THE NATIONAL MALL #OlmstedJr. #1mil_gal_cisterns #O+M #regrading #construction_documents #events_management #high_performance AMERICA’S FRONT LAWN; 36 ACRES WASHINGTON D.C.; SYTHESIS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, PROJECT MANAGEMENT TRAINING, CA The National Mall reconstruction incorporates elements of irrigation, drainage, water collection and relandscaping. The goals for the project are to define a strategy to develop and establish a healthy baseline for soils, turf and trees so the National Mall can handle various levels of use in a sustainable manner, and to restore soils and improve growing conditions for turf and trees. Lastly, the project aims to preserve existing trees and other vegetation to reinforce the historic landscape and emphasize native species, further maximizing
the site’s potential for stormwater absorption. The National Mall reconstruction required intense historical evaluation, operations and maintenance procedures, and data synthesis to provide a systematic redesign framework. The project embodied the federal cooperation process of review and stakeholder participation to yield a successful plan that transforms America’s front yard into a sustainable landscape that will continue to provide a social space for the nation.
MUSEUM + HQ #phytoremediation #racetrack #native_meadow #interactive #zoomy #conceptual_design #client_relations #graphic_viz REMEDIATION + EXPERIENTIAL DESIGN; 33 ACRES ATLANTA, GEORGIA; ANALYSIS/SYTHESIS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, VIZUALIZATION The corporate headquarters and visitor experience center was designed for a former automobile production and maintenance parcel near Atlanta, Georgia. The project provides a conceptual plan for the building and surrounding site. The landscape intends to provide a dynamic, active landscape that incorporates restorative techniques of utilizing plant material to cleanse areas of the site influenced by former brownfield operations.
The design also leads visitors through a test track nestled in a constructed meadow, complete with grassy highlands and marshy lowlands that sustain wildlife, rehabilitate native species, purify soil and manage stormwater.
US COAST GUARD HQ #plant_selection #materials #tree_tagging #construction_documents #greenroofs #detailing #integration #native_species #LEED_gold #high_performance_landscapes AMERICA’S FRONT LAWN; 31 ACRES REMEDIATION + EXPERIENTIAL DESIGN; 33 ACRES WASHINGTON D.C.; LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, PLANT SELECTION, MATERIAL + DETAILS ATLANTA, GEORGIA; ANALYSIS/SYTHESIS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, VIZUALIZATION The landscape design for the St. Elizabeth’s USCG Building courtyards, edges and green roofs will provide continuity between the built landscape and the existing woodlands that surround the site. The exterior spaces of the USCG campus are designed to be high performance landscapes that are integrated with the building systems. The ecological function of these landscapes will be to harvest, treat and reuse stormwater and wastewater that is generated from both the site and buildings. These land-
scapes will help reduce the buildings’ energy consumption by shading south-facing windows, reducing the heat island effect on the roofs and paved surfaces, and provide wind attenuation during the winter months. The project integrated a wide variety of plants, materials and construction techniques that create a vibrant work environment for the innovative headquarters.
#praticipatory_design #cohabitation #canaldeldique #ecotourism #silt_collection #aquaculture #mitigation #active_bioswales #climatechange #adaptation DISASTER RELIEF DESIGN AID; 170 ACRES SAN CRISTOBAL, COLUMBIA; ANALYSIS, MASTER PLANNING, STRATEGIC + SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS The planning strategy for the San Cristobal region is one of adaptation to sustain and advance the quality of life that is threatened annually by the fluctuations in climate. The current layout, procedures and flood mitigation techniques need to be overhauled to strengthen the community’s response to the threats of climate change.
practices that will promote long-term economic growth and a thriving, healthy community.
Because of climate change, the project area’s concentration highlights reinforcing + preparation, pre-disaster water level rise, and relief + development. The subsequent strategies incorporated reusable materials for strengthening the canal edge; stormwater bioswales; The project focused on three critical areas, raised agriculture and aquaculture, silt colwhich include diverting water for gainful lection and other sustainable practices; and uses, locating ideal areas for city growth, ecotourism opportunities. and initiating industries and sustainable