse AdminOne is North River bridge ly restore elect'?c .. ser vice m lstralion in conjunction with on u. s. 70 a few miles east

Wake County w1thm 24 hours, Connecticut authtt:ities. CP&L feared there would be sev- White· House l'rlss Secreera! days delay in the worst man- tary J•mes c . Hagerty regled eastern sections. "It's the portrd in\•estia:aworst damage we've ever been tlr,insare undtt way t.o assess confronted with," Pope said. Many persons throughout the city and county complaiQed of the power shortage. Worry was concerned with food spoiJa~on, the Canadian border.Friday . lack o! water in rura l sections Federal assistance was 9rwhere water now is dependent dered for North and South electricity, ao d lack i:,JCa~~:oJ:;teE~:~bower also that full power was expected to Some 6,000telephones were ,liU declared wind-damaged secbe restored throughout Raleigh dead in Raleigh last night. J. t,. tions of 1,laryland disaster and Wake County within 24 hours. Haselden, manager of Southern areas subject to federal aid. E. N. Pope, advertising manager Ben in Raleigh. reported. He All necessary funds will be ot C~&L, said he was unable to said nor'!lauy 27,400.phones are made av_ailabic,the announce~;e~e~J:~\~\~!: in ;~:~\~n c;e~/ working rnent said. tion but that crews were w?rking around the clock to restore se.r-1 around th~ clock to repatr the vice but that no prediction could damaged !ines. , be made as to when total service Pope said that power company would be restored. He said sererews had been borrowed from vice had been restored to Apex, D.u~e Power . Company and Vir- Car.y. Garner , Wendell and Zebug1n1a Electric Power Company 1Jon There was a Jour to six hour :~ 1: adth~~:~h: te ~ e{o;~s~~:~ deJ~y on calls to Wake Forest

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of Beaufort. The Patrol said it did not know whether smaller bridges beyond there wer1 washed out by Hurricane Hazel or whether the long bridge across to Harker'& Island was. dama~ed. Other bndges either out or presently impassable. are those b~twecr.ithe mamland Wnghtsv1lle Bl!ach, Surf City, Holdl!nBeal!h and Long B~rPatro l said that nearly all highways:w are of th:. htrees a ho r;er rni~ ~ ICI' were t w ~ 0 ~~\ 4 5 thaze ~us ~t re The m!W bJ~~= to 1uan~ic· Beach apparently was undamaged.



Scrapbook of Francis Hays, 1954, Digital Collection North Carolina Memory,

Hurricane Deaths andDamage Mount ~s Umstead Appeals ForFederal Aid • D • t d 27 N c c0U0tleS es1gna e A H Governor Byrnes of South

Carolina Also Ask, For Government




urricane_ Disaster AreM Property Damage From Pawley'• Island Up to for the of!ices st~~~~~be~~=st:es:-o:~:e~Wrightsville; Some of ~re~i ~~=: nd:s~:n:i:ri:! esSurveys Show Million, In


WASHINGTON Del 18 111-Thej day's total


will be

Smaller Beaches In Hur• cane disaster areas r, counties in labli$hed




at Wrightsville


~t:~i~t;;~~ti~ as soon as pos-

North Carolina-and four in South

Obliterated; D 1. eatbRTohll\CaTr;:~n!d.ionmakes rseiden\.s of Forty-nine professional Red In North Caro ma eac ,. the counties eligible to apply for Cross leaders and workers are es 18, With More Fatal• Joans lo repair homes or busioess now engared in survey and reities Likely to Be Re- buildings da)!l.111:edby hurricane _ported H~~l Fr1<iay. • · Fligg reported. This number is

~~<\::tu% ~a::,rr~: ~a::N:s~


W1:f,MINGTON, Oct. 16 IMHurricane Hazel le!l 18-and probably more-dead m North Carolina today. At least five persons, including a J:lO~herand her small son, were m1ss1ng. The storm, one of the worst continental blows of the century, packed wiods up to 135 miles an hour as it hit land in the vicinitY of Myrtle Beach, S.C'.:··yesterday, shril;'lkedup the Carohna coast and heii.cfed inland to ravage eight . stales and the District of Colum• bia. Damage in the Cat?li.nas was estimated at many millions. on~: ·e:J! 1!~mF?~~n~~:~:~1.

~~in}!~ ~~ :thbesoi~~~sl~ ~ow~ would be in from as far away as Texas. dwellings , John Russell of Atlanta, disasowners year-round or were rented! ter services director of the South• and returned prime income to the eastern Area o! the Red Cross, 1 and_represent~liyes O!the Small owner. SBA disaster loans carry interest Business A~mm1strabon assured of three per cent. South~rt fishermen lhpt ~~ ef. The counties designated: forts will be made to rthab1)1tate North Carolina - Beaufort, Bia• their industry as ,oon as ))l»Sible. den, Brunswick, Carteret, Colu!11•Representing the SBA were c. P. bus, Craven, Cumberland, Duplin, Moore Dixon Smith and Gaddcn Franklin, Greene, Harnett, John• Shand: ston, Jones, Lenoir, ~ash, New The shrimping and fishing in• Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pender, dustry was exceptionally hard hit Pitt, Robeson, Sampson. V~nee, by . Hurricane Hu:el. Practically Wake, Warren, Wayne and Wilson. all the boats have been destroyed


to:~t~;~i;~ Geori:e• :era! ~id for 11tr1ekenEastern North · Engles said temporary disaster arolina. loan offices would be opened this 1""{ Major Dl~asler, Friday in Wilmington, N.C., (room


P.~~!i; ~~:c~~~~ ~ft~~fi~

or,.~~:h: in~~:~s to get these boats back into the water as soon as possible bee ause they mean so much to the economy of their


e:- lhg:te~::~ic:;:i H:I in M)'rtle!comm~e::~pa said. , created a major d1s~ster area. in In addition, disaster Joan appli-· Southeastern North Carolina Eastern North Caro)tna and .first cations may be filed at the SBA Monday resu!Iled the trem.endous reports lndi.cate.public_~nd ~~JVate branch office (I0:Zw. Trade Sl.l, ,task.~f d~anmg up hard-hit co~1 0 ~cto::a:;11~ los~!~. ru~%ns~e~"d?s m~~rc:s· w a I a~d e;u~eat:!

~~~ :~



promptly assured that federal emergency assistance would be available for hurrie~ne stricken Eastern North Carolma as soon as clearance was ;:ranted by the White House, Edward Rankin, Umstcad's private secre~ary, said the BS• :iurance was given over the phone by both .Col. Har~ Brown, fed.

moOO,Va. ' · ' w1.despread damage .. were be. ln North Carolina. fy;een $30 and $SOm1lhon, Meanwhile, applications for 'J'.hroughout the. region Monday help began pouring into disaster reudents and ~us1~essmen began relic£ offices of the. American Red the beartbrealring Joh of cleaning Cross in New Hanover and Bruns• wick counties Monday. Cliff 1''ligg of Atlanta, public in formation officer for the South• Scrapbook of Francis eastern Area, said 72 appli011tions

head Val Peterson. Brown. who had flown over the hurricane disaster ar~a, reported to Peterson in Washington tllat be was ttcommendinC immediate atlentlon to Umstead'• request ergenc.r 'd.

community center at Second and Orange streels; EiihlY•four were filed at the office in Shallotte. No report had been received from Southport, but the n~mber there was expected to r11se the lin t.I


I ~a~tsf::;:;,al N~~i~=~

Hays, 1954,

Digital Collection North Carolina ~t ~::dq':a~er!e~!iv;ll~~l'!;~s::! Memory, Granville Collection Vol. 126

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